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Colonial Village II

Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday May 23, 2007

Attendees: Mark Bostwick, Vice President

Chris Cahill, Communications
Robert Somers, Secretary
Blake Surbey, Treasurer
David McPherson, Property Manager

Not Present: Linda Slagle, President

Others Present: Two Residents of CVII, One Resident of CVI

I. Meeting Call to Order: Vice President Mark Bostwick called meeting to order at 7:06 pm.

II. Proof of Quorum: the Quorum was met by the presence of four Board members.

Check out CVII’s website!

III. Resident Forum

A resident in attendance asked the Board what was going to be done about grills being left in the
courtyards; a policy was created last year, which states that all grills must be removed by 8:00am or
management will remove them. In order to comply with Arlington County Fire Regulations, grills should
be kept 15 feet away from buildings at all times. Mr. McPherson stated that he will post a notice
regarding the policy, for the benefit of new residents. Mr. Cahill will also post this information on the

A resident thanked Mr. McPherson for fixing the hot water issue at 1741 N. Troy discussed at last
month’s meeting.

A resident in attendance asked Mr. McPherson about the slow response time in getting three light bulbs
replaced at 1776 Key Blvd. Mr. McPherson stated that the engineers normally survey the property
weekly but recently the focus has been on getting the lights fixed in the 1741 N. Troy Courtyard. He will
make sure that they are reminded to do this on a regular basis.

IV. Reading & Approval of Minutes

Mr. Cahill informed the Board that the minutes in the Board packet were not the same minutes posted on
the corkboards and that he would like to vote on the version that was posted.

Motion by Mr. Cahill to accept the versions of the minutes posted on the corkboards. Second by Mr.
Bostwick, For: All.

Mr. Somers signed the minutes for placement in management’s file.

V. Management Report
Financial Report: Mr. McPherson reported that income for the month of April was slightly below budget
projections and that expenses were slightly higher than budget projections. The centrecon contract has
added costs to the budget that were not anticipated. In general, CVII continues to stay close to budget
Mr. Surbey reported that the books at CMI are very detailed and in good order. The second money
market has been opened and now it is just a matter of waiting until it has grown substantially so that it can
be rolled over into a CD.

Action List:
The window washing will take place in June. Residents will be notified in advance about removing the

Landscaping at 1758 N. Rhodes Street: Mr. Cahill asked if any action has been taken by T&J on the
patch of unplanted ground at 1758 N. Rhodes Street. Mr. McPherson stated that T&J has been a bit slow
lately and that their location in upper Maryland could be part of the problem. Mr. Cahill suggested that
we find a new company, which is closer and can take care of these issues. This area has been a problem
for years and something must be done about it. Mr. McPherson recommended that the Board keep T&J
on for routine maintenance (grass cutting, etc) and will look for other companies, such as Somerset to
handle other items. Mr. Cahill would like Mr. McPherson make it an action item for Somerset to plant
something, in this area immediately.

Due Process Procedure: Last month, Mr. McPherson presented a due process procedure to the Board,
drafted by the association’s lawyers, that establishes a procedure for mediation in the event an association
rule is broken. This month, Mr. McPherson asked the Board if they were ready to take action on this
procedure. In general, the Board agrees with the policy and understands the necessity for it. However,
before a vote was taken, Mr. Somers requested that Mr. McPherson ask the lawyers to clarify some of the
language. Mr. Somers will submit a revised version to Mr. McPherson via email, which can then be
shared with the lawyers.

Mr. Somers emphasized to the Board and residents in attendance that the addition of this procedure is just
one manner of dispute resolution at the Board’s disposal. Adoption of this policy does not remove or
alter any of the Board’s current legal rights regarding governance of the association. The Board retains
the right to assess all cases on an individual basis and choose the best possible method of resolution,
which include, but are not limited to: legal action, formal mediation services, binding or non-binding
arbitration, requesting local, state, or federal government intervention.

Mr. Cahill stated that this policy provides the complainant with a roadmap of what to expect and helps
them understand how to proceed. It also helps the association create a paper trail, which is essential if
further legal or governmental action becomes necessary. The Board would like to stress that the
complainant is considered the eyewitness and that they are the ones who will initiate this action and must
be willing to follow through on all complaints.

Motion by Mr. Bostwick to adopt the dispute resolution procedure subject to the lawyer’s acceptance of
the revisions discussed by the Board. Second: Mr. Cahill, For: All.

Mr. McPherson will bring the revised policy for signature to next month’s meeting.

Storage Bin Policy: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that this policy is still with the lawyers but
wanted them to know that management has been aggressively informing residents who have approached
them for re-sale kits about the importance of cleaning out the storage bins and this pending policy.

Mold Mildew Policy: Mr. McPherson asked the Board to vote on the finalized policy during the meeting
and the Board agreed. Motion by Mr. Bostwick to adopt the policy as written, Second by Mr. Cahill, For:
Recycling Program: Management is actively pursuing new, color-coded bins for the trash room to help
residents separate their recyclables from the trash. Mr. McPherson also shared text for the new signage
with the Board, seeking the approval of the text and size of the sign. The text on the signs will reflect the
color-coding, helping residents appropriately separate their items. He also informed the Board that the
pet waste trashcans have been ordered The Board accepted the text with minor changes and is leaving
implementation to management.

Verizon Broadband Proposal: Verizon should begin their initial survey of the property next week. This
survey has been delayed, as Verizon has had to find a new third party engineer. Mr. McPherson asked
one of the residents at the meeting if she would be willing to allow Verizon into her unit for this initial
survey as they are hoping to get into a couple representative units this week. The resident agreed. Mr.
McPherson hopes that Verizon will be able to present their plan for implementation at the June or July
meeting. He reiterated that the Board has the right to refuse this plan if they do not find it acceptable.

Electrical Panel Box Survey: Mr. McPherson informed the Board that two replacement boxes have been
ordered from Dominion. Management does not want to start the survey without having replacement units
available. Mr. McPherson told the Board that there has been no progress with Dominion Virginia Power
regarding scheduling a temporary blackout during the survey. Mr. McPherson is going to try talking to
someone at the Dominion regional office to see if he can get them to help. The Board suggested getting a
county official involved if Mr. McPherson cannot get Dominion to help, as it will be impossible to do the
survey without their cooperation.

Contract Calendar: Mr. McPherson will send out the updated contract calendar by email later this week.

The Carpet Cleaning should be finished by 5/24/07.

VI. New Business

.A resident has made a request, in writing, to management regarding the use of the community party room
as well as the area outside for a birthday party in a couple of weeks. Mr. McPherson’s concern with this
request was that the resident would like to keep a pony keg outside. The Board agreed that keg should
remain indoors and that while people can be outside, the emphasis should be on keeping the majority of
people indoors.

VII. Next Board Meeting:

June 20, 2007
*whenever possible the Board will have meetings on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month.

VIII. Meeting Adjourned at 9:17

Respectfully Submitted:
Keri A. Towler, Recording Secretary, May 28, 2007

Approved: _______________________________
Robert Somers, Secretary

Contact Information:
For electronic copies of the minutes and/or website concerns: Chris Cahill at
Minutes can also be obtained from CVII’s website:
Property Manager: David McPherson at
Board President: Linda Slagle at

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