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Meiosis (Outline)

Meiosis involves two divisions of the cell & nucleus


Homologous chromosomes pair up during 1st division and swap portions of

chromatids (crossing-over)


Homologous chromosomes separate during the 1st division.


Chromatids separate during the 2nd division.


One diploid parent cell forms four haploid gametes (sex cells)

Parent cell (diploid)

Maternal chromosome

Each chromosome
duplicates to become
2 sister chromatids.

(one pair of homologous

chromosomes shown)

Paternal chromosome

Human diploid cells

have 46 chromosomes
(23 pairs)

1st Meiotic Division

Chromosomes pair up,

exchange portions of
chromatids, then
The cell splits in two

2nd Meiotic Division

separate, then each
cell splits in two
again to make
4 sex cells

4 gametes (sex cells) which are haploid and genetically different

Meiosis (Key Facts)

Homologous chromosomes:
Pairs of chromosomes are called homologous chromosomes.
Homologous chromosomes are the same size & shape and carry the same genes.
Note that they may carry different versions of the genes (called alleles).

Where meiosis goes on:

Testes & ovaries of animals
Anthers & ovules of flowering plants

Diploid v. haploid
Diploid cells (2n) carry two copies of each chromosome (homologous pairs).
Haploid cells (n) carry one copy of each chromosome.
Human diploid cells have 46 chromosomes; haploid cells (gametes) have 23

Key features showing a cell is undergoing Meiosis

1st Meiotic Division
Homologous chromosomes pair up to form
Homologous chromosomes swap portions of
chromatid (cross-over) at exchange points
called chiasmata.
Homologous chromosomes separate during
Anaphase I

2nd Meiotic Division

4 cells produced at the end of Telophase II
(haploid gametes)

Meiosis: 1st Division

DNA is replicated
Each chromosome duplicates to become 2 sister chromatids, but
they are loosely coiled, so not visible yet.

Prophase I

Nuclear envelope disintegrates.

Chromosome start to become visible because they coil, shorten
& thicken (condense).
Centrioles (in animal cells) begin to make spindle fibres to move
the chromosomes around.
Homologous chromosomes pair (synapsis) up to form
They swap portions of chromatid at crossing-over points
called chiasmata.

Metaphase I
Bivalents move to the centre of the cell along protein tubules
called spindle fibres.
They line up on the equator of the spindle fibres.

Anaphase I
Spindle fibres contract and pull the chromosome pairs apart.

Telophase I
Chromosomes arrive at the poles of the cell
The cell divides into two

Meiosis: 2nd Division

Prophase II
Chromosomes relax, then condense again
A second set of spindle fibres forms at right angles to
the spindle fibres in the first division.

Metaphase II

Chromosomes line up on equator of the spindle fibres.

Note spindle fibres form at right angles to 1st division

Anaphase II
Spindle fibres contract, centromeres split, &
chromatids are pulled apart
Once pulled apart they are called chromosomes

Telophase II
Chromosomes arrive at the poles of each cell
Each cell divides into two
Four sex cells (gametes) are made

Meiosis & Genetic Variation

Independent assortment of chromosomes
(Metaphase I)
2 pairs of homologous chromosomes can arrange themselves in 2 ways
across the spindle equator during metaphase I:


This produces 4 possible different combinations (assortments)

of these chromosomes in the gametes:

Time & Chance Govern All

(Ecclesiastes IX ii)
How the chromosomes arrange themselves (above or below the equator of the
spindle fibres) is a random event.
2 pairs of homologous chromosomes can arrange themselves in 22 ways (giving 4
possible different chromosome combinations in the gametes).
23 pairs of homologous chromosomes can arrange themselves in 23 2 ways (giving
8.4 million possible different chromosome combinations in the gametes).

Meiosis & Genetic Variation

(Prophase I)

One crossing over event between one set of chromatids in one bivalent will
produce four chromosomes which carry different sets of alleles!
Given that multiple crossing-over can occur between any chromatids in any
bivalent, and add in independent assortment, meiosis can gametes with produce
gametes with billions of different genetic combinations!

Were all mixed up kids!

How the chromosomes arrange themselves (above or below the equator of the
spindle fibres) is a random event.
2 pairs of homologous chromosomes can arrange themselves in 2 2 ways (giving 4
possible different chromosome combinations in the gametes).
23 pairs of homologous chromosomes can arrange themselves in 23 2 ways (giving
8.3 million possible different chromosome combinations in the gametes).

Meiosis & Genetic Variation

Production of haploid gametes
(Telophase II)

Youre one in a zillion!

The gametes produced by meiosis are haploid and must combine with the gametes
of another individual to restore diploid number.
Given that meiosis is a random event (a mans ejaculate on average contains 350
million different sperm!) then you will appreciate why meiosis leads to tremendous
genetic variation!

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