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Attendees: Linda Slagle, President

Blake Surbey, Treasurer
John Reyner, Secretary
Robert Somers, Director

Others Present: Paula Covington, Interim Property Manager

Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary
Zoubair Amarchih, Maintenance Engineer
Four Residents

Absent: Mark Bostwick, Vice President

Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 at 7:00 pm, CVII Meeting Room – 1701 N. Troy Street.

To Contact Management and Board: Site office 703 525 5557

Manager: Paula Covington,
Administrative Assistant: Sonya Rainey,
President: Linda Slagle,

I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by Board President, Linda Slagle.

II. Committee Reports

Management had just received another landscape bid, a copy of which was passed out at the meeting.
The bid was insufficiently complete to be considered; it will be returned for revision. This company,
along with others, is being considered by the Landscape Committee.

Motion: Mr. Reyner moved that all CVII Committees be abolished effective immediately, and their
activities taken on by interested Board members, with input from the community taken during the Open
Forum period. There was no 2nd to the Motion and the Motion was not carried.

Motion: Mr. Reyner moved that a CVII Board Member serve as landscaping liaison to be the single,
coordinated point of contact to the Board, property management and lawn, landscaping and tree
contractors. The landscaping committee’s authority would be limited solely to an advisory body and
would make suggestions only to the Liaison. There was no 2nd to the Motion and the Motion was not

Motion: Mr. Somers moved that the landscaping committee would hold regularly scheduled meetings
with an agenda prepared and published by the manager. The meeting would be called as needed and take
place in a centrally located public place. The property manager and one or more Board members would
be present to serve as a conduit of communication and information between the Committee and the Board
of Directors. The Property Manager would provide oversight and input. Landscaping committee minutes
shall be provided to the property manager for inclusion in the monthly management reports, and will be
included as an attachment to the Meeting Minutes which will be made available on the website. The
Motion was seconded by Mr. Surbey and unanimously carried.

The Committee Chair requested that Management and the Board post the landscaping committee’s
meeting dates on the cork boards and online.

Engineer’s Report
The Maintenance Engineer reported that a new entrance door was installed at 1761 N. Troy and a new
circulating pump at 1728 Rhodes. He also reported his completion of well over half the items on his
punch list of action items. The work repair work is ongoing.

Mr. Surbey asked the maintenance engineer to provide the Board with alternative pricing options for the
cart he is asking the Association to purchase. The price of the cart listed in the information submitted for
approval was higher than expected. Two members wished for more time for consideration.

The engineer reported that maintenance on hallway lights has to be redone because the fixtures are
ageing, often requiring parts that have to be ordered. Mrs. Slagle suggested that considering the age of the
fixtures, a light fixture replacement program be considered in the near future.

Wilson Boulevard Project

Mr. Reyner reported that the project came in under budget. Since the plaques originally planned were
excessively expensive, they were dropped from the plans. The money allotted for these items will either
be used for further enhancement of the project or returned to funds. The rest of the project has been

III. Community Announcements

Mrs. Slagle reported that she had lunch with Jennifer Fioretti, a Site Plan Coordinator for the Arlington
County Board. Jennifer coordinated the Villages’ recent efforts to assure that the 85 shared parking
spaces promised in the NSTA site plan remain in place during the site plan amendment process. Mr. and
Mrs. Reyner gave Jennifer a tour of the Wilson project after the lunch.

IV. Approval of Minutes

Motion: Mrs. Slagle moved to approve the regular meeting Minutes as written, with a name correction
and the insertion of “Tru Green” in the landscaping section. The Executive Meeting Minutes were
approved with a correction to the spelling of a resident’s last name. The Motion was seconded by Mr.
Surbey and carried unanimously.

Motion: Mr. Surbey moved that any interim Board motions made by email or by phone after a meeting
be recorded in the following month’s meeting Minutes. The Motion was seconded by Mrs. Slagle and
unanimously carried.

V. Management Report

Financial Report
There were no questions or comments regarding Management’s financial reporting in the management

VI. Matters for Board Action

CVII Minutes December 16, 2008

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Restructuring of Condo Fees
There were two corrections in the financial report and announcement of condo fees. The increase is 11%
and the second highest condo fee was not plus $104. This has been corrected.

Motion: Mr. Surbey moved that no other changes to Comsource’s 2009 approved budget assessment be
made. The Motion was seconded by Mrs. Slagle and carried unanimously.

Mandatory Fios
Motion: As of November 20, 2008, Management will direct Verizon to enter any apartment which is
blocking access to an upstairs neighbor’s FIOS installation. We have the right and obligation to provide
resident/owners with access to reliable phone service. No member has the right to block this necessary
access. Effective 11-21-08. All present: For.

Motion: It was the Board’s consensus to make installation mandatory as of 12-8-08. Incoming owners
were also being deprived of the right of installation.. All present: For..

Opt Out Form

Mrs. Slagle provided Management with an Opt Out Form for unit owners residing on the top floor who
didn’t want to have Fios installed, and were not impeding someone else from getting it installed.
Management had been instructed to place these signed forms in unit owner’s files so that when their units
are sold, the new owner would know why they didn’t participate in the mandatory installation.

Snow Removal Contract

Motion: Mrs. Slagle moved that Management find the most cost effective snow removal contract and
submit it to the Board President for signature no later than December 30, 2008. The Motion was
seconded by Mr. Reyner. All present: For.

VII. Old Business

Fios Installations
Management will conduct a final walkthrough with Verizon to confirm contractual compliance.

Electrical Panel Box

Dominion Power has cancelled the date several times to shut the power off so that Mona Electric can
install a new electrical panel box. The next scheduled date is set for Tuesday, December 30, 2008.

Management reported that bids are forthcoming. To date, TruGreen has not returned to the property to
fulfill their contractual agreements to remove leaves. The December invoice for payment is being held.

VIII. New Business

Entryway Key System

Management reported that CVI was considering and had received a bid in the amount of $34,000 to
secure all of the entry doors. Mrs. Slagle reported that this topic would be discussed again in January’s
meeting after more information is received from our neighboring village..

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. to enter into Executive Session.

Respectfully Submitted by:

CVII Minutes December 16, 2008

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Sonya Rainey December 24, 2008

Recording Secretary

Approved by:
_____________________________ ________________________
John Reyner, Secretary Date

CVII Minutes December 16, 2008

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