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C-35, Pamposh Enclave, Greater Kailash I,

New Delhi 110 048.
Ph.: +91 11 43141516, 26296765
Fax: +91 11 2629 6767

VIT University Chennai

27TH MAY 2013 27TH JUNE 2013

First of all, I wish to thank and acknowledge my sincere gratitude towards Dr. Vinod Jain,
Managing Director, Vintech Consultants, Greater Kailash I, New Delhi for permitting me to
get Summer Training at this organization.
I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to my supervisor Ms. Shruti Sharma, Team
Leader and Sr. Structural Engineer, Vintech Consultants for her invaluable guidance,
encouragement and support throughout every phase of my training. This endeavor would not
have been possible without her untiring efforts and generous help.
Further, I wish to express my appreciation to Mr. Anuj Chauhan, Mr. Gaurav Mediratta, Mr.
Poorak Varma, Mr. Mohd. Iftikhar for their encouragement and providing the necessary guidance
and information of the subject.
I am also deeply thankful to my team member Hemant Jain, Pragya Gupta, Garv Suri, Tanveer
Singh, Trainee Engineer, Vintech Consultants for their kind support, help and cooperation
It is my privilege to express my immense sense of gratitude to my parents and my brothers
for their continuous motivation, understanding and co-operation.

Date: 27th June 2013

Sukrit Malhotra

Structural engineers are responsible for engineering design and analysis. Entry-level
structural engineers may design the individual structural elements of a structure, for example
the beams, columns, and floors of a building. More experienced engineers would be
responsible for the structural design and integrity of an entire system, such as a building,
bridge or a complex.
The role of a structural engineer today involves a significant understanding of both static and
dynamic loading, and the structures that are available to resist them. The complexity of
modern structures often requires a great deal of creativity from the engineer in order to ensure
the structures support and resist the loads they are subjected to.


VINTECH CONSULTANTS is a Structural Design and Civil Engineering consulting
organization known nationally and internationally for its diversified and quality
work. VINTECH CONSULTANTS is stationed at New Delhi India, and have been
MANAGERS since its inception. Dr. VINOD JAIN , Ph.D. (Structures) from I.I.T
Delhi founded the company in 1988. VINTECH CONSULTANTS, ISO 9001:2008 accredited
for its Structural Design and Structural Proof Consultancy services. Proof of Quality
Assurance is evident in more than five hundred successfully completed structures.
VINTECH view professional engineering as a highly skilled and personalized service. As the
frontiers of structural engineering advance, our rapidly accumulating resource of knowledge,
experience and expertise equip us not only for refined conventional design but also, to
investigate, develop and use designs beyond the boundaries of convention. This is our
business and passion. The Company had established faith in covering all the complexities and
intricacies of structural aspects, and resolving the structural system into an optimized and cost
efficient model. Our strength lies in using the state-of-art tools and keeping abreast of the
latest technological advances for optimizing both for economy and safety aspects. Our core
area of expertise lies in new designs as well as retrofitting and rehabilitation of Reinforced
concrete and Steel structures including residential, commercial, malls, retails, multiplexes,
institutional, industrial, medical, hospitality, recreational, high-rises, etc.
The Organization had developed a strong culture that emphasized superior technical ability,
in field of Structural Engineering. Vintech is distinct in designing stable and economical

structures without sacrificing architectural intend, aesthetics

Vintech assures the commitments made for time, economy and quality.



Vintech approach every consulting project being highly responsive to client needs, extremely
flexible in our outlook and by unleashing the full force of our creativity all while staying
within the practical bounds of the project.
From investigation, to planning, design, budgeting and construction, clients can rely on
Vintech to provide them with the brilliant, but functional outcomes to make project a success.

Structural Design Consultancy

Construction Management
Estimation, Tendering & Bar Bending Schedule
Structural Proof Consultancy

For the purpose of design Vintech is compatible with STAAD Pro, ETABS & SAFE
softwares whereas drawings are drafted in AutoCAD. With our past experience and research,
number of worksheets had been prepared to expedite analysis and design.
In the beginning of the every project, a structural scheme is formulated for the project. The
scheme is discussed extensively (in house) if required consultation is taken from
academicians. The proposed structural system is then forwarded to architects/clients for
approval. Three-dimensional structural system is generated in design software. Efforts are
applied to simulate the structure in the way, it is happening in actual buildings. The results
from analysis are thoroughly investigated and studied; special consideration is given to the
codal requirements.
The Structural Design and Details issued by VINTECH are entirely in the limitations of
Indian Standards. Infact at some instances where Indian Standards are silent we consult to
International Standards. VINTECHs coup de matre is completing more than 500 successful
structures which are the result of well-coordinated team (that includes the client) with
everyone doing their part and clearly understanding the requirements of each team member.
Our commitment to fresh thinking has led to a number of significant engineering


The objective of the present work to prepare ourselves as an employee of an organization and
to gather as much knowledge as possible relating to current technologies in design and
Following objectives were accessed during the execution of the project work:
a) To study the working and application of structural designing softwares, like ETABS,
which are being used in structural designing consultancies.
b) To develop ourselves as integral part of team and learn team-work.
c) To design and analyze steel and concrete structures complying criterion of IS codes.
d) To design structures considering safety, environmental and economic constraints.


Week 2
The training report comprises of seven chapters relating to the work done
in the training period.
Week 1 deals with the company history, work culture, hierarchy and vision for future. It
includes the glimpse of the work which has been detailed in the later chapters of this report.
Additionally, it covers the services offered by the organization to the client and the softwares
mainly used for contriving and development.
Week 2 incorporates the basic design software used for design in the organization that is
ETABS. The ETABS is a product of Computer and Structural Inc. or CSI and has been in
employment from more than 6-7 years in the organization. ETABS can design structure
considering both static and dynamic loading (Earthquake loading) as per the codal provisions
of IS 456:2000 also incorporating the IS: 13920 1993 for ductile detailing.
Week 3 comprises of the modeling of an example structure with 7 story height. It includes
the drawing of the beam members, defining their properties & dimensions and adding slabs,
shear walls and columns to the provide height to the structure. It incorporates the design of
beams, columns and shear walls. Other useful commands and menus are also included like
Display Menu, View Menu and Zoom, Pan, Lock/Unlock structure sans which the modeling
couldnt have been possible.
Week 4 comprises of the description of the structure from the project disposed to me. The
structure is a high rise G+32 floored tower from residential blocks coming up in NOIDA by
Jay Pee associates named GREEN ISLES. The loading adopted, cost comparison between
framed and flat slab system and description of design of the building are described. In
addition to it, the various codes followed, cover provided, reinforcement detailing, foundation
and basement details, material specifications are also explained.


ETABS is an engineering software product that caters to multi-story building analysis and
design. Modeling tools and templates, code-based load prescriptions, analysis methods and
solution techniques, all coordinate with the grid-like geometry unique to this class of
structure. Basic or advanced systems under static or dynamic conditions may be evaluated
using ETABS. For a sophisticated assessment of seismic performance, modal and directintegration time-history analyses may couple with P-Delta and Large Displacement effects.
Nonlinear links and concentrated PMM or fiber hinges may capture material nonlinearity
under monotonic or hysteretic behavior. Intuitive and integrated features make applications of
any complexity practical to implement. Interoperability with a series of design and
documentation platforms makes ETABS a coordinated and productive tool for designs which
range from simple 2D frames to elaborate modern high-rises.
ETABS is a powerful program that can greatly enhance an engineer's analysis and design
capabilities for structures. Part of that power lies in an array of options and features. The
other part lies in how simple it is to use.
The basic approach for using the program is very straightforward. The user establishes grid
lines, places structural objects relative to the grid lines using points, lines and areas, and
assigns loads and structural properties to those structural objects (for example, a line object
can be as-signed section properties; a point object can be assigned spring proper-ties; an area
object can be assigned slab or deck properties). Analysis and design are then performed based
on the structural objects and their assignments. Results are generated in graphical or tabular
form that can be printed to a printer or to a file for use in other programs.
In using the program, you manage the File, Edit the model, change the View, Define
properties or load and analysis cases, Draw something new in the model, Select that
something, Assign properties or loads, Analyze the model, Display analysis results for
checking, Design the structure, apply various Options to achieve the desired outcome with
optimum effort, and seek Help when you need it. Those actions are the basis for the program
menu structure. Thus, familiarity with the menu commands and their function is key to
expanding your ability to use ETABS.
Familiarity with the menu commands will enable the user to create models for complex
Composite Floor Framing Systems with Openings and Overhangs, Steel Joist Systems,
Moment Resisting Frames, Complex Shear Wall Systems, Rigid and Flexible Floors, Sloped
Roofs, Ramps and Parking Structures, Mezzanine Floors, Trussed Systems, Multiple Tower
Buildings and Stepped Diaphragm Systems, and many more.

Fundamental to ETABS modeling is the generalization that multi-story buildings typically
consist of identical or similar floor plans that repeat in the vertical direction. Modeling

features that streamline analytical-model generation, and simulate advanced seismic systems,
are listed as follows:

Templates for global-system and local-element


Customized section geometry and constitutive


Grouping of frame and shell objects

Link assignment for modeling isolators,

dampers, and other advanced seismic systems

Nonlinear hinge specification

Automatic meshing with manual options

Editing and assignment features for plan,

elevation, and 3D views
Once modeling is complete, ETABS
automatically generates and assigns code-based
loading conditions for gravity, seismic, wind, and
thermal forces. Users may specify an unlimited
number of load cases and combinations.
Analysis capabilities then offer advanced
nonlinear methods for characterization of staticpushover and dynamic response. Dynamic
considerations may include modal, responsespectrum, or time-history analysis. P-delta effect account for geometric nonlinearity.

Given enveloping specification, design features

will automatically size elements and systems,
design reinforcing schemes, and otherwise
optimize the structure according to desired
performance measures.


Output and display formats are also practical and intuitive. Moment, shear, and axial force
diagrams, presented in 2D and 3D views with corresponding data sets, may be organized into
customizable reports. Also
available are detailed section
cuts depicting various local
response measures. Global
perspectives depicting static
displaced configurations or
video animations of timehistory response are available
as well.
interoperability with related
software products, providing
for the import of architectural
models from various technical
drawing software, or export to
various platforms and file
formats. SAFE, the floor and
with posttensioning (PT) capability, is one such option for export. CSI coordinated SAFE to be used in
conjunction with ETABS such that engineers could more thoroughly detail, analyze, and
design the individual levels of an ETABS model.
While ETABS features a variety of sophisticated capabilities, the software is equally useful
for designing basic systems. ETABS is the practical choice for all grid-like applications
ranging from simple 2D frames to the most complex high rises.


ETABS works with four basic units: force, length, temperature, and time. The
program offers many different compatible sets of force, length and temperature
units to choose from, such as Kip, in, F or N, mm, C. Time is always
measured in seconds.
When you start a new model, you will be asked to specify a set of units. These
become the base units for the model. Although you may provide input data
and view output results in any set of units, those values are always converted to
and from the base units of the model.
English as well as SI and MKS metric units can be used for input. But the codes
are based on a specific system of units. All equations and descriptions presented
in the subsequent chapters correspond to that specific system of units unless otherwise noted.
For example, the IS 456:2000 code is published in Millimeter-Newton-Second units. Any
system of units can be used to define and design the structure in the program.


All locations in the model are ultimately defined with respect to a single global coordinate
system. This is a three-dimensional, right-handed, Cartesian (rectangular) coordinate system.
The three axes, denoted X, Y, and Z, are mutually perpendicular, and satisfy the right-hand
rule. ETABS always considers the +Z direction as upward. By default, gravity acts in the Z
Additional coordinate systems can be defined to aid in developing and viewing the model.
For each coordinate system, a three-dimensional grid system would be defined consisting of
construction lines that are used for locating objects in the model. Each coordinate/grid
system may be of Cartesian (rectangular) or cylindrical definition, and is positioned relative
to the global system. When you move a grid line, specify whether the objects in the model
move with it.
Drawing operations tend to snap to gridline intersections (default) unless you turn this
feature off. Numerous other snaps are available, including snap to line ends and midpoints,
snap to intersections, and so forth. Use these powerful tools whenever possible to ensure the
accurate construction of your model. Not using the snaps may result in gaps between
objects, causing errors in the models connectivity.
Each object in the model has its own local coordinate system used to define properties, loads,
and responses. The axes of each local coordinate system are denoted 1 (red), 2 (white), and 3



Define Material Properties:

The material to be used in the design
considering the required strength
(grade of concrete M25, M30) and the
dimensions of the member sections to
be used are decided by the structural
engineer. These properties and dimensions are assigned to the member sections in the
design prior to any other step.
This is exercised by using the Define command.
Define > Material Properties > Add new material
The values of weight per unit volume, modulus of elasticity can be obtained through
standard sources. Units should be taken care of while entering the values. To modify a
material use Modify/Show Material command.

Member Cross -section
To define the cross section of a
beam or a column.

Define > Frame Sections >Add Rectangular

Give the name to the section and add the dimensions (depth and width). Special
consideration to the units should be given which appear in the extreme right corner of
the window. The name of the
section should be such that it
indicates the depth and width
values as it would be
convenient to the user (E.g.
B230x450, Depth 450, Width


Wall/Slab Sections
Define > Wall/Slab/Deck Sections >Add Rectangular
The walls and the slab to be used as required should be defined. The thickness of the
wall and slab and the material to be used (grade of concrete) is to be filled.


Draw points by using Draw Point Objects command. This command enables user to
plot points for the placing of line objects like beams and columns.

objects of
two types:

Joint objects are automatically created at the corners or ends of all other types of
objects, and they can be explicitly added anywhere in the model.
Grounded (one joint) link objects are used to model special support behavior, such
as isolators, dampers, gaps, multi-linear springs and more.

This command requires to set an origin point with co-ordinates (0,0,0). Other points are
plotted with respect to origin or any other plotted point. This eventually results in a plan
having the basic visual description of base or a story level. The following shows the point

objects for the plan provided:

After the completion of plotting of points, next step is to allocate the positions of beams and

Draw beams and columns using Draw Line Objects command. This command helps the
user to plot beams and columns between the points plotted.

Line objects of two types:

Frame objects are used to model beams, columns, braces and trusses.

Connecting (two-joint) link objects are used to model special member behavior, such
as isolators, dampers, gaps, multi-linear springs, and more. Unlike frame objects,
connecting link objects can have zero length.

This commands require the selection of minimum two point objects between which the beam
or column is to be placed. This results in a story with all required line (beam or column)
objects. The following shows the beams for a particular story:


same way, columns for a story are provided. While placing beams, sometimes Snap to
Perpendicular Projections is useful for removing projections which are not required.

Draw Columns
column in
go to Draw
Draw Line
Objects >

Create Columns in Region or at Clicks (plan)

Select the section of the column defined earlier and place the column as required or decided
by the structural engineer in accordance with the approval of the architect. The architects
perceive columns as an impediment to the aesthetic beauty of a room or a hall. They require
the column to be located in the wasteland (areas that are not of architectural importance in a
buildings). A column inside a hall generally deters the appearance of the hall, especially if
the building is supposed to be a banquet hall or museum with impeccable art or a drawing
room of a house which is the first place for a guest to see. Also, the column with large cross
sections if placed inside a room will acquire much of the necessary living space which also is
undesirable with such surging costs of properties in todays scenario.
So, the job of the structural engineer becomes all the more difficult with economic, aesthetic,
and safety constraints as far as a building is concerned. Placing of columns really requires
patience, experience and expertise.

Draw walls (especially shear walls)

using Draw Walls command. For
providing a wall, two points are
selected between which wall is to be

Select the appropriate property of the wall that will define the thickness, type of material used
in the wall as shown in fig.
The lower fig shows the shear walls placed at different location in the plan. Shear walls are
generally walls made of concrete acting as a column with one dimension greater than the
other unlike columns which have comparable dimensions. The red lines denote a shear wall
in fig below.
The Shear walls prior to designing are assigned a label called PIER LABEL.

Without assigning pier label shear wall design is not possible. Generally, each shear wall has
a unique pier label number that cannot be duplicated. However, two or more walls can be
given same pier label. Giving same pier label number will mean that those walls will be
designed in similar manner.
To assign a pier label to a shear wall, first select that particular shear wall and then go to
Assign Menu > Shell/Area > Pier Label as shown in the fig below .
Clicking on Pier Label will open a dialogue box. Type the name of pier label and click on add
new name. Then clicking on Ok will give that selected shear wall a unique pier label as in fig.

Draw slabs using Draw Areas command. For providing a slab points are selected one by
one which will lie on the corners of slab. Selection of points should be done in
clockwise or anti-clockwise manner, otherwise required shape of slab will not be

Area objects are used to model

walls, slabs, decks, planks, and other
thin-walled members. Area objects
will be meshed automatically into
the elements needed for analysis if
membrane definition are included in
the model; otherwise, the user
should specify the meshing option to
be used. The following shows the
slabs provided for a particular


Types of Loads
The different types of loads that can be applied to a beam or slab are as follows:
Dead Loads
Live Loads
Wind Loads
Earthquake loads
Fire tender
Sunk Loads
Temperature Loads (stresses)

Dead load is already assigned as and when one defines the material properties and the
member section. Live loads can be uniformly distributed line load or area load as defined in
IS 875 (Part II). Wind loads are assigned as per the IS code: 875-(Part-III). Earthquake
loading as per IS 1893 2002. Temperature loads are due to the stresses generated when the
temperature causes expansion or contraction in the members.
These loads have to be defined first in ETABS and then applied. To define loads:
Go to Define > Static Load Cases > Add new Load
Give Dead, Live Machine Sunk, Earthquake loads name and mention their types, select any

factor to be multiplies with the loads and for earth quake loads select the IS 1893 2002 code
option. The multiplier used is 0.95 just to make the structure somewhat economical.
The method of application of loads on the members is as follows:
For applying point loads: Select a point by clicking on it > Assign > Joint/Point Loads

Select the Load Case Name and the direction of load. For a downward point load write
negative sign prior to the load value in the Force Global Z textbox. Click on add to Existing
Loads and click OK.

line loads:
clicking on

it > Assign

Select Distributed load or Point load and select the type of load in Load Case Name. Choose
the appropriate options and units and type the load value

area loads:
Assign >
Loads >

Select a
beam by
on it >

Select the
name as
earlier in
cases and
appropriate load value, units and direction.

Load case
Static load


Add a Story
To add a new to story to the current
structure go to Edit menu > Edit Story
data >Insert story
Type the name of the new story, add required
story height, number of stories required, and
the story to be replicated. Click OK.
Select the 3D view option to visualize the
added story in the structure.



View menu


To visualize the elevation, plan and 3 dimensional view of the structure view menu is
used. It consists of other
options that assist in modelling and design of
Set 3D view, Set Plan View and
Set Elevation view are used to give a custom view of
the structure in 3D, Plan and Elevation respectively.
Set Building View Options helps to view the structure and its members in a customized
way. The various check boxes denote the various options that a user can avail. Labels
can be checked for an area, line or point objects. Reference lines and grid lines can be
displayed by checking the grid lines option. Beam lines, column lines are used to view/ hide a
beam or a column.
Set Building View Limits option helps to view a part of the building by assigning the
maximum value in the x and y axis that ought to be shown on the screen. One can also select
particular story range to be viewed using this option.
Rubber Band Zoom option helps to zoom an area by selecting that area using area
view helps to
original view of the structure.

Zoom In One Step and Zoom

Out One Step is used to zoom
in and out of structure. Zoom in increases the magnification of the object by 10 percent. Size
of Zoom Out magnification is controlled by Auto Zoom step in Options > Preferences.
Pan is used to move the structure to a view that is beyond the original edges of the view. The
distance you can move beyond the original edges is controlled by Pan Margin item that is set
in Prefernces. Select the Pan option and then Click, hold and drag the mouse over the screen.

Select Menu
Select Menu is a drop down menu used to select the objects and members with the help
of various assisting options.

Select using Intersecting Line option gives us the benefit ot select a particular object by
drawing a line intersecting the member.
Selecting by Wall/Slab/Deck Sections helps to select a wall or a slab only. Similarly
by Line Object Type and by Area Object Type are used to select a line object or an area object
Selection by Story Level or by Pier ID helps to select a story or a particular pier using pier
label. Invert selection is used to select an object which is not selected among some selected
objects. All selects all shapes in selection.
Get Previous Selection selects

the previously selected objects while

all the selection from the screen; no object is


The design of concrete frames is seamlessly integrated within the program. Initiation of the
design process, along with control of various design parameters, is accomplished using the
Design menu.
Automated design at the object level is available for any one of a number of user-selected
design codes as long as the structures have first been modelled and analysed by the program.
Model and analysis data, such as material properties and member forces, are recovered
directly from the model database, and no additional user input is required if the design
defaults are acceptable.
The design is based on a set of user-specified loading combinations. However, the program
provides default load combinations for each supported design code. If the default load
combinations are acceptable, no definition of additional load combinations is required. In the
design of columns, the program calculates the required longitudinal and shear reinforcement.
Every beam member is designed for flexure and shear at output stations along the beam span.
All beam-column joints are investigated for existing shear conditions. For ductile moment
resisting frames, the shear design of the columns, beams, and joints is based on the moment
capacities of the members. Also, the program will produce ratios of the beam moment
capacities with respect to the column moment capacities, to investigate weak beam/strong
beam aspects, including the effect of axial force.
For normal loading conditions involving static dead load, live load, wind load, and
earthquake load, and/or dynamic response spectrum earthquake load, the program has built-in
default loading combinations for each design code. The combinations are based on the code
recommendations and are documented for each code in the corresponding manuals.
For other loading conditions involving moving load, time history, pattern live loads, separate
consideration of roof live load, snow load, and so on, the user must define design loading
combinations either in lieu of or in addition to the default design loading combinations.

The default load combinations assume all static load cases declared as dead load to be
additive. Similarly, all cases declared as live load are assumed additive. However, each static
load case declared as wind or earthquake, or response spectrum cases, is assumed to be nonadditive with each other and produces multiple lateral load combinations. Also wind and
static earthquake cases produce separate loading combinations with the sense (positive or
negative) reversed. If these conditions are not correct, the user must provide the appropriate
design combinations.
The default load combinations are included in design if the user requests them to be included
or if no other user-defined combination is available for concrete design. Live load reduction
factors can be applied to the member forces of the live load case on an element-by-element
basis to reduce the contribution of the live load to the factored loading.

Design of Beams
In the design of concrete beams, in general, the program calculates and reports the
required areas of steel for flexure and shear based on the beam moments, shears, load
combination factors, and other criteria. All of the beams are designed for major
direction flexure, major shear and torsion only.
In designing the flexural reinforcement for the major moment at a particular section of a
particular beam, the steps involve the determination of the maximum factored moments and
the determination of the reinforcing steel. The beam section is designed for the maximum
positive and maximum negative factored moment envelopes obtained from all of the load
combinations. If torsion is present, each design moment is modified by two fictitious
moments that are the actual factored moment plus an equivalent moment due to torsion and
the actual factored moment minus an equivalent moment due to torsion. The equivalent
moment due to torsion is proportional to the torsion and the associated scale factor is a
function of the beam section aspect ratio. Negative beam moments produce top steel. In such
cases, the beam is always designed as a Rectangular section. Positive beam moments produce
bottom steel. In such cases, the beam may be designed as a Rectangular beam or a T-Beam.
For the design of flexural reinforcement, the beam is first designed as a singly reinforced
beam. If the beam section is not adequate, the required compression reinforcement is
In designing the shear reinforcement for a particular beam for a particular set of loading
combinations at a particular station due to the beam major shear, the steps involve the
determination of the factored shear force, the determination of the shear force that can be
resisted by concrete, and the determination of the reinforcement steel required to carry the
balance. If there is any torsion, the design shear is modified by a fictitious shear that is the
actual shear force plus an equivalent shear due to torsion. If the nominal shear stress due to
the modified shear force is less than the nominal allowable shear stress, no closed hoop
torsion rebar is needed. In that case, only minimum shear link is needed. However, if torsion
is present and if the nominal shear stress due to the modified shear force is more than the
nominal allowable shear stress, closed hoop torsion rebar is calculated.
Special considerations for seismic design as required in the seismic code IS 13920:1993 are
incorporated into the program for IS 456:2000.

Design of Columns
In the design of columns, the program calculates the required longitudinal steel, or if
the longitudinal steel is specified, the column stress condition is reported in terms of a
column capacity ratio, which is a factor that gives an indication of the stress condition

of the column with respect to the capacity of the column. The design procedure for the
reinforced concrete columns of the structure involves the following steps:
Generate axial force-biaxial moment interaction surfaces for all of the
different concrete section types of the model.
Check the capacity of each column for the factored axial force and bending
moments obtained from each loading combination at each end of the column.
This step also is used to calculate the required reinforcement (if none was
specified) that will produce a capacity ratio of 1.0.
The shear reinforcement design procedure for columns is very similar to that for beams,
except that the effect of the axial force on the concrete shear capacity needs to be considered.

For certain special seismic cases, the design of columns for shear is based on the capacity
shear. The capacity shear force in a particular direction is calculated from the moment
capacities of the beams framing into the column.
To design a structure it is to be analyzed first. Go to Analyze Menu > Run Analysis
or F5

The program will create

the analysis model from your object-based ETABS model,
and will soon display an
"Analyzing, Please Wait" window. Data will scroll in this
window as the program runs the analysis. After the analysis has been completed, the program

performs a few more book keeping actions that are evident on the status bar in the bottom
left-hand corner of the ETABS window. When the entire analysis process has been
completed, the model automatically displays a deformed shape view of the model, and the
model is locked. The model is locked when the Lock/Unlock Model button appears
depressed. Locking the model prevents any changes to the model that would invalidate the
analysis results.
Now, the system is analysed and one can easily see the moments acting, deflections of the
members, forces acting and deformed shape of structure.
As discussed already that design of the structure gives the area of steel required for a beam or
column. To design the structure go to Design Menu > Concrete Frame Design > Start
Design/ Check of Structure.
///The program takes some time based on the complexity of the structure and finally gives the
reinforcement required for each member of the structure. The member appear green in colour
and red

signifies failure either in shear or flexure. The red members need /to be modified, one can
increase the grade of concrete or the dimensions of the member or some /other suitable
changes can be made as the case requires.
The readings above the line denote top reinforcement and below the line shows bottom

////The red members are failing in shear, the reading for longitudinal steel are obtained but the
members need to be reviewed in case of shear reinforcement. The summary details of the
members can be obtained by right clicking on that member to see where the member is
failing. The above detail of a member (Red) shows it is O/S (over stressed). The shear stress
is exceeding the maximum allowed (c max). The Fig shows the area of steel required at
different sections of the member just as shown in the Fig.

Design of Slabs

To design a slab or a foundation another software SAFE is preferred. The file of

ETABS is exported as .f2k file and this file is imported in SAFE. The export
commands applies for a story, the loading action of all the loads of structure above that
story can be included along with that story. When the file is imported in SAFE, the
loads acting on the slab are accounted for.
To export a story go to File Menu > Export > Save Story as SAFE V8 .f2k Text File.
On clicking on Save Story as SAFE V8 .f2k Text File., a dialogue box opens asking for the
story plan to be exported and the loads to be included. Make sure that the structure is at least
analysed if not designed prior to exporting a story.

//Select load cases, story name and check the option for loads. After clocking on OK, the
program asks to save that file in .f2k format at a certain location. Define the location and
give the name to the file and save it.


Multistory residential group housing garden isles is proposed in Noida. Various clusters of
high rise residential towers surrounded by extended basements are planned by architects. To
meet the parking requirements two basements are proposed. Numbers of floors in the towers
are G+32.
The structure can be built complying with flat slab system or the conventional framed system.
Then finalization of the beam column (framed system) is adopted after following comparison.
The cost comparison between framed structure system and the flat slab system.
The uneconomical aspects and non-feasibility of post tensioning system in this
Column width of minimum 300mm to be considered in conceiving design, although to
minimize column projection in rooms and habitable spaces it tried to have shear walls of
equivalent width of walls. Peripheral beams shall be provided with maximum spacing of 6m
and beam that shall be 550mm for such cases. Placement of columns and shear walls are
made in such a way that it will not affect parking layout and drive-ways (extreme cases are
not avoidable).
Extended basement are primarily provided for parking purpose and to household the services.
The method of construction of non-tower area has been proposed with two options.

Option1- Precast RCC members- this is to be finalized after reviewing and

presentations from the respective vendors
Option 2- Conventional Beam Slab system.-Column spacing in extended
basement is adjusted in such a way that two cars can be parked in
between two columns, thus a clear 5m spacing is provided between

In other direction where driveway is present, column spacing of 7.5m is provided according
to driveway width. With the column spacing as mentioned above most economical structure
can be achieved. For the roof slab of lower basement, conventional beam slab system is
adopted with primary beam of 450 X 600 mm and secondary beam of 350 X 600 mm and
slab thickness of 125mm.
For the roof slab of upper basement, conventional beam slab system is adopted with primary
beam of 450 X 675 mm and secondary beam of 350 X 650 mm and slab thickness of 225mm.
This slab is designed for self-weight, filling load of 600mm, fire tender movement (45 Tonne)
and loading of transit mixer (28 Tonne) over bare slab.

Model Generation
The building is planned as a combination of R.C.C. shear wall/ columns and beams
framed structure. After preliminary sizing of various structural members, a computer
model of the structural frame of Building will be generated for carrying out computer
analysis for the effects of vertical and lateral loads that are likely to be imposed on the
The building structure will be analyzed using ETABS software. ETABS has been thoroughly
tested validated and recognized internationally by several organization and is well suited for
the analysis of building system. Geometrical dimensions, member properties and membernode connectivity, including eccentricities will be modeled in the analysis problem. Variation
in material grades, if present, will also be considered. The permissible values of the load
factors and stresses will be utilized within the purview of the Indian standards. The computer
analysis will evaluate individual internal forces, reactions at foundation level and deflection
pattern of the entire structure and in the individual members. This data will then be used to
verify adequacy of the member sizes adopted and after further iteration arrive at the most
appropriate design of the structural members. Some re-runs of the analysis programs might be
required for arriving at the optimum structural space frame Characteristics that satisfy the
strength and stability criteria in all respects. The whole structure will be idealized as a space
frame. Beams and columns in the structure will be modeled as line members. The shear walls
and cantilever balcony slabs will be modeled as shell elements and floor slab as membrane
elements. The structure is analyzed for all possible loads i.e. gravity loads, wind and
earthquake load acting on it throughout its life span.

Control of Deflection
In order to control deflection of structural elements, the criteria given in clause 23.2 of
IS: 456:2000 is proposed to be used.

Control of Cracking
In order to avoid excessive cracking in the flexural members, maximum diameter and
spacing of the reinforcements is restricted as per the detailing rules indicated in clause
26.0.0 IS: 456:2000

Water Retaining Structure

These shall be designed as per IS: 456 2000 and Indian Code IS: 3370 2009
(limiting the crack width to 0.2mm). The soil retaining walls and bottom slab of
basements shall be designed as ordinary cracked members because a permanent
waterproofing protection on the soil face is contemplated.
Live load surcharge shall be accounted for all designs wherever applicable. For areas where
vehicles are allowed to pass over the tanks correct assessment of live load should be done and
top slab designed accordingly. For areas near the roads where influence of live load is
expected a surcharge equivalent to 0.6m earth-fill shall be taken in design.

Masonary Wall
Project is to be modeled on use of fly ash blocks. Density of these blocks without plaster
is 1620Kg/m3. Therefore, the structural safety of these walls is ensured by treating them
as one way / two way slab panels spanning between adjoining beams and columns.
These walls are designed as unreinforced masonry as per IS: 1905-1987 and IS: 43261993.

Expansion Joint
Expansion joint are provided in such a way that each Tower is separated from adjacent
Tower with some part of extended basement. Expansion joint will travel upto
foundation level, although no expansion joint is provided in foundation, only
compensatory strip shall be provided in foundation to minimize shrinkage stresses. The
gap between adjacent Tower shall be determined as per actual deflection multiplied by
codal recommendation given in Clause 7.11.3 of IS: 1893.

Seismic Analysis & Design

3-D analysis shall be carried out using ETABS software for seismic load evaluation
both static approach as well as dynamic approach using Response Spectrum are used.
For seismic analysis slab at each floor will be treated as rigid diaphragms, so that all
frames sway equally at floor levels under application of lateral load.
Response Spectrum method with masses lumped at joints with 5% damping and seismic
coefficient as applicable under zone IV as per IS: 1893- 2002 shall be adopted. The
combination of result is adopted using CQC (Complete Quadratic Combination). The base
shear calculated as per modal analysis is different as compared to the base shear computed
according to empirical method as per clause 6.4.2 of IS 1893. All response of structural
moments and forces will be adjusted accordingly as per clause 7.8.2 of IS: 1893. For the
combination of forces under seismic load only 25% live load shall be adopted as per clause
7.3.2 of IS 1893-2002.

Loads & Load Combinations

(i) Dead Load: - The dead load on structure includes all the permanent loads
attached with structure i.e. self-weight of structure, slab, floor, finish, walls and
partition load. The loading pattern is trapezoidal and triangular depending upon the
panel size in the floor slab.
The wall loads have been calculated based on wall thickness and same applied on
beam members as UDL. Following are the permanent loads which have been
considered in design & analysis.
Self-Weight of Structure members will be considered on the basis of the
following criteria.


Density of concrete
Density of soil
Density of Steel
Density of plain concrete
Density of finishes
Steel rolled sections

Slab thickness

25 KN/cu.m
18 KN/cu.m
80 KN/cu.m
24 KN/cu.m
20 KN/cu.m
As per the section tables
(Approximate density 78.5 KN/cu.m)
- as per actual.


- 50mm thick

Brick bat (Terrace)

- 200mm thick

Filling load over basement

- 600 mm thick earth load.

Fire tender load has been considered over complete basement slab.
Retaining wall has been designed with earth pressure, fire tender as surcharge
load and water pressure.

(ii) Live Loads: - The live load of have been taken as per IS: 875 (Part-2), acting
on the floor slab. Live load has been considered in the following manner:
- 500kg/m (Vehicular
Typical Floor
- 200 Kg/m2
- 150 Kg/m2
Fire tender 60 tonner
- 45 Ton
Lift Machine Room/Pump Room
- 750 Kg/m2
Reduction in live load has considered as per the clause 3.2 of IS: 875 (Part- II)
(iii) Wind Load: - The wind load has been taken as per IS: 875 (Part-III) and wind
pressure calculated as :
Wind tunnel test shall be required for all the Towers

= 0.6 Vz2 N/sqm

= K1 K2 K3 Vb
= Design wind velocity
= Probability factor or Risk coefficient has been taken

K2 = Terrain, height and structure size factor, category 2 and
class C has been taken.
K3 = Topography factor = 1.0 (Plain topography)
Vb = Basic wind speed = 47m/s
Force acting on different nodes = Cf A.pz

Cf = Shape factor
A = Influence area of n node/joint on which load is applied.
pz = Designed wind pressure.
Gust factor method of IS: 875 code shall be used for assessing the wind loads. In
addition, the structures shall also be checked for the wind loads assessed from
wind tunnel tests. Critical of the two shall be used for the structural design of the
individual structural members.
(iv) Earthquake Load:- Response spectrum method is used as per IS:1893 (Part-1):
2002, with the following data.
Ah = ZI Sa
Ah = Design horizontal seismic coefficient.

= Zone factor = 0.24 (Structure is designed for zone IV).

= Importance factor = 1.0.

T = Time period as per clause 7.6.2


= Response reduction factor has been taken 5 since ductile detailing is

done as per IS: 13920.
(Sa/g) is the normalized Response Spectrum value for the structure which is the
function of the fundamental time period of vibration of the structure and the type
of the founding soil the value is considered as per Geotechnical report.
(v) Load Combination:
For Foundation (for checking actual bearing stresses and foundation load)1.
(DL+ RLL) (For foundation)

(DL + LL)


(DL + WLX)


(DL - WLX)

(DL + WLZ)


(DL - WLZ)


(DL +LL + WLX)


(DL +LL - WLX)




(DL +LL - WLZ)


(DL + EQX)


(DL - EQX)


(DL + EQZ)


(DL - EQZ)









For Superstructure Design1.



1.5* (DL + LL)


1.5* (DL + WLX)


1.5* (DL - WLX)


1.5* (DL + WLZ)


1.5* (DL - WLZ)


1.2* (DL +LL + WLX)


1.2* (DL +LL - WLX)


1.2* (DL +LL+ WLZ)


1.2* (DL +LL - WLZ)


1.5* (DL + EQX)


1.5* (DL - EQX)


1.5* (DL + EQZ)


1.5* (DL - EQZ)


1.2* (DL +RLL + EQX)


1.2* (DL +RLL - EQX)


1.2* (DL +RLL+ EQZ)


1.2* (DL +RLL - EQZ)


0.9* DL + 1.5* EQX


0.9* DL - 1.5* EQX


0.9* DL + 1.5* EQZ


0.9* DL - 1.5* EQZ


1.5 (DL + RLL)

[RLL = 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100% of LL]


DL + EQX + 0.3EQZ *


DL + EQX - 0.3EQZ *


DL - EQX + 0.3EQZ *


DL - EQX - 0.3EQZ *


DL + EQZ + 0.3EQX *


DL + EQZ - 0.3EQX *


DL - EQZ + 0.3EQX *


DL - EQZ - 0.3EQX *


1.5(DL + EQX + 0.3EQZ) *


1.5(DL + EQX - 0.3EQZ) *


1.5(DL - EQX + 0.3EQZ) *


1.5(DL - EQX - 0.3EQZ) *


1.5(DL + EQZ + 0.3EQX) *


1.5(DL + EQZ - 0.3EQX) *


1.5(DL - EQZ + 0.3EQX) *


1.5(DL - EQZ - 0.3EQX) *


1.2(DL + RLL + EQX + 0.3EQZ) *


1.2(DL + RLL + EQX - 0.3EQZ) *


1.2(DL + RLL - EQX + 0.3EQZ) *


1.2(DL + RLL - EQX - 0.3EQZ) *


1.2(DL + RLL + EQZ + 0.3EQX) *


1.2(DL + RLL + EQZ - 0.3EQX) *


1.2(DL + RLL - EQZ + 0.3EQX) *


1.2(DL + RLL - EQZ - 0.3EQX) *


0.9DL + 1.5(EQX + 0.3 EQZ) *


0.9DL + 1.5(EQX - 0.3 EQZ) *


0.9DL - 1.5(EQX + 0.3 EQZ) *


0.9DL - 1.5(EQX - 0.3 EQZ) *


0.9DL + 1.5(EQZ + 0.3 EQX) *


0.9DL + 1.5(EQZ - 0.3 EQX) *


0.9DL - 1.5(EQZ + 0.3 EQX) *


0.9DL - 1.5(EQZ - 0.3 EQX) *


0.9DL+ 1.5WLX


0.9 DL 1.5 WLX


0.9 DL + 1.5 WLZ


0.9 DL 1.5 WLZ

*These load combinations will only be applicable for all

columns and beams.
*Combinations 2-18 for superstructure design will be
used to design foundation also.

Uniformly Distributed load


Dead Load


Live Load


Reduced Live Load


Earthquake Load in X-direction


Earthquake Load in Z-direction


Wind Load in X-direction.


Wind Load in Z-direction

Where X & Z are two principal axes.

Concrete Grade


M-25, grade confirming to IS : 456 : 2000 is used for

raft foundation, isolated foundations and retaining wall.


M-25, grade confirming to IS : 456 : 2000 is used for

beams & slabs.

: - M-25, M-30, M-35, M-40 and M-50 grade confirming to IS: 456: 2000
used for columns & shear walls.

Steel Reinforcement Grade: -

Fe 500 Grade (TMT- bars) confirming to IS:1786.


The safe bearing capacity of strata shall be as per Geo Technical Report provided by Clients.
As per the soil report, the SBC is not sufficient to design the building on raft. We are working
with the pile assisted raft which has already been discussed thoroughly with clients and soil
consultants. First trial will be done on pile assisted raft with pre-cast piles. If at all precast
piles may not be sufficient, then pile assisted raft shall be conceived on deep bored cast insitu piles.
Safe Load Capacity of piles for pocket B-46, B-47, B-49 is 160 MT and for B-48 it is 140
MT. The capacities to be taken for pile assisted raft will be ultimate capacities. None of the
pile will exceed ultimate capacities. Differential settlement will be limited to lowest value.
All piles are placed in such a way that the lower bound efficiency of piles is limited to 80% in
all load combinations. Soil subgrade modulus will be considered as per the safe bearing
capacity of soil provided by soil consultant and allowable settlement as per IS codes.
For analysis of foundations, depth of water table is 4.5m below existing ground level. This
means there is high water pressure. So, complete foundation system will be designed for
vertical load as well as upthrust. The raft under the tower shall have sufficient downward load
to resist upthrust.
In extended basement, isolated footings with stitching slab at bottom of foundation level are
proposed. The foundation system proposed for basement shall be analyzed for upward water
pressure considering whole system of isolated and stitching slab as one assembly just like flat
slab theory.

Clear Cover To Main Reinforcement

Clear cover to the any reinforcement as follows.
1. Slab (roof and floor) canopy, chajja,
Waist slab of staircases
20 mm or dia. of bar whichever is more
2 Beams (roof and floor) and lintels
3. Columns / pedestals (main R/F)
Super structure
(from outer face of links)
(from outer face of links)
4. Foundation slab, base slab and
Footings in contact with soil
50 mm

Detailing of RCC Structure

25 mm




Detailing of RCC structure will conform to IS: 456. As the structure is located in the high
seismic prone area thus for ductility requirement the guidelines of IS: 13920 shall be

Design Standards
All the relevant IS codes & specification shall be followed.
Some main codes are as follows.

IS: 456: -2000, Code of practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete.
IS: 875 (Part-I, II, III), Code of practice for Design loads (other than earthquake).
IS: 1893-2002 (Criteria for E/Q Resistant Design for Structure).
IS: 4326:1993 (E/Q Resistant Design & Construction of Building).
IS: 13920-1993 (Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to
Seismic Forces).
SP: 16 (Design aids to IS: 456).
SP: 34 (Concrete Reinforcement & Detailing).




Dead Load

Walls Load


200mm thick wall (Fly ash blocks are used-density 1620Kg/ m3)
Height of wall (Beam Depth 550 mm)

3.1 - 0.550


0.20 x 16.5


Plaster (12+18mm)

0.030 x 22


0.66 KN/ m2
--------------------3.96 KN/ m2

200mm Wall per Floor (Beam Depth 550)



KN/ m2

3.96 x 2.55

= 10.1 KN/m

Height of wall (Beam Depth 550 mm)

3.1 0.550

Self -load

0.100 x 16.5


Plaster (12+15mm)

0.027 x 22

0.594 KN/ m2

100mm thick wall

KN/ m2



100mm Wall per Floor (Beam Depth 550)

2.244 KN/ m2

2.244 x 2.55


Parapet Load on balcony



Partition Wall load

1 KN/ m2



3 KN/ m2


Floor Finish Load

2.1 Basement
Floor Finish 100mm

.1 x 20

2 KN/ m2


0.006 x 22

0.132 KN/ m2

1 KN/ m2

Load for Fire pipes & Ducting


---------------------= 3.132KN/m2
--------------------- 3.2 KN/m2

2.2 Office/ Toilet /Kitchen/ Balcony/ Lift lobby

Floor Finish 50mm

0.05 x 20

1KN/ m2


0.006 x 22

0.132 KN/ m2

----------------------= 1.132KN/m2


1.2 KN/m2

2.3 Machine Room

Floor Finish 75mm

0.75 x 20

1.5 KN/ m2

4 KN/ m2

2.4 Terrace
Floor Finish 50mm + Brick coba

Sunk Load


Lobby 30mm sunk


Balcony 50 mm Sunk
Sunk 50mm


0.03 x 20

= 6 KN/m2

0.05 x 20

= 1 KN/m2

0.1 x 20

= 2 KN/m2

Toilet/Utility 100 mm Sunk

Sunk 100mm


Kitchen 100 mm Sunk


Sunk 100mm

= 2 KN/m2

For servant room toilet

Sunk 440 mm


0.1 x 20

= 0.44 x 20

= 8.8KN/m2

= 3KN/m2

Soil Filling Load

4.1 Ground Floor Tower Area

Filling 150mm

0.15 x 20

5. Staircase Loading
Loading Per Meter Width of
Waist Slab

0.15 x 25 x 1
Cos (33.40)


4.49 KN/ m2
x 0.184
x 0.25
x 25
+ 0.250)
x 25
x 0.04

Step (Concrete)


2.3 KN/ m2

1.74 KN/ m2
9.0 KN/ m2

So, 200mm Thick Slab Load 5.0 KN/ m2 & 4.0 KN/ m2 Floor Finish Load Shall Applied

Lift Machine Room

10 KN/ m2


Water tank (For 3.0m Height)

30 KN/ m2

Live Load

Kitchen/Toilets (In Residential Area)

2 KN/ m2


Terrace (1.5+0.5 KN/m2 For Solar panel)

2 KN/ m2


Staircase, Lobby/Passages, Balcony (In Residential Area)


Parking (Podium)

5 KN/ m2


Machine Room Terrace

0.75 KN/ m2


M/c room floor

2KN/ m2

3KN/ m2

= 3 KN/ m2

Live Load
100 mm filling

0.1 x 20

2KN/ m2 (Sunk)

Floor Finish

.125 x 20

2.5KN/ m2

All units in

Comparison of Cost Between Framed Structure system & Flat Slab System





Framed Structure System
Quantity Rate
68.4 4200
37.8 4200
75 4500


Total Cost
Typical Floor Area
Total Cost
Total Cost

Flat Slab System
Quantity Rate









Per Sqmt
Per Sqft




SAY = Rs. 40
NOTE :- It is assumed that the cost of foundation will be same in all the two options.
Therefore, the cost of Framed Structure System is found to Rs.40 less per sqmt. than the Flat
Slab System and is adopted.

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