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Refugee Speech by Jeremy Corbyn

Nobody could fail to be moved by this heartbreaking crisis. Millions are desperately
fleeing a terrible civil war, risking their lives and the lives of their children to seek only
the most basic sanctuary.
Millions of Electrosensitives* are fleeing microwave radiation that is threatening their
lives, a microwave that severely disrupts and destabilises their heart rate, blood
pressure, peripheral nerve system, central nerve system, brain functioning, cell oxygen
- leading to conditions such as heart failure, vasovagal attacks, heat-shock, oxidative
stress, tinnitus, Dementia (Digital Dementia), agonising pain (nerve spasms,
excitoxins), Acoustic Shock, Neurotransmitter imbalance, blackouts, cognition
problems, memory failure & agonising vibrational tremor. Many are the acute effects
which have become a chronic pattern to the struggling system. This is so traumatic that
sadly many have taken their own lives rather than continue to experience the daily
onslaught of man-made electromagnetic fields (emfs).
*20-37 million according to Radiation Research Trust
This governments response has been shameful. David Cameron must shoulder his
responsibility and begin urgent talks with our European neighbours and the UN so that
the UK takes its fair share of refugees. He should immediately bring together civil
society and religious leaders, devolved administrations, councils and charities to
properly plan and co-ordinate our humanitarian response.
Our European neighbours France are working on allocating areas without microwaves
White Zones whilst the UK does it's utmost to deny there is a problem at all.
Electrosensitives have become EMF Refugees. They have had to leave their homes and
families to seek shelter in areas without microwaves (without Masts, WIFI, mobile
phones). It's becoming impossible to escape. They have to give up the things people
take for granted such as a proper bed, a table to sit at to eat a meal, an armchair to rest
in. Many have to live in tents and out of the back of vans in order to protect the
stability of their body's internal systems. This is real this is really happening.
200+ Independent Scientists spanning the World have implored the UN to do
something about this humanitarian & environmental crisis
It is our duty as a signatory to the UN refugee convention, but also as human beings, to
offer a place of safety, to play a role internationally, to share our responsibilities, and to
work to end the conflict. We must also make sure that people who have risked their
lives seeking refuge here are treated fairly when they arrive.
EMF Refugees ask only that they be given a place of safety (without microwaves
which disrupt their systems). EMF persons risk their lives e.g. through heart
fibrillation by entering any city, town, community or village even in their own homes
from neighbours' WIFI transmitters that invade their homes and so their bodies.
In 2011 The Council of Europe produced Resolution 1815 to urge all member states to
declare areas of safety for Electrosensitives. The Resolution advocated that each
member state lowered it's microwave signals to ALARA levels (as low as reasonably
achievable). It is time for Governments to take responsibility in this situation.

Currently we are failing on all of these counts. This is far too serious to keep getting
wrong. As a first step, we must urgently pool our expertise and resources to plan a
proper humanitarian response.
Leaders should pay attention to the following appeals
In the longer term we must stop supplying the arms fuelling the conflicts which the
refugees are fleeing and take meaningful action to tackle climate change and the very
serious implications this will have on refugee flows if left unaddressed.
The arms of our war are the microwave beams, just as deadly as bombs. It is the
Silent war. If left unaddressed, it will be the War where we all become casualties.

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