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Mid-Year SAC Funding Audit 2009-2010

Clubs/assoc in good standing

Club/assoc lacking one or more documents (audit, funding request, documentation, etc)
Club/assoc has contacted the SAC, but has yet to submit information, or is knowingly forfeiting unspent funds

Total Unspent Funds available for

redistribution $20,635.74

BAA $9,000.00 (no documentation, $8500 written on auditing sheet as amount granted by SAC)
Transfered $2,500.00 $6,500.00

Amount Date Expense
$190.00 Nov-17 Volleyball tournament entry fee
$280.00 Dec-01 Sr. Basketball tournament entry fee
$300.00 Dec-07 Jr. Basketball tournament entry fee
$214.65 Jan-04 Versus scoreboard for intramurals
$300.00 Dec-08 Sr BB tournament entry fee
$508.00 Jan-12 Dodgeballs for intramurals
$400.00 Apr-03 Sr. Rugby tournament entry fee
$2,192.65 TOTAL

Remaining funds $6,807.35

Request $6,807.35 (assumed)

No funding request submitted

GAA $9,000.00 (no documentation)

Transfered $4,100.00 $4,900.00
Amount Date Expense
$1,330.00 Oct-Dec Tournaments
$670.00 Oct-Dec OFSAA (Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations)
$1,300.00 Oct-Dec Self-defense
$127.53 Oct-Dec Photos
$782.60 Oct-Dec Kilcoo retreat
$4,210.13 TOTAL

Remaining funds $4,789.87

Request $4,789.87 (assumed)

No funding request submitted

Buddies $1,500.00 (nothing submitted, but contacted the SAC)

Transfered $0.00 $1,500.00
Amount Date Expense

$0.00 TOTAL

Remaining funds $1,500.00

Request $1,500.00
Contacted the SAC multiple times to say that the funds would subsidize the year-end buddy retreat.
Debating $2,250.00 (no documentation)
Transfered $1,010.00 $1,240.00
Amount Date Expense
$650.60 McGill tournament subsidization - tournament fees, hotel rooms, transportation
$75.00 Ontario Student Debating Union membership fee
$6.00 Bounced cheque - Oneman Worldwide
$275.00 Bounced cheque
$1,006.60 TOTAL

Remaining funds $1,243.40

Request $1,243.40

operating costs for Northern Debating Tournament - food, trophies, photocopying. All costs should be made up through Tournament fees (fundraising loan,
not a funding request). $95 for an Economist subscription, remainder of money to subsidize tournaments for registration, hotel rooms, transportation

Epigram $2,500.00 (no documentation)

Transfered $900.00 $1,600.00
Amount Date Expense
$20.00 Oct-09 Pizza for advertising staff
$1,000.00 Jan-10 Printing cost for first issue

$1,020.00 TOTAL

Remaining funds $1,480.00

Request $1,480.00 (assumed)

No funding request submitted - assuming to cover a second Epigram issue

Music Assoc. $2,010.00 (all invoices submitted)

Transfered $1,100.00 $910.00
Amount Date Expense
$23.73 22-Sep-09 Trophies
$326.69 2-Nov-09 Sheet music from Harknett Musical Services
$38.22 Egyptian Legacy. sheet music?
$69.88 Items from Steves. No description given. Probably sheet music
$18.26 19-Nov-09 Steely Dan Vol 78
$298.21 26-Nov-09 More sheet music from Harknett
$18.26 4-Dec-09 Jazz rock fusion v62
$95.82 15-Dec-09 Dark Knight selections
$87.74 4-Jan-10 CB-Doors in Concert

$976.81 TOTAL

Remaining funds $1,033.19

Request $1,150.00
funding request submitted on time. Clinicians/workshops for students, to improve the skills of students in ensembles ($750), Awards/Certificates for
outstanding achievement of students in extracurricular ensembles ($150), Initiation of a Gallery of Outstanding Musicians- framing/printing/inscribing
plaques ($250)
Stage Crew $1,925.00 (audit/detailed budget request submitted)
Transfered $0.00 $1,925.00 no documentation
Amount Date Expense
$100.00 No information given
$100.00 TOTAL

Remaining funds $1,825.00

Request $2,060.00
5 stage mics at 150 each ($750), 1000ft of xlr ($300), podium mike ($100), portable mono speaker ($180), 2 wireless mics at $100 each ($200), video
processor ($180), LCD display ($150), overlay-less DVD player ($100), 20 lighting covers at $5 each ($100)

MESA $1,225.00 (auditing information and funding request submitted, detailed list)
Transfered $325.00 $900.00 documentation to be submitted at lunch/at budget meeting
Amount Date Expense
$32.86 MESA week - test tubes and supplies
$73.76 MESA week - liquid nitrogen and supplies
$130.00 Biology lab supplies/plasticware
$98.95 Physics meissner lab - Superconductor

$335.57 TOTAL

Remaining funds $889.43

Request $889.43
Fundraised during MESA week. Subsidizing math contests (Galois/Fryer/Hypatia) - $300 promised to math teachers, Euclid, UofT Biology competition,
$409.80 for dissection and biology labs from Wards (see submitted list), $128 for physics ferrofluid lab

Chess $67.50 (no contact at all)
Transfered $0.00 $67.50
Amount Date Expense

$0.00 TOTAL

Remaining funds $67.50

no funding request submitted, funds never spent
DECA $180.00 (invoices submitted for $374.25 of costs, $304 undocumented, but technically not
Transfered $80.00 $100.00 necessary b/c only $180 SAC funds were used)
Amount Date Expense
$30.00 1-Oct-09 Chapter fee
$188.25 1-Feb-10 DECA study materials
$460.00 1-Feb-10 Supplies for DECA provincials
$678.25 TOTAL

Remaining funds -$498.25

Request $220.25
Funding form submitted with invoices. $478 fundraised through pizza sales, leaving $20.25, plus $200 to cover DECA internationals.

Drama Council $675.00 (have done auditing, but haven't submitted yet. Waiting for information to come)
Transfered $395.00 $280.00
Amount Date Expense
$395.00 395 indicated as transfered by Ms. Fortin
$395.00 TOTAL

Remaining funds $280.00

Request $280.00 (assumed)

no request submitted

ESP $720.00 (all invoices submitted)

Transfered $720.00 $0.00
Amount Date Expense
$500.00 16-Nov-09 Roseneath theatre (Get Yourself Home - Skyler James)
$250.00 9-Oct-09 Showdown - Bullying assembly
$750.00 TOTAL

Remaining funds -$30.00

Request $750.00 non-association: max $800 in funding for year

Funding request submitted with all invoices. $450 fundraised through pizza sales. Request to pay Library account back to cover Girls Knight Out, Skyler
James, SmartRisk Assembly (not sure why ESP funds are being used?), Streetproofing + Antihomophobia seminars. Money may go to Boy's Knight Out, if it

Free the Children $135.00 (audit information form submitted on time)

Transfered $0.00 $135.00
Amount Date Expense

$0.00 TOTAL

Remaining funds $135.00

Request $135.00
Requesting funds for awareness campaign in spring, possibly a speaker, activities for the whole school
Peer AIDS $45.00 no audit information submitted, budget request to be submitted at lunch/at meeting
Transfered $45.00 $0.00
Amount Date Expense
$45.00 45 indicated as transfered by Ms. Fortin
$45.00 TOTAL

Remaining funds $0.00

Request $250.00
budget request to be submitted at lunch/at budget meeting. Recieved $350 from School Council

Robotics $405.00 (audit information submitted on time, detailed list but lacking documentation,
Transfered $405.00 $0.00 funding request form 3 days late but are excused - didn't know where to get form)
Amount Date Expense
$130.00 Pneumatic gripper
$347.21 Screws, t-nuts, L-brackets, aluminum extrusions
$140.00 Meccano set
$60.08 Tire treads (car carpets)
$20.63 Epoxy glue
$81.33 Drill but, allan key sets
$46.00 Wrench set
$30.00 Velcro
$10.15 Gate Latch

$865.40 TOTAL

Remaining funds -$460.40

Request $1,390.00 non-association: max $800 in funding for year

Fundraised $454.34 through pizza sales, $6.06 difference remaining. Requesting $1,390 in hardware (see list on funding request form)

ROVER $450.00 (contacted SAC, submitted documentation from last year with funding request)
Transfered $0.00 $450.00
Amount Date Expense

$0.00 TOTAL

Remaining funds $450.00

Request $1,400.00 non-association: max $800 in funding for year

Funding request submitted very early. Contacted SAC. Cannot print one issue of their magazine with $450 despite fundraising efforts, hoping to put out 2

SmartRisk $90.00 (not aware they had SAC funds, staff advisor contacted SAC)
Transfered $0.00 $90.00
Amount Date Expense

$0.00 TOTAL

Remaining funds $90.00

Request $100.00
to cover unspecified activities in the spring.
Student Activist $45.00 (contacted SAC)
Transfered $0.00 $45.00
Amount Date Expense

$0.00 TOTAL

Remaining funds $45.00

Request $0.00
Contacted SAC early last year to forfeit funds.

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