CV II Minutes 2007.07

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Colonial Village II

Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday July 18, 2007

Attendees: Mark Bostwick, Vice-President

Chris Cahill, Communications
Robert Somers, Secretary
Blake Surbey, Treasurer
David McPherson, Property Manager

Not Present: Linda Slagle, President

Others Present: One Resident of CVII

I. Meeting Call to Order: Vice-President Mark Bostwick called meeting to order at 7:06 pm.

II. Proof of Quorum: the Quorum was met by the presence of four Board members.

III. Resident Forum

There were no issues raised in resident forum.

IV. Reading & Approval of Minutes

Motion by Mr. Cahill to accept May 23, 2007 minutes as written. Second by Mr. Bostwick, For: All.

V. Management Report
Mr. McPherson reported that income for June was slightly below the budget estimate of $55,000 although
there was no significant increase in delinquencies. Overall expenses for June were just under budget
projects of $72,653,000. The greatest expense in June was the water bill, which the county does not
always send on a monthly or quarterly basis. Mr. McPherson believes that CVII’s water bill is high due
to the way the county has the meters set up between the villages, however, he has not been able to procure
documents from the county that prove this. Additionally, mold and mildew remediation continues to be a
major cost for the association, specifically the outstanding issues at 1752 N. Rhodes St and 1904 Key
Blvd. Continued costs of this nature could have an impact on continued operational expenses.

Mr. McPherson reported that revenue from the Coinmach machines has been lower than projected, and
stated that he will be suggesting that CVII raise the price of laundry to $1.00 from $.75 in the near future.
Mr. Cahill used this opportunity to remind him that one of the machines at 1728 N. Rhodes Street is
broken and has been for a while. Mr. McPherson said he will look into it but stated that residents should
call the number on the machine to report all maintenance issues for faster repairs.

Action List
Mr. McPherson reported to the Board that management has ordered the new recycling cans; they should
be in the trash rooms by the end of August. He has also been contacted by the county about CVII
increasing its cardboard recycling; Mr. McPherson is going to talk to the trash company about that.

The window washing took place the week of July 8 and about 300 windows were cleaned. A second
notice will go out on the corkboards next week for the second pass. Residents are reminded that they
must remove their screens in order for their windows to be cleaned.

The Contract Calendar will go out via email to the Board later this week.
Storage Bin Proposal
Mr. McPherson has not heard back from the lawyer regarding this policy.

1716 Wilson Blvd. Developer

Mr. Cahill reported on a meeting he attended with the developers of 1716 Wilson. The plan is to create a
professional building with medical offices and some retail at street level, the plan calls for a lot of parking
and the developers are aware of the county and neighborhood issues. Mr. Cahill does not believe that this
development will have an impact on CVII and that the owner (a local Dr.) will be a good neighbor.

Due Process Dispute Resolution Procedures

Mr. McPherson presented the Board with the revised Due Process procedure that now includes the
Board’s language recommendations; Mr. McPherson recommended that the Board adopt the procedure.
Motion by Mr. Cahill to accept the Resolution on Due Process Procedure as written; Second by Mr.
Bostwick, For: all.

Cleaning Contractor

DEC has submitted their contract renewal to management that covers the period from 8/1/07 to 7/31/08;
the only change is that they have increased the contract by about $20 per month. The Board agreed they
are happy with the service and would like to renew the contract. Motion by Mr. Cahill to accept the DEC
Contract Renewal as written; Second by Mr. Surbey; For: all.

Bartlett Tree Contractor

Bartlett has submitted a proposal for fertilization, integrated pest management and general tree
maintenance for $5400, Mr. McPherson thinks the Board should accept the proposal since Bartlett is a
good company who understands trees, they are not just landscapers. Motion by Mr. Surbey to accept the
proposal as written; Second by Mr. Cahill; For: All.

Verizon—Copper Phone Wires & Fiber Optic Network Issues

With the impending Verizon fiber optic installation, Mr. McPherson would like the Board to address the
issue of the association’s responsibility for providing/maintaining phone lines via the existing copper
wire. Mr. McPherson has already dealt with a number of owners who are having trouble receiving a
signal. It is virtually impossible to repair the existing wires and it is unlikely that Verizon will maintain
those lines once the fiber optics is installed. Mr. McPherson’s feeling is that it is the associations’
responsibility to make sure that there is signal to the building, but that all interior wiring is the
responsibility of the owner. CVI has requested a letter of opinion on this matter from the association
attorneys and Mr. McPherson has offered to share this letter with CVII to clarify the legal responsibilities.
The discussion was tabled until the Board has more information. It was decided that once the Board
receives the Verizon installation proposal (which Mr. McPherson expects to have by next month) they
will make sure that the existing copper phone wiring is not destroyed.

The 2005-2006 Audit is due in about 3 weeks and Mr. McPherson would like to Board to give Mr.
Surbey, in his capacity as treasurer, the authority to sign on behalf of the CVII President. Mr. Bostwick
asked Mr. Surbey if he was comfortable with that. Mr. Surbey said that he was. Motion by Mr. Bostwick
that Mr. Surbey and Mr. McPherson review the audit statement in a timely fashion; Second by Mr. Cahill;
For: All.
V. Old Business
The electrical box survey was completed and the results were positive. Mr. McPherson does not see a
need to extend the survey at this time. Management is still waiting for the breakers from Dominion
needed to replace the electrical box, which is rusted out, at 1774 N. Troy (?)

VI. New Business

Mr. Cahill had been involved with some email correspondence between a new owner and management
regarding a remodel and was wondering whether her request had been granted. Mr. McPherson stated she
had been given conditional approval but that he still needs to see a permit/letter from the county because
her remodel includes moving an electrical outlet.

VII. Next Board Meeting:

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
*please note there will be no meeting in August

VIII. Meeting Adjourned at 8:55pm

Respectfully Submitted:
Keri A. Towler
Recording Secretary
July 27, 2007

Approved: _______________________________
Robert B. Somers, Secretary

Contact Information:
For electronic copies of the minutes and/or website concerns: Chris Cahill at
Minutes can also be obtained from CVII’s website:
Property Manager: David McPherson at

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