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06379782 —Approved for RoE SASIEKB coes79782, SEGRETANOFORN \ Central Intelligence Agency Office of Inspector General Investigations Staff | REPORT OF INVESTIGATION (U) Potential Ethics Violations Involving Film Producers Co (b)(3) CIAAct | 16 September 2013 ‘This report is the property of the Office of Inspector General and is for OFFICIAL USE ONLY. ‘Appropriate safeguards should be provided for the report and access should be limited to CLA officials who have a need-to-know. Any copies of the report should be uniquely numbered and should be appropriately controlled and maintained. Public disclosure is determined by the Freedom of Information Act, Title 5, U.S.C. 552, and the Privacy Act, Title 5, U.S.C. 552a. The report may not be disclosed outside the CIA without prior written approval ofthe Office of Inspector General, including distribution to contractors. | (B)(3) NatSecact Approved for ReldNGLABSIO8R1 C06379782 Cee Approved for ReNGLASSIEURR coosroren SECRIGENOFORN- | (€} Section I - Subjects (b)(1) | (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b)7 Ne) Approved for RelskNGLASSIG8HD C06379782 €06379782 Approved for ReBNGLARSI5dhd cossre7az__ an (b)(3) ClAAct | (0X6) (b)(7)(c) (W) Section Il - Predication 5. 4€) In response to a letter from the Honorable Peter T. King, Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, dated 9 August 2011, to the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense (DoD) Inspeciors Generals in which he expressed concers that filmmakers working on the Usama Bin Laden (UBL) movie Zero Dark Thirty about the killing of UBL gained tunnrecerented access to CIA and special operations personnel, then Acting Inspector Gene()(3) CIAACt referred the matter to the CIA Office of Inspector General (OIG) Audit Siafl. The objectives ofthe Audit Staff audit were to determine if the CIA's processes for engaging with the entertainment industry were designed to adequately protest Classified and sensitive information, support consistency and faimess in handling access requests, and determine if the processes were effective in achieving the goals established by the Office of Public Affairs (OPA) for activities in the entertainment industry, and ifthe processes ‘were in compliance with applicable laws and Agency regulators. 6. {€}-On 8 June 2012, the CIA Investigations Staff (OIG/INV) received a referral from the OIG Audit Staff concerning information they obtained from an interview with! > — _ | The Audit Staff interviewed|_ Jon 16 (b)(1) May 2012 as part of an audit of the CIA engagement with the entertainment industry." b)(3) CLAAct| During the interview, said that filmmakers Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal feel Neen had paid for her meals when they met off CLA campus while working on the UBL. film (oye) project in 2011.7 | [also told the Audit Staff that Bigelow gave her a pair of (by(7\(e) black Tahitian pearl earrings. Based on tis information, the OIG initiated an investigation to determine if Agency officers involved with the UBL film project ‘committed any statutory or regulatory violations by accepting meals and gifts filmmakers while participating in the UBL film project.’ Disclosures of classified Sta) rere coport)(9) CIAACH soca a6 guty 2012. ? (G) After the 1 May 2011 UBL raid operation filmmakers Bigelow and Boal sno haa pegun scripting fer the movie “tore Bora” switehed goure (avoppe. the Tora Bora project) and began working on the script for the movie Zoro Bark ice. : — (b)(3) CIAAct I y 5 Approved for ReiNGLABSIBARD 606379782 ©06379782 Approved for ReMANG-ARSIEARR coss797e2, SEEREFANOPORN: information related to the Agency's involvement with the UBL film project is being addressed in a separate ongoing investigation conceming the alleged disclosure of | classified information by then D/CIA Leon Panetta at the 24 June 2011 UBL award | ‘ceremony(b)(3) CIAACt | (U) Section IIT — Potential Statutory or Regulatory Violations 7. (U) Federal criminal law, Title 18 U.S.C. § 201 (b), Bribery of Public Officials and Witnesses. (b)(3) CIAAct 9. (U) Title 5 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 2635 Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch, (U) Section IV - Background 10. ¢€ Based on a review of documentation and interviews, the OIG determined the CIA's cooperation with filmmakers Mark Boal and Kathryn Bigelow began in 2010 ‘when D/CIA Panetta and Bigelow met at an event where Bigelow discussed her film project “Tora Bora,” a film project involving the CIA's failure to capture UBL, and DICIA Panetta offered the Agency's assistance. In the spring of 2011, before the 1 May 2011 UBL raid, Micheal Feldman, the film's public relations representative, contacted the D/CIA's then Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash to renew the request for assistance for “Tora Bora.” After the 1! May 2011 UBL raid, Boal sent a leter to then Director, Office of Public Affairs (D/OPA) George Little, requesting a phone call to discuss the film project. Boal sought the Ageney’s support to stop work on the Tora Bora project in light of the 1 May 2011 UBL raid and tewrite the Tora Bora script for the Zero Dark Thirty movie. On 20 May 2011, Feldman, Boal, D/OPA Little and Chief of Staff Bash met to Giiscae tie Sie eas (b)(3) ClAAct _ > 4 (oy) I "meetings with Boal, Bash, the DDICIA, and 10 NCS officers identified as involved in the (b)(7)(¢) Ihunt for UBL.* (U) Section V — Investigative Findings 11. 46} The OIG investigation determined that 1) ‘had meetings off CIA campus with filmmakers Mark (b)(3) CIAAct| Boal and Kathryn Bigelow in Washington, D.C.,.Los Angeles,| b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(7)e) | | ‘(U/7#868) The 10 officers were assigned to NCS or OPA as of dune 2011| | (b)(3) ClAAct 4 (oye) I SEERETANOFORN- | Approved for RelddG1 AASIBWHI COS379782 €06379782 Approved for RoBNGLAASIEMR cossrovez (b)(3) CIAAct SBERETANOPORN (b\(6) fee) ClAAct 'b)(7) . . ae (ore) |____iwas present at the Washington, D.C. area meetings. I = atlended one off campus meeting ‘with! the filmmakers, and! Of the officers that met with the filmmakers off eampus, Accepted gifts and/or meals during o after the meetings as identified below. “© ‘accepted one pair of black Tahitian pearl earrings estimated between CIAAct ‘$60 and $70, and four to six meals between June and August 2011 at various locations in NatSecAct Washington, D.C., and in Los Angeles, CA, each averaging between $70 and $100, c) * @| accepted one bottle of tequila estimated at $169.99 and three meals between June and July 2011, two in Washington, D.C., and one in California estimated at (b)(3) CIAAct $50 to $70; $50, and $30, respectively. (b)(6) (b)(7)(¢) b)(1 b)(3) b)(3) bye b)(7) * (UPL) accepted approximately four meals between June and July 2011 at (b)(1) various locations in Washington, D.C., estimated at $500, (0)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) CIAAct - 7 (b)(7)(e) — * (U/FEeRe), ‘brought along| ito the off camy ‘b)(6) (P12) NatSecAct * ecting he tended with Sina Od (b)(1) | (b)(7)(0) - ______|He said that[ paid for his meal. 12. (€} The below subsections are organized by investigative subject. Each subsection focuses on allegations against a particular subject and OIG/INV's relate investigation of those allegations. OIG/INV interviewed each subject, relevant witnesses and reviewed relevant documents and correspondence. (by) a (b)(3) ClAAct ¢@L Interview with! “|Gixhibitay (BNE) NetSecAct ROR st 12, sO (5)(3) ClAAct (b\(6) ™ hho provided the following verbal er: involvement with Boal (b)(3) NatSecAct (b\¢7)(e) conjunetion with the UBL film proiest| _frtanzed ameetine between Boal (b)(6) and Bigelow and (7)(0) lafter the 1 May 2011 UBL ‘operation, to provide them background information on the UBL raid.| __linvited her to the (b)(1) meeting because Boal wanted to meet her after DD/CIA Michael Morreil and Bash| (b)(7)(c) | (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(7)(C)in the UBL operation to Boal.) hnotified| (b)(3) NatSecAct (about! invitation offered no objections to her meeting (p)(6) with he filmmakers. introduced ert Boa land old Boal that she was) 1 {b)(7)(c) | (YT) | [said that the May 2011 meeting with Boal began a seis of about ive metings withthe filmmakers in CIA Headquarters (HQS) and (5)'3) CYAAct between fur to oficial mestings ouside HOS fom une oy 201. mspeienatal (V6) | of the official meetin 3 the last meeting ‘bad wit in (b)(3) CIAACt November 2011. scx: « any of the three personal meetings with the mF eo Orca ¢ cl | (0)(3) CIAACt (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) as - 5 —(b)(7)() ‘SECREWNOFORN- Approved for RelwMGLABSIS#EI3 CO6379782 £06379782 Approved for ReIANGLARSI54R coss79782 . | SEERETANOFORN- | | | (bX 1) ‘ (0)(3) ClAAct | fee NatSecAct (1 siack Tahitian pearl earrings | ()(7iKe) 4. @| |first introduction to filmmaker Kathryn Bigelow was in June 2011 over the telephone in Boal's hotel suite at The Jefferson Hotel in Washington, D.C. Boal (b)(1) {Convinced her to talk to Bigelow who was on location in Tahiti filming a Chanel commercial. _(b)(3) CIAAct Bigelow wanted to thank her for taking part in the UBL film project. —Irelated the (b\(3)_—| story she shared with Bigelow during the phone conversation NatSecAct | (b)(7)(c) Seal ar (b)(6) | [When she and| inet with Boal and Bigelow atthe (p)¢7(c) Georgetown Ritz-Carlton in July 2011, Bigelow gave her the black Tahitian pearl earrings from (b)(3) CIAAct Tahiti asa small gift!” saw Bigelow give her the earrings and said nothing. (x) | 15. 4} At the O1G's request) Voluntarily provided the OIG with the round, _(®)(7)(C) black Tahitian pearl earrings that Bigelow gave to her. ‘signed a release form Authorizing the OIG to take the earrings for an appraisal. Subsequently, the OIG sought outa _(b)(1) [ jjeweler to visually inspect the pearl earings. The jeweler offered his professional (D)(3) CIAAct ‘opinion that the earrings were not worth a formal appraisal citing the pearls were painted, not (b)(3) NatSecAct senuine black pears, and that the posts were not platinum. The jeweler said the eppraisal would (b)() cost more than the earrings. The jeweler also said that he would ask between $60 and $70 fhe (b)(7)(c) toy ‘were selling the carrings on eBay. (b)(3) CIAAct us official meetings with Boal and Bigelow involving meals (b)(3) NatSecact 7 Of eameus of ad . i (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(6) 16. €€} According tol _ _|__|tecided to relocate the official meetings with (by) | (b)(7)(c) Boal from HQS to hotels in Washington, D.C. in late June 2011 to jize the talk and avoid (b)(7\(c) the jealousy in the CTC! so Inan interview related to OIG Audit Report|()(3) CIAAct- \Audit, ScclAsP Processes for Engaging with the (oxy Entertainment Industry,, further explained! 7 (b)\7)(e) (b)(3) ClAAct| | - (b)(3) NatSecAct aes = . ss (b)(6) 17. : Inet with Boal approximately four to six times in his (b\(7\(0) Jefferson Hotel suite in Washington, D.C. between June and July 2011 for two to four hours cach time. | {recalled that Boal ordered room service at least once for the three of them in his hotel suite whieh included drinks, appetizers, and food. She aso recalled that on another ovcasion shes! and Boal took a break for dinner in the Jefferson Hotel resturant They also ()(3) CIAAct had dinner at Citronelle restaurant possibly during the third week of June. Her meals included (b)(6) drinks, appetizers, main entrée, and dessert averaged between $70 and $100. | (N7Ve further recalled that Boal always paid for the meals. participated in the meals, did not pay, never offered to pay, nor sy that UBL film project participants could not or should not accept (1) | (b)(1) meals from Boal or Bigelow. | Said that she relied on OPA for guidance and took (5/3) CIAACt (b)(3) CIAACt OP a's lead. (b)(3) NatSecAct (©)(3) NatSeGA.ct (by6) (b)(6) I (b\3) ClAAct (b\7\(0) (b\(7)(c) ‘(UY “The Jetferson Hotel restaurant is Plone: 6 SECRETINOPORN- Approved for RelbNGLABSIONRS CO6379782 ©063797 oF Approved for ReMNG-ASSIEURR coss7a782 | (1) \(3) CIAAct (3) NatSecAct 6) 7 cz Ye) Approved for ReliNG! ABSIN8HB C06379782 eee Approved tor ReNGLASSIEUER cossreve2. SECRETHNOFORN— (b)(1) (b)(3) ClAAGt 3) NatSecAct | (0,6) (by\(7)(c) (b\(7)(e) Approved for RetSNGLABSIB8BD C06379782 Cees Approved for Rel NGLARSIbUC coss707a2. (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)\(3) NatSecAct | (b)(6) (by 7Ne) (by(7\(e) (Y) Social contact with Boal and Bigelow? )(1) b)(3) CIAAct (3) NatSecAct 18, «) ‘said that she soon developed a friendship with Boal and Bigelow (6) resulting from the times they spent together on the UBL. film proiect, “feet 7c) tre socal cont with Boal and Bigelow that xcured, (0)(7) firs nya) a social contact was in July 2011 a day aftr she and, met with Boal and Bigelow atthe ie Georgetown Ritz-Carlton hotel in Washington, D. day and had drinks with Boal and Bigelow. ) ) ) (b) b) ) (1) (3) CIAAct b)(1 ~ (0) iid (b)(3) 'b)(3) NatSecAct 19. «| ____ second social contact with Boal and Bigelow occurred in August 'b)(6) by (b)(1 ) ; 2011 while she was on vacation in Los Angeles, CA (b)(7)(c)__| Before departing to Los 7)(0) Angeles, asked her boss, if it was okay to contact Boal and Bigelow and inform them of her plans to be in Los Angeles and to meet them for dinner. {id not voice any objections and asked her to tell Boal and Bigelow that he said ‘fell __-, jet Boal and Bigelow for dinner atthe Soho House on Sims ( ‘West Hollywood, Los Angeles. Bigelow paid for her meal which timated to cost (| between $40 and $50. Bigelow was a member at the Scho House and offered to have a f tt joulevard in 1) (3) CIAAct| (3) mT 6) ) b) by screening of Zero Dark Thirty in a p for| \when the movie (b) opened. | lchecked with In the OPA about Bigelow’s offer, and he ssid not 10 (b)(7)(c) accept im [said that the Soho House meeting was her last meeting with Bigelow. Irecalled that she gave Bigelow a mini Burka wine bottle cover and a publicly (! fee by ) ) IL available Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) UBL wanted poster of UBL with "Deceased" ) writen across it i (b\1) — « (b)(3) ClAAct. 20. (SINT ‘third social contact, and last official meeting, was with Boal ) CIARet (b)(3) NatSecAct in November 2011, ‘According to, Boal (0\(6) was, iheading to Islamabad to film and wanted her to review the UBL movie script. (bye) (b)(3) ClAAct m3) NatSecAct be ay Jata not advieel | to file a Form 879, outside one 4 | Activity Request (OM), “for Nor UROEFTCEAD contact with Boal and BLgoiow (b)(3) CIAAct neil December 20:2 (b)(6) 9 (bre) SECREHANOFORN- Approved for ReldMGLAASIBSHR CO6379782 C06379782 Approved for Ret ME-AASIE4B coss79782 -SECRERNOPORN- (b)(1) (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct Oe (b)(6) Os) [ lapain contcted Gh the OPA abou Bot’ request "|(°)(7) ae tha he (70) ap Yhad already reviewed the UBL movie script telephonically with Boal and had concems with the scrip’s depiction of (b)(3) CIAAct detainee debriefings." (b)(6) (o)(7)(c) 21. 48} In November 2011, | spent two hours reviewing the UBL movie seript in Boal’s ‘Hotel room| | After reviewing the script, she spent about eight hours with Boal while he shopped for his girlfiend. said that (b)(1) ‘when she saw something by Prada that she liked, Boal said he knew the designer personally and (0)(3) CIAAct offered her tickets to a Prada fashion show. didnot think she could accept the (5)(3) tickets and declined Boa’ offer. She also delined Boal's invitation to the Zero Dark Thirty (0 \8 ay ‘movie screening and Boal's suggestion that she visit the movie set.| waintained that (6) the time spent with Boal ater the UBL script review was just betwen fiends. After shovel (b)(6) sid that she teated Boal to a $150 dinner| on? 2. |said that between September 2011 and January 2012 she (b)(3) ClAAct exchanged non-work related casual pleasantries via e-mail with Boal once every three weeks and _(b)(3) NatSecAct with Bigelow approximately once every other month. (b)(6) (0x6) 2. | also comacte| ‘ Peony . 1 c (OX7)(C) | _ in January 2012 afer Boal, knowing that he was going tobe in Los Angeles in Janay ato) ClAAct| 2012, besmed her to mect/ —____ (b)(6) _ Rather than meeting | (b)(3) NatSecAct (0\(6) (2)(7)(c) ile she was on vataton and (b)(6) (o)(7\(c) ese itto )(3) CIAAct us Notes daged 18 Janaary 2012 fron el Den (b)(6) (b)7 Me) 10 SECRETANORORN- Approved for RelbNGLARBSIGHR C06379782 06379782 Approved tor ReUNGLASSIBIRB cossre7an “SEERETHNOFORNT on | : (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(3) CIAAct ‘ (b)(3) NatSecAct (0)(6) (0)6) ino 23. |ecalled tat Boal presented her witha release form to sign atone (ON 7)(€) oftheir meetings! jwas present when she read the release. Boal told her that someone did not like how they were portrayed in The Hurt Locker and sued him, henes the release form. —__(b)(1) (byS) (b)(1) idid not sign the [ (b)3) ClaAct ae ere el | (b\3) ciaact (b)(3) NatSecAct by7y(e), (PTH) (bX3) NatSecAct (bye) 26. was alti Ga she proactively reported her contacts and (b\(6) (ON7No) meetings with Boal, Bigelow, and |to| management, the OPA, and the Office of __(D)(7)(c) { General Counsel (OGC). | ‘said that she always informed the OPA of her personal (5)(1) discussions and meetings with Boal including the dinner in Los (b)(3) CIAAct (oy(1) said there were times she claimed overtime for meeting with Boal and Bigelow {,\'3) NatSecAct (b\) ClaAct Alt hows butnet forthe social meetings orthe UBL serotaiew ackad (O3) if she could (0)(8) NatSech tain overtime forthe ae hour meting) ~ said that (ox7(¢) | (b)(6) overtime was authorized and that she could charge it. reported her social contact (b)(3) (b)(7)(c) with Boal and Bigelow via the Form 879 [Outside Activities Request], as “fequested. Ina CIAAct LN from dated 6 January 2012| told! that he (b\(6)) ‘updated the| JOPA on the UBL film project and that had been (bycap)(7 Ke) keeping him informed about her contacts with Boal| futher sales hile OPA advised (503) ClAAct ‘to complete the Form 879 to keep her whole and documented. jadvises BG I ‘to note in her Form 879 that she has kept the OPA informed every time Boal has (0)(3) ‘contacted her and that her relationship with Boal has been a work-sanctioned contact. email (b)(1) (©) The Form 879 for unofficial comtact with the media (b\(7)(c) (b)(3) CIAAct a (b)(3) NatSecAct _ 27. (+ On9 January 2012{ ‘submitted her initial Form 879 as a volunteer (ove ‘activity working with Boal and Bigelow as a consultant amined (b¥3) ClAAct (b\(7)\(e) y ~jincluded her socal mesting with Boal and Bigelow in Los Angeles and (b)(6) | her meeting with Boal On6 February 2012, informed that (V(7\c) she needed to resubmit the Form 879 and clarified that she was to report her ongoing social contact with Boal. | “OPA offered, guidance —(b)(1) and clarification regarding reporting media contacts and instructed| to resubmit the (b)(3) CIAAct Form 879 ifher contact withthe media was social and did not involve Agency matters. (b)(3) NatSecact ! (_{emubmited the orm the same day and clarified the relationship that began as an oficial {5)¢6) j contact but changed toa socil contact. On 24 February 2012, the OPA and XG bonin {P17 0) | ‘non-concurred stating it was still an official contact. | 9) CIAAct 1 (b)(7)(ey I __ [On 28 February 2012, the Office of Security (OS) disapproved T request to continue the media contact and requested| acknowledge understanding of the guidance and willingness to adhere by submitting an updated contact form officially ending the contact. | : (by(1) {responded that she ceased all coniact with Boal and Bigelow as she b)(3) CIA previously stated ina 7 May 2012 LN to, | Het NatSecAct (b)(6) (b)(7) 28, or lffered that the “7th Floor” approved the cooperation with Boal y 0) and Bigelow. They met with DD/CIA Morrell, so she assumed her meetings with Boal and b\(1) eo b)(3) CIAAct (2) NatSecAct 'b)(6) )(7)() (cy Approved for ReldNGLABSIGARB C06379782 See Approved tor RoRNGLASSIBARB cosara7ee SECRETINOFORN Bigelow were okay, OIG obtained an email from (b)(3) ClAAct dated 14 July 2011, regarding “Schedule for Kathryn Bigelow meetings,” identifying a scheduled (ot) ‘meeting with AD/CIA Michael Morell at 3:00PM. |was adamant that she received (b)(3) CIAAct ne guidance from the OPA, the OGC, or the OS regarding her official or personal meetings with _(b)(1) (b)(3) NatSecage%! and Bigelow, {did not recall taking ethics training. | joffered that (b)(3) CIAAct (bye) ‘day ethics training she may have taken should be documented in her ‘raining record.!* (by3) texrve) The OIG/INV reviewed| jEmployee BIC(6)(3) CIAACt |noting that it does not NatSecAct } Appear that Feeeived any ethics taining. we) | i 7 ons 2.0) Ini vw stage matin (b)(3) CIAAct_ HQS with Boal and Bigelow. Boal and Bigelow were interested in the human element for the (b)(3) NatSecActro Dark Thirty movie and visited the CTC___bfiices to get the working condition (b\6) _Stmospheris and the personal iterations the team experienced working the UBL operation. (b)7)(c) (b)(1) (0)(3) ClAAct sed Boal ——_ . tency NetSecAc'eovered up classified on her desk when Boal a Bigelow vised, | (ox7Xe) (ON7)(C)__/The ACT mockup was weed wo practice the UBI- operation and euréilly on (0)(3) ClAAct, slay inthe CLA museum hallway. 7 (b)(6) aoe —— b __|AccordingtoaLNI | (b)(1) (oy(7\Xe) 7 —____|__briefed Bigelow and Boal on the AC1 (b)(3) CIAAct ‘model 15 July 2011 before they toured the] (b)(3) CIAAct building also (b)(3) known as the “Vault.” ae NatSecAct i 2 nist Lope apt a mtigsow N°) (b)(3) CIAAct background on the intelligence portions of the UBL raid. According to there were 'b)(3) NatSecAct Procedures to follow regarding what she could discuss during the meetings with Boal and (ove) Bigelow.| __jadded that she provided an overview to Boal of the intelligence case((0)(7X¢) (b(7)(6) __(0)(7)€6) forthe pubic rol out plan about the UBL raid. advised she felt ‘comfortable with her involvement with the UBL film project and was very confident about (b)(1) discussing the public roll out plan information with Boal. | _ |said that the (b}(3) CIAAct conversation topics she shared with Boal and Bigelow during meetings included the following: (b)(3) NatSecAct b) + owt Lopresti Am 6) (by(1) | (b)(2) ClAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct| oe x oe Accord: b) +3 was not required to take ethics training. According to O90 eS pioneer es selacrertes cnn tarts oxy LL ethics training. These include Senior Intelligence Service officers, officers who complete the Public Financial Disclosure Reporte (Form 278), (by(3) 9 employees designated to file Financial Disclosure Reports (Form 450), and NatSecAct those officers whose positions zequire them to have s:gnificene involvenent (oe) I in the procurement process such as Contracting Officers and Contract in atetesetachnien) nereooeree ces, * (ou7)(¢) 2 SEEREE-NOEORN Approved for ReldNGLABSIB8RI3 CO6379782 eee ‘Approved for RMNGLARSIGURR cossverez “SeeRERNOTORN (b)(1) | (0)(3) ClAAct / b)(3) NatSecAct | (b\(S) | (b)(6) (by7Ne) (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct | (b\6) ~~ (b\7)(e) intrview with einen 33. (@r On 11 September 2012, the OIG interviewed | |who provided the following verbal account oF his interactions with Boal and (0) a contenant BIB projec | ‘met with Boal and Bigelow (b)(3) ClAAct (by(7V(e) (b)(3) NatSecAct | (b\(6) ! (b\(7i(e) 4 13, ‘SEERETNOFORN— Approved for ReldNGL ABSISARTS C06379782 C06379782 (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) (b)(7)(¢) | Gutside CLA HQS four times. The first time was a a hotel restauranvbar in Georgetown, ‘Washington, D.C. with Boal and! Said that a meal was provided and consumed. by all parties. | Approximated his meal to cost $50 to $70. His second meeting with ‘the filmmakers decurred at Bistro Dupont restaurant also i, Washington, D.C., with Boal and (b)(3) CIAAct |He could not recall the date, _said that everyone consumed a meal. He by(1) (b\(6) approximated his meal cost $50._ id no know who pid fortes meas however, (©) a} CAA: (b\(7)(0) he did not pay.| ithird meeting with Boal, Bigelow, and| _pccurred at the same” (0)\ act Georgetown hotel restaurant/bar as the first meeting. Boal paid for his drinks and an appetizer _(b)(3) NatSecAet which he approximated to be $30. |last meeting withthe filmmakers occurred while (D)(6) | he was on vacation in Los Angeles, CA. (contacted Boal via his personal cell phone. _()(7)(c) ‘They met at a restaurant in Hollywood and Boal paid for his meal which he estimated at approximately $30. | ould not recall the restaurant name, After the meal, he rode wiih Boa toa beach house in Malibu, CA, where they met with Bigelow and someone he believed was a friend of Bigelow's from the Los Angeles art community. | seid they ‘elaxed and talked before he continued his vacation in the San Francisco, CA, areal] (B)(3) CIAAct ssid that! vas avare of his meeting with the filmmakers in Los Angeles, (b)(6) - “| (oM7Mc) | | (b)(1) | (b)(3) ClAAct | (b)(3) NatSecAct | (©)(6) | by(7 Kc) b)(7)(e) | | | | (b)(1) | (b)(3) CIAAct _ 7 on (b)(3) NatSecAct 34. )(1) (b\7)\c) Zero Dark Thiet. (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (by\6)| aS. (o\7)(c) 1 [voluntarily provided the round, black Tahitian pearl earrings that fimmaker Kathryn Bigelow gave to heras agif.| __ consented to having the earrings, appraised and signed a Receipt for Property ReceivediRetumed/Released/Seized form granting Agents) _(b)(3) CIAAct___ permission to have the earrings appraised. (b)(1) ; (b)(3) CIAAct | (0)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b)7 Me) | (bX1) (b)(3) ClAact (b\(3) NatSecAct 3, yaymry| stated that!(b)(7)(Cfice of Public Affairs (OPA) media (b)(6) ‘spokesperson| (by7\(e) ‘seventh floor authorization, | CTC and Hollywood screenwriter Mark Boal and film producer, Kathyrn Bigelow after the 1 May 2011 UBL. (b)(3) CIAAct (b\(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b\(7)(c) 1 “GEGREFINOFORN- Approved for RelWNGLABSIGGED C06379782 ©06379782 Approved for RebNGLARSIURR coss707e2, (b)(1) @ ‘SECRETINOFORN @ . (b)(3) CIAAct __| (b)(3) NatSecAct INTERVIEWEE: (x8) (bY 7}(e) b)(3) CIAAct Bs (b)(6). Hd } on operation advised. [stated that! (b)(7)(c)__[Boal and Bigelow to (b)(3) NatSecAct to” (b)6) ‘obtain background information on the UBL raid. | stated that| asked if she (DN7}(c) would agree to meet with Boal, and if yes, could she be available in 45 minutes, [ ‘elated that! __linvited her because Deputy Director (DD/CIA) Michael J. Morrell and former Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash! (b)(7)(c) in the Bin Laden Operation to Boal, and he wanted to meet her| __—_stated that she notified (0)(3) ClAAct about) request. (b)(6) [offered no objections to her meeting withthe flmmake \___ stated. | wKeNeY b)(3) ClAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(5) (byt) | (b)(3) CIAAct (Hx) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) (b)(7)(e) (b)(3) NatSecAct © OMAMC) = (b\6) 4.161} that| introduced her to Boal as. ‘and said (by7yfe)—t|_lwon! Pad hatte | y I 'stated that the May 2011 meeting began a series of about five meetings with the filmmakers in Headquarters (HQS) and between four , six nota erie HQS from mid-June to late July 2011.| stated that as present al tin she attended (P49) CIA onsite mein she had mh Boal November 20th (b)(1) (b\7)(c) (b)(3) CIAAct. | (b)(3) NatSecAct | t _ (b)(6) } (b)(7M(c) | | (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct | (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(S) | (b)(6) | (b)(7)(c) 2 -SEGRETNOFORN Approved for Rel M61 ABSIGED C06379782 co6379782 Approved for RORAIGLARSIBURR consrove2 — SECRETINOFORN e e — (EX) ciaac : ct Did (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) ———— | (b)(4) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct Approved for RelSN6LABSIBKEB (06379782 C0637978 = N Approved for Role NGLAASIEURB coss797e2, ‘SECRETINOFORN . ° CIAAct INTERVIEWEE: l NatSecAct b)(t b)(3 (b)(3 b)(6 b)(7, c) | La 9. stated that the UBL operation team Provided the filmmakers (b) j background on the intelligence portions of the UBL raid. ‘added that she 6) ) CIAAct_ provided an overview to Boal of the intelligence case forthe public }) NatSecActill out plan about the Bin Laden raid. advised she felt comfortable with her (b) ) (0) 1 (l involvement with the UBL movie project and was very confident about discussing the (c) Public roll out plan information with Boa (b)(3) CIAAct SecAct 10. @ ‘advised that Boal and Bigelow visited CTC| __lofficas to get hee ‘i the working condition atmospherics and the personal interactions the team experienced _—_‘(Y(6) | working the UBL operation, | ‘commented that Boal and Bigelow were interested _(0)(7)(C) in the human element for the Zero Dark Thirty movie. They wanted to know the interaction (b)(1) (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (0x6) | Teta! 2/212 covered up classified on her desk when Boal and Bigelow visited, | 1 3) CIAAct (3) NatSecAct ( | ___|[ “Stated that Bigelow and Boal also touredthe _____Joffice also known as the Vauit.| (5.3) cima) (yt) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct ) 4 SEGRETINGFORN— Approved for ReldNGLABSIOWED C06379782 c06379782 Aporoves or ReMGLARSIBURR cosevs7e2 @ sccretivoronn— © (1 INTERVI :{ (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(4) EEE: (p)(3) NatSecdct | (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(6) (b)(3) NatSecAct { (b)(7)(c) (06) | (oyr7VX6) | (b\'3) ClAAct mer — gual | External meetinas/Gifts and Gi (bye) (by(1) 13. (©)| btated| —|decial2)(7 (cate meetings with Boal from HS to (b)(3) ClAAct _ Boar's hotel in late June 2011 to minimize the talk and avoid the jealousy in CTC 7 oan SN _advise oe NatSech¢ti+ she andl —|mmet with Boal approximately four fo six times in his Jefferson Hotel b\7 ‘Suite in Washington D.C. in June and July. The meetings lasted two to four hours, ~ (oy(7M(e) lrecalled, ladvised that she,__and Boal would break for dinner in | the hotel restaurant. | ‘recalled her meals, which included drinks, appetizers, main entrée and dessert averaged from $70 to $100. | Iso recalled Boal | ‘ordering room service for them once, which included drinks, appetizers and food. foie at ahead Bol aoet er demers Soai nc (byt) possibly the third week of J _ <— _{bN(3) CIAAct ox) jained that|—parispated in te meals and do rot en ated (03) NatSecAct (0)(3) ClAAct— © | pated in the meals and did not pay, | (by(6) ae een _____ vised that she took OPA's lead. (KTM) (b\(7)(c) 14. (SHNEY, \stated that the conversation topics she shared with Boal and Bigelow during meetings included how the UBL operation team got from point A to Point B. ed | (b)(1) (b)(3) ClAAct | (b)(3) NatSecact (6) (b)(7)(c) Approved for Rel¥NG1LABSIB8B13 C06379782 Cc 7 06379782 Approved for ReWLEARSIEERB coss79702. SEGRETINOFORN- ° e (b)(1) INTERVIEWEE: | (0)(3) ClAAct (0)(3) NatSecAct (b)6). (b)(7)(c) | | | | | | (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct ()(3) NatSecAct (0)(6) (®)(7)(c) | Tahitian Peart _ 3 ~_|stated that her first introduction to Bigelow was over the phone in Boas hotel sii‘ The delerson ‘stated that Boal convinced her to talk to Bigelow who was shooting a Chanel commercial i wanted to thank her for taking part in the UBL movie project, _ stated. o (1) 1 3) CIAAct (by | (3) NatSecAct y ciaaad (b)(3) CIAAct a oe 5 NatSecAct 1 {b)(6) 17. tated that when she an(D)(7)(C)st with Boal and Bigelow at the Georgetown Ritz-Carlton hotel in July 2011 for an official meeting, Bigelow passed her the black Tahitian pearl earrings and said she wanted her |to have the small gif.| _|statedthat| —_ saw Bigelow give her the earrings and said nothing. (b)(3) CIAAct Social Contact (b) bx) | SESTE SSs86S s 8. ) without OPA being present ‘stated she liked Boal and Bigelow and had (b\(1) developed a friendship with them over time. The first social contact was in July 2011 @ (b)(3) CIAAct davafter she and| met with Boal and Bigelow at the Georgetown Ritz-Cartton hotel. stated that she, Boal, and Bigelow had drinks at the Ritz. The second social oe NatSecAgt tact was in Los Angeles in August 2011, stated. ‘advised that ee (b)(3) C1AAet (b)(6) . (by(7K0) Approved for ReldNGLABSIBED C06379782 eee toe Approved for ReMNGLAREIBERR cosszeze2 @ sconermoroen. e (by , PX) ) INTERVIEWEE: | (b)(3) CIAAct rel NatSecAct b)(6) iS (7c) ‘while on vacation in Los Angeles (b)(7)(c) _she met Boal and Bigel cagen te | the Soho House on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood, Los Angeles. | ‘explained that before she left for Los Angeles, she asked her boss, =f it was ‘okay to contact Boal and Bigelow and inform them of her plans to be in Los Angeles | and meet them for dinner. {did not voice any problems with it and said for her ! to tell them hello| Jrecalled.| ladvised that Bigelow paid for her $40 or $50 meal. ‘mentioned that she gave Bigelow a mini Burka and a publicly available poster of Bin Laden that had "Deceased" written across it. ‘stated that(b)(1 Bigelow offered to have a screening of Zero Dark tyin private room at the Soho (b) Wes CIA House for her and her family when the movie opened. | noted that Bigelow has (p)(3) NatSecAct a membership at the Soho House. [stated that she checked with OPA officer (56) about Bigelow offer and he sald not to accept it, ___|stated this (5)(7)(c) was her last meeting with Bigelow. 19. {SNF} | advised that she had an official meetina with Boal in [ November2017.__tated that Boal was CIAAct Islamabad to film and wanted hero review the script | Natecact 4) ———F(6)(3) NatSecact| stated that! he 5) rascal |____ about the ‘Script review meeting with Boal, L {told her that he (6) and ‘had already reviewed the script with Boal telephonically and had concerns (b)(7)(c) with the script’s depiction of detainee debriefings. __—_—_explained that the debriefing Scenes included dogs being inthe room and delainees being punched and kicked (by to_(0) (b}(3 (b) (b)(3) (b) (b)(6) (b) (b)(7)(c) (by 1) ( \: (: \' It (3) CIAAct + (bt) (oye) (b)(3) CIAAct (7)(c) (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(5) (b)(6) by(7\(e) 21.46)/ __tated that her third social contact with Boal occurred the same day after she reviewed the script. | ‘explained that she spent about eiaht i shopping and dining with Boal. Roted that she treated Boal to a $150 dinner | | b)(1) (p)(3) ClAAct eal tere) ee (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct Ce (b)(5) (b)(6) te 1 (0)(7) Approved for RelbNGLABSIESHE core Cc 797 06379782 Asproves for RbNGLARSIEEER cossvoven (1) @ secrermororn- , (b)(3) CIAAct e (b\(3) NatSecAct INTERVIEWEE: — (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) : (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct 1 , (b)(6) ‘after shopping. | advised that while (b)(7\(c) Shopping, with Boal, she saw something designed by Prada and commented that she liked the designer. Boal said he knew the designer personally and offered her tickets to a Prada fashion show, brated advised that she did not think she could accept the tickeis and declined Boal’s offer. Boal also invited her to the Zero Dark ; stated.| (DIC 1) (b)(3) CIAAct | (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(5) (b)(6). ; 22. 16)/ ‘advised that she also had non-work related e-nl2)(C\ et with 1) Bigelow and Boal via her personal e-mail account.|__|stated that she exchanged fea ) ClAAct & als with Boal once every three weeks between September 2011 and January 2012, advised that Boal (b)(3) NatSecAct —(b)(6)— Her e-mail contact with yothermonth, __ladvise Wigs aus lessons. Jadvised that she contacted| ()(7)(C) via e-mail after to be in Los Angeles in January 2012 and begged her to meet \explained that she opted to contact! (b)(6) ia email instead af having a facerface meeting. | "While on vacation to communicate| (oyi7ye) | ~ does not know her true name, or what she looks like] ___advised. that she ‘exchanged e-mails three times between late January and early Feb 2012. 4 advised that she called "Mia her cell phone and blocked her number. | a advised that she talked) for an hour.| i Cladcty = isked to talk NatSecActainy— “advised ‘a {go through Boal who in turn should (b)(7)(c) submit an official request via OPA requesting permission to meet “Boal did not submit the request to OPA to her knowledge, stated. 23. 46) ‘stated that she last talked to Boal in May 2012 when she told him that she could no longer maintain contact with him. Boal said he understood but e-mailed another three clips from the set to her, stated. explained that Boal would send her updates from the movie set loffered that Boal said that she could send the clips to spam or delete them. b)(1) b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (oy(7; (b)(6) Bigelow was less, approximately once € (b)(7)(c) —_ described the e-mail contacts as shar ‘she was going SEGRETNOFORN ‘Approved for REWINGLABSIGWED C06379782 (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(6) (0)(7)(c) (b)(6) (b\7)(c) eee Approved for ReRNGLASSIERR coss7e7e2 (1) (3) CIAAct- SECRETNOFERN- @ (by (o) (b)(3) NatSecAct INTERVIEWEE: (©)(6) EWE E7\C) (b)(3) CIAAct 24.46} lrecalled that Boal presented her with a release form to sign at (b)(6) one of their meetings. Boal explained that a person who did not like how they were. (b\(7M(e) (b)(1) Portrayed in the Hurt Locker sued him. was present when she read the release, 3) CIAAct| noted. | ~ a 'b)(3) NatSecAct __ advised that she| “4 ~{b)(3) CIAAct ene did not sign it! 4 (b)(3) NatSecAct 25. (6) ‘commented that she got free food and pearl earrings from (b)(5) Bigelow and free food from Boal. Boal or Bigelow paid for all of the meals except for the (0)(6) one ‘advised, Stated that|___Was present at all the meals (b)(7)(c) except the three social meetings.| __|was present at the dinners with Boal and (by(3) (by(1) Bigelow and never offered to pay nor did|__ay they could not or should not accept CIAAct (b)(3) CIAAct meals frpm Boal and Bigelow.|__stated that she relied on OPA for guidance, (0\6) (b)(3) NatSecAct, ‘tated there were times she claimed overtime for meeting with Boal and (e7K0) ibxe) Bigelow after hours but she did not claim overtime for the script review. ] (by(1) (17) (b\(7\(0) advised that she did not claim overtime for social meetings with Boal and Bigelow. (b)(3) ClAAct| [ ‘stated that she asked| if she could claim qvertime —_ (b)(3) NatSecAct for the after hour meetings with Boal and Bigelow and either said ~ (b)(6) (oy) overtime was authorized and that she could charge overtime. _ (b\(7)(c) ts) Cee ct 28: (©)/ fd not recall taking ethics training, | offered that any ‘sxhics training she may have taken should be documented in her. “Agency training (by(6) ecord.|___|was adamant that she received no guidance from OPA, the Office of (by7Me) General Counsel (OGC) or the Office of Security regarding her official or personal ‘meetings with Boal and Bigelow. | ‘tated there were no procedures to follow regarding what she could discuss during the meetings with Boal and Bigelow. also stated that she did not have contact with anyone else in the media except Boal and Bigetow.| ladded that she was unaware of any other media types’ involvement with the UBL movie project. (bx) CIAAGL (by(1) 27. @) |was adamant that she proactively reported her contacts and (b)(6) (b)(3) CIAAct meetings with Boal and Bigelow, to|___management. OPA. and. . (5)(7)(c) (b)(3) NatSecAcBC.!"_stated that é | (by) internal and external meetings with Boal and Bigelow, econ 4 (by\7)(e) (b)(3) CIAAct be (b)(3) NatSecAol red that the seventh floor approved the cooperation with the filmmakers Boal and _(b)(6) Bigelow. Additionally, Boal and Bigelow were meeting with DD/CIA Morrell, So she (5)(7)(c) assumed her meetings with Boal and Bigelow were okay. 9 ‘SECRETINOFORN- Approved for ReWiNG!ABSIG8EB 006379782 CERES Approved for REMNEARSIEURR coss797e2——— — (1) a (b)(3) CIAAct SECRETINOFORN: e (b)(3) NatSechct (bx6) ; INTERVIEWEE: (6\(7\(c) | (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecact oe) (oye)cimaet | (o\7)(6) | Attachment: | As stated, | | | 10 SECREHNOFORN Approved for RelNGL ABSIGHER C06379782 ©06379782 Approved for Reb NGLARSIHURR coss7a7e2 e sxcnes e 23 August 2012 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: (U) Appraisal of One Set of Black Tahitian Pearl Barings REFERENCE: | (b)(3) CIAAct__| 1. +8). on 23 August 2012, the Office of Inspector General (ore) Special Agents! —(b)(3) CIAAct “rjebtained a gigned Rereint. for Pronexty. Receivea/Kerumned/Released/Seized (b)(1) form from| A to have (b)(3) CIAAct one set of small round black Tahitian Pearl post-backed earrings (b\3) NatSecActPPraised as part of an OIG investigation into alleged gifts and (bxe) Gratuities. (b)(7)(c) | (b)(3) CIAAct i y (oS) 3. (U)_ The jeweler looked at the earrings and determined they were painted, the posts were sterling silver, not platinum, and did not recommend they be sent to the laboratory for an in-depth appraisal analysis. The jeweler estimated the value to be no more than §200 and stated if he was to sell them, he would ask between $60 and $70. 4. 4) The earrings were returned to! land she signed the Receipt for Property Received/Returned/Released/Seized form that the earrings had been returned to her. I (b)(3) CIAAct | special Agent Attachments (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b\(7)(c) oo Approved for RelWNGLASSIBSHD C06379782 06379782 Approved for ReWNELARSIBRR coss79782. e Approved for ReldNGLABSIB8HD C06379782 06379782 Approved tor RoUNGLASIBER cons7ore2 Approved for Rel NGLABSIGSE3 606379782 Searels Approved for RoNGLASSIEERR coosre7e0 Approved for ReldNGLARSI58ED C06379782 co6379782 Approved tor RoblNGLARSIBARR covare7s2 EXHIBIT B Subj: (U) Potential Ethics Violations Involving Film Producers (oy) ClAAct | Approved for ReleNGLARSI68213 C06379782 C06379782 5Aq e@ @ INTERVIEWEE: | PREPARED BY: | CASE: | Approved for Rob NG ARSE 006379782 CONFIDENTIAL 11 September 2012 INTERVIEW REPORT (b)(1). 1 (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct ) \ (7)(c) Gj (b) 4. (€) On 11 September 2012, Offee of nent General 016), Invesigati (6X1) viewed Staff, Special Agents| (b)(3) CIAAct (0)(3) ClAAct (b\(3) NatSecact ‘regarding gifts and gratuities from outside sources in connection (b)(6) with the movie production about Usama Bin Laden (UBL) titled Zero Dark Thirty. | (b\7)(c) | | (b)(1) | Ns ) CIAAct | b)(3) NatSecAct E (eye (b)(7)(c) 3.) lindicated that his first meeting with the filmmakers occurred| (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct however, he could not recall the exact date. | (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(5) ‘elated that his first meeting was at a hotel restaurantibar in Georgetown, Washington, _(i)(3) NatSecAct (by(6) Be. T ova) ‘explained ee) 'b)(7) (7 )(c) phe (b)(3) ClAAct (by(@) Natsecact N70 (b)(3) NatSecAct | | {b)(7)(c) (b)(6) Approved for RelNGLABSIGKED C06379782 €06379782 Approved for Reif NG -AREIbUR coss7e782 ore) 7 616 b)(1) INTERVIEWEE: | oe 6) b)1) ) CIAAct (b)(3) CIAAct CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(3) NatSecAct NatSecAct b)(6) b)(6) ' , (b\(7\X6) > toner (ce) there were no restrictions. At this meeting were land Boal, | | explained that a meal was provided and consumed by all parties.|___|was not sure ! ‘who paid for this meal, which he approximated his portion to cost $50 to $70; however, he did not pay for his meal. Ke) b)(1 b)(3 by(3) b)(6) Dy7, 4. (€r| ‘stated that his second meeting withthe filmmakers occurred at Bistro Dupont. Washington, D.C..| |indicated that he could not recall'the exact (by(1) (3) CIAAct date, but that|__and Boal were present during the meeting, At the restaurant a meal bya) CIAAct (b\(5) was provided and consumed by all parties.| approximated his portion ofthis mea) (0)(3) (6) to cost approximately $50. |stated that he did not know who paid for the meal, _(0)(3) NatSecAct - (y7)(c)084 and Kathryn (c) Bigelow were present at this meeting. Upon his arrival né drinks and an D7 however, he did not pay. (0y(6) fn” (HMI) (0X3) CIAAct 5. 6) third meeting wah the filmmakers occurred at the same _ ) ) i appetizer. He approximated the value of his mealidrinks to be $30, which, NatSecAci#orgetown hotel restaurantbar as the first meeting. (59/3) CIAAct indicated Boal paid for. (b)(1) 6. (ey! [related that his final meeting with the filmmakers occurred while he (b)(3) CIAAct _was on vacation in Los Angeles, California (b)(7)(c) (b)(3) NatSecActb)(7)(c) ‘While in Los Angeles, | initiated contact with Boal via his personal (b\(6) call phone. They met at a restaurant in Hollywood where a meal was consumed for (oy\7)(e) which Boal paid, indicated that his meal cost approximately $30, but! | Could not recall the name of the restaurant. After the meal, Boal and drove toa beach house in Malibu, California. Atthe beach house, land Boal met with Bigelow and another person, whose name| leould not recall. [believed that (D)(1) this unknown person was a friend of Bigelow’s from the Los Angeles art community. (b\(3) ClAAct |___|stated that while at the beach house they relaxed and conversed. (b\3) 1 ||___|departed NatSecAct the same day, continuing his vacation to the San Francisco, California area, | (b)(5) | indicated this was a planned vacation and he personally paid for all travel costs. None ( ofthe filmmakers accompanied | __further on his vacation. |stated that| (b was aware of his meeting with the filmmakers in Los Angeles. (oh (4) - o )(3) CIAAct Los Angeles, his communication was only with Boal and was limited to phone calls and (3) NatSecActnails. All phone calls and e-mails occurred using personal accounts. ] \ (b) (b) (b) (b)(6) (bX7)(C) |recalied that his last ‘communication with Boal was February 2012. (b)(t) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct 2 (b)(6) 7) 7.4} _—_ated that after his final meeting with the filmmakers in if) -CONFIBENTIAT— (b)(7)(e) Approved for ReldNGL ASSIGRED C06379782 €06379782 Approved for ReldNG-ARSIGUR coss70782. { « ( INTERVIEWEE 4) (3) CIAAct «CONFIDENTIAL ee )(3) NatSecAct )(6) 7) Ssscs \ S (b\(1) 8. Gy Indicated that all meetings with the filmmakers where he was 'b)(3) CIAAct present occurred outside of Headquarters. | ] b)(3) NatSecAct {At one of the meetings in 'b)(6) Washington, 0.C., Boal presented iwith a botio of tequila| b\7 Kc) ‘stated that when Boal gave him the bottie of tequila, Boal informed him that it was worth several hundred dollars; however, \did not confirm this information, lestimated the tequila to be between two and three hundred dollars. {could not recall the brand of tequila, but that he consumed it with friends at a later date. (l f tt ( elated that 1) ee (b)(3) CIAAct _he did nat report either git to Agency personnel. [ (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (bY7 Ye) 8. (GF In reference to the content ofthe discussions held where was (by Present, he indicated that OPA did not provide any clear quidance as to what could or (j¢ ‘could not be discussed. | provided that it was clear to him that it was voluntary as (by to whether he could moet with the filmmakers, further rolated that he was under the impression that the content of discussions shouldbe to provide contoxt to what tho filmmakers ware asking about, and that Agency employees should be "helpful," but that ()( no clear ‘red lines* were provided by OPA.| __taled that among the CTC cadre they developed their own “red line" topics which they would not discuss or elaborate upon.| __indicated neither OPA or Oifice of General Counsel provided any guidance on what could or could not be discussed, nor guidance of reporting meetings ——_(b)_ with the filmmakers. provided that] - 7 were aware of (p) b)(3) CIAAct SHAS meetings with the fimmakers.| stated he has not had ethics training. iva) TE a 2 recalled a release form circulating from the fim producers or their attorneys that 1s acct oe |was aware of, but he did not sign it. (oy 10. GH ‘said that in meetings with Boal, he provided some background on (0) history of the lead, described time periods, field experiences of a typical case officer, impact of the Khost attack on personnel in terms of morale and following efforts, the ‘stratogic view of the hunt for UBL and ongoing efforts to dismantle Al Q’aida, and the relationship with the US military in general on operations. in regard to meetings where Bigelow was present, stated that she seemed most interested in “what's it ike in the field. (ont) (b)(3) ClAAct 'b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) by7)(c) Approved for ReliNGLABSIB8EI3 CO6379782 —_ 06379782 _ Approves tor Re NGLASEIBIED cosara7e 55 e “CONFIDENTIAL oe ee (b)(3) ClAAct } INTERVIEWEE: | (b)(3) NatSecAct | (6) | (b\(7Ke) ; bay (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (bx5) (b)(3) CIAAct (0X6) | (o\(7)10) ‘Special Agent Attachments 4 -CONFIDENTIAL— Approved for ReliNG!ABSIB8RI C06379782 Poe ues Approved for Re NG-LARSIBUER cosa7a782 (b)(3) NatSecAct | (0)(7)(c) | From) (b)(3) CIAAct | subjoct: addtional corscation (by) To: —(b)(3) CIAAct (b)(7)(c) | Date: 0872672072 0537 Bu “This mossage i digaty signed Fision: “This messago has been replied 0 and Towadod. ‘Giassitcation SECRET | (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(3) ClAAct 39.99 (that's the highest i saw for) (b)(3) CIAAct Approved for RelkNGLABSI68HD 606379782 eee Approved for ReBNGLARSIBURR cossze7e2__ (b)(3) NatSecAct | | a | aa |= (ex) Gea Date: 09/17/2012 02:33 PM | Glassiication: CONPBENTIAE [ (b)(3) NatSecAct | | {don't know exactly but would estimate its no more than $300, somewhere between $200 and $300, That estimate is based on his comments to me when he gave ito me, not based on my vertying it. (b)(3) CUMAct | wa : oori7012 02:28:48 PM From | (6Y(3) ClAAct re (x6) Date: ‘0917/2012 02:25 PM (b)(7)(c) Subject: __Claricaton Classification: CONFIDENTIAL (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(3) CIAAct (6) (b) L_(by(7Xo)_! é (Quick queston. How much was the bole of equla you received from Boat? Thanks. (b)(3) C1AAct Classification: CONFIDENTIAL Classification: CONFIDENTIAL Approved for RedNGLABSIGAEB C06379782 ae approved for Re NGLARSIBURR coss7e7ee. @ @ (b)(3) NatSecAct | [()(7)(c) From) (b)(3) CIAACctubject: release form query (6) Te: (lb)(3) CIAAct L 7 Yc) _ |) | | Date: 09/11/2012 02:27 PM. se This message is citally signed. Fistor "This ressoge has boon roped to Giassiication: CONMDENTIAT i} (b)(3) NatSecAct | (b)(8) CIAAC it regarding 7 release form of some sort circulating around which ibeliove was aware of, but that was rom the movie people (or more ikely ther lawyers). ‘did not sign it, nor didi sign anything. please let me know if you have any further questions. { ()(3) ClAAct (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) (by(6) s{0)(7)(), sszz==2(b)(7)(C)s Classification: CONFIDENTIAE, Approved for RelSNGLABSIGAHD C08379782 C06379782 Approved for Rew NG-ARSIELB coss797e2 $$ $$____. EXHIBIT C ‘Subj: (U) Potential Ethics Violations Involving Film Producers (by(8) CIAAct Approved for RelNGLABSIB8EB C06379782 606379782 Approved for Role NE-ARSIBARB coss79782 — | 31 August 2012 ' INTERVIEW REPORT INTERVIEWEE: - PREPARED BY: (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) Coat (b\7\(e) 1. #@1 On 31 August 2012. Office of Inspector General (OIG) Special Agents, VAACt interviewed (b)(3) Ct | (b)(3) [ _|fegarding the receipt of gifts and gratuities from eas ‘outside sources in connection with a movie production about Usama Bin Laden (UBL) (b)(6)] titled Zero Dark Thirty. | (b)(7}(C) (b)(3) CIAAct ~~ > (b)(5) by) (b)(6) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(7)(c) | (b)(3) NatSecAct I (b)(5) | (bye) | (b)(7)(c) | = “ae 3. (©) ___|stated that he became involved with the Hollywood project = _(b)() CIAAct_—— jin June 2011. 'b)(6) (b)(3) CIAAct L ——(b)(7)(2). ————— (b)(6) ome (b)(3) NatSecAct 1 “SEGRETHNOFORN- Approved for ReldNGLABSIGHED C06379782 proved for REMAGLARSIBERR coss707e2, e SECRETINOFORN e ee INTERVIEWEE: | (b)(3) CIAAct b)(6 (b)(7)(c) | (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(S) | | (b)(6) | (b)(7)(¢) | (b\(3) ClAAct 4. +6} ‘advised that the authorization to support the UBL movie project (b)(6) came from the Director of Central Intelligence suite. | [stated that OPA's role in (bN7\(C), the movie project was to be present at meetings between the film producers and lexplained that Boal needed to talk to Agency officers as part of Agency officers. the project, and those officers were not to interact with the film producers without OPA. being present. | (b)(3) CIAAct | (b\(6) (e\7Xe) _| Approved for ReldNG|LABSIGWHE C06379782 ©06379782 Approved for ReANG-ASSIBURR coes79782, BECREDNOLOLb a CIAAet ee (by) |(b)(3) CIAActNTERVIEWEE: | (b)(7)(c)_| (b)(6) (b)(7)(e) L stated that many unclassified details about the ‘UBL hunt were in the public domain, and if discussions ventured from the publically available information, CTC officers could pull back from the discussion, (b)(1) (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) (b)(3) NatSecAct by 7 NC} 7) (b\6) | (N(7\e) | oe [attended a second meeting with Boal,| fafter work at a restaurant for dinner in Georgetown the last week in June or first week in July 2011 _____ advised that he left after an hour and a half, but|__|stayed. ___ jassumed that! paid for | his meal, and hers. ‘stated that his understanding of the rules, as discussed with (b)(3) |__\was that OPA pays for their meals when they meet with reporters.|__|did not, ClAAct know who paid for| meal. did not recall if OPA provided guidance to ve ‘about meeting with Boal and Bigelow and that the filmmakers were not to pay for pep Agency employee meals. lassumed| _ provided guidance to | (1) _ (3) CIAAct (3) NatSecAct (6) (7)(C) (b) 8. ¢67|___ladvvised that he did not receive gifts or gratuities from the flm a producers. (ext) (b) | (b)(3) CIAAct (b) | (b)(3) NatSecAct | | | (06) | re) (0(1), —(b)(3) CIAAct ; 9. «oy (bi) ) NatSecAct | | (b)(5) | [noted that! kept him infe(D)(6 of her off campus ‘meetings with Boal and Bigelow. ‘recalled that, (b)(7)(C)ned him about meeting with Boal Yor drinks and dinner.| ladvised that he made sure| ‘submitted an OAR for her unofficial contact with Boal and Bigelow. [ initially submitted an OAR to report volunteer contact with the media, but OPA instructed to resubmit the OAR changing it from a volunteer contact to a media (b)(1) contact, | Jadvised. (b)(3) CIAAGt | (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b)(7\(0) ! (b)(3) CIAAcB¢ that months after! jofficers contact with Approved for ReldNGLABSIBWRD C06379782 Ce Approved for ReBAGAASIBARR coss7o7e2 | e @ = -SEeRETOFORK- . (b)(3) CIAAct ee | (bM6) INTERVIEWEE Oc) | (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(6) ie in p producers | (p/7\c) |put a stop to CTC officers having further | | | | (b)(1) (x3) CiAact b)(3) NatSecAct i (b)(5) | (b)(6) | (o\7)(0) 12. (SUNFY [related that Boal walked him and|__|through the Zero Dark Thirty script during four or five telephone conversations in September or October 2011 bffered that he checked the names in the script to ensure they were not close to true names, He and| also reviewed the script for egregious errors like having dogs. in the interrogation scenes, stated. | stated that he does not know where (b)(3) CLAAc3°2! obtained information about having dogs in an interrogation room advised he and|__ 'told Boal that the depiction was inaccurate, that CIA would never have (N16) ddogs in an interrogation room, and that OPA objected to the scenes. Boal advised that (©)(7)() another inaccuracy with the script involved Agency officers partying and shooting guns. [ {told Boal that Agency officers would not do that. ‘tated that OPA did not have authority to approve the script, and he was not sure if requirements to preview the __Setipt existed | ‘advised that OPA would not receive @ copy of the scriot | b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct ® )(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b)(7)(C) | (bya) (b)(3) CIAAct | (b)(B) NatSecact (b)(5) (b)(6) (0)(7)(c) Approved for ReldMGLABSIBSEE C06379782 ae Approved tor RoANGLARSIGURB cosorareg e @ «—-SEGRETINEFORN (b)(3) ClAAct INTERVIEWEE: | (b)(6) | (b)¢ | (b)(7)(c) (b)(S) | (b)(6) (by{7)(c) | (3) CIAAct ) (b)(3) CIAAct 14. 48}/ ‘stated that he was aware of the release form Boal wanted (b\(6) Agency officers participating in the UBL movie project to sign,| tated that he did (o)7)(e) not signi (b)(3) CIAAct | (b)(5) J (b)(6) i} (b)(3) CIAAct (bM7)(c) | ‘Special Agent Attachment: As stated. SEGREHINGEORN Approved for ReltSNGLABSI58HD 606379782 eee Approved for RoMNELASSIBARB cosarorae. S Zz a a 8 gs Approved for RelNGLABSIBSHE C06379782 06379782 Approved for RANGA SIG cossreren CIAAct NatSecAct Approved for ReldNGLARSIHED C06379782 6063797 “ 6379782 Approved for Rel NELARSIBURR cosa7e782 ) ) CIAAct }) NatSecAct ) Approved for RelltNG1ABSIBKED C08379782 €06379782 Approved for ReNGARSI5¢R coss7e7a2___ | ae EXHIBIT D Subj: (U) Potential Ethics Violations Involving Film Producers (x3) CIAAct —— Approved for RelkeNGLABSIB8E C06379782 06379782 Approved tor RoGLAASIELER cosszo7e2 eee SW Office of Inspector General e Investigations Staff Memorandum of Investigative. Activity (MOLA) Case No {(b)(3) CIAAct Case Tile: _Alleged legal Gratuities Investigator: - Activiy: Interview Report Date of Activiy: _19 March 2013 Date Prepared: _19 April 2013 Location: F(b3) ClAaet woe MoTA we | (b)(3) CIAAGE 7 (by(a) clAAc ne a (b)(6) — (b)(7)(c)__1._ (UMOBEY On 19 March 2013, Office of Inspector General (OIG) | | (oearding her knowledge of] employees ~ ‘who participeted in the C1A’s Usama bin Laden (UBL) movie projed in June 2011 for the movie Zone Dark Thirty ceiving gifts and gratuites from scrotwriter Mark Boal and movie producer, Kethrey Bigelow. | (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) (b)7)(C) Tis (b)(3) CIAAct y 8 £ jealleditat ~(6)(6) i id the decision for OPA to participate in Boal and Bigelow’s UBL movie project came from the (b)(7)(c) Director of Cental Intlligence’s (DICIAy office, (b)(3) ClAAct | (b)(6) (b)(7)(C) ‘This document is controlled by the CLA/OIG and neither the document nor its contents should be disseminated without prior IG authorization, (b)(3) NatSecAct Approved for ReltNGLASIB8H3 06379782 ©06379782 —Approved for Role NELAASIEARB cossze7e2 CONFIDENTIAE Memorandum of investigative Activity (MOTA) e (b)(3) ClAAct: (UmreHer (b)(6) [and that an OPA official would attend the (b)(7)(c)eting. | advised that clasitid information was not disclosed to Boal and Bigelow.) said that (b)(3) CIAAct } ()6)i aid Boal and Bigelow received tours of CTC spaces and tat she was present when Bigelow visited (b)(7)(C)s [building at CLA. The building had already been returned to its pre UBL war room condition) advised. |said that CTC officers meetings with Boal and Bigelow were voluntary. : 5. (Umeouay (b)(3) CIAAct 1) | (b)(6) | (ore) | | | ___ | Sevised that some meetings were eventually held of empus athe direction of OPA Teadeip fom mid-July to maybe August 2011! relate [ 7. "made the decision for certain| —_ officers to meet off (b)(3) ‘campus with the producers,| —_baid,| advised that jealousy in CTC over who was getting “face ClAAct (ov) time" withthe producers led OPA to move the meting ff campus a (x3) stings off CIA Campus (b\(7)(0) easiness : (oye) Covet wie AT _ item OO) a el in Boats hotel sie ath Sefleson Hoi a ed ths GE! resin ocd i a ar ae eee 0) real oernga riled chess, French ris ac soda (b)(3) CIAAct (bx3), ‘cla — =e (b)(3) NatSecAct (Pe) 2. A vecond nating offempur wi] [Bol nd igo walt the RCo iex6) (oy) {gel in Georgetown during 14-17 July 2011 when Bigelow was in town. fecalled having tomato ((2)(7)(C) )(3) CIR bea that meeting sai tha both meetings occured over the weekend, during the dayalunch(b)(3) CIAAct oa fae and oad eect Pour or Cv hore Be eee (by(7\c) 3, eS) CMC rd meeting athe French restaurant, Bistro du Coin, during the week (®)(8) wit Boa (0)(6)™ Pitas petingto know you meting which was not (ONGC) ‘unusual,’ 's(D)(7)(C)aid she paid for her and| |meal with her personal credit card! (b)(3) ClAAct ‘maintained that she shreds her credit card receipts and no longer has any from 2011. fa en Soe ont (Pie) CAA Sire NGA Necnaras HOS) aid ota sO aren sTawprzOzHe (ON), (ox7¥(0) te en a eaten armel Smee OC) 201 any vite Oc) garb tla tng pon oma INV-100 Nac meres (V6 “COMPTeNhir | Approved for ReldNGLABSIGNZD C0S379782 06379782 _Aoproved for RoNGASSIGURR cosararen (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(6) (b\(Z)(0) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) ie (b)(1) (b)(3) ClAAt a|—- @ rere: Memorandum of Investigative Activity (MOIA) 20" ttt ta tin ames PX oa Seorsetown: al tht se dno pay fr his meal and that eter Boal or Bigeg paid for the (P)(3) ‘meal. She did not recall the exact amount but guessed that her share of meal approximately $125.00, (b)(3) NatSecAct freed the Cite meal aoc soil than Wek ae, aga eae 1 (bx6) dy, someone pea ost ofthe day discussing topics related tothe UBL movie A the en ofthe long (by(7\(e) a crrenate oiNg fora bit to ca. There were no substantive dscssons eld drags ‘meal at Citronella, advised D3 10. (€}|___ recalled having dinner atthe Jefferson Hotel's Teslaurant, Plume with Boal and CIAAct Cay and Ot ecasion. Boal was staying atthe Jtieson| agian ee en a (x6) Prone waa umed the meal was charged to Boas hotel oom. [advised tha the pice of Ne nach b)(7Ke) Plume was similar but maybe slightly less than her meal at Citronlle, (evt7Xe : 3) CIAAct vray pea attenepianencatentngn QE {b)(3) NatSecAct UBL project about accepting meals fom Boal and Bigelow, she sore ox foyoreaskingherit (SY) (6)(6) trae geal aceptthe meals. | "ai that he never had dscasions about wn eal ick up {(6)(7)(c) thet orto ee (0)(2) ClAAct 1 waa = Dy) | eid that she was not aware of anyone accepting gifs fom Boal or Bigelow (BS) inca raat NaS ~Lsaidthat hea NE), XS) Rema cayelartnn ras ammeter Hea) 12 (UME | si tat ste would nc have offre pudance ose othe CTC tral Skiers about having unoficial contact wit the media and the requirement o complete an Ours (by (12) Caaet Sy Rewer get cee ink PA considers representatives from Hollywood to be distinct from media epreceneaves ee they have (06) diferent isons. According i medarepenatves open eal eee (b\(7\(c) Hollywood representatives weave stories coniaining some fictional elements around factual evens. offered that she did not consider Boal and Bigelow reporters. 7 LAAct 13. (U/FORE)| sid that she didnot have concerns about the off campus meetings with he MA ae es during the meng offered that ne of sane mecings were quite and te purpose was oan unclasie iftoenes a n (b)(7)(c) actor's character, and talk through issues; also said that she never sought ‘guidance from the Office of ‘General Counse! (OGC) about ‘meeting with the producers| explained thai none. of the participants on.or ff campus ever expressed concen he about meting Wile pola a [oferta iva ot mil edeer acest wih oper ena eS we x the producers wanted the UBL participants to sgn Non Disclosure agree OX DA). b)(3) CIAAct (bv) SS (o(8) (ox(7\(0) (b)(3) ClAAct (oS) | (v6) (b)(7 (cy * (UifPOBO)| referred to the lease form Boal wanted Agency emple to sign as a Non Disclosure’ ene CHAACE Sevan (NDA Have rm Bot wae Na minnessio sien (7) = : inv pag Sort eonereewerar Approved for RelNGLASSIG8ED 608379782 eden Approved for RebNGASIBUB cossreve2 ! Memorandum of Investigative Activity (MOA) —__ _ (b)(3) CIAAct. (bXS) _(b)(6) — OI) 15, (UIOWO)| —_bffered tat —_ (b)(3) ClAAct | she realized tha he had not pid for some meals. To rea the (by) situation, [believes that she wrote to Boal and Bigelow’s production company in California and made (BN7Me) ‘8 good faith effort to repay the money by mailing a check for $500,00./ explained that she called (b)(3) CIAAct ‘Boal and asked him how much he paid for her meals during the UBL movie project said that she (b\(6) and Boal agreed that $500.00 was a fair valuc.| said that when the OIG contacted her forthe (by(7)(c) interview, she searched forthe duplicate check and evidence tha it had been cashed but could not find either. (b)(3) ClAAct 16, (W/FOWE}| aid she not submit a voucher be reimbursed for meals she pad for (b\'6) during official meetings with Boal.| advised that it was not unusual for| — ~ Ito pay for (6) ‘meals consumed during an official meeting using thei persona credit cards, and not seek reimbursement {id not recall if overtime was authorized for the external meetings held outside normal business (oy(7M(e) hours. She did not recall anyone asking if overtime was authorized and did no recall submiting a request for overtime. (b)(3) CIAAct (by(5) (b)(6) a_i b)(7) (b)(7)(c) ; (bN3) CIAAct ‘Attachments = TNV-100 Page 4 of Approved for RelNGLABSIBBED C0S379782 a a 379782 Approved for ReBNELAASIBLAB cossza7e2 seener ‘Timeline of interaction with Bin Ladin Film ‘April 2020 -D/CIA Panetta and fim deector Kathryn Bigelow meet at an event where she discusses her film project; DCA oters Agency assistance. ary Spring 2012 (in March or Ape before the rd) Michael Feldman, the in's publ relations ‘representative, contacted OCIA Cie of Staff feremy Bash, to renew the request for assistance, Early May 2011 ~ Feldman again reaches aut to Bash, who refers hm to Office of Publi Affairs. 10 May 2011 ~ Director OPA receives attr from the flmmakers requesting a phone cao dlscuss the movie project. 417 May 2013 Conference call between Office of Publc Afr ofices, the fn’ screenwnter, Mark Boal, nd Bigelow. 20 May 2031 ~ Meeting between Feldman, Boa, Director ofthe Offic of Public Afar, and Bah, ‘Weak of 6 June 2012 ~ Meetings between Boal, Bash, DO/CIA, and officers involved in the hunt for Bin Ladin Chet of Stat leremy Bash ~DO/CIAMichael Morell . thief of Tc) i i (b)(3) CIAAct pee ul (ee) NatSecAct | (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct | ‘Week of 24 June 2011 — Meetings between Boal and CTC afficers; Boal attends UBL Ceremony (attended by! (b)(41)__|who received a standing ovation from the crowd). (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(1) | | (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct ~ (b)(3) NatSecAct — seeReR Approved for RelNGLABSIB8ZE 008379782 ©06379782 | Approved for ReBAIGLAASIBERB cossza7e2 (b)(1) (b\(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct ‘Week of 11 July 2021 ~ Meetings between Boa, Bigelow, AD/CIA and CTC officers. ~AD/CIA Michael Morell (b)(1) | (b)(3) CIAAct (bx) NatSechet | I | 26 October, 1 November, 18 November, § December 2013— Boal reads his scrit over the telephone to ‘OPA ffcars so that OPA could determine th srpt inadvertently expose any seisives, ‘January 2012 —Telephone conversation with Boa in which he aks about the postbilty of liming st the Ageney. 10 February2032-— OPA meets with DDCIA, ADDCIA, and DDCIA Chief of Staff to discuss fmmakers! ‘equest to film on the Agency compound, 46 February 2012-| (b)(5) _fromthe Viginia Fl Office, and Colleen Gibbons, the fim's location manager, tour Agency and meet with Public Afar officers.” 47 February 2022 ~ DDCIA concurs nprincipe (wth DCLA concurrence) with aiowing UBL fmmakers to ‘fm under the same strict parameters used with othr productions, 21 February 2012 ~ OPA informs fimmakers that thel request to fim has been approve, inthe same locations and under the some conditions as previous fms. 9 April 2042 - OPA officers—inchuding an authorized Agency photographer —escort Gibbons t locations ln Headquarters where fling has previously been alowed (the OMB lobby, upper OHE lobby, Directors Gallery, ete and take unclassified photos. Photos are reviewed by security and subsequentiy passed t0 Gibbons the next week. 47 April 2012 ~ Gibbons and OPA officers meet with secur to begin dscusions about logit of filming. Approved for ReldNGLABSIG8213 606379782 ee Approved for ReMNGLASSIBARR cossrorez (b)(3) CIAAct 3 May 2012 OPA Officer Feceives a cal from the film's producers indicating the need to delay filming at headquarters until late summer or early fall. Approved for ReliNGLABSIO8ED C06379782 co 9 06379782 —poproved er RolNGLARSIBEB cosararen (b)(1) i (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct | (b\(5) (b\(6) (b\(7)(c) Approved for ReliNGLABSIEKED C06379782 ee Approved for ReWNG-LARSIBURB coss7e7e2—__ Approved for ReldMGL ABSIBAEIS CO6379782 ee , co6379782 Approved tor RoWNG'ASSIGIRR cossrore2 (b)1) (b)\(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(S) Approved for Rel NGLASSIB8ED C08379782 06379782 Approved tor RoW GLANS coss7are2 | | ® e | (b)(1) (0)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct | (b\(5) Approved for RelsNGLARSIBWAD 608379782 Approved for ReltNG-ARSIBURR cosa797e2 e@ e (1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (b\(5) Approved for ReldNGLABSIG8ED 608379782 €06379782 Approved for RotNG-ARSI5UR coss7e7a2, CIAAct NatSecAct b\( N( i Nt 4 b)(3) (0)(3) (0)(5) Approved for Rel NGLABSIOAED C08379782 €06379782 Approved for Role NG ARSISERR coss7a7e2—_ — a (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(5) | (b)(7)(0) Approved for RelNGLABSIB8ED C0S379782 ace Approved for Reb NGLASSIBUD cossrarez \ (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(5) | (by7Me) Approved for RelNGLABSIG8H3 008379782 ©06379782 _ Approved for RelWNEARSIbURB coss7e7e2 (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (bye) (NTN) (by(7)(e) Approved for ReldNGLABSIBWER CO6379762 €06379782_ \ | (b)(1) (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(8) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b\(7)c) (b)(7Xe), Approved for ReliNGLAASIG82D C06379782 Approved for Rel NGASIEURB cos797a2— 06379782 ——rpprove or RobGLASSIEEB cossroren (by(4) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b)(7)(0) (b)(7)(e) ——_—ppproved for ReISNGLABSIB@RD 608370782 06379782 ‘aporoved tor RRNG-ASSIBIRR cossroren : (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (bX) (b\7 Me) (bN7)e) ~ Approved for Rel@NGLABSIG8HB C08379782 €06379782 Approved for RolANGLARSIOURER coss7a7e2. (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b\(7\(c) (o(7(e) ‘Approved for ReltsNGLABSI58HD 606379782 "Approved for RG NGARSIESRB cossrevan (by\1) (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(3) NatSecAct (bye) (b\(7\(C) (py(7)(e) "Approved for Rell MGLARBSIGBEIS CO6379782 06379782 Approved for Ret NGLARSIBRB coss7e7e2. EXHIBIT E Subj: (U) Potential Ethics Violations Involving Film Producers (b)(3) ClAAct Approved for RelNGLASSIB8EI3 08379782 ee Approved for ReBNGLARSIBERR cosaza700 (b)(1) (b)(3) ClAAct | (b)(5) (b)(6) ()(7)(c) (b)(7)(4) Approved for ReliNG|ABSIGWE C0S379782 00379782 nove for RNGLASSIGER consreraa——— 4 (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (o)(5) (b)(6) | (b)(7)(e) | (b)(7)() | dt Approved for RelbN6LABSI682B C06379782 ©06379782 Approved for ReBNNGLARSIOURR cossro7az— | (b\(1) (b)(3) CIAAct | (0x5) (by6) (ex7Xo) (eN(7Xa) Approved for RelsGLASSI68E C06379782 06379782 a tor ReUNGLAR SIGIR coosre7e2 (by(t) (b)(3) CIAAct (b\(5) (b\(6) (b\(7(c) (b)(7)(a) Approved for ReldNG|ABSIGRZD C06379782 06379782 raved tor RaMNGLASSIEURR coaareraa® 1 (oy(1) (b)(3) CIAAct | (0x5) | (0X6) | (o(7\e) \ (ox7V¢) Approved for Rell ARSIGARE C06379782 5° 6379782 Approved for RRNA baie coss7e7e2 (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct Approved for RelNGLABSIBGED C06379782 COC3T9TB2 Approved for Re PNG ARSIEUR coss7e762 EXHIBIT F Subj: (U) Potential Ethics Violations Involving Film Producers ()(3) CIAAct Approved for ReWNGLABSIG8ED C06379782 37 €06379782 ‘Approved for ReBNGLARBIGdHS coss7e762 (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(5) | (b)(6) (b)(7)(e) | (b)7)(a) Approved for Rel@NGLABSIORED C06379782 006379782 ‘Approved for RelbAG AASIEARR coss797a2 (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(5) (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) (o)(7)(a) Approved for ReldNGLARSIB8ED C06379782 C06379782-__ Approved for REUNEHASTBIEMR coes7e7ex (b)(1) (b)(3) CIAAct (b\(5) (bye) (b\(7)Kc) (bN7)) Approved for Rel MGLABSIGSED C06379782 C06299686 | This report is the property of the Office of Inst Appropriate safeguard officials who have a need-to-know. Any copies should be appropriately controlled and maintained. Freedom of Information Act, Tide 5, US. report may not be disclosed outside the CLA without prior written approval of the Office of Inspector General, including distribution to contractors. Approved for Re NGASSIBUR coszoosee @ secrernorons Central Intelligence Agency Inspector General REPORT OF INVESTIGATION (U) Alleged Disclosure of Classified Information by Former D/CIA (b)(3) CIAAct | 12 March 2014 speétor General and is for OFFICIAL USE ONLY. ig should be provided for the report and access should be limited to CLA {the report should be uniquely numbered and Public disclosure is determined by the 552, and the Privacy Act, Title 5, U.S.C. 582a, The (b)(3) NatSecAct | J SEERETINOFORN | Eee eee eee eerste See Approved for RelWMGLABSIG8ED 606299686 ore ee ear eG eG consoec @ secreryrworor e (©) Section I - Predieation 1, (WAPOWO) On 9 October 2012, the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General producer and tod esse Mak Boal” hosrng to th DODO stieson nat stemmed from 1 24 Fane 2011, spocch given by fotmer DCIA (F/DCIA) Panetta at « CIA Usama Bin Ladea (UBL) Operation Awards Ceremoay, held on CIA Headquarters grounds, which Boal attended. ? 2, (URED) DoDIOG alo need OG hat PIDCIA Pet's ech was incorey from the Original Classification Authorities classified. DoD/OIG provided documentation (OCA) itlustrating that FDDCIA Pancti’s pecch, classified by the CIA as SECRET, contained DoD derived TOP SECRET information at the Sensitive Compartmented Level (TS/SCI). 3. (UMPEUO) On 9 October 2012, CIA OIG initiated an investigation into this matter. The focus of the investigation oeutered on the following related questions: © (UIROUG}-Question #1: Did FIDCIA Panetta disclase classified information during the UBL Operation Awards Ceremony to Mark Boal, an uncleared person? © (UAOWO) Question #2: Prior to the ceremony, did F/DCIA Panetta now that Mark Boal was invited or that Boal would be in attendance? © (UIFOBO) Question #3: What was the origin of the misclassification of F/DCIA Panetta's speech for the UBL Operation Awards Ceremony? (U) Section Ii - Potential Statutory or Regulatory Violations © ©) Federel criminal law, Tile 18 USC. § 793(d), Gathering, transmitting or lasing defense information. © (& Federal criminal law, Tile 18 USC. § 798, Disclosure of classified information, (b)(3) ClAAct ] JO) CIA Pena ved DCU tm 13 Ft 20091 0 Je 2011 Upon ening hire ws DUA, ‘eta serve te Scr of Def | aly 20111077 Flmary 20 UBL Oprces Avs Caran ommend lave cle peda by ha 0 Ded. Ta eprion Eatin i gmc in ia Soy Key) canes hand on2 May 201, via pron foal _(b)(3) NatSecAct boedoced a dena compound in ADbtnibad, Paste where UBL was epectndofhitng, 1G Case No!_(b)(3) CIAAct BECHET/NOFORN- Approved for Re(@NGLABSIG8H C05299686 ©06299686 Approved for RelWNG-ASSIELRR coszo06e6 @ sxerorome- = @ (b)(3) CIAAct (D) Section HIT - Background ‘4, (U) In Jane 2011, a month after the successful 2 May 2011, raid on UBL's Abbottabad ‘compound, CIA provided Mark Boal, who did not have a security clearance, access to Agency facilites and personne! to farther his research for a screenplay, Iter releated under the title “Zero Dark Thirty,” based on the events that led to the UBL mid. As part of that access, Boal ‘was invited tothe clasefied UBL Operation Awards Ceremony. 5. (SINE) On 24 June 2011, FDCIA Panetta presided over the UBL Operation Awards by agar ersoomel fmm across the Etelgeace Comers (2), a6 Se pommel fm DoD sm Congress.*| —(b)(1) conducted the raid, were also in attendance. o w-B 3) pave ims (U) Bcecutive Summary of Investigative Findings b)(3) CIAA any fee) ; a ceremony, 01G's investigation obtained conflicting information as to whether F/DCIA Panetta Ce (b)(7)(c) ‘ed tng Boa asin race att of pec soa POCA Peests ( ut ct eres was not aware Boal would be st the ceremony.) - | (b\(7)(c) (b)(3) CIAAct tbat F/DCIA Panetta did know Boal IDCIA Pan's psc an wlcn, casio SECRET, (exe) ‘would be atthe event. Regarding ‘o7)(c} Henna eT ee ra ria tn eacatinn cf wrect hhandweitten rematks made by F/DCTA Panetta. OIG found that the discrepancy in the | classification of the speech was due to the fact that! ‘did not coordinate the information in the speech with outside apencis determined several seaior CIA officers were aware (el CIAAct » A copy of he pros rulease lamod by OPA forthe UBL. Operation Awards Cermony i inched with ths report Be as Bubit 3 ‘OIG Case N(b)(3) CIAAct | Approved for Rel NGLABSIGHE C06299686 C06299686 (UIPOEO) Question #1: Did FIDCU Ponta close clasfd information ching the UBL Operation Awards Ceremony to Mark Boal, an uncleared person? 7. (UNEQUO}- The investigation by OIG determined F/DCIA Panetta disclosed classified uring his speech a the 24 Jue 2011 UBL Operation Awards Ceremony, and that ‘Boal was in attendance during the speech. F/DCLA Panetta told OIG be was aware the speech classified information; however he was not aware that Boal was in the audience at the ceremony. (b)(6) — (b)(7)(c) 8. __(UMPOBO) During the course of the investigation, OG found that) . iat uware the UBL. Openuion Awana Ceremony micas end (53) ClAAct “that Boal attended the event, nd did not have a security clearance. (by(6) | @X7Ne) (umesoy recalled being advised of Boal's invitation to the ceremony from OPA several days information regarding. before the event. could not recall any further: Boal’s invitation, _ told OIG be did not object to Boal’s invitation. He stated it never ‘ecured to him that Boal’s presence atthe ceremony would pose a security problem. pe Ota a ei tar ea cag eony beirhod i = ‘be exposed to classified information contained in F/DCIA Panetta’ 0) _ swell instrcted hero invite (D)(3) CAAct Boal to the UBL Operation Awards Ceremony. (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) | . FOES a ~ ___Was aware the Directoe’s speech was classified. _ fig Ene Bont wonld be ating the event bt cold oot eal (b)(3) CIAAct _ifshe leamed oft the dav of the event, or several days beforehand 1 (ye) (b)(3) CIAAct a (16) + CAR. _____ as aware the ceremony was classified and (DN7)(e) ‘that Boal would be attending. first confronted! ‘several days before the event about Boal itending. Acoonding to objected to Boal’s attendance because it was a closed event. F/DCIA Paneita's eeatiz clea __ (b)(3) CIAAct = _ —ttied other means to minimiz((,)(1 mage (6) "s attendance would have. (b)(3) NatSecAct would be ( (b)(7)(e) _Jeopandized by Boal’sattendance| l (Addtionally, b)(3) CIAAct infomed| ofthe ane concens sven days before te eenony, {P12} (03) ClAAct ee 4 (b)(6) , (b){7)(c) O91 Case (b)(3) CIAAct| Approved for ReldNGLABSIBAED CoE299605 co 6299686 Approved for Re NGHAASIBURR coezeg6s6 ® (b)(3) CIAACPRN e (b)(6) (b)(3) CIAAct (By(7N(e) (by(6 ‘asked| for assistance in waming F/DCIA Panetta that (b)(7)(c) ‘Both aatuneleaed person, would be in te audience, © (Uimoue) (b)(3) CIAAct ] 7 (b)(7)(c)_____ [was not aware the UBT. ‘Operation Awards Ceremony was classified) did know F/DCIA Panetts’s speech ‘was classified to review with Boal pide for is attendance atthe oaemony. ‘an (U/FOBO) Question #2: Prior to the ceremony, did F/DCIA Panetta know that Mark Boal was Invited or that Boal would be in attendance? 9. (UNBOVO) Due to conflicting information obtsined by OG through the course of the investigation, no determination could be made as to whether F/DCIA Panetta knew Boal was invited to or attended the UBL Operstion Awands Ceremony. F/DCIA Panetta told O1G he hed no knowledge of Boal’s invitation to the ceemnony. F/DCIA Panetin explained to O1G that bo (5)(3) CLAAct ever met Boal end, therefore, would nat beable fo en him. (bye) 7 (b)(7) (b)(3) ClAAct.__ - pe (b)(6) 10, (W/FOUO) \gave a differing account to O1G, stating that! ina phone (b)(7)(e) call sbsequet to the event tat PDCIA Paoota hd foreknowledge of Boal iending the (b)(3) CIAAct ceremony. A review of Agency records by O1G, found information suggesting that F/DCLA (b)(6) Panetta may have met Boal in May of 2010, OIG reviewed F/DCIA Panett's briefing materials §—(b)(7)(c) for the 1 May 2010, White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner (Exhibit C), which indicated F/DCIA Panetta sat atthe same table as Boal for the event. Additionally, a 21 April between Boa! 2011 email (Exhibit D) from| to _| referenced a dinner conversation and: evel CIAAct F/DCIA Panetta from the approximate time of the O1 ‘May 2010 event. (b)(3) CIAAct b)(6) (b\(7)(c) eal ume) “The investigation found no information that affirmatively identified who ()(7)(c) | Boal's invitation to the UBL Operation Awards Ceremony. ‘© (WIPOLO) According to| | Boal became aware ofthe ceremony several days —(b)(6) ‘ior from unidentified officers assigned to the Agency's Counterterorism (b\i7\(c) (CTO).| paid that Boal expressed an interest in attending the ceremony end, ‘"/ (b)(3) CIAAct. ‘passed his request to for action. According to | ‘that the (b)(6) Office of the DCIA approved the invitation to Boal.|__ iid not recall 'b}(7)(c) identifying who from the Office of the DCIA provided the approval. feieneeee| + (upeHe)| jinformed’ about, —poncems b\(7\(C) IIS i ces51 item etic come. [ |said ‘was preset when’ received a telephone call from a person| [believed was ‘irecting that Boal be invited tothe ceremony. (b)(3) ClAACt (b)(3) CIAACt—. (Y/FOUO) In an interview with OIG, |denied inviting Boal to the ceremony or oe (b)(6) direoting anyone to extend an invitation to Boal. According to _, several days | (eX7)(e) before the ceremony, OPA informed him of their intention to invite Boal to the (b)(3) ClAActS OIG Case 1(10)(3) CIAAct| (by6) —SEERETNOPORN— (b\(7)(C) Approved for RelNGLARSIBSED COs299686 cog299686 Approved for RANGA SIU cosz9ee86 -——___--_— (b)(3) CIAAct e ( . -SBCREELANORORN. ceremony in order to assist the screenwriter in capturing the atmospherics of the event. recalled having no objections. (M1) (UIFOUR) Question ¥3: What were the origins of the misclassification of F/DCIA Panetta's (b)(3) NatSecAct speech for the UBL Operation Awards Ceremony? iat? fone om KOs ireiextina nvaind tt, wi ema Se Which was classified by the Joint Staff OCA ss (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) Natseoad Pe, Set Jincluded information deemed By the NSAS OCA as NSA derived (b)(7)(c) In his interview with O1G,| _ tated that he classified the speech ‘SECRET tesed oa inftmation he mcived Gra the Ageney’s Counerarotam Center (CTC). told OIG that CTC notified him of the need to coordinate the information with NSA and (b)(1) DoD. However, | nid thet e elected not to coordinate the information due tothe press of| (b)(3) CIAACt business at the time and that there was no requirement by OPA that speeches be coordinated lena ; ahead of time with outside agencies. © (U) Section V— Investigative Activity 13, (UPOUO) OIG interviewed (b(7)(c) including F/DCIA Panetta. In addition to interviews, OIG reviewed relevant DoD and Agency records. OIG did not interview Boal as part of this investigation. (V6) 14, (UUFOUE) OIG contacted] ~~ ~ (b)(7)(0) 4 ____ [01G contacted again, after he left = ‘government service, > (U/FORO) Popcraon Toot id F/DCU Panetia delete classfd Information during the UBL Awards Ceremony to Mark Boal, an uncleared person? 15, (W/POLO) F/DCIA Panetta told O1G he was not aware the speech was classified. He information classified at the SECRET level. ‘contributed to a confusing situation with respect to wht information was officially released and (b)(3) CIAAct what was not. 16. (ROOF Acrting |the spocoh waa standard thank youto those who (0116) | participated in ‘provided OG with a copy of a memorandum he (by(7)(c) Peed te aut DoD Paci Cocalo 5 Jove 2013.4 ha oro oo rmemortadum showed it tobe consistent with statements made by | providing no scditiona informtion forthe investigation. (0)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) tre) CIAACt 17. qumeuey jwas not involved inthe drafting of F/DCIA Panetta’s (D7) ee speech. Acconding to 1a significant portion of the information addressed in the speech 01G Case X(0)(3) CIAACt . SECREPINOPORN- Approved for Rel MGLABSIB8RD CO6299686 cos2996e6 Approves tor ReWNG-ARSIEHRR coszoeee e SECRET77NOFORN e (b)(3) CIAAct nn ‘was already in the public domain. 1{)(7)(C)opinion, F/DCIA Panetta might not have made Caer ee rete mich effectively released to the public. 48, (U/OWO)| plated that she did not recall ifthe award ceremony was classified, _(b)(3) CIAAct i ‘said she believed that the Office of the DCIA was aware the specch was classified and that (b)(6) ‘Boal would be attending the ceremony. | _ fd not identify who in the DCIA’s Office she was (b)(7)(c) ‘referring to. Further,! told OIG she was not aware of anyone in the DCIA’s Office raising any objections. 19. (U/POUR)| Lf |statod (b)(3) CIAAct - that she was aware the speech was classified | (b)(7)(c)__-——-FADCIA Panetia's (b)(6) tendency to sd-lib from the written speech as it was prepared by OPA. (b)(7e) (U/FOLO) Question #2: Prior to the ceremony, did F/DCIA Panetta know that Mark Boa! was invited or that Boal would be in attendance? 20. (U/POWO) F/DCIA Panetta stated he did not know Boal would be at the ceremony. (0\(7)(0) F/DCIA Panetta explained to OIG that he did not lear of Boal's ettendance until he was told) lafter becoming the Secretary of Defense. F/DCIA Panetta said he never met Boal and ‘would not be able to recognize him. In F/DCIA Panetta’s opinion, OPA was responsible for (b)(3) CIAAct (V6 Jbandling the ceremony and should have advised him that Boal would be in attendance. CIAA tee) “on. courotr 4 Aroning —___FIDCIA Panetta was aware that Boal would be (b)(7)(c) attending the ___ became sware of this after the ceremony and FIDCIA Pass dopa fom i Ansan waste Sons of eae cos cr ; - ‘2011. At the time,| (b)(3) CIAAct sl ac GA Ta tented s Cope Fo Tce (b)(6) ‘requesting Agra eres concern rogundingallged CIA mvolvesoc ite ed ees (0)(7)(c) ofthe movie Zero Dark Thirty, In prevaring CIA's response, Morell asked —_tocontact_ —_()(3) CIAAct = thei teleplione conversation that F/DCIA Panetia was aware that Boal ne eon (bX) CIAAct, (bX6) gpa waked wit Jan poly FIDCIA Panels tw settp ts CO Opera ee NS) CIAAct (P)(7©) Cereanony. For this masumed that OPA was directed to invite Boa(P)(5) ‘According tol | was aware of Boa!’s attendance and) ((2\(7c) (0X3) CIAACt pines ICIAP — Opal2)U\ Cais Czmnony: wating noing one wits spore (©)(6) ‘never met Boal, eal from him on one occasion when he was looking for (y(7ye)- L_} be surprised if F/DCIA Panetta did not know that Boal would be ‘attending the ceremony, (by) (b)(3) CIAAct, avney| Jeould not recall exactly 42)\”)( hemmed shout Beal's (HG) vont eeEn(5)(7)c) cul ae ben ding a comer ith c OIG Case (b)(3) CIAAct| Approved for ReldNGLABSIB8HE C06299686 amare Approved for Rell NGHASSIBUE cosz096e6 e SECRET//NOFORN: e@ (b)(3) CIAAct bx6) (oy) who was alamnod that Boal would be exoosed| (ON(7)(0) (b)(a) NatSecAct 3) ClAACtacems, | Itold O1¢(b)(7)(c) becoming aware of the matter wien | |FADCIA Panetts, who had (b)(6) sparen 7c ces before the ceremony jot ising (b)(7)(C) already begun ke thr way to the ceremony leon. (b)(3) CIAAc it Beal ean he enone Sane | (b)(1) (0)(6) i in his speech. __ immediately contact the _(b)(3) NatSecAct and have them contact their officer escorting F/DCIA Panetta. (b)(3) CIAAct b) (o)(7\(0) oF Proteca| (Ce) as @ SDINC) lade got te exanocy salen tarcine terme = he) Jonabloceeenen + (0(7X(c) (oy) ble to ain FIDCTA Pati (7) ‘)\(c)_ that other than! ‘about either Boal’s attendance at the ceremony or his possible exposure to (oX7Ke) iid nmin | iid not know ifBoal’s exposure to classified in ‘ever reported to a security official. (b)(3) CIAAGt : : (b)(6) 24. (UIFOBE) __laday of two before the ceremony! (b)(3) CIAAct (o)7)(c) Ned ne i (b)(6) i designated bBo POC (b)(7)(e) ‘instructed| ___}o invite Boal to the ocremony. =. ‘memorialized in writing. (b\(7)(c) (b)(3) CIAAct 25. 4S/ANF) According tol | around the same tim 2.” Sheting with 1 fiom that FIDCTA Panetia intended to mention| (b)(1 (b)(6) earned d ) ‘in his speech.| _(p(1) _aed! Sapna fp) NatSoonce (by(7\(e) (b)(3) ClAAct notknow it~ elepLeaca °°Sest| al tht, national 8) Precautionary mesmme, —(b)(6) (o\(1) (oyi7i(e) (PMC) (&)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) ClAAct | (0)(3) NatSecAct (b)(6) (b)(1) — (b)(7)(c) (M7) (b)(3) NatSecAct6. (HN: _ told O1G that on the day ofthe ceremony, ‘met with byt ‘Boal and discussed the restrictions of Boal’s attendance at the ceremony. recalled (b)(1) _ that Boal was there sicily forthe event's atmospherics and was not (b)(3) NatSecAct slid on ony way ln ment, = = | (b)(3) ay CIAAct ws (3) ClAAet (by) — M7 NC). (by(7)(c) 27. SNL |and when it (3) CIAAct concied, _otoned Bol ote fot oft eins | ot be at araot (08) the temt was where the (b)(7)(e) congregated. — (b)(1) [ = (b)(3) NatSecAct (by(1) 28, (UIPOLO) While! tid not know if ten Deputy Director (b)(3) NatSecac Morell or F/DCIA Panctia were aware of Boal’ invitation, it was! impresion that, and/or F/DCIA Panstta wanted Boal’s attendance downplayed. (offered no (b)(3) CIAAct. ; 3 (BNE) OIG Case (b)(3) CIAAct (b)7\(c) ‘SBERETHINOFORN™ Approved for ReMNGLABSIBGED C06299686 06299686 Approved for ReltNGLARSIBLAR cosza96e6 e ‘srorenpya) cance @ (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) conroborating evidence to these statements and stressod tha! no one personally informed )(73(°) Inop Bons sce pe Additicaatiy, | \did not report Boal’s ‘exposure to clagified information and was not aware of anyoné else doing so. 29. (UAFOUO)| —_ jold OIG that Boal first learned of the awards ceremony approximately {wo days before the event, when Boal was meeting with several CTC officers. | suidthat(5)(3) CIAAct Boal asked her if he could attend the ceremony. This request was relayed tol |who (b)(6) ‘ultimately told her that the Office of the D/CIA approved Boal’s attendance. that he (5)(7)(0) id not know who specifically made the decision o invite Boa to the ceremony. (b)(3) ClAAcee, OLS Am _| Fea Clerng the tnt, loi Boal dat everyihing be beard athe cxemony should be (D)(6) considered as ‘off | (b)(7)(c) : ‘pave Boal this guidmee based on insiructions| | 6 ‘Resived wea} (oy7}(6 sinmeg (0102) CIAACt ct were they (0\6) theres long thse’ ef ide (ag he pod). fal tat whet cae (7)(c) several CIA officers, who had already consulted with Boal, approached and cee [could not recall the names of these officers. According tol down to the podium area following the ceremony. sot al boinc but that it may have been o0e ofthe CTC officers, (b)(3) CIAAct CTC officers working with Boal may bave introduced him to Vice (b)(6) (ovr) Wala Maar [eine eae ren O70) ()() NatSecActypetia saw Boal at the ceremony. | Gould not semember if Boal came into CIA (b)(3) CIAAct Headquarters for additional meetings before or after the ceremony, but thought he deverted the (b)(6) ‘Headquarters compound immediately afterwards. |said| am (by(7)(c) | fay ire scampi (DTIC) wt a jrcaled (b)(6) — A (b)(7}(c) Maia the fwo men convening ox 7h) 32, UIOBO)| |(b)(3) ClAAct he knew the ceremony was closed to the (b)(6) Tite caso ac alive eae eater] sid he was notuware (5)(7)(c) ifBoal received any guidance regarding his attendance atthe ceremony. 33, como, hecalled that, on the day of the ceremony, | only 2 I eae “(by(7V(e) "lr po loser opin ‘the event, I is cocer necings at oe cl tarssrrineens (b\(7)(c) as ald that enge the OfSce ofthe DCIA di not jet te thoes tans he = — {INE Boal initially stood atthe rear ofthe tent, but shortly i amon ep |puggested they move down tothe front for a beter view, t 18 sala hey sl ove oa vainge point log te ef sie tors the fot ofthe en”) t7Ke) ‘After the event concluded, m office assigaod to CTC introduced Boal (ont) - (b)(3) NatSecAct (3) CIAAct OIG Case b)(3) CIAAct | -SBGRETINOBORN Approved for Rel MGLABSIEARD C06299686 errr CT eee SEGREEYANOPORN oe e e (b)(3) NatSecAct . hongregating near the podium. ‘ated Boal may have also met Viee —_(b)(3) CIAAct estimated approximately fifteen (b) ‘Adeairal MeRaven af that time. they remained there (6) minutes following the ceremony. (b)(7)(c) 35. (UUPOBE), lapprosched Boal, exchanged greetings and talked ‘with him for a couple of minutes. While be was not privy to the conversation, | said that it ecime* ‘enid be surmised that] Kew Boal would be attending. ‘stated! soonafter(0)(7)(C) (b)(3) ClAAct (b)(7)(c) 37. (UNPOUOT. FADCIA Panetta first met Kathryn Bigelow, Boal's co- producer, around April 2010 at a dinner in Washington which| ‘According to | Bigelow informed F/DCIA Panetta she was Working on # movie project about the battle at (b)(3) CIAAct “Tora Bora. recalled that F/DCIA Pmettatold Bigelow As aresult, later thai_(b)(6) (b)(3) CIAAct Spring) _Feezived telephone call fom _(b)(3) CIAACt (b)(7)(c) (b)(6) _ ______(b)(6)___—_|also remembered (b)(7)(c) receiving a telephone call from Boal a few weel(})(7)(c)!# UBL operation, aid he told Boal tocal(b)(3) CIAAct_ Sth GOSOERISY (b)(6) mid he first met Boa! in person z 4{Pn70), : feces ak cra relationship), eid he would not characterize Boal a personal fiend. b)(3) 38, (U/FOUO)| stated he did not recall inviting Bosl to the ceremony, nor did he remember directing anyone to invite Boel.| said thatthe invitation to Boal was one of ClAAct ‘several recommendations that OPA a ‘stated that he (b)(6) ‘posed no objection to Boal’s attendance, admitting that he did not consider Boal’s presence with 'b)(7)(c) regard to the possible disclonure of classified information atthe ceremony. (b)(3) ClAAct "that during the ceremony, he remembered seeing Bos! ‘He recalled seeing Boal again after the ceremony at the _ may have introduced Boal to ‘some of the dignitaries; however, (b)(3) ClAAct | t (bye7Ke | | Whild (recognized Boal did not have a security clearance, (b)(3) s told OIG he did not have a problem with Boal attending. CIAAct | sand that no ane ever advised him that it would be (b\(6) ‘problematic if Bool was in attendance, (b)(7)(c) ‘01G Case (b)(3) CIAAct| SBERETINOFORN Approved for RelwNGLABSI68ED CO6299686 Cl 6 06299686 a sproved for RNG AASIEUB coszaa6e5 @ sccrorypoom = @ (U/POUO) Question #3: What were the origins of the misclassfication of F/DCIA Panetta’s speech far the UBL Operation Awards Ceremony? (b)(1) 41. (G/F) FIDCIA Panetta told OIG that he banwrote eee in th margin ofthe writen speech forthe purpose of including it in his remarks, F/DCIA eta sl inthe pros he ereony Wat tguz td avn al heparin (by(1) | PDCIA Panetn told O1G that had he the operation (b)(3) NatSecActen aware of concems| _(b)(1) ___he would not have mentioned it. (b)(3) NatSecAct (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) —S2-MROUO) ——_eraRTTNOFORN ESTE) N al’ OVO pees. That poses for i scSeae ESE ond ee Operation Awards Cerenony wor pally cassie dus oe undcoanting tht eresyone a (0)(3) CIAAct attendance had a clearance. (0,2) Cla, tat CTC find dete serien (b)(6) of the information for him. | ess ba wot EL! ead PCE Panel (D)(7)(c) departing 1A, it was an exemdly Ss) ne and he assume CTC'sclasifcation was accurate, ‘the in question did information. ‘not appear to him to be anything that had not already besn discussed in the media by government (b)(3) CIAAct. [he would have taken steps to coordinate the information. Additionally, (b)(7)(c)#2tmE OPA at the time did not require thet speeches be cos ee a (b)(3) CIAAct 43. (U/OWO) O1G’s investigation identified correspondence from CTC to| 1 (b)(6) i ‘correspondence noted that the (b)(7)(e) ‘information had not been formally coordinated with other components either inside or outside (b)(3) CIAAct (oNs) z ws corane he perch wb te PACT sf oer b\(7)() pen re i 3 (l ‘coordination was not mandatory and at the discretion of the speechwriter CL ithat either, or| | ‘would have been the persons to direct’ _|to coordinate the speech with the appropriate | entities. (b)(3) CIAAct igow Be (oy7V0) (e)7Me) OIG Case No! (b)(3) CIAAct " SRCRESINOFORY Approved for Relsi6G! ABSIBREI C06299686 06299686 Approved for Re NG-AASIEUR cosaoee86 @ scree iceean e (U) Section VI - DOS Coordination, 1. (UsMOO} On 17 October 2012, the matter was referred to the Department of Justice (DO!) as potential violations of Titles (8 U.S.C. Sections 793 (Gathering, transmiting or losing defense information) and 798 (Disclosure of classified information). DOJ dectined prosecution ‘on 5 September 2013 in favor of administrative action. (U) Section Vii Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act Notice 2, (U/PALO) The information in this cepor is covered by the Privacy Act, 5 USC §5528, pected ied eta (b\(3) ClAAct 1G Case No|_(b)(3) CIAAct a SRERERHNOFORNY Approved for RelNGLARSIBWED C06299686 Cc pe2z2265ceme Approved tor RelbNG/ARSIBRB coszacae @ -seener/srorom- § @ (U) EXHIBITS OR ATTACHMENTS ‘A. Memorandum from DoD/OIG, undated, without attachments, B. OPA Press Release entitled “CIA Director Panetta Hosts Bin Ladin Operation Recognition Ceremony, ” undated. CC. F/DCIA Panette’s briefing materials for the 1 May 2010, White House Correspondents” ‘Association Dinner, ‘D. Email from to dated 21 April 2011. (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(6) (b)(7)(c) 3 OIG Case N(b)(3) CIAACt | SEERETNOPORN Approved for Rel NGLABSIBERD C06299686 606299686 as croved for ReNGLASSIEURR cosz968e———— @ secre ssxoronn. e OIGANY/ (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(3) CIAAct | Distribution: Original - Addressee w/att 1 ~ce: D/OS watt 1 -1G Chrono wio att 1 INV Chroto wio att 1 INV Subject Fil(b)(3) CIAAct watoh, O1G Case 1(b)(3) CIAAct . ‘SBERETINOPORN- Approved for RelbNGLACBSIB8BD C06299686 606299686 approved for RBNG-ASASIARR coszo0es6 EXHIBIT A Approved for ReldNGLABSIBKED C06299686 cece Approved for ReBNGLARSIERR coszoseee. e e (b}() NatSecc. Tor set. of (b) ts st NOR + voowmscons TOP SECRET/, yap) NaSeohe n(b)(9), NatSeoAct ro Barent ‘Scnum come ore ign VER 0 80 MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ‘SUBJECT: (U) Referral of Unauthorized Disclosures of Classified DoD lafixmation (UNPOUO) We are refezring to you for appropriate action the unuthorized disclosures of DoD. ‘information by the former Director of Centra! intelligence Agency (CIA) to « movie producer not sruthorized to receive the information. (U) On Jane 24, 2011, the CIA held the Usama bin Laden (UBL) Operation Award Coremeay al” CCA, hosted by the former Ditector."The atendees included a movie producer, CA persoane!, snd DoD personnel, some of whom participated inte tracking and killing OF UBL. All alendees were ‘exposed to DoD classified information pening to senaitive programs and operations, (U) We obtained a DVD af the ceremony marked SECRET/NOPORN as par fs date callin saci et beg concn by yf, tamed he mcs yh former Die (WOLD) A: our request, Original Casification Authosities with jurisdiction of the lfortation reviewed the taxscript and confined multiple remarks made by the former Director uring the ceremony contained information classified TOP SECRET/| by) snd TOP SECRET/ (TAB Band C). Purter, remarks made (°)(1) during the introduction of he former Director and xwards presentations a the conclusion of his (P)(3) NatSecAct remarks, which were nat manscribod, appe to contain simile camsifed information. (UMFOUO) My pita of const for this mareris| —_(b)(6) | 703-882(b)(6) iS ier Deputy Inspector General ‘for Intelligence and Special . ‘Program Assesaments ‘Avachoneate: ‘AxSated Derived From: Multiple Sources Declazs{fy On: 20370911 TOP SECRET/ (b)(1) INOFO) EGRADED UWLAsBRED//FOKOFHG(D)(3) NatSecA cana RaW ATTAGMMEITS Tor secre ()(1) ‘NoroRs (b)(3) NatSecAct Approves for ReltdNGLABSIOGHD C0S299686 62 Coe eae oc Approved for ReWNGLARSIBURB cosze0686 EXHIBIT B | Approved for RelbNGLABSIEGRE Cos299686 C06299686 —— Approved for Re NGLAASIEUR coszoee86 7 e e CA Director Panetta Hosts Bin Ladin Operation Recognition Ceremony 1 ceremony beld lat Fidy t CTA Hondas, Dito Lon Peta bosood the dedication and commitment of CIA officers, military service members, nd Intelligence Conmaity peoes fo tir wero the Riserc operation tht coc te bt for Vesa “Thanks to men and women scross our Agency and across our Community, we applicd the fall range af oar capabilities - nman intelligence, technical collection, the very best tradecraft —to this difficult operation,” said Director Panetta. “Few events in recent history have cared the ‘same impact, or been so widely acclaimed.” In bis remasks, the Director sresood the importance of never giving up mad of questioning ie it mee fo always have a backep plan trooght was a celebration of a genuine team effort. Director Punetia and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper presented commemorative plage tote CLA, Iteligrce Comyn miliary offers wh omit tte Bi Ladin intelligence case und operation. ‘Vice Admiml William McRavea accepted on behalf of the strike team that stormed the al-Queda ‘leader's compound in Abbottabad, Pakiatan. “Few can ny hat they had and in operin that made the wad aber pae, "Director Panetta told the crowd of approximately 1,300 atiendecs, “Getting id of Bin Ladin has made this ‘nation and our woeld a afer place for our children.” Director Panetta said. “Please know that I will carry this memory “To each of you who participated in this operation, you have my undying expect and my undying forever in my beat, And so will the American people.” Approved for RelNGLABSI5GRI C06299686 c062 8 06299686 Approved for ReNEAASIEM coszoveee- EXHIBIT C Approved for RelsING! ABSIGHED 06200686 Gena Approved for RelWNGLAASIBURB coszs96e6-— | UNCLASSIFIED White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner Washington Hilton Hote! 1019 Connectlout Ave, NW Washington, DC 20009 4 May 2010 Sequence of Events 1900 DICIA arrival at the Weshington Hitton Hotel Proceed to the ABC News reception in the L’Enfant Room (Security POC! (b)(6) Guests proceed to dinner in the Intemational Ballroom 1930 2000 Dinner program begins 2300 Event concludes DICIA departs UNCLASSIFIED Approved for RelelNGLABSIBAHD C06299686 C06299686 Approved for Rel NG-ASSIEERB cos2e9686———___— e UNCLASSIFIED ea Jonathan Karl was named ABC News' Senior ‘Congressional Correspondent in November 2008, In this role, he is responsible for covering Capitol Hill, for all ABC News broadcasts and platforms including World News, Nightline, Good Moming America. Mr. Karl joined ABC News in January 2003 as the ‘network's Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent ‘covering the State Department. in December 2005 he was named Senior National ‘Security Correspondent. He has traveled the world for ABC News, reporting from more than two dozen countries on five continents. {In 2004, Mr. Kari spent several months on the campaign trall covering the Bush- Cheney campaign, He co-anchored election night coverage on ABC News Now, anchoring for more than 14 straight hours. ‘Me. Karl previously served as a congressional comespondent for CNN. In his eight years with CNN, he covered Capitol Hill, the White House, and the Pentagon. While there, he reported on two presidential elections, President Clinton's Impeachment, the NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia, end congressional reaction to the ‘September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Jn 2001, Mr. Karl won The Netional Press Foundation's Everett McKinley Dirksen ‘Award, the highest honor for Congressional reporting. During his time on Captiol Hil, Mr. Kar! was the first o report on two of the most significant congressional etories in recent years: Senator Jim Jefford's decision to “leave the Republican Party and Trent Lott's decision to step down as Senate Majority Leader. In 1998, Mr. Karl was the first reporter to obtaln the Starr Report, one of the most sought afler political documents in recent years. Prior to joining CNN, Mr. Karl worked as an Investigative reporter for The New York Post. He also worked as a researcher and reporter for The New Republic. A prolific writer, his work has been published in The Wall Street Jounal, The Weekly ‘Standard, The New Republic, Reason, Christian Science Monitor, and The San Francisco Chronicle. In December 1995, Mr. Karls non-fiction book, The Right to Bear Ams: The Rise of America's New Miltias, was published by Harper-Collins. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY, in 1990, where he was editor-in-chief of The Vassar Spectator. UNCLASSIFIED Approved for RelsiNGLABSIB4HD C06299686 €06299686 Approved for ReWNGLAASIBI coszo06a6 = UNCLASSIFIED Jay Leno (From various internet sources) Jay was bom James Douglas Muir Leno, on April 28, 1850, in New Rochelle, New York (raised in Andover, MA), to Angelo Leno, an insurance salesman, and Cathryn Leno, a homemaker. Leno made his first appearance on Tha Tonight Show in 1977, ‘and was a regular on the varlaty show The Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis, Jr. Show. in the mid-80s, Leno hosted his frst comedy special on TV: Jay Leno and the American Dream. ‘Around this same period, he made numerous successful appearances on late-night TV, particularly Late Night with David Letterman. Later that year he signed a deal with NBC that made him one of two permanent guest hosts of The Tonight Show. He became the only guest host two years later. in 1992, Johnny Carson surprised many by retiring from his long-standing role as ‘America’s beloved and premier talk show host. There had been speculation that David Letterman, whose Late Night show followed Carson's, would take over hosting duties, a position he had publicly coveted. However, NBG picked the more clean-cut Leno, who most considered to be a safer, more middle-America-triendly choice. Initially, the transfer of hosting duties to Leno did not go smoothly. There was @ well documented falling out between Leno and his long-time manager, Helen Kushnick, who had assumed executive-producing duties for the show. Kushnick was eventually fired, and the show gained momentum and a growing audience. {In 1993, his contract was extended five years, at $40 millon and, two years later, ‘Leno won the Emmy for hosting The Tonight Show. in 1998, he renewed again for another five years, this time at $100 milion, In 2003, Leno announced that he planned to leave NBC in 2010. Late night talk show host Conan OBrien was soon named his heir. But in December of 2008, shortly before Leno's contract was set to expire, the network made a surprise ‘announcement: in 2009, Lano would move to a new primetime slot at 10 PM on NBC. The new program, tiled The Jay Leno Show, aired in September of 2009, but was cancelled in January 2010 amid controversy. Leno returned to host The Tonight ‘Show with Jay Leno on March 1, 2010. Leno has been married to wife Mavis Nicholson since 1980. They live in Los ‘Angeles, where he spends his spare time working on his collection of classic cars ‘and motorcycles. UNCLASSIFIED. Approved for ReldGi AASIESHES CO6209686, C06299686 | Approved for RelbNGLARSIEUT coszs96e6 e UNCLASSIFIED White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner 1 May 2010 ‘You accepted an invitstion from Jonathan Karl, ABC News' Senior Congressional Correspondent, to attend the annual White House Correspondents’ Association (WHA) Dinnar held at the Washington Hilton Hotel. Dress for the event is black tie. Upon your arrival, the ABC News reception honoring White House Correspondent, Jake Tepper, will be underway in the L'Enfant Room. The reception concludes and the dining rooms open at 1930; the dinner program begins at 2000 in the Intemational Ballroom. You:will sit with your host, Jonathan Kari, along with other ‘ABC News guests. ‘The full agenda for the evening is traditionally not disclosed. Dinner will be served at 2030, President Barack Obama will make remarks, and comedian Jay Leno will perform a standup routine. The program Is expected to conclude at 2300, The audience of approximately 3,000 guests, includes dozens of luminaries from the world of politics, business, media and entertainment. Media coverage will be high. ‘Backaround: The WHCA represents the White House press corps in its dealings with the administration on coverage-related issues, The annual dinner is a fund-ralsing ‘event to raise money for journallem scholarships. This year 17 students from Washington, DC, will recalve $132,000 in college scholarships from the WHCA. Of note, for the firs time in is 98-year history the association is reducing the carbon impact of the gala by employing multiple eco-friendly measures. ‘Attachments: ‘Sequence of Events Jonathan Karl blo Jay Leno blo Dinner Seating (b)(3) CIAAct UNCLASSIFIED Approved for ReltNGLABSIOGHD 005299686 __ Seem Approved for Ret NGLASIEMR coszoees6 | e | z UNCLASSIFIED Dinner Seating (Provided by ABC News) Christiane Amanpour, Anchor, ABC News Evan Bayh, US Senator (D-IN) Kathryn Bigelow, Director, “The Hurt Locker” ‘Mark Boal, Screenwriter, Producer, “The Hurt Locker" lan Cameron, Executive Producer, “This Week,” ABC News Jonathan Karl, Senior Congressional Correspondent, ABC News Maria Kari, spouse of Jonathan Karl Leon Panetta, Director, Cantral Intelligence Agency Martha Raddatz, Senior Foreign Affairs Correspondent, ABC News Jamie Rubin, Adjunct Professor, Columbia University, Schoo! of Intemational & Public Affairs UNCLASSIFIED Approved for ReliNGLARSIGHHIS Co6299686 cee Approved for ReBNGLARSIBURB coezsa606. | e e EXHIBIT D Approved for ReliMGLARBSIGGHE CO6299686 co6299686 Azproved or ReWNC-ASSIBIER cozooas @ aciussi © ai ce] To | (b)(3) CIAAct (b)(7Ko) aa (0472172011 05:40 PM (03) ClAAct Subject {AIN] Cat fom Mark Bos! (b)(6) Frease respond [t* Document has been archived. Click “Retrieve” button to retrieve document contents and attachments. "7 CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED | (b)(3) NatSecAct ‘Mark Boal, the screenwriter from The Hurt Locker, called for you. Said head dinner wh OCIA about a year apo sid DIA ait ll you knowif Boal was ever going to Afghanistan. Hels conan about a week ands cling in as OCIA asked (06) © (b)(3) CIAAct UNCLASSIFIED Approved for RelwNGLARSIGHEB 06299686

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