Castellum Stronghold

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Consisting of a system of interlocking modular fortifications, the Castellum Stronghold is a Space Marine tactical fortification intended for front line use.
Deployed from orbit by landing craft, it can be swiftly configured and assembled even under heavy fire. The individual components are deployed in drop
cradles clad in ablative armour, the remnants of which are jettisoned at the moment the sections are landed, revealing a fully operational stronghold.
Such is the skill of the Legiones Astartes that in battle conditions this might take as little as 30 minutes, while the most adept at such operations, in
particular the Iron Warriors and the Imperial Fists Legions, take great pride in reducing this timeframe even further.
Castellum Strongholds are generally deployed for short lived but high intensity operations where the Space Marines must establish a heavily fortified
base in highly contested war zones. In such conditions it can serve as a firebase, artillery redoubt, defensive strongpoint, or platform from which they
can launch immediate offensive actions. It is not an unknown tactic for a Castellum Stronghold to be dropped deep behind enemy lines during an ongoing battle, sowing confusion and forcing a foe to turn back on themselves to stop their deployments from being destroyed from within.
1 Castellum Stronghold
consisting of a main Bunker and
three Bunker Annexes.
Terrain type
Multiple-part building with
Battlements. This comprises a
single Space Marine Castellum
Stronghold Realm of Battle tile.
The Stronghold consists of an
open Deck Area, a main Tacticus
Bunker (Large Building, Armour
value 14) and three Bunker
Annexes (Medium Buildings,
Armour value 14).

Special Rules
Shielded Gate Barriers
Defensive Structure
Access Points & Fire Points
As per model

Shielded Gate Barriers

The main entrances of the Castellum Stronghold are covered not by
plascrete and adamantium, but crackling barriers of energy that can be
raised or lowered at the will of the fortifications controller.
At the start of each of the controlling players turns, they may declare
whether the gate barriers (see diagram on following page) are each raised
or lowered consider them to be raised by default at the start of the game.
Raised barriers are treated as impassable terrain to the height of
the adjoining walls, but do not block line of sight. Wounds inflicted
by shooting attacks that pass through a raised shield gate barrier
benefit from a 3+ invulnerable save.
Should the Castellums Tacticus Bunker be destroyed, the barriers
collapse and cannot be raised again.
Comms Relay
While the Tacticus Bunker is intact and occupied by a friendly unit, the
controlling players Reserve rolls may be re-rolled.

The Tacticus Bunker and each of the Bunker Annexes may be equipped
with the following emplaced weapons. Emplaced weapons may be used
by units within their bunker at that units BS value, otherwise they use
the Automated Fire rules and are utilised by the Castellums controlling
player. These emplacements may not be targeted separately and are
considered destroyed when their Bunker is.
The Tacticus Bunker has two mounting points and so may take two
weapons choices, while the Bunker Annexes have one mounting point
and so may take a single weapon choice each of the following:
--Twin-linked heavy bolter............................................+10 points each
--Twin-linked heavy flamer...........................................+10 points each
--Twin-linked lascannon...............................................+20 points each
--Multi-melta & searchlight..........................................+10 points each
--Hyperios missile launcher..........................................+30 points each
--Whirlwind launcher...................................................+35 points each
--Icarus lascannon.......................................................+35 points each
--Quad gun.................................................................+50 points each
The following options may only be taken by the mounts on the Tacticus
Bunker in addition to those previously listed:
--Hyperios command platform....................................+20 points each
--Battle cannon turret..................................................+50 points each
--Icarus quad lascannon..............................................+75 points each
In addition, the Tacticus Bunker may be further equipped with any of
the following options:
--Comms relay.....................................................................+20 points
--Hostile signal jammer........................................................+20 points

Defensive Structure
The Castellum Stronghold is a paragon of the military architects craft,
utilising technologies and materials beyond that of mute stone and steel.
The following rules and conditions apply:
The Battlements of the Castellum Stronghold confer a 4+ cover save
for units on top of them.
Units that Go to Ground anywhere on the Castellum Stronghold tile
gain +2 to their cover saves rather than +1.
The Bunkers of the Castellum Stronghold have a 5+ invulnerable save
against shooting attacks directed against them and units within them.
Hostile Signal Jammer
While the Tacticus Bunker is intact and occupied by a friendly unit, roll
a D6 for any enemy unit attempting to Deep Strike either onto the
Castellum Stronghold tile or within 12" of its edges. On a result of 4+,
the unit suffers a Deep Strike Mishap automatically.

*Heat Seeker: A weapon with this special rule can re-roll all failed To
Hit rolls against Flyers and Fast Skimmers.

Special Stronghold Mounted Weaponry

Icarus lascannon

Range Str


Quad gun


quad lascannon


missile launcher


emplaced weapon
mounting point

Heavy 1, Interceptor,
Heavy 4, Interceptor,
Skyfire, Twin-linked
Heavy 2, Interceptor,
Skyfire, Twin-linked
Heavy 1, Skyfire,
Heat Seeker*

Hyperios Command Platform (Castellum Stronghold)

As long as the Hyperios Command Platform is functioning, all
Hyperios missile launchers, quad guns, icarus lascannon and quad
icarus lascannon mounted on the Castellum Stronghold resolve any
automated fire at BS3.

In addition, while the command platform is in play, any of the

Strongholds emplaced weapons with the Skyfire special rule may
target Flyers and Fast Skimmers in preference to closer models when
shooting using the Automated Fire special rule.

Gate Barrier

emplaced weapon
mounting point

Gate Barrier

Gate Barrier


Gate Barrier

Gate Barrier


emplaced weapon
mounting point

Gate Barrier

emplaced weapon
mounting point

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