Bach Tensor in EW Geometry

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j. reine angew. Math.

441 (1993), 99113

Journal fr die reine und

angewandte Mathematik
Walter de Gruyter
Berlin - New York 1993

Einstein-Weyl geometry, the Bach tensor and

conformal scalar curvature
By Henrik Pedersen and Andrew Swann at Odense

1. Introduction

A conformal manifold with compatible torsion-free connection is said to be EinsteinWeyl if the symmetrised Ricci tensor of the conformal connection is proportional to a
representative metric. This is a confrmally invariant generalisation of the Einstein
equations of Riemannian geometry. The Einstein-Weyl equations have mainly been studied
in three-dimensions (see [16] and the references therein) but recently attention has moved
to higher dimensions [7], [8], [12], [13]. Here we study the conformal scalar curvature of
Einstein-Weyl manifolds. It turns out that this behaves in a special way on compact EinsteinWeyl four-manifolds which enables us to calculate a conformal invariant, the Bach tensor,
in these cases. We end with new examples of compact Einstein-Weyl manifolds the pertinence of which will be explained below.
The conformal scalar curvature is essentially the function of proportionality in the
Einstein-Weyl equations; a rle which is played by the scalar curvature on an Einstein
manifold. In the Einstein case it is well-known that the scalar curvature is constant. Such a
Statement cannot apply to the conformal scalar curvature s this curvature may be multiplied by an arbitrary positive function by changing the choice of representative metric.
However, at each point, the conformal scalar curvature has a well-defined sign (positive,
negative or zero). Compact three-dimensional Einstein-Weyl manifolds have been classified
by Tod [16] and for each of the manifolds one sees that the conformal scalar curvature is of
constant sign. We give an abstract argument which shows that the conformal scalar
curvature is also of constant sign on compact Einstein-Weyl four-manifolds. However, in
higher dimensions this need not be the case. Amongst the Einstein-Weyl structures constructed in the last part of the paper will be found compact examples for which the conformal scalar curvature changes sign.
Although the conformal scalar curvature need not be constant it can not be an
arbitrary smooth function, since a result of Pedersen and Tod [l 5] shows that the conformal
scalar curvature is an analytic function for a suitable choice of metric and local coordinates.
This combined with a Bochner argument is used to show that a compact Einstein-Weyl
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manifold with non-negative conformal scalar curvature has first Betti number at most l
unless the manifold is Einstein. (For an Einstein manifold of non-negative scalar curvature
the upper bound is the dimension of the manifold, see Besse [3].)
In the third part of the paper we study the Bach tensor on four-manifolds. It is known
that this vanishes on Einstein manifolds and on self-dual manifolds. We show that for
compact Einstein -Weyl manifolds the Bach tensor vanishes exactly when M is locally conformal to Einstein. For example, this implies that no self-dual conformal structure on the
connected sum of k copies of the complex projective plane CP(2) can be Einstein -Weyl
The final section is devoted to new examples of Einstein -Weyl manifolds. Until now
no examples of Einstein -Weyl four-manifolds were known which were not locally conformal
to Einstein. We extend a construction of Berard Bergery [2] for Einstein metrics to construct compact Einstein -Weyl structures not locally conformal to Einstein on two-sphere
bundles over certain almost Kahler manifolds. An essential feature of the Einstein -Weyl
construction is that the analyticity result of Pedersen and Tod [15] implies that the conformal class of Solutions with only continuous second order derivatives contains smooth
structures. The new examples in four-dimensions are conformal structures on the product
of two-spheres S2 x S2 and the blow-up of CP(2) at one point. In higher dimensions we
obtain Einstein -Weyl structures whose conformal scalar curvature is not single-signed on
for example S2 x S2 x S2, CP(2) S2 and the bundles P(0(l) &) and P (0(2) 0)
over CP(2). The new examples are also of interest in complex Einstein -Weyl geometry.
Acknowledgement* We would like to thank C. R. LeBrun for useful comments and
2. Conformal scalar curvature and topology
Let M be an -dimensional manifold (n > 3) with conformal structure [g]. A Weyl
connection on M is a torsion-free connection D preserving the conformal class [g]. This
implies the existence of a l-form such that Dg = g. Let rD denote the Ricci curvature of D, then using g this has trace sD9 the conformal scalar curvature of D. Note that
is conformally invariant and that SD has conformal weight 2, that is if we replace g
by / 2 g for some non-vanishing function / then SD is replaced by f~2sD.
A Weyl manifold M is said to be Einstein- Weyl if the Symmetrie part of the Ricci curvature rD is proportional to the metric g at each point of M. Unlike the Einstein case the
function of proportionality is not in general constant. In terms of the Ricci curvature rv of
g the Einstein-Weyl equations are
n l


and 2A = -SD+ d*+?^\\co\\2

(see Pedersen and Swann [13]). If M is compact then Gauduchon [6] showed that, up to

where 9(9) = (Vxa>)Y+(VYQ))X+co(X)co(Y)

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homothety, there is a unique choice of metric g in the conformal class such that the corresponding l -form is co-closed. For this choice of metric on a compact manifold the
vector field * dual to is Killing (Tod [16]) and we may rewrite the Einstein-Weyl equations in the form
2 9

l n\

- .

Proposition 2.1. IfMisa compact Einstein - Weyl manifold ofdimension n and g is the
representative of the conformal class for which is co-closed then the conformal scalar
curvature satisfies

Inparticular, on a compact Einstein-Weyl four-manifold the conformal scalar curvature, with

respect to any choice of compatible metric, is of constant sign.
Proof. Let sv denote the scalar curvature of g. Taking the trace of the differential
Bianchi identity and using the Einstein-Weyl equations gives
dsv = -2V*r v

Since * is Killing we have 2/* , = ||||2, so taking the co-differential yields

However, the Einstein-Weyl equations also imply that

Substituting this into the previous equation gives the claimed formula.
In dimension four we now see that SD is harmonic and hence constant. Changing the
metric by a conformal factor multiplies SD by a positive function, so the sign of SD does
not change. D
Note that SD is also of constant sign for compact Einstein-Weyl three-manifolds, but
the proof of this is a case by case examination after the classification of Tod [16].
An examination of the proof in Pedersen and Tod [15] that Einstein-Weyl threemanifolds are analytic yields the following analogue of a result of DeTurck and Kazdan
[5] for Einstein manifolds.
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Theorem 2.2. Lei M" be cm Einstein-Weyl manifold (n 3) andsuppose locally there

is a choice of representative meine g with iform and local coordinates {xt} such that g is
ofdass C2 and is ofdass Cl. Then locally there is another choice ofcompatible metric g
with corresponding i-form and local coordinates {xj for which g and are analytic.
Moreover, this is the case when the local coordinates are conformally-harmonic (that is
D*Dxt = 0) and d& = 0. Such coordinates always exist in a sufficiently small neighbourhood of any given point.
Recall the following result which was proved by Pedersen and Tod in dimension three
and extended to all dimensions by Gauduchon.
Proposition 2.3 (Pedersen and Tod [15], Gauduchon [7]). Lei M" be a connected,
compact Einstein-Weylmanifold. Ifthe conformalscalar curvature SD isnon-positive (SD g 0)
but not identically zero then M is Einstein (with negative scalar curvature). If SD is identically zero then M is locally conformally Einstein.
Note that if we choose the metric for whibh d*co = 0 then 0 implies M is Einstein
whereas ^ 0 implies M is locally conformal to Einstein. In dimensions other than four
we may give an alternative proof of the above Proposition by using analyticity. Gauduchon
[7] shows that = -s^co, so

and if SD is non-positive and not identically zero, analyticity implies SD is non-zero on a

dense open set and the result now follows by Integration over M.
Theorem 2,4. Lei M be a compact, connected Einstein - Weyl manifold and let g be the
representative metric with i-form co-closed. Suppose is not identically zero. If SD is
non-negative (SD ^ 0) but not identically zero then thefirst Betti number bl(M) vanishes and
ifsD>0 everywhere then n^M) isfinite. IfsD^0 then b^M) = 1.

Rearrange the Einstein-Weyl equations so that

When is non-zero, the last bracket is positive semi-definite with kerael spanned by *.
If SD is strictly positive then rv has only positive eigenvalues and Myers' Theorem implies
n^M) is inite. For the remaining cases, let be a harmonic l -form. Integrating the inner
product of the Weitzenb ck formula = ?*?a + r?a with implies Va =* 0 and hence
rva 0. Now, SD is analytic, so if it is positive somewhere then it is non-zero on a dense
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Pedersen and S wann, Einstein-Weyl geometry


open set U of M9 hence is zero on U and by continuity on the whole of M. Thus b (M)
vanishes. When SD s , is forced to be a multiple of , but and are parallel so this
multiple is a constant and b(M) is 1. D
From the Euler characteristic of M and the Poincare-Hopf Theorem one now deduces:
CoroUary 2.5. IfM is a compact, connected Einstein - Weylfour-manifold with positive
conformal scalar curvature, then the \-form given by any choice of compatible meine g
must vanish somewhere. o
In Pedersen and Swann [13] various examples of Einstein-Weyl manifolds were constructed. The only four-dimensional examples there arise s 2-torus bundles over CP(1),
They have the property that |||| is constant so the above Corollary gives an easy proof
that they are locally conformal to Einstein. The problem of constructing four-dimensional
examples not locally conformal to Einstein will be addressed in the last section of this
The Situation for compact Einstein-Weyl four-manifolds may be summarised s
follows. Either the conformal scalar is negative SD < 0, in which case M is Einstein of
negative scalar curvature; or SD 0 and M is locally conformal to Einstein and has
= l unless M is Einstein; or SD > 0 and M has finite fundamental group.
3. The Bach tensor

Let M be a four-dimensional Riemannian manifold. The Bach tensor B of (M, g) is

defined to be the gradient of the conformally invariant functional

where Wv is the Weyl curvature tensor of g. The Weyl curvature acts on a Symmetrie 2tensor h via
(Wvh)(X, ) = Wv(e^ X, ej9 Y)h(ei9 *,) ,
where {ej is a local orthonormal basis for g. There is also a differential operator dv which
acts on h s

(d*h)(x, Y,z) = (v, A)(y, z) - (vr h)(x, z) ,

with adjoint given by

, K) = -(?*)( r, f)

One may now write the Bach tensor s

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(see Bach [1] and Besse [3]). Direct computation shows that B vanishes for Einstein metrics
and hence for metrics locally confonnal to Einstein. One may also show that if g is seifdual then it is an absolute minimum of the functional, so B is also zero in this case (see
Derdzinski [4]).
Writing the Weyl curvature in terms of the Riemann curvature, the Ricci curvature
and the scalar curvature gives the Bach tensor in the form
B = dvd V - V* Vrv -


- 2C(rVv) + (3||r||2 (see Derdzinski [4]) where C(, ) denotes contraction with the metric over the first indices
(V*Vr)(JST, Y) = -Vei(Vxr)(ei, Y) .
Proposition 3.1. IfM is a compact Einstein- Weyl four-manifold and g is the representative metric with co-closed then the Bach tensor is given by


Write / for the function - (SD + 2 ||co||2), so that rv becomes

Fix a point of M and choose a local orthonormal basis of tangent vectors {ej such
that Vtfj vanishes at x. Let X = ej and F= ek for some j and k and write Vf for Ver Then
the first two terms of the Bach tensor are
0* </v r v _ v* Vrv)(Z, 7) = -V, (V, rv)(7, X) + V^r*)^ X) + Vt(Vxrv)(ei9 7) .
Now, * is Killing, so = - Vca,



= T (, ) - ( + )
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Pedersen and Swann, Einstein-Weyl geometry



,()(^ 7) = - -

= ~

{* ((*

Combining these formulae with = -^, ||||2 = -sD||ci)||2 \\\\2 and the fact
that SD is constant gives the required result. D
Corollary 3.2. The Bach tensor of a compact Einstein-Weyl four-manifold M is zero
if and only if M is locally conformally Einstein. Furthermore, when the latter is the case, if
M is connected and the conformal scalar curvature of M is not zero then M is Einstein.
Proof. If M is locally conformally Einstein then B is automatically zero. Assume B
vanishes. Since 2* = so (3)+ 0 so(3)_ and SO (3) acts transitively on the unit sphere
in so (3), we may choose a local orthonormal basis {e{} of 1-forms such that
= e

?2 + ?3 e ^ + e

e2-e3/\ e4

for some functions f. Direct computation then gives

C(da>9 ) = (/ + +/-) 2 (ef + + ( ~D2(el + ei)
There is still enough freedom left in the choice of basis for us to write = w+ei
for functions w. The vanishing of B now implies SD w+ w_ = 0 and

^ + ^-)- \*Dw2- -r r = o = ^^ +w 2 _)-/v- .

Hence, by analyticity, either is zero and M is Einstein or SD = 0. In the latter case,
is self-dual or anti-self-dual, so by Stokes' Theorem is zero and hence M is locally
conformally Einstein. D
Corollary 3.3. A compact, simply-connected, connected Einstein-Weyl four-manifold
whose conformal class is self-dual admits an Einstein meine in the same conformal class.
Thus, ifk>3no self-dual conformal class on kCP(2) is Einstein-Weyl. Also the conformal
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Pedersen and S wann, Einstein- Weyl geometry

classes of self-dual structures on kCP(2), h> l, constructed by LeBrun [11] can not be
Proof. If the conformal class is self-dual then the Bach tensor vanishes and an
Einstein-Weyl structure gives an Einstein metric, since the manifold is simply connected. The
result now follows from Pedersen and Tod [14] in the case of LeBrun's structures and by
the signature-Euler characteristic inequality of Hitchin [9] in the other cases.
4. New examples

We now give a construction of some compact four-dimensional Einstein -Weyl manifolds with positive conformal scalar curvature. Our method is an extension of work of
Berard Bergery [2] on Einstein metrics on S2-bundles (see also Besse [3]) and produces
non-trivial examples of Einstein -Weyl manifolds in all even dimensions greater than or equal
to four. Note that since the conformal scalar curvature is positive the Ricci curvature of
the representative metric with co-closed is positive. We start by recalling Berard Bergery's
Let (B, gB) be a compact almost-K hler Einstein manifold of positive scalar curvature
and real dimension (n 2) normalised so that

where r* is the Ricci curvature. Let be the Kahler form and assume there exists a
positive constant q such that
where a*e H2 (B, ff$) is the image of an indivisible class e H2 (B, Z). For any integer s,
let P(s) denote the S1-bundle over B with characteristic class SOL*. Then P(s) carries a
metric g (a, b) which gives a Riemannian submersion with base metric bgB and totally
geodesic fibres of length 2na. If S1 acts on S2 in the usual way fixing 0 and oo, then we
may define M (s) to be the S2-bundle over B associated to P(s), that is

where {0} (b, x) ~ {0} x (b, y) and { } x (b, w) ~ {(} x (b, z). Let t be the coordinate on
[0, t ] and consider the metric
g = dt2 + g ( f ( t ) , h 2 ) - dt2 + AV+/ 2 0 2 ,
where is the connection l -form on P (s) -+ B and pull-back signs have been omitted. The
metric g is of class C2 if /is C2 with /> 0 on (O,/),
/(O) -/"(O) -/(/)- /" (0 = 0 and .f(0)-l.-/'(O
(s^ Kazdan and Warner [10] for example). Note that unlike Berard Bergery [2] we take h
to be constant rather than a function of t. This will cause no further loss of generality
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provided the l -form defining the Weyl structure has a component proportional to dt, since
if h is a function we may conformally rescale g and change { and the parameter t.
We obtain a Weyl connection on M (s) by defining

for some functions (), (t). This is of class C1 if and /? are C1 and
<x(0) = j(0) = /T (0) = ocGO = (f) = /'(O = 0 .
Lemma 4.1. 7%e Einstein-Weyl equations on M (s) are equivalent to

f" n -2 , n - 2 , ,
-J + + 2 = ,

n - 2 /' , n-2

, s 2 K 2 (n-



+a = 0,

where A is the Einstein-Weyl function.

Proof. The Ricci tensor has been calculated by Berard Bergery [2] and gives the
terms above not involving or . It only remains to calculate 3>.
Let {71( . . . , Y_ 2} be an orthonormal basis for gs. Let 'be the tangent vector which
is vertical for P(s) - B and for which () = l and let H = d / d t . Then

is an orthonormal basis for g. First we have

(Va(o)(H) = (()) - ) = ',
()() = (()) - (o(VHX) = p-L
since () = g(VHX, X)lf2

= (Hg(X, JST))/(2/2) =/'//. Also, X and H commute so

(V,a>)(Jr) = -) = //',
co(Vx//) = -w(V H ) =~

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Pedersen and S wann, Einstein-Weyl geometry

If is Yt for some i, then (VHco)(7) = 0, (Vr ) (H) = 0 and

= -(+) = -

s dB is a multiple of the pull-back of . Finally,

since g(VY. YJ9 H) = 0 and A" is a Killing vector field on P (s) so

g(VYt Yj + VYj Yt, X) = -g([Yt, XI, Yj) - g(Y(, [Yj, X])
vanishes. Thus

7'7)^7 + >

and all other components of 2 vanish. D

Theorem 4.2. The manifold M (s) admits an Einstein-Weyl structure not locally
conformal to Einstein whenever \s\< q.
Proof. The last of the Einstein-Weyl equations suggests that we introduce the
function = /f2 which then satisfies yf + ay = 0. If is zero then vanishes and we
obtain the conformal class of the Einstein metrics constructed by Berard Bergery [2]. We
therefore assume is non-zero and solve the last equation for a. Substituting this solution
into the first three equations and introducing the constant k = s2n2/(q2h4) gives





n~2y" . 3 ( K - 2 ) y ' 2 _
2 y

2 jf


n-2' 2 f
} J


2 ,




2 f2j

_ A

=A .

Subtracting (4.1) from (4.2) and dividing by (n 2)/4 we obtain

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which implies
/ 2 = -77 "'2


for some constant ci. Note that if we assume cv ^ 0 then y must lie between
- l/c2 + 4k) and - (q -f 1/c2 + 4fc).

Define to be y / 2 , then substituting (4.4) into twice (4.1) gives


^ = -f-

3(5 - )*72 + 3 (n where dots indicate derivatives with respect to y. The homogeneous Version of (4.5) has
a solution

and substituting an arbitrary function t; times this expression into (4.5) gives

Hence, assuming c ^ 0 and y > 0, we have

y ( "- 2)/2
h2 (k 4- 'c t y - y 2 ) 3/2 " (fc + c lT - y 2 ) 3/2 '
for some constant c2.
Now we introduce defined by = A sin 4- 5, where ^4 = - |/c2 + 4k and
= c 1 /2. Then we may write

for some polynomial P2r and some constant fc2


( T? Pn-2(S


8 Journal f r Mathematik. Band 441


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Pedersen and Swann, Einstein Weyl geometry

Note that P2r has degree (r 1) and the coefficients are A~2 times non-zero homogeneous
polynomials in A and B of degree r.
In satisfying the boundary conditions, note that (4.1) implies that we need only show
/(O) =/(/) = 0, /(O) = /(/) = 0 and /'(O) = l = -/'(/) We have

y'2~y<4~v2(k + Cly-y2)3l2v

and f2 = y~nl2(k + c,y -y2)i/2v .

Without loss of generality, we may assume y is increasing on [0, f~]. We will take
y 00 = A + B and suppose y(0) = X. Our previous assumptions imply 0 < X < A + B and
that v is increasing on (0, ( ).
The condition f ( ) = 0 implies -7jP n _ 2 (l) 4- c 2 P n (l) = 0. However, the function
COS0JJ y (w ~ 2)/2 sec 3 <fy vanishes at (, so P(l) = (A + B)Pn_2(i) and

2n l
h2 A + B

The derivative of / is given by

-y>+^ ( ^^^
and the condition /'(/) = l gives
c3 = (^ + 5)<-

Now /(O) = 0 implies 0(0) = 0 so /'(O) = l gives

Note that this is always less than A + B. The condition that X be positive reduces to
s2 < q2, hence the topological restriction on P (s). Now i?(0) = 0 implies


=(tan o g)(|/c?+4j2

where (x) is a non-zero rational function whose polynomial part has degree (n 2). (In
four dimensions the right hand side is tan (A 2 c t /(2n)).) For fixed h this gives various
values of CA which in turn determine c2 and c3. Note that v has no zero in (0, /], so / is
positive on (0, /), and that y' is automatically zero at 0 and f.
We thus have a solution of the Einstein-Weyl equations with a metric of class C 2 and
l-form of class C1. Now Theorem 2.2 implies that this defines the conformal class of a
smooth solution.
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A table of values of q for compact Hermitian Symmetrie spaces may be found in Besse
[3]. In particular, for B = CP(n/2 1) one has g = w/2, so in four dimensions there are
only two possibilities.
Corollary 4.3. The quadric S2 x S2 and the blow-up CP(2) # CP(2) of CP(2) at
onepoint admit Einstein -Weyl structures of positive conformal scalar curvature which are not
locally conformal t o Einstein. o
The positivity of the conformal scalar curvature in these two cases is guaranteed by
Proposition 2.1, however in higher dimensions we have:
Corollary 4.4. In even dimensions strictly bigger thanfour, there exist Einstein-Weyl
manifolds whose conformal scalar curvature does not have constant sign.

In general the conformal scalar curvature is given by


- = -\*--=1\\\\*.

In the examples constructed in the Theorem we have

For simplicity we only consider the case n = 6 and k = 0, but the argument may be easily
adapted to cover all the above examples with ^ 6. From (4.7) and (4.6) we see


So at = ct we have sD(f ) = 36/A2 which is positive.

Integrating (4.6) gives

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where c3 = 4ct -^ s"* *(!) Now lies between X and c1? where

xNote that for fixed A, (4.8) has Solutions for arbitrarily large c1% For ci > 6/A 2 , we have
X< Cj/2, so we may put y = c t /2 in the expression for ^ to obtain

which for large ct is negative. (In general one obtains a polynomial in c of degree
(w 4)/2 whose leading coefficient is negative if n ^ 6.)
In all cases the manifold M (s) carries an almost complex structure / defined using
the Standard structure on the fibre S2 together with that from the base manifold B. This
almost complex structure is compatible with the constructed conformal class and is integrable when B is Kahler. However this is not a Hermitian- Einstein -Weyl structure in the
sense of Pedersen et al. [12] since / is not parallel with respect to the Weyl connection. To
see this let be the 2-form defined by / and g. On a Hermitian -Weyl manifold one has
== , but this is not satisfied in our case.
Proposition 4.5. IfBisa Kahler manifold and M (s) is s in the Theorem above, then
M (s) is complex and Einstein-Weyl. The complex structure is compatible with the conformal
class of the meine but not with the Weyl connection. o
[I] R. Bach, Zur Weylschen Relativit tstheorie und der Weylschen Erweiterung des Kr mmungstensorbegriffs,
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[2] L. Bergery, Sur des nouvelles varits riemanniennes d'Einstein, Publications de PInstitut E. Cartan 4
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[II] C.R. LeBrw, Explidt self-dual metrics on P(2) # * CP(2), J. Diff. Geom. 34 (1991), 223-253.
[12] H. Pedersen^ Y.S. Poon and A. F. Swann, The Einstein-Weyl Equations in Complex and Quaternionic Geometry, Diff. Geom. Appl., to appear.
[l 3] H. Pedersen and A. F. Swann, Riemannian Submersions, Four-Manifolds and Einstein-Weyl Geometry, Proc.
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[14] H. Pedersen and K.P. Tod, Einstein metrics and hyperbolic monopoles, Class. Quantum Grav. 8 (1991),
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[15] H. Pedersen and K.P. Tod, Three-dimensional Einstein-Weyl geometry, Adv. Math. (1) 97 (1993), 74-109.
[16] K.P. Tod, Compact 3-dimensional Einstein-Weyl structures, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 45 (1992), 341-351.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Odense University, Campusvej 55,

5230 Odense M, Denmark
Eingegangen 16. November 1992

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