CV II Minutes 2007.11 Annual Meeting

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Colonial Village II

2007 Annual Meeting

Wednesday November 14, 2007

Mark Bostwick, President
Linda Slagle, Vice-President
Chris Cahill, Communications
Robert Somers, Secretary
Blake Surbey, Treasurer
David McPherson, Property Manager

Others Present: 4 residents and 2 engineers representing Verizon

Meeting Call to Order: President Mark Bostwick called meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Proof of Quorum: 25% proxy votes needed for Quorum was met, 25.8% returned.

Reading and Approval of Minutes:

Motion by Mr. Bostwick to accept the minutes pending the verification of amount of reserves in 2006, the
addition of 2003 as the year when the asbestos abatement took place, and the addition of 1992 as the year
Ms. Slagle joined the Board. Second by Mr. Cahill, For: all.

2008 Budget/Condo Fee Increase

The 17% budget increase goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2008.

President’s Report
Mr. Bostwick stated that he thinks that Board has an enormous fiduciary responsibility to the community
and he is committed to staying on budget. Mr. Bostwick was especially happy to learn that only a few of
the electrical panel boxes around the property require will require replacement and that management has
found a new engineer to maintain the property.

Vice President’s Report

Ms. Slagle stated that she is proud that the Board finalized and codified a mold/mildew remediation
policy which she initiated. It has been successful thus far, and should continue to improve as the kinks
are worked out and as residents learn the system.

Communications Report
Mr. Cahill reported that as communications director he has mainly been responsible for the website and
watching development projects in the area that will affect CVII. The current project that he has been
following is 1716 Wilson. A plan exists for that site – a five-story building with medical offices on the
upper floors and “high rent” tenants on the lower floor, there are no residences. According to Mr. Cahill
this is the kind of “neighbor” CVII wants.

One recent development Mr. Cahill has seen in the county’s attitude towards these site plans is that they
no longer think it is necessary to include parking arrangements for local residents into the site
plans/contracts. This is due to the large number of parking garages in the Roslyn area, which are often
empty in the evenings.
Election Results
There were two candidates running for one open spot on the Board. Mr. McPherson asked two resident
volunteers to count the votes. The outcome was as follows:

Kaja Snell: 6 votes (6.766%)

Blake Surbey: 49 votes (74.825%)
There were two votes for write in candidates.

Annual Meeting Adjourned at 7:53pm

Respectfully Submitted:
Keri A. Towler,
Recording Secretary
November 20, 2007

Approved: _______________________________
Robert B. Somers, Secretary

Contact Information:
For electronic copies of the minutes and/or website concerns: Chris Cahill at
Minutes can also be obtained from CVII’s website:
Property Manager: David McPherson at
Board President: Mark Bostwick at

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