2nd Midterm Exam - 08dec09

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Instructor: MUHAMMAD AZAM Time Allowed: 100 MINS
Total Marks: 75 MARKS
Instructions for Students:
 Write your Registration No, other relevant information on the front page of the answer booklet
& sign it in the appropriate space.
 Any discrepancy (torn pages, lose sheets etc.) should be pointed out to the invigilating staff.
 Mobile phones are not allowed to be used in the examination hall for any purpose.
 Sharing / borrowing of stationary items and calculator are strictly prohibited.
 Students should display their University Identity Card during the whole examination time.
Note: Please make necessary assumptions if required. Use formula sheet provided with this question paper.
Question 01:
a) If marks of students in Probability and Statistics class follow a Gaussian distribution with mean 67
and standard deviation 8, then using the figure below
i. Calculate the range of marks for each grade.
ii. For a randomly picked student, calculate the probability of getting each grade. (probability
for each grade A, B+, B, C, D and F should be calculated).

b) A random variable X has CDF

0 x  2

0.3 2 x0
FX ( x)  
0.5 0 x3

1 x3

i. Sketch a carefully labeled graph of this CDF.

ii. Calculate the PX (x) , the PMF of X
iii. Find the expected value and standard deviation of X
c) The probability that a randomly chosen 60 years cancer patient will live an additional year is 0.7.
Calculate the probability that he/she will
i. Live for no more than 4 years.
ii. Live for at least 3 more years
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Question 02:
a) A hepatitis C diagnostic test is 90% accurate both on those who this disease and on those who do
not. If 3,000 people from a population of 100,000 do have hepatitis C, compute the probability that a
particular individual has hepatitis C, given that the test indicates he or she has hepatitis C.

b) The probability density function of a random variable X is

2ce 2 x x0
f X ( x)  
0 otherwise
Find the following
i. Value of the constant c
ii. the CDF, FX (x) , of X
iii. P [0  X  2]
iv. Expected value and standard deviation of X

c) Assume that, on average, 8 students per minute enter through the IQRA main gate in the morning.
What is the probability that
i. The gate keeper will miss no student if he takes a 5-minute prayer break.
ii. There are no more than 15 students entered through the gate in an interval of 4 minutes.

Question 03:
a) In playing poker, five cards are dealt to a player. What is the probability of being dealt
i. Four-of-a-kind?
ii. A full house (three-of-a-kind and a pair)?
b) If three balls are drawn at random from a bag containing 6 red balls, 4 white balls, and 8 blue balls,
what is the probability that all three are red? Use permutations or combinations.
c) A hockey club has 7 forwards, 5 defensemen, and 3 goalies. Each can play only in his designated
subgroup. A coach chooses a team of 3 forwards, 2 defensemen and 1 goalie. How many different
hockey teams can the coach assemble if
i. Position within the subgroup is not considered?
ii. Position within the subgroup is considered?

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