The Challenges of Today

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Muhammad Qamar Adeel FA09-MBA-105

Applied Marketing Strategies

Assignment # 1

Q#1- To survive and prosper in the midst of a changing

environment, Companies must stay at the forefront of changes

Q#2- The substitution of one product or process for another

proceeds slowly and then predictably explodes!!

Submitted to :
Sir Tahir Mumtaaz Awaan

Submitted by:
M. Qamar Adeel

Comsats Institute Of Information Technology Islamabad

Muhammad Qamar Adeel FA09-MBA-105

All the praise is for Allah, the most merciful and
beneficent, who blessed me with the knowledge, gave
me the courage and allowed me to accomplish this task.
I am especially indebted to my teachers for instilling in
me enough knowledge to be able to carry myself
efficiently during my studies.


I dedicate this report to my parents and friends

especially Sham teacher in recognition of their worth and
to my teachers who are the guiding force for me and it
is their effort and hard work that showed me the path of
success and prosperity which would be there for me for
the rest of my life.

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to

achieve anything requires faith and
belief in yourself, vision, hard work,
determination, and dedication.

Comsats Institute Of Information Technology Islamabad

Muhammad Qamar Adeel FA09-MBA-105

Remember all things are possible for

those who believe.”-

Comsats Institute Of Information Technology Islamabad

Muhammad Qamar Adeel FA09-MBA-105

Q#1 The Challenges of today's organization

Organizations are facing different challenges in today's environment like:

Only 20 years ago, few workers used fax machines or e-mail, and computers
occupied entire rooms, not desktops. Advances in information and communication
technology have permanently altered the workplace by changing the way information
is created, stored, used, and shared.

Diverse Workforce
A diverse workforce refers to two or more groups, each of whose members are
identifiable and distinguishable based on demographic or other characteristics like
gender, age group, education etc. Several barriers in dealing with diversity include
stereotyping, prejudice, ethnocentrism, discrimination, tokenism, and gender-role

Multiple Stakeholders
Stakeholders are those who have interests in the organization. Multiple
stakeholders for an organization include the customers, suppliers, consumers,
investors, lenders, etc.

An organization has to be responsive to the challenges and threats that it
faces from within the internal or external environment. It requires quick
responsiveness to meet the challenges and opportunities arising out of these

Rapid Changes
Due to changing internal and external environment, rapid changes in the
organization occur. Organization has to be flexible to adjust to those changes.

Managers are faced with a myriad of challenges due to an array of
environmental factors when doing business abroad. These managers must effectively
plan, organize, lead, control, and manage cultural differences to be successful

Environmental Scanning involves the monitoring and evaluating the

environmental changes and trends. As changing in trends gives new dimensions to
the organization to have a modern and intelligent approach, those organizations
which pay attention to their environments seem to perform well. Also they will not be
affected by the word change.

Monitoring external environment for emerging disruptive technologies that
have the potential of changing the basis of competition as it happened with IBM, can
help a company in identifying the most probable of the challenges as IT is
revolutionizing the way business is conducted today. In this age of information,

Comsats Institute Of Information Technology Islamabad

Muhammad Qamar Adeel FA09-MBA-105

emerging technology has been a major challenge over the last couple of decades
when one saw markets for typewriters being wiped away by PCs, cellular phones
threatening the market space for traditional telephones and pagers, and miniaturized
digital cameras dominating the markets at the expense of traditional cameras with
films being some of the examples.

Change is the word which brings challenges to the business world. As change
is a universal aspect of every enterprise. Every enterprise must meet the challenge of
continually reorganizing itself to achieve its target goals. Challenges faced by the
organization are generally in terms of change in technology, government policies,
competitors in terms of technology which brings re-engineering process, suppliers,
demand of customers, market research, publicity, availability of resources, decision
making by the management.

Restraint in any of these entities will result in the falloff of business strength.
Social factors can also affect the business strategies in terms of circumstances
prevailing in the same country or with whom they are making business. There is
always a risk factor involved in such cases. Both economic and political environment
of the counties have great impact on managing local and international business.
Instability in these areas brings challenge to the entrepreneurs

Comsats Institute Of Information Technology Islamabad

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