ECE 206 Course Specifications

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Electronics and Communications Dept.

ECE 206

ECE 206 Course Specifications

University: Suez Canal

Faculty: Engineering - Port Said

Course Specifications
B.Sc in Electrical Engineering (Specialization:
Electronics and Communications Engineering).

Programme(s) on which the course is given

Major or Minor element of programmes

: Major.
: Electrical Engineering.

Department offering the programme

Academic year / Level

: Electrical Engineering.
: 2nd Year

Date of specification approval

Department offering the course

A- Basic Information
Title: Electronic Circuits (1).
Credit Hours: N. A.
Practical / Tutorial : 2 Hours

Code : ECE 206

Lecture : 4 Hours
: 6 Hours

B- Professional Information
1 Overall Aims of Course:

The main Objectives of this course are to equip the students with:
1. Background and basic knowledge in the fields of discrete electronic circuits for
communication and electronic engineering.
2. Skills in the definition, analysis, design, and solving of problems related to the discrete
electronic circuits and subsystems.
3. Hands-on experience and design practice by performing discrete electronic circuits related
practical experiments and projects.
4. Skills in the analysis and design of practical discrete electronic circuits using circuit's
5. A good understanding of the link between device parameters and discrete electronic circuits
7. A CAD tool such as Workbench for the simulation and analysis of discrete electronic circuits.

2 Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs):

a-Knowledge and Understanding:

By the end of this course the students should be able to:

a1- Identify the basic symbols of semiconductor devices in electronic circuits and subsystem.
a2- Identify electronic circuits and subsystem based on their structure and functions.
a3- Describe a given semiconductor device as a circuit element.
a4- Identify the region of operation for a given semiconductor device in an electronic circuit.
a5- Be familiar with the theorems and methods to analyze and design electronic circuits contain
active devices.
a6- Classify the diode applications based on their structure and function.
a7- Discuss the BJT and FET amplifier circuits biasing techniques.
a8- Classify the BJT and FET amplifier circuit's configurations.
a9- Apply BJT hybrid-pi models to analyze circuits with electronic devices.
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Electronics and Communications Dept.

ECE 206

a10- Apply field effect transistor models in the analysis of electronic circuits including JFET
biasing and small signal amplifiers.
A11- Describe the ideal operational amplifier and its basic applications.
a12- Explain the concepts and types of the feedback amplifiers.
a13- Discuss the oscillators types and operations.

b- Intellectual Skills

On completion of the programme the successful student will be able to:

b1- Differentiate between active and passive electronic elements in electronic circuits.
b2- Deals with the semiconductor devices as circuit elements.
b3- Select the most appropriate model of a semiconductor device to analysis an electronic
b4- Develop analytical models for electronic circuits.
b5- Demonstrate creative thinking in electronic circuit analysis and design for engineering
systems applications.
b6- Analyze and design electronic circuits problems and search for optimized solutions.
b7- Analyze and design discrete multistage amplifiers.
b7- Exhibit the ability to learn more about electronic circuits.

c- Professional and Practical Skills:

By the end of this course the students should be able to:

c1- Identify the problem.
c2- Apply a variety of device models and circuit analysis theorems to analysis, design and
implementing discrete electronic circuits for engineering systems applications.
c3- Demonstrate problem solving ability in the completion of their homework assignments and
c4- Perform electrical measurements with meters and oscilloscopes for discrete electronic
c5- Categorize the experimental components to be built, construct them on breadboard, and
perform the experiment.
c6 - Write a technical report containing the design principles and the practical observations for a
given practical experiment.
c7- Demonstrate creative skills of testing the implemented discrete electronic circuits.
c8- Use the Workbench software to analyze discrete electronic circuits.
c9- Read a typical data sheet of a given device and interpreting any relevant data.
c10- Practice practical discrete electronic circuits design, construction, testing, and evaluation in
the laboratory.

d- General and Transferable Skills

On completing the programme students can be expected to have the ability to:
d1- Retrieve information from a variety of sources such as libraries, printed or electronic
d2- Demonstrate significantly enhanced group working abilities to implement a certain project.
d3- Demonstrate creative thinking skills through using a comprehensive structure problem
solving approach, such as:
State the problem as clearly as possible.
Develop an approach from a group of possible alternatives.
Perform an analysis to find a solution to the problem.
Evaluate the solution.
d4- Demonstrate computing skills through solve of problems
d5- Manage time and work to deadlines.
d6- Write an organized report through prepare short essays in certain topics of the course.
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Electronics and Communications Dept.

ECE 206

d7- Use the computer aided analysis and design software to analysis and design an electronic
d8- Market/product survey through the WEB for specific circuit functionality.

5- Ideal operational amplifiers and their basic applications:

OP-AMP Basics Practical OP-AMP Circuits- OP-AMP
applications: Constant gain multiplier; Multiple stage gains;
Voltage summing; Voltage subtraction; Voltage Buffer;
Controlled Sources.
6- Feedback amplifiers: analysis, design, stability:
Feedback concepts Feedback connection types Practical
feedback circuits Feedback amplifiers.
7- Oscillators:
Oscillator Operation Phase shift oscillator Tuned
oscillator circuits Crystal oscillator.

4 Teaching and Learning Methods:

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1- Diode circuit analysis and design:

Introduction: context of electronic circuits - Diode as a circuit
element - Meter check of a diode - Analysis of large-signal
diode circuits - Analysis of small-signal diode circuits Load
line analysis of diode circuits Diode applications: Half-wave
rectifier, Full wave rectifier, Rectifiers comparison and design
trade off, Zener diode regulation circuits, Design DC voltage
source with three terminals IC voltage regulators, Wave
shaping circuits: The clamping circuit; Clipping or Limiter
circuits - Piecewise linear voltage transfer characteristics
(VTC) of a diode circuit Dynamic switching behaviors of
the diode.
2- Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) Circuits Analysis and
Review of bipolar transistor modeling and characteristics BJT amplifier circuits biasing techniques Small signal
analysis of BJT amplifier circuits: Common emitter amplifier,
Common collector amplifier, Common base amplifier, Multistage amplifiers.
3- Field Effect Transistor (FET) Circuits Analysis and Design:
Review of FET transistor modeling and characteristics - FET
amplifier circuits biasing techniques Small signal analysis
of FET amplifier circuit's configurations.
4- Compound circuits (BJT + FET) analysis and Design:
DC analysis and Small signal analysis of Compound
transistor configurations: Darlington and cascode amplifier


Lecture Topic


3- Contents:











Electronics and Communications Dept.

ECE 206

4.1- Lectures using Video Projector.

4.2- Interactive Class activities and Discussions.
4.3- Class Assignments.
4.4- Practical /Training Labs.
4.5- Project and Report Writing.

5- Student Assessment Methods:

5.1 Attendance level

5.2 In-Class Activities

5.3 Mid-Term Test

5.4 Homework / Lab Reports.

5.5 Mini-Projects

5.6 Lab Test and Oral Exam

5.7 Final Exam

Assessment Schedule:
Assessment 1
Assessment 2
Assessment 3
Assessment 4
Assessment 5
Assessment 6
Assessment 7

to assess discipline, dedication to the class.

to assess creativity, interactive class discussions and
activities and communication skills.
to assess students knowledge, understanding, analysis,
creativity, problem solving, and problem identification.
to assess ability to gather information, perform
computation, problem solving and do technical writing.
to assess ability to work in group, communication skills,
apply analytical and creative thinking and ability to
construct circuits on breadboards and perform electrical
measurements and test them with meters and oscilloscopes,
and the ability to handle real circuit simulators.
to assess the ability to construct circuits on breadboards and
perform electrical measurements and test them with meters
and oscilloscopes, In other words to assess the practical
ability of the student and professional skills . The Oral
Exam to assess students knowledge, understanding
through communication skills
to assess students knowledge, understanding, analysis,
creativity, problem solving, and problem identification.

In-Class Assignments
Mid-Term Test
Homework / Lab Reports
Lab Test and Oral Exam
Final Exam

Week : All weeks

Week : All weeks
Week : 8
Week :2,4,6,8,10,12,14
Week :14
Week : 14
Date: will be announced later

Weighting of Assessments:

In-Class Assignments and Activities
Mid-Term Test
Homework / Lab Reports
Lab Testand Oral Exam
Final Exam

Assessment 1
Assessment 2
Assessment 3
Assessment 4
Assessment 5
Assessment 6
Assessment 7



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Electronics and Communications Dept.

ECE 206

6- List of References:

6.1- Course and Lab Notes:

Delivered during lectures and Lab.
6.2- Essential Books (Text Books):
R. L. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky, "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory", John Wiley
and Sons, 7th Edition, 1999.
R. C. Jaeger and T. N. Blalock, " Microelectronic Circuit Design", McGraw-Hill
International Edittions, 2003.
6.3- Recommended Books:
J. Millman and A. Grabel, "Microelectronic", McGraw-Hill International Editions, 2nd
Edition, 1987.
6.4- Periodicals, Web Sites, etc: , MIT OpenCourseWare.

7- Facilities Required for Teaching and Learning:

Blackboard Class Room Equipped with Computer and Video Projector Basic Electricity and
Electronics Lab Computer Lab with Preinstalled Workbench Software (last version) - Library.

Weighting of Assessments:
Assessment 1
Assessment 2
Assessment 3
Assessment 4
Assessment 5
Assessment 6
Assessment 7

In-Class Assignments and Activities
Mid-Term Test
Homework / Lab Reports
Lab Test and oral Exam
Final Exam



Course Coordinators:

Dr. Ahmed Ahmed Shaaban Dessouki

Electrical Engineering Dept. Faculty of Engineering-Port Said.

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