CV II Minutes 2008.10 Annual Meeting

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Attendees: Linda Slagle, President

Mark Bostwick, Vice President
Blake Surbey, Treasurer
Bob Somers, Secretary
Kaja Snell, Interim Member

Others Present: Paula Covington, Interim Property Manager

Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary
Peter Mechak, President, Comsource Management, Inc.
9 Residents

The next Board Meeting will be held Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 7:00 P.M.

I. Call to Order
The Annual Meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm by Board President, Linda Slagle.

II. Roll Call

Registration for voting began at 7:00 pm. The purpose of the meeting was to elect two members to the Board of Directors.

III. Proof of Notice & Quorum

The Annual Meeting Notice was mailed to all unit owners, along with a proxy form, candidate resumes, a proposed 2009
budget, Fios Information and Leasing Information Data Sheet. A record number of proxies were received and a quorum of
25.1026% was met by mid-morning and ultimately almost 33%.

IV. Reading & Approval of Minutes

A Motion was made by Director Kaja Snell to approve the October 2007 Annual Meeting Minutes with no corrections.
The Motion was seconded and carried unanimously.

V. Officers Reports
Ms. Slagle reported on numerous accomplishments and projects the past year to include the Wilson Project, Fios agreement
for installations, new junction boxes, hiring a consultant to evaluate cost structures of the property management company,
and a new maintenance engineer who has saved the Association several thousands of dollars in pinhole leak repairs. She
thanked the current Interim Property Manager and new Administrative Assistant for their efforts in the management office
after the departure of Dave McPherson who resigned in August.

Mr. Surbey reported that although last year’s 17% increase was large, there was a surplus and the Association was in line
with expectations. This year’s proposed increase is 11% with a smaller reserve contribution this year. The budget is will be
approved during the regular meeting.

Vice President
Mr. Bostwick stated that his items were all covered during the President’s reporting.

Mr. Somers stated what his role was as Secretary and that he has enjoyed his tenure as Board Secretary working to make
sure that the minutes are what transpired at the meetings. He asked that the community continue to support the Board and
offer their suggestions.

CVII Annual Meeting Minutes, October 21, 2008 p. 1 of 1

Ms. Snell stated that although she is not currently seeking election to the Board, she has enjoyed being an interim member
and will continue to support the Board and community.

VI. Management Report

Ms. Covington reported that Verizon’s Fios installations would likely begin the first week of November as stated in
previous correspondence. Owners are still returning consent forms and about 70% have agreed to receive the installation.

VII. Committee Reports

Ms. Schwartz, Landscaping Chair, reported that TruGreen will be installing fall plantings. Because of their dissatisfaction
with TruGreen, the committee suggests breaking the current contract. Although they have solicited to get new bids, Ms.
Schwartz asked for Management’s help in soliciting other bids as well... The current contract ends in February.

Wilson Project
Mr. Reyner, Committee Chair, reported that the concrete work is done and the shrubbery work is completed. He showed
pictures of work progress thus far. The decorative iron work is the last of the project and should be completed soon.

VIII. Election of Members

Since there were two candidates for two positions, Mrs. Slagle asked the Manager if a significant number of votes had been
casts for each candidate. Ms. Covington replied over 50 for each.
Because there were no write-in candidates, a Motion was made by Board President Linda Slagle to accept the candidates by
acclamation. The Motion was seconded and unanimously carried.

With no further business, a Motion was made by Mr. Surbey to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 pm to enter into the regularly
scheduled Board Meeting. The Motion was seconded and unanimously carried.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Sonya Rainey October 29, 2008

Recording Secretary

Approved by:

_____________________________ ________________________
John Reyner, Secretary Date

CVII Annual Meeting Minutes, October 21, 2008 p. 2 of 2

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