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- - I II



Introduction to Tats


Sending, Rece'nring and Hitting

Red 5
Red 10
R d 15
Red 20
How and When to do the Awards


ReaW -dy
Bounce About
Cross the River
Jump Square

~ l l r o w n d o a
,lYldh ud Low (using a ball)

floor Tennis
Tap up Tennls
Catch Tennis
Home Base (ready position)
Radar (hitting into space)
Step Badr Rallies
Underam Sewer
Return the serve
Target Termis.
Rally and Recover
-ne Spaces
Ace Sewer
3d Shat DdII
Reset 'n' votlq
Up In' volley
Winning a pdnt
Scoring a tle break

CouNng Skills
SM51 Slat3ms
Team Coloes
Round Robin G m p
Team Round Robin
Tag Team Tennb
One hit doubles

The Tots stage of LTA MiniTennis is suggestions and ideas of exercises that
can be used with young children of three years old and upwards.
As young children develop there are certain physicalskills that can be
improved starting with balance, co-ordination, agility then moving
onto handlingthe racket, sending and receiving a ball.
LTA MiniTennis Tots exercises can be used to build a lesson for young children
or can be used as a starting point for the Coach to then develop their own idea.
They can kelp provide a structuredyet flexible curriculumthat can also
help to standardise and provide direction to a coaching programme.

Who are they for?

They are for Coaches leading sessions with this particular age group.
They are ideal for Players taking up the game at three to four years old but
can also be used with older Red Players to help develop a specific skill.
MiniTots will take Players through their early stages of
MiniTennisand preparethem for Mini Red.

f hey work?

Coaches can use theTots exercises in their lessons and

use the stickers to reward and recognise Players who have:
Tried hard.
Achieved certain skills.
Worked well with others in the group.
Where to start?

To get started you will need the following resources:

A set of Tots Cards to read through the content.

Stickers for reward and recognition.

Simply select which exercises you want to use or one of
the lesson plans and famiiiarise yourself with the content.



Child development basics

The Wlowing principles form the basis of the exercises;

chikkn develop through two key processes as they grow:

Physical development.


Mental and emotional development.

The suggested key areas of development for children up t o five years of age should be:

movement skills

.and receivingfrom

The exercises can be performed individually, with a Coach, with a Leader/Parent,
with a Partner or in a team depending on the age and ability of the Players.

using these exercises coaches should look for quality points by

a d p & q the Playersfrom the ground up, the following can be useful:



Tots have short attention spans, so sessions should be 30 to 45 minutes long
with each game lasting around five to seven minutes.
Try and get the Parents to come on court and get involved - they may be a
little bit hesitant but will love it. It will also help the Child develop quicker and
make things easier to organise.They are also more likely to then practise with
their Child at home.
The exercises are generally simple tasks; the key to success is how you sell
the stories. Be creative and use your imagination - think about Ncharacters,
animals, etc.
Children of this age are developing and learning new things all the time
at home and at Pre-School.Try to incorporateChild Developmentsuch as
counting skills, colours, animal noises, etc.

- Run an Active Register, which rneano all the children sitting in a circle or on a
spot either saying "Hello"or waving when you call their name.
- Consider using nursery rhymesfor the warm up as childrenwill be


comfortable with these songs.

Use lots of different equipment such as balloons, coloured spots or even ask
the children to bring in their favourite soft toy.
Give clear and simple instructions and use a Listening Line, which means they
will know when they must listen closely.
Set up little circuits by using a selection of the cards and rotate the children.
Name the circuit after a character or catch phrase such as the Jumpin'Circuit,
Spin it Circuit, etc.

Tots like to know what they are,goingto do, so repetition of exercises over a
number of weeks can work well.


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FfM StiU ai%dhufeier width apart

bdore shifting weidht to QM

a w a y r h the

* P f a wkeep Wt stilt and sft-

apart kSare&iftirig wtght ta rnleg.


r hand.

h their hand,then the h

S h i cm'f;.reof ,
fqiler am


Teaching Points

or spots. Players

Bend at the knees as well as

the waist to get low.
Not too fast, keep balanced.


Teaching Points

Coach throws down spots across the playing area.

Keep head up and watch the Idands.

Players move around the court and

when the Coach calls"Islandsl"they find
a throw down spot to balance on.

Balance on the Island before

performing the movement.

The Coach can call "Islands hands and feet:

and the Players have to balance on the island
with their hands and feet touching the pad.
Then "Islands one leg: etc.


In pairs or small groups, Players pass a ball
t o their Partner or Team Member whilst
balancing a bean bag or cone on their head.

Teaching Points

Feet shoulder width apart.


Head up.

3 r----Teaching Points
* Use arms for balance.

Head up.

Teaching Points

Use arms for balance.

Head up.

Bend knees.




Players have two parallel lines of cones in front of
them with balls on one of the lines of cones.


Players move balls set on top of the cones to the

other line of parallel cones, again starting with
the dominant arm, then non-dominant and
then crossing over.

Teaching Points
Take small steps to adjust position
near each cone.

Bend the knees and the waist to

get low.




Players stand oq a line with cone or spot 5m away.

Teaehing Points
Quick movement to the cone.

On command of the Coach tbe Playeri run to the

Balanced feet before starting to lap.

cone or spot and facing the Coach they move

m n d the cone or spot and back to the baseline.

Arms out for balance.

WBh a Partner, Player 1 rolls the ball,

Pl;ryer 2 runs, stops the ball and laps it.
a Partner, Player 1 throws the bail,
2 runs, catches it puts it on the floor and laps
be developedto moving down a line
or spots and'lapping'each one in turn.

Keep head stilt and looking forwards.

Teaching wm

nat Wing up and dwn.
m c e $re bail at a m & Wst
Watch the kitand k m w of:
spa- and ather Plagr-c;;ra


F1m:rnim ammd the a m txmdng Mg '

b d smh
~ batht l s d s It ~ a ctimev



P h ~ m t h B ~ ~ ~ m M s t i a r t * m

tkWawhg p i t b n and t h r w theMt

~ O W ~ ~ ~ & ~ b ~ w l e - & ~ ~ ~ p
*~ s h o u 3 $ ~ i e ~ ~ ~ d - - ~
side, b*& sidePow&ead t t - m ~ ~ h t b .


Players use a balloon and keep it above their head.

Playersthrow and catch a balloon above
their heads in the following ways:
-Throw the balloon up underarm and reach
up to catch it with two hands or one hand.

- In a rainbow shape throw the balloon with

one hand over the head, letting it bounce
before catching it with the other hand.

- Keep it up by tapping it above

the head. Use both hands.
- Bounce the ball down hard and
reach up to catch it above the head.
Teaching Points

Balancewith feet apart before throwing.

Use the knees to push up for stretching.


Horse - Players start in the same starting

position as a crab, but they move forward
with opposite hands and feet.


Hqersstart crouching down like a hog.

Thtey lift hands and leap forward, land

on k t and with hands back on floor.


- Pbyersstart in the same position and

shufle sideways like a crab.

Camel - Players start in the same starting

position as the crab, but move forward
h t h the same hand and leg.

Teaching Points;

Balanced statring position.

Head up and looking forwards.



Players follow the command of the Coach.

Balanced starting position.

Hop - from one leg to the same leg.

Use of arms.


Skip - alternate legs as they m w e forward.

Head up.

Jump from two feet to two feet

jump from two feet to one foot

Jump horn one foot to two feet.

Teaching Points

Players in pairs. Player 1 has the ball

and stands behind Player 2.

Retrieving Player should be in a

good ready position.

Player 1 rolls the ball through the legs

of ~iayer
2 who then runs to stop
ttre ball and pick it up.

Bend knees to get low when

picking up the ball.

- the

2 then roils the ball through

legs of Player 1.


Teading Points

Players start on centre mark.

Quick movement to the cone,

Place four cones with a ball on top in

Make small steps to adjust position

before pickingup ball from cone.
Bend the knees and waist to get low,

each corner of the half court.

Place a hoop in the middleof the half court.
Coach shoutsU(;o"andPlayer 1 runs
to first ball picksit up and returns itto
the hoop,then seed bat!, etc.

When Player 1 has put all four MIS

in the
hoop, Player 2 returns eMh ball to the cone.
Progress by asking Phprs to pick up with
one hand and place in hoop with other.
Make it a team d a y race.
Keep waiting Playws active with
line hops, star jumps, etc,

Teaching Points

Player walks through the ladder by stepping over

the conesAines in various footwork patterns, then
does a split step at the end of the ladder, and
then quickly turns and runs back down the side.

Co-ordinatearms and legs

moving at the same pace.
Keep the body upright

Players can do this in different ways:

- With one foot in each space.
- With two feet in each space, one at a time.
- W i sidesteps.
- With cross over steps.
- Holding a racket.
Players then progress to jogging and running,

Teaching Points

- Riqmlisten to the Coach's instructions:

oted jumps zig-zagging

Bend kneesfor take off and landing.

Get balancedon landing before
moving off again.
Keep head still and eyes focused
forwards on all jumps.

m one foot to the middle then on

the end of the track
- two-footedjumps along



Teaching Points

Players stand on the floor at the baseline.

To get up quickly, get thefeet under

ahe bodyand push off.

On the command of the C W Players

sprint to the net, pick u p a bdl,carry
it back and sit behind the line.

When running, keep the head still

and eyes looking ahead.

On the command d the CoachIPlayers

sprint to the net; pickup a ball, bounce
it back and sit behindthe line.

Use arms for running.

Next,the Player runs, picks up a racket, puts

the baN mthe racket and runs back


Teaching Points


Facing forwards across the court, Player 1

starts behind and to the side of Player 2.

Player 1push off from the back foot.


Ptayer 2 keep balanced and

watching Player 1.

Player 1sprints for an agreed finishing Bne.

Slayer 2 reacts to Player 1 and chases.

See ifPlayer 2 can catch Player 1.





Teaching Points

Player 1 stands behind Player.2 holding a ball.

Player 1should not roll the ball too hard.

Player 1rolls the ball past Player 2.

Player 1to push the paim of the hand

towards where they want the ball to go.

Player 2 runs after the ball when

they see it and pick it up,

Player 2 balanced with feet shoulder

width apart

Swap over.

Bend knees to pick ball up.



Each Player starts with a cone

on either side of them.

Teaching Points

Feet shoulder width apart and

balanced at the start.

Facing forwards, Players walk roundthe cones

moving forwards, sideways and backwards.

Head up.

Players develop to jogging round the cones.

Head over toes when moving backwards.

Use arms for balance.




receive a ball rolling along the floor
p it following the Coach command.

Stop with right foot.

* Stop with left foot

Stop with both feet.

feach'ing Points

Use arms for balance.

Stop with inside of right foot.


Stop with outside of right foot.

Stop with inside of left foot.

Keep head still for balance.

Stop with inside of left foot.


Players start in a line on the centre line

facing the Coach in a good ready postilion.

Coach calls outu?'um: they all turn

and face the other way, repeat.

Coach calls out Torehand" or "Backhand"

and they run to the side tramlinefor
their forehand or backhand.




Player t has a ball in each hand and holds

their arms out to their sides at shoulder height
Player 2 stands opposite Player 1 in a
ready position.

Coach could hold a ball in their hand

and use this as a visual stimulant for
where the players need to run to.

Teaching Points
* Knees bent.

Head up.

Ptayer 1 drops one of the balls and

Piayer 2 has to move forwards and try
to catch the ball afier one bounce.
Swap over.

Teaching Points
Catcher stands with knees bent.
Wands up and in front.

TeachSng Points
) ~ m o w around
the court
instructions such as:

&sf- Players shouPnArnhhh"

Players rock
a baby.

When Players strike the pose make

sure they are balanced.
Feet apart and knees bent.





All sending and receiving skill exercises can be developed into hitting
exercises with the introduction of a racket. Coaches should remember the
importance, with Tots, of starting on the floor and then moving the ball into
the air. Hitting skills should start with small actions which many Players will find
hard as developmentallythey will want to use their bigger muscle groups first.
These exercises can all be developed to involve hltting, just add a racket and
change the bean bag to a ball.


players use bean bags.
Cwch puts hoopson the floor in


Teaching Points

Merent places for targets.

Playersthrow the bean bags into the hoops.


Feet balancedfor the start

Step towards the target as ball is thrown.
Paim of hand towards target as
ball Is thrown.
Head still.

- Move onto throwingto a specific colour hoop.

- Mary the distance ofthe hoops.

- May the size af the hmp.

$#owing and catching game.

Hands rnave towards the bean

bag to catch it.
Fingersclose arwnd the b a n bag
when it touched the ptm.
Eyesfocused on the bean bag.

Individually Players roll the baH along a line/to a cone.
In pairs - Player 1 rolls the ball along the floor to
one side of Player 2 who is in the ready position
with a racket.
Player 2 stops the ball on the appropriateforehand
or backhand side with the racket face behind the
ball, then pushes it back. Player 1 catches the ball and
rolls it again. After three pushes Players change role.
Encourage using two hands on the backhand side.

As before but Player 2 pushes the ball

back without stopping it first.

In pairs, Playersthrow the ball to eye level,
let it bounce and catch it at waist level.
Players can also:
Tap it up, let it bounce then catch.
Tap the ball up, allow it to bounce and then
sandwich it on the racket with the other hand.
Tap the ball up in the air, allow it to bounce,
bend knees and tap up again.

FloorTennisRally - both Playerswith rackets

push the ball along the floor to each other
betweentwo cones (2m apart).
Put the favourite hand a t the
bottom ofthe grip.

- -.-s9

Teaching Paints


Get ready between pushes.

Push the ball, don't swing at it.

Place a cone or hoop on the ground and

see how many times the Player, or pair, can
make the ball land on/in that area.
Work as a pair and find different areas to tap up
over. Try to do ten tags in each different area,

Teaching Points
Tap the ball up to head height.

&end the knees as the ballfalls.

Teaching Points

Players-Throw the ball up, let it bounce,

rlse, fall and catch it with two hands.

In pairs - 4m apart, Player 1 with a ball and Player

2 in the ready position holding an upturnedcone
with one or two hands. Player 1throws the ball
towards Player 2 lets it bounce, catches it in the cone
and then throws it backfhe catch is out in front
In pairs - Players rally over the net throwlng and
catching In a defined area-Theycan throw the ball
further away from their partner higher, lower, shorter
and wider. Playersthrow from wherever they catch
it and then recover the middle and get ready.

Players can do an overarm throw for the first

t h m in the rally to simulate a senre.


Contact the ball out in kont.

Players-Throw the ball up, let it bounce,
rlse, start to fall and then catch it with an
upturned cone using one or two hands.

Bend at knees and waist to get low.

Tap up using both sides of the racket.


Throw underarm with a smooth arm

swlng at the side of the body.
Recover after the throw and get ready
for the next catch.

Get ready for the catch with hands in front,

palms forward and fingers down.
Get behind the bounce of the ball.
Control the catch using soft hands.




Players in pairs on opposite sides of the

net. Player 1 has a tennis ball and
Player 2 has two tennis rackets.
Player 1 throws the ball underarm
over the net to Player 2.
Player 2 catches the ball between the
rackets after one bounce and then lets
the ball bounce off the floor and hits it
back to Player 1.

Swap over.
This could be started with
between two cones.

Teaching Points

Catcher in ready position.

Keep racket up and out in
ready for catch.

Teaching Points

Players in pairs on either side of the net.

Catching Player in ready position.

Player 1 has the ball, calls a number and

throws the ball underarm to Player 2.

Catcher on toes ready to serve.

Player 2 catches the ball after the number

of bounces called by Player 1.
Swap over.

Players move around the court area and when
the Coach shouts a type of bean they perform
the action.
W a r f Bean - Players bend knees i n d . . k o m e
as small as possible. . *

I 6 W

String Bean - Players %

hands up tothe sky
and become as tall as possible.

Broad Bean - Players hold hands out to

the side to become as wide as possible.
Chilli Beans - Playersshakes body and
arms whilst keeping feet still.
Teaching Points
Feet still and shoulder width apart.

Anns either close to the'body or away

from the body as thelBean'dictates.

Teaching Points

Players use the lines ofthe court to move along.

Use arms for balance.

One Player is Pacman.

Keep watching who is Pacman.

Pacman has to move abng the

Snes to catch another Player.
The caught Player becomes the next Pacman.


Teaching Points

Bend knees to reach the cones.

ns (right way up), the

Keep watching for other Players;



Players are in two teams opposite each

other on the outside tramlines.
Each team make either one or two Castles
with balls on the outside of the tramline.
A Castle is three balls together with
one additional ball placed on top.

Players on the baseline in two lines.




Coach feeds the ball to each Player

in turn, the Players try to hit the ball
past the Coach and into court.


Each team then has extra balls to ro

the other teams Castles to try to knc
it down. A Castle is three balls together
with one additional ball placed on top.

Teaching Points

When rolling the ball foHow through

to the target.

If the Player hits the ball in the net, out,

or the Coach can catch the ball they lose
a life, each Player has three lives. Once
they have lost their lives they join the
Coach and become a Pirate; their aim is
then to catch the balls of the remaining
Players, the last Player left wins.

SF-- -- S TALE

Coach has a hoop of balls in the middle

of the court which is a pond. -*&
The balls are the fish. The Coach takes a
ball fiom the pond and hits it in the air.

+ The Players are circled round the

Coach with their rackets behind them
on the floor.

They try to catch the fish and put

them an their racket.
Players try to catch as many fish
as possible.


Players in pairs on opposite tramlines.

Players have a b

r rally with their Partner.

Coach/Leader is in the middle of the court with

two rackets [Crocodile) and tries to catch the ball.




Players then have

to throw all the balls
to the other
they can.

in two teams on either basdine.

tips a bucket of spongeballs

on each side of the court,


of the court as fast as

The team with the least balls on their

side at the end of one minute wins.


- Playersintwo

The teams haw a W e t of sponge bails

each and d l the balls at the big ball

teams on opposite tramI'm

or balkmi.

A biglight ball or batbon is placed

between the two teams.

The aim Is to get the big ball w balloon

to C K K ~the other team's tramline.


Each team har a Prince or P r i m inside a drde

of six to eight cones [this is the top of the castle).

!ct remains re;


Their team mates haveto throw the ball

to them the other s*& of the net.
The Primor hrinceshas to catchthe
ball and light up the ~ Qof
P their
castk (ailthe cones).
The fist team to get a ball on all the
cones wins.

y steady ar



The Red Awards can be completed with a sponge or a felt ball.

A sponge ball should be used inside and a felt ball should be

used outside, however think about how you use the different
balls. A Player will be able to complete the Awards with a
sponge ball earlier than they will be able to with a felt ball.
Think about how the Player can be challenged by
interchanging balls at different levels of the Awards.

Aga 8 years
d krpcnSWII: Super booming backhand
Nkkmnn: Backhand Billy
l h s Karate, football,

walks and runs with Ralph



LeaderICoach and Player a few

steps back from the net.
LeaderICoachfeeds the ball
underarm to start the rally and
rallies with the Player until the
player has hit five forehands
or backhands in a row.
Each Player has three attempts
to achieve the rally.

Players start in a ready position.
Encouragea small turn towards
the ball with little backswing.
Only show and encourage a small
compaa swing - a low to high push.

Leader/Coach sets a serving

position half way betweenthe net
and the service line with a marker.
Player starts in a serving position
behind the marker.
The Player uses an abbreviated
overarm action to bump five serves
in court out of ten.
The overarm serves should be in and the
Player needs to start from the correct
pasitionand makecontact abow their head


H a p s set feet square t o the
Rletordghtly turned.

Players recover feet and racket back

t o ready position after each shot.

Movement skllls
Encourage Playersto be in
position to the side of the ball.
Players need to move behind the
bounce of the ball so that it bounces
and cornes'towards them.
After the shot, Players recover
back to ready position.

Mental skills
Players should be concentrating
and ready to receive the ball before
it is fed in by the LeaderICoach.
Encouragethe Player to try their best
right through the rally and recover
with energy even after their last shot.

Players start with their rackets

upjust behind contact point.
Gentle place up ofthe ball.
Racket action short forward
and upwards push.
Can the Players recover quickly to a ,-:
good ready position after the serve?5+


Players can remember to prepare %.L'';

well and take time before each serve.
* Before starting the action Players
pause and look where they want the
serve to go.


Leader/Coach a few steps
back from the net.
Player on the service line.
Player starts to move forwards
when the Coach shouts "Go".
Leader/Coachthrows an underarm
feed to below shoulder height for
the Player to volley,
LeaderICoachalternates feed between
forehand and backhand volley.
Player receives ten feeds each turn
and has to be in a ready position and
make five volleys over and in.
Players m w e to the net and then
get into a ready position.
Encourage Players to line racket
face up near the contact point before
the ball is fed in.



ornLeaderjCoachand player a
few steps back from the net.
Player bump serves the ball into court.
Leader/Coach rallies co-operatively
with the Player for five points, with the
Player and Coach serving alternately.
Ineach point the Player shows they
know when the ball is out or bounces
twice and at the end of each rally is
able to say why the rally finished and
who won the point e.g.: Ball in the net,
ball out, double bounce, etc.
The Player signs up to BritishTennis
Membership (BTM) ready for when
they Start to compete in matches. "'
N.B. To sign up to BTM, go to

Players makecontact above

the headon serve.
Encouragea simple racket action
with short swing/push on
groundstrokesand serve.
Players watch the ball
as it lands the first time.
Playerscall "out" clearlywhen it
lands and don't hit the ball.
Players watch i n case the ball bounces
twice and stop the rally if they see this,
Players pay attentsonto starting
positlonfor servingand receiving.
Players recover back to ready position,
after each shot.
Mental skills
The Players rememberthe starting
positionsfor serving and receiving.
The Wayers concentrate and
watches the ball closely all the time.
The Players are confident in calling
"out*and are fair a b w t the cals.


Mmmnrant skflh

Two Players on eitherside of the court

starting just behind the service line.

Players may be starting to split step

when the Leader/Coach hits the ball.

Players rally co-operatively with

each other inside the service boxes.
Players have to achieve a rally of
ten inside the service boxes.

The slight turn towards the ball

starts the Player's movement
and after the shot they sidestep
back to a good ready position.

The Players have three

attempts at the rally of ten. I?

The Players should try t o be in

position "behind the ball" in time t o
transfer balanceforwards into shot.

Key teaching points

Players always wait in a ready position
and recover back after each stroke.
As the Players see which side the
ball is coming to they make a
slight turn towards that side.
The Players should have virtually
no backswing but be starting
to develop a longer follow
through towards the target.

The Players count their own rally hits.
At the start the Players can tell the
Coach one thing that they are going
t o remember and try to do well?

Player changes sides between serves
using the service line as the back of
the court
Overarm serve from the service lines
diagonally into the correct service box.
The Player has ten serves and has to
get seven into court alternating sides
between each serve.

Teach the Playersa consistent set up
with their feet - either square on to
the net or slightly turned.
The Players can develop the action by
starting with their rackets pointing
back and then pushingforwards to
and through the contact.
The Players should be using
somewhere dose to an eastern grip.

Player just behind the service line

on the other side of the net.
LeaderKoach feeds a short ball for
an approach shot and then a volley,
the feed for the volley should be
underarm t o below shoulder height
and to the opposite side to the
approach shot.
LeaderICoachfeeds for the Player
to have ten goes at an approach
and volley.
Player to hit seven approach and
voileys into the court.

Players ta move quickly to the net'but
with good balance - look for a good
head position and eyes forwards.
Players get into a ready position as
soon as they get to the net and before
the ball is fed fbr the first volley.
Encourage Players to line the
racket face up behind the contact
point early.


Can the Players recover quick&

after the serve back to a g o 0 6 ' ~
ready position?
Mental rldUs
Can the Players keep trying on
each serve no matter what score
they are on?
Can the Players call the serves
in or out correctly and fairly for
their friends?


LeaderICoachfeeding from
behind the service line.

Can the Players s h w d

pre-serve routine
Occasionally get the
away from the

The Players should show good
energy and alertness i n their ready
position on the baseline so they can
react and move forwards quickly for
the approach shot.
Can the Players recover their feet,
Rands and racket back to a good
ready position after their volley?
Mental skills
Can the Players try their best right
to the end of the exercise no matter
what scorethey are on?
If the Players try the exercise and
don't get seven out of ten they can
still say one thing that they did well.



Player 1 serves from the behind the
service line into any part of the court.
Player 2 returns and Plajlers continue
the rally until the point ends.
Points continue with Players serving
alternate points until one player
has ten points or ten minute timed.
Players call out the scores.

The Player plays matches against
others intheir group during
coaching sessions.
The Player signs up to British Tennis
Membership(BTM) ready for when
they start to compete in matches.
N.B. To sign up to BTM, go to

Recap with the Players on where
the ball should land to be 'in'.
Players call the ball out
accurately and clearly.

The rules in and out, for two serving

chances, a let serve, a double bounce,
touching the net.
Start to introduce the Players to
scoring by calling out the score as
well as using the cones.
Movunent slrttlv
Encourage good energy and ready
position when returning serve.
After serving Players recover quickly
to an energetic ready position.

Mental skills
The Players remember how t o
organise the match, who is to serve,
and how to keep the score using the
cones or other visual aid.
The Players can agree the score with
their opponent and tell the score to
the organiser.
The Players remember to use the
same serve routine for each point
no matter what happened on the
previous point.

Net hdgM: 80cm

' ID

Two Playerson the baseline

either side of the net.
Players rally co-operatively
with each other.
Players aim for a rally of 15 that
has to include both forehand and
backhand from both Players.
Players havethree attempts
to achieve the rally of 15.

K.yb.dubrgPlayers should be consistently

starting and recovering to an
energetic ready position.
Help the Playersto understand
when and how to split step on the
baselinewhen their opponent hits.
From the ready position the Players
can now turn shoulders and hands
to the side to bring racket back
on forehand and backhand.
Encouragea smooth swing through
towards the target with the racket
corning over the shoulder to finish.

Playerstry to split step when the

Leader/Coach hits the ball.
The shouider turn towards ball
starts the Player's movement, they
then move quickly behindthe
bounce so the ball comes to them.
After completingthe stroke the
Players recover back to a good
ready positionwith running steps
or sidesteps as appropriate.

Can the Players keep count?
Can the Players work together to
come up with ideas on how to
improve their rally number for the
next time they try the exercise?



Player in a serving positionon
the baseline.
Player serves, with a Partner receiving
on the baselineat the other end,
overarm into diagonal service box
switching diagonals after each serve.
Playershave ten serves and
have to serve seven in.
Server recovers ready for the third
ball ofthe rally and hits this third ball
if the Recekr returns successfully
(thisthird ball doesn't count towards
the seven in).

I C r y m Players should start sideways,feet

shoulder width apart, lining their feet
up to the target.
Players may Start in a throwing
position or be using a full action.

Help the Players to dewlop the action

ofthe racket head droppingdown and
then throwing up to the contaa
!5erver recoversafter the serve i n a
good ready positionfor the third shot
of the rally.

Encourage the %yento recover back 5to a good ready position behind the
baseline after hitting the serve.

The Players dto keep a condstent

keepwng Wht through
to the eml ofthe exeKise no matter
art fw their friends and keep a note of


LeaderICoachon the baseline.
Player just insidethe baseline on
the other side of the net.
Coach feeds short ball for an
approach shot.
Piayer moves forwards and plays an
approach shot folJowed by two volleys.
Player aims to achieve seven out of ten
sets of all three shots

fhe Players need to move forwards to
the approach then stop and balance
for the shot.
After hitting approach Players need to
follow qukkly to net and split ste~into
ready position.
Players must recover back to a
central ready position well in front
of body as they need to be able to
react to either side.
Encouragea simple racket action
- a short forward push.


Players should move qulckly up t o the

approach shot then balance and keep
good head position while playing shot,
Once they've completed the approach
swing move quickly again to the net Players should feel they are chasingthe
ballthat they've hit.


Playersshauld aim to keep trying right

through to the end of the exercise no
matter what the score is.
Can the Playerswatch their Mends and
then suggest something to them that
will help improvetheir scores.


Two Players on the baselineat
either end of the court.
The Players have t o play a
tie break t o ten.
To complete the exercise the
Players have t o spin and choose
to serve or receive, serve from the
correct sides for a tie break, call if the
ball is Out, call the score and give the
result to the Coach/Leader at the end
of the match.

- --------

The Player has played in six recordd--matches (tie break to ten points or
ten minute timed) in their coaching

K W - h m
Players know the choices after the
spin of the racket.
Players understand the order of
serving ina tie break including
proper use of right and left sides.
The Players need t o understand that
you need to win by two clear points.
The Player serving should
always call the score 'out'.
The Players understand how to
give the score to the organiser.

Encourage Players to have alert

ready positions, turn shouldeas
move behind the bounce, e n e m
recovery back t o good C O U posRian
Between points the Players move
briskly t o get the ball and start the
next point.
Playerscan keep trackof
the score without any visual aids
or scorer.
The Players should keep trying
an3 i5lt%emsn&@--exercise no matter what happened
in the previous point.
The Playerscan give you one thing
they did well plus one thing they're
going to do better next time.


Two Players on the baseline
either side of the net.

- Players
achieve two rallies, rally one
from the right hand side of the
court, rally two is from the left.

Players use the outside shot during

the rally, this will ensure they recover.
Players achieve a rally of 20 from
the left hand side, and 20 from the
right, with the majority of the balls
landing past the service line.
If either rally one or rally two breaks
down the Players start again. Players
have 90 seconds to complete two
rallies, one on each diagonal and
have three attempts to achieve this.
poiThe key for the Players in this
exercise is to positionthemselves
accurately and early behind the
ball so that they can have good
control over their contact point
to maintain good direction.

Can the Players keep consistent

swing shapes and tempo under
the time and space pressure
created by the drill?

Alert ready positions, turn
shouiders and move behind
the bounce, energetic recovery
back to good court position
(near the centre of the court).
The Player being moved needs
to concentrateon achieving
a good back foot position as
they move and recover.


Players recover well to accurate court
positionseven though they know
where the next ball is being hit to.

* Before the exercise starts can

the Players show the coach

something that they are going to
do well, without being constantly
reminded by the Coach.

n either baseline, one is

the Server the other is the Returner.
The Server serves overarm from
behind the baseline into the
diagonal service box.
Before each serve the Server
calls out where they are going to
serve to, forehand or backhand.
The Sewer needs to include
both during the exercise.
The Returner has a marker set by
the Coach, which they stand on to
mark their returning position.
The serve has to be in the
correct service box and to the
Returner's correct side.
The Server is aiming to score
seven out of ten attempts.
Key teaching points
The Players should be using a
consistent pre-serve routine
positioningtheir feet then finding
a balanced starting position lining
racket and hands up to target.

The Players can start to developa

throwing action with the grip
starting to move from eastern
towards continental.

By now the Players should have alert
ready positions, turn shoulders and
move behind the bounce, energetic
recovery back to good court position.
Can the Players start to show
an understandingof how their
recovery position will vary
depending on where they have
hit their previous shot.

At the end of the exercise can

the Players tell each other what
they think their strength is and a
weakness, without being constantly
remindedby the Coach.



LeaderICoachon the baseline.

Player just inside the baseline
on the other side of the net.
Player moves forwards and
plays an approach shot.
LeaderKoachthen racket
feeds player two volleys, a
smash and another volley.
Repeat the approach and volley
pattern a further four times
(therefore five times in total).
The Player is aiming to achieve
20 out of 25 shots successfully.
Player has three attemptsat
completing the exercise.

Canthe Players maintain good
balance and posturethroughout
the drill?Encouragethem to think of
maintaininga good head position,
Encourage a strong and early sidewq
turn as soon as they see the lob.
The Players should bring both
arms up to be involved in the
action for the smash.
M w M ~ SQ~ ~
! S~
Energetic recovery of feet, hands
and racket after each volley.
Turn sideways to move back for
smash then recover forwards to
meet final volley close to the net.

4umta4Can the Players keep concentrating

and trying their best as they start
to get tired towards the end of
the exercise.

Coaches and Players discuss
various ways to win points
and plan a strategy.
-The Player is given information
about an opponent's strengths
and weaknesses.
The Player decides on the best
tactics to use to beat the opponent
in a tie break match to ten.
The match is played and watched
by the Coach who checks how
the Player uses the strategy.
The Coach can stop the match in
the middle and have a Player talk.

The Player plays in a competition
outside their coaching programme.
After the event they write a mini
match reportfor the Coach, including
the result of their matches and
highlightingthe strengths and
weaknesses of their opponent.

.The Players score the tie break
well with clear line calls, and
calling out the score and changing
ends every six points.
The Players understandthe
different ways they can play to win
the points and how they might
work against different Players.
The Players are encouraged
to keepto their plan.


- The
Players should be consistently
showing alert ready positions, early
shoulder turn and move behind
the bounce, energetic recovery
back to good court position.
Can the Piayers start t o show an
understanding of how their recovery
positionwill vary depending
on where they have hit their
previous shot?This is particularly
important as they start to try
different ways to win the points.
Can the Players name four
ways they won a point at
the end of the exercise?
Can the Players keep trying their
best and enjoying the game even if
they are struggling in the tie break?
Can the Players maintain
concentration and their service
routines if they are getting near
to winning the tie break?

be used in a number of ways.

Coaches that run circuit based sessions could have an Awards exercise station as part of the circ

Coaches could use the Awards to see how players have progressed in a specific area during a les
Coaches could run Awards/kstivai sessions, These would be in addition to the regular programme
and would include Awards and competition.
Coaches could run specific Award sessions half way through the term and/or at the end of the term.

N.B. Coaches should use the Awards in a consistent way to help develop their programme.

Coaches and teachers could also run the Awards within schools. Depending on the number of
children taking part and the space available, it's likely that Red 5 will be the most appropriate
stage and level to run as part of an Out of Schools Hours tennis club or festival.


As with the teaching of any Mini Tennis session, the exercises within the Awards are flexible
and can be adapted, when working with players with a disability. For example, players using
a wheelchair may let the ball bounce twice, when required. For more information on Disability
Tennis, please visit:


Once a player has passed all the exercises at a particular level they have achieved that Award and
can move on to the next level.

Players do not have to pass all the exercises at a particular level before moving on and trying some
of the exercise from the next level. For example, it may be that a player has achievedthe Serve
exercise at Red 15 before they have passed all the exercises at Red 10. When they pass all the
exercises covering the four skill areas of Rally, Serve, Coming to the net and Score and Compete at
Red 10 they have achieved that Award Level and can be rewarded by receiving the Awards Collector
charm that represents that stage and levet and/or a badge and certificate. It is up to the coach
running the Awards to decide how they recogniseplayer's progress.








. .


Coordinate arms and
legs when running

* Stop quietly and

balanced with knees

*" Run in different directions and stop with q t r o l

Get ready in a balanced pwition

Know the names of tennis shots

and we hand etc. Pupils balance on those parts

* Run and stop on a line with both feBt

H'old the balance positions for

different. lengths of time

in a ready position
Stand or jog 6wl the spot, on

~ @ t ~ % s b . way
b s stot stpp whbrl the teacher calls 'ready'?
Whloh parts ~f your body tmld y ~ l ain position when y w &I'ance?
\dRIP1& are yW tfilnking abaut snd where are you 1mhg when you get
. ..





, ?' -,.9

: .




. ...--.

- : '


+ - .+i%...-.,2>>r,,<.,.:.... -



Start with three


Thrnk carefully where to

place the next line

Equipment: throw-down lines

Set up the river from the baseline to the net
Position the pupils at the baseline and explain the task. Avoid demonstr,ating, let them
work it out for themselves

off a line and find different ways.

Use"2throw dpwn-lines

lit into teams and r

rt again if they ste


Keap bo&f&~&~ha
same, not bobbing up


atroundwaist height
Watch the ball and be
aware of spaces and
other pupils
with a steady wrist ''



F C h a n g e foot at the marker

for repeated jumps




Go slower
Start with 2 sides of the square and
gradually add more


Make the activ~tyfaster and more

Create more difficult activities e.g.
combination .of jumps such as
hoascotch tar turnas



Pupils sfart from the throwing
position rather than moving to it
* Roll a big ball or small ball

Throw to a target area

* Add a more complex movement to the

run e.g. cross over steps or a zigzag
of corns
lrew se the ball does not w . n,. c ~




With a Mini Jenn~sball with no bounces
Add moving forwards and backwards
1 Throw with 2 hands on the ball and
rotate the body whilst moving
1 . 1 handed catch~ng
and thrwlng.
r h f i ~ m , a i h ~ A ~,*. a:'.-& * I-:



Use a big ball for throwing and

Use a balloon and keep it up by


Face forwards

Take small steps to -,

adjust gosit~onnear
each cone


* Cwrdinate arms and
legs, moving at the
same pace









,-&.>:4:;!,!< ;



. - .





Mow forward8 and sideways

Davelop rhyithrn thrwgh repeating faowark patterns

3Cbm apart
Pasltim pupils at h e start CA of ladder and' dem~nstrate
Organis pupffd into groups to start at the beginning sf mah laddef


Pupil 1 moves through the ladder by stepping over the conesllines in various footwork
patterns, then does a split'step at the end of the ladder, and then quickly turns and runs
back down the side. Pupil 2 starts when Pupil I does the split step. Other pupils follow.
Do this in different ways:
With 1 foot in each space
With 2 feet in each space, one at a time
With side-steps
With cross over steps
Hold~nga racket

Start all patterns slowly to get the

footwork pattern correct and
gradually increase the speed

*. What part of your feet are yau running, on?

Place the cones nearer together

Place the cones different distances apar
encouraging d~fferentstride lengths
Change the footwork pattern halfway


Develop reaction speed

Develop effective running style


Equipment: rackets, balls

Define the running area as baseline to net and back again. Set up a racket and ball
for each pupil
Position pupils at the baselingand demonstrate
Organise pupils into teams on the baseline
Highlight the need to run straight and avoid colliding with others

Pupils sit on the floor in a team line behind the baseline, legs crossed and arms folded.
On the command of the teacher Pup1 1 stands up, sprints to the net, picks up a ball,
bounces it back and sits behind the line again. Pupils 2.3, and 4 do the same in turn. Next,
Pupil f stands up, runs, picks up a racket, puts the ball on the raoket and runs
back. Pupils 2, 3, 4 da the same in turn.

Get up without using hands
Bounce the ball down with the racket
on the way back
:hange the starting position e.g. lyir
back BIG. R front,
.-,' ."*'


: How do you get up quickly?

What parts of yourbody do you use to run fast?
What helps you to run straight?





line to throw

Set up sideways wi
feet behir
' I



- .t




Throw from further back
Make the targets smaller
Ajm to-forehand or backhand ol




Put the favuurite hand

at the b t t m d the asi

Get ready betwe

3end at the knees and
waist to gel: Iw

all out




W k wi

st stopping i4 .

Equrjmmmt: balls, rackets, crones

Define the playing area
--* Pesition pupils at the aide of *e a,ma
and demanstrate

who b in %e i~38d~
side with the racket f a ~ behind
the ball; then pus


in 2s rally t h r ~ , d h cones:
1. Count how many pushes in one rally and remember best score. Gampste awinstothei airs.
2. For every rally af 6 shots in a row Mn a eona. 6dtec'~
cmm for 2 minutes.
y'ymz :;".*i
3. Race to do a rally a! 10 in a row.


.. .,,





and let it bounce

Get ready to I%W@

fmt apart and eyes
watching the bail


BiU at a:-<

thp body

Hit alternate tap ups

into a box

Tap the ball up to head


W d the knees %
hll SaUs



I ,


Define the playing area

I. Sold tap ups - in a defined m a bp the bail up in the air each tims t ~ ~ h ebight;
x i let it
bounce and tap it up again. Keep repeatiw 1 bounca, 1tap up. If fh~.kalf
>QQF!S wt of\
the a m , strap and start again.

and into a small court.

* H w do you hlt %b
3HghBr or ilower?

H w can you rnak IM_M

mqva in diiferant direction@?
How many' times Is ~
~ to bounce
~ in al tennis
~ game?



.upand catch it
in a cone...






Recover after me cnrow

and get r ~ a d yfor the
next catc:R


wt B mi!ewe wee wi(h s net or similar

in 2s pupiis r . ~with~ bell in &

w @nd U%@ MD

:3%t.$&acg $0
.- .


it7 ta !ma
r c a t c ~ in
a 9 mw..

the b.ll
mu catch.tI the other pupil has to




* Get ready, ba ianaed,

feet ?part, k w b b e n t
and re&dy $0move

O in a raw getting



Stop after each catch to give the

other pupil a chance to return to
H m e Base
Use a bigger or slower ball


Increase the size of the court

* Catch and throw with 2 hands on

both sides

* One pupil hits the ball

3ath pclp~lshlr the ball

En 2s neX!y E h m ~ canes:
- !7 , Count k w many hi& i~r
rally an6 r~rn@mb@f
bag4 sew@.CmmtO win&&her pairs.
a' 2.For awry rally of 6 shots in a row win g c m . Caitect emes fw 2 minutw.
g,-. 3. Race to d i zr~ rally asf 10 in a raw.




Track the ball

all the way


~n4% 2 pqpiE%ralb and &;at/ h k M ar b&ekhnse%

an Meir side d lib@mat- 8
ily c~IYM
wt win& e c m . The ather 2 pupib ore judge^,

. -..

Count the number sf

consecutive hits






Get the rack%back

early 'byturning the M y

Increase the length of

1I-m shroke far longer &mts

* Contact the ball azlt

lin front
to 6 in a row
move the line back
one racket length


Rqcaver and get ready

htwwri shots




Develop a cooperative rally






-- .


other pupil is near

Organise pupils into 2s on courts

Cooperative: Race other pairs to see who can get further back in a set time.
Competitive: Pupils create a baseline 5 rackets lengths frorn the net on each side and play
points. After every 3 points the pupil that is loosing can say 'longer' or 'shorter' and the court
must be made 1 racket longer or 1 racket shorter for the next 3 points.


Catch the ball with

hand and racket



start 5 racket lengths
back from the net then
move further back


Starit balanced end

sideways behind the ti
Hold the ball out and
near the racket face

* Put the ball gently In t

air a littie R~ghesthan
Xhs hand and racket


* Tap the ball gently

at firat.

,+:, .



,;.:; " . -

. >. ' - :

i <


.- .,.,,;.



, ,7.,~.

1. 'I serve you catch' - in 2s pupils serve t~ each athsr ss th'at the partner ccot~hegI%with the
racket and Rand. Pupils win a cone ftsr @veryB L Y C C ~ S S F W ~ caFehl,They C Q ~ P B @
pairs in o I@$Irma.
2. In 2%pupilk B@W@@lt@rn&ti*lyfrom e start line. EWQ+ tSme a pupiP
they move E
iM Ilm b ~ e k1 racket I'etngth. Each pupif tries get further ba@kt h k ] 1'hir
tner in a set time.


Watch where the

serve is going...

.sfi'balanced and relaxed

ready position
\Match the direct~onand
height of the ball

* Turn the upper bw


Get ready betwen

service line and baseline
ts return serve


quickly towards the ha!)


I r-




, - <-r

~emvii@t$he centre af
the c@ufiQfter
the m%um .

How early-canyou see where the serve is going?

What's the first thing that you do when you know where the ball is going?
What is different ,about returning an overarh serve and an underarm serve?





P h t t k y @re
both in the k;QFruptarm. bpils wXI a cw

& w ~ gh

Cmp~titlve:to 2% pupI!%pky point8 egain8t

@I*, TtMy 'EF@
..e~,&r&&gg~gaf~,qpp, pf~?ytiliuepoint can start.







Bzlanced alert ready

Angle the racket face to

the target

* Increase the path of the

push to get the ball fa

...then progress to a target for each pupil

: I .

I . .

, >:



1. Pupil 1 stands behind the target. Both pupils rally. Pupil 2 aims at the target.
Both pupils always return to a r ~ a d yposition between shots and use both forehand
and backhand shots. Change roles after PO shots.
Ily aiming at the targets,



I . - .


ewly @anyau ttellVb,q&
going to the forehand or beckhand side?
How a@fiytm&q
the ball at the same tima?
HW, 8b yew me the
go thr, targen


!?&its rally aiming tc hit the

ind addeb to tkw Q~MI


Move after playing


alert ready


* Cmplete the sha2

&fore remvering

Taka tw steps back towards

the middle of thta murt


At what point after hitting the ball does your recovery?

What do the feet and legs do to a. start a quick recovery?
What role do other body parts play in a good recovery?



same tine
Think ahead where the
space is going to be

* Glet in the correct

pasition to d~rwth
b l i ta t b spa@@


Equipment: racket, bal Is,

throw-down lines

~ & i n bthe murf am@ and use lines to



-.* h

7 .



- .

. L

How can you watch the opponent and the ball at the same time?
How does your action change to hit to different places?





Q W r n w1m
Sttwt wiith f~ontalstance

* Racket face wrswards

and arm slighNy bent

* Make contact above

)gWr head

arwnd that's 4

Tap the ball upwards

gently and. stay high
with your rackst


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