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Water is the source of life for living things on earth.

Live like human, animals ,

and plants need water to survive . Humans use water for daily needs such as
drinking , cooking and bathing. The level of clean water needs are increasing with
the increase of population in the earth. Approximately 70% of the components of
the biosphere is water , but the amount of water that can be utilized by humans is
very limited . It can be caused by geography or human activities that cause
reduction in the availability of clean water .
Based on data from the Department of Agriculture and Foodstuffs of West
Kalimantan , most of the land in West Kalimantan are peatland with land area reach
4.6 million hectares or approximately 24.9 % of the area of peatlands in Indonesia.
Peat water has not been in accordance with the characteristics of raw water quality
such as colour , smell , taste , pH and turbidity . Another problem arises when
drought struck in the long term so that the difficulty in obtaining clean water .
Provision of facilities clean water supply in West Kalimantan are still focused
on urban areas, whereas in the suburbs or rural areas still unreached . Ironically
facility underserved urban communities still lack clean water because the water
discharge is limited to stream. Based on data from the Central Bureau Statistik
( BPS ) of West Kalimantan in 2010 , only 65 % of the 557.346 population of
Pontianak city is served by clean water. So most people use well water to meet the
needs of clean water , even without treatment. This resulted in a worsening of the
level of community sanitation . Additionally taps as state-owned enterprises that
provide water for the people has not been providing water treatment equipment
peat into clean water. Opportunities that will make the targets to implement the
appropriate technology for the community .
Seeing these problems EQUATOR GROUP creates a water treatment technology that
is economical and simple as well as effective and efficient results are named Treport
. This product is a water treatment equipment peat or water is not feasible to use a
large-scale household and community -based , easy to use and minimal energy .
Given this innovation will help the community in meeting the needs of the
community water supply so that sanitation will also increase .


1. Vision and Mission of Business

Vision: "Becoming a Leading Water Treatment Technology Companies In West
Mission: - Provide excellent service to customers.
- Mengoptimalisasian water resources with appropriate technology.
- The system is powerful and professional management in the management of a
prospective business.
- Implement a comprehensive marketing strategy in selling the product.
2. Organizational structure
In an organization we need a relationship that is structured so that the members who
joined in the organization understand the duties and responsibilities. EQUATOR GROUP
have the following organizational structure...

Our team is as follows:

1. Dani julian, have creative concepts and solutions. Experience in a variety of
organizations allows him to become a director of character and distinctively in
communication so as to improve the company's relations with the relevant parties. As
Managing Director Dani has a duty to manage the company both internally and
externally. Internally able to clearly instruct the manager on duty that must be carried out
and directly monitor the implementation of the tasks given to the results. Are expected to
carry an external image for the organization and try to open the widest network.
2. Nia Febrianti, Finance Manager critical, detail, and firmly in the calculation and use of
financial resources, as well as right in budgeting. In Nia duties will be Noted in a journal
coherently accounting for all financial activity in accordance with the time of execution
and be Able to report the results of the company's activities for a certain period.
3. Lila, Marketing and Sales Manager who has a creative mind, has a vast network, has the
ability to research and develop products to be more innovative future. There are several
steps to be performed before making Lila marketing strategy that identifies target
consumer behavior later Prepare promotional media selected to the stage of product sales.
4. Dani Julian, Production Manager who is able to manage the resources of existing raw
materials to produce a quality finished goods. Of course by using the principle of costefficiency of production to produce optimal outpot. As production manager Dani will

monitor production activity the employee, then ensure supply of raw materials required,
checking every product produced to prepare the availability of products that are ready to
be sold.
5. In addition to preparing managers in each of our fields will also recruit some employees
for help diperkejakan production activities. As a new company, we plan to recruit 2
employees who work in the production process, equipment technicians, and delivery
3. Resource Management
Resource management is an important part in strategic planning and in implementing
the company's plans. The decision taken has two sides: How do we allocate the
available resources, and how these resources delivered to those in need?. Manager
manages five types of resources, namely:
1. human
2. material
3. Machinery (including facilities and energy)
4. Money
5. Information (including data)

Physical Resources

Conceptual Resources

Man; Within the company we know as the promoters are managers and employees.
Organizational structure that explains the position, duties and responsibilities will help the
company run its business activities.
Material; One of the most important materials needed in the production is our raw
materials, we've done the survey respect of raw material suppliers Treport. From the
survey results, we have set up several points of sale material that we set as a supplier in
the manufacture Treport.
Machinery; In running a business, we do not just rely on human labor, and not also
use high-tech machines, but there are some tools used in supporting the business running.
The tools we use like a saw, tape measure, drill, and PH tester
Information; Information is an important part of a business organization. Therefore,
all the information on both internal and external will be stored and processed to yield
useful information. The presence of an effective information system will help the
transaction process, the information providers, or as a tool for decision making.

1 . Treport ( with Portable Water Treatment Filters and Tray Aerator )

EQUATOR GROUP is a technology company that manufactures water treatment
equipment peat or unsuitable water into potable water for public use . Treport is an
innovative community -based water treatment technology with the use of relatively simple
procedures and economical, but capable of giving out the results effectively . This tool can
purify water peat or water unfit for use by combining 3 media , as follows :
Tanks and Reservoirs Manual Mixer
Using plastic drums with a capacity that can be adjusted to demand . The drum
comes with 2 pieces of the faucet faucets to drain water into tub drain filter and drain .
Function is to accommodate drums of raw water , a place to do the aeration process , for
the process of coagulation and flocculation . Then in the top of the drum as well we are
equipped with a stirrer manual that serves to mix the water and solution . Drum also
designed by applying the concept of inhope tank that serves to catch sediment in order not
to go back to the top making it easier for subsequent processing without first washing tub .
Tray Aerator
Tray aerator is a device for oxidizing oxygen into the water . In this simple tool tray
aerator ukura made of 5 -inch pipe with a hole in the edge of the pipe with a small size so
that the water can get out of the hole in the pipe , and into contact with the air and form a
bubble of air so that oxygen can get into the water .
Filter filter basket arrangement is designed like the replacement comes so easily
threaded connector to facilitate the release of dank ran filter to control the discharge
flowing through the filter media. Filter consists of 3 basket with sand composition zeolite,
activated carbon and shells that had been activated by hot temperatures that serves as a
water disinfectant. If there is a decrease of the e - coli bacteria, the water can be indicated
as drinking water or water first class. Filter comes with polyester aquarium filter or filter
which aims to hold the suspended solids that come to flow from the sedimentation tank.
As for the water treatment procedure for this tool is :

Raw water that has previously been stored in drums mixed first with lime to neutralize the pH
can be adjusted to the size takaranyang drum .
The raw water is then passed through a tray aerator causing aeration process to reduce levels of
iron ( Fe ) .
After the aeration process , the raw water is mixed with alum as a coagulant to precipitate
suspended solids , color degrades peat water and precipitate iron ( Fe ) are joined together with
suspended solids .
Then do the stirring, stirring can be done manually and can also be done automatically by using
a mechanical stirrer.
After stirring, water was given about 45 minutes to make the process of deposition
After the deposition process to filter the tap is opened towards Treport with flow up to the
faucet filter flow in an open condition and the result is clean water.
Logo Products:
Production Process
The tools and materials used to make Treport is:
The materials of Treports created

supporting tools

Water Tap


Dop 3 inches to 2 inches


Pipe 3 inches


Pipe glue

pH Tester

Pipe 5 inches


Stop tap
L pipe
Activated Carbon

Shells (Anadara Granosa Sp)

Polyester filter
Dop 5 inches

Here's a product creation process Treport:

1. Prepare pipe measuring 1 m long and 3 inches in diameter is cut into 2 parts with a size
of 30 cm each
2. Dop 3 2 inches at the base with a wire sieve and compacted with polyester filter
3. Each end of the pipe that had been cut wrapped with polyester filters. After the first pipe
connected to dop the 3 2 inches.
4. Activated carbon is added to the full in the first pipe and then covered with hubcaps 3
2 inches before the end of the pipe is wrapped with polyester filter first.
5. The second pipe that has been wrapped with polyester filter associated with hubcaps 3
2 inches, then put oyster shell powder to the brim. then covered with hubcaps 3 2
inches before the end of the pipe is wrapped with polyester filter prior
6. Finally, attach the stop tap between the two filters are
1 . Marketing Strategy ( STP )
West Kalimantan is one area that can be dubbed as the province of " Thousand Rivers " , so it
's no wonder many of West Kalimantan residents living on the banks of the river , because it
is close to water sources . Current condition of the river water is cloudy due to the activity of
throwing garbage in rivers and many streams dihulu illegal gold mining . Another issue is the
West Kalimantan has extensive peatlands reached 4.6 million hectares or approximately 24.9
% of the area of peatlands in Indonesia. This resulted in the use of water of West Kalimantan
peat , peat water but has not been in accordance with the characteristics of a water quality
standard .

We have identified and sorting melilah consumer groups based on potential deals in different
products . Thus , product market segmentation Treport ie , people who live on the banks of
the river and urban communities that have not received government water utility .
With a population of around 4,500,000 inhabitants of West Kalimantan are scattered in urban
areas ( Pontianak and Singkawang ) and rural water problems experienced , we see it as an
opportunity to offer to the public Treport . Then target the marketing of this product is in
Pontianak West , North and East Pontianak Pontianak that most of the people there do not get
clean water from taps . Then our next targets are masarakat who live along the river Kapuas
who also have problems with the availability of clean water .
Positioning your product is the place the product occupies in consumers ' minds relative to
competing products . Think brand image , promise benefits , and competitive advantage . It's
how you plan to Compete in the marketplace . It's the customers could be better should buy
your product , and not the competitors ( Milton M. Presley et al , 2004) . Looking at the
definition we have preparing several ways to try to build the product image is built through
the draft Treport direct mounting in places that have water supply problems . Masjid An - nur
in Kapuas River Plate and Masjid Al - iqthisod at the Faculty of Economics , University of
Tanjungpura is a place to promote Treport , Second place is getting murky water issues and
water peat .

In practice we will work closely with the manager to go through the installation Treport logo
promoting the tools and socializing with local people . Expected to be tested in a public place
can be an effective promotional strategy to introduce functionality and usability Treport to
prospective customers .
In addition we will also inform this product through the distribution of brochures , manage e
- marketing through blogs , twitter , and facebook , and make ads Treport products to support

e - marketing . By applying these concepts we can confidently build consumer mindset that
Treport have better advantages than other water filter products.
2 . Marketing Mix in 7P Concept
EQUATOR GROUP has set up a marketing strategy 7P as follows :
1 . Price, variable pricing based on cost plus a profit margin that was we wanted to achieve .
Treport a water treatment technology -based society , we want people to be able to use this
product extensively . Therefore we set the price lower than the price of similar products .
This can be achieved economically priced because production costs are not too high .
2 . Product , the products we offer are water treatment equipment peat or water unfit for use
which is in accordance with the water problems in West Kalimantan . This product has
advantages such as easy to use , low energy , environmentally friendly and economical price .
3 . Place , Determination of site and planned production will be close to the target market to
be reached and is close to raw material availability . It is intended to provide convenience in
controlling the direct market conditions , while providing ease of promotion . We megambil
shop in the eastern city of Pontianak is located at Jalan Panglima Aim no. 59 .
This location is very strategic because it is at a major crossroads and a central business
location in East Pontianak . This shop can be rented with monthly rental fee of Rp .
835,000.00 .
4 . Promotion , the things that will be done in order to promote our products are :
- Provision of information directly ( direct promotion ) , conducted by the management on
the activities of direct installation in public places are getting water supply problems and to
exhibit products .
- Provision of information indirectly ( undirect promotion ) is done by making brochures ,
manage e - marketing through blogs , twitter , and facebook , and make ads Treport products
to support e - marketing .
- WOM ( Words of Mouth ) peomosi media WOM is one of the simplest to apply and is very
powerful for increased sales .

- One of the main promotional strategy used today is to evoke emotional local community ,
namely by cooperating with the City and District to jointly promote water treatment product
that is community-based .
- The next plan that a lot of consumers who buy Treport , we will apply the concept of Buy
One Get One Free , that is, if buy Treport certain promotional periods , consumers will get
Aerator Tray for free . This strategy is expected to be a trigger for potential consumers to not
linger to buy Treport .
5 . People , parties involved in the management team and employees are recruited .
Management team involved in this effort is a team who are experts in the business planning
process in accordance keahliaannya . Employees are recruited to be trained in the production
process so as to produce Treport , can install the product and provide the best service to
customers .
6 . Process , production process takes 9 hours a day and is able to produce 10 times Treport
for each production . Raw materials and supporting tools have been determined for use in the
production process .
7 . Physical Evidence , physical environment and geographical conditions around the
production is very supportive , because the location is located in the business center so that
the availability of raw materials readily available .

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