Time, Precognition and Dowsing The Lottery. - Best of Kuszter's Collection

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Welcome to Dowsing the Lottery

"tap into your intuitive ability and start picking winning

lottery numbers"

This method is esoteric in nature and relies on

retrieving winning lottery numbers via psi

Exponentially increase your odds and gain an edge over

conventional methods

This is an experiment in Psi related functing. This

technique is now being released to the public in an
attempt to raise awareness in psi functiong and to
better the technique.

Do you have what it takes to



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Welcome to Dowsing the Lottery. First off, let me start out by saying that dowsing the lottery is real! With
this method, you may effectively cut the numbers of any given lottery system by at least fifty percent. You
can potentially increase your odds exponentially and gain an edge over conventional methods. With time
and practice, your intuitive abilities will increase and your ability to successfully pick winning lottery numbers
will become more apparent. As a result, you could potentially win a lot of money with this method.
This method is esoteric in nature and relies on retrieving information via psi functioning. Psi functioning is a
real talent, like any other talent. While it is apparent that some of us are born with a higher degree of
natural ability, such as it is with any other talent, it is important to emphasize that we all have some ability to
some degree. It is important to understand that time, practice, and dedication is necessary to achieve
positive results. And just as it is with any other talent, some will have greater success in shorter periods of
time than others. The best way to achieve positive results and make effective use of your time is to follow
the guidelines outlined in this procedure and take every aspect seriously.

Every year, countless Americans contribute billions of dollars to their respective state
lottery. Are you guilty of buying quick picks and hoping the odds will play out in your
favor? Better yet, are you one of the millions who could care less about the odds and
rely solely on blind faith or luck?
What if I told you there was a way to gain an edge over the lottery, a simple and
effective method that will reduce the numbers in the lottery pool by a process of
elimination? This process taps into a subtle energy that interfaces with higher
nonphysical dimensions; this energy is everywhere and waiting to be utilized.

What if there was a way to access the deeper levels of our conscience and have it
intentionally focus on an event in another dimension or perhaps a parallel universe? Say
this particular dimension or parallel universe had a timeline concurrent with a future
event, such as the Super Lotto.
In theory, the nonphysical aspect of our being already spans space and time. Seeking
out and locating a dimension whose SuperLOTTO drawing is concurrent with the
dowsing session is almost instantaneous. With a little help from a dowsing pendulum
and some meditation work, one can access have access to this information and make
use of it.


Remote viewing is a statistically reliable phenomenon that deals in psi function and has
been rigorously tested by respected scientists and validated by respected statisticians for
over thirty years. In some respects, the remote viewing phenomenon is similar to what
we are attempting to do with the lottery dowsing process.

Dowsing is an ancient technique used to obtain information via metaphysical means.

The nonphysical component of our being relays information to the physical bodys
central nervous system through an autonomous function called the ideomotor response.
This ideomotor response is accountable for moving the dowsing instrument.
When using a dowsing pendulum, the central nervous system conveys messages from
the subconscious to tiny muscle movements in the hands (ideomotor response)
effectively bypassing conscious interference to some degree. With practice and good
meditation, quiting the mind long enough to retrieve lottery information can be achieved.

Grounding is a technique used to pull one back to earth, so to speak. It helps cope
with stress and relieve anxiety. It puts one in a positive frame of mind, thereby changing
that mental frequency to something more positive. Think of grounding as both a shield
and an anchor. Youll feel more stable and youll be more protected. This chapter
discusses grounding and offers a tutorial on how to ground yourself.

Meditation is a powerful tool used to calm the mind and awaken psychic ability.
Meditation is a doorway to a whole new world of experiences. Newcomers feel calmness
and tranquility after a good meditation, while experienced practitioners often feel
transported to new worlds, reaching a deeper level of consciousness. This chapter
discusses meditation in more detail and offers a tutorial on how to meditate.

Closing the session is perhaps one of the most important steps in completing the
dowsing process and refers to comparing your results with the results of the lottery. I
suggest you start a logbook so you can document your findings during the closing
When you compare your results with the actual winning numbers, you do two things:
1. You learn to grade yourself as a dowser by reflecting on the previous sessions; you
look for hints and clues that lead or mislead you.
2. You close off the mental connection to the session, which can influence your dowsing
process, regardless of time.

Dowsing the lottery is both an art and a science; that is, it is not as simple as dowsing
the numbers and walking down to the grocery store and buying a million-dollar ticket.
What you might find is that sometimes youll hit one or two numbers dead on, followed
by one or two numbers in very close proximity. And then, of course, there is the
occasional number or two that lands out in left field somewhere. This chapter will offer
suggestions that work for the author and could potentially work for you..

This chapter includes a list of steps for you to follow. Hopefully, once you have practiced
meditation and grasped the dowsing concept, you can begin working the lottery
numbers without the aid of this guide.

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