Fish BBQ: Spoiled Grandma

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Fish BBQ

Rudi and Mardi spent their vacation at Rudi's grandfather's house in the
village. They caught some fishes and then became hungry. Then, Rudi's grandmother
made BBQ fish with chili sauce. It looked delicious. Mardi smelt the aroma, felt
hungry, and suddenly his salivary glands produced a lot of saliva.
Mardi saw Rudi chew his food slowly and swallow it after the meal was
moistened by saliva. But Mardi wanted to eat as much and as fast as he could, so he
chewed and swallowed faster than Rudi. Being too greedy made him chock and he had
to drink lots of water.
Spoiled Grandma
Mrs. Wiro a 70 year old woman was brought to the emergency unit by her son
because of general weakness. From the anamnesis it was found that she had lost about
8 kg of her body weight over about three months, and she had no energy to do her
daily activities, her appetite has decreased over the last sixth months, and now she
drinks lots more milk than usual. Since the last month, she has complained of watery
stools. The doctor said that she had a mal-absorption syndrome which caused her
Little Caitlin
While traveling down the interstate, little Caitlin, five years old, told her
father to stop the car "Dad stop the car right now! I'm so full, I'm going to burst!." Her
dad replied "Hold it ! I'll find a rest room for you". Her father thought Caitlin can make
it to the next rest stop. Unfortunately her father smelt something like "ammoniac" and
Caitlin told him that her pants was wet and warm. Her father told Caitlih " You drink
too much sweet ice tea Cait", but Caitlin thought that she urinated because she felt cold
in her father's car.
After five minutes, they found a rest stop and her father told Caitlin to go into
the women's rest room. Caitlin started to cry because she want to go in with her father
and asked him " Why don't you go there with me Dady T and her father told her "Because we are different honey" . Is there any difference in the structure of male and
female urinary organs T.
Trying for A Baby
A 25-year-old man, accompanied by his wife, who has a history of two year
unprotected intercourse and the inability to conceive. Neither has a child. He has no
history of testicular surgery, injury or chemical exposure at work or through his
hobbies. He denies symptoms consistent with thyroidal disease, delay of puberty or
diabetes. There is no family history of endocrine disorder. He denies smoking, drinking
or the use of prescription, herbal or illegal drugs. His physical examination reveals a
blood pressure 120/80 mmHg. He is 170 cm and 80 kg and extremely well muscled.
He has early male pattern baldness, modest acne and a normal male hair distribution.
His thyroid appears normal. The abdomen shows no unusual signs, and the penis and
scrotum are normal. Both testes are withered and measure no more than 2 cm in length.
He is azoosperm and has a normal glucose level. His serum testosterone level is 64

ng/dl (normal 241-860 ng/dl). After further discussion, he does admit to the use of
"anabolic steroids and testosterone shots" while playing college football. He was
assured by his friend that the combination of medicines he was taking included a
"blocker" to protect the testicles and later sperm production. He has occasionally used
the testosterone shots since college to boost a somewhat failing erection. His wife
was unaware of these practices
Miss My Period
Reni, a marathoner, is a 22 year old woman. She told her friend that she has
not had her period for four months. She had been forced to do exercise
intensively for a marathon competition. She got her first menstruation at 10
year-old and have 28 day cycle regularly. She visited a g yn eco logis t and
the doctor s aid that there w as no abdominal mass, her breast was at Tanner 5,
the pubic hair distribution was classical "inverse triangle". There was no family
history of any endocrine disorder. Her pulse rate was 66x/min, the blood pressure
was 110/70 mmHg, she was 160 cm tall and 50 kg of weight. Her estrogen and
FSH serum at follicular phase was lower than normal limit; LH serum level at
mid-menstrual cycle was also lower than normal limit. Her thyroid and
prolactin serum level was normal. She was afraid of becoming infertile because
she will get married soon.

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