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Monday 20th July 2009

Pete Auty Judy Baker Julie Bateman John Burgess Annie Robertson Ric Stubbings




1. The Committee unanimously agreed NOT to join with Kinglake and Marysville in
their issues with VBBRA. The Committee felt that it was not in our Community’s
interest to be at odds with VBRRA or with any government, semi-government or
quasi-government body, and that our dealings with such bodies are progressing in
the right direction. The Committee felt that the issues which have lead Kinglake
and Marysville to their decision are not shared by us. The Committee also felt
that we need the authority of the Flowerdale Community to join such actions. The
Committee believes we received a clear message from the Flowerdale Community
last Sunday: that is keep moving forward and not get bogged down in politics.

2. Letter to Kim Fawcus tabled. Letter asks that, for all future Flowerdale
Community Forums, we appoint our own Chair Persons – John Burgess and Peter
Williams. Copies of this letter be given to Kim Fawcus, Kerry O’Neil, David Clarke,
Ben Hubbard (VBBRA), Rob Croxford and Michael Chesworth (Shire of
Murrindindi). Letter to be sent by registered post.

3. IPO: After VBRRA decided to only put IPOs in towns such as Marysville and
Kinglake, the FRC are working on developing their own IPO for Flowerdale. FRC is
prepared to share their first cut of the IPOs with VBRRA. Subsequently VBRRA
decided that the Kinglake IPO was “too hard” and this project has been
abandoned for that community. The FRC will now ask VBRRA to transfer those
IPO assets to Flowerdale to help us establish our IPO.

4. Merchandising – T-shirts, stubby holders, stickers to be asked of Sports & Rec to

help initially funding. Profits will go into relief donations. Ric to follow up funding.
Annie to obtain quote from Hoof Over Hills suppliers for stubby holders and t-

5. Survey from workshop with all stakeholders held on the Monday to be in by end of
this week to VBRRA. Julie to follow up to contact members of groups to advise.
6. Meeting to be held 10th August with all work engines from workshop to start
working on projects identified.

7. There was a request that the Flowerdale Logo be used in the promotion of one of
our local businesses. It was decided that the logo is for the people of Flowerdale
and should not be used in any way for profit purposes, unless that profit is put
directly back into the relief fund for use by Flowerdale. However, it was agreed
that the other three logos could be made available for business use. The
Committee has asked Julie to draft a Thank you letter to the artist who designed
logo for use & invite to town to present them with t-shirt.

8. FRC status report has been well received by our constituents and by VBRRA.
There is a need added columns for:
a. Action needed.
b. Persons accountable.

9. Judy reported that the Flowerdale Cricket Club (FCC) is concerned that they have
lost their grounds. Puckapunyal has offered their grounds as a home base, but
this would involve travel for practices and for away matches. Cricket Club would
like Committee to consider finding funding for a bus for this purpose. Discussion
around the use of nets at the Rec for practice for FCC. FCC is also concerned
about the loss of revenue (bar sales etc) during the time the rec is unavailable to
them. Ric suggested that we hold community dinners AFTER the Friday
fortnightly meetings, at which the FCC could operate the bar for their profit. They
are also concerned about the restoration of the grounds post-Village. The
committee to investigate funds for restoration to be set aside. Ric suggested that
we try to access this funding now and hold it in trust – earmarked only for the
restoration of grounds for the FCC. The Committee is very keen to assist the FCC
in every way possible.

10. Communal kitchen nearly ready. This could help FCC with its revenue problem if
we have community dinners in the future, at which they can hold bar sales.

11. Julie to draft a letter to CERES. Letter to name Pete Auty as the contact person for
the Moores Road Project. The Committee will investigate the availability of the
Dongas at the Rec for accommodation for CERES staff and students on that

12. Shire now interested in sending community updates. Julie had discussion with
them as to all details needed & how we can access their database. Shire going to
come back with more details once worked out.

13. A cheque will be presented to the Tennis Club tomorrow, by the Sports Minister.

14. Happy Birthday to Peter Williams from all the Flowerdale Recovery Committee.
Hip Hip Horray.

Red Wine (and it was gorgeous)

(Ric Stubbings is looking for wine bottles with lids (screw top) and needs a sizeable collection to bottle
his brew of mead)

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