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Vocabulary for Raymonds Run

ChopinFrederic Chopin, a Polish composer of piano music

GlockenspielA musical instrument with metal bars hit with small hammers
MercuryRoman god noted for his speed
OrgandyA thin, crisp, cotton fabric
Playing the dozensMaking fun of someone else, who then gets a turn to make
fun of you
Prodig yA highly talented child or youth
QuicksilverLiquid metal mercury; fastmoving
VentriloquistSomeone who can throw their voice so it seems to come from
somewhere else

Questions and Answers

In Raymonds Run, Squeaky got her nickname
. because she has a squeaky voice. Why is she also called
A. Because shes the swiftest thing in the neighborhood
B. Because shes a little girl with skinny arms
C. Because she lives on Mercury Street
2 How does Squeaky feel about the fact that she has to take care
. of Raymond in Raymonds Run?
A. She doesnt mind because he really takes care of himself.
B He sometimes gets in her way when she is trying to practice
. running.
C. She wishes he would pay attention sometimes.

Which of the following best describes how to identify
. a major character in a story?
A. A major character is the narrator of a story.

B. A major character teaches a minor character lessons.

C.A major character changes in a significant way as the
story unfolds.
4 In Raymonds Run, when Squeaky says that Raymond is not
. quite right, she probably means that he cant take care of
5 In Raymonds Run, when Squeaky sees Gretchen and her
. friends walking down the street, she is concerned that they will
Make fun of Raymond

Make fun of her

Challenge her to a race
Challenge her to a fight

6 In Raymonds Run, when Mary Louise asks Raymond what

. grade he is in, her tone is


7.Which of the following best defines Gretchens role in

Raymonds Run?
A. A minor character with whom Squeaky competes.
B. A minor character who fights with Squeaky.
An idiom is
Which item best expresses the meaning of the
. idiom in italics? Rosie has a big mouth where Raymond is
A. Rosie talks loudly and rudely about Raymond.


Rosie is proud of Raymond.

C. Rosie does not admit that she dislikes Raymond.

In Raymonds Run, why is Squeaky in doubt
. about the outcome of the May Day race?
The finish is so close.
B. She is thinking about Raymond.
C. She is thinking about the spelling bee.
11 In Raymonds Run, which of the following best summarizes
. Squeakys realization that coaching Raymond is more
important than who won the race?
A. Raymond is a burden from which she will never be free.
B. Generosity is more important than pride.
Which of the following is a preposition in this
. sentence? Im the swiftest thing in the neighborhood.


Squeaky got her nickname because she has a squeaky

voice. Why is she also called Mercury? She is the fastest
thing in the neighborhood.

How does Squeaky feel about the fact that she has to
take care of Raymond? She is very protective of him.

Why does Squeaky keep Raymond near the sides of the

city building? He sometimes runs into the street.

When Squeaky sees Gretchen and her friends, she is

concerned that they will challenge her to a fight.

In "Raymond's Run" why does Squeaky dislike Mary

Louise? She is ungrateful

When Squeaky says that Raymond is "not quite right,"

she means that he is mentally challenged.

When Mary Louise asks Raymond what grade he is in,

her tone is mocking

Which of the following best defines Gretchen's role in

"Raymond's Run"? Someone who competes with Squeaky

What does Squeaky know about the new girl Gretchen?

She is a good runner

What can you tell about Squeaky's personality from this

passage? "You'd think she'd be glad her daughter ain't
out there prancing around the May Pole getting the new
clothes all dirty and sweaty trying to act like a fairy or a
flower..." She thinks the May Pole is a silly waste of time

Which of the following is NOT a part of the rising action

in "Raymond's Run"? Squeaky decides to coach Raymond as
her champion.

Squeaky and Gretchen are talented runners who each

want to win the May Day race. What part of the plot
does this statement describe. The Conflict

Which statement is a reasonable prediction of

Squeaky's response to Mr. Pearson's hints that Squeaky
should let Gretchen win the race? She will reject the hint
with scorn.

The resolution of "Raymond's Run" occurs when Squeaky

decides to become Raymond's track coach.

After the race, Squeaky and Gretchen smile at each

other with respect. What prediction can you make about
their future? There is a good chance they will become friendly

Who is the protagonist? Whats her full name?

Pick three adjectives that describe Squeaky. Explainusing the exact text
why those
adjectives are true:
Adjective #1 Text that supports this:
Adjective #2 Text that supports this:
Adjective #3 Text that supports this:
Who is Raymond? Describe him.
What do you think is wrong with Raymond? Support your answer with exact
descriptions taken from the story.

Describe Squeakys attitude toward phoniness (giving false impression) ,

toward girlishness.
Why do you think Squeaky is so focused on competing, on winning?
Why does Squeaky dislike people who can do certain things better than she?
Describe Squeakys attitude toward others, toward life, before the race.
Describe Squeakys attitude after the race.
What do you think caused that change? How does she see life differently?
How is she a dynamic character?
Explain the storys last sentence.

Name _________________________ Date ______________ Period _____

Questions for Raymonds Run p. 547-555
Answers are to be written in complete sentences in blue or black ink
or dark pencil.
Assignments turned in late will not be accepted! worth 20 points
I. Questions 1- 9 can be answered as you read the story
1. What causes conflict between Squeaky and some of the other kids?
2. What is the basis of Squeakys conflict with Gretchen?
3. Why does Squeaky keep her brother close to the buildings? What does this
suggest about her feelings for Raymond?
4. Do you agree with Squeakys conclusion that people are stupid
Why or why not explain.
5. What do you think of Squeakys ideas for settling her conflict with
Gretchen and
6. Why does Squeaky want to win the race so badly?
7. Why does Raymond run alongside his sister?
8. How can the girls smile at each other with genuine respect when only one
of them
wins the race?
II. Answer the following questions after you finish the story
9.Complete one of the following statements:
*If I were Squeaky, I would/would not have
*I was surprised when
*I didnt understand
10. What do you think is the most important conflict in the story? Why? Try
answering in the following format: The conflict between _____ and ____ about
____ is important because _________.
11. A main theme of this story is Lean on Me. Who leans on whom in this
(More than one answer is possible, so support your response with examples

the story).
12. Explain why you would or wouldnt want to be friends with Squeaky. Did
opinion of her change throughout the story? Why or Why not?
13. Is it ever necessary to fight or use threats to defend someone? Explain
14. Is Raymonds Run an effective title for this story? - if you had to rename
story, what would you choose as a new title and why?
15. Practice with metaphors and similes (see p. 557 for more information).
Underline and Identify the following as similes or metaphors
1.Squeaky prances down the street like a rodeo pony to keep her knees
2. Squeaky gets angry when people ask Raymond where he got that great
big pumpkin
3. She thinks it is chicken to hide from the girls in the candy store.
4. She says that Mr. Pearson looks around the park like a periscope in a
Write your own analogy complete Practice 2 on p. 557 write your analogy
Critical Thinking
Answer the following questions using complete sentences.
1. Respond: What aspects of Squeakys personality would make you
wantor not wantto be
her friend?
2. (a) Describe the relationship between Raymond and Squeaky. (b)
Analyze: How does Squeaky
feel about taking care of Raymond?
3. (a) What does Raymond do during the race? (b) Connect: How do
Raymonds actions change
Squeakys view of him? (c) Deduce: After seeing Raymond, why does
Squeaky lose interest in
the official outcome of the race?
4. Analyze: Record the last sentence of the story. Then, explain what
Squeakys statement
means. Finally, explain how Squeakys actions illustrate the idea she
5. Is truth the same for everyone?
(a) How does Squeakys view of her brother differ from the way
other people see him? (b) How
does Squeakys view of Raymond change during the story?

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