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moving forward suddenly

a small piece
playing in a rough, boisterous way
rough and disorderly
thrown, cast, or hurled
spotted; freckled; dotted
thorny shrubs and small trees; fires burn regularly; mild to hot
a medical dressing consisting of a soft heated mass of meal or
clay that is spread on a cloth and applied to the skin to treat
inflamed areas or improve circulation etc.
Screaming or crying loudly

Rough, disorderly, sometimes quarrelsome
Playing in a rough, boisterous way; rushing and tumbling
Hung so as to swing loosely; hung in a sling; threw

Moving suddenly forward or thrusting
A lump or small piece or a knob
Marked with many small dots; spotted

The bird's eggs were ____. (spotted)

Tamara ___ her suitcase on the closet floor. (slung)
The puppies were ____ in the backyard.
romping/playing roughly
The sixth-grade students had become ____. (rowdy)
The tall man was ____ through the crowd.
lunging/thrusting himself
The eraser on my pencil was only a ____.
nub/small piece
Why did Mama most likely want Little Arliss to kill snakes?
He brought home a baby copperhead snake once
According to Travis, what changed about Arliss after Old Yeller
joined the family?
Arliss started catching different kinds of animals
What does Little Arliss's version of the blue catfish story
he sometimes told lies

In the story, one night at supper Arliss told the biggest WINDY
that Travis had ever heard. What does windy mean?
a tall tale
This quotation from the story best creates suspense for the
"...sent a chill clear through to the marrow of my bones."
What does the reader learn about Old Yeller when the fight
with the bear ended?
he needed to distract the bear away.
How does the setting most influence the plot of the story?
Arliss tries to catch a bear
What did Travis, when young, have in common with Arliss?
telling fibs
What is a fib?
This is an example of foreshadowing:
Arliss tried to catch and keep all living things
What was probably the author's main reason for writing this
to entertain
This happened first:
Travis told whopper
What was the real reason Travis hushed when mama told him
that Arliss had not yet told any lie as big a Travis ever told?
he knew he could no longer act like he was faultless
name one way that the time and place in which Travis lived
affected him.
Instead of buying materials at a store to repair a fence, he had to
create his own by splitting logs
What is one lesson the author would like readers to learn from
this story?
people become heroic when someone they love is in danger

Rough, disorderly, sometimes quarrelsome

Playing in a rough, boisterous way; rushing and


Hung so as to swing loosely; hung in a sling;

Moving suddenly forward or thrusting

A lump or small piece or a knob

Marked with many small dots; spotted

Why did the mother want Arliss to kill snakes?

One day, Arliss brought home a poisonous copperhead snake,
which could of seriously hurt him.
How did Arliss change when Old Yeller came into the family?
Arliss and Old Yeller started catching bigger things and making
bigger game.
What is the setting most influenced by?
Arliss catches a bear cub.
First sequence
Travis told whoppers

Second sequence
Travis correcting the Catfish story
Third sequence
Travis chopping railposts
Fourth Sequence
Travis hears Arliss scream
What did Arliss do in the story that most people don't do now?
Travis chops wood for rail posts, when people today purchase
What is the lesson learned in the story?
people become more heroic when someone you love is in danger.

At the end of the story, what does Travis realize about Arliss?
At the end of the story Travis realize that even though Arliss throws rocks at him he
should love him(pg.186)
How are little Arliss and the bear cub alike?
Little Arliss is like the cub because he was scared to let go and the cub was too scared to
bite Arliss.(pg.180)
How does the mother bear feel when she hears her cub whining?
Mother bear was mad when she heard the baby cub whimper.(pg.180)
Sweat pours off Travis and his muscles ache so badly you can barely lift the ax. why?
He started to sweat because he was tired because he was swinging the ax.(pg.178)
Travis is too tired to split more fence rails, but he races through the woods to help little
Arliss how is he able to do this?
He was able to run through the woods because he heard our list screaming, he heard
whimpering, and he heard the coughing roar of the charging Bear(pg.179)
What can the reader tell about mama during the bear incident?
The reader can tell that mother was scared and brave during the bear incident(pg.181)
What does the description of little Arliss as "A screamer by nature"tell the reader?
When the book says little Arlis is a"screamer by nature"it tells the reader that Arla
screams all the time.(pg.179)

What emotions just Travis feel after he throws little Arliss to mama?
Travis felt scared, so he took the ax and threw it at the bear.(pg.183)
When Travis says, "my heart went pushing up into my throat, nearly choking off my
wind."The reader can tell that Travis is what?
The reader can tell that Travis was nervous and scared and his legs hurt because he was
Why does the stray dog get the name old yeller?
The dog is old and yellow
Why does Travis decide to take good care of old yeller?
Travis sat aside to take care of old yeller because he saved Arlis.

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