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Attendees: Robert Somers, President

Mark Bostwick, Vice President
John Reyner, Secretary

Others Present: Cassie Cataline, General Manager

Sonya Rainey, Recording Secretary
Seven Residents

Absent: Blake Surbey, Treasurer

David Henry, Interim Board Member

I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Board President, Robert Somers.

II. Resident Forum

A resident complained about things being stored in the common areas in building 1761 Troy Street, and
that someone is maintaining potted plants in the common areas outside of the same building. In
addition, they believe the current landscaping company is not doing a great job pruning bushes along
1800 – 1900 Key Blvd because there are dead leaves in the shrubs.

III. Reading and Approval of Minutes

A Motion was made by Mr. Reyner to approve the August 2009 Meeting Minutes as written. The
Motion was seconded by Mr. Somers and carried unanimously.

IV. Management Report

New Hire
Ms. Cataline was pleased to announce that Office Administrator, Denna Faison, was hired and began
employment August 10, 2009.

Financial Reporting
Comsource sent hard copies, instead of an electronic version of the accounting files after transition, so
financial statements were not prepared in time for the meeting. They will be forwarded under separate
cover from the management report.

V. Old Business

Water Hoses

Management was tasked with posting notices asking residents not to use the water hoses
because they have been left on over night, and to seek volunteers who would see that hoses are
not left on over night.

Storage Bin Repair

Management reported that a contractor had been solicited to repair storage bins at 1745Troy Street.
Colonial Village II
August 2009 Meeting Minutes
Page 2

Extended Office Hours

Management reported that hours have been extended to 5:30 pm and on nights when there are board
meetings at the other villages, someone is in the office until 6:45 pm. Management was asked to
publish the schedule so that residents would know the extended hours.

FIOS Availability
It appears that the outside box was never connected to the inside wiring for Fios. Management reported
that Verizon has stated that the work is in progress.

Book of Resolutions
Management agreed to forward a hard copy to the Board prior to the next Board meeting.

Status of Files
Management stated that the work is in progress to complete filing left by prior management.

Management was tasked with relocating a file cabinet from the meeting room to the office.

Tree Removal
Mr. Reyner reported that 34 trees (previously identified) will be trimmed or cut by the current
landscaping company within the next week.

Management reported that a meeting will be confirmed soon so that Steve Turner of Thomas Downey
can discuss and answer any questions regarding his proposal for engineering services.

Management Office Renovation

Management reported that painting, and installation of new carpet and ceiling tiles was completed within
the first 2 weeks of July.

VI. New Business

2010 Budget – Mr. Somers stated that during a recent budget meeting with members and Management,
it was decided that the proposed budget would be presented to owners at a November meeting rather
than the Annual Meeting, scheduled for October 8, 2009.

Financial Advisor – It was the Board’s consensus to invite a financial advisor to attend a future Board
meeting to see if the services would be advantageous for the association.

Crawl Space Vent Grates Proposals

Mr. Reyner made a Motion to accept proposals from O.K. Foundry Company for reproducing and
casting grates, and The Atlantic Company for the installation of grates to replace the broken
ones throughout the property.

Late Fee/Collections Policy

Mr. Reyner made a Motion for Management to provide a proposed late fee policy for the Board’s
review at the September meeting. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Somers and carried
Colonial Village II
August 2009 Meeting Minutes
Page 3
Park Bench

Mr. Reyner made a Motion authorizing management to purchase a bench at a price not to exceed
$1,000 to be installed at 1724 Rhodes Street. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Somers and
carried unanimously.

Traffic Calming Measures

Mr. Reyner reported that he has been in contact with the Arlington County Department of Transportation
and they are still investigating traffic patterns along Troy, Key, and Rhodes.

Open Board Positions

It was confirmed that there are two positions to be filled for the upcoming Annual Meeting
scheduled for Thursday, October 8th at 7:00 pm.

Colonial Villages Picnic

Mr. Somers reported that he has been in contact other Board Presidents from the other 3 villages and
they have expressed interest in having a community picnic. Several residents have already volunteered
to form a picnic committee.

Landscaping for Traffic Corners

A Motion was made by Mr. Reyner to approve McFall & Berry’s proposal to install flower beds at
the corner of Rhodes and Wilson in the amount of $778.00. The Motion was seconded by Mr.
Somers and carried unanimously.

Janitorial Contract Renewal

A Motion was made by Mr. Somers to approve the 2010 janitorial contract with Clean Advantage
in the amount of $42,804 annually. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Reyner and carried

Insecticide Tree Management Renewal

Management was tasked with soliciting a proposal from Davey Tree Expert Company for
consideration along with a proposal from Bartlett Tree Experts at the next meeting.

VII. Adjournment

A Motion was made by Mr. Somers to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:38 pm to enter into
Executive Session. The Motion was seconded by Mr. Reyner and carried unanimously.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, August 18, 2009 at 7:00 pm

CVII Meeting Room – 1701 N. Troy Street

Respectfully Submitted by:

Sonya Rainey August 31, 2009

Recording Secretary

Approved by:

_____________________________ ______________________
John Reyner, Secretary Date

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