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Sindhu, A. (2012).

Sales promotion strategy of selected companies of FMCG Sector

in Gujarat region.

In this article the topic would contribute in clarifying the all concepts relating to
marketing communication, promotion mix, sales promotion, strategy relating to
sales promotion, impact of sales promotion strategy on sales, profit and
profitability of companies, market share and goodwill of the companies. The
beneficiary from the study of this topic would be first of all self-researcher,
academicians, practicing managers, prospects researchers and the banks. If
these parties refer this research study in future may take advantage of the finding
and suggestions. Academician, practicing managers and research students may
take benefits for academic purpose and on the jobs. The FMCG companies may
implement the suggestions for improvement of sales for achieving sales targets.
It can be said the benefits would be multidimensional for above mentioned
Frazier, G. L. (1999). Organizing and managing channels of distribution. Journal of
the Academy of marketing Science, 27(2), 226-240.
During the past three decades, tremendous strides have been made in our understanding
of how firms should organize and manage their channels of distribution. Still, we have
barely touched the surface of all the managerial issues that need to be addressed. A
variety of research needs still exist regarding constructs and issues examined in prior
channels research. Furthermore, many issues of managerial importance relating to the
organization and management of channels of distribution have received no attention in
empirical research. The purpose of this article is to provide a perspective on how
channels research should proceed in the future to promote the most progress. It is hoped
that the article will help to shape the future direction of marketing thought with regard to
channels of distribution and its fundamental domain.

Kumar, V., Fan, J., Gulati, R., & Venkat, P. (2009). Practice Prize Paper-MarketingMix Recommendations to Manage Value Growth at P&G Asia-Pacific. Marketing
Science, 28(4), 645-655.
Procter & Gamble (P&G) Asia-Pacific is interested in managing value growth.
Only after fully understanding the true effects of the marketing-mix variables can
P&G managers make strategic decisions answering questions such as the
following: (1) Are the P&G brands in the detergent market inelastic or elastic with
respect to price? How has the price elasticity changed over time? Can P&G
increase the price of its brands to gain value growth? (2) What are the price,
distribution, and sizing combinations needed to achieve the desirable value
growth? (3) How can P&G gain market share from its competitors without
cannibalizing its own brands? P&G Asia-Pacific approached us to develop a
value growth framework to answer these questions. To generate the answers for
the above questions, we develop a three-step weighted random coefficient
estimator that captures the heterogeneity across cross sections (different stockkeeping units and states) and the endogeneity of distribution. Based on the
parameter estimates, we provide strategic recommendations to P&G for a field
test to validate our suggestions. We developed a simulator for P&G managers so
that they can generate appropriate marketing-mix strategies for achieving the
desired value growth. As a result, P&G gained over $39 million in value growth
over a one-year period by implementing the recommendations from our modeling

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