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Interaction of Mass Research

I gradually found in further research that the phenomenon that I describe as "Cosmic energy" is actually
static electricity. Although static electricity is a known phenomenon, it hasn't been totally explored yet.
The effects of static electricity are found in many industrial places as well as other totally different
It isn't possible to properly identify static electricity even that the consequences of an electrostatic
discharge are easily observed. Static electricity is an electric discharge caused by an imbalance of
electrons on a surface of a material. Therefore, the description "static" is not appropriate. It doesn't
mean inaction, but it actually points to forces imposed by unchanging electric field on charged objects.
Also, the name electricity is misleading. Both "electricities" have different properties.
The imbalance of surface charge shows that objects feel attractive or repulsive forces. It is known that
static electricity is caused by friction of different materials. This piece of knowledge inspired me to
observe and do research with water quells and other water streams. In this way I found properties of
static electricity that had been unknown.
These are three energetic parts aura, zones and interzones. These are described in the article called
"diagrams". Yet unexplained energy of a field is caused by water flow and it's friction with rock; it's
immeasurable with available measuring devices and metres. This energy goes through the surface of the
earth and penetrates metals, concrete and also other hardly penetrable materials. The charge that is
transferred by electrified contact is stored on the surface of every object. And the greater it's surface, the
greater charge could be stored on it.
I am aware that everything that I have published and will describe is only a small hint towards what
needs to be explored. As an example I can write about findings from the experiments with groups of
capacitors. The first finding is the fact that their charges have three energetic parts and these parts may
be altered by changing the charge stored on the capacitors. I have further found that that by the contact
of auras of more capacitors, a common aura is formed, whose volume is equal to the sum of volumes of
auras of the individual capacitors. However, this is not true in all cases. Why I don't know yet.
In the same way as capacitors, every matter has its own charge and by the contact of auras the charges
spontaneously equalise. However, this is not everything. Every matter has its specific chemical
properties and by the contact of auras of different matters, different chemical properties are caused.
Could we imagine the astronomical number of combinations that comes out?
Nothing that is stated here is made up. I just copy the knowledge of engineers that built Stonehenge and
other megalithic structures. Nobody will doubt the existence of static electricity in the ancient times and
therefore we have to look at megalithic structures in this way as well.
The most important piece of knowledge found in my research is the fact that it's possible to alter the
charge on cellular membranes of organisms by the use of capacitors. It is also applicable in this case
that the energy transferred could be chemically changed as needed. I won't describe this effect in detail
because it may be misused.
The research of cosmic energy could be faster if sceptics stop doubting its existence and pointing away
from its further research in this way.


The question whether the condensers can have also an aura when they have resembling charge like
cellular membranes came at accidental discussion about biophysics. That time I determined by the help
of metal rod the statistical data about a size of aura therefore it was easy to make sure that the
condensers have the analogous aura in their vicinage like the human body. This finding became the
stimulation for intensive research and I noted characters of condensers not yet identified.
The first finding was that with the aura volume of condensers could be manipulated by the change of
tension on their electrodes. From the further experiments emerged that by means of condenser can be
also manipulated with the size of human aura. When the assistant gets the charged condenser, he will
obtain with it the united aura, which can be manipulated also by the changes of tension on the clamps of
Further I verified experimentally the identical continuity even among condensers. The random number
of condensers obtains the common aura if their auras overlap. The next finding was that the mentioned
phenomenon proceeds among people with the identical result. The random number of people obtains the
bigger collective aura by covering their aura.
The following experiments validated that organism and all substances- watercourses, electric
resources, distribution of electrical energy and chemical reactions have the aura, too. For obtaining
the united aura between mentioned sources holds the same conditions like by condensers and persons covering the aura with another aura.
The aura cannot be identified at rocks and some other materials. It does not mean that they have no
aura, the energy value of their aura is only smaller that the sensitivity of rod. The presence of aura can
be proved in such materials by an increment of its value. This can be reached when we place the
material with unidentified aura for some few hours to a vicinage of material, which embodies the big
aura, for example metals, watercourses etc. Rocks and also other materials obtain that way the common
bigger aura and after removing from the source their energy value will fade some few hours.
Experimentally is easy to verify that just as the activated material with the rock also other materials
including the organisms are in interaction. Thereof can be deduced that in the human body, which
obtains the bigger aura from another material, can proceeds the same energy action like in condensers the raising of energy tension on cellular membranes. I verified it with many additional tests. First I
repeat from obtainable materials what is the aura.
In history is denoted by the term aura a radiation of the whole human body, which creates a certain
luminous covering of the body and has different coloration. The form and the hue are designated by
psychic motions of the man and with the conditions of his body. The aura is determined with number of
factors like meals, sunlight, the course of psychological suits, affects and thoughts, breathing etc.
Though the aura is invisible, encloses and permeates through all sorts of substances. The phenomenon
of aura remains still unexplained. It was not succeed what does this phenomenon create. The perception
of aura is generally connected with human body. It could be misguided when in the further comment I
give the aura to the connection with all substances. Therefore I shall replace the term aura by marking
"The energy space".
During several years of experimentation with energy space I noted more two energy components, which
are the concomitant effects of every material. I called them "Energy zones" and "Interzones". The
energy zones imitate the shape of energy space in certain distances like certain peels. They run through
metal, earth and buildings and is impossible to discover their radius. In most cases the interzones are
four, are situated among the energy zones adjoining to the energy zone, which is directed at the energy
space. They are in large quantity and create the thick three-dimensional raster.

Since the names of energy components are often repeated in the next text, for lucidity I shall denote
next the energy space only "ES" and the energy zones "EZ". I shall not use an abbreviation for
interzones, which do not occur in text so frequently. In the next text I shall often mention various
energy sources, which the energy components (ES, EZ and interzones) produce. All these sources I
shall denote jointly like P-charge. This energy I have called "The cosmic energy". P-charges produce
the energy, which has not been described anywhere till this time.


Diagram No.1
In the upper half the diagram represents a sectional view of the P-charge of a capacitor of 5 000 F
capacity, connected to a tension 1 V, and its energy components - ES, EZ and interzones. The energy
components of all kinds of P-charges copy the shape of the source. To simplify calculations of energy
spaces for objects of irregular shapes we will consider them as having a spherical shape though they
vary a shape of sphere. The ES of the given capacitor has thus the form of a sphere 12cm in radius. For
lucidity we will specify, also for the other diagrams, only the radii of energy spaces. Their volumes can
be readily calculated. The EZ and the interones in the form of envelopes copy the shape of the ES, in
our case that of a sphere. Their radius cannot be determined, as they are lost in the energy components
of other P-charges.
Capacitors can be used in a large number of various experiments. It is interesting to follows the
movement of energy components when changing voltage on the terminals. Also interesting is to move
slowly two charged capacitors one towards the other and watch how at the moment when their energy
spaces unite, how their two P-charges merge into a single one. This basic rule does not govern only the
P-charges of capacitors, as it holds for all kinds of P-charges. On the given diagram as well as on the
others, each third EZ is marked red, its width is larger by a factor of ten and it is energetically more
powerful. This rule also applies to all kinds of P-charges.

Bottom half of diagram No. 1

This diagram shows the interaction of the P-charge of capacitor 5000 F/1 V with the P-charge of a
piece of rock. In comparison with the previous diagram, where the same capacitor had the value of rES
= 12 cm, jointly with the rock weighing 10 kg it shows rES value that is 5times higher. The value of the
P-charge of the rock before the experiment was lower than record able by our untraditional
identification method - I have found no value. The rock has therefore accumulated energy of the
capacitor P-charge.


Diagram No.2
In order to emphasize the relation between accumulated energy in a rock and the capacitor voltage, I
used a piece of rock 35kg in weight on which I placed a capacitor connected to three subsequent
The given values of rock rES are exhibited immediately after connecting the capacitor to the voltage
source, and disappear right after disconnecting and short-circuiting the capacitor. To make the rock
retain some of the energy, the energized capacitor must be kept on the rock for several tens of minutes
(this depends on the rock size and the source capacity).
The material that has thus acquired the energy will lose it slowly for several hours. No comments here
are necessary; the experiment may be continued with increasing the voltage. I may recommend such
experiments to be carried out with capacitors placed to other materials. The results should be similar.
The distances between EZ are not marked on any of the diagrams: they can be derived from the rES.


Diagram No.3
I regard capacitors, especially those connected to higher voltages, as the largest sources of cosmic
energy (I have not experimented with radioactive elements), by means of which the P-charges of other
materials can be increased. The energy components of metals, semiprecious stones, precious stones,
crystals, water streams, power distribution lines and others are additional sources allowing the energy
value of other P-charges to be increased.
The diagram at first demonstrates the permanent value of P-charge of a piece of iron weighing 17 kg,
whose ES radius amounts to 43 cm.
When a piece of rock weighing 8 kg, and with the unidentifiable rES is placed on the iron, the two
materials exhibit the rES of 60 cm. When the two materials are separated after one hour, the iron will
keep its original rES of 43 cm.
The stone will exhibit rES = 23 cm, having acquired energy from the iron, but will lose the energy
within several hours.
It is interesting to note that the stone has acquired energy from iron but iron has lost none. For transfer
of energy the two or more materials need not be in a common energy space. The transfer of energy
proceeds in the same way when the material accepts the energy in the EZ of the material passing on the


Diagram No.4

The diagram shows the energy components of the human body, which differ from energy components
of other P-charges just in their energy values.
All the properties of cosmic energy that I have described and will describe below also apply to the Pcharge of the human body and all organisms.


Diagram No.5
Flowing water appears to be the largest earthly producer of P-charges. The diagram shows the ES of a
creek with a flow-rate of about 10 liters per minute. In the case of this small creek its energy space has
the form of expanding cylinder (depending on the increasing flow-rate), copying its track.
When taking into account that a ten-liter flow-rate produces an energy space corresponding to a cylinder
670 cm in diameter, it is almost impossible to imagine the diameter of such a cylinder produced by large
rivers having flow-rates of hundred thousands cubic meters, or that of a sea stream where the rate of
flow is given in millions cubic meters per second. There are incredible numbers of energy components
of flowing water (ES, EZ and interzones) everywhere (including underground springs), and all interact
with energy components of other P-charges. In the course of long-term experiments (of course limited
by our possibilities) I have never noted a case where some material would bar their penetration.


Diagram No.6

The diagram shows two large trees and their energy components. The experiment had the purpose to
demonstrate conductivity of EZ for cosmic energy. The transfer of energy will proceed from point "A"
situated in the third EZ of tree No. 1, and point "B" placed in the sixth EZ of tree No. 2. The two points
were chosen arbitrarily, the performance is identical between any other two points in the EZ of the trees.
The experiment will have the following course: A group of capacitors with a total capacity of about 1.5
F is placed at point A. The assistant is then seated on a wooden chair at point B. I determine the
assistant's energy space and record the value rES = 40 cm. Then I connect the group of capacitors to a
12 V source. On rechecking the assistant's energy space I find the value of rES = 110 cm. The
experiment can be repeated and always gives the same result. The same rule governs transfer of energy
between all kinds of P-charges. On entry of the smaller P-charge into the energy component of the
larger P-charge, the rES of the former will immediately increase to the final value, acquired by one-hour
dwell in the energy component of the larger P-charge. Short-term exposure to the energy component of
the larger P-charge brings about no energy yield.
It may be useful to pay some more attention to diagram No. 6. To simplify the matter I have plotted just
the EZ, between which there are interzones. The diagram represents an area larger than a soccer field.
To get at least an approximate idea of the density of the grid, we would have to draw in the energy
components of several dozen underground springs, additional components of adjoining natural charges
and several dozen EZ belonging to distant large P-charges. We should also take in mind that the circles
in the diagram represent in fact huge three-dimensional spherical envelopes.
I have carried out many such experiments and encountered difficulties with making people sit
somewhere for one hour. I have solved the problem by replacing the assistant with an artificial Pcharge. This purpose was well served by a plastic bottle filled with water (previously boiled in a
microwave oven). The results were equally satisfactory and in addition I have acquired a new finding,
of which there is no shortage in the research of P-charge interactions: The water pre-boiled in the
microwave oven retained the charge for several weeks, unlike the water boiled in another way. Since
then I had at my disposal an unlimited number of willing "assistants" and was able to carry out
experiment in more places at a time.

DIAGRAM No.7, 8, 9, 10

Diagram No.7

Diagram No.8

Diagram No.9

Diagram No.10

Diagrams No. 7, 8, 9 and 10 show the energy components of a high-voltage power line. Long-term
exposure of man to the energy space of HV power lines will raise the electric voltage on cell walls up to
several times, as can be experimentally proved.
People are also endangered by EZ of overhead high-voltage power lines which may reach to great
distances. Distance does not reduce their aggressiveness, there are many of them and they are
conductive interconnected. They can be readily identified in the field according to the almost constant
spacing of EZ. Places where EZ of power lines intersect are even more dangerous because the increase
in voltage on cell membranes is faster there.
The size of the energy space in diagram No. 10, which represents a 0.4 kV power distribution line, will
probably draw attention by its disproportion to high-voltage power lines. However, all is in order, the
system functions as a watercourse. In the 0.4 kV distribution line there are currents of the order of
hundreds amperes, unlike the high-voltage lines passed by only tens of amperes. In addition to this, the
0.4 kV line usually interacts with the P-charge of the building.
Ten graphs, which I note, are only the sample. They can be constructed in unlimited quantity for every
material and would be differentiated only by their distances of EZ and interzones.
I have obtained the piece of knowledge that in the distances of EZ and interzones every substance has
its specific code by which can be identified. The other codes come up by the combination of two or
more substances, which are differentiated from the original codes.
I suppose however that the software would be able the codes of individual substances differentiate. In
such case would be very easy to identify the sought substance even at extensive distance. At the security
of airports or other important objects the PC would at once designate the person, which has along any
forbidden substance. In the same way the police could check the vehicles driving through.
Directors of schools would be informed, which pupil has used any drug or drink, or has along these
substances. The pocket detectors would unfailingly designate drug dealers. The post sending could be
examined very easy. This is only the scantling of exploitation the codes of substances, it would find
much better use in industry.



In foregoing text in connection with the identification of energy components I used the word "dowsingrod", which evokes among many people queries. The dowsing-rod did not come-through even a single
test and James Randi offers one million dollars to everybody who will designate the arbitrary medium
hidden in one of ten containers. It is the interesting offer for dowsers, but till this time not a person has
obtained the million dollars by James Randi. The questions then carry through and if I wish so as to my
next version was not infirm too, I must first vindicate the reaction of dowsing-rod.
In the year 1980 James Randi checked eleven dowsers in Australia. Ten water tubes were loaded
below surface and in any moment during the test water could run randomly through one of them. The
task of dowsers was to determine in which tube just the water runs through. The dowsers were not
successful because the organizers of test determined in advance not realizable conditions and the
dowsers could not be successful without knowledge the regularity of energy components and their
The first condition for successful running of test is the selection of route, which the dowsers will come
through at searching hidden plastic water pipe. The place must be acceptable from the aspect of energy
components the other P-charges. The energy clean place in required length of route perhaps even does
not exist. Before initiation of the test must its participants first map the whole route from the standpoint
of energy components and designate them into the field. Movable and immovable EZ must be
designated differently. During the test sky must be without clouds. On the whole route the plastic pipe
can be placed in vertical direction to the route only one and all the time the water must run through. The
P-charge of the water running through transfers the energy to surrounding rock and by local conditions
accumulates and evokes there any time the reaction of dowsing-rod even past stopping the water. Ten
pipes, in which the water shuts and opens in turns, evoke in the place of route only energy disturbance.
The test must proceeds so that its participant comes through the route and marks by the dowsing rod all
reactions and he makes the control identification also in opposite direction and if the reactions are
identical the lay out of EZ is there finished. Then the assistant performs the visual evaluation of
distances the EZ. Somewhere in the center of some tens distances one several times bigger spacing is
situated. It is the energy space and the hidden pipe is situated in its middle at where the dowsing-rod has
not responded the place. This procedure is accepted only for metal dowsing-rod of the shape and size
according to the picture No. 1. (A photo of dowsing-rod I will send gladly).
The impeaching of activity the dowsing-rod follows also from the fact that as far no measuring
instrument has been constructed, which could identically signify its reactions. All of us know very well
the standpoint of skeptics and when we value their arguments from the standpoint of finding the present
science we must agree with them. But only the little completion of existing findings will be enough and
the criticism of dowsing-rod will receive another appearance.
I shall describe the meeting with a man who evoked the admiration for his extraordinary abilities.
People with those abilities are usually born but Mr. Oldrich Hradil (1912 - 1989) was different. He lost
his ability to feel warm and cold after the hard poisoning by lead but his receptors reacted to something
mysterious and at first he was not able to orient in it.

But already in the hospital he identified that the unknown feeling, which radiated in his body from his
legs to his head or the other way round, evoked people who moved through the corridor separated from
his bed by wall. During some few days he learned to differentiate whether a woman or a man walked
through the corridor. After my familiarization with him he differentiated already eighty reactions, which
provoked most different percepts on his receptors. By the help of pure flat hand he identified sorts of
metals masked in boxes, at a cemetery he determined reliably with the bound eyes whether a man or a
woman or a man and a woman are buried in the grave. He told me that my neighbor in the cottage
across the street is suffering from cancer (which was later truly approved). He recorded much more
impulses than I am able to identify with the dowsing-rod and besides with the difference that he proved
their sources and intensity promptly. The decedent master Frantisek Kahuda experimented with special
abilities of Mr. Hradil long ago and guided due registrations about it.
In the course of meeting with Mr. Hradil I understood that the sensor for measuring instrument
supplying the dowsing-rod, which I seek in vain for many years, has every man (maybe also other
organisms) built in the body. I suppose that if the receptors of warm and cold can be affected by the lead
to react alike the dowsing-rod, it could be experimented with it. After the inquiries among physicians
and by study of technical literature I came to the opinion that it will not be easy.
The mentioned receptors of warm and cold are hitherto in the sphere of medicine, which must be first
explored and the present finding dont enable any utilization of receptors for another research. Thereof
follows on that the dowsing-rod, as well as the receptors of warm, lies in the sphere, which so far has
not been discovered. The using of term "unscientific" in connection with the dowsing rod appears like
outmoded. It is necessary to realize that the reaction of dowsing-rod and energy to what the dowsing rod
reacts is conformable with the natural principles, which all of us know very well - repulsive power and
Faraday gave reasons for the charge flux but the repulsive power has not been motivated up to this day.
Textbooks mention that we dont know why it happens, we know only the experimental fact that two
positive bodies repel each other. I suppose that in this detail, which Faraday and his followers did not
matter, is hidden heap sight than the secret of dowsing-rod. The demonstration of charge flux is for
physics only the laboratory matter, I have not found anywhere the finding that it operates on all tips,
which are around us, such as towers, chimneys, high buildings etc. In the other text I will deal with the
mentioned phenomena more closely and I will argue their exploitation in history.
When I got knowledge from Internet about the million dollars, which Mr. Randi offers for identification
the correct container, I decided to examine it and I bought ten containers. Past some few weeks of
experiments I understood that isnt easy to determine the correct container but I obtained more other
experience. The energy cleanest place for experiments with containers, which I looked for in my
surroundings, was the lonesome asphalt surface. Only EZ and interzones of subterranean cable 22 kW,
EZ and interzones of subterranean wells and also some unknown EZ were there situated.
The immovable energy components of cable I designated by paint and every day I monitored the
moving energy components. I located the containers at the places out of EZ and interzones and
afterwards I asked the assistant to place the charge high-density condenser into one of the containers. It
was queer that I designated the proper container without hesitation and I realized that Mr. Randi would
not offer the million dollars any longer if it were so easy.
I was not wrong because within next days I indicated the empty containers. So that to find out the
reason for such bad success I attended to the research of test surface and every day I noted to the plan
all energy components, which I identified there. It was time-consuming because the metal dowsing rod
responds to EZ and interzones only in vertical direction or in a short variation from it. On that account
is necessary to execute the identification in more different routs.

I founded out that only EZ and interzones of underground cable were situated at the identical place, the
other energy components changed their positions. Squally clouds call up the energy chaos as well as the
variable flowage of watercourse. I didnt find an answer for the change of energy components in the
short interval when the test site was wet after rain. I came to the conclusion that I could succeed in Mr.
Randys test with ten containers only if it were at that time when it operates, which cannot be exactly
determined. There is not possible to do this test at town development where every make and outage of
electric consumer changes the structure of energy raster. If Mr. Randi contents himself with another test
I could prepare the unlimited number of assistants whose dowsing rods will react uniformly. I mean the
identification "the hard" and the stationary EZ of high voltage distribution.
Everybody will be interested why is impossible to find out at least some few dowsers whom the
dowsing-rod would react identically. The suggestions for reactions of dowsing-rods are plenty as well
as many other effects, which affect the reactions by other way. The size and the shape of metal
dowsing-rod are one of the effects. I use the dowsing-rod, which gets to open hand (picture 1). It reacts
to EZ and interzones if its face is 6 cm long. If I shorten its face a cm to 5 cm it reacts only to EZ and
doesnt react to interzones. It is the weighty finding and without it the energy components could not be
differentiated. The unification of dowsing rods reactions among members of dowsing groups could
make possible to pursue the statistical research systematically. Every new finding requires the sets of
tests and more of experimentalists would speed up the research.
From time to time somebody asks me to demonstrate the identification of energy components and I
satisfy because sometimes I tutor something too. Usually I begin with demonstration of dowsing-rods
reactions in ES of brook and I describe the characteristics of ES. If somebody repeats it with his own
dowsing-rod he does not succeed because his dowsing-rod reacts else. If he tries it again with my
dowsing-rod his reactions are the same with mine. The same repeats at the identification of EZ and
interzones. In the crowded town development the numberless P-charges are interactive and create there
the common ES at big surfaces. In this surrounding the dowsing-rod reacts unlikely and restrictedly. I
consider the orientation in ES like a fundamental premise for the work with dowsing-rod. Several times
I tried hard to pass on my closely described experience but I was not a success because during the visual
exhibits some practices are to be repeated and improved.
We can prove the infallibility of dowsing-rod by following experiment. We shall mark out the EZ on
the one hand of watercourse to the distance of some hundreds meters. We shall place the group of
condensers with total capacity ca 2F to the ES of watercourse. Past the connection of condensers to the
tension ca 12V the EZ will increase their primary distances (both P-charges - the watercourse and the
condensers will be at interaction). At the foot of lay out route we shall have on the left shorter distances
(the condensers are not connected to a tension) and on the right we shall have larger distances (the
condensers are connected to a tension). The dowsing rod will react only on one distance. That way we
shall identify if the condensers are connected or not. Then we shall make terms, which situation will
represent the stop and next will be the comma. By the help of Morse code we shall send a message in
given intervals from the watercourse to the end of lay out route. It is so much convincing that the result
of experiment could not be designated like a speculation. However it is not the only verification, the
other will follow.
I tried to identify the energy components with a wooden twig and I obtained this experience. The
freshly cut twig did not react to the energy components but past some few days if it became dry up
reacted only to ES in all its territory. It was the distance six meters to each side at the point of my test
brook. This is the wise disposal of nature because it can be supposed that in the nearness of brook the
soil will have sufficient moisture for rooting. I interpret the movement of twig so that its cellules noted
the critical situation and in the moist area tried to take root. The needed energy for flexion they took
away from my body. To the first EZ of brook, which is from ES ca 10 meters distant, the wooden twig
did not react again. The energy components cannot be identified by the help of dowsing rod because the
persistence of pendulum dont make it possible to identify a contact with EZ.

The measuring instrument cannot be replaced by dowsing rod, as well as a stick of blind man cannot
replace his eyes, but it can help us to the orientation in unknown spheres. The reaction of dowsing rod
to the energy components could be designated like the first step to the unknown energy, which as yet
has been not succeed to do by another method. In conclusion I can state that the time, in which the
activity of dowsing rod was impeached, draws to an end and can be expected that in a visible time the
scientists will validate the body of its reactions.


It was probably in Palestine about six thousands years ago when a man erected a first menhir.
Formations of menhirs then followed, thousands was erected at places asunder substantially distant.
There is not a rarity not even ten or twelve meters high over a heft of several hundreds tons. The biggest
menhir called "Men er Groah" near Lockmariaquer at Bretagne is 23,5 meters high. Probably at the
same time or little later dolmens were built in plenitude, too. They are usually two or more large rocks,
on which in some cases even 100 tons cover plate is put. It was built 2000 dolmens in India, and in
Europe, Oceania and Tibet there were built also plenty. Dolmens Arabic, Palestine, Caucasian and
other are known, too. More and more interesting creations of olden civilization are cromlechs whose
ground plot has a form of circle and were built up from bulky rock, whereupon cover plates were put.
Resembling bulky megalithic constructions were found in northern Africa, Pyrenean peninsula,
Peru, Colorado and at many other places.
Clay mounds are also mysterious constructions and were built also in plurality on all continents in
various sizes. At American continent they are called "Mound" and more than hundred thousands there
were built. The biggest construction like this is artificial hill Silbury Hill at Europe. It is 40 meters
high and its circular basis occupies a surface of two hectares. 36 millions baskets of chalk and clay was
need for its erection.
Menhirs occur at many places in so far undocumented groups. A lengthwise stone heap of different
sizes in dimensions about 10x 100 meters and ca 2 meters in height was piled up in spacing of late
Celtic habitation on woody hill about 1,5 kilometers left hand shore of river Vltava (Czech Republic)
in vertical direction to watercourse. EZ of watercourse moved all the time by a different influence of
water upon the stone heap and transferred the energy to it. The similar menhirs were built probably at
other places on the ground of simplicity and suitability.
Several tens of accurately surfaced cylinders from coarse-grained granite, which are situated in
surroundings of Zvanovice brook near Jevany, to the east from Prague, can be also designated like
menhirs. Most of these stones have identical average 120 centimeter, only some few have the average
smaller. The height is variable - it moves from 30 to 70 centimeters. According a tale of local people
many of those cylinders have finished on private gardens or have been broken. On adjoining hill alike
mysterious objects are situated. Regular stony blocks and stones of uncertain shapes are dislocated
there. All stony objects have rounded caverns full of water on their apexes.
A rock placed in energy component of watercourse has larger energy value than the watercourse. It
follows that varied high stony cylinders had various energy values, so it is a regulation of energy.

By the height of stones and selected time of staying there, people could have determined what quantity
of energy they can draw. Stony objects placed on adjoining hill were not located randomly but they
were put into EZ of watercourse. Water in their caverns took over the energy of rock. A drink of so
energy modified water had a curative effect.
The iron pole in India originates from 9.century B. C., hefts 17 tons, is 16 m high thereof 7 meters is
above the ground, and all consists of chemical pure iron. It is doubtless also menhir. In contrast of rock
an iron has manifold larger fundamental energy value, which raises by its placing to energy component.
Unnoticed quantity of hypothesis, whereby are these constructions substantiated, only prove that as yet
we dont know to what purpose they could have served and why people of long past civilization applied
to it so much effort. From my research followed on, that menhirs, dolmens, cromlechs and clay
mounds could have been used like amplifiers and storage batteries of cosmic energy with following
utilization of energy for curative purposes.
The new conception for exploitation of menhirs arranges the megalithic culture to a higher evolutionary
degree until have been mentioned till this time. People of that era were acquainted with strange energy
and used it by unknown method. It may be the principal reason why authors of technical literature of
largely description character could not have given reasons for what kind of purpose the megalithic
constructions could have been built. Energy exploitation of menhirs can be considered like a first hold
at the solving of following problems, which can be heap sight complicated than we could presuppose.
From the mentioned experiments follows that megalithic constructions were built for energy gain. I
suppose, however, that reasons for mentioned three sorts of megalithic constructions (menhirs, dolmens
and cromlechs) is impossible to judge globally. Their architects kept certainly serious reasons for the
difference of constructions. It is also necessary to realize that they were built from various sorts of
minerals transported in some cases from distant areas, though other minerals were sufficient numbers at
near surroundings. Dolmens and cromlechs were built from various sorts of minerals, too.
Every substance has its specific code, which results from distances of EZ and interzones. Other codes
different from primary codes rise at combination of minerals. The same result can be reached at
combinations of minerals with other substances. Constructors of megalithic buildings did not create
energy values only quantitative but also qualitative. I have not been successful even with approximation
to qualitative energy values because it is a matter for long-term research in furnished laboratories under
collaboration of software technologists. Therefore I will restrict in next descriptions of megalithic
constructions only to quantitative energy value. In cases, where combinations of minerals or another
substances occur, can be speculated that architects there created also qualitative values.
I sympathize with each one, who thinks that it is incredible, because primarily I have supposed, too.
Seeing that the unbelievable effects will more escalate, I consider like necessary to take a think if a
prehistoric man, which we know from ancestry, can be given to connection with the advanced technique
that shown megalithic constructions and also artifacts from excavations such as boomerang. This
dissonance is perceptible there, and historians will be obliged to re-value a great deal of various things.
Archaeologist find in mutually distant part of our globe boomerangs as well as menhirs. Apart of
Australia boomerangs were used also in northeaster Africa; they were known in ancient Egypt and
Mesopotamia, and even in Europe. An oak boomerang, about 2.200 years old, was dug out in Holland.
The oldest boomerang was found in Poland according to the radiocarbon method was its age
approximately 20.300 years. In view of the fact that wood is not a very durable material, it may be
assumed that long ago the use of boomerangs was quite widespread. Menhirs and the boomerang have
their common ancient origin, are found on various continents, and share a high degree of technical

Czech redactor Jan Novak has written "The aerodynamics of the boomerang is much more complex
than that the aircraft wing, whose design cannot be conceived without any complex calculations or
research in aerodynamic laboratories. The uplift of the aircraft wing is due to the shape of the wing that
forces the air to flow faster along the upper surface than along the bottom one. A boomerang has the
same profile, but the aerodynamics of this throwing tool is much more complex. The boomerang arms
are at an obtuse angle and during flight they rotate around the centre of gravity that, however, is not
situated at the point of the bend, but in free space a couple of inches below. Apart from the rotation, the
arms perform the forward motion in the direction where the boomerang has been thrown. The arm
rotating in the direction of the flight is flown over by air faster (as the speed of boomerang rotation and
its forward speed add) than the other arm rotating against the direction of flight (In this case the speeds
are subtracted). This results in the formation of a force that should incline the axis of rotation.
Nevertheless, the issue is not as simple as that, due to an additional remarkable phenomenon called
precession. This occurs with every rotating body and has the effect of attempting to keep the axis of
rotation in a single direction. In this case it does not succeed, as the aerodynamic forces prevail, but it
influences the flight of the boomerang so that the flight route acquires a complex curve ending at its
origin. The flight properties of this primitive tool are quite extraordinary. The occurrence of a
boomerang encountering thermal airflow and flying a distance of over 16 kilometres was observed".
I would not be surprised if some sceptics would explain the boomerang as a bent branch that by pure
chance exhibited the flight properties described above, and then served as a model for the manufacture
of other boomerangs. Such an explanation would not stand up to the existence of boomerangs on several
continents, similar to the case of menhirs. The discussion of a development of the boomerang does not
come into question, as it must have been designed solely on the basis of aerodynamics, which had been
instigated by the development of aircraft. Known facts indicate that the issue could only have been
based on the handing over of information without knowledge of the actual principle involved. The age
of Palestinian menhirs is estimated at about 4.500 years; the age of the Polish boomerang is about
20.300 years. The boomerang was used on Earth 20,300 years ago, for reasons of inadequate technical
development our civilisation was unable to explain the principle of its behaviour until the nineteenth
century. We may therefore assume that menhirs and their function have not yet been discovered for the
very same reason.
At the appreciation of menhirs, dolmens and cromlechs from energy standpoint their evolution is
perceptible. After experiences that watercourses are sources of energy, people dont evade that
individually erect rock around watercourse works a human more markedly. Next was probably the
finding that the same character has a rock considerable distant from watercourse, and therefore rocks
were placed around habitations. Some people got left because their rock was not energetic, and during
further observation was concluded that the rock is able to obtain energy quality only at some positions.
Afterwards people could have taught to identify such place, and likely was stated that tall rock provides
a little quantity of energy even outside energy place, and so they tried to compensate it by larger mass
of rock. Another finding could have been that tall eighty rock, which is built to energy place, has more
People could have grown up to it that a rock has not the identical recuperative effect every time but only
sometimes in limited time and probably they found a connection of recuperative effect with flow of
water. By further observation people could have grown up to the finding that rocks the energy quickly
gather and after slowly fade away. As rocks were used plenty to completion of energy, further finding
could have followed on that some rocks or their combinations are preferable. Construction of large
dolmens protracted the time of optimal effect, and a combination of rocks affected the quality of energy.
I suppose that cromlechs generated identical conditions like dolmens, but more people could have
participated of recuperative actions. The applied time of recuperative action of cromlechs was
prolonged probably with energy completion by means of fires.


Hundreds of thousands of menhirs, dolmens and clay mounds placed at all continents, and manipulation
with energy, which still lurks to attention of science, infers that it will not be easy to take bearings in


Construction of megalithic buildings with regulation of energy ensued probably from finding that
restoring of health by means of menhirs, dolmens, cromlechs and clay mounds could have been
exploited only in time intervals, whereon was need to wait sometimes for a long time. It was depending
on weather conditions, which generated various flows of watercourses, and changes in rates of energy
components, too. The required energy level was enabled to keep up by regulation of water flow, and the
great mass of building supported its stability.

Jerusalem Pool
Curative effects of watercourses cohered with their energy value. This fact can be deduced from the
operation of Jerusalem pool. The Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem was partially carved out and partially
built up in a dried out creek bed that used to be filled with water only during rain. The size of pool was
approximately 60x 80m with a depth of 7m. It was split unusually into a smaller northern and a
somewhat larger southern section by a 6,5m wide stone dam. The twin pools surrounded along on four
sides by column-supported vestibules had on all four sides the fifth hall built on the dividing dam. Who
built the pool and in which era is a topic for speculations and probably this structure served like a
heathen sanctuary. Information on a copper plate, which was found in third cave in Kurman, suggests
how well known the shrine, in which miraculous healing took place, was in those days. Important and
interesting is the comment of Johns Gospel (J 5,2), revealing his excellent knowledge of the place, and
this has been completely confirmed by archaeologists. John in his gospel claims that sick people who
were waiting for the water to move were accommodated in the five halls. After the pool had filled up,
the sick waited "a certain time for an Angel to treat the water" before bathing in it.
Jerusalem pool was not placed in a dried out creek accidentally. If water traverses all the time, it was
not disposable "a certain time" for its modification. Water, which filled up basins after rain, had some
energy value and then declined step by step or could escalate, too. There could be more influences,
which contributed to energy value of water, e.g. increased concentration of EZ in interaction with
surrounding rock, etc. When the water acquired the optimum of energy, the brain notified to all
attendants, that "Angel modified water already" and convalescent bath was able to start. The
surrounding of pool built up by columnar vestibules for waiting pilgrims suggest that water had really
curative effect, otherwise pilgrims would not come to the pool.
I have experimented with water a number of years, but I dont suppose that it will be easy to find its
optimum value, which would have curative effects. It is not only energy matter because its part has also
interactive influences of surrounding rocks, etc. Next research of cosmic energy will be technically and
longtime much demanding. Each of elements has its specific code, which is given by distances of EZ
and distances of interzones.

Combinations of two or more elements have another code, different from basic codes. In the course of
next experiments will be necessary to quote the spacing of energy components with great accuracy,
however no can do without new measuring instruments. Dowsing rod is impossible to use for the next
research again, but by its help the constructors of electronics can designate places of energy presence
and acquaint themselves with its character. Concomitant of next research will be all-round exploitation
of new finding in most different spheres. Past elaboration the codes of some components will be easy to
produce detection sensors, which will call attention on these components in sizable distance. Policemen
will be able to pursue verifications of cars driving through if dont transfer forbidden materials and at
the same time will be advised if the driver is impaired. The headmasters will have identical view of their
students. The exploitation of identification the materials will be much sizable in industry, too.

Wonderful technique knowledge of long past culture allowed the creation of constructions with curative
effects, in which required energy value was all the time available. I will acquaint you with some
constructions like this. The Osireion building is considered like one of the oldest stone monuments in
Egypt and the dawn of architecture. Nobody has yet found a logical answer to the question of purpose
for which this building was constructed, and why excessive amount of material was installed there. The
entire building is constructed of huge stone blocks transported from far away. The interior of the
building is composed of a pedestal of large tile blocks, twenty-five meters long and twelve meters wide.
Along the border of the longer pedestal sides are two rows of columns, each of which is composed of
five massive granite monoliths over three and half meters high and weighting about 100 tons. The
pedestal is surrounded by water moat three meters wide and three and half meters deep. Beyond the
outer edge of water moat is a meter wide walk and then seven meters thick outer wall. Along the entire
length of the outer wall seventeen chambers are less than two meters high. On the pedestal between
rows of columns there are two small pools. The roofing of the building was constructed of massive
stone roofs and huge stone slabs, too.
The gigantic building was therefore constructed for two small pools, a water moat and seventeen small
chambers. Such great effort, which has been exerted for the creation of this building, appears quite
senseless and unnecessary from the standpoint of our civilization.
I am convinced that the building of Osireion at the point of strong energy concentration in ES of river
Nile was constructed for accumulation of cosmic energy. The energy was cumulated in the mass of rock
and interactive water. The energy value of the whole building was regulated by manipulation with
quantity of water in the moat. People could have kept themselves thus the optimal energy level and they
had disposable curative effect of water in pools. Seventeen small chambers located in circuit walls were
able to function like energy strengthening. People could have completed the energy in pools or in
chambers. It can be supposed that the construction Osireion could have influenced the mass of adjoining
temple, too.

It is impossible to omit that seemingly different construction, but with resembling characters, was built
up in India. Around the start of the third millennium B. C., on the banks of the river Hindu and its
tributaries, a unique culture came into existence, whose characteristic trait was civilized maturity and a
high urban level. The ancient culture was named the Hindu riverbank culture according to its
geographical location. The city Mohendjo-daro was lined with a regular network of straight streets, in
some places up to ten meters wide, which intersected as right angles. Between the main avenues, there
were blocks of residential buildings of non-uniform size, with one or two stories. Aside from living
rooms, the houses also had bathrooms and toilets with a clever system of drainage.

Their drainage pipes emptied into central canals, which were dug out under the main avenues and ended
in the river. According to estimates, about 30 000 inhabitants lived in the city.
Like other ancient cities, Mohedjo-daro has its own mysterious building. An artificially built hill of
clay, measuring 400x 200 meters and 16 meters in high had a flat area on top. Its core is composed of a
large pool 13x 8 meters in area and two and a half meters deep. The entire pool is surrounded by a
platform, from which door led to small rooms.
The construction of a pool beside a river can hardly be justified, namely when almost everyone had a
bathroom at home. By no means however cannot be explained why the pool was built on a sixteen
meters artificial hill. Its construction would have been much easier at the level of the terrain. For the hill
it was necessary to quarry, move and place about one million cubic meters of earth, which
correspondents to a mass of almost two million tons. It is impossible to suppose that people built up the
hill for shortening boredom, they had to hold a serious reason for it.
If we compare the construction of pool on clay hill with the construction Osireion from the constructive
and energy standpoint, we will conclusion, that the both buildings are characterized by joint marks - the
large weight, the water basin and small rooms in circuit walling. The basin was built up at upside of
watercourse, thus in sufficient fall. It enabled to water, flowing to the basin by gravity conduit, to
regulate by energy the mass of hill, which supported the power stability. Another degree of regulation
could be reached by water discharging from the basin.
The inhabitants of the town Mohendjo-daro, as well as in Osireion, had all the time the disposable
optimum power value of water "without waiting for angel".


The Quebrada de Lavapatas creek runs through the rocks with a total area exceeding 300 square meters.
The rocks are characteristic of a compound network of channels, grooves, and depressions engraved by
primeval stonecutters. A total of three rectangular pools and a labyrinth of myriad channels to channel
the water can be found there. It is really fascinating to watch the route of the creek: the water drips from
one hollow to another and does not start flowing away until it has reached a specific state. The opinions
of archeologists on the importance of water structures are at considerable variance. One group
postulates the existence of a water cult or a cult of fertility and fecundity, while the others see a sacred
place for religious rites and purgative ritual baths.
In light of my research the above structure seems to be a curative bath. The value of the P-charge of the
running water is directly proportional to the mass and speed of the water. The water flowing through the
network of channels and caverns created thus three different energy values in the pools. These values
could be used according to the needs of primeval people as a supplement of energy. Staying in ES or EZ
in one of the pools stabilized the capacity of the cellular membranes at predefined values. Although the
primeval people did not think in these terms, they knew that they were strengthened by it.


The Akapana pyramid in a squalid town of Tiahuanacu is much larger water structure with a water
tank built on its peak. On the top of pyramid a great water tank was constructed from which water was
leaked by the compound system of stone channels. Water flowed down alongside the group of
downward sloping planes into a ditch surrounding the entire structure. Then it was drained to the
foundations of the pyramid on the southern side. The purpose of the pyramid hypothesized to be
connected with a rain or water cult or with primitive worship of the power and properties of fast running
water. According to another theory, the yet unknown "technical equipment" of the pyramid could have a

deadly purpose. The theory is based on the meaning of the terms Hake and Apana in the ancient
Aymara language, which is still used in the surroundings of the pyramid. Hake means "human" or
"man" while Apana "to die" (probably due to the effect of water). Akapana this means "Place where
humans die" According to my theory the Akapana pyramid, like other megalithic structures, was built
in the place of intersection of EZ and accumulated cosmic energy in its mass. Further energy gained as
well as other buildings ended with a tip - by charge flux. This energy could have been but amplified by
the water running through the stone channels built in the bowels of the pyramid. I have experimentally
proved that an excess quantity of energy can have a negative impact on human health. However, the
flow of the water could be controlled in a manner so that the total energy is not detrimental but
beneficial to health. The temple embedded in the earth, which was built in the vicinity of the pyramid,
strongly supports this theory. The masses of the temple and of the pyramid had a common ES. By
regulating the energy value of the pyramid was possible to energetically influence people gathered in
the temple.
I have found no justification in the literature to explain why the temple was built under the level of the
surrounding terrain. It is beyond logic and there has been no similar case in the architecture in any
period. Also the purpose of the underground premises of other megalithic structures had never been
explained. Some of the megalithic structures were directly built only for underground premises and it
can be substantiated from the standpoint of energy transmission, which I describe in the introductory
The mass (pyramid, clay mound, building or other structure) placed in the energy component acquires
energy and its own P-charge. Imagine a pyramid built on the terrain level. Its energy space resembles
that of a pyramid of much larger size with part located under the terrain level. Its earth or rock situated
in the ES under the pyramid takes the energy from the ES, thus increasing the original charge of the
pyramid. During the experiments I have experienced the following: if the assistant stayed for one hour
on the point embedded under the terrain in the energy space of a larger P-charge his energy gain would
be greater by 50 per cent compared to the same position on the terrain level. The temple was positioned
of under the terrain level on purpose to increase the energy gain. The building of underground structures
under the other megalithic structures had the same reason. It can be supposed that the structures, which
were built only like underground spaces, were situated in the place of strong energy concentration,
where the energy gain markedly exceeded the energy loss.
The pyramid Akapana was the energy structure with the possibility of regulation and could transfer the
energy to the people also by means of mass the temple.

The first obelisk was probably placed in the sanctuary of the Egyptian solar lord in Heliopole. Couples
of obelisks were built later to the gate of other large antique Egyptian temples. In long past era the small
obelisks were built also in front of tombs, they applied in Babylon and Asyria, too. Like the
architectonic element were obelisks asserted in Europe not until in baroque. From the standpoint of our
civilization obelisks were considered like the architectonic decorative element. In the old Egypt the
obelisks meant the energy importance, they functioned like menhirs. If required to complete the energy
mass of the temple, it was very easy by means of obelisks. The obelisks can be so consider like a
regulation element. People of megalithic culture exploited laws of nature, which our civilization learned
only in 19th century.
In the year 1824 the English physicist Michael Faraday discovered among others also the effect of
charge flux. Its function is described so: If we put a ball with an apex near a charged body, after definite
time it will become electrical permanent.


On the tip induces not consonant charge with great surface density, so that electrons from the apex
gradate to molecules of air, so raise negative ions, which are drawn by electrically positive body, whose
charge will decrease, and on the ball with apex dominates positive charge. The action sizes up as if the
apex sucked up the electricity of body that is why this effect is called the charge flux. Therefore has
Diviss lighting rod a great deal of apexes. From 19.century is this mentioned effect described in
textbooks but anybody had not even notion that this operates on all artificial apexes, which stick out
from terrestrial surface, providing that they are isolated by earth from lapidary basis or another material.
I have found it by chance at verification of information about hanging of bells.
In 15th and 16th century the steeple bells was hung sometimes also the other way then usually - by the
clapper up. It was profitable specially for hard steeple bells, which were easy to set swinging that way the bell set swinging with own weight and was kept in the move by tread. As this manner of hanging
was considered in 17th century like no catholic, so placed bells were hang by the clappers down on
most of these steeples. Reasons for "non catholic" have appeared to me little convincing for the quantity
of elaborate reconstruction, especially when it did not pertain of sound effect and the hanging was not
visible. So that to make sure what kind of reason could be for the change of hanging these bells, I
decided to check up the whole thing. The result appeared faster than I have expected, energy reason
must be added to the reason "non catholic".
I used meter tall marble hexagon about weight of 200 kg like a steeple dummy and I put it up to the
energy zone. For the lucidity I will not concretize its energy value and I will mark it like fundamental. I
placed 1,5 kg bronze bell to the steeple dummy (by clapper down) and after a short time its primary
value increased nearly to treble. At the opposite placing (by clapper up) the fundamental worth of
steeple reduced around 20%. I repeated this test many times always with the identical result.
With evaluation of historical tower constructions from the energy standpoint cannot be started unlike in
Babylon. In a center of every Babylonian town a sacred area with churches, royal palace and tower
building, which was called zikkurat, were situated. The largest zikkurat was the Babylon tower built on
groundwork ninety meters wide, and the height of this tower was also ninety meters. The first floor was
three meters high the second was eighteen meters and the third, fourth, fifth and sixth were six meters
high. The temple of eternal Madruk, coated by gold, was fifteen meters high. Inside the temple was
placed a statue of eternal Madruk deal pure gold. The building of tower was walled by circular wall,
which was based by most different buildings, serving to culture purposes. The construction material for
Babylonian buildings was adobe bricks, in some cases bricks harden by chemical action there were used
in some cases, too.
In principle the Egyptian pyramids are characterized by resembling characteristic - the large materiality
and the height. The peaks of pyramids were incrusted by metal. The pyramids were also walled, and in
their proximity the buildings serving to culture purposes were located. The first pyramid was built from
bricks but its shape ensured considerable stability compared to Babylonian towers. Probably the
architects understood that Babylonian towers were built from bricks only for want of preferable
construction material, and the rock better conform to static and energy standpoint.
Exploitations of charge flux can be observed in history from menhirs to sacral constructions of our time.
Very interesting from construction angle appears resembling building on which master builders used
natural sources for obtaining energy - it is pilgrimage place Macchu Picchu. In close nearness of
Andes, on which the construction was built, two peaks Huayna Picchu and Macchu Picchu are situated,
which function like sources of energy. A river Urubamba, which dins down in a valley, is further bulky
energy source. Its energy components intersect the plateau and pile up the energy of construction.
Contiguous terraces, which were objects of many hypotheses, could have served like meeting-place of


Energy reasons for constructions but call up another question. From whom Sumerians obtained
information about energy of apexes, Atlantic existed or Mr. Daniken is all right?
Babylonian towers, pyramids, menhirs, obelisks, clay mounds and any towers have the identical energy
function, accumulate in their mass the energy, which subsequently the mass with minor energy potential
takes over from them - including organisms. We are not aware of this reality in contrast to our long past
ancestors and we build constructions, which could influence our health negatively and by slinking way
overstrain with its energy.


The following twelve megalithic structures, dislocated on four continents, have its common designation
though structurally are very differentiated, they were built for transducer gain. It is admirable with
what imaginativeness was used the local conditions for achievement the same result. In historical
materials is impossible to find the help for what purpose they could have been constructed, their large
weight suggests that it was for large transducer gains. So that to draw near its exploitation, we may not
make unpremeditated end, which create barriers for next conclusions. Under one of such misguided and
surprisingly reputable statement I consider the traction ropes like the means at the transport of the stone
I understand that it is difficult to imagine a man with stone-axe with other technology than with traction
ropes. It rates also in opposite view. The traction rope in hands of man, which can manipulate with
unknown energy, looks like something disturbingly, too. There were performed several experiments like
a verification that the big rocks were transported by the help of traction ropes and in short distance some
few rocks in the weight 30 tons was displaced.
It could have ceased convincingly for anybody inexperienced and without consideration that between
thirty tons and thousand tons is the difference nine hundred and seventy tons (the stone blocks in
Baalbek). Like verification could be accepted if anybody will displace the rock at least in the weight of
the Brittany menhir - about 300 tons by the help of manpower and traction ropes through a wild terrain
across the natural obstructions. In Czech Republic in the year 2002 we had the great flood, at which one
riverboat about 250 tons embedded on the shore in proximity of fluvial bed. The civil technology did
not be a success at the experiment of translocation the ship back into the river. The military technology
was called, which by combined powers with civil technology, even did not stir with the ship. The ship
had to be cut up and transported in pieces to scrap irons.
In the course of status quo of the technique is unthinkable to transport the rock weighting about 1000
tons through untidy ground across natural obstructions. The weight 1000 tons represent like 1000
private cars. If we put these cars one by one they will make queue about 5 kilometers long. Could
anybody think that these cars without wheels and bound together could pull away through untidy
ground by the manpower?
The operations of megalithic culture we shall be able to evaluate only when our scientific appreciation
will reach the higher level. Primeval people retained close relation to the nature, perceived some effects
more sensitively, and understood how to make use of natural rules, which lurk to the attention of
science till this time.

The other constructions with energy regulation, which I will describe, vary from the previous by much
larger materiality and we cannot suppose that they were built only for curative effects. In historical
repositories is impossible to find a purpose for their use such as about the Jerusalem pool. We have to
do that for the absence of information we are not able to give reasons for their creation.

The greatest water construction of antiquity was probably Teotihuacan. Alfred E. Schlemmer tried to
prove that in fact The Street of Dead was never any street. This construction was drew primary like a
number of connected mirror basins full with water, which gravitated through sets of sluices from the
Lunar Pyramid on northern end to Citadel on the south. He motivated it so that the "street" was dammed
in regular intervals by high wall, at whose foot was clearly seen the residue of good constructed
spillway channel. In addition the terrain slant would facilitate south-northern hydraulic stream, because
the base of Lunar Pyramid was situated on the lot, which was around 30 meters above than the surface
in front of the Citadel. The separated sections would be filled up easily by water and could then serve
like mirror basins. A lot of disputes are leaded about the purpose of this hydraulic system. The
hypothesis of Alfred E. Schlemmer my piece of knowledge validates. The suite of Teotihuacan
constructions was reared on energy interesting place, and by quantity of water its common P-charge
could be regulated.

The gigantic complex in San Lorenzo (Mexico) certainly belongs among the mysterious structures
whose purpose is hotly discussed by scientists. On a tableland about one kilometer in length, mirrored
artificial crests defiles and twenty small lakes was built. The lake bottoms were incrusted with artificial
blocks made of volcanic ash. The water reservoirs were supplemented with a sort of conduits made of
U-shaped basaltic blocks. The conduits pass several meters below the surface, their main branch is 200
meters long and none of the branches was connected to any of the lakes. The conduits did certainly not
serve as drainage, or for irrigation. The conduits have become one of the additional mysteries of the
The area in San Lorenzo is an energy construction with multistage regulation in its size with
unprecedented energy values. All the manmade mounded mass obtained power from the energy
components where was built up. Small lakes, which could be fill in by the need in different number,
were the regulation elements. The channels, placed under the construction, were the additional
regulation elements. The water, running through, escalated the energy value of the whole construction.
It functioned but also the other way - discharging of water from the small lakes declined the energy
value of the construction.
The gigantic area had the same function like the previous constructions, the required energy of the
whole area was reliably ensured by its regulation.

The lines, pictograms, and water channels on the Nazca Plain are more mysterious and enigmatic than
alternative megalithic structures. The high technical level of builders appears in their visualization. The
lines constitute EZ of ocean currents, terrestrial water streams and other P- charges.
The Nazca Plain is an invaluable monument, which should be preserved undamaged for future
generations. There is no other place in the world with such a record of energy components in their
purest natural form, which is optimal for all life on Earth.

Mrs. Reich has asserted that the drawings of animals were not scraped at random but they appeared
under a certain scheme of intersections of more straight lines. Only one monkey, one spider, one whale,
one dog, one lizard, but more than twenty pictures of birds existed. The mentioned pictures are likely to
illustrate symbolically different energy values of intersections EZ.
The individually erected stones function in energy component like amplifiers of energy. Numberless
hills of stones, placed next to lines, triangular furrows, in bends of serpentine lines or round twisting
models, and on many other places there are on Nazca Plain. In all cases the configuration of stones
creates combining energy component, whose task was to set up EZ to other required value in given
place. The controllable flow of water in underground channels intersected lines and by its energy
components could create their connection. It enabled to manipulate with energy of single EZ alike with
electrical energy.


In the course of clearing the jungle for banana plantations, giant stone spheres, mirror-smooth and
geometrically quite perfect were found. When scientists surveyed the vicinity, they discovered such
spheres almost everywhere, on Camanoral Islands, in the Cordillera Brunquera mountain range,
close to the river Rio Duquis, at environs of Uvita and in many other places. Their number was
estimated to thousands. Some of them were more than two meters in diameter and weighed sixteen and
more tons. No vestige of any waste that must was produced during their manufacture was found.
Neither were found any tools, the quarries were a distance of many kilometers and the spheres are
assumed to have been manufactured in quarries. Many discussions were held on the way the perfect
geometrical shape could have been achieved and on the method of their manufacture. No agreement has
been reached on the issues and the way of their transport is also a mystery. In the prevailingly marshy
region the spheres, when rolled, would sink in the mud and any other way of transport would be out of
the question. The spheres but were transported. No one has even attempted to explain the purpose of the
spheres. The plurality of stone spheres, located to energy places, in this zone probably created one
vehement constant P-charge without a possibility of regulation. Its EZ could have functioned like
connecting element.

Already two centuries archeologists try to find out the mystery of the Easter Island and it is a continual
problem to clarify why the constructions on the island were built. The single island from lava in the
Pacific has a shape of triangle with the sides 24, 18 and 16 kilometers. Three burnt out volcano mark the
highest places of the island, in each angle one. Stone terraces called ahu, of different style, in sum about
240, some of them without statues, go up around the island always nearly at the sea. The ahu are of all
sorts, mainly half-pyramidal and inclined plane fades away in bed of sand. They are mostly small,
rectangular, lower and higher, with burial cells concealed below a lodgment of rubbish. Further those
called ahu poe-poe, strange like pads over the ocean, those remained only seven. There are some more
ahu bulky like the statues above them. Like the other megalithic constructions they are characterized by
a large weight - as much as 12 000 tons. Sculptures moai are situated not only on ahu, but also on the
whole island. 276 giants rise or lounge there and it is known that others are also in land. The smallest
statue is three meters high and the top is twenty-two meters high.
The stony terraces, dislocated round the island down the sea, accumulated in its mass the energy of surf.
Their amount foreshadows that together with other constructions or statues the common constant Pcharge was generated, probably with the same function like the spheres in Costa Rica. Spheres or
statues - are in the same way laborious matter. If we consider, that the identical function would
discharge blocks or formless rock, can be deduce, that for the builders of megalithic constructions was
not the finishing of stones a laborious matter and they probably used an unknown technology.


Two hundred kilometers off the Laos capitol Vientiane, on the Xieng Khoang highland, the so-called
Stone Jug Plain is located. Hundreds of even three meters high jars lie there spread on a large territory.
Their origin goes as far back as the younger stone ages. Until now the highland has not been searched.
Andreas Reinecke of the German Archeological Institute in Bonn has called attention to the fact that the
mysterious jars are not made of clay, as many encyclopedias claim, but that they are carved from
sandstone. Making and transport of individual jars, some of them weight more than ten tons, would
need a performance comparable with the performances of people who in the younger stone age on the
north of Europe built dolmens and cromlechs of gigantic stones.
From the viewpoint of my finding, the gigantic jug placed to EZ, function just as the menhir accumulates energy in its mass. When we fill the jug with water, both masses, rock and water, are
interactive and the menhir obtains larger weight and can incept more energy, so that its energy value
can be regulated by the quantity of water. The jug groups have common P-charge and the resulting
energy value is possible to influence also by quantity of water.
Hundreds of jug groups lie about on the plain so can be presuppose that they can create great common
P-charge. People had not hold worries with refilling water to great manner of jugs, the plain is situated
in rainy area, and so the regulation could have been done by water draining only. It can be presuppose
that the Stone jugs plain performed the same function like the Easter Island.

Nan Madol are ruins of unknown age, situated on the island Ponape at islands Carolina in Pacific.
Ponape with contiguous islands occupies the surface only 334 square kilometers. Ruins in Nan Madol
are surprisingly large and consist from hexagon and octagon basalt poles (reputedly 400 000 pieces),
imported by sea from a distance more than 24 kilometers. Their size and weight partially surpass
structural stones of Cheops Pyramid. Certain walls are over ten meters high. Most of the construction
however doesnt lie on land, but many of walls and channels run out into the sea, which the construction
It is impossible to discover reasons for the mentioned construction. It lacks all known characteristic
signs, which would mark why it was built up. Certain, though doubtful reasons, were found for some
questionable megalithic constructions, but even high-spirited imagination does not knows any
suggestion for a dump with multi ton piles.
Only the rock built up from parts of great weight could have bore up against the sea influence. The
solitary construction ensued from rare combinations of two energy sources - a concentration of energy
components at the seaside and the floodtide. Poles with more edges have doubtless its reasons. It was
probably an enlargement of surface in connection with an obtaining of tidal energy. The energy of two
various sources were thus accumulated in one million tons of rock, and could be exploited by means of
the energy raster on another place.

The outstanding work of Maya builders, which connected towns Yaxuna and Coba, is almost one
hundred kilometers long road. The "freeway" cuts the countryside practically without a single bend, to
be exact from kilometer 32 to kilometer 99, i.e. sixty-seven kilometers. The remaining route has
imperceptible changes in remaining lap. The road passes between marshes and not far from Coba even
on top of a high dike built across a lake.

Similarly to other Mayan roads in Nohcacab and in Dzilchaltun, also this one was built above the
ground level. The height of the embankment varies from sixty up to two hundred fifty centimeters, and
the road width is ten and a half meters over its entire length. The embankments are lined with limestone
blocks, and among them coarse stones are embedded. The crown of the road was composed of small
stones covered with ground limestone.
The road was built probably in EZ of a sea stream. It can be deduced from the long straight trace, which
do not occur in other watercourses anywhere. Various energy values are found at places of different
elevations of the rampart, whose utilize is impossible to substantiate without further information. The
construction of highway marks by the great mass, about four million tons of rock was built into its


In the United States thousands of strange structural works were preserved, for which we have no
explanation, and that American Indians piled on from loam. No one attracts attention like the Great
Serpentine Mound in Adams County at Ohio, located on the bed of Brush Creek. It was built up in a
fashion of zigzag serpent, on volcanic geological break from mold obtained from contiguous valley, and
was piled on stone ground. The elevation is 400 meters long, 6 meters wide, and as much as 1,5 meter
The mass of mold, together with stone ground (about 10 000 tons), obtains a part of energy from
geological break above which was piled up, and other part of energy obtains from the meander of creek.
The mound creates with meander of creek endways the common P-charge. Combinations of masses
generate a different code of energy components.
The energy of mound changed by quantity of water running through, though the mass partly supported
its stability. Changes in water passage evoked turns in spacing of EZ at sizable distances. It could be
utilized for communication purposes, but is not presumable that this reason was the only for
construction of mound. The combination of masses suggests so, for communication purposes a mound
piled up from one mass would operate

Three configurations of menhirs in Carnac, known like Mnec, Kermario and Kerlescan, are the
unique megalithic constructions. The first is created from 1099 menhirs in eleven lines, with total length
1165 meters, the second with 1029 menhirs in ten lines, 1120 meters long. The third is created from 594
menhirs in thirteen lines and 880 meters in length. The configuration of menhirs can be evaluate from
energy aspects so that the ES of single rocks overlap and create one common P-charge with common
energy components. Several expressive EZ, for which the configuration of rocks functions like a
combining and accentuated element, under the built-up area can be situated. In this area, including the
mentioned three fields in smaller configurations and separately, in sum about ten thousands of menhirs
are situated. The whole area functions probably like the only energy system.

Like the biggest man-made hill can be designated Silbury Hill, which is situated not so far of
Stonehenge, the storied construction of Stone Age. The sizes of Silbury Hill are respectable. It is ca
40 meters high and occupies an area of two hectares. According to the last research the gigantic
construction was built probably around the year 2600 B.C. It is interesting that the construction of
Egyptian pyramids started approximately at that time.

Obsoletes have shown that first six terraced stony stairs was built, which were arranged subsequently
into shape of taper. Silbury Hill can cohere with megalithic constructions, which are situated in
surroundings more. No verifications were found for it that sacred ceremonies took place there also an
observation point could not have built there because gigantic construction was situated in a valley.
The combination of building materials is interesting - rock with loam. The resembling combinations of
building materials could be find also near mounds and other megalithic constructions. If every building
material has its specific code, combinations of materials have uniform diverse code. Thereof can be
decided that builders knew the energy value of construction in advance. Nobody knows for what
purpose the artificial hill was constructed but I suppose that we could seek help in jointing of rocks by
the technology of "fused stone".

Scientists have become tired of unending investigations the heaps of ruins along the old way from the
Sudan to South Rhodesia. In the world no other structure has evoked so many sterile speculations as
the ruins on a granite hill in Zimbabwe. The large ramparts are mostly ten meters high and up to seven
meters wide at the base. There are two readily distinguishable structures, one an elliptical structure
about hundred meters in length, and the other an acropolis. The construction required about fifteen
thousand tons of granite block, six to fifteen centimeters thick, which were very precisely lain without
using any mortar. The conical tower represents a great mystery - a cone almost ten meters high with a
base of five meters in diameter.
The construction in Zimbabwe with own characteristic signs does not vary from the other structures,
which I mention. The granite hill is, from the energy standpoint, probably very interesting place, where
crossing of EZ is situated. The great mass of construction creates separate P-charge, whose EZ was
required to shift to other position. Thereof follows that the energy was not used there, but from their EZ
could be utilized at another place, or EZ could serve like a connecting element.
We can obtain new interesting information from the technology of construction. The structure was built
from small rocks in contrast from resembling constructions, where large stone blocks were used. It can
be substantiated so that for mining, working and transport of large rocks could have been need
considerable energy source, which was not disposable in Zimbabwe.
From the standpoint of research the interaction P-charges we can suppose, that constructions could have
been built also for connection the energy raster, with the view of transmission the energy and
communication between distant places. In the ancestry can be find how people could communicate by
means of interconnected energy components.


On Mount Sinai in about 1300 B.C., Moses received from God very detailed instructions for the
construction of a portable contrivance, allowing two-way communication of spoken words and sounds.
The Bible describes in detail how it all worked (Exodus - II. Moses Book in chapter 25). There was
courtyard, the Repository of the Covenant, in which the Ark of the Covenant was placed, a table and
a sacrificial altar. Through the contrivance God talked with Moses and his brother Aaron.
The Ark of the Covenant can be visualized as a square fencing with sides of less than ten meters and
about four and half meters high. To facilitate dismantling and moving the Ark, it was composed of
wooden boards lined with gold along the both sides, four and half meters long and seventy centimeters
broad. The boards were interconnected by spigots and inserted in a pair of silver stands.

A tent of leather and goat hair fabric was erected above the Ark. Around the Ark there was a courtyard
about 46x 23 meters in size and 2,30 meters in height. It was bordered by curtains of fine linen fabric
and suspended from silver hangers. The structural elements of the courtyard 30 supporting pillars were
fitted in copper stands interconnected with silver.
The Ark of the Covenant was a wooden chest 120 centimeters in length, 70 centimeters in width and
70 centimeters in height, lined with gold sheet from outside as well as from inside. The lid of the chest
created gold plate, decorated with two cherubs, whose wings were spread so as to shade the entire top of
the chest. Four golden rings were fitted to the corners of the chest top, with permanently inserted golden
The empirical research of interaction of P-charges is as yet in initial stage, and the finding acquired so
far are not sufficient to appreciation so complicated communication equipment. But nevertheless let me
attempt at least partial explanation.
The capacitor design of the Ark allowed a mighty P-charge to be generated providing that it had been
located to energy component of cosmic radiation. The Ark of the Covenant was carried by eight men,
from which may be assumed that it weighed about 150 kg. The energy value of gold was enhanced by
the capacitor-type design of the Ark. The Ark was therefore producing a large independent P-charge,
which was placed in much larger P-charge of stand. The large P-charge placed in much larger P-charge
- we have already encountered such a phenomenon somewhere else.
The Kings chamber of the Great Pyramid is built of a large number of red granite blocks 40 to 70
tons in weight. The structure of the core is not homogenous. It was not composed of compact stone
masonry, but also contains large irregular hollows filled with fine sand, which had been conveyed here
from a deposit situated about six kilometers from the pyramid, so that sand from the immediate
surroundings of the pyramid site had not been used. This hauled-in sand had a high content of heavy
The Great Pyramid was built of limestone blocks and its core of red granite, combined with sand
containing heavy metals. The sand with large energy value, built in mass of red granite, suggests that in
the Pyramid the exact compensation of energy value was needed. A great quantity of red granite
supplemented with metal-containing sand was enclosed in a much larger quantity of limestone. The
large P-charge of the Kings chamber was situated in the much larger P-charge of the pyramids other
mass. The phenomenon involved in this case is probably based not only on various amounts of energy,
but also on the structure of the energy space, related to the specific gravity of the materials and to other
unknown factors. Moses communication system thus appears to be an energy model of the pyramid.
From this it may be deduced that among other purposes, pyramids could have served also for
communication, as it were with an Ark of the Covenant built into its very core.
The resembling combinations of mass can be found also over constructions apart considerably distant.
Extensive layers of plate mica have been found between the two top stages of the Teotihuacans
Pyramid of the Sun. In the temple not far from Pyramid of Sun directly under the floor, paved with
heavy stone slabs, archeologists have found two massive mica plates. The plates were squares with side
27 meters long, and formed two layers placed one on top of the other. It is remarkable that the mica was
imported from sizable distance, while micas of other chemical structure were round sufficiency.
Olmecs had combined several thousands tons of stone blocks with thousands tons of a greenish semiprecious stone nowadays known as serpentine. In all of the instances a smaller P-charge was enclosed in
a larger P-charge, thus producing the same energy conditions for the structure as in the case of the Great


It is difficult to assess the purpose of the courtyards. However the copper stands of the pillars,
interconnected with silver, indicate they may have been in energy-supplying component of the
communication system. The purpose of the enclosing wall in close proximity to the Great Pyramid has
likewise not been explained.
In my opinion, further deliberations on the subject of the Ark of the Covenant should include a very
similar ark that had been a part of the Pharaoh Tutankhamens burial outfit. This ark was certainly made
long before Moses ascended Mount Sinai.
In his book "Fingerprints of the Gods" Graham Hancock says that the repository in Tutankhamens
tomb was also a wooden chest 120 centimeters in length, less than 1 meter high and more than half a
meter wide. Two crowbars were fitted in its bottom part. The chest as well as the lid was lined with
gold. A figure of the god Anupev with a jackals head adorns the lid. The similarity between the two
artifacts is certainly more than accidental. The only difference in design is the dimensions, the placing
of crowbars and the figures on the lid.
Therefore may be assumed that Moses need not have been the first to use the Ark of the Covenant for
communication purposes. If the Ark of Covenant had been not completely unique, it is possible to
assume that its principle had been that of a communication device already known in Egypt
It is impossible to doubt about that megalithic constructions all over the world have a common origin,
and unlike constructions with an identical resulting effect only emphasize the high technical level of
their builders. Egyptian megalithic constructions are most perfect in all direction all over the world and
suggestions for their creation in other parts of the world originated probably from Egypt. It is only
difficult to imagine how people in primeval ages were able to contract a collective working in different
parts of the world. I assume that an answer to this question is much more complicated than functions of
megalithic constructions.

We conclusion at evaluation of later cultures that in their structures there are some perceptible
characteristic marks of megalithic culture, which imply that they were energy constructions. Etruscs
built in 7th century B.C. bulky tombs, conformable to church cupolas, created by hilly mass of mold
with sizable proportions. The tombs were built to a circle without mortar only with ashlars and boards,
which were joined fast by flags. Six kilometers near Chiusi a barrow of staggering dimension was built,
whose perimeter girt a quarter kilometer. The king Porsena built a monument from ashlars, 90 meters
wide on every side, and 15 meters high. In the part of construction an intricate labyrinth is there
situated. Above this construction five pyramids are built, four in corners and the fifth in the middle.
Every pyramid is in base 23 meters wide and 45 meters high. On their peaks over all of them a platen is
put, from which bells hang on chains. Four pyramids are placed on this platen, each of them 30 meters
high and above them five pyramids more are placed on another platen. The part of bulky citadel was
from far visible sanctuary, which was embraced by labyrinth of mangers and tubes with running water.
Etruscan sanctuary was famous with its curative methods.
Tombs of Berber dont vary from tombs of Etruscan by form even size. "Tombeau de la Chrtienne",
which is highest of them, was built by Punic architects in 1st century B.C. In Europe resembling
barrows was built thousands and at many is demonstrable that they were not built for burial purposes.
Barrows are given to context with burial rituals though in many cases residues of dead were not found
there. Czech archeologist Zdenek Merinsky in his publication "Czech countries since coming of Slavs
till to Great Moravia" has mentioned that in whole Slavic area have appeared under barrows largely
cremate graves without typical urns.

Better told only with sporadic residues of burned human bodies scattered in earthwork, and he has
supposed also other meanings for barrows. Construction of earthen ramparts was much time-consuming
business, so the nesting of burial residues to cloven ramparts could be reverent and practical. Energy
value of ramparts can be deduced also from technical literature, where technological procedures at their
construction are described. Increased care was dedicated to separation the mass of rampart from subsoil.
It was very functional disposal against energy losses and experimentally can be easy proved.
In the book "The Stones of Time" Martin Brennan has mentioned how the layers of grass and brown
clay by layers of slate and silica are interlarded. Layers from organic and inorganic materials take turns.
At contemporary excavations heft of this material is removed and is amazing to what rate can be fully
replaced in the course of renovated working.
In the book "Der erste Amerikaner" Kurt W.Mark has written. "On the open space, where a barrow
would be posed, they first cut down all trees and shrubs. They removed loose soil and a layer lying
under covered usually by hard clay. On top this floor then they poured one or more inches high layer of
sand or small stones".
In the book "Slavs" Magdalena Beranova has written. "Antique barrows of Novgorod Slavs were
annular but have steep walls. Outside or inside was a circle from stones, above all from boulders, and
overhead was a straight shelf. In the course of constructions Slavs first set fire to piles and ashes
unfolded to place where a barrow should have built. Onto the ashes they poured a layer of soil to which
they buried, either in urns or in sockets. Further layer about 20 cm large was once again ashes shuffled
with cinders, thereupon another part of rampart to height 1,5 - 3 meters was poured and all operation
was repeated. Each part of rampart was covered by sward".
Czech archeologist Zdenek Merinsky has mentioned: "Before filling of barrow a terrain intended for its
building was leveled and a growth was removed. In the course of researches on so modified surfaces are
often visible traces of fires probably connected with expurgatory function, when a fire was called to
burn all harmful influences. By no means these ceremonies cohered with own cremation which
proceeded on other place. In many cases and on many localities at so adapted surfaces we find an
erection of a square or a rectangle from limbs, logs or scantlings from various species. From so far
explored residues of these wooden formations follows that they were not constructions to all intends and
purposes and a reason of their building is searched in the sphere symbolic jointed with burial services".
From the energy standpoint the wood was used like an insulating material for separation of mass the
rampart from the subsoil
On Celtic developments as well as outside four-cornered ramparts were built up. The resembling fourcornered rampart in size 70x 35 meters was built in embattled strongholds Zavist (Czech Republic).
A mainly clay triangular rampart, in width of ground 10 meters and 9 meters high, was built round its
periphery. About 20 000 tons of clay and rocks was need for building the rampart. A defensive
character of this construction was eliminated by bilateral slope and its apex ended with edge. From
energy standpoint these constructions varied from cathedrals only so that they were not roofed. They
were built on energy interesting place and in the mass of rampart energy was accumulated, which
subsequently positively influenced people gathered there.
In other cases clay ramparts were smaller or the place was marked by another way. On sixty hectares
community from younger Stone Age near village Makotrasy (Czech Republic) archeologists have
uncovered a square with sides around 300 meters created by a ditch and primary also by palisade.
Roundels originated from around the identical time were found in Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia, Austria
and Bavaria, and known on the whole about sixty. These circular places were lined only with one or
several ditches. The largest roundel, found in Bohemia near Kutna Hora, is composite from three round
ditches with average 90, 115 and 250 meters.

The ditch with average 90 meters separates probably ES and remaining two ditches designate EZ.
Similarly designated places, which are impossible to motivate, we can find also at other localities.
Ramparts were built at concentration points of energy components - it was places intersected by more
EZ. A soil or a rock of these places took over energy of them and created isolated P-charge. If energy
value of P-charge was sufficient it was enough to mark its energy space by posts or a ditch. Ritual place
was fit for transferring the energy to gathered people who felt fine and willingly listened to advises of
their clerical leaders.
In other case when energy value of P-charge at the place of concentration the energy value was not
optimal and was needed to increase, it was solved by increment the mass of energy place - by
construction of rampart. The identical result could be reached by apposition of mass to one pile. In this
case however would be needed for gathering the people to mark energy space, in which happen to
transition of energy. A pile of soil in the center of meeting-place would obstruct just as in the center of
cathedral. Different materiality of ramparts implies a various initial energy value of places the
concentrated energy.
In long past in USA there were built more than 100 000 mounds of various sizes and forms. Wisconsin
mounds are of great dimensions, are constructed in a shape of animals and archeologists have called
them Effigy Mounds. These mounds had probably identical function like Celtic areas demarcated by
ramparts. On plateau Nazca we can encounter with indication by symbols of animals, too.
There are recondite mysterious towers in Sardinia called "Nuraghi". Most of specialists introduce them
about 1000 years before beginning of our era. Towers have circular or slightly oval ground plan and its
average moves between ten to fifteen meters. The height of towers without windows is about ten
meters, and they have one or two floors. Towers were built from dressed stones and put on without
mortar. Peculiar are plenitude of towers on small and little settled island, their number are estimated to
ten thousands. Buildings were mostly upright on hillocks or around watercourses. Resembling
constructions are situated in Scotland and its inhospitable islands - local stony towers are called
"brochs". Constructions originated at least a half- millennium after building at Sardinia. Undoubtedly
also in these cases they were energy constructions, which had identical function like clay ramparts.
From the beginning of second millennium the order of Cistercians built their monasteries in the middle
and top part of watercourses, where faster running water embodied major energy values and that way
created the effective conditions for transition of energy to other material. The whole area was situated to
energy space of watercourse. Below the groundwork of church there was water piping installed, where
by regulated flow of water was enabled to manipulate with energy value of mass the church. The
identical regulation equipment had already the megalithic constructions. More than thousand of
Cistercian monasteries was built in middle and northern Europe. The Cistercians also started building
the gothic cathedrals, which could seat much more people. Cathedrals were built in towns with heavy
concentration of inhabitants. In places with smaller count of inhabitants there were built churches.
Cathedrals and churches was not need to regulate their energy value by water running through, they
were built at energy places and a function of collection the energy ensured also towers - they functioned
like menhirs (the known effect from physics "charge flux"). The increased energy value of churches is
validated also by the fact that vicarages were not situated in churches but were built at a distance.
Energy of mass the church was sized in order that a man drew along the church service such quantity of
energy, which prospered to his health. A longer staying in energy forceful atmosphere could evoke
reverse effect.
Evidences that people used cosmic energy from primeval ages till our era offer especially near sacred
buildings. This fact expresses itself near certain monasteries, which were not built alone but in town
agglomeration. The example of that is Jesuitical monastery built in seventeenth century at Hradec
Kralove (Czech Republic).

Buildings of Jesuitical monasteries, in contrast from monasteries of other orders, were pursued from
grounds and very thoroughly. At Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic) two-storied vault was built so as to
the construction was founded on primary stone ground. Without respect to expenses the building was
built from rocks, which is in brick-built Hradec shortage. Jesuits chose usually building-sits in a center
of town built up area largely on leading square. Constructions of Jesuits were characterized by
uncommon materiality and by two overhead stories. The project of a new monastery in final
resemblance had to be approved by the chief of Roman instance and then it was not allowed to change.
Authors of "Encyclopedia the Czech Monasteries" Vlcek, Sommer and Foltyn have motivated
unusual and expensive erection of structure by larger stability of construction. The reasons of its
groundwork could be acceptable in the case that the construction was in wild. The designer could judge
but more resembling buildings in town development, of which could be deduced that a foundation in
lodgments above primary ground of rock is suitable. So can be doubt, that static reasons could have
been a decisive factor for the depth foundation base of construction. There was not motivated why the
monastery was not built from bricks like other buildings in Hradec, but from rocks imported out of
distant quarry. In both cases, the depth foundation of building and the imported material, expenses
increased considerably, for which the designer had to hold an important reason. I will try to give reasons
for it, but so that the arguments would be convincing, I must pass first to other theme.
At area of Olomouc (Czech Republic) a cancerologist Dr. Oldrich Jurysek completes and is going to
publish his map, in which houses or parts of streets, where there is even sixty times higher number of
patients than in coeval houses, which fast beside are situated. It was discovered that below these
buildings mostly ground waters run. "It need not express by cancer directly, but for instance by
weakening of immunity", has declared the cancerologist. He adds however: "In any case I dont assert
that geo-pathogenic zones evoke a cancer. They are only one of the effects, which cooperate".
I agree with it, that water wells could have negative effects to organisms but this hypothesis I can
complete that in so weighty cases, which Dr Jurysek has mentioned, probably there is a crossing of geopathogenic zones of more sources. I am convinced that resembling critical places occur in every town, it
is accompanying effect of civilization. The source of geo-pathogenic zones is not only water wells,
however all watercourses, of course even the man-made, which are all conduits where water or other
liquid moves, e.g. distribution of central heating, refrigeration, water orders, sewerage, etc. Organisms
are worked also by geo-pathogenic zones, which are produced by energy distribution, fire, squally
clouds and further sources.
People have exploited interaction of rocks and fire the whole centuries without knowledge of real
substance of healing effect. Indian hothouse appears like mostly effective from the standpoint of mass
interaction. Rocks are heated in fire out of hothouse and then returned indoors. Fire is transferring the
energy to rocks, and then the energy from rocks is transferred to people. That way can be pursued three
sorts of energy regulation - by choice of rocks, materiality of mass and heating-up. A graph of rock
warming up in fire has embodied other energy components than a fire, and a graph of rock in fire has
embodied other energy components, too. I cannot judge, which resulting effect of both hothouses is
more useful for human fitness, but energy value of Finnish hothouse is impossible to regulate
sufficiently because the identical intensity of fire cannot be ensured. The hothouse, in which rocks are
heated by electric stove, is also known. I suppose that in this case to discuss about positive influence to
human body is impossible at all.
A fire in interaction with rock creates insolvable problem for the science. In mining town Kladno
(Czech Republic), in vicinity of abandoned mine, increased number of cancer has been recorded. The
smoke running of attitude heap implies that an auto-ignition of coal remainders there has got. In a
vicinage has happened thereby to resembling effect like in a hothouse, but energetic much more bulky.
In mentioned case endangered houses are situated in ES of large energy source.

It needs but realize identical jeopardy of people in EZ, which can be situated in sizable distance of
attitude heap. EZ can be but easy stated by known regularity, because they imitate a form of attitude
heap. If we draw EZ in map like contour lines, in broad surrounding we have disposable route, whereby
EZ can be identified. Already known distances are another help. In principle there are "Jurysek houses"
not in Olomouc but in Kladno. In all cases it need not to be bulky energy source, the identical situation
can be occurred in crossing EZ of smaller sources. Every town has its "Jurysek houses", therefore I can
only recommend to repeat the Juryseks statistical research also in other towns.
Now I will try to evaluate the depth foundation of Jesuits monastic building. The designer was aware
of that every building in town is supplemented besides natural resources also with energy from the fires
used to heating and preparing of food. A energy gain rises in mass of buildings as well as by warming
the rocks for hothouse. This can be profitable to human health only to certain value, in opposite case
can harm. Above I have dealt with the effort of barrow- builders to separate out the mass of barrow
from the terrain and to prevent the escape of energy to the soil. Buildings in Hradec Kralove (Czech
Republic) were founded on multi-meters lodgments, which functioned like an isolation of barrows, they
obstructed the outflow of energy and in buildings shaped harmful overstrain for human fitness. Thus we
can suppose that "Jurysek houses" and by statistics documented even sevenfold higher mortality in
some hospitals have the same body - power overstrain.
More has left to motivate why the designer of Jesuitical monastery decided for masonry from imported
rock while he could project a much cheaper one from bricks. If it were only for earthy dampness, it
would be sufficient to build both subterranean floors from rock and two overhead floors from bricks,
and the costs for heating would be markedly reduced. The decision of designer to build the whole
building from stony masonry had to hold any reason. I have certain, but only quantitative, experiences
with accumulation of energy in different materials.
The importance of building material we can demonstrate by placing of two stones from various sorts
of minerals with uniform materiality to proximity of fire or other energy source. In the both stones the
energy gain will be different. From history of megalithic constructions we have been acquainted with
more identical cases when different sorts of rocks to the construction were imported, although other
rocks were sufficiency at that same place. The designers decision for stony masonry of the whole
building could be substantiated until another research
The effects, which I describe, are impossible to evaluate today, because they belong to sphere only
waiting for its discovery. Experimentally they can be verified for example so, that we shall find out
some lonely standing "Jurysek houses" by health of their inhabitants. If the houses are not founded on
rock, we will make out graphs of their energy components, and we will compare it with graphs of other
houses, in which sickness figure is standard.
The building, of which can be substantiated the choice of structural materials, is a chapel in Cervena
nad Vltavou (Czech Republic), built before era 1190. It was situated to ES in a bend of river Vltava.
The church was built without tower because in the year 1159 formations of stony belfries was forbidden
and standing separately belfry was built only in baroque. Large materiality of peripheral masonry
evokes one of the characteristic signs of megalithic constructions. From the standpoint of our
knowledge is incomprehensible why the church was built from pink granite, which had to be imported
from considerable distance and around granites of other sort is over-supply around. I will try to give
reasons for it.
The ES of watercourse gave enough energy embodying sufficient energy value in interaction with
materiality of construction. It was the gist why a tower was not projected to the design of church
because it would become undesirable source of energy. Regarding to the present scientific knowledge
cannot be judge why for the construction was used other material than that, which is enough in vicinage.

It is the case conformable to Great Pyramid, Stonehange, and basalt heads of Olmec, where different
rock was imported from sizable distance although other rock was round enough.
At present time the place where the church was built up is found under the surface of lake. The church
was "displaced" to 110 meters next and 30 meters above, but from functional angle it was declined.
Stagnant water of lake does not generate ES again even pink granite cannot be compensated by
brickwork masonry.
From energy reasons was the church built at a lonely place and people came to it from the wide
environs. In later period, when churches are built in settlements, where there were no energy places,
close to them were built towers, which with their tips completed the energy to the mass of churches.
Churches and cathedrals from the standpoint of proportion the mass of buildings, heights and masses of
towers, could be interesting to evaluate, doubtless regularities are there. The fact that proposals of sacral
buildings were due to send for fiat to Roman generality, and the project once approved could not be
changed again, also implies it.
People of megalithic culture, Etruscans, Celts, Slavs also people in the Middle Ages as well as further
cultures on other continents built energy constructions, which prospered to their health. In 21.century
resembling buildings our forwarded civilization builds too but doest know their influence to organisms.
There are mainly dumps of molds from large constructions, piles of material from abandoned mines,
tips, piles, some large buildings, energy system etc., which influence negatively the health of people by
their energy over-voltage, etc.

The cosmic energy was used to healing effects just as in primeval ages so in later times. The doctrine
of Viennese physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734 - 1815) about animal magnetism was through
XVIII century during more than fifty years an object of intensive interest among physicians. In 20th
century past coming so-called healing it have come to life again. Animal magnetism means to like a
vital fluid implicates in body on whose quality and amount depends on physical health, and this theory
is affiliated with Indian idea called prana. Mesmer published the book on animal magnetism in the year
Mesmer gathered patients in the course of his therapeutics always in dark room. The patients held by
hands and formed a circle around container with water, iron filings and magnets. Mesmer approached to
patients during mysterious music, "magnetized" them by wheels of his arms and word-reasoned the
patients about retirement of their health troubles. Patients then fell to ecstatic conditions, eventually
swooned, feel asleep, were liable to spasms and then, surprisingly, they began to recovery. They
ousted of ulcers, persistent aches, and even absolutely incurable diseases at that time. Blinds saw again,
disabled and paralytics went and moved without help. People sick of tuberculosis fully took in breath,
and caverns in lungs joined up during short period. Deathly patients rose astir and thanked to the
marvelous physician for their recovery.
I have summed up everything what is generally known about Mesmer, and his curative practices I will
put to connection with knowledge of my research. In principle Mesmer didnt discover anything new,
he repeated only what people of megalithic civilization and later era already knew and used when they
obtained energy from mass, in which it was accumulated. Water in container with irons and magnets
was interactive and generated optimum energy value. From the standpoint of energy transfer is
indifferent whether people are situated in ES in nearness of reservoir or directly in water. The
transmission of energy is just accelerated at direct contact of human body with water.

In Osireion, in basin of Mohendjo-daro and in Jerusalem pool, water for bath had acceptable
temperature. Climatic conditions didnt offer required temperature of water at point where Mesmer
cured his patients, therefore he chose time-exacting transmission of energy by means of ES. He evoked
relaxation to patients with mysterious music, by wheel and by conviction, analogous to late era when
people obtained energy in atmosphere of temples, labyrinths, etc. Mesmer had to have some basis to set
up water in basin for required energy value, and it is unthinkable to come hereto by experiments,
because human lifetime is thereon too short. I suppose that Mesmer could have obtained needed
information for preparation of curative atmosphere only in monastic libraries.
Number of tens past Mesmer similar effect was quoted in Lourdes, but only in time period, which is
impossible to determine in advance. The ancestry is repeated because Lourdes can be compared with
menhirs and Mesmers water basin to megalithic constructions with energy regulation. For menhirs
curative effect had to be waited until required water passage set up their mass to optimal energy value
but Mesmer didnt have to wait for anything, he executed by himself the regulation of energy value
similarly like people in primeval ages near their constructions with energy regulation.
Near cromlech Stonehange could have been the waiting time for curative effect shortened by the help
of fires, which completed the rock by energy. People adjusted energy value of megalithic constructions
by the help of running water. Tower buildings obtained energy by the help of apexes. Mesmer pursued
energy regulation by the help of domestic "energy converter".
In Lourdes since the year 1858 there were written down 3.500 recoveries confirmed by physicians. A
grotto, where the healing process from time to time proceeds, has two known energy sources and can
have others unknown. The first of known sources is a well in the grotto, where 1 liter of water runs out
per second, and next is river running through in nearness of the grotto. Unknown sources can be EZ
(energy zones) intersecting stone massive, squally clouds, solar shine, position of moon, lump of people
gathered in the grotto, etc.
I suppose that Lourdes can indicate something to us. If gaining process shows in the grotto, it concerns
mainly one person from many of attendants. Why didnt convalesce more persons when all of them
need help? A reply to this question is booked in history and is easy to find it. In temples of Old Egypt
there were labyrinths built on energy places, environment of temples, and words of priests, what helped
to relax the mind of people to be able to absorb the energy. Clerical leaders of later cultures reached
identical results by resembling mode. I think that Mesmer used the most suitable method. Dark room,
mysterious music, convalescent suggestion connected with hypnosis, people held by hands in ES, which
embodied optimal energy level for curative action. Always more of gained patients left Mesmers
Therefore follows on that people must be well prepared in advance to be able receive the energy.
Biblical wisdom "Your belief restored you to health" is accepted there evidently. I suppose that it
cannot be reached near more unprepared people. Into the grotto in Lourdes not only patients, also many
inquisitive people whose minds have nothing to do with relaxation step inside and the total atmosphere
can reach only disturbing values in such cases.
"Go and wash in Jordan and your body will regain healthy and you will be clean" - King 5,10.
Bavarian pastor Sebastian Kneipp (1821 - 1887) used also curative effects of water. He reassumed to
historical experiences with water cure and worked them systematically in his publication "Meine
Wasserkur". Near a brook, which ran through mountain village Worishofen, Kneipp built up medical
institution. Conclusive curative results of Kneipps patients induced an interest of physicians and many
of them arrived to Worishofen to study the hydrotherapy. Kneipps therapy was found on contact of
human body with cold and warm water. Thereby was induced new interest on hydrotherapy, which
nowadays is appreciated curative method.

Pastor Kneipp described many therapeutic methods, but mostly occupied my mind that he selected the
place for cure near the brook with quickly running water and he determined the time for water
application in minutes. Past familiarization with practices of Kneipps hydrotherapy I performed some
few experiments, which visualized the course of curative action from the energy standpoint. The body
of Kneipps hydrotherapy is the fact, that cold water draws energy from human body and warm water
transfers the energy to it. In the course of hydrotherapy we manipulate thus with energy of human body
and medical science doesnt deal with it till this time. On this account we dont know optimal intention
of energy of human body and even determine course and degree of interference. If we add to it the
knowledge that human bodies have different energy rate, it is impossible to expect from inclusive water
applications that they will be always useful. Pastor Kneipp insisted on observance of minute times for
working of cold water and I advice to respect it. People encouraged by curative effect have tendency to
speed up this by prolongation of water operation, but thereby they can reach opposite effect - to reduce
their energy level under optimal quality
The part of Kneipps therapy was also walking in a brook. I can add to it that in time of Kneipps
activity the nature resembled more to biblical time when waters of Jordan had curative effect. Running
water is large natural power source, which transfers energy to another mass. Is possible to speculate
about that in time of Kneipps working people could have to keep mainly want of energy and could be
useful to complete it from watercourse. Electrification and further civilization energy sources, which are
in interaction with natural sources, operate that people have not a want of energy but probably they have
a surplus of it (a reason for fatigue can be also a surplus of energy). Without further research cannot be
determined whether walking in brook can be useful even in these times.
In previous materials I described how people on dike of Jerusalem pool waited until "an angel set up
water". They waited till water will be in required energy quality owing to its environment and by
following stay in water happened to compensation of their physical energy. In Osireion and many
further megalithic constructions it was in the same way. However everything has been forgotten and we
shall learn everything again. I realize that I cannot dispense advices for hydrotherapy, I have obtained
only some fundamental findings, which must be examined on many applications, and I will embrace
when more people will connect to quite harmless and unassuming experiment. I can that only
Stagnant water embodies no energy components, and if it obtains in the course of contact with human
body, it is proved that energy was taken away from the body. Since we dont know nearly anything
about operation with bodily energy, it is impossible to generalize frequency and times of water working,
every human being must conform to his energy requirement by experimental test.
Pastor Kneipp described more medical practices for particular parts of body and whole body, and many
other applications. His publication was translated many times to more languages. I can recommend to
everyone to acquaint oneself with Kneipps curative methods and to go at opening applications from
advised time for water working. It is easy to make sure that with energy of human body can be lightly
specific manipulated. People of Jerusalem Pool didnt know the substance of curative water too, but
they contented themselves that it helped them.
Curative methods of pastor Kneipps are in principle consonant with curative procedures of Anton
Mesmer, they both cured their patients by interaction of physical energy by means of energy
components. The difference was only in using of various energy sources.
I deal with energy value of human body tens of years again. For identification I use section of chest
where the size rES of healthy people moves around 40 cm. During one hour of stay near a brook the rES
of human body will intensify over some tens. The same result we will reach by staying near a fire, near
a large tree, on a metal bed, in a motorcar and in the course of various occasions.

A decrease of energy we can reach lightly in stagnant cold water. In electronic of human body a certain
stabilizer is embedded, energy level to rES 110 cm can be easy intensified, other escalation is not so
easy again. Step by step I escalate rES by assistant so, that I give to his hand a small bottle with 20g of
alcohol. The assistant will acquire the intention of rES 110 cm past third or fourth bottle, then the rES
stop down. The stabilization of energy is a wise disposal of nature, what kind of energy caliber could
have a driver of truck transferring 30 tons of alcohol. Stability barrier of 110 cm can be but exceeded by
means of ES of condenser groups with high voltage, only this evokes health disorders. It is interesting
that group of condensers, which operates health troubles, has rES only 40cm. The quality of ES, which I
dont know, is perhaps most important. I dont doubt about that stability hedge can be exceeded also
other way than by the help of condensers. This can do troubles in thought at evaluation of critical
situations. These lines I have written one day with that, when at Hungary a bus driver of conducted tour
with German tourists disregarded danger sign on train crossing and thereby caused the death of forty
The increase of ES of condensers can be watched by increase of tension. Probably the similar
action can proceed near organisms in contrary sequence - increasing ES can result escalation of
electric voltage on cellular membranes.


The strange phenomenon came in streets of capital Nairobi in the year 1956 on July the 24th at three
p.m. About two hundred of men and women danced on broad way. The dancers had plaintive
expression as if they began to dance from compulsion of somebody. It was not possible to communicate
with them and they didnt perceive anybody who asked a question. Already twenty thousands of men,
women and children danced one hour later. Step by step about fifty thousands people took part in the
dance in exactly determined circle, whose average was three and half kilometers.
It looked like that they didnt take notice anything, but they kept among them about one-meter distance
and they didnt stick to anybody. It is interesting that even elderly people endured dancing Marathon all
five hours without visible fatigue. Later statement of participants proved, that they didnt remember
anything at all, their wits were numb, their memory even thinking didnt function. It is remarkable, that
no music played, though all dancers held identical rhythm.
All people didnt succumb to the dance in that magic circle, but only those that had coins or other metal
articles in their pockets. Later the participants recalled a feeling, that their body received energy just
from the metal articles. At twenty clocks everything suddenly finished, nobody was wounded, nobody
died. It was very rare event, which was noted with some different symptoms also in Rhineland at spring
solstice in the year 1374. In the year 1871-1878 at Savoy in female monasteries broke out epidemic of
madness changing into satanic craze. Till this time anybody didnt ascertain what was the real reason
for those incomprehensible events.
The craze of dance cannot be motivated from the same reason like construction of megalithic buildings.
The knowledge of present science gives not enough information. Experiences, which I have obtained
from my research of interaction P-charge, are for explanation also insufficient but at least a little they
enable to disclose a screen of mystery.
To the dance succumbed people who were situated in mentioned area and had metal articles about. The
determinate area was probably in ES, which are not indigence in town development. This starting idea
could be verified by evaluation of energy sources, which are situated on mentioned place, and could
specified by evaluation of adjoining ES, which would have smaller basic energy potential.


Bulky energy impulse could have been induced by EZ, which intersected more ES in town, but afflicted
people were situated in ES with largest energy potential. Why were afflicted people who had metal
instruments about could not be answered too, but it can be linked to information from history and
knowledge, which ensued from my experiments with combination metals with other material
(commentary in visual part).
The event is much complicated therefore I will try to specify that more. Every town can have one
energy space (ES) or can have them also more. Common ES has a town in case that separate ES of
buildings overlap themselves. Failing which when between buildings are vacant lots, green tracts,
watercourses or wide streets, separate ES dont overlay and in town more separate energy spaces (ES)
originate there. These ES have not commensurate energy potential and its difference can be caused by
influence of energy raster, by construction and technological equipment of buildings, etc. People, who
are situated in separate ES of town, are their energy component. Thereof follows that tension on their
cellular membranes matches with tension of ES, in which just in the moment they are situated. If in
town are more ES, on people show so that their bodies have different energy potentials. It is presumable
that madness of dance showed itself in ES of town with uppermost energy tension, which was more
piled up by other energy influences, which could be sizable amount.
Mahabharata painted with fear a weapon, which is able to kill all warriors having on the body some
metals, and if they get knowledge in time that this weapon would be used, they tear down from body all
metal, jump in a river and thoroughly wash themselves and everything what was touched.
Mahabharata said that it looked like elements could have been released from chain and the sun
whirled. The earth, scorched by flame of awful weapon, staggered in fever. Elephants, scorched by fire,
ran to and from to find protection from terrible power. Water boiled, animals died, the fiend was moved
down, and flaming trees tumbled one by one like at wood fire. Elephants ghastly roared, and now and
then fell underfoot, horses and war chariots, all burned together - all looked like past fire. Thousands of
chariots were destroyed and then over sea settled down no end of hush. Winds started blow again and
above earth cleared up. Fearful sight appeared. Killed bodies deformed by fire were so disfigured that
they didnt look like people any more. At any time sooner we didnt see about so awful weapon and at
any time we didnt learn about so frightful one. (From translation of C.Roy, Drona Parva 1889.)
This information I have known some decades of years and I have impeached it because it looked like
nonsense, but only till then, when I have found out that long past civilization built bulky energy sources
and used an unknown energy. The case of frog, which doest survive a stay in cage of Faraday that can
be also a cage for canary-birds, argues that in 21st century we shall learn other characters of metals. The
identical puzzle is why in metal hives bees dont produce honey and die. Some people feel badly in
buildings with metal construction what have also air condition, they complain of tiredness, headaches or
that they have bad breathing there.
Other way round the metals cannot be so much harmful by reason that crews of tanks or aircraft carriers
are not discomforted with it. I assume that statistics could evaluate these two contradictory opinions to
characteristics of metals. I consider like optimal objects for this evaluation buildings of hospitals
because they differentiate even sevenfold by mortality. For this comparison I recommend buildings
about uniform size, distant from close town development. Buildings steel structured with buildings from
other materials would be compared. Hospitals appear optimal for this experiment because patients are
exposed constantly to influences of building materials. Negative incidence of metals could show catlike
and could lurk to attention of science. Potation of wine from lead cups also didnt mind to ancient
At least six hundred years old time interval between both identical events in Nairobi and in Rhineland
implies, that is concerned very rare natural phenomenon. It lasted five hours in Nairobi, it will be of
interest to find out time running in Rhineland, where all proceeded also in ES of river Rhine.

I began my research by experiments with multiplicity of high-density condensers, at what I noted health
problems, which showed among others also by a shake of hands. In such situations I finished the
experiments but it can be supposed that by further pursuit the neurotic disorders could graduate. I
suppose that in both cases, in Nairobi and in Rhineland, concerned energy apposition of ES by unknown
sources, which were the reason of craze by dance. Supposedly a further research of cosmic energy will
enable to cause an identical event by imitation way.


Spontaneous combustion of human bodies (SHC) is for serious research workers one of the mostly
controversy phenomenon. The term spontaneous combustion represents a way whereby human body
will set in fire without any visual source. High-powered unbelievably localized fire changes most of
human body in ashes. In many cases certain part of limb such as leg remains intact. Some parts of
clothing or environmental subjects remain undamaged.
Outdoor does not exist anything similar to these fires and concomitant circumstances laugh at laws of
physics and knowledge of medicine. It can be doubt about quotation of spontaneous combustion of
human bodies from earlier era, however photographic documentation in 20th century cannot be
impeached. On setting of password "Spontaneous human combustion" on internet server "Google" in
section "images" we can obtain many of exemplifications of SHC.
Hypothesis about reasons of spontaneous combustion are impeached by the fact that in not even any
case when human body was exposed to fire bones were not incinerated. Human bodies are burnt in the
course of cremation by temperature from 600o to 950o C for one and half hour and a lump of wind is
blown to the cremator all the time of burning. Large bones and pelvis remain all along discerned, and
for their transformation to a dust a bucker with eight metal great shots is used.
At spontaneous combustion of human bodies people are directly exploded by heat, towards normal fire
must be designated like tepid. This explosion is short, intensive and concentrated, because nothing
glows up even in a vicinage. In some cases the cremated dead bodies were completely clothed and the
clothing remained undamaged.
For reasons of SHC two experiments were made, at whose evaluation characters of the combustions
written down were omitted. In the first case half kg of pork without bones, packed to cloth, was burning
several tens of minutes. The result was called wick effect and was stated that the identical process
proceeds in the course of SHC. In the second case the researcher approached to the point with more
responsibility. A pig about ca hundred kg was packed to cloth and the test was repeated. Past some few
hours the part of pig burnt and the same conclusion like by the first experiment was done. The scientists
tricked themselves by resembling conclusions and thereby a real solving is put behind. It is impossible
to override the weighty facts, by which the whole action of burning lasts extremely short time, and some
parts of dress remains by fire undamaged.
The knowledge of my research enables to put hypothesis about spontaneous combustion of human
body. Like an example I will introduce a condenser whereat we will increase slowly the intensity. Past
exceeding of voltage limit whereon the condenser is dimensioned get to breaking of insulator straight
away all energy unfastens and the condenser is inactivated. Cells of human body can act in the same
way. Every cell (thus also bone) can obtain by outer influences enough energy to destruction of itself.
The reason for spontaneous combustion of human bodies is probably enormous growth of energy on
cellular membranes with following destruction of their insulating characters and release of all energy at


A supply of energy to human body in lesser value can be easy demonstrated by layout of one EZ. It is
indifferent to what kind of P-charge it belongs and even its length. We will place an assistant to one part
of EZ, to the second part we will place a group of condensers with capacity of some Farads and with a
tension of ca 15 V. Before beginning of experiment the assistant has any essential rES, the value of his
rES during around twenty minutes of experiment will be more than reduplicated. I advice against
pursuance of tests with major capacity and higher tension, health troubles can be lightly caused. If a
man finds in strong concentration of energy components, it can be in certain situation the cause of SHC.
By suggestions, which I get to my article "Spontaneous combustion of human bodies" published before
on Internet, can be decided that more these cases have happened than have been named. At a protocol of
fire a reason must be introduced. In case that fire specialist would name to protocol "I dont have any
idea", probably he would not exercise this function for a long time. On that account a certain reason,
which can be put to connection with known facts, must be found there.
Probably the energy impulse dont cause a destruction of cells near every stricken person, evidently is
decisive in what energetic state just at the moment the man finds, but it can be largely influenced. I
suppose that it could be interesting to find out near all afflicted people some few previous days of their
life. They could have been in considerable overstress, which could have had most different reasons. But
it is necessary to begin with it that specialists examining the reason for fire will never mention reasons,
to what they cannot believe. If SHC is mentioned like a reason for fire we have presumptions for
obtaining of statistical data and further information for the research. It is necessary also to realize that
energy impulse can be less high powered and will not cause SHC but increasing tension on cells will
cause "only" the change if normal thinking. It can be fatal for pilots, drivers, it can be the reason of
damage for self-control of individuals, etc.

For science the homeopathy represents "a functioning mystery", and it will be also in the future, until
it is elucidated what is the principle of curative effect. My research deals among others with P-charge of
liquids, and therefore I suppose that it could be interesting to evaluate technologic procedures at
producing of homeopathic medicaments on this standpoint.
Since the following text is not calculated only for specialists dealing with homeopathy, I will repeat
shortly a fundamental procedure at preparation of homeopathic medicaments. The production process
begins with macerating of particular herb in rubbing alcohol within 30 days. Then we will mix one part
of pure macerate with 99 parts of alcohol and we will shake it thoroughly. For effectiveness of
medicament is this shaking very much substantial. Subsequently we will mix one part of diluted
solution with 99 parts of alcohol and we will thoroughly shake it again. This process we will repeat all
the time. Whereby the solution is more diluted thereby its operation is better. It is remarkable that the
medicament didnt contain even the only drug molecule.
I have never dealt with homeopathy therefore I will try only to give reasons for technological procedure
- shaking of liquid. l perform the following experiment: 60g of alcohol I will give to a bottle of multiple
content so as to the shaking would be effective. Doesnt shake up alcohol will show radius of energy
space (below rES) 30cm and past a minute of shaking the rES will intensify to 56 cm. After next minute
of shaking rES will intensify to 76 cm and past the third a minute shaking will be the rES 98 cm.
For a confrontation I will give also the result of shaking 600g of water. Dont shaking water has an
energy value but it cannot be recorded with our dont traditional way. Past a minute of shaking 600g of
water indicates rES 25 cm, past two minutes of shaking 46 cm and after three minutes of shaking 76 cm.
The charge of liquid can be increased also by other way than by movement, e.g. in microwave oven, by
warming-up, or by placing into energy components of larger P-charges.

I dont doubt about, that longtime research of homeopathy has verified thoroughly everything what can
be studied from the standpoint of present science.
I suppose only that an answer can be hidden in mysterious part of preparation - the shaking. Energy
value of liquids increases by shaking, and at the same time also change distances of their energy
components - thus their code. So can be speculated that the code of primary curative substance has
compounded at first shaking with the code of alcohol, and in the course of next shakings will happen
further changes of common code. What kind of action proceeds in molecules of primary substance and
alcohol can be a matter of further research.
I treat as important to remind that resembling effect by which happen to changes of primary codes of
matter was described in Bible at EX. 20,25. "And when you will rear up sacrificial altar, you may
not build it from blocks (i.e. from dressed rocks), because you have lifted up your (iron)
instrument to it and have violated them (i.e. rocks)". It is past comprehension but it can be
experimentally proved.
I identify the size of ES (aura) of rock, which has not been in contact with an iron. Subsequently I will
put an iron on the rock. If I remove the iron from the rock, I will identify that the value of its ES has
increased compared to the first identification. This has testified that in the structure of rock has come in
the course of contact with iron to changes of primary code. I suppose that to resembling operations
could happen also at production of homeopathy.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe has described that cooled water to almost freezing point will become by
longer shaking in an ice and warm water can be frozen quickly than the cold one.

I consider the acupuncture for historical phenomenon, which has proved the high scientific level of long
past civilization, as well as the megalithic constructions. The reality that in Twentieth Century its
principle has not been proved implies that it is probably the same problem like in homeopathy - for
absence of information. I am not able to value curative actions, which the acupuncture calls out, but I
can call attention to knowledge of stimulation, which has emerged from my research.
Four methods of stimulation - incisions by metal needle, warmth of fire, stimulation by pressure
(acupressure), and energy stimulation, call up in principle identical resulting effect - local energy
impulse, which the active spot will replenish with energy.


All metals have considerable permanent P-charge than human body, and metal needle transfers to it
energy in the course of incision to active spot.

Karl von Reichenbach was the first, who referred to that a fire radiates energy, which was called "Od".
My research has validated the knowledge of Reichenbach, and this energy I have called "Cosmic
The exploitation of fire I have described in connection with megalithic and later constructions, and also
in hothouses. By approximation of smoldered stick to active spot happens to transmission of energy to
the tissue in its vicinage.


It can be proved that a pneumatic gathers increasing P-charge by gradual comprehensiveness. The same
will happen by compression of liquids and other matters. That way the acupressure generates energy
overcharge round the active spot and stimulates it.

All electric consumers produce cosmic energy. Just like that it is at stimulator, whose priority is, that
first it locates the active spot and then supplements the energy.


In long past ancestry many cultures produced ceramic utensils in the shape of ball-shaped or oval form,
which had diminished stability, their tapered throat worsened the manipulation with content and also
washing was more difficult. The manufactured form however the doubtless negatives outweighed and
one of the possible reasons could be energetic effects, which I will try to substantiate.
The energy space, energy zones and interzones of every mass copy its shape. It is perceptible on
direct watercourse where energy components are symmetrical, in a bend of its inside they are more
concentrated and overlap whereby happens to considerable energy concentration. Ewa Shaw in its
publication Divining the future has mentioned that by teaching feng shuej is not suitable to build
quarters on places where the river trends in sharp curve because the building with energy overstrain can
be the reason for slinking health anomalies.
The places for location the vaults of Egyptian monarchs were picked in a meander of the river Nile at a
space with stronger energy concentration. Another energy source is a bend of river inside the meander.
If it depended upon so as the place was situated in energy strong environment, the constructors of royal
burial-place could not have found in Egypt the preferable locality.
The stately monument Newgrange, on the shore of river Boyne, is located to energy influence in two
bends of river and many other megalithic and sacral buildings were built in bends of watercourses.
In northern Europe more than 1000 Cistercian monasteries were built in the bend of river, and by
some constructional components of the monastic buildings can be presumed, that their energy value
could have been regulated, whereby the degree of overstrain was under control.
The identical effect likewise in a bend of river proceeds in ball-shaped ceramics. Their mass embodies
energy components, which are thickened inside the utensil, whereby happens to larger energy
concentration and inside is more energy than in its surroundings.
Some cultures enlarged more the energy rate of ball-shaped ceramic utensils by the help of tips placed
on the utensils top. I have noted such adjustment by the Otomans culture, by Moravian painted
ceramics, and in some other cases. It is presumable that increased energy concentration inside ballshaped utensils could have worked the life of foodstuffs by as yet unknown way.
In subterranean premises under graded pyramid was found some decade thousands egg-shaped utensils.
Probably the utensil operates like magnifier, but only in case if it has available enough of energy. The
source of energy need not be the pyramid it can be the place of crossing energy zones, etc.


I have experimented also with a half of ball-shaped utensil domical vault. I have used ceramic utensil
with 5 liters content. It has shown itself like in the case of turned-up bells. If I put up an experimental
marble hexagon the mentioned utensil by the mouth up, its primary energy value will lower. If I turn up
the utensil by the mouth down, the primary energy value of the hexagon will grow about number of
hundred percents. By placing metal symbols (crosses etc.) on the top of turned up utensil, as well as we
see it by sacral buildings, can be induced even bigger energy gains.
Plurality of megalithic and sacral constructions, since zikkurats, pyramids, menhirs, dolmens,
cromlechs, mounds, cathedrals, till sanctuaries of our era, have common denominator in their
mass they accumulate cosmic energy. On some of them is visible that master builders needed to make
the energy value smaller during construction.. The broken pyramid and some cathedrals and churches
with seemingly unfinished towers infer to it. In opposite case, if there was a requirement for increasing
the energy value, the builders walled the pyramid by other layer to needed height so that the pyramid
looks like unfinished. In such case the builders constructed more towers at sacral construction or they
built up obelisks in front of structure.
Zecharia Sitchin in his writing Re-entry to Genesis has mentioned that first civilization, which we
have known, was Sumerian. It has turned up as it were from nowhere at some time before 6000 years
and has belonged to it all superiorities of advanced civilization inventions and innovations, ideas
and understanding, which has created the principles of our own western civilization and all other
civilizations and cultures all over the world.
Wheel, chariots pulled by animals, boats on rivers, ships on seas, baking oven and brick, many-storied
constructions, writing, schools and scribers, laws, judges and juries, royal authority and civilian synods,
music, dance and fine arts, medicine and chemistry, weaving and textile, religion, priesthood and
churches that all had started in Sumerian at the territory of present Iraq. And first of all,
mathematical and astronomical knowledge there have had their beginning.
If information by Zecharia Sitchin has been reliable, we can suppose that primary statements about
characters of cosmic energy had originated from Sumerians. For realization of hundreds thousands of
megalithic and sacral constructions at all continents was requirement of tens thousands constructors,
which had to be acquainted with characters of cosmic energy. In this case it was common energy
constantly exploited from primeval ages and is incomprehensible how this could have evaded to
attention of science.


Machu Picchu, as well as all series of other historical construction, is for present science a mystery,
especially from angle of exploitation. Most different hypothesis try to explain hard to no end these
unique impressive buildings, temples and altars.
One theory has said that Machu Picchu had been established like inaccessible strategic fortress, after
other assumption the town had been the last refuge of members of regnant caste. The other theory has
said that it had been the place for observation of orbs, by others there had been enacted ceremonies,
rituals, etc.

I suppose that the right hypothesis will be able to emerge only from reply to the question why people
had exerted so much struggle with supply of large granite blocks across mountains and deep valleys,
while other rocks had been there of sufficient number.
A transportation of rock had created the utmost rate of work difficulty of the whole construction
therefore this activity must not be overridden. By long-term experimentation I have obtained the
experience that every rock has its specific code of energy components.
Two or more sorts of rocks placed side by side, so that their energy spaces blends, will obtain common,
but different code from the previous. For troublesome transportation and different codes can be deduced
that some combination of rocks could have had positive effect to human health. I cannot imagine other
motivation, which could have provoked such pep for superhuman effort at transportation of ashlars.
Even the fact that different sorts of rocks had been transported from large distances also to other
meeting-places of people to Great Pyramid Stonehenge and other historical constructions, thought
the rocks had been at place enough, suggests to it. Because these transportations had not been explained
till this time, can be only stated that a solving is outside the sphere of known facts.
Another obscurity in the area of construction Machu Picchu is a fenced place, whose two walls are in
accurate right angle and opposite side is shaped by perfect half-circle, known like Torreon (Tower).
And just that perfect semicircle from stonework creates the secret of the whole construction it cannot
be placed among known constructional components.
The finding resulting from my research of interaction of mass offers an answer to the secret of Torreon.
Resembling semicircles in masonry were inbuilt practically into each sacred building and in architecture
are called Apse. The cathedral in Chartres has a large apse behind the altar constructed from five
small apses. Placing more apses in sacral buildings is not a rare phenomenon. Semicircular masonry is
considered only like an architectonic element, however it is easy to prove that it is an energy element,
too. Its function is conformable to inside of a bend of watercourse, where happens to concentrating of
energy components. The identical energy characters have all vaults and by cyclical constructions is
resulting effect heaps considerable. The necessary condition is of course to ensure the sufficient number
of energy for their mass. It can be reached by sitting of building to energy components or by
construction of towers and dome-shaped vaults.
The construction Torreon can be valuated thus that way: the whole section is situated in common
energy space of two mountain tips, which has certain energy value. At one place the builders wanted
this energy enlarged, which was disposed by rearing of two accumulative walls. The other semicircular
wall there creates energy over-voltage.
I suppose that resembling function had even the other mysterious object called Temple of three
windows. The windows were the part of massive wall, built up from imported cyclopean granite
blocks. The temple has only three walls: one with windows leading eastward and two walls at the sides.
A stone pillar over two meters high is seated on the open western side and two horizontal rocks on its
flanks, which closely fit tightly to it, there are placed. The pillar is situated exactly opposite the middle
window. The energy components of three stony walls intersected in this case the pillar with contiguous
stones and created in its mass needed energy voltage.
Area Machu Picchu has even another secret, for which is impossible to find a warrant without further
specific research. I suppose that the whole area had the identical function like all sacral constructions
from zikkurats, pyramids, cromlechs, mosques and cathedrals to churches of our era by completion of
energy they created creative effect in cellules of their visitors, who listened at the same time to
suggestions of their brains.


Also this hypothesis, as well as any new information, will invoke questions. But I can propose its
verification by reputable scientific procedure. Biophysics has mentioned capacitive merits of cellular
membranes, which can be proved by the help of measuring appliances. I suppose that it will be of
interest to compare the energy value of cellular membranes near a group of people before they enter in a
cathedral and after some few hours stay inside. By the identical method even among animals can be
verified the energy value of pyramids, bends of watercourses, Juryska houses, hospitals with
large death rate, and other energy places. Positive results of measuring would invoke perhaps an
interest about construction of new measuring apparatus.


For writing here of article I have been inspired by Zecharia Sitchin, which has gathered in his writing
Divine Encounters the latest knowledge about ancestry of Sahara and Arabian desert, so I
quote:Radar on the orbit from the satellites can prove to find out what is situated below the
terrestrial surface. Further apparatuses on the board of space shuttle Columbia have discovered
below layers of desert sand the dry bed of river, which this territory had run through at one time.
More research works have followed in that area and has been shown that Sahara had been once
flowering territory with rich waters, large rivers with many inflows, namely in the period before
about 200 000 years, until around 4000 years when the climate had been extreme changed.
The finding on Sahara has evoked inquiry: Perchance to something like this had get also in Arabian
Desert? Perchance in time when the second chapter Genesis had been written and at that time already
Asiria had been known had been the river Pischon buried below deposit of sand and with that in
previous millenniums climate had been changed there?
This way of thinking has shown like real by rather dramatic manner in March 1993. Farouk El-Baz, the
head of center for cosmic probes at Boston College, had announced at that time the discovery of dry
river-basin, situated under sand on Arabic peninsula river-basin, which had been a river running
more than 530 miles from mountains of western Arabia eastwards to Persian gulf. The river had created
there a deltoid covering the majority of present-day Kuwait, and had reached to present town Basra,
where it had joined with rivers Tigris and Euphrates. This river had been along whole length till fiftyfive ft. deep and had reached at some places the wide as much as three miles.
Study of Boston College has closed that at the end of last ice age from 11.000 until 6.000 years had
been the clime in Arabia enough wet and rainy, so that such river could has existed. However about
5.000 years the river had dried up, namely on the ground of climatic changes, and out of Arabic
peninsula had done parched desert. In the course of time the river basin had been overlaid by banks of
sand dunes and had buried all vestiges of at one time so bulky flow. Afterwards the existence of the
ancient river had been ratified by the terrestrial research.
It is highly relevant theme and I dont remember that I have chanced with hypothesis that dealt with
disappearance of vegetation in desert area. The fact, that this event had waged at time of construction
the megalithic buildings, has appealed to give both events to the connection. I suppose that in this case
the energy raster has there a considerable part. Since the unknown conception energy raster has
ensued on my research, I will try to prove it in detail.

To the ships of space shuttles has not avoided at observation, that clouds do not transmit lightings only
to land or to other clouds, but also somewhere far away, set upwards. This effect has not yet been
described anywhere and has not been substantiated too. I give reasons for it so, that the discharge of
lightening makes use of conductivity of energy raster, which is not homogenous, but in its parts has
different energy value. It is perceptible on photographs of lightings, which are directed at land, their lain
is not direct, but they change way and ramify to more courses. Probably the places of crossing the zones
with major energy value create for discharge of lighting the way of smaller resistance. Lightings
pointing upwards can be substantiated so that discharges of lightings in energy system of planet can be
called to equalize declines of tension in energy raster, too. The next reason for its existence is the fact,
that in many cases discharges of lighting are not directed to upper-most points, but to lower places.
Number of years I have checked such places in my surroundings with identical result the lighting has
struck to the place of crossing energy zones.
Energy raster is sensibly well-balanced work of nature as well as the whole cosmos. It is common that
of all what a man has given a touch in nature has been usually damaged. I am afraid that it had been so
even with energy raster, which can have a chain of events with climatic conditions. On my websites I
have described 13 large megalithic constructions (in reality there are heap sight) placed all over the
world, for which it is impossible to find reasons. Past time interval and studying of next materials I
suppose, that these mysterious constructions could have had identical function like man-made
watercourses on plateau Nazca by regulation of water flows had happened to connection of separate
zones and thereby to transfers of energy at another place. Past charting of energy raster could be
perceptible where the energy out deserts had been displaced and it is impossible to except that so could
be discovered the place where the isle Atlantic had been situated. In any case the manipulation with
energy raster is next from many verifications that on the Earth in long past ancestry there had been
advanced civilization.
A research in this direction can be very useful, the energy could be given back to deserts in like manner,
and its surplus at Bermudas Triangle and also at other places could be used elsewhere. If climatic
effects can be influenced by manipulation with energy raster, it can be presupposed, that thereby could
be preceded to the natural disasters.
It is indeed only hypothesis established after the knowledge of my research, its verification will be not a
single affair, but for certain institutions could be interesting the perspective to effective backflow of
expended means.


For a longer time I have applied myself to buildings, which have influenced human health. New
knowledge has enabled me to complete some information that is why I have returned to this object.
Like objective instrument I have made an octagonal plot of construction whereat I have demonstrated
energy situation inside and outside the construction. I have chosen the octagon because it is easy to find

out from it zonal configuration of two opposite walls and even zones of square and rectangular plot.
Zones of circular construction can be located just as easy. In most of cases must be completed the inner
raster by zones of roof. It is impossible to map them into the plan because it will become unnoticed. So
we will take into account that inside a building the raster is more concentrated.

Along the experiments with octagonal plot I have understood the function of small circular buildings
called rotundas. Semicircular outbuilding on one of them has indicated it to me. Builders of rotundas
known energy quality of circular plot and when they needed an expansion of energy, they solved it by
semicircular outbuilding - by apse. By the half graph of octagon can be proved the energy of apse,
which we can find on ritual constructions of all kinds. The rotunda functioned so like family serve unit people obtained there the energy. In most of churches the apses pile up energy of altars. It is interesting
that apses have not the origin in basilicas but it is possible to find them even on the objects from much
elder era.
For ritual construction architects chose places with larger concentration of energy, e.g. in inner bend of
watercourses (graph of energy in inner and outer bend of watercourses is identical with a half of graph
of octagon), in the place of crossing energy zones or above deposits of metal ores, minerals etc.
Characteristic signs of certain sacred places on the world are replicate reconstructions at the identical
place. On some Gothic cathedrals is evident that construction of towers was not finished. From that
follows that along construction the constructors watched its energy and after achievement of planed
value the mass of towers could not be magnified.
Experimentally tested finding of my research is the reality that every mass, including organisms, has
its fundamental energy value. If the mass falls to contact with energy component of major charge,
then takes from it energy. By organisms it is identical, cellules receive energy from inner overstrain of
buildings. Physician biophysics has mentioned that cellular membrane has the capacity microfarad for
square centimeter. The total area of cellular membranes creates so certain reservoir of energy for
electronic of human body. It is generally known that any electronics is constructed for certain tension
and a deviation of it makes breakdowns. So we can presuppose that to resembling effect will happen in
human body - changes on cellules will evoke health disorders, too.

From it has followed that the ritual buildings of all religions from menhirs, dolmens, cromlechs,
mounds, till cathedrals, mosques, synagogues and other buildings were built for stabilization of
tension on cellules and thereby for repair of human health.
Historic buildings by the influence of power stations, distribution of high voltage, large towns and other
sources, obtained larger energy value than was primary proposed. Over modern buildings the designers
have been not even engaged by energy of constructions. Statistics has indicated some buildings like
"cancerous houses" and has called attention to some hospitals with major mortality. But that cannot be
judged by empirical method, thereto will be requirement of new measuring instruments.


The characteristic sign of Greek, Etruscan and Roman temples are the circumferential lines of vertical
knurled pillars, under them central hall with the sculpture of eternal was placed. Columnar facades of
antique temples are envisaged generally only like decorative architectonic component, but after my
research the lines of pillars had also the energy function. Only priests could enter into the sanctuary, for
gathering of believers the space in front of building was determined, where sacrificial alter was situated.
On that account had been necessary the energy overstrain dont create in the building, but in its
vicinage. From the standpoint of finding, which I have described on my web sites, I can give hereto the
following reading.



Energy components of pillars, which copy their shapes, by crossing of zones generate round the
temple more thickened energy raster, in which major quantity of energy is found. It is perceptible from
the graph where zones are illustrated (for lucidity interzones even energy of church interior have not be
sketched). In case that pillars would have been placed under peripheral wall inside the building, the
peripheral wall would create only horizontal zones and energy overstrain incurred by crossing of zones
would be found inside the building. The vertical grooving of antique pillars, which has been the topic of
various considerations, has its warrant. Their surface, length of zones and subsequently also the energy
are thereby reduplicated. The energy effect of pillars round the temple was used probably for the first
time in Egypt. It is also the part of architecture in Saint Pietros cathedral in Rome, where the whole
length of Berninis colonnade are lined by pillars, which create in circular assembly room the same
energy conditions like near antique temples. Another columned colonnade, but two-floored one, we can
see on meeting-place of pilgrims in the middle Islam world in Mekka. The resembling colonnades are
duplicated in cloisters of various sacral buildings.
The antiquity had contributed to advancement in energy of buildings also by apse and cupola. Though
cupolas had existed in less scale already in antiquity, the pantheon in Roma with its colossal dimensions
had been the first building of this kind. A cupola has appeared like most effective shape for
concentration of energy, on its inner side creates utmost density of crossing zones and thereby also
utmost energy overstrain. Domes of all sorts create any smallish energy effect. In the same way
effective are circular and to a circle resembling ground plans of buildings. So as to the list of used
energy shapes have been total, is to be mentioned even towers, which are in contact with major part of
energy raster. Tips have also considerable influence on energetic of buildings, whereby I have been
engaged in my web sites more detailed.
The mentioned shapes of mass, which create energy overstrain, can be followed on the architecture of
sanctuaries of different religions and can be observed their evolution. Probably everything had started in
Sumerian where towers and temples had been built. In Egypt there had been pyramids, temples, pillars
and obelisks. The cultures, which had not have enough of means even understanding for hard
constructions, had to content themselves with menhirs, dolmens, earthen mounds, circular constructions
from rocks etc. The reality, that these cultures had known already "tower effect" for obtaining the
energy, has indicated the erection of menhirs, in same cases more than ten meters high. Further circular
buildings have validated that their architects had been acquainted with energy of mass.
We will come to the same conclusion by survey of other buildings also in distant times, which I will
mention at random. Muslim mosques are characterized by cupolas, towers (minarets) and by series of
pillars inside the sanctuary. Buddhist temples were built in the shape of cupola or in combination of
cupola and tower. Hindu temples have tower form. On the lump of Christian buildings can be find all
the shapes of mass, which generate energy profit. Which of them were built on chosen energy location
is easy to determine by construction. Ritual constructions of all religions and all eras were built for
accumulation of energy in their mass, which had positive influence for health conditions of believers.


We do not know much about menhirs, maybe only that erect rock could have served to ritual
ceremonies. During past years I have published my new knowledge on megaliths that way, how they
have resulted from my research, and it has been placed on

The total results of experiments and new knowledge enable to carry out the appreciation of historical
buildings out wider standpoints.
I have persuaded that the mass erect out of terrestrial surface obtains the energy according to the known
physical effect "charge flux", which was discovered by the English physicist Michael Faraday in the
year 1824. It is indifferent if it is menhir, dolmen, cromlech, clay mound, zikkurat, pyramid, obelisk,
pole, tower, or father resembling constructions. All of them obtain the energy out of energy raster by
means of physical effect - charge flux. But the energy raster is not only the one source of energy, the
further sources can be ore deposits creative in interaction with country rock local energy overstrain or
also crossing of energy zones even long-distance sources. Some of such places are easy to find, usually
alone megalithic or sacral construction there is built.
Watercourses are the big energy sources, especially in upside, where the water moves faster.
Compared to direct streams major concentration of energy occurs in meanders and in inner bends of
stream, which is evoked by the concentrated energy components owing to the bend. Great deal of Hindu
temples is situated on sangam, junction of two rivers, what is the especially energy place. The historical
construction placed in the bend of river is usually situated on its inner side.
The mass of construction can obtain the energy together from more sources. If it had not been the
locality of mineral at the place of construction, it was replaced by metals or minerals installed into the
construction. In zikkurats it had been the gold statue of godhood, in pyramids metal in their tip, in
antique and other sanctuaries golden statues etc. If the watercourse had not offered enough of energy,
the builders of cloisters installed to the construction conduits in which the traversed water had
completed the missing energy.
The accumulated energy generates in the mass of construction the separated source and its energy
components imitate the shape of the construction. In some its parts can be by various formation of the
mass the energy voltage of construction more increased. Circular plots, arcs, copes and cupolas function
at the identical principle like the bend of watercourse - on the inner side of concentrated zone they
create the major overstrain. Already the master builders of the prehistoric sanctuaries on the island
Malta exploited the energy effect of rounded formation of the mass - the plot of sanctuary and its inner
space were rounded.
Circular constructions from mere ditches till Stonehenge are plurality, if the energy place had the
sufficient overstrain, it was adequate to demarcate the energy place by a ditch. If it were needed to
complete the energy of the place, the builders piled up to its energy place a mass, whose shapes have
enabled the energy regulation. The circular plots just as the bends of watercourses have major density of
zones and thereby they create larger concentration of energy compared to quadrate and rectangular
plots. On antique, medieval even later sacral constructions are perceptible the exploitation of energy
sources like the exposure to energy place, the quantity of tips, also rounded shapes of structural
The important qualitative sign in energy of constructions is the combination of minerals. The quantity
of publications has mentioned that the part of minerals for historical construction was transported from
sizable distance, though another mineral was at the place of construction sufficient number. At the I have published several graphs of various masses and their combinations,
where have been evident position of their energy zones and interzones. I have denominated that "bar
code of mass". The like graphs for various masses and their possible combinations I have created in the
course of my research the great quantity and I have obtained the piece of knowledge that in all cases
their bar codes have contrasted. Next I have not dealt with it. To obtain needed information in this way
is troublesome, dont go only about kinds of masses, but even about their proportions of their hefts. The
number of combinations gradates that way to astronomic numbers.

Not all civilization could have afforded to build zikkurats or pyramids, to some cultures had to sufficed
menhirs, dolmens, cromlechs or clay mounds. All constructions had functioned on uniform substances the constructions with larger dimension of mass offered the larger power gain. From building the
plurality of these constructions but follow further questions. Probably somewhere in antiquity had
remained the mystery how the people had communicated between continents, what kind of method they
had overruled the lingual barrier and who had all of that coordinated. The problem also remains down
by which technology the people had transferred monoliths of hundred metric tones over natural
obstacles at large distances or how they had used the energy of large constructions.
The creation of the large constructions had never stopped. It had passed through antiquity and Middle
Ages until our era. It is unbelievable that the stately natural energy had remained hidden to attention of
science, though it is found throughout around us and all organisms make use of it. We refuse perhaps
wrongfully contemplation that long past cultures could have been in something more perfect.
We will understand it better when we will return 6000 years back to Sumerian, where suddenly
advanced civilization had discovered, practically comparable with the civilization of antiquity. Since its
evolution is not written down, Sumerians had to take a leaf out of somebody s book. I cannot speculate
about from whom the information to Sumerians had been transferred, but I suppose that in this part of
story people had made use of to us unknown energy. Zikkurats marked by all characteristic signs for the
accumulation of cosmic energy suggest to it. It is repeated at pyramids, megaliths and in some further
If it seems to someone unbelievable, I recommend to repeat the experiment, which I have mentioned on The test has argued that by means of energy raster, the rod and Morse code
messages can be sent and received. Though the substance of cosmic energy is not yet known, the
symbiosis of two imaginary conceptions - the rod and the energy raster - have made of them in the
course of communication experiment two factors, which can be impeached no more.


One of the many mysteries of Egyptian pyramids is their situation to the distance about 1500 meters
from reservoir borderline of river Nile. Thereof ensue the questions why the builders had not
recommend the place for building more closely to watercourse, the transport of stone ashlars would
have been simplified, and why the distance makes just 1500 meters? The answer to the both questions
the science has not cognizance, it can be found in the energy of mass and reads:
The pyramidal complexes were not only the ritual buildings but also the energetic. The builders
respected the regulation of energy components and the bends of watercourses for passing the
energy to mineral. I understand that in this one sentence are too much unknown and impalpable
information, therefore I will try to reply the other way. At the end of year 2004 the whole world
observed the undersea quake at South-East Asia and destructive power of water waves tsunami. During
the valuation of results the natural disaster we were informed that in the afflicted areas did not perish
not even one animal. The domesticated elephants in Laos several tens minutes before coming of
destructive water waves were anxious and took to flight towards the inland. The science does not know
the warrant how animals had obtained in considerable pre-ignition the information about the danger,
while people did not know even foreboding about it.

Also in this case the answer is situated outside human knowledge and it reads: There were energy
zones of gigantic water mass, which covered the area in the only flash and moved by the speed of
water weaves in their set. From preventive reactions of animals follows that probably they have in
their bodies receptors responsive to energy components. Evidently that showed like painful massage in
short intervals. The uneasy feeling coursed in their bodies under the movement of water-waves and it
themselves orientated to the way of escape. I was inspired to this consideration by the event of a man
whose receptors, after a poisoning of lead, had stopped to react to warm and reacted only to energy
components. The details are named at I suppose that in unknown receptors
of animal bodies can be hidden answers even for other mysteries of nature, such as the orientation at
long-distance transfers of birds or congers, the lost orientation of whales etc.
The selection of building site for complexes of mastabas had been executed by the same way like for
pyramidal complexes. The distance between the barrier and the mastaba is also 1500 meters and creates
a parallel to pyramidal complex (the valley temple, the rising way, the pyramid). The barriers
constructed from desiccated bricks, in some cases high till eleven meters, were not substantiated from
the standpoint for their exploitation till this time.
The barrier situated to energy space of river Nile magnifies in its mass the energy value. By the crossing
of energy zones in rectangular plot inside the building is evoked another heaping of energy. The niches
on barriers, which are denoted like decorative elements, have also energy function. They enlarge their
surface and thereby are protracted and positively shape the energy zones. Temples and barriers in valley
had functioned like all sacral constructions they supported to their visitors the physical energy. With
resembling constructions in much later era we can encounter by Celts, who replaced peripheral masonry
with clay mounds.
The energy zone far 1 500 meters from river Nile, in which mastabas and pyramids were situated,
remains the mystery. I estimate that the resembling zones from the pyramid to the river Nile are more.
The zones are together energy attractive and thereby originate the consideration of many contingencies.
From energy charting of area between the pyramid and the river could follow on a hint, but this is but
the business for an exclusive stuff of specialists.
Among special spheres every new idea about the unknown energy in connection with long past cultures
call up questions and an idea that the new energy could discover only technically advanced civilization.
The fugitive herd of elephants in the face of aggressive zones of natural disaster however has argued
that the cosmic energy can be exploited also without the understanding a civilization of twentieth
century. There are only dont known natural laws and reactions of unknown receptors, which can be
find empirically.
I suppose that in history people used to identifications of energy components the sensitiveness of
individuals, who felt with their receptors the quantity of energy in the same way like animals. For this
purpose the dowsing rod cannot be used, it designates reliably the place, where the energy components
are situated, but dont react to the quantity of energy. Past unavailing effort to find a measuring
instrument for energy components, I have reached the opinion that it could follow on successful
research of receptors.


Zahi Hawass in his book Pyramids has quoted: Some tombs are deep-etched and covered by
rectangular stone piles in the size of some loading wagons or small houses and are separated by open
shafts. The ashlars of rock with the weight 400 tons installed to Egyptian constructions are not sporadic.
At megalithic constructions we can see also many dressed stones with the weight of several tons. I do
not describe anything unaccustomed, I only try to evoke the attention for following consideration.

The stones with large weight were transported by hauling ropes and by human strength.
I dont doubt that they have doubted about it but any reasons they have had to find. It would be
incredible if they had authored:
Our technical knowledge have not enabled to determine the technological means, by which
people had set in motion the gigantic weights long ago. We can only state that not even our
present technology can manage it over untidy ground across natural obstacles.
Nobody would believe it and more exacting questions would be posed in addition such as:
Can be the man of stone age at higher technical level than the civilization of our century?
Nothing of the sort has become, the technical public have been satisfied by hauling ropes with human
force and in numberless publications has envisaged like a factor. If anybody would not assent to the
hauling ropes he would have to suggest another answer and it is not easy.
By my opinion it does not concern only a technological process at the transportation of excessive
freights. The hauling ropes had made a blockade for a next research and took away the attention from
other questions. The most of publications with this theme keep mainly a description character, but
numberless different considerations have implied that the exact purpose and the function of ancient
constructions have not been motivated till this time. I have concluded that the answers for obscurities of
ancient constructions will ensue from the correct valuation of the transport of stones. It is not easy to
conclude thereto, the solving is situated out of sphere the known realities.
At the pages I have described the process of empirical research from
which have followed till this time unknown characteristics of rocks, too. If we put them to the context
with something, which we have to find besides, we could be a success. I suppose that something
substantial is hidden in the gravitation. The known places with unknown characters imply to it.
In Vortex of Oregon has been situated a circle which is about fifty meters in average and inside have
developed anomalies, which our present knowledge dont enable to motivate. Tourists are amazed that
if a glass is placed at a slant surface it will start to roll upwards. The further attraction is a ball hefting
fifteen kilograms hanging on a chain. The visitors can it see pendent ex angle, whereby the laws of
gravitation are disclaimed. The ball is namely swaying so, that it only draws near to the middle of the
circle. To this direction can be the ball pushed forward quite easy, much more difficult is to bend it out
the edge of circle
A resembling anomaly is situated in Italy around the summer seat of pope by the village Rocca di Papa.
There the law of gravitation does not function around hundred meters of local communication. People
stop the cars there and leave to roll drink bottles and cans to the hill. The local youth ride on bicycles
uphill without treading on pedals. It is easy to make sure how a car with disconnected motor moves out
slowly up the hill. The nuclear physicist Luciano Gelmi poured out water to the asphalt and with
amazement watched how it flows up around the road. The resembling places are found in Japan, Poland,
Germany and Scotland, too.
The mentioned anomalies imply the direction of research, which can give an answer to the question by
which technology the people of antiquity had pursued the transport of rocks. The localities whereon
these anomalies occur I can designate like places, where the concentration of energy components
happen. How I have mentioned on my websites, the energy zones have qualitative worth by various
sources and those cannot be identified by empiricism. It would be good if institutions with furnished
laboratories reassume my researches.


The oldest sacral building is probably the ritual area. Nabta Plaja (100 kilometers west from Ab=FA
Simbilu) constructed at Sahara wild about 2000 years before building the first pyramid. The religious
center consisted of eight great barrows, thirty stone cromlechs built above deep delves and three series
of menhirs oriented out of one point. Archeologists have mentioned that ritual center of mysterious
buildings was built for annual celebrations of coming the solstice and life giving rains. It has been very
much simple and incorrect explanation, but we may not be surprised, for absence of information cannot
be answer differently.
For mentioned building is impossible to give reasons by one sentence, in the further text I will try to do
it and I am beginning by the question:
"Can be the identical area reared anywhere at other place?"
It can be answered that it is possible, but the area will not be functional. The basic condition for it is
building at "an exquisite place". Where such places are situated is not known all-round, they can be
found on plateau Nazca. There the builders of uncanny constructions visualized at large surface zones
of energy raster of cosmic energy that is situated throughout on the earth. The choice places are so
energy zones that can transfer their energy to another mass inclusive to organisms. Zones produce
natural sources like sea streams, other watercourses inclusive water wells, mineral deposits, forest
complexes, squally clouds, etc. A mineral placed in a zone receives from it the energy. The mineral has
turned into a menhir and if we place it out of zone, some few hours it will lose the assumed energy.
Those are fundamental information without cannot be evaluated the ritual area Nabta Plaja.
Eight large pyramids on the building site accumulated the cosmic energy like the mass of zikkurats,
pyramids, mounds, mosques, cathedrals and further resembling buildings.
Major density of zones inside constructions especially circular operate like energy magnifier, walls of
earthy hollows generate the same effect. Energetic capacity of choice place can be piled up not only by
another mass, but also by shaping.
Obelisks, poles, menhirs, steeples, and other tall constructions obtain the energy partly by charge flux
and also thereby, that their construction intersect three-dimensional zonal raster. The cromlech from
sand blocks, built above a hollow, accumulated in its mass the energy as well as menhirs and
concentrated the energy of sanctuary by the energy of columnar effect. Three series of menhirs were
built for an interception and an induction of further energy to choice locality. In later time functioned
the rising ways of pyramidal complexes or artificial watercourses below plateau Nazca on the identical
From the standpoint of my research have the subjects of religious center Nabta Plaja the energetic
quality identical like other sacral buildings built in later times. The eldest religious center in Nabta Plaja
can be thus evaluated so, that it was constructed at the place with energy overstrain. By the piling and
shaping of mass was enlarged its energy capacity having positive effect for the visitors of sanctuary.
The unusual evaluation of technical level of long past cultures is not conformable with known facts, but
is it necessary to respect, that the transitions of energy can be proved by experiments. Lot of people has
supposed that unknown technically advanced civilization anticipated to chronology of old cultures.
Scientists have responded to it so, that till this time not a single article had been found to prove it.
Plurality of megalithic constructions, by which has not been found their purpose, can be regard as
testimony, too.



From my empirical research has followed that every substance has its energy, which radiates three
energy components creative specific code, by which the substance can be identified. There is not a
novelty, but it is other way round. People had used the energy components already before the
construction of the first pyramid. All the time we are en rapport with energy components, only we are
not conscious of their presence. I will bring in some examples.
At the end of year 2004 the whole world watched the undersea earthquake in South-East Asia and
destructive power of water waves tsunami. During the appreciation of wild calamity we were informed
that no animal perished in afflicted territories. Some tens minutes before incidence of water waves the
domestic elephants were flurried and took flight in the direction of higher positions. The science does
not know reasons how animals had obtained in sizable pre-ignition information of danger while people
were without any notion. That is impossible to ignore, thereof follows that in contrast to people
animals have receptors, which react to as yet unknown energies.
The sensitiveness of thorough-paced dogs is past comprehension, too. Smugglers put drug to iron-plate
can and put it to petrol reservoir. Nevertheless the dog will reliably designate the place where the drug
has been situated. I am not a specialist upon ability of dogs however I suppose that the smell is
something material, which cannot pass through reserved metallic can and the mass of gas. Except the
olfactory receptors dogs use probably the identical receptors as well as elephants and other
The relevance of this finding I have reminded after the terror attack in London. In many
countries power of the policemen have searched through various places and have looked for
hidden explosive. I appreciate the work of policemen because it is everything what they can do for
prevention, but they cannot search through shopping bags of all citizens all the time. Their work
would be replaced more easily by biochemical sensors, which would designate where any sort of
explosive is situated and even its quantity.
Long ago I have tried to construct such sensor, which would respond to code of energy components like
receptors of animals. I have persuaded that sensor cannot be electronic but must be biochemical. In our
bodies we have plurality of resembling receptors, they function like receptors of warm and cold. In a
sphere of biochemistry I cannot experiment, even I have not needful equipment. If you have an
interest to participate into a evolution of sensor, I will gladly pass on my experience to your


From my research has ensued that the sense of megalithic buildings had been first the care of human
healthy. I can experimentally prove, that each mass has its energy, which can be transferred to other
masses or it can be gained of it. In all cases holds that a mass with larger energetic potential
spontaneously transfers the energy to the mass that has a smaller potential. The transit of energy is
conditioned by the contact of energy components of the both masses.


In the connection with menhirs it can be interpreted so, that from the energy components of
watercourse and other sources the rock obtains natural energy, which subsequently can receive
people. Dolmens, cromlechs and other constructions had been built from various minerals that had been
transported in many cases from considerable distances. Every sort of mineral has its energy code and
the combination of rocks creates another code. So we can suppose that by transmission the energy from
rock to organisms happens to transmission of character of mass, too. Farther cannot be speculated about
it, first will be necessary to study energy code of rocks.
The motivation of megalithic constructions is only smaller part of its mystery. Much more
exacting will be to explain which and by what kind of method had given an impulse for a start of
their construction. By present version of history the people of megalithic culture could not be found
abreast of the technical forwardness, which I have mentioned. With technical level, which we have
owed to them they could not but ensure the building hundreds of thousands of megalithic constructions
at four continents. Imagine, that we have become the task to organize the identical action at present
time. People will choose to build menhirs for resource of their optimal energy value. But I doubt that
anybody could prove to pass on the needed information to hundreds of thousands places without news
media. Megalithic constructions by their existence but have argued that then people had been able
to hand over needed instructions even with language barriers. An explanation of this fact can
induce our image about the long past history.
The name "Megalithic constructions" would be suitable to revise for "Energy constructions" because it
does not concern only constructions built in antiquity. The energy character of minerals had been used
during the history at all sorts of sanctuaries from zikkurats, complexes of pyramids, more than hundred
thousands of earthen ramparts, mounds, temples, cathedrals, mosques, until to millions of stups and
chapels. 7000 towers on island Sardinia, for which we dont know any reasons, were the energy
constructions, too. Resembling unexplained constructions are also situated at other places.
The people of megalithic culture could not be more advanced. They only had used the natural force,
which has remained to the science a secret till this time. Thereon could have kept an interest the clerical
leaders, which have used the strain and the curative effect for their benefit.


Even that there are many hypotheses about pyramids, the question about their use has remained
unanswered. From my knowledge that I have gained during experiments, it seems that pyramids, like
other megalithic structures, were built in order to accumulate energy. The principals and style of the
experiments made is available at
In the following text Im explaining my statement on the basis of a complex of pyramids, whose parts,
as well as the pyramid, are a valley cathedral, climbing path, ghost cathedral, satellite pyramid.
Approximately 1 kilometre from the valley cathedral, very close to the pyramid, there was a ghost
cathedral built. Both cathedrals were connected by an object called climbing path, which however
doesnt look like a path at all. The procedure of constructing this object was started in a way that at first
there was a stone surface built from the valley cathedral to the ghost cathedral.

There were two and a half metres thick stone walls, which were almost three metres high, built on both
sides of it. Actually, it was some one kilometre long trough, which was covered by stone blocks,
forming an above surface tunnel. For its construction, tens of thousands of tons of stone needed to be
mined, pecked, transported and built in. Why was such a thick and heavy wall needed, when according
to the static needs just a wall 90cm thick would have been enough? And why there was a tunnel instead
of a path?
There hasnt been a satisfactory and logical answer to these and other similar questions. Our science
lacks crucial information about the energy of water streams and other matter.
We can come empirically to the fact that energetic properties of water streams have been used
throughout the history. If we put together a greater number of megalithic and holy structures that were
located close to water springs and other water flows, especially within their inner bends and meanders,
we find out that the choice about where to build them was not random. We find out similar facts in
cases of megalithic and holy structures located above later discovered ore pockets. If these structures
had to be built in places that lack energy, above mentioned energy sources were replaced by roofs with
a tip, towers with metal bells, metal statues or gold-plated pyramid like structures. In many cases, like
the case of pyramids, combinations of all these sources were used.
The motivation for construction of pyramid complexes could be found in other part of ancient history.
There are indications that Chinese people used to trundle streams of energy on the ground in straight
canals that were oriented towards the emperors palace. These energetic corridors were knows as
dragons trails and were used to concentrate power around the emperor and to mentally reinforce him.
On some of these trails there was a transport path established. Other paths were approaching the palaces
invisibly and are shown only by the use of statues and obelisks.
Im considering the straight climbing channels that were conductors of cosmic energy as a help to the
explanation for the construction of climbing paths. The water stream is an energy source, climbing
path is a conductor of the energy and the pyramid is a capacitor. One of the pieces of knowledge that
came out of the experiments undertaken is the fact that concentrated energetic components inside the
tunnel structure are by some kind of intensifying effect multiplied. Other quite substantial amount of
energy was gained by the tunnel structure from the energetic zones of the water stream, which crossed it
in a few places within its one kilometre length. This is agreeing with the findings of the experiments
taken through.
It is very likely that pyramids were designed for a concrete amount of energy. It was found after its
completion that the energetic gain is smaller. In this case the satellite pyramid could have supplemented
missing matter. I also think that the use of the pyramid was not single-purposed. Beyond the
manipulation with great amounts of energy, for which I dont know the reasons, both cathedrals
including the climbing path could have been used for curative purpose. In the later history we often
encounter information about the cure of ill people by a few days long stay in sanctuaries. The small
rooms in both cathedrals that were identified as storage spaces could have had the same purpose. We
could supply the energy of the cellular membranes in this way, which is transformed by the
mitochondria not only from food.
There were thousands of containers with food found in Dosers pyramid. We could therefore assume
that properties of the accumulated energy could have been used to extend the lifetime, let us say to some
kind of natural conservation of food.
Everything Im describing is only the first steps in the research of the energy of matter. At present time
there are many people who could mark places, where the energetic components are located. But this is
too little. We need to know in what significance and what quality is the energy of the given locality.

The motivation for further research is the development of measuring apparatus, which would answer us
the questions that are related with the properties of matter in the dependence on the amount of the
energy in it. We cant exclude that to reach the energetic effect of the constructors of pyramids we dont
have to use huge amounts of rocks, but we could manage with electronics and computer software.


Nan Madol is a mysterious island in the Pacific Ocean with hundreds of thousands of basalt cubes that
were brought there from a distance of 15 miles, some of which are greater both in their weight and
dimensions than the stones of Cheops Pyramid. They are stored in high figures that look like an
expeditionary stockroom. Under the stock pile of stone cubes there were underground rooms built. It's
not easy to determine the purpose of this great structure.
I'll try to explain this mysterious structure by describing the basic things another way:"There are
underground spaces under a large amount of rock.". This is similar to Egyptian pyramids, where
there are also underground spaces under a large amount of rock. Basalt ashlars are found in nature in the
form of hexagonals or octagonals and are easy to mine. It's easier to pile them than to built a pyramid
from them. Final efect - the energetic gain is the same as with the pyramids.
A pyramid will always be thought of as a wonder of the world. A pile of stone cubes will always be just
a pile, which however looks like constructively more proficient from the energetic point of view. The
underground spaces were a sanctuary where people, like with other megalithic structures, were filling
up their energy.
In order to make this work there had to be optimal energetic overstrain created, where people would
stay for a given time (same condition like with all other holly structures). In case of Nan Madol it was
easy to create the overstress required, if the master builders controlled the increasing energetic value
during the construction. When the optimal worth was reached, the import of cubes was stopped.
It was not possible to do this procedure during the construction of pyramids because the tip of the
pyramid was another energetic source. Because of this, the amount of matter in pyramids had to be
given in the project of the pyramids. A curbed pyramid or a case when one governor built three
pyramids during his life shows that this project sometimes failed. Satellite pyramids could be thought of
as supplementation of the matter.
Grave rooms in pyramids were built in some cases under the level of the terrain, in other cases above it.
Sometimes there were rooms built above the ground level as well as under the ground level in one
pyramid. We can deduce that situating the grave rooms was going through a development. Their
location in different places showed different energetic values, which enabled greater practical benefit
from them. The motivation for constructing pyramids can be explained by the fact that they were
designed for the benefit of the health of the governor, not just after his death.
We can also meet underground or partly underground built structures by other megalithic structures. I
know from observation that a structure placed on an energetic place built under the ground level gives
greater energetic value. It can be proved experimentally.
Nan Madol structure had similar function as a cathedral. It was more perfect than pyramids not only by
the possibility of optimally setting the energetic value, but also by the fact that more people could use
the curative effect in the underground spaces. Its situation on a deserted island suggests that there was
no optimal energetic location on the inhabited neighbouring islands.


The energetic function of the pyramid is confirmed also by the case when Egyptian governor
Amenhemed III. built sixty metres high pyramid from non burnt bricks in Basara, which was overlaid
by lime plates. However, one construction feature absolutely unique to the pyramids is not possible to
explain by any means.
About 50 centimetres above the gabled ceiling of the grave room there is approximately 90cm thick
wagon roof built from adobe bricks. From a static point of view it can't be said that the wagon roof built
from adobes could have been a supporting element. The purpose of this wagon roof hasn't been
explained yet. The wagon roof could have had a function of an energetic magnifier, but only when we
assume that the energetic value of its matter was greater than the energy of surrounding walls. Probably
that could be reached by adding another activating element to the bricks during their formation - metal
or other metallic ores.


I was surprised when I received one of the final answers from the known physicist who alerted me that
the energetic raster that I'm describing on my website in the graph no. 6 looks similarly to the ether that
was reprobated by Einstein. I had never thought like that because Albert Einstein laid ether definitively
down from physics. The hypothesis that brings back the thought about the existence of ether, is
indirectly confirmed also by the very difficult to explain fact that the radio transmission on the Earth is
worse during the in-line position of two or more planets in our solar system, including our planet - the
We can easily imagine how great the decrease of intersections of spherical rasters of planetary zones
and interzones is during this "planetary eclipsed" situation when the planets are located on one line. We
can also imagine the decrease of these virtual paths for the radiosignal on the earth. If we totally accept
Einstein's hypothesis that is describing the magnetic fields, we can't explain this "radio effect" in full
detail. These and many other facts bring up a thought if Einstein could have somehow been wrong with
saying that ether doesn't exist and if there could be something we can't register in space, which doesn't
interact with gravity and what we can't sense. Because of that we rather say it doesn't exist. But we
really have some indices that suppoert the existence of "it".
There are similar thoughts found by the learning of the antic scholars, some of which haven't been
explained yet. 2500 years ago there was a greek philosopher and grounder of the atomic theory of
nature, Demokritos, who said that matter consists of an unlimited amount of different undivisible and
unvisible small particles (atoms), which are moving in empty space. This Demokrites' thought about
matter, to which nobody paid much attention in the antics, wasn's confirmed until our atomic physics.
About 20 years after Demokritos, a greek biologist, philosopher, doctor and politician Empedokles,
grounded the theory about four ever lasting elements (fire, water, air and ground), and that all the things
are creating by mixing these 4 elements. Later, Aristoteles added a fifth element to these four - ether.
Ether was supposed to be some type of a sea of a very soft nature, in which stars could move without
any resistance. Nobody knew how this medium looks like and also, nobody proved it's existence
experimentally. Ether was thought to be unimpugnable reality until the first half of the century,
when Einstein in connection with his research declared the word ether dead.
I started to understand the elements of the antic scholars, when I connected them to the experiments.
Fire, water air and ground are important natural sources of cosmic energy, the omnipresent ether looks
like a conductor of cosmic energy. However, the four antic elements had the same destiny as
Demokrites' thiught about matter - in the following history they stayed unnoticed.

The presumption that antic scholars used kosmic energy and concentrated it, is confirmed by many
architektonic elements.
The existence of some energetic raster in space is also confirmed by the fact, which was documented by
optical satellites, that discharges from thunderstorm clouds of potential 100 000 000 volts, don't occur
only between the clouds or between clouds and the ground, but also between the clouds and the other
side, which means they are dirrected somewhere into obscurity, from the Earth. How and where does
this enormous energy go? The cause and principal of this phenomenon hasn't been explained yet.
Similar physical vacuum is related to the origin of enormous energy in the form of up to 1000 times
greater energetic discharges of lightning on Saturn, which were documented by the Cassini probe.
The yet unexplained phenomena of natural character show us, that we shouldn't unambiguosly deny the
existence of ether. What is the origin of the conductivity of energetic raster? We don't know the cause of
the condictivity, but we demonstrate it's existence in many cases. There seems to be a connection
between ether and energetic raster, that it's just one phenomenon that is designated by two names.


At the time, when Aristoteles borught up to the world of physics the word "ether", this word had already
been known for millenia. Ether is a part of energy that had it's name in each culture. Toists called it
"chi" Babylonians "ti", Inds "das", the japanese "rei ki", Hebrewests "ruach", Tibetians "ugs
rlung", the vedisch religion "prna".
Four thousand years later okultist Reichenbach called the spatial irradiation of life energy "d". In many
cases of the new history this energy of life matter that irradiates into it's surroundings was called
"magnetism". This "magical" energy still calls up our attention that is even getting greater and that's
why it would be appropriate to summarise it's very long terminology. In the literature it is usually
described as cosmic energy. That's how we called it in our empirical research and I think that this name
is appropriate. Because of the same reason it would be better if we call the first part of cosmic energy,
which had been up to now in our research called "energetic space", by it's usuall name aura. Cosmic
energy consists of three energetic parts - the aura, the zones and the interzones. Ether consists of
two energetic parts - the zones and the interzones.
Kosmic energy = aura + zones + interzones
Ether = zones + interzones
The properties of aura are associated with all matter, not only orgnisms, as is sometimes described. By
experiments with aura we got to know that when the auras of two or more objects are in contact, their
auras come together to form one common aura. It was found in another experiments, that the energies
of objects that form their common aura are slowly exchanged in between them until their
energetic potentials are equal. This phenomenon that hasn't been described anywhere yet could be
used to explain many unexplainable events. It's nothing new - the properties of aura, which we will be
learning, were already used 2000 years before the first pyramid was built. At , you can find in the part called "diagrams" the graphical illustration of the
three parts of cosmic energy - the aura, the zones and the interzones, with a detailed description of their
Nobody has yet been successfull when trying to find the motivation for building hundreds of thousands
of megalythic constructions, while the properties of aura offer evidential explanation. If we place a
rock into the aura of a water stream, the auras of both matters join into one common and the
rock gains energy.

It works in the same way if we place a different aura into the aura of a water stream, including
organisms. It works like this in between matters of all elements - the matter in a common aura that has
lower energetic potential gains energy from the matter with higher energetic potential. There are
numerous examples, like with other physical phenomenons, of energetic interaction between matters.
It's easy to manipulate with the size of aura. It's quickest and most efficient when using groups of
capacitors with great capacitance. However, we don't recommend to experiment with capacitors charged
to high voltages, because it leeds to an increase of potential on the membranes of our cells, which could
cause some health anomalies. The properties of aura can't be put together with the result, which we
would expect. The aura of a group of capacitors of a radius of 40cm can influence us negatively.
However, it has been proved over time that the aura of a mobile telephone with a radius of a few tens of
centimeters doesn't affect our health.
Aura - the first energetic part of each matter - is a common name. In connection with cosmic energy, the
unknown parts are the zones and the interzones, the second and thirs energetic parts of each matter. The
zones are copying the shape of the aura like peels and in various distances in between them. With
greater distance from their source they gain gigantic dimensions and it's not possible to find out how far
from the source they go. We don't know why, but each third zone is ten times greater than the first and
the second zone. In the space between zones there are energetically weaker interzones. There are
usually four of them, but in some cases there are more of them and they are always located closer to the
zone that is located closer to the source. Together with the zones there is a great number of them and
they create a very dense three dimensional raster - ether.
In regions of any matter, even in the regions of gas planets or clouds, we always find three parts of
cosmic energy. Many objects can have their own aura, for example a stone, a lump of stones, a building,
a group of buildings, a person, a stadium filled by people, a stream, a thunderstorm cloud, a tree, a
planet - until the aura gets in contact with an aura of a different matter. In such a case both come
together to form one energetically common aura with common energetic parts. It works like this in most
cases, but there are also exeptions. Our planet Earth has the greatest aura by the above stated rule, so all
the auras on the Earth should then have one common aura with the Earth. It's not like this. Hopefully,
some measuring devices will give us a clue in the future.
The crossing zones and interzones fill the surface and surrounding area of our or any other planet. These
etherical parts are located literally everywhere throughout the space and we are able to define the
density and compositon of their "mother" matter, by looking at their changing etherical intensity. There
are specific widths and distances between zones and interzones of every matter and every matter also
causes or send out into space it's specific etheric parts - it's like a bar code characteristic for each matter.
It's not far before we could identify the type, the amount and the distance of some elements under the
Earths surface that is kilometres below the surface by means of special detectors and computers. So we
always meet the zones and the interzones on our planet in connection to ether.
The cosmic energy and it's three energetic parts have been used by people for millenia. Einstein
disregarded ether by his unshakable logic. Ether isn't acted upon by gravity, it's not material - ether is
"nothing". It's invisible, it can't be measured nor weighed. We can't calculate it so "NOTHING" can't
exist. The logic and knowledge of modern physics don't allow scientists to protest against Einstein and
to accept again that ether exists. The modern physics just isn't able to accept the existence of ether based
on it's knowledge and therefore it must reject it.
However, immaterial or more likely slightly material energetic ether does exist.
The fact that ether exists is also supported by satellites whose optic documented that lightning
discharges from thunderclouds don't occur only between clouds or between the clouds and the Earth but
also between the clouds and somewhere above them, somewhere unknown away from the Earth.

Where and how does this incredible energy go? The cause and reason for this fact haven't been
explained yet anywhere. Similar physical vacuum is associated with the cause of energy of up to
1000times more energetic lightning discharges on Saturn as they were documented by Cassini probe.
Einstein was ceratinly a genius, however, he wasn't infallible. For example at present we know that the
speed of light is not a maximum speed. In some time we will also know that the person that was wrong
with the hypothesis about ether wasn't Aristoteles but Einstein. Some individuals who can, without
optical means, identify a moving living thing, for example a person, sometimes even long distance away
from them, talk usually about "registering" the movement of the persons aura. This term is however not
correct. An aura of a person, whose energy is about average, is about thirty centimeters "fat", wide or
more likely high. So if people with extremly developed sensitivity in a static position register a
movement of etheric energetic parts of a moving person, they don't register the actual aura to such a
distance but etheric spatial "impulses" that are moving from aura into the surrounding space of
"infinitely distributed" etherical zones and interzones.
The energetic value of a matter (the level of cosmic energy) is going up for example with increasing
pressure on a given matter. The "aura" of water could be in addition also increased by thermal or
microwave heating. Another increase of energy with liquids could be realized by so called
dynamization. (In a lab we could reach dynamisation just by shaking, when the molecules intensively
act by friction on each other. When a sea water is dynamised by inner and outer friction near a shore it
shows greater energetical values in that area, which also increases it's surrounding aura or cosmic
energy.) It's interesting that each matter has it's "energetic memory". It means that if a rock gains cosmic
energy when exposed to great pressure, it doesn't lose it straight after the pressure is removed. Each
matter, therefore, has an ability to acumulate the cosmic energy in itself for some time.
Everybody knows places such as Lurdy, where people were spontaneously cured in relation to
headwaters. In many places like this there are pilgrimage churches built above these headwaters. Many
skeptics talk about these miraculous cures in these places or in normal thermal spas with a contempt. In
these cases it is energetically modified water, which was subject to great pressure and was warmed up
deep under ground. It is known that in some spas the water also gains energy from rocks that contain
energetically strong metals. There are also spas where unexpected cures occur due to the energy taken
from a water that was close to radioactive rocks that contain very energetic element uranium deep under
In some spas the bodily energy is reinforced by drinking undergroung energetically intensive water, in
others the cosmic energy is gained by the body when swimming in the water, when the cosmic energy is
transformed from the charged water into the patients body. It is known that an ill person often doesn't
need special medicine for his cure, but a sufficiency of "inner" cosmic energy, in order for the body to
initiate the cure processes. Especially elderly people often don't have enough energy to cure their health
process. The cells in bodies of some people have often lower intensity of cosmic energy than the
molecules of curative water. By being in this energetically rich water the cells of the curing patients
gain greater energetic level on their cellular membranes, which is a basic presumption of a proper
functioning of these cells and also some mechanism that begins their cure.
The energetic parts of cosmic energy have similar properties to electric energy in many ways. By
components of unknown principle that cause cosmic energy there is an effect called "suction by a
point", which is similar to that of electrons. The cosmic energy flows from areas with greater energetic
levels to areas with lower energetic levels. While the transfer of electrical energy happens immidialtely,
the cosmic energy transfers between different sources at much slower rate. However, some properties of
cosmic energy differ from those of electrical energy. The electromagnetic waves don't penetrate
Faradays cage but this is not true with cosmic energy. If we place a source of cosmic energy into a safe
(any other source of cosmic energy), they are in interaction and the final value is a sum of both
energetic sources.

There are traces of manipulation with cosmic energy and ether found throughout the ages. Now we look
back in time and search for the effort of our ancestors that knew the equation of the linear relationship
between the intensity of their etheric potential of their body and their better health very well.
If we evaluate megalythic constructions from the cosmic energy standpoint, we find out that a rock of a
point shape placed into the aura of a water stream or into a place where there are zones of that water
stream it gaines energy from that water source and it starts to be a menhir. With respect to specific
weight and composition of that rock this standing point - menhir - gains greater energetic value than a
standing point - a man - would gain. This rock works like an energetic storage battery. Upper streams
that are more "dynamised" with faster flow and with waterbed made of stones show greater energy than
lower streams with slower flow and with a soft waterbed. This is also emphasised by the fact that
menhirs are situated in the upper parts of water streams, especially in their inner bends, where the zones
are denser and create greater energetic value. This can be easily verified by a simple experiment.
We wind a hose around a rock that is about 2 metres high. The value of it's aura could be modified by
changing the number of threads or by changing the intensity of the water flow. However, the energy
doesn't go up quickly. The cosmic energy transfers very slowly as stated above. It's not like an
"acceleration" when we press a gas pedal in a car. The matter of the rock has a significant energetic
inertia and the energetic increase takes place over a time period that could last from tens of minutes up
to hours depending on it's mass. Similar energetic "dope" (an increase of cosmic energy on the celular
membranes of the cells in a human body) could be reached when a person sits on a chair that is wrapped
in tens of threads of a plastic hose with flowing water. The rock could be activated not only by the
energy of water flows (underground wells, streams, rivers, sea streams), but also by other energetic
sources like for example: metals, fire, thunderclouds and many other sources.
A classic example of an energetic gain of a rock from ether was a menhir "Men er Groah" (it was
destroyed by a lightning strike), which was 23.5 metres high and was located near Locmariaquer in
Bretagne. It is an isolated case, but is very informative, because it brings up the knowledge of ancient
cultures about the energetic properties of ether. The engineers got a task to build an energetic source of
the capacity wanted in that place. The easiest solution would have been to spread the matter of a high
menhir into more menhirs. However, this wasn't possible, as the ether zones didn't offer the required
energetic level - this was located higher above the ground surface. The engineers then had to build a
high menhir. The obelisks built in later cultures had the same energetic reason as "Men er Groah"
The lonely standing menhir was the easiest meghalithic structure that was giving energy to many
people. In order to refill or increase the level of cosmic energy in our body people didn't have to sit on
top of the menhir for hours. It was enough when the "cured" person stayed in the region of aura of the
menhir or even in a zone that was located further from the menhir. People didn't miss the fact that they
could gain more energy faster when they are between two or more menhirs, where the auras are denser.
This inspired them to cover the tip of the menhir with another rock. This is how an energetically
"richer" dolmen was created. There are hundreds of thousands of dolmens existing.
The ancient engineers did know well that it matters what type of rock needs to be placed on top of the
"curing platform". The effort to reach a maximum value of cosmic energy and the ability to compare the
energetic interaction that is related to the chemical structure of individual types of rocks compelled the
ancient wizards and healers to often difficult transport of different rocks and stones.
These engineers must have known the energetic values of the interactions very well because even that
they could have placed a stone from a close vicinity onto the dolmen desk, they have transported big
stones from great distances whose chemical structure was different.


The next level of energetic structures of the past were Zikkurats (Babylonian tower). With time, the
progress came to the knowledge that the matter of the structure, which gains energy from etheric zones,
must not be a monolith nor a rock but it could also be high quantity of earth. Moreover, the matter of the
structure of a zikkurat was activated by a metal (on the top there was a golden statue of a gods). Later,
this knowledge was used by all megalithic and religious structures. Towers with bells, minarets with
golden domes etc. further dynamically increased the energy of the objects. However, the increase of
cosmic energy can't be beneficial for human health in a linear relationship forever. When building
religious structures it was observed that more means less, in other words - from the present sciences
point of view - it was found that going over the optimal level of charge on the cellular membranes is
dangerous in the same way or worse than the energetic deficit. The matter of the structure must have
been balanced by the energetic gain, the amount of time spent in the sanctuary and the amount of people
who were inside. Because of that, pastorates were built out of the energetic reach of the religious
structure. The energy could have been regulated by the number and height of towers. The towers then
gain energy from three sources - when penetrating etheric zones, because of the known fact of suction
by a point and they are activated by the metal of the bells. We can't pass over the position of the bells.
In the 15. and 16. centuries the bells were also hanged in the opposite way than it is usual - with the
tongue upwards. This was especially beneficial with heavy bells that were then easily swung - the bell
started to swing under it's own weight and the swinging was kept by a paddle. Because this type of
hanging bells was considered uncatholic in the 17. century, most bells in most towers that had been
hung in this way were hanged with the tongue downwards. By an easy experiment we could easily
prove that bells that are hunged by the tongue downwards increase the energetic value of the tower by
250%. If the bell is hunged with the tongue upwards the basic energetic value of the matter of the tower
decreases by 30%. The shape of the matter of the bell works in the same way as the shape of a water
stream, dome or cope does: it creates greater energetic density. The towers of religious structures that
have a globlet located on their top (it's a similar case like when there is a bell hung with the tongue
upwards), decrease the energetic value of the structure.
The calculation of the optimal amount of matter and height of the towers was impossible before the
construction has begun because of the creation of different relations between surrounding zones and
interzones. It was not until the construction has begun when the energy of the object was being
regulated until it reached it's optimal value by changing the volume of the matter, the amount of metals,
the energetically strong crystallic pebbles or the height of the suction points. The characteristic
energetic properties for all kinds of religious structures was their high mass, towers, rounded shapes and
supplemented activation parts like metals, fires, etc.
The motivation for the construction of menhirs, dolmens, kromlechs, mounds, stone mans and other
similar structures was usually explained by astronimical, calendar, agricultural and ritual motives. We
can't wonder that other arguments couldn't have been offered by knowns facts. But there are even more
mysterious megalythic srtructures - thousands of stone spheres that weigh more than 15 tons. They are
located in Costa Rica and in other parts of the american continent and some even close to the north pole.
The arguments for their existence weren't persuasive but I agree that it's not possible without the
knowledge of ether. A rock in the shape of a sphere that is located in an etheric zone is energetically
activated and becomes an independent source, which sends spherical zones out into surrounding space.
These cross other energetically stronger etheric zones, interact with them and by their conductive
properties bring greater amount of cosmic energy to the place where the stone sphere is located. It is
probable that heads of Olmeks that are made from stone and have similar mass could have had similar
In Nazca plain the etheric zones are marked in the flat terrain. The water flows that were built
underground were built to connect individual zones so that the energy could be transported to another
place. A verification that shows that the zones in the Nazca plain were made energetically stronger are
the rows of stones located very close to some zones (the stones are in interaction with the zone).

The present architecture isn't interested in the energetic of the structures and some structures could be so
called "cancer houses" or could just slowly negatively affect their inhabitants. Skeptics could say that
the steel constructions of skyscrapers and their height must show the negative effect more markedly.
The answer could be found in history, when people on the american continent built more than hundred
thousand mounds, they cared a lot that the clay mounds weren't built on a subsoil made from rock and
they carefully isolated them by means of organic matter. When building mounds in Europe, the same
technologic progress was abided. When constructig skyscrapers, we can't even imagine that they would
be built in another way than on a solid subsoil made from rock. We can deduct that the contact of the
structure with the seam works in the same way as grounding by the fact that it drains the energy away
into the ground. However, it could be different with some low-bed structures that were built on earthen
seams. In these connections it could be interesting to find out statistically the death rate in different
It's not easy to believe the fact that ancient people already had the knowledge about etheric energy that
our civilisation will now only start to learn. The twentieth century, when thousands of scientists
unsuccessively tried to resolve the mysteries of megalythic culture proves that the explanation is not in
the region of known facts. Therefore we looked for the answers of puzzles of structures somewhere


What is the natural force that causes the dowsing rod to move is only one question of many for which
we are still trying to find the answer. However, we are not the only one trying to answer this; the same
case could be found in Physics. Cited from specialists literature We do not know why this
happens; we just know the experimental fact that two positively charged bodies repel each other.
Its therefore not logical to doubt the movement of a dowsing rod in connection with this information,
because a similar mystery is also in Physics. It cant be excluded that an identical natural force moves
the dowsing rod. Other than that, it was found by doing an empirical research that the known physical
phenomenon of charge flux doesnt work only in a laboratory, but everywhere in nature. Its
not easy to believe that the phenomenon of charge flux was already known and used by our ancestors
when menhirs, Babylonian towers, pyramids, obelisks and all types of holy structures were built.
I have been using dowsing rod for many years, which is also known as little butterfly (motlek) in the
Czech Republic. At the beginning I wasnt able to orientate in the reactions of the dowsing rod, but
everything changed when I found by chance an example replacing unit, something like etalon. It was
the high voltage power lines, whose energetic components (aura, zones, inter zones) dont move and
could always be found in the same place. I did the first series of experiments in an environment, where I
got experience that I then rechecked with other sources. I can recommend everyone who is interested in
the research of dowsing to do the same. It is easy and very educational.
The work order
for the identification of energetic components of high voltage power lines
Firstly, we have to make a dowsing rod from a wire of 3 mm diameter in a way that we take a 24 cm
long wire, which we bend in the middle so it becomes U shaped. Then we stretch both its parts to have
it like on the picture at in a way that the front side of the dowsing rod
is 5 cm long. Then we have to find a high voltage power line (between 22 kV and 400 kV) in the
vicinity, which is perpendicularly intersected by not much busy road with a hard surface and we can
begin to build the etalon measuring units. We take the dowsing rod loosely between our thumb and
middle finger. It is necessary that it sticks out of our aura so we need to hold it approximately 50 cm
from our body. We cant try this after alcohol consumption. In this case even a long hand is short (the
dowsing rod doesnt stick out from the aura of our body).

The aura is identified in a way that we go on the road from the middle of the high voltage power lines in
one way until the dowsing rod reacts by bending either left or right. We mark the position of this
dowsing rod reaction and in the same way we find the location of the dowsing rod reaction on the road
in the other direction. If both these distances in the opposite directions are the same, we have worked
precisely and the distance between opposite locations is approximately the diameter of aura of the high
voltage power lines. The aura of high voltage power lines copies the shape of the source and has the
shape of a cylinder and its diameter is in the range of tens of metres (depending on the voltage).
Next we have to find out about the properties of aura, which give us a hint about much information
needed for further identification. At first, we check that it doesnt matter whether we go forwards or
backwards with the dowsing rod in a way that we repeatedly walk backwards both directions the
dowsing rod will react in the same places. This fact comes well into use when we identify objects with
small dimensions of aura, for example in the case of a human body, where it is not easy to distinguish
between the border of aura from the reaction of a zone, etc.
The dowsing rod has an answer for the question, whether we are located in the area of aura or not. We
go with the dowsing rod in any direction in a way that the dowsing rod reacts in the rhythm of our
steps by short movements to the left and right, but not in all cases, only when we walk at a certain
speed. Everybody can find the right pace of walking in a few minutes. All the identifications need to be
preceded by trying whether we are or are not in the space of aura. The common aura of a dense urban
area could occupy large areas in the same way as a stadium that is full of people or an unmoved
grassland, etc. The dowsing rod motlek doesnt react in the space of the aura. the aura of our body
gained a common aura with the one where we are located and so it doesnt have an object with which it
could react.
The dowsing rod reacts with energetic components in the perpendicular direction or in the direction that
is not much deviated from the perpendicular direction. The greatness of deviation from the
perpendicular direction could be found just with a little information, while we increase the deviation
with each trial. We use this fact while looking for an energetically clear place, we realise that such a
place needs to be crossed with the dowsing rod in more than one direction.
The same procedure would be used when looking for energetic zones. We go from the edge of the aura
in one direction until the dowsing rod reacts, which we then mark again. Then we do identification in
the opposite direction just to check. If we worked precisely, both distances between the aura and the
zones are the same. In this way we mark other zones. Its not possible to find out the number of the
zones. We will verify a rule, which works not only for the zones of high voltage wires, but also for
zones of all other sources. Every first and second zone has the same width, but every third zone is
about ten times wider. In the case of the zones of high voltage power lines, the first and the second is
about 10 cm wide, the third about 100 cm. I have no clue why this is. Hopefully, someone of you will
find the reason. We remember that the gaps between zones of high voltage power lines are about 10
metres wide. The zones, in the same way like aura, copy the shape of the source like skins. At greater
distances from the source they gain large volumes.
Between the zones there are four inter zones, in some cases there are more. They are located closer to
the zone in the direction towards the source (in our case towards the high voltage power lines). They
could be identified with a dowsing rod if we make its front part longer by one centimetre.
However, such a modified dowsing rod also reacts with the zones so we can use it only if we have
done marking the zones. Now we have marked all three high voltage energetic components, which
dont move it is an optimal etalon for further research. Next we could compare the reaction of
motlekwith the reactions of other types of dowsing rods and make first statistical data. Other data
could be obtained by changing the sizes of dowsing rods.


The energetic components of any other sources could be obtained in the same way a source is any
lump of matter and we mustnt forget that by the inter contact of auras the sources gain one
common aura. I could recommend getting further energetic experience with a small stream by a similar
technique as with the high voltage power lines. By this, we remove the doubt that in the case of high
voltage power lines the aura has something to do with the electromagnetic field. I recommend finding a
similar place, like a bridge where a stream flows under a road. When identifying all three energetic
components of the stream, we use the same technique as with the high voltage power lines. The result
will be the same, except that we find that when the rate of flow of water changes, its energetic
components will move. I shall recommend making a graph of an inner and outer bend of a stream
there will be a greater density of zones and inter zones on the inner bend. We will understand then why
people used the inner bends to build certain structures. Such a place has more energy, which then
accumulates in the mater of the structure. The moving zones of a stream give energy to the surrounding
vegetation. In the same way, any other matter, including humans, could gain this energy. Its a new
knowledge to us, but people already used it in the ancient times.
By monitoring the energy of a stream we learn to look for water springs. The zones of springs are easily
distinguished from high voltage power lines zones by the fact that they change their direction and
mainly because of different separation of the zones. When trying to identify a spring we find and mark
at least three zones and the inter zones between them. By using the rule that the inter zones are located
closer to the zone that is located in the direction of the source (the water spring) with respect to them,
we easily get the direction in which to go. By finding and marking further zones in that direction we
find, by looking for greater separation, the aura. In the middle of the aura, the place where the dowsing
rod doesnt react is the spring. In another case if the spring is located deeper, the cylindrical aura is also
located under the surface. In such a case the clue is given by the inter zones that are always located
closer to the zone that is situated towards the source with respect to them. In the middle of the location
where the inter zones between two zones point towards each other is the water stream. However, we
have to realise that there are many energetic components everywhere and in urban areas its almost
impossible to orientate between them.
In a habitable house the sources are the matter of the house, electric cables, all kinds of electric
components, water and heating pipes, all metal, zones that intersect the building (water springs, streams
and rivers located far away, energetic wires, cumulus (thunderstorm) clouds, etc.).If the auras of these
sources are in contact, they join into one common source with a common aura. A large group of zones
that are conductive for the cosmic energy doesnt create its common aura, but can manipulate the
energy of the building in both directions.
Other useful knowledge could be gained when drawing the energetic graph of an automobile, which
consists of these sources all the metal, the air pressure in the tyres (this could be easily verified with
one tyre by increasing its pressure), all kinds of electrical components, the chemical reactions occurring
when the engine is running, the energy of the fuel in the tank and the matter of people in the car. In this
case the auras of all the sources overlap each other so the car becomes one source with a common aura.
The graph could be constructed in a way that we place the car in an energetically clear space and draw
its position. By the known procedure we find its aura with the use of a dowsing rod and then add it to
the graph. We do the same when the lights and other electrical components are on, with the engine
started, when a driver sits in it, with greater revolutions per minute of the engine and with more
passengers. In this way we could observe the increase in size of the common aura.
You will be surprised by the difference in size of drivers aura before a journey and after it. Also, you
will likely think about a situation when there is traffic jam on a road. All the vehicles gain one common
aura in this way, which is intersected by an uncountable number of zones and its energy is increased in
this way. The greater aura of organisms shows greater charge on the membranes of our cells. We could
do an easy experiment with capacitors to confirm that great aura creates health problems including
thinking mistakes.

After a short break from our trial etalon we return to it with more experience. You can do experiments
with anything that comes to your mind. I recommend starting working with an assistant whose
differences in the size of aura after an hour in an aura or a zone of high voltage lines could be
monitored. It wont be less interesting to monitor how long it takes for the aura of your assistant to get
into its original size in a clear location. You will be surprised what happens with his or her aura if you
put a small bottle of alcohol into his or her pocket. You wont miss the fact that dowsing rod can
reliably indicate the presence of alcohol in a human body to an extent, when common detectors dont
When the assistant is on a metal bed he or she has a common aura with it. I could recommend placing
this bed out of all zones. You can go back to the ancient times and create menhirs from rocks near water
streams. You easily get to know by experience that a menhir has more energy in vertical position then in
horizontal position. If you think about the actions of people in history, you have to consider the fact that
in those times there were only natural sources present on the Earth. I cant judge by how much these
natural energetic sources were increased by the sources of our civilisation. In the air there are thousands
of aircrafts that interact with all cumulus and cumulonimbus (thunderstorm) clouds. On the ground
these are the great cities, power stations, power lines, millions of vehicles, hundreds of thousands of
ships on the sea, electromagnetic waves that are present everywhere, etc. The attempt of medics to
manipulate the energy of a human body in this way could cause negative reactions as we dont know the
optimal value of the capacitance of the membranes of our cells as measured by the size of the aura and
also we dont know the properties of aura. We have to wait for the view of specialists or for the
construction of measuring devices that could be built into mobile phones in the future.
We still dont know what natural force moves the dowsing rod but we could definitely mark the places
where it reacts. These could be the starting point for further research. Its hasnt been explained yet why
the dowsing rod doesnt work for some people. However, there is information in history that could have
something in common with this problematic.


Our research has shown that every matter is irradiating its specific bar code according to which it's
at, especially in the part "diagrams". Similar examples could also be
found in nature when a drop of blood attracts some species of sharks from up to 1.5 kilometres distance.
It's not possible to speculate about any mixing ratios within kilometres cubed of water, the sharks are
immediately directed towards the blood by its bar code. There are more similar examples to be found in
nature, I describe some in relation to tsunamis.
The horrible tragedy at the university in Virginia has inspired me to the use of the bar code in the war
against terrorism. It would be possible to eliminate terrorism, crazy shooters, bank robbers and similar
unwanted elements with the help of the bar codes. In reality it will be in use in a way that there will be
well placed detectors that will recognize places, where some forbidden substances like bullets,
explosives, drugs and alcohol are located. With the experience of calculating and analyzing bar codes of
water streams, high voltage power lines and some metals it seems real to me to calculate the barcodes of
other substances in this way. However, all this is out of my possibilities, I don't have the necessary
equipment nor can I realize the creation of complicated software. Moreover, further research has to be
done only by teams of specialists.
I have no doubt that results of further research will be used not only in the war against terrorism but also
towards other purposes. Should some institution be interested in further research, I'm available.



Hypo therapy is a well known cure method, which has positive results, especially illnesses of the nerve
system. The cure is done when a person is in contact with a horse, whereby the person undergoes a
curing process. Many hypothesis describe this phenomenon, but arent persuasive enough.
I think it is a similar phenomenon, which I describe in many different cases. It is the transport of cosmic
energy by the contact of auras. The matter of the horse is a greater energetic source than the source of
the matter of humans. Therefore, the rule is that the energy potential between the sources equalises the
man receives energy from the horse, which is shown by the increase of the electric potential on the
cellular membranes.
The way hypo therapy is done is not perfect; the time for the transport of energy is too short. Hours are
needed for the equalisation of the energetic levels of both sources (the horse and the man). An optimal
solution would be to place the bed of the ill person into the aura of the horse (about one metre from the
horse), where the patient would sleep the number of nights required. It would be more efficient to place
the bed between two horses.
The cure by staying in the aura of greater energetic sources is nothing new, similar examples are found
in ancient and later history. All megalithic structures worked in the same way. King David was cured by
sleeping between two young women overnight. In the ancient times, cure was done by sleeping inside
temples. On the website stated above I describe more cases where energy is transferred between various
The test of the curing process of hypo therapy that I recommend doesnt require anything complicated,
one bed with a wooden (not metal) railing, so that there isnt a contact between the cured and the horse.
Everyone that is interested in hypo therapy could easily examine the results of the long stay in the
horses aura.


Like other religious and ritual structures on the Earth, tibetian monasteries are also activated by the
cosmic energy. The interesting thing is the fact that their energetic intensity is obtained by some
unknown principle by the use of rotational bodies.
There are praying mills built in the monasteries (hollow metal hooks similar to a barrel) that are
manually rotated by the monks. There are also small mobile praying mills that are rotated by the help of
a string with a weight at the end. The cosmic energy of the praying mills could be transferred to a
different matter like we prove it in other cases.
I recommend repeating two easy experiments. The small mobile praying mill could be easily made from
a metal can with a volume of about 200 ml. We empty the can through a small opening and then make 2
holes that are in line with each other and then insert a screw-driver in these. At the bottom part of the
cans side we make an opening where we attach a string about 10 cm long. At the end of this string we
attach a small weight. If an assistant manually makes the can rotate, we could measure huge increase of
his aura every minute. The volume of the aura has a relation to the capacity of cellular membranes.
Another easy experiment proves the same function of great praying mills, which can also be used to
manipulate the energetic intensity of the matter of the monastery, unlike the small mills. To do this
experiment we need an old LP records player or some other turning device and a metal pot that we put
on the turntable.

By following the instructions Im describing in my article Dowsing versus aura we make three
identifications of aura.
1.when the turntable with the pot is not turning
2.when it is turning with the pot upside down
3.when it is turning with the pot in a normal position
We can easily persuade ourselves with the energetic function of the praying mills and we can also revise
the bell effect form 15.century that Im describing below again.
Fire is used to fill up the energetic intensity of matter of the monasteries during butyraceous sacrifices.
Candles are used in other religious structures for the same reason. The function of monasteries in Tibet
is not different from other religious structures an energetic surge is created in them, where people fill
up their bodily energy.
The rotational matter produces cosmic energy its another interesting piece of knowledge that works
in other cases in the same way. Its not easy to name all the rotational bodies that are surrounding us
everywhere (astronomical bodies, wheels of motor vehicles, trains, turbines, tornadoes and many other
cases). If we put together the previous energetic knowledge with rotational energy we can say that
motion of matter produces cosmic energy.
Im describing a graph of growing aura of a stationary automobile in one previous article Dowsing
versus aura. When the automobile is moving its necessary to add the new knowledge to aura. In this
case the energy increase could go beyond an energetic boundary, that is unknown yet, and cause
delayed reactions for example.
The energy of rotational bodies isnt the only piece of knowledge from tibetian monasteries, interesting
information could be obtained from the answer to a question why they chose another energetic source in
Tibet unlike in other religious structures?
One answer could be that the normal sources arent intensive enough at high altitudes. Its not just
important information, which increases knowledge about the properties of cosmic energy in high
latitude mountain region, but it also makes us think about new experiments. New knowledge from
research hints that the energetic and chemical properties of cosmic energy are larger than we could
In the 15th and 16th centuries bells were hung in the opposite way than usual with the tongue upside
down. This was useful especially with heavy bells, which were easy to swing the bell was swinging
under its own weight and was kept in motion by tread. As this manner of hanging was considered non
catholic in the 17th century, bells were hung with the tongue down on most of these steeples.
Reasons for "non catholic" have appeared to me little convincing for the quantity of elaborate
reconstruction, especially when it did not pertain of sound effect and the hanging was not visible. So
that to make sure what kind of reason could be for the change of hanging these bells, I decided to check
up the whole thing. The result appeared faster than I have expected, energy reason must be added to the
reason "non catholic".
I used meter tall marble hexagon about weight of 200 kg like a steeple dummy and I put it up to the
energy zone. For the lucidity I will not concretize its energy value and I will mark it like fundamental. I
placed 1.5 kg bronze bell to the steeple dummy (by tongue down) and after a short time its primary
value increased nearly to treble. At the opposite placing (by clapper up) the fundamental worth of
steeple reduced around 20%. I repeated this test many times always with the identical result. Therefore
its clear that difficult and hard reconstruction of steeples on churches was just an energetic matter.


Logan stones are heavy stones that are located around the world in the same way as menhirs, dolmens
and other megalithic structures. Their speciality is the fact that they aren't in contact with the subsoil by
a surface, but only by a point. Some of them are balanced in a way that wind swings them. In other
cases, rocks are placed onto a few smaller stones. A similar placing could also be found with dolmens,
where a top desk is placed on top points of stones. The placing onto small surfaces isn't coincidental but
has its foundation. In my previous articles on, where I'm writing about
properties of cosmic energy, I'm stating the conditions under which the flow of energy occurs. Matter
could gain energy, it could be in a balanced state or it could be losing energy. The construction of
Logan stones wasn't coincidental, the energetic loses were higher than the gains in their locations and
therefore it was necessary to minimize loses in a way that the contact surface of the rock with the
subsoil was minimized. The same technology was used by the constructors of mounds and other clay
ramparts, who separated the matter of the rampart from the subsoil by organic matter. In the case of
Logan stones the matter of the rock is separated from the subsoil mainly by an air gap.
This could easily be understood, but it's much more complicated in the case of Logan stones that are
swung by the wind. Balancing of such a heavy rock was much labored and this must have had a
significant reason. I was looking for the answer by doing experiments. I connected a sphere made from
red granite that weighed 6 kilograms to a tree branch by a two meters long string and swung it for
fifteen minutes. I was surprised when I then identified the energetic gain of the granite sphere - I
measured its aura having two meters in radius. I repeated the same experiment a number of times in
other places always with the same result. This proves that Logan stones gain further energy by the
swinging motion. This and previous experiments show that the motion of matter could also be a source
of cosmic energy in other cases. It will be interesting to invigorate this phenomenon in other cases.
I think that the time to correct our present opinion about the technical level of prehistoric civilizations
has come. Hundreds of thousands of accumulators of cosmic energy (menhirs, dolmens, Logan stones,
clay ramparts and other megalithic constructions) located around the world hint that they couldn't have
been built by primitive peoples. On the contraries, we aren't able to understand the purpose of
megalithic constructions, which is highlighting the forwardness of early cultures. If we think about it in
a way that the direction of their technical development could have been different from ours it will
induce an increased interest in further research in this field.


The great amount of unsuccessful trials to understand the reason of megalithic structures shows us that
the right answer isn't anywhere in the region of known facts. I have found empirically that the
"completion" isn't any little thing but some laws of nature that have been neglected by the present
science. It sounds unbelievably but did men in the ancient history know about some natural laws better
than the present science? Surely, they didn't but knew how to communicate between continents. I think
that research in this field will be very interesting.
The balanced rocks are rocks of great mass and in the same way as menhirs are located in places of
great concentration of cosmic energy. They differ from menhirs by their more rounded shape and by
their location on a small area. They may be swung by the wind due to their precise balancing. In my last
article I'm describing an experiment, which shows that matter gains energy when being swung.
Further, I will be dealing with important information about balanced rocks, which could be deducted
from information found at GOOGLE - pictures, after typing in "balanced rocks". "Balanced rocks are
located in great amount on five continents."

This fact eliminates any discussions whether ancient civilisations were able to communicate over great
distances or not. We don't know the answer to the question how they were exchanging information in
such a way. However, we have enough organisational experience to say that without communication
and coordination it wouldn't be possible to built thousands of balanced rocks around the globe. The
transport of rocks weighing more than hundreds of tons over a rough terrain, many times on top of
mountains, and the difficult balancing enabling their swinging motion would be an unsolvable task for
our technically advanced civilisation. If the ancient cultures solved this task, we can't doubt that they
used some for us unknown technological progresses.
The usual reason for megalithic structures that they were built for ritual, calendar, agricultural and
astronomical reasons wouldn't hold out for balanced rocks. We can approach the reason for balanced
rocks only if we lay away the textbook thought about people with a stone axe and think in a way that we
are dealing with a technically developed civilisation, which was ahead of our civilisation in some
unknown direction. I will enlarge on these thoughts about the megaliths in this direction in connection
with the findings of the empirical research about new properties of matter. I will try to explain how
people exchanged information over great distances by the use of balanced rocks.
A menhir is a rock placed in a region of an energy source from which it spontaneously gains energy. At
the times of building of menhirs there were only natural energy sources of cosmic energy on the Earth underground springs, streams, rivers, large streams, sea currents, thunderclouds and others. The
energetic value of these sources wasn't stable; it was affected by the change of flow of water streams
and the changes of other sources. Menhirs were affected by this in a way that their energetic parts were
in a constant movement by which the zones and inter zones changes their separation. At times of
drought it's not possible to identify them. For the transport of energy it's necessary that the zones of the
individual sources cross each other. This however can't be accomplished by menhirs due to the
instability of their zones. It wasn't possible to use menhirs for the transport of energy due to the lability
of their energetic parts.
The way in which people in the ancient times solved this problem deserves admiration. By the swinging
motion they built a source into the rock, which compensated for the changes and disruptions to the
external sources - it functioned as a stabilisation element. The energetic parts of balanced rocks became
stationary and could be used for an uninterrupted transport of energy. If you visit , Chapters / 2003, NO, 6, there is a diagram of energetic parts of
two trees which intersect. In the text attached I'm describing how the transport of energy is realized.
Therefore, balanced rocks could have functioned as part in the transport energy process in a similar way
as retranslation stations of our time. Balanced rocks could have transported energy in two ways. They
could have had their own transport network or they could have been just an interconnection of zones of
sea currents, great streams and other great sources in their common network, as it looks like at Nazca.
All the megalithic structures on the Earth have the same purpose. Cosmic energy is accumulated in their
matter, which people than used for curative and also other reasons. The structures had to undergo one
condition - they had to be situated into an energetic part of cosmic energy. The regional difference of
the shapes of megalithic structures was usually accommodated to the local material sources and other
conditions. In America, mounds were mostly built, which were from mud and no good workmanship
was needed. More advanced civilizations built pyramids, ziggurats or other more difficult structures.
Also, great structures with energetic regulation were built, such as Teotihuacn, San Lorenzo, Nazca
Plain, Laos - stone jars, the pyramid of Acapan or Osireion.
Another category of megalithic structures are Easter Islands, Nan Madol, Zimbabwe and others. These
probably ensured the connection and maybe even intensification of zones over great distances. In
connection with previous results, we could await interesting results from further research.



The police register in their records sections of roads and motorways where there is inexplicably higher
number of traffic accidents. One of these localities is part of a communication E7 near Panensky Tynec
in the north of Czech Republic. It is well arranged section; however, there have been 16 deadly car
accidents since 2001. Nobody has yet explained why the accidents occur repeatedly only in some
places, especially when many of these places are well arranged where nobody would expect accidents to
occur. We could get closer to the cause of the car accidents if we put together these mysterious places
with the findings of research, which is described at . These are the
same sets of phenomena like by the megalithic or religious structures - matter placed in an energetic
place with greater energetic potential gains energy by itself. The only difference is in the fact that
megalithic and religious structures were placed into energetic locations intentionally. The matter of the
communication where the accidents occur frequently intersects the energetic location just by a
coincidence without the knowledge of the projector.
It could be proved experimentally that the cosmic energy is transformed during the spontaneous
transport onto cellular membranes into electric energy in the same way as it's transformed during the
transport onto the electrodes of some high capacitance capacitors. When a driver of the motor vehicle
drives through the section of the communication which is characteristic by the increased energetic
voltage there is an increase of electric potential difference on his cellular membranes. However it's
critical in most cases with what degree of excess voltage did the driver drive through the critical place.
This together with many previous energetic contacts, which add up, brings negative changes in the
thinking of the driver.
Energetic causation could show by the people also in another way than by car accidents. In the early
nineties, Professor John Groeger from the University of Surrey noticed an unusual increase in murders
on American roads and motorways. After a trivial traffic collision or an initially innocent provocation or
misunderstanding between the drivers of automobiles, which occur frequently on every busy road, the
drivers started a serious fight until one of them usually fell to the ground with a serious injury or even
dead. In 1987 there were 320 similar attacks in the USA out of which a great majority ended by death or
serious injury of one of the competitors. In 1994 there were already 1150 conflicts like this whose
results were termed as murders or attempts of murder.
Dr. Groeger found the causes of these tragedies as very trivial and incomprehensible. In great majority
of cases the stimulation for the violent attack was caused by a driver that was flashing with lights on a
car that didn't clear the way to overtake quickly enough. The overtaking driver then chose to express his
growing nervousness and displeasure in a stronger way. He usually started to honk and then while
overtaking showed some clear gesticulation. The conflict was then born because the other driver
couldn't stand the glimpses that he was a stag, impotent or mentally deranged wretch and started to
show the gestures back to the aggressive college. Then, craziness prevailed in both car cabins often with
the wish to kill. The peculiar thing about this is that the objects of attacks were distributed evenly
between those who made the mistake while driving as well as the ones who overreacted to the mistake
of the other. It's interesting with these cases that people from all social classes have been involved in
People don't lose control only in their automobiles. The cases of crazy gunners at schools or other
public places are incomprehensible as well. By looking at other crimes, it's possible to register similar
short circuits in peoples' thinking, when they can't judge all causes of their acts. Even that consumption
of alcohol was not proved in these cases; people act like when influenced by alcohol due to the excess
of energetic potential. Similar anomalies could be evoked also in other ways, which I'm describing at . These are much more tricky because the person affected doesn't notice
them as well as people around don't.

The manipulation with the energetic potential of matter offers many new pieces of knowledge not only
by living organisms. This can cause various health disorders including obsession with dancing or even
SHC. After my experience with the experiments I may recommend that further research of this
phenomenon, especially when dealing with high voltage, is done only in laboratories with remote
controlling of the experiments and the control standpoint is located out of the zones.


During the experiments regarding cells and capacitors, we have seen yet unpublished properties, which
could explain phenomena that have been thought of as mysteries till now. These could show many other
solutions. Because there are new terms used in the results I will try to demonstrate these new findings
on three natural phenomena.
On cellular membranes, there is spontaneus transformation of cosmic energy into electric energy if they
are located in energetic overcharge in the same way as on the electrodes of capacitors. If two or more
auras of matters are interconnected their auras merge into a bigger common aura and then their
energetic values are equalised.
If we think about the human body according to the new knowledge, we could say that bilions of cells
are in contact and their auras overlap, which means that the whole body has a common aura. This
phenomenon works not only in between the human cells but also in electronics. The memory of a
computer comprises of a great amount of miniature condensers and is able to store information in the
form of 0s and 1s (0 = there is no charge, 1 = there is charge). Therefore, we could say that human
body and electronics have some similar properties. This tells us that if the charge is increased it could
cause harm not only to cells in the human body but also to electronics (this could be proved by some
simple experiments).
According to the procedure that Im describing in the article Dowsing versus aura it is easy to prove
the reactions of energetic parts of water flows (aura, zones, interzones). By this we get an idea about the
energy of small water flows and we could orientate in the energetic properties of great water flows more
easily. By this I mean sea currents. There are many of these and their flow is in the order of hundreds of
millions m3/sec and it could be assumed that they are in interaction with large streams around the Earth.
The Gulf stream has various bends and meanders where there is multiple energetic concentration. In the
Sargas sea there are also whirlpools whose diameter reaches up to 300km and they reach depth of
5000m. These further increase the local energetic concentration. These places could be thought of as
critical from the point of view of further energetic increase from other sources, which could be
thunderstorm clouds, moon, planets and other sources. Also, the planes that have been lost in this area
could have connection with energetic overvoltage.
The zones of the Gulf stream copy in the shapes of cylindrical shells the US East coast. The energy of
one of these zones could be artificially significantly increased by the use of groups of great capacitance
capacitors and this would create a barrier that would destroy all organisms and electronics. However,
there is a great amount of sea currents and this gives us the opportunity to built such a barrier anywhere
on the Earth. This piece of knowledge could also be used for other purposes.
This knowledge about the energetic overvoltage of cells could also explain a strange phenomenon that
occurred in the streets of capital of Nairobi on 24.July 1956 at 15:00 (03:00p.m.). About 200 men and
women danced on the main street in Nairobi. The dancing people had a regretful look in their faces such
as if they danced because they were forced to dance. It wasnt possible to communicate with them and
they didnt perceive anyone who asked them a question. One hour later, there were 20.000 men, women
and children dancing. Eventually, there were about 50.000 people dancing in a strict circle whose
diameter was 3.5 kilometres. It looked like they werent perceiving anything but they kept about a metre
of space between them and they didnt bump into anyone. Its interesting that even older people could

dance in this dancing marathon for about 5 hours without any visible signs of getting tired. Later
accounts of the dancing showed that they didnt remember anything because their sences were totally
crippled. Their memory and thinking didnt work. Its very interesting that even that there was no music
playing with this dance all the dancers kept the same rhytm.
In this magic circle, not all the people were dancing. The dancers were those who had some metal
objects such as coins in their pockets. The dance participants later realised a feeling that their body
gained energy from these metal objects. Everything suddenly ended =at 20:00 (08:00p.m.). Nobody has
been hurt or dead. This is a very rare phenomenon, which was also noted with some differences in
Rheinland at spring equinox in 1374. Between 1871 1878 in the Savoy there was an epidemic
obsession in women monasteries that was changing into diabolic feakout. The cause of these
incomprehensible events hasnt been found yet.
The knowledge of the empiric research also gives us an explanation of this mysterious event. People
that were affected by the dance were located in the energetic space of the town that had greater
energetic overcharge than the optimal cellular charge. This caused greater charge on the cells (including
brains cells) and was followed by disorder of thinking. The fact that is peculiar on this event is that even
older people didnt feel tired after 5 hours long dancing. Not less interesting is the information that only
those people that had metal objects in their pockets were affected by the dance. Three great time
intervals between similar events show that the energetic overcharge could be caused by astronomical
influences. I dont doubt that similar anomalies in the region of aura could also be created by groups of
great capacitance capacitors, which would create optimally enhanced overcharge in this given region.
We noticed similar health disorders during the experimetns, but we interrupted such experiments due to
the possibility of health damage. The fact that similar situation cant be evoked by the people that dont
have metal with them prompts us to many useful applications. Bank robbers usually have metal objects
with them, but bank workers dont, so a button could be pressed and the bank robbers would give us a
dance before the police arrives. There are many other such applications.
Another mysterious event, which could be assigned to the zones of the cosmic energy is the spontane
human combustion (SHC). The spontane human combustion is one of the most controversial
phenomena for serious researchers. The spontane combustion means that human body could be ignited
without any optically noticed source. Very intense and unbelievably localised fire transforms most of
the human body into ash. In many cases part of a limb, like a leg, remains untouched. Similarly, some
parts of clothes or surrounding objects remain untouched. Nothing similar exists in nature that would be
similar to those fires and the accompanying phenomena dont follow laws of physics and findings of
medicine. Some researchers also describe this phenomenon by candlewick effect. They wrap a body
of a pig into a sheet and leave it slowly burning all day. They forget about the fact that the process of
burning during SHC happenes in a matters of seconds, not hours. There is a great amount of information
about this phenomenon on the internet and therefore I wont further describe it, but will limit myself
only to the classification from our researchs point of view.
Cellular membranes have a capacity of about (1F/cm2), which means that they work like a capacitor.
If we keep increasing the charge on a capacitor after reaching the threshold value, which is the
maximum value up to which its sized, the isolator would eventually brake and in that moment, all the
energy is released and the capacitor is destoryed. Similar disastrous process happens with billions of
cells in humans. When the threshold energetic value for which nature sized our cells is reached, the cells
explode in the same way as capacitors do.
I have written about three different phenomena, which by their specific show confirm functionality of
other properties of cells and condensers. I would be delighted if some research centers used this new



Serpent mound is a clay mound that is shaped in meandering curves, which form more energy in their
inner bents due to the increased density of zones. The condition for its functioning is the same as with
other megalithic structures it must be placed into a location with enough cosmic energy (details can be
found at There were many serpent mounds built, but a mound that
looks like a snake that is trying to swallow an egg seems to be the most perfect one.
It is a mound with four different energetic degrees:
- six locations of a meandering shape of the same energetic value (half of a winding)
- one location of greater energy in the shape of an egg (one whole winding)
- one location of even greater energy in a triangular winding
- and one last location of a different degree of energy in the tail part, which is formed by the
combination of the meander with the spiral
The energetic function of the mounds could be proved by an easy experiment, during which the energy
would be measured by a method, which is described in detail in my article Dowsing versus aura. To
perform this experiment, we need about 10 metres long hose with water flowing in it and any rock of
about 60Kg mass.
Firstly, we place the rock next to the hose with flowing water, which is placed linearly, and we monitor
the energetic gain of the rock in various time intervals. In the second part of the experiment, we shape
the hose into a meandered shape, place the rock to its centre and then monitor the energetic gain. I
recommend continuing with the experiment in a way that we form a whole winding around the rock and
then more windings. Interesting results could be found if these experiments are repeated with different
flows in the hose, etc. When the rock is placed away from the source, it will slowly loose its energy. If
we replace the rock by a figurant, the matter of its body will be gaining energy in the same way as the
rock. It could be concluded from these experiments that the clay mounds of a serpent shape gave people
an energetic place to increase their energy in the same way as menhirs, dolmens and other prehistoric
structures. Water streams are not the only energetic source for the constructions of mounds and other
similar structures; there could be other sources like underground springs, deposits of metal ores,
crossings of zones, etc.
ITS NECESSARY to remind and I emphasize this that at the times of constructions of the
megalithic structures, the grid of energetic parts wasnt affected by the civilization sources. Some
sources could therefore be located in other locations, and many mounds or other energetic structures
may not be functional anymore. The burial-ground of the rulers of Egypt The kings valley is situated
in a meander of river Nile. There are hundreds of thousands of megalithic structures in the world that
are built in the inner bends of water streams, meanders and confluence of rivers. There are also a great
number of megalithic and religious structures built above the underground springs. The curvature of any
matter works in the same way as a curve of a water flow, but only given that the matter has enough
energy. In Malta in the Mediterranean and in other places, there were ritual meeting places for people
built in an ellipsoidal shape, partly submerged underground. Domes, vaults, apses, circular structures
and other rounded structures have the same qualities that strengthen the energy. Some nations, for
example the Celts, constructed clay mounds of squared or rectangular ground plan, where the zones
were also dense, but in a different grid.
People used to supply their body energy by the use of all kinds of megalithic structures. However, this
is just a first finding, which could be compared to a snowball, which eventually grows into an
avalanche. It is described in technical literature, how some rocks of various chemical compositions were
exactingly transported (pyramids, Stonehenge, Machu Picu and others) in order to achieve proper

Its necessary to clarify their interactions and explain the chemical processes of the rocks, which
affected the energy. Therefore, its not only about supplying bodily energy but also about the quality of
the energy and its transformation onto the cellular membranes in an optimal amount.
If we want to continue in uncovering the secrets of ancient past, we must begin with the fact that we
cant bluff ourselves with explanations of the megalithic cultures, which are not logical. And we must
also respect the fact that we have something to do with a civilisation whose technical maturity we dont
understand yet. Also, I think it may be favourable to find out, why was this force of nature that goes
through history in the religious structures until our age concealed and who wanted it to be concealed.

Although research about the causes of cancer is getting more and more intensive and it's curing process
is getting more successful with time, most of the people who have it die of it.
I think that we could find a remarkable, even shocking conclusion if we compare the statistics of this
deadly ilness that repeats itself in locations with abnormal quantity of static electricity.
As an example I will state three such places in the Czech Republic.
MUDr.Jurka, a cancerologist from Olomouc, found an interesting result by an empirical research of
about 33 thousand cases. He concluded that some streets and houses are the most common connections
with cancer. Nothing was changed by the fact that these houses were demolished in the past and new
houses were built in their exact places; moreover, he found that people living on higher floors were
more likely to have cancer than people living on the ground floor.
I'm dealing with this problematic in great detail in many of my articles and I can say that it is a
spontaneous transfer of static electricity onto the cellular membranes from a place of it's abnormal
concentration. An energetic overcharge is created on the cellular membranes and this negativly affects
the cellular activity.
It could be deduced from history that people have known the properties of static electricity since the
ancient times and they used it in many cases for their benefit. In these times people didn't know
anything about cellular membranes of course but they managed with the fact that it helped them. For
this reason they built hundreds of thousands of menhirs, dolmens, rocking stones, mounds, barrows and
other megalythic structures that were situated in places with a surplus of static electricity, which was
then spontaneously transferred to them. When there was a lack of bodily energy it was easy to fill it up
by the use of megalithic structures. In fact, this is a targeted manipulation with the charge of cellular
membranes. An anomaly in both directions causes medical anomalies. There are many cases that could
cause abnormal concentration of static electricity in the human body; some of them are described on my
web pages.
This could be proved by an easy experiment. If I place a burning candle next to a rock, I can then
measure the increase of the energy of the rock. It needs to be noted with this example of a burning dump
that it's negative action isn't observed only in it's proximity, but it could also be seen in the zones that
are located in greater distances.
The third place that I monitor where there is a repeated and regular incidence of cancer is a rural estate
where I think that one of the reasons of the energetic overcharge of the matter of the framework is an
electric network of 3 x 380 V, which is attached to the house on the peripheral walls in both directions on the axial and gable walls.

Inside of this structure there is a crossing of zones and therefore greater energetic concentration.
However, there could also be other causes that may participate in the increase of energy.
I don't doubt that similar places with a repeated occurence of cancer are located around the globe and I
think that they can't escape the attention of people living nearby. It may be useful to map such places
and use them in a further statistical research from which we could gain some useful information.
If we think about the long lasting research about the causes of fatal growth of cells, every new idea
should be further looked into.


The current explanation of some parts of history in connection with the new knowledge regarding static
electricity looks like incorrect and needs to be revised. The most important aspect is the new opinion on
the technical forwardness of ancient civilizations, which cant be explained with our current knowledge.
The properties of static electricity that are unknown to us and that people in the ancient history must
have known became an impassable barrier in our exploration of megalithic culture. Its textbook
explanation lacks logic and its almost unbelievable that it survived for generations. To explain
everything, Im showing arguments that cant be doubted.
The cultural and technical forwardness of ancient civilizations was advancing in a way that we cant
even judge yet. Our current scientific knowledge must be supplemented by another property of natural
forces the static electricity and maybe some other knowledge. I respect the fact that people in the past
used energy directly from natural sources without the need to build power stations and power lines.
When I think like this I always remember that one unnamed archeologist once said that he will start to
believe once they find a transistor radio. Certainly, this would be a convincing artifact, but even more
convincing are the millions of menhirs, dolmens, cromlechs, mounds, rocking stones, snake mounds
and other megalithic monuments that were built across the American continent, in all European states,
in Africa, across the whole Asia and also from Australia to New Zeeland.
It would be easier to understand if we interconnect everything and than think about it as a whole piece
of knowledge. It cant be doubted that without communication, it wouldnt have been possible to build
the same structures in the same time period on all continents. Another fact that is hardly understood is
the fact that pieces of rocks that weigh hundreds of tons were transported across great distances and
quite often also over great natural obstructions. Human force and ropes must certainly look like absurd
explanation to every judicious human; even that up to now this opinion is respected. Therefore we
wont try to include the transportation of these rocks into our explainable possibilities because we only
compromise ourselves by doing this. It would do only good to the research if we admit that we cant
explain the technological procedures during this transport due to the lack of information.
Another proof of communication between people is the tabernacle, which was used by Jews on the way
when they escaped from Egyptian slavery. Similar tabernacle was found in Tutankhamens grave. This
ark (tabernacle) must therefore have been made before Moses went up Sinai. The tabernacle was clever
electronic equipment based on the properties of static electricity. We can imagine it as a square
hoarding, whichs side was almost ten meters long and about four and a half meters high. In order to
easily dismantle and transport this construction, it was made from wooden boards that were coated on
both sides by a golden plate that was four and a half meters long and seventy centimeters wide. The
boards were connected by pegs and were placed into a pair of silver pedestals. A tent that was made
from skins and goat hair was built above this construction. The tent was surrounded by a courtyard,
whose size was 46 x 23 m and height 2.30 m. It was all boarded by curtains made from light linen fabric
that was suspended on a silver support. The courtyard was constructed from 30 carrying slopes that
were inserted into copper pedestals that were connected by silver.

The tabernacle was a wooden box that was 120 cm (48 inches) long, 70 cm (28 inches) wide and 70 cm
(28 inches) high. It was covered by wooden plates from inside and outside. The cover of the tabernacle
was made from a golden piece with two cherubs, with wings placed in a way that their shadow covered
the whole top part of the tabernacle. Four golden rings were immersed into every corner of the top part
of the box. Crowbars that were covered by gold were permanently pulled through. The capacitor like
construction of the booth could create a strong charge given that it was built in an energetic part of static
electricity. The tabernacle was being carried by eight men. It can be deduced from this that the
tabernacle could have weighed about 150 kg. The energetic quality of the gold was increased by the
capacitor like construction of the tabernacle. The tabernacle was therefore producing a great
independent charge that was placed in a much greater charge of the booth.
A great charge placed in a much greater charge we have already met this
The great pyramid was built from calcite blocks and its core was made from red granite in combination
with sand that contained heavy metals. The sand of great energetic value built into a matter of the core
points to the fact that the core of the pyramid was exactly energetically balanced. The massif of red
granite was placed in greater amount of calcite. The great charge of the Kings chamber was therefore
placed in much greater charge of the rest of the pyramid. Probably, its not only about different amounts
of energy but also about the structure of aura, which has a connection to the specific mass and other
factors not yet known to us.
Mosses communication device looks like an energetic model of the pyramid. It can be concluded from
this that pyramids may have also been used for communication purposes.
The same thing was built in their core that was in the tabernacle.
Similar combinations of matter could also be found in other structures in places that are separated by
large distances. Great layers of mica were found between two upper stages of Teotihuacn Pyramid of
the Sun. Archeologists have found two massive plates of mica under the floor of a temple, which was
paved by heavy stone plates, not far away from the Pyramid of the Sun. The plates are squared 27
meters long and they form two layers placed on top of each other. Its remarkable that this mica was
imported from a great distance even that there was plenty of mica around. This mica, however, was of a
different chemical composition.
The Olmecs combined tens of thousands of tones of blocks of rock with thousands of tones of greenish
gemstone that is currently called serpentine. In all the cases, the smaller charge was placed in greater
charge and it created a similar energetic situation for the structure to the one of the Great Pyramid.
Also, the conclusion that pyramids were used as tombs for the pharaohs cant be convincing, because
the actual tombs were places in Niles meander in a region of energetic concentration in the Valley of
Kings. Its also similarly misleading if we treat all the pyramids individually. The complexes of
pyramids were built as a whole from the energetic point of view and therefore they must be looked at in
this way. The facts that every monarch built a pyramid in his life (one has even built three) and that
every pyramid had different dimensions hints us that the monarchs were looking for something. They
fumbled. What could they have been searching for when different amounts of matter accumulate
different amounts of energy? Probably, they were trying to find the optimal amount of energy needed
for human health or something similar.
The static electricity looks like a common denominator of all the energetic structures of ancient times
and thereafter. I suppose that it would be very beneficial to do further research in this direction.



Its generally accepted that static electricity is created by friction of two materials of different
conductivity. Probably the greatest energetic sources on the Earth are water flows, where static
electricity forms by friction of water molecules and the rock or other surroundings.
The energetic parts (aura, zones, interzones) of underground springs, streams, rivers, large streams,
ocean streams and the surf, create a great 3 dimensional raster on the Earth, whichs conducting parts
are in interaction with parts of thunderstorm clouds and other charges. Due to the changes in the flow of
water streams and the movement of thunderstorm clouds, all three parts of static electricity are in
constant movement during which they spontaneously fill the energy of fauna and flora.
The plain of Nazca could therefore be called without exaggeration The console of ancient times.
Uncountable lines here document zones of great sources of static electricity of that time. At , Chapters /2003 / 3 Diagrams /No. 3, I prove the conductivity of zones
by experiment. Regulated water flows under the plain connected the individual zones and directed the
energy into a different place. A similar interconnection of zones of the greatest sources of static
electricity the sea currents, could be simulated with high capacitance capacitors. If you type SHC in
GOOGLE under pictures youd find a view of a room with a toilet and with a calf and a foot of
womens leg. Its a classic example of the conductivity of the zones of static electricity. The zones of
the flowing water in the flushing pipes made an interconnection with energetically greater zones of the
energetic raster.
We can find easily why ancient cultures situated megaliths inside river curvatures and meanders.
Firstly, we draw a water flow and its energetic components in a straight direction. If this straight
direction is bent the zones and interzones get denser on the inner side of the bend and therefore the
energetic concentration is greater. A similar effect is found by structures of circular or ellipsoidal
ground plan and also by spheres and domes.
Mr. Mgr. Petr Beneovsk from constructional faculty in Brno ( wrote:
Static electricity that is created by various processes inside of buildings poses a certain risk of damage
to products, appliances and the health of the personnel. I agree to his statement and I can supplement it.
The source of static energy for the charges in buildings is mainly the size of its matter and the specific
weight of the material. Its created in the same way as with megalithic structures. The matter of the
structure acquires energy from zones of static electricity that cross it. Its also important whether or not
the structure was built in an energetic place (where zones cross) and whether or not its properly
grounded. Another outer source is windy weather. Friction of air molecules with the matter of the
structure also produces static electricity. The inner sources, which further increase the charge of the
building, could be: all the metals, water flowing in pipes of a heating system, electrical wiring, all the
electrical appliances, fires and other sources. If a human lives in these surroundings, especially if he or
she sleeps at home on a metal bed, he or she may easily get too much energy, which may negatively
affect his or her thinking due to an increased charge on brain cells. Im describing the results that may
follow at
Its not possible to measure the charge on cellular membranes as humans have something like the
stabilization Zengers diode built in the electronics of their body. The aura may be increased only up to
110cm in radius and I cant explain what energetic process follows after that has been reached.
I just now that its further increasing, which can be experimentally proved with groups of capacitors
charged to 300V, when every single person that took part had to immediately stop doing these
experiments due to health anomalies. Other proofs of this are for ex. Crazy dancesor SHC.


It cant be doubted that the greatest natural force the static electricity affects other fields as well.
During my experiments I have found that some bacteria die when in contact with greater charges of
static electricity. I havent continued doing these experiments because there are many kinds of bacteria
and learning to distinguish them would have been very difficult for me, since Im educated as the main
technician. The other reason is that Im 78 years old and many of these experiments havent done any
good to my health. I was surprised that some techniques of wizards and medicine-men could be revived
by means of static electricity.
I cant stop believing that future generations will laugh at burning coal in power stations if the
inexhaustible energy of the oceans could be gained much more easily. I think that it would be very
beneficial to devote more space to almost unknown static energy in research. Its hiding many mysteries
to us.
New knowledge, which came out of our research, furthers the fact that static electricity is created by
friction of two different materials. This fact could be proved by an easy experiment that can be done by
using a rock and a vent. It can be seen on the photograph that I used two granite cubes by which I
simulated a balanced rock in a way that I placed a pencil between them. The following experiments
proved that the wind together with the granite cube produces static electricity, which the rock
accumulates in its matter. The radius of aura of the test cube was 50cm. The radius of aura increased by
50% after the balanced rock was pushed onto its front side. By repeating this experiment, it was
proved that any, even small, movement of the rock causes the same energetic effect. I recorded the same
result when I used a granite sphere instead of a cube, but I gained another new piece of knowledge. The
shape of a sphere of lower mass produces more energy than the shape of a cube. This explains the
construction of spherical rocks (balls) in Costa Rica and in other places. This interesting and easy to do
experiment could easily be repeated and it wont be less interesting to use different material instead of
the rock.
Without these new pieces of knowledge I described the function of balanced rocks wrongly and the
proper explanation is as follows:
Balanced rocks are being situated in windy and energetic places (the crossing of zones), their
swinging motion caused by the wind increases their energy.
I think that this properly explains the hard work that people must have done to make sure that
balanced rocks would swing. The mystery of balanced rocks could therefore be explained in this way,
but a new, much greater mystery has arisen: What causes the change in the charge during the
motion of the material. It wont be easy to find the answer. Further not yet known properties of static
electricity will probably give us some hints.
The friction of wind with any material increases the static electricity charge this can have a great
influence for ex. on the increasing number of car accidents. The greater the speed the greater the
friction of air with the material of the car and the greater total charge, whose component is the driver
as well.
At I describe the negative effect on brain cells when there is an
energetic overcharge. The wind is an energy source for all matter, including fauna and flora. The energy
of wind also accumulates in buildings, which is then transferred to people. The effect of wind on the
environment will become a long term debate for many sciences.


The properties of static electricity that have been unknown up to our experiment will make it possible to
find the answer on many other not yet explained phenomena, for example the energy of Sargasso see.
Static electricity influences the oceans as well. The Gulf Stream is eighty kilometers wide in its
narrowest place and it moves at a speed of up to six and a half kilometers per hour. It flows from the
Gulf of Mexico around the north American coast and then across the northern Atlantic and it creates
mild climate in northern Europe. The Gulf Stream with its speed of 200 km per day is the fastest ocean
stream circulating in the northern Atlantic Ocean. Deep under the Gulf Stream there is a stream of cold
water that flows in the other direction.
These streams are propelled mostly by wind, the friction of wind with water surface and the
friction of the lower stream with the sea bed produces enormous amounts of static electricity in an
area of tens of thousands of square kilometers. The effect of different densities of sea water is also
not negligible. We know from school that cold water has greater density than warm water so it descends
while warm water ascends. Near the poles, cold water therefore sinks and flows under the ocean
surface in an opposite direction along the same path towards the equator, where it emerges to replace
warm water, which is transported towards the poles by surface streams. The streams are affected by
islands and by the shape of coasts of continents they are bent or divided into independent branches.
But overall there is a rule that great streams regularly whirl around various ocean basins. These whirls
and whirlpools are affected by the rotation of the Earth (Coriolis force) and move anticlockwise in the
northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
A long time ago I was shown a picture by professor Kahuda of a half naked old man who was sitting
on the ground and was looking in front of himself. There was snow everywhere and only about one
meter around him there was no snow. Professor Kahuda verified that this man has been sitting like this
for quite a long time without eating anything. I visualized this fact when I read that eels roe float in the
water for much longer time then roe of other fish and they develop without any food. To do this they
probably gain the energy needed from a place with great energetic concentration in the same way as the
old man in India.
A similar place is located in the Gulf Stream at the same latitude as the Canadian peninsula Nova
Scotia, where the great concentration of energy of the ocean stream is augmented even more by
the effect of bends, meanders and whirls. Its probable that eels breeding grounds are located in
these areas. If this information is confirmed and if we can find it in other places than where
congers breed, we can also find an optimal energetic value, which could be used in health service.


In the replies to my articles I get doubts especially regarding the fact that such weighty knowledge
would escape the attention of science. Unfortunately it has happened


There are many circular rocks around the globe, which are talked about as astronomical calendars to
determine the times of solstice or places for ritual ceremonies. The oldest one had been built in Nabta
Playa two thousand years before the first Egyptian pyramid was built.
In order to situate the circular structure into an energetic place it was necessary to know the properties
of static electricity. Former architects must have known that any amount of matter creates a charge,
which produces zones and interzones as well as aura. They must also have known that zones create a
3dimensional conducting raster above the Earth (ether), which creates higher energetic concentration in
places, where the zones cross. This place was then selected as the center of the circular structure. The
accumulated energy of the rocks that was bordering the aura was increasing charge inside the circle. In
some places, the circle was marked only by small stones or only by a groove in the terrain. In these
cases it wasnt necessary to manipulate with the energy but only mark the border of the energetic place.
The circular structures were used for increasing the energy of bodies but could have also been used for
ritual purposes.
Constructors of the circular structures must have known other properties of static electricity as well, for
ex. that individual charges interconnect into one common charge when their auras are in contact, but
also that energetically greater charge spontaneously transfers energy to a charge with smaller energetic
value. The people that were gathered inside of the circular structure had a common charge that was
equal to the sum of charges of all the people present. In order for this common charge to gain energy
from the matter of the structure, the charge of the circular structure must have had greater energetic
value. For smaller amounts of people, menhirs, balanced rocks, dolmens, mounds and other structures
were built in the energetic places.
Further properties of the charge of static electricity are hidden in the horizontally placed rocks of the
very famous circular structure called Stonehenge, which were imported from a great distance even that
there was a great amount of rock in the close vicinity from which the vertical rectangular parts were
built. Similar combinations of rocks of different chemical composition are also found at other
structures, for ex. Machu Picchu, the pyramids and many others. It may be logically deducted from this
fact that the energy that is transferred via matter is affected by its chemical composition. Ive noticed
these combinations of charges in my past experiments, but I havent put a great attention to them. Its
necessary to repeat these experiments with different values, in greater sizes and more often.

If I used to present the static electricity as cosmic energy, I was afraid to use the term antigravity in
connection with it, because science never took this unknown cosmic energy seriously. But its different
with the not so known greatest natural force the static electricity. It is a part of every matter and its
necessary to respect it. But the statement What we dont know, we cant judge is very appropriate
here. Its necessary to get to know everything properly.
Zahi Hawass states in his book The Pyramids the following: Some graves are deeply dag and
covered with rectangular blocks of rock that are as large as a few freight train coaches or small houses.
In Baal beck there are two cubic rectangles of weight of one thousand tones, the third one is still in the
quarry. A greater amount of rocks that weigh hundreds of tons that were transported is in other places as
well. I cant accept experiments where someone moves a 15 ton statue at the Easter Island or when
someone transports a rock of similar weight with a human force and science then makes an assumption
that even heavier rocks were transported in this way. I will start to believe when a similar experiment is
repeated with a rock of at least one hundred tons, which I think is a technical nonsense. Until then I will
believe the heretic sentence: Ancient cultures knew the secrets of antigravity. The architects of
megalithic structures had only the knowledge about static electricity and human force available when
transporting such heavy rocks. Therefore, we have to search in the field of static electricity as thinking
about the human force would be lost time.
There are unbelievable descriptions of people flouting through the air without the aid of any technical
machinery in history. Successful levitation was even observed by the Emperor Frantisek I. and his
courtiers. The hero of this unusual production was a mystic Schindler, who kept saying that he can
levitate for at least quarter of an hour just by his own will. The emperor chose to prove his statement.
This successful event was pleased due to Mr. du Prel. The emperor arranged for a chandelier to be
removed from a high hall and instead of it one hundred of ducats were placed there. Schindler could
have kept these if he could take them down without any help or tools. Schindler hardly limbered up for
at least a minute but at the end he was really able to levitate and grab the money. After that he turned
into horizontal position right under the ceiling and stayed there for a few minutes like if he was to take a
rest after all this effort. Finally at the end, he slowly came back to the floor.
Czech explorer Betislav Kafka wrote in his book New basics of experimental psychology, which was
published almost one hundred years ago: The properties of magnetism and similar phenomena are
limitless. In a deep sleep (much deeper than during dreaming) of a subject or a medium, either
automatic or mechanic, the magnetism could cause a disruption of gravity and levitation of the subject.
The condition is taking away his personal magnetism by at least six persons who create a chain by
connecting their hands, which is closed by the sitting subject. The thought must be unique,
uninterrupted and more or less phlegmatic. If there is skeptic in the chain, the experiment doesnt work.
Therefore all the people that take part in the experiment must believe (have totally loyal belief).
I explain this phenomenon myself in a way that the bodily charge of static electricity of the
experimental person decreased because it was taken over by the six persons. The decrease of charge of
matter will probably have a different process, but it would be appropriate to the technical possibilities of
that time. Unfortunately, I cant get hold of people with the properties required to perform such an
experiment, but there are many groups that deal with parapsychology. Members of such groups have a
greater interest in research of unexplainable natural phenomena and have therefore a motivation to
repeat the experiment and find an explanation. A successful result of this experiment would even be
just a decrease of weight of the figurant. Up to now its the only clue that hints us in which direction
to continue. Therefore, its very important to begin as soon as possible. If it is possible to empirically
uncover some basic properties of static electricity, it would be possible to be successful during further
research of yet unknown phenomena.



Golan Heights that spread over 1250 square kilometers are an important spring region that supplies 4
states with water. The great presence of static electricity in this region can be deduced from the high
number of megalithic structures. A local circular structure of diameter of 159 meters is composed of
five concentric circles that are laid out by freely laying stones that all weigh 37 000 tons in total. The
heaviest single stones that were used weight about 20 tons. Around this structure there is further 8 500
dolmens and menhirs, the heaviest weighing 50 tons and they are up to 7 meters in height.
Golan Heights may be thought of as a natural laboratory, which can provide us with historical
information, in view of research. The static electricity that is almost unknown to present science was
crucial for all megalithic structures that were built around the Earth. The new knowledge about
properties of static electricity that I describe at provides more in depth
information via continuing research about the mysteries of construction of megalithic structures with
combination of different types of rocks, for example Stonehenge, Machu Picchu and many others.
The megalithic structures had all the same function. They accumulated static electricity in their matter,
which they gained from various sources. At Golan Heights the sources are mainly underground springs,
which provide the megaliths with the static electricity charge.
The electronics of human body takes the static electricity from cellular membranes in order to
maintain functionality of all organs. The static electricity is continuously supplied by mitochondria. It
can be proved by various experiments that the charge of human body can be filled by other means as
well by staying close to greater source of static electricity, which spontaneously gives the energy to
cellular membranes. The transfer of energy is rather slow. In case of transfer between a rock and a
human body it takes tens of minutes. This shows that the megalithic structures and later also sacral
structures were built mainly for health purposes.
Golan Heights are a great hint, which needs greater research to be done. By this I mean gathering of
statistical data about all the megaliths in this region, mainly from which types of rocks the individual
dolmens were built and their chemical composition. The great ratio of dolmens to the population hints
that the reason for building them wasnt only filling the bodily energy. It may be deduced from the
combination of rocks at many of the structures that it mattered through which part of the rock the static
electricity went. Its probable that it was influenced by chemical properties of the rock, which it
transferred to the cellular membranes of human body. If the combination of different types of rocks is
proved by the dolmens it would logically point out that the reason for building them was curing of
various bodily anomalies.
Big groups of megaliths arent only at Golan Heights but at various places around the Earth. Further
statistical data from other regions would make more believable knowledge not only about history but
also about static electricity. From the economic point of view the re-discovered energy may bring
great motivation to people in many fields.


It was Aristotle who coined the word ether and was the first one to familiarize the world with it.
However, the megalithic structures, whose essence is the 3dimensional energetic raster ether, show
that even much older cultures knew the properties of static electricity. Albert Einstein said that ether is
dead probably because he didnt need this idea for his work. Ether is not dead. Conversely, its made
of energetic parts of great amount of charges of static electricity the zones and interzones, which
greatly affect life on the Earth.

The charge of static electricity comprises of three energetic components aura, zones and interzones.
Ether is made of two energetic components zones and interzones.
The charge of static electricity = aura + zones + interzones
Ether = zones + interzones
There would not be a logical explanation for the construction of megalithic structures if their
constructors did not know other properties of static electricity that two or more charges join when their
auras connect and form one mutual charge and then their potentials slowly equalize. Also, the
construction of megaliths in great distances from their energetic sources hints that their constructors
knew the conductivity of zones and knew the way in which they could be identified. The spontaneous
transfer of energy from greater charge to a smaller charge by the means of ether was the reason for the
construction of megalithic structures.
These characteristics of static electricity present only part of its properties, which could easily be proved
by experiments. Other attributes that are evident from the manipulation of rocks remain hidden. I mean
the combinations of rocks with respect to their chemical composition and the greatest mystery of
ancient cultures the construction of Logan stones. The increase of energy in a rock during even a
small move can be proved by an easy experiment. This was the main reason for building hundreds of
thousands of Logan stones around the Earth.
We would probably have to wait for the explanation of this phenomenon until physics reaches the level
of our past predecessors. Maybe the explanation is hidden in the yet unknown property of static
electricity in the same way as the explanation of ball lightning and the trajectories on which it moves. I
was unsuccessful in my trial that lasted a few days in making a raw 20Kg rock into a Logan stone. I
cant understand how people in the old ages could do this with rocks weighing tens of tons. There are
many other mysteries hidden in the megalithic age and I think that the time to explore these more
seriously has come.
We cant be surprised that since the ancient times ether has been used by all civilizations only for cultic
purposes and it has been marginalized for other purposes. It could also be understood in a way that
spiritual leaders used this force of nature, because it was easy to manipulate people with it. Its not
necessary to write more about this as its generally known that it went through the history in many
different forms and it reliably works even today.
Menhirs were replaced by obelisks and towers. Dolmens were replaced by chapels, rotundas, mounds
and other smaller structures that are placed around the world. The circular megalithic structures for
more people were replaced by greater sacred buildings of all types. I have stated on my web pages the
proper energetic locations for construction of such structures. Its easy to believe that the constructors of
these megalithic and sacred structures respected these locations. I think that we cant criticize the
spiritual leaders of ancient history and medieval times. Good leadership can only be beneficial to the
people but it could also be easily misused.
Everything was however changed at the time when the greatest force of nature static electricity has
been negatively affected by humans by creating great civilization charges. These are mainly power
stations, electric mains, cities, dams on rivers, etc. The ether that had been greatly balanced by nature
has been chaotically disturbed by humans. This imbalance of static electricity could be the cause of
natural anomalies that are attributed to other factors. Some empirical experiments show the negative
effects of ether on organisms and it cant be excluded that this has been caused by apposition of natural
ether by civilization charges. The newly re-revealed static electricity makes new space for research in
many directions.


Nikola Tesla wrote: The day when science starts to explore nonphysical phenomenona will it
advance more in a decade then it has advanced over whole centuries of its present existence.
I have been dealing with nonphysical phenomena for 45 years and can only confirm the statement of
Nikola Tesla. However, making new space for further research will be very difficult. Firstly, it is
necessary to construct a measuring device of the energetic components of static electricity ether. The
article Dowsing versus aura shows the properties of static electricity that may give a hint when
choosing the sensor. I have been trying this for years but have concluded that only specialists in
equipped laboratories can be successful. I would be happy to hand over to them my baton.


It has been empirically proven that megaliths were built for the purpose of electricity accumulation
during the course of their research. Hundreds of thousands of various megaliths placed around the Earth
make us think of questions for which we dont know the answer. The unknown properties of static
electricity that are the basic principles of megaliths create a great obstacle not only for their appreciation
but also for the progress in other fields. Static electricity is a natural force that is part of all matter. The
fact that its possible to empirically find some of its yet unknown properties hints us that something has
escaped our attention in this area.
We shouldnt assess history in view of our knowledge, because it may lead us to wrong conclusions due
to lack of information. An example would be language barriers. If dolmens, Logan stones, clay mounds,
pyramids and other structures were built across the globe, it has to be explained, how the information
needed to built them was transferred across the oceans, but also how the language barriers were solved
when it was spread to hundreds of thousands of places across all continents. This cant be answered.
The correct answer is hidden in the yet unknown properties of static electricity. But we may learn from
this and direct our thoughts in a way that we can also learn something from the people that were living
Its easier to understand megalithic structures in connections. On the island Sardinia, many circular
structures were built from boulders without malt. These were of many sizes and were called Nuraghas.
These were built in the Bronze Age and 7000 have been preserved until present day. Nobody has
answered their purpose yet.
Another unexplained mystery is 40 000 circular structures in Ireland. All of those have similar
architecture, but they differ in their degree of segmentation and therefore by their mass in the same way
as Nuraghas on Sardinia. Similar structures are also located on Aran Islands. The greatest of them has
an area of a few football pitches. Its composed of four mounds that are 1.7 meters high and their width
is five meters. All the circular structures have a similar sign: they have no windows or battlement and
they also dont have any water sources. There are thousands of spiky stone blocks with sharp edges
(suction by a point) between the third and fourth mound, which are about as high as the rampart. In our
current view there is no obvious purpose for their construction. Erich von Daniken puts these in
connection with the remnants of The Great Zimbabwe and reminds us that we currently know about
hundred and fifty similar places. I agree with Mr. Daniken that these structures need to be put in
connection. They were built for the purpose of interconnection of the etheric raster, which is conducting
and may be used to transfer information.
Every similar piece of information inspires us towards further new pieces of knowledge.
It can be deducted from the Tibetan prayer mills, which produce energy by rotation of metal cylinders
by friction of two different substances air with metal, that there arent similar energetic sources in
high altitudes to the ones in low altitudes.

In another case the Czech scientists have proved that the region under high voltage wires definitely
influences the behavior of animals. Prof. Hynek Burda from Essen says: If an animal behaves in a
different way to its normal behavior under high voltage wires, there must undoubtedly be changes on its
brain, cellular and molecular level.
Scientists have come with a surprising discovery last year. They found that herds of cattle, deers or roedeers sleep and eat in such a posture that their bodies are aligned in a north-south orientation. They have
now found that the animals loose this ability under high voltage wires. They behave very chaotically
and stand in a way that their body is randomly aligned, unlike under normal conditions. As soon as they
go away from the high voltage wires they eat and sleep in a north-south orientation again. The
disturbing effect by the behavior of these animals can be observed up to fifty meters away from the high
voltage.The scientists admit that they are opening a door into space, where they only suspect what may
be hidden behind.
I can add to this new piece of knowledge that similar negative influence of the high voltage may be seen
not only by animals but also by drivers. I have been observing an increased occurrence of traffic
accidents on a road near my residence. There is a high voltage line, which copies the road on a section
that is tens of kilometers long. Im describing this in other former articles.
I have noted this critical distance of fifty meters from the high voltage as an important piece of
knowledge and I will be checking this up further. According to my research this distance reaches into
zones and it probably follows that the zones that are further from the source disperse their energetic
The 3D raster creates charges of static electricity. This can be proved by many experiments, which are
described on my web pages. However, this is only a small hint for further research. In order to get on
the right track it would be necessary to map and measure zones of the greatest charges on the Earth at
first. These are sea currents, great rivers and also further zones of great constant charges.
It would also be beneficial to find out, which changes in the etheric raster are caused by 1800
thunderstorms that are constantly occurring and by the fact that one hundred lightning strikes discharge
every second. Practically, the energy that is released is equal to the energy that would be released in a
small nuclear war. There are about three billions of lightning strikes that strike the Earth every year and
the number of thunderstorms that occur on the Earth is 16 million per year. I think that if we dont fill in
the gaps of information missing in this part of physics, we wont be able not only to solve questions of
ancient history but also many other present day cases.


New knowledge about the properties of static electricity that make it clear why megalithic structures
were built also offer the explanation of other not yet known phenomena. The construction of megaliths
due to curative reasons is only a primary piece of knowledge. There are many hints that show us that
people of those times new some way of increasing or decreasing the charge (energetic value) of human
body. The current science presents that the charge on cellular membranes of a human body has a value
between 30 and 80mV and that the capacity of the cellular membranes is 1F*cm-2. Our medicine is
not interested in manipulation with the values of the charge.
There are more hints in history that that show us how the charge of a human body could be altered.
Other than energetically adjusted rocks these were also water springs that emerged from the ground.
People have not missed that water emerging from springs has curative effects. Such a place was usually
an incentive to establish a pilgrimage place and a construction of a sacral building.

This building accumulated the static electricity of the water stream in its matter and people gained the
energy from it in a similar way like with menhirs. In the same way as in Lourdes the pilgrim was cured
at times. But a great majority registered a decrease in tiredness, better mood, etc.
However, the energetic curative effect of water is not permanent. If the water is not consumed at regular
intervals its charge slowly disappears by transformation into smaller charges. The water keeps only the
minerals in the same way as all natural waters that could be bought in a shop do. However, the energetic
value (charge) could easily be returned to the water by shaking or by a contact with greater charges. But
the curative effect cannot be quantified. It is probable that different people have different energetic
values (charges) on their membranes and also need different minerals. Therefore, every individual
probably needs different amount of static electricity in combination with various minerals.
The energetic and chemical interaction cannot be explained yet as well as the optimal value of charge of
a human body. We are located in an energetic raster of various charges that always energetically affect
us. However, we can get closer to the basic information by experimentally obtaining a great amount of
statistical data.
We do not have to wait for a construction of a measuring device in order to manipulate with the charge
of a human body. The constructors of megaliths also certainly used much simpler instruments so we
will go in their steps and perform the identification by the use of a dowsing rod. The times when a
dowsing rod was being infirmed are gone. The dowsing rod reacts to the same charge polarity with the
long known repulsive force. The answer why it does not react in hands of every individual could be
found in the not yet explained property of static electricity the polarity of charges. It was the dowsing
rod that made it possible to explore the mystery of megaliths and find the not yet known properties of
static electricity. I do not doubt that the dowsing rod could be used in the first steps in the research of
the charge on cellular membranes. This however requires obtaining statistical data from a great amount
of experiments with the help of those that are interested in this problematic. I recommend to everyone
who would be interested in such a collective experiment to first familiarize with the articles Dowsing
versus aura and Diagrams at where I describe the technological
procedure when identifying the charges.
The size of aura that copies human body is much easier to identify if the shape of the body is similar to
that of a sphere. This could be achieved by sitting on a step and placing head on the knees. We can
identify the radius with a dowsing rod and then calculate the volume of that sphere. However, we
cannot ask people to sit on a step on some occasions e.g. when leaving a stadium. I have solved this
problem by identifying the size of aura at the chest and then assuming that it is the same fraction of the
total aura in all instances. This is reasonable for statistics and evaluation.
The size of aura is proportional to the charge on human cells and its easy identification makes it
possible to control the energetic value of our body at all times. Therefore, I would recommend obtaining
such statistical information in all situations. It can be found whether the bed we sleep on is in a harmful
strong zone or not by identifying the size of our aura before we go to sleep and after we wake up. In this
case, the size of the aura could greatly be influenced by a metal bed. It would also be interesting to
identify the aura of passengers in various vehicles before and after the ride (or flight) as well as before
and after visiting a place where many people meet together. Everyone would be surprised what alcohol
does with the energetic of a human body even a long time after its consumption. It will not be less
interesting to observe the aura on people that are addictive to nicotine, alcohol, drugs, by gamblers,
homeless people, people affected by some long term illness (I have an information from a cancerologist
that his most severely affected patients have aura of 15cm radius), etc. The information obtained could
also be specified by including the information about sex (man or woman) and the age.
It will not be easy to approach the knowledge of ancient cultures about which we have had a wrong
view. However, we can expect surprising results from further research.


Over more than twenty years, I have realized hundreds of experiments, which were mostly motivated by
trying to uncover the reasons and causes of not always convincingly explained working activities of
ancient civilizations. In these experiments, I came to the conclusion that many activities of ancient
prehistoric cultures were clearly motivated by the desire to exploit knowledge about the attributes of
static electricity. Even in academic publications, I found no information on the range of the found
properties of static electricity. It cannot be therefore excluded that they have never been published. For
this reason, I admit it might be an entirely new knowledge.
Four probably yet unpublished properties of static electricity showed on the theme of implementation of
many megalithic and religious structures. Many often seemingly useless construction activities of our
ancestors could not be convincingly and logically explained without the connection with these new
findings of the properties of static electricity. Historians and archaeologists have often helped
themselves out by saying that the motivation for constructing many buildings in our history was based
solely on a "ritual" or "calendar reason". All researchers and scientists who "dared" linking knowledge
of ancient cultures with modern knowledge of the physical energies were often ridiculed by generally
accepted capacities and rendered as being textbook ignorants. The four properties of static electricity
introduced are however far from a total explanation of all yet difficult to explain mysteries of our
history. In some cases, the new knowledge about the properties of matter in connection with a charge of
static electricity provides only partial explanation to the historical mysteries, which suggests that there
can be many more unidentified properties of static electricity.
There is no doubt that there is an incorrect interpretation of certain parts of history in connection with
the explanation of the motives for constructing many complex, but even the simplest of old buildings. It
is therefore necessary to examine the question of logical reasons for building the constructions in
context with new physical knowledge, which demonstrates that "knowledge" of ancient and extinct
cultures surpassed the knowledge of modern history. The "ritual dogmas" will need to be replaced by
new energy knowledge. This will create a real picture of the evolution of world cultures as well as a
"springboard" for further research in some historical periods.
However, there are the already mentioned "scientific" obstacles that discourage many that are interested
in modern research. These obstacles that psychologically bind the thinking of many researchers that are
eager for truth are the skeptics. The skeptics, in an effort to stand out, which they cannot achieve in a
different field of science, serve as scientific inquisitors. Being a skeptic is very easy as skeptics always
respond to new ideas by saying "Everything that cannot be put in context with known facts cannot be
assessed." They refuse to respect the fact that all new findings were found behind the edge of known
facts in most cases.
I was saddened, for example, when the skeptics in the Czech Republic attached an erratic boulder to
Erich von Daniken. Even if Daniken did not bring any revolutionary ideas in his work, he would have
done more for the promotion of history than all the Czech inquisitional skeptics combined. Daniken
inspired hundreds of thousands of researchers around the world by his extensive work - thousands of
them chose their field of work due to his exploratory study. And last but not least, after centuries of
neglect many historical monuments that were described by Daniken are now cracking under the
pressure of curious tourists. Daniken fully described the megalithic culture in his writings.
Literary works by Erich Daniken are well above the writings of other authors, who constantly repeat
pieces of information that have already been published many times. I have studied all the writings of
Erich Daniken and I can say that I gained more knowledge about the megaliths from his literature than I
would have received by personal visits to the places described. There are more such cases, which I will
not address here. I regard the erratic boulder given to Erich Daniken as the worst injustice.

Skeptics could not have objected to the way Mr. Daniken describes the megalithic culture, but they
likely just disagreed with his opinion that it could not have been created by a textbook type
civilization and that ancient cultures received the information from some advanced cultures from outer
space. And here is the discord, skeptics recognize the current interpretation of history, Mr. Daniken, as
well as many logically thinking people, does not. It does not matter where the ancient cultures received
the information. The fact is that they must have obtained it somewhere. The view of Mr. Daniken that
ancient cultures may have obtained the information from space cannot be assessed in any other way
then as a creative idea. Any doubts about the astronauts from other planets can encourage others to
think about other explanations. The essence of the literary work of Mr. Daniken is not just getting the
source of information, but it is the whole megalithic culture. Reacting to the opinion of Mr. Daniken by
granting him an erratic boulder seems amateur and inappropriate. People expect from scientists that
they will scientifically and properly reason their decision.
If skeptics think that people used to build thousands of megaliths all over the world for ritual and
calendar purposes (as is currently mentioned in history) they only compromise themselves in the same
way as archaeologists do. Unless it is explained what tools were used to machine the hardest diorite
rock, unless it is experimentally demonstrated that it is possible to transport a block of rock weighing
one thousand tons to a distance of two kilometers solely by the use of pulling and ropes, unless it is
explained how people communicated with each other when they built the same types of megalithic
structures around the world the account of Mr. Daniken cannot be clearly and categorically questioned.
In this case, the purposely formulated assumption proposed by the skeptics by granting Erich von
Daniken an erratic boulder stated exactly the opposite. They reached a phase where public begun to
question statements given by the skeptics.
The new knowledge about static electricity resulting from the research of megaliths seems like a great
hint not only for the research of ancient cultures but also for several other fields. In addition, we can
expect further findings of the unknown properties of static electricity.
I remind the importance of the four attributes of static electricity, which I describe in dozens of articles
1 - Each material has a charge with three energy components (aura, zones, and interzones).
2 - When auras of two or more charges come into contact they merge into one common charge with
common energy components.
3 By merging charges into a joint charge, there is a gradual equalizing of their energetic potentials.
4 - During the equalizing of energetic potentials there is also a transfer of chemical properties.


The yet unknown four properties of static charge, which were verified and proved by many experiments
during an empirical research, explain not only the grouping of rocks in the rows of Kounov but also in
many other cases. Men made hills were built across the whole world during the megalithic ages. There
are about 100.000 of them on the American continent only. The known fact that friction of two different
materials produces static charge has not been applied to flows of water (underground quells, streams,
rivers, sea currents) yet. Water molecules create static charge due to their friction with rocks. The
charge of water current produces three conductive energetic parts (aura, zones, and inter-zones) in the
same way as charges of other matter.

These penetrate every matter and create a conductive 3-D raster across the whole globe (the first yet
unknown property of static charge). If we place a piece of any matter into one of the three energetic
parts of a water current (a rock or earth in our case) that has a lower value of charge a spontaneous
transfer of energy occurs between both pieces of matter until their energetic potentials have been
equalized (the second yet unknown property of static charge).
The charge of the mound of Kounov did not probably have the value required and it was necessary to
increase it. It was possible to perform this in two ways. One was adding more rock and the other adding
auxiliary charges. The constructors of the mound decided to add auxiliary charges. They probably
monitored the adjustment of the chemical composition of the charge of the mound.
The individual stones in the row were separated by such a distance that their auras overlapped each
other. This fulfilled the condition for the creation of the common charge (third yet unknown property
of static charge), which gained energy from the three dimensional conductive raster until its value was
greater than the energetic value of the mound. After that the lower charge of the mound started to gain
energy from charges of the row of rocks. The number of rows of rocks was given by the requirement of
the constructors for the energetic value of the mound. By adding every additional row its energy
increased. During the equalization of the energetic potentials a transfer of chemical properties occurs in
between the charges at the same time (fourth yet unknown property of static charge). By combining
rocks of different chemical compositions it is possible to correct the chemical properties of their
common charge.
Looking at the bottoming on the individual stones in the rows by small stones it can be concluded that
the place of the mound was energetically hungry. The small stones reduced the area of the surface
that was in contact with the subsoil, which reduced the transfer of energy from the charge of the row of
stones into the ground. The great area of the rows allowed for gaining energy from a great area of the
energetic raster. This is a unique and admirable way of solving the increase of energy of the existing
From our civilization point of view the technical development of ancient cultures is incomprehensible,
but only until we realize that we missed something fundamental about static charge in the last century.
Menhirs, dolmens, Logan stones, cromlechs and other similar small structures were used for curative
purposes. The purpose of great megalithic structures with an energetic regulation like for example
Teotihuacan, San Lorenzo, the pyramid of Akapan and many others that were built in a laborious way
remains a mystery.
The above stated properties of static charge explain a lot not only in history but also hint that many yet
unknown properties of static charge still wait for their uncovering.


Bowl like or pan like caverns that were dug into surfaces of megaliths in horizontal, vertical or skewed
orientation are one of many mysteries associated with megaliths. They are located across the whole
globe in great quantities. For example, thousands of such caverns dug into stone blocks were found only
in Australia. Their purpose would be easier to find if we first get to know the physical fundamentals of
this phenomenon on similar examples in present age or the middle ages.
Every underground or over ground water flow produces static charge. This is formed according to the
well known physical phenomenon due to the friction of water molecules with the rock base or the pipe
in which the water flows. After this I can continue only by assuming yet unknown properties of static
charge, which have come out of long empirical research.

Every piece of matter has its specific charge, which spontaneously changes its magnitude due to the
effects of other charges. In case of water flows and other charges the static charge produced by friction
increases not only the charge of water but also the charge of other matter. The value of charge of the
water flow equals the sum of both charges.
If we place a rock into the charge of the water flow its charge increases by an amount that equals the
amount of charge of the water flow. If we cut a cavern into the surface of the rock that we fill up with
water the water slowly takes over the energy of the rock. If we take the water away from the cavern of
the rock the water will slowly lose its gained energy it will be absorbed by other surrounding charges.
If we summarize the phenomena described above we get a piece of knowledge that explains why there
were caverns being cut into megaliths. It has to be emphasised that the transfer of energy between the
charges takes place not only by direct contact of auras of both charges but also by contact of their zones.
The caverns were cut into megaliths (a rock placed into a source of greater charge increases its charge
and becomes a megalith) for the purpose of people having access to energetic water even further from
the water flow. When this water was consumed it increased their bodily charge
This explains the use of the caverns that could be filled with water. The caverns that were placed
in vertical locations function in a different way. However, this is also in accordance with known
physical laws. The function of the parabolic shape of the cavern could be compared to parabolic
mirrors of reflectors that channel and amplify the energy of the rock into one place where the
charge of human body can also gain energy.
At present age we use the energy of water flows in much more complicated way. We visit spas due to
the curing properties of water that springs on the surface. For the same purpose people have visited
many places during pilgrimages since middle ages.
The explanation of the caverns in rocks stated above may have a negative effect on the distribution of
mineral sparkling waters. A sparkling water that may be bought in plastic bottles does not have any
energetic charge anymore. It contains only minerals it gained in the surroundings through which it
flowed. The charge of water of different magnitudes is easy to create and it is also easy to add various
kinds of minerals to the water. It can be expected that a device that will create energetic mineral
sparkling water will belong to the accessories located in every kitchen.
Like in other cases, the caverns in megaliths gave us new pieces of knowledge that do not agree with
the current view of history. What needs to be explained is who coordinated the whole action with
According to the current view of history people at different continents did not know about each other.
Even if there could have been a contact between them the overcoming of the language barrier is not yet
explained. The hundreds of thousands of megaliths that are located across the whole globe prove that it
is the end of the wrong stories.
I think that it would be beneficial if we stop making the megalithic culture a ritual and calendar
propriety and instead of that if we state that some historic realities are still located outside of the scope
of current science. This will be largely necessary for further research.
The new knowledge about static electricity resulting from the research of megaliths seems like a great
hint not only for the research of ancient cultures but also for several other fields. In addition, we can
expect further findings of the unknown properties of static electricity.
I remind the importance of the four attributes of static electricity, which I describe in dozens of articles

1 - Each material has a charge with three energy components (aura, zones, and interzones).
2 - When auras of two or more charges come into contact they merge into one common charge with
common energy components.
3 By merging charges into a joint charge, there is a gradual equalizing of their energetic potentials.
4 - During the equalizing of energetic potentials there is also a transfer of chemical properties.


From my many years of research of relationships between living and nonliving matter and energy
charges resulted in disparate findings of four types of static electricity, for which there is no information
in "physics". These new findings provide a real explanation not only for building the megalithic culture,
but also for the existence of many other phenomena, known as miracles or mysteries. First of all these
new findings will be reminded by recapitulation.
First: Each compound has a charge of static electricity that can be controlled by external influences.
Second: Contacting various charges makes them gradually coalesce into a single joint charge.
Third: After the merge process the joint charge becomes the sum of their energy values.
4th: During the energy transfer, the transfer also affects their chemical properties.
One of the powerful sources of static electricity are water flows. From underground springs through
streams, rivers, to the sea currents. This is not a discovery, but a known physical law that static
electricity is caused by the friction of various substances. The streams or subsoil water are diverse
materials. The ocean currents are an important factor due to the wind energy, which sets in motion
staggering amount of water.
At one could find information mentioned in connection with static
electricity describing the various combinations of various substances. As the most serious and also most
beneficial I think is the finding of possible handling with the charge of the "mini-cell capacitors", with
the charge of the body. I believe that there is a big hint hidden for an in-depth research in this physical medical science. I will try to conclude this briefly and explain the relation to new knowledge about the
properties of static electricity.
Each cell has a cell membrane with its own charge and it could actually create its charge. The
mitochondria charge the membrane through ion channels by the transformation of chemical energy from
food into static electricity. All the cells form a common charge with a common aura, common zones and
The new finding in the energy of cells is the fact that the charge of the human body can increase in other
ways than by mitochondria, and this is by a physical contact with a larger external charge, which could
be any charge. In cases where the charge on the cell exceeds the optimal level, the stay in the
environment where the values of energy levels in cell membranes are increasing is undesirable. A
known fact is that Indians increased their energy on their cell membranes by creating a thread with their
arms around the trunk of healthy and strong trees. I will describe another possible way how to increase
the charge of the human body, which is a simple experiment that is easy to apply.


A wooden chair is wrapped by several turns of half-inch plastic hose with flowing water. An assistant
will be sat on the chair and at approximately ten minute intervals the increase in the aura of his body
will be observed. The radius of the aura will be increasing in some cases up to 110cm, but will not
increase further, we do not know why, but the charge on the cells does not increase further. Very often a
sleep disorder is caused by a substantial increase of body charge. In such cases it is possible to reduce
the charge on the cells very easily. The method is simple it is sufficient to stay in a still and cold water
for a couple of minutes. However, even in this case, when we are below the lower limit of the optimal
charge, the long-term stay in such an environment is insidiously harmful.
Identification of the aura, the zones and the interzones is done by a dowsing rod. It is the first and so far
only step that gave an insight into the unknown voltage regulation of cellular membranes. No other way
exists yet.
It's not possible to question the principle of a dowsing rod. We know that every charge has a polarity.
Even the human body that is composed of seven trillion more or less charged cells, of course, has its
overall charge and therefore its charge has a polarity. It is obvious that if the value of the charge emitted
by a hand through the tip of the dowsing rod has a polarity identical to that of the charge that it meets it
will clash and cause a small repulsive force, which can cause an electromagnetic directional bias by
some susceptible individuals, divining the rod. This is caused by the repulsive force acting on the
charge on tip of the dowsing rod, but also on the charge of cell membranes of the nerves of the hand
holding the dowsing rod. The precision of the dowsing rod is described in the article where I describe in
detail the identification of aura, zones and interzones on a high voltage power lines.
Suction of a charge at a tip was described by Faraday as induction, but the repulsive force was not yet
justified. In textbooks it is stated that we do not know why this happens, we know only experimentally
the fact that two positive bodies repel each other. I think that in that little thing that Faraday and his
followers did not take as important there are many more hidden secrets than dowsing rod.
Demonstration of the suction of charged particles at the tip of a charged body is only described by
experiments in the physics laboratory. I have never met a finding that it works on all the tips that
surround us everywhere, such as towers, chimneys, tall buildings, as well as the largest artificial spikes
in the world - the pyramids, etc.
The dowsing rod reliably indicates the radius of the aura and the spacing of zones and the interzones,
but we are not able to determine the optimal voltage charge of the human body that could be regulated.
The current findings may indicate the upper limit (Self-ignition of the body SHC) as number 10, the
lower limit (radius of the aura of 10 cm and less - Information obtained from the oncologist) with
number 1. Through the experience of various experiments with high-capacity capacitors of 300 V, we
can say that there are many different health ailments, such as back pain, visual disturbances, impaired
stability of nausea after between numbers 1 and 10.
The people of ancient cultures knew the optimal value of the human body. It is evident from the number
and size of the megaliths or from the Jerusalem Pond ("waiting for an angel to adjust the water"), and
many other buildings. They knew the nature of acupuncture and homeopathy as well. We do not know
anything about acupuncture and homeopathy is doubted by the multiple dilution of the original
substance so that there is not a single molecule in the final solution. It should be taken into account the
shaking, so called dynamization, when the solution becomes static, we must also realize that we don't
yet know all the properties of water, the official science still stubbornly refuses to admit the possibility
that water could be able to sort its internal recording "memory". Nevertheless, acupuncture and
homeopathy have been already used for very long time successfully by many physicians without the
knowledge of the scientific merits. From a research point of view it is unconstructive to search for the
physical reasons why both of these methods of treatment should not work. It would be more beneficial
for medicine to determine the reason why very dilute solution without a single molecule of the causing
substance embedded in the water causes similar effects in the body such as a vaccination.

We should remember that unlike us the ancient cultures had thousands of years of time for scientific
research and the fact that we are not yet able to understand many physical phenomena and processes
should be considered natural and also a way to find a great help. The awareness that our culture is far
behind in many branches of knowledge that were already used in the distant past, has been sadly
forgotten. Noting this could only benefit us in all cases. Our ancestors knew the energy value of
buildings, and also knew the optimal value of the charge of the body. Although we walk on the Moon,
we still live in the houses of cancer. We can not detect and identify in any way the cause, why these
houses - as opposed to absolutely identical buildings in close proximity - have a statistically higher
incidence of multiple cancer disease. We treat the consequences, without trying to "cure" the cause.


My hypothesis was inspired by a finding of an Austrian citizen Johann Grandler. My attention was
caught by his knowledge of revitalized water, especially about his activation unit, in which the
properties of water are changed. During my research, which I described, I performed shaking of water
in many experiments and I also noticed the change in the properties of water.
In order to compare Grandlers research outcomes together with my findings I replaced the water that is
put into a home bread bakery with water that had been shaken for 1 minute in a plastic bottle. The bread
made from this shaken water was of much greater quality, it was easier to detach it from the tray and the
baking oven was completely clean after the breads removal. Also, coffee that had been shaken before
drinking had much better taste.
By shaking (dynamisation) the separated static charge increases in fluids. This is due to the friction of
the molecules of water with the sides of its container. This is nothing new, its a well known physical
This easy experiment that uses dynamisation could easily be realized in bakeries or at home, especially
in situations where an expensive Grandler activation unit would have to be bought instead. In this case
it's not necessary. This is an interesting finding and it could be expected that in further verifying
experiments, especially those with the changing static charge, more interesting aspects with other fluids
could be discovered.
The Czech TV (Ceska Televize) received a so called ''bludny balvan'' (mystifying stone) from the
skeptics for broadcasting false information associated with revitalized water. I think that skeptics
couldn't find a better example to confront. In the near future, there will likely be mass repeated
experiment with dynamisation and after it had been verified the skeptics would be criticized by many
Some of the stated findings could be used together with the research of homeopathy in connection with
the four recently discovered properties of static charge that are published at:
The by Hahnemann used potential of 30CH goes over the Avogadro constant and therefore the scientific
community believes that homeopathy doesn't work because the probability that even a single molecule
of the necessary fluid being present is very low. I don't agree with this view, where disregarding one of
many factors leads to the disregarding the functionally verified homeopathy. I am guessing that this is
not about the remaining percentage of the necessary fluid but there are also other not yet known factors.
By the repeated dynamisation of the fluid the static charge in it increases as described above and this
could give us a hint in connection with the mixing of the fluid with further water.
I will state a further example in which the basics of homeopathy could be hidden.

Millions of megalithic structures that are scattered around the globe like menhis, dolmens, cromlechs
and many more are described as astronomical observatories or structures used for calendar or
agricultural purposes by the current science. This sounds like a paradox as many people in those times
had different problems than to be interested in astronomy on such a large scale. I regard it as a big
misinformation that this reasoning is being taught and people believe it.
Our empirical research has shown that megalithic structures were build for curative reasons due to
spontaneous transfer of static charge from the rock onto the cellular membranes of the human body. I
think that people didn't know about this transfer in the past but it was sufficient for them that it worked.
In case of homeopathy the scientific community isn't satisfied with the fact that it works. It needs some
explanation like everybody who is interested in homeopathy. This explanation would however take time
to be discovered. In my opinion we should first scientifically confirm the different understanding of our
history where interesting findings could be hidden. We should more focus on the research of static
charge where we need further explanation in connection with factors like ball lightning and other not
yet explained facts.
We should under no circumstances disregard homeopathy only because the final fluid can't contain even
one molecule of the necessary fluid. The homeopathy works, it hasn't just fallen from the sky, someone
had to have discovered it. We should therefore assume that the one who discovered it had more
necessary knowledge and could therefore orient better in the laws of nature.


It's not necessary to describe the Finish spa too much as its function is known widely and if someone
needs to find out more information it can be found on the internet. The Indian spa, which is being used
much less frequently, is also described in detail on the internet, but its main purpose is hidden in the
ancient history.
The heat needed in the Finish spa is provided via various fire-places or electric heaters. In case of the
Indian spa the contact of the persons with the fire is not used but the heat is gained from stones placed
in the fireplace that is located outside of the spa area. The heated stones are carried inside the tent,
where the spa is located, in the quantity of the various types of stones needed.
Further, everything works in a way that the contact of the charge of the human body with that of the
very hot stones forms one common charge where equalisation of the energetic potentials is reached and
at the same time the chemical properties of the materials the stones are made from are being transferred.
This leads not only to the increase of the capacity of the cellular membranes but also to the regain of
missing minerals. The spa was usually built in an energetic place, which was determined by a sacred
leader. The negative contact of the charge of the fire with that of the human body could be understood
in the way that its great energetic inertia hinders regulation.
The eventual doubts about the thoughts that some sacred leader could know some information that is
unknown by current science can be cleared by the fact that ancient cultures used to use energy (static
charge) of water streams, which is not being studied anywhere by current science.
Setting the optimal value of charge of the human body is not needed only in case of the Indian sauna but
we meet this in many other examples in history. In my article called 'The pond in Jerusalem', which
could be found at, the regulation of the charge of water is described in
detail. We just dont know how the sacred leader got to know the fact that the 'angel has adjusted the
water' so that its energetic value would have almost universal curing effect.

The unknown helpful tool that was used by the sacred leader to determine this could have been just a
normal natural device that was able to determine the value of the charge (static charge) of the water.
It is probable that it could have been a dowsing rod, which could be used to identify the size of aura of
the rock, which accumulates the charge of the water stream in its matter. There are many groups that are
interested in the research of dowsing rods and they have a lot of experience. Therefore I think that these
groups could find an answer to this problem. By this I would like to invite the specialists in Dowsing to
join this research.
All the answers to the eventual questions can be find on my website stated above where there is a
detailed description of a multi-year research. I thank everyone in advance for any possible participation
in the research.


The content of my website is based mainly on the manipulation with

static charge of the human body in connection with charges of water flows. Not everyone could have
verified the identification of transfer of energy but only those who had some experience with the
functioning of a dowsing rod. This was not very persuasive. Therefore I have constructed a simple
laboratory device, which could be easily made and wouldn't leave anyone in doubt whether the transfer
of energy works.

In order to create this laboratory device we need just a small water pump (like one for an aquarium)
where the rate of flow of water could be controlled (figure 1) and a circular plastic bowl (figure 2).

The circular bowl would replace the bedding of the meander of a water flow and the water pump would
together with the circular bowl ensure that there is a mutual friction of molecules of two different
materials. According to the laws of physics if there is friction between two or more materials a static
charge forms. Therefore we have a charge within the volume of the circular bowl and that charge could
be regulated by the time the pump is left running. To identify the efficiency of the device we don't have
to use only a dowsing rod. Cells of our body would be as good. I have to remind that we don't have the
same amount of charge on our cellular membranes and therefore the identification could not be
If everything is prepared we can start to experiment. (The water to be used was in a plastic bottle, which
was placed into the bowl. The actual water in the bowl wasn't used due to hygiene). The charge of the
water lasts for several days. The procedure of the following experiments is not limited in any way. The
energized water could be drunk, placed on different parts of our body, used for cooking, etc. In all the
cases when one of the charges is greater there is a spontaneous equalisation of energetic potentials.
If you want to be persuaded about the functioning of this device, leave the pump on for at least 10 hours
and before you go to bed drink the energized water. Soon, you will realise that you wouldn't be able to
and wouldn't need to go to sleep, sometimes for several nights in a raw. This could be shown by some
other repetitive way as well and would make you realize that you would have to begin the experiment
with just small doses of the energized water.


The massacre in the US state of Connecticut cost 27 lives. There were 20 children aged 5 to 10 years
old among the people. It is not a unique case and specialists at mental problems haven't found the cause,
which would cause the states of mental disorders, yet. There could be an answer at my website based on our empirical research.
There can be many causes of mind confusion. One of them can be the greatest natural force static
electricity. During the experiments in this field we came to a conclusion, that tension of cell membranes
can be regulated by extreme effects. The following findings showed that increasing of the tension of cell
membranes can cause various health disorders, some of which can cause permanent damage to
Another cause of mind confusion can be explained by the buildings of ancient history which were built
for curative purposes. Functions of millions of stone structures, particularly logan stones, all over the
world were not scientifically justified yet. The fact, that contemporary science cannot explain these
buildings because of the lack of required information, should raise increased interest in research in this
field. Abasing the ancient civilizations to the level of stone axe seems undignified to me, because we
will be forced to learn a lot from them.
Four previously unknown properties of static electricity, which we introduce on our website, make it
possible to move forward in history research, but a considerable amount of overlapping branches of
science requires intensive coordination.
If mind confusion was the cause of the massacre in the US state of Connecticut, it is necessary to
consider that similar incidents can happen due to the same reason, and intentional misuse cannot be
Research of manipulation of cell membranes tension showed that the increase in cell membranes
tension can cause various health anomalies. Another finding was that this increase can be brought about
by natural effects.

I do not recommend to instigate such situations, on the contrary we have to examine them carefully.
There are many examples, such as - a motorist enters the opposite lane on a clear part of a road and
frontally collides with another vehicle. This does not always have to be micro sleep, but a mind
confusion caused by external factors which are everywhere around us.
I have been occupying myself with these issues for many years and I explain everything on It is approximately 50 pages and everyone who would show more interest in
further research, I would recommend them to carefully read and examine mentioned website.


Anyone who is even marginally acquainted with the pictorial history of ancient Egypt saw the
frequently on papyrus displayed figure of Pharaoh, who holds in his hands "something" of metal that
resembles a Christian cross. The cross is like a Christian cross but at first sight is very different. The
cross was held at peak by a Pharaoh at an oval thread, through which the fingers of Pharaoh went.
Many theories tried to explain the Nile cross (Ankh), the most famous symbol of ancient Egypt. Some
appear to be at first glance amusing; others are a bit more credible. But the reality is that the secret of
the Cross "thread" has not been explained.
It often happens that under the guise of searching for remote unknown facts people overlook some basic
concepts that are at their fingertips. The desire to detect complex mystic solutions guided many scholars
of simple paths while they were tying to solve something almost impossible. In the case, we need to
remember the most basic physical principles and laws.
By doing repeated attempts I verified and proved subsequently the fact that prepared the Nile cross off
his millennial secrets. I realized soon any "live" blood in the vessels is the same as a conductor and
forms something like a primary thread on the Ankh cross, electrically conductive, while the skin and
blood vessel walls are insulators, a kind of insulation around the wire (vessels). The total length of
blood vessels in the body of the average man reaches an impressive 96 million meters and therefore
Pharaoh's fingers around the thread produced by vascular a secondary coil is several kilometers long,
along with a threaded tip, created from the perspective of Electro physics kind of transformer, which
points out from the body of Pharaoh into space. The tip of the transformer can be described by the
known physical law defining the essence of the phenomenon of "suction tip" energy from the
surrounding area to either acquire and transform into the body of Pharaoh or out of the body of Pharaoh
-this simple device is capable of reducing an excess of energy in Pharaoh's body and therefore emit this
harmful energy in the opposite direction into space.
People who can acquire more energy can easily send it through the Nile Corss to pass on to another
person, animal, plants, or any weaker charges.
Ancient Egyptian Ankh Cross is also able to function in other circumstances. A remarkable
phenomenon is recorded at, Article 3 - Diagrams, No.3, Iron and stone
- rock acquired static charge from a metal and the metals power have not diminished.

For ease of explanation I can recommend to familiarize yourself with the content of the Article called
Diagrams, where detailed movements of static electricity are described.
The Nile Cross is a sort of a transformation antenna that is able to mediate transport of static charge and
is completely indifferent in relation to the composition of homogeneous or heterogeneous materials.
The picture depicts the movement of static charge through the Nile Cross from metal to rock, which is
in the shape of a sphere. In this case, I could still prove interesting that, although the sphere has the
smallest surface in relation to its volume, the shape of balls absorbs more energy than other forms of the
same volume and weight.
The possibility of energy transfer to the body, and vice versa, can be described as a basic knowledge.
Whether the level of energy for our bodies is optimal, insufficient or excessive remains unanswered.
Certainly its not a direct proportionality - the more, the better. Excessive intake of energy can cause
negative health effects, which are mentioned on the website. Suppose that the value of optimal amount
of physical energy would result from the knowledge of other yet unknown properties of static charge. A
theory can not exclude the possibility that no ideal level of electric charge in our bodies exists. It is
possible that our organisms together with their physical hub by using the Nile Cross in hand only
adjusts the size of the charge to that of the country below. Our entire planet does have a negative
charge, but on certain sections that are not far apart the magnitude of this "negative charge" is
significantly different. It is therefore possible that a physical hub (the Nile Cross) causes something
similar to that when the pressure is balanced inside the body of a sinking diver. The Nile cross in the
hand of a Pharaoh, therefore, may only be disposing the physical energy disproportion with the
environment and harmonize the status and size of the body charge of Pharaoh and the surrounding
country, from which all the civilized people are stripped by their shoes, which, unlike bare feet, will not
let even a very low voltage transients, and hence equalize the energy states between the body and the
ground below.
If any reader - like me plans to experiment with the size of the charge on himself, I strongly advise
that should any health anomalies occur (such as back pain, hand tremors, impaired vision, unsteadiness,
etc.) that they immediately interrupt their experiments.


Movements of static charge between materials takes place spontaneously, in all cases, the charges
equalize or the material with the greater charge gives charge to the less charged material. This
sometimes occurs as an immediate discharge and sometimes its very slow, but in all cases this goes on
until the settlement of the value of their energy potentials. The human body and basically every living
substance has charge. Each cell is from a physical point of view also a bearer of electric charge.
Therefore, in some cases the energy in our bodies goes away spontaneously, in other cases, it is
obtained spontaneously. How this happens during various different circumstances is mentioned at
It follows that we live in an environment where this little known factor the static charge - can be
harmful in excess, while in other cases, it may be beneficial to our health. The electrons from the
external world can subtly manipulate the processes going on in our body. In case of an absence or on
the other hand an excess it may interfere with body immunity, and may also cause health complications.
Current medicine does nothing to address the value of the charge of our body. It actually does not deal
with the amount of charge on our cells, of which our body is composed. Doctors remove only the
consequences of a possible overvoltage or under-charge of the ideal amount of our physical charge; the
causes of the disease whose nature is often in the outer harmful energy effects, are not dealt with.

Medicine, as a discipline, is not the only science that does not deal with the negative effects of static
electricity on the cell membranes of humans. In other fields, such as architecture, the environment,
chemistry, physics and other fields, the static charge changes the properties of the matter.
It is remarkable that the ancient cultures already knew about the effect of static charge on human health.
Archeologists have shown that hundreds of thousands of pieces often made of a hundred ton massive
rock, were deployed across the country. Occasionally someone would move a small rock for a short
distance by the use of towing ropes and announces that rocks of great weight were transported in the
same way. This however does not sound plausible. Scientists have dealt with this issue in the course of
history without success and the colossal work of our ancestors ended up in mysteries.
If we would like to solve that megalithic "Gordian knot", we first need to postpone the widely known
textbook knowledge and go back to prehistoric times and responsibly look at the mystery of
megaliths, which may hide some help in the same way as monastic libraries do. It can not be overlooked
that the sacred buildings of all kinds were located in the vicinity of watercourses, the zones of natural
sources of static electricity. The matter of these structures accumulates static charge, which is then
spontaneously transformed into organisms of worshipping believers. This process was magnified by
burning candles. This used to be used centuries ago but the laws of physics havent changed since. This
energy transformation process in the bodies of visitors is identical in the church buildings of stone
masonry of all kinds at present as well. Energy gain is perceived as pleasant feeling. Conversely, a close
contact with a person that is energetically weak can feel uncomfortable.
The friction between two objects with different dielectric constant creates a static charge and this is a
physical fact that has been known for centuries. In the last century, the fact that water flows generate
static electricity was, perhaps intentionally, neglected. Sacral structures accumulate static charge in their
mass - energy that is produced by mutual friction of two diverse non-conductive or poorly conductive
materials - running water, shorelines and bottom of the watercourse. The first material are the water
molecules, the second material is a rock through which the water flows.
If we can not understand everything on earth without justification and put it rather off into the realm of
miracles, see e.g. water, rock, Lourdes, it would be broadly beneficial, if we focus more intensely on the
research of the often neglected natural force - static charge (electricity), and its properties that are still


It is slightly disappointing that even in the 21st century in our era, when mankind has unveiled most
principles that govern both micro and macro-space, we still do not know what was here on Earth - the
real reason of building tens of thousands of rocking stones, menhirs, mounds and other types of
megalithic structures.
Millions of scientists from the whole world have been trying to unsolved the mystery what was the
reason and mainly - in what way did our ancestors transport stones that had tens, often even hundreds
of tons of weight. The heaviest blocks of stones in our history that have been mined, surfaced and
transported are Baalbek Trilithons. They weigh 800 tons and formed a nickname under Jupiters temple
in Baalbek.
Jupiters temple was built 2000 years ago. Archeological research has however shown that the
underpinning with inbuilt gigantic trilithons is much more moldered and hence much older than the
ruins of Jupiters temple. Who were those that could manipulate with the gigantic stone blocks when
even we marvel at their size and weight ?


The scientific literature still states that the transport of these unbelievably heave megaliths was done
only by using human force and ropes. This cheap explanation satisfies the general scientific
community only because even the most respected scientists cannot explain this problem in any more
realistic way. It is our natural human reaction that when we cannot find a solution of some problem in
our history, we rather go to hypotheses and conclusions that we believe are not correct, they however
enable us to avoid a frustrating answer that we do not even know the correct answer at present.
The mining of trilithons could have been done only in a way that there was a square drawn on a flat
surface of the rock. Then the rock around its circumference must have been taken away to free the
surfaces around its perimeter. After this, 5 of the squares of the block were optically visible and the
remaining thing to do was detach the bottom part of the block from the rock below. This piece of work
was somehow performed thousands of years ago. However, even todays stone industry would not be
able to perform this. Its not even realistically possible to explain how was the almost thousand tons in
weight block of stone transported out of the mine to the surrounding terrain and then how it was
transported almost 2km away and then lifted again and finally placed into the base of the terrace walls.
It is necessary to realize that 800 tons is the same weight as that of twenty 40-tonne tanks or 800 cars or
10 locomotives. Therefore, if someone keeps saying that the manipulation with 800tons block of stone
was realized only by the use of human force and ropes, then he unfortunately compromises himself by
saying what is unrealistic in the same way as those that believe such statements.
If some asked any major transport company to perform a transport of a block weighing more than 800
tons, every company in the world would refuse such order, because they would not be able to perform
such a task. And if anyone asked the building company to perform such a task only by the use of human
force, the company would probably not even respond as the employees would very likely think that they
communicate with someone who is not totally healthy regarding his mentality.
However, anyone brave enough to state at present that these cultures were able to influence gravity or
other laws of nature still unknown to us will at present be in a similar situation.
But there is another secret hidden in the thousand tons block of stone. Why did the ancient constructers
not split the block into more pieces of smaller size? It would have been easier to manipulate smaller
blocks. Could it have been that the ancient constructors wanted to avoid some kind of vibration?
The most probable explanation of the unanswered questions could probably by related to the perfect
alignment of other megalithic structures where it is not possible to even slide a piece of paper between
the stones. This however directs us to many other unknown connections and it is not possible to use the
knowledge of our present time.
At some scientists may find a certain clue to answer the question to the
answer why some megalithic structures were built.


The dowsing rod - Capacitor - Memory of Water - Static Electricity
One A-level student in Sussex carried out an interesting experiment with a microwave. Filtered water
has been divided into two jars. The first has been heated in a pan on the stove to boil, and the second in
a microwave oven. After cooling to room temperature the water was used for watering two identical
plants placed in flower pots. On the third day there was a noticeable drop of leaves on the plant watered
with water from the microwave. This trend increased in the following days and the plant died on the
ninth day. This experiment has been performed with the same result by the students in Sussex

William P. Kopp commented that the food prepared in a microwave oven is accompanied by a
destructive process. Molecules of food are set into rapid motion by microwaves and their mutual
friction denatures the original natural properties of the food. This results in the destruction of vitamins,
minerals, proteins, and creates new unknown substances. There have been numerous discussions on the
influence of microwaves on human health. It is also known that during the Second World War
microwaves were banned from use to prepare food for soldiers.
During my experiments I found that water heated in the microwave gains an energy charge that I
describe in other articles. It was concluded from further research that charges have different energy
values, which can be beneficial to human health in some cases, but can cause damage in others. It
appears that charges have a scale of values ranging from 1 up to some high unidentified value, which
may be the SHC (Spontaneous Human Combustion) value. Charges are constantly influenced by zones
of other charges (see my other articles). The transfer of magnitude of such charges, however, does not
work linearly.
I think it could be useful for further research to concentrate on the memory of water and unite it with the
known results. Let me give an example: A bottle of tap water is placed in or near the bed where we
spend at least six hours overnight. During that time, water gains energy of the human body. The energy
gain can be measured by a dowsing rod, which can show a radius of aura in centimetres. This can give
us some informative knowledge, which can be used together with the given value of electric charge on
cell membranes approximately 30 - 80 mV. This experiment should be repeated and an average taken,
so that we can exclude undesirable effects of other charges, which can cause fluctuations. These are for
example: Increase in bodily charge due to alcohol consumption, charges of surrounding objects,
changes in charge of the building we sleep in (e.g. due to wind friction, which may affect it), charges of
possible convective- (thunder-) clouds in the vicinity and similar effects.
We then compare our results obtained with a dowsing rod with those obtained by the use of a large
capacity capacitor (having a capacity of one to several Farads) and a very accurate voltmeter. A very
useful result would be a relation in the diameter of aura and the charge measured by the voltmeter. Both
of these can be purchased at any electronics store. In my experiment I have used two capacitors - 1 F
and 3.5 F. For laboratory experiments where the source is a small aquarium pump (see my other
articles), a lower capacity capacitor is sufficient. For higher charge sources such as a streams, trees,
Megalithic structures, sacred buildings, etc. the use of a higher capacity capacitor would be
recommended. In all kinds of experiments it is most important to obtain the results with the dowsing
rod. The capacitor only confirms the results. This may remove the shadow of doubt that is currently cast
on a dowsing rod. Dowsing rod is currently the only device that can be used to search for energy
sources such as underground springs or ore-rich locations. Expensive digital measuring devices that can
measure charge of static electricity can be used only in a small distance from the source, but can show
more precisely the size of the charge and can therefore be applied within industry, but can also be used
together with a dowsing rod.
It needs to be reminded that transitions of energy take place in the range of hours. The statistics of the
length of time it takes for energetic transition to take place as well as the changing resistance of water
could also give us some new information. Tap water has an electrical resistance of 1 Ohm, water from a
circular pool that has been pumped around and hence charged by friction with walls of the pool by the
use of an aquarium pump kit has a resistance of 2.1 Ohms, and water that has been microwaved to 80
C and cooled has a resistance of 9 Ohms. These results were obtained by using the same pool of water
and the same experimental set-up, just the water was perturbed in the specified ways. Heating of the
water was performed in a different jar. It will not be easy to find the optimal charge that could be used
for curative processes, which is suggested by the pond of Jerusalem (see GOOGLE - the Jerusalem
pond), which hides many hints like other megalithic structures. In order to have enough information to
design a measuring device, a large amount of experiments must be performed by groups that deal with
this issue and consist of specialists of various professions. I wrote this article for dowsing supporters

who can use this new information in their research experiments. I will not write more about this in this
article as all the information is described on the website given at the end below.
When writing this article I have heard the news about the missing Malaysia airlines aircraft. If this can
not be sufficiently explained, I recommend searching in history. There have been five aircraft that
disappeared together with the plane, which was deployed to search for them. This case is similar to the
one that occurred at sea on a boat Mary Celeste, which was rapidly vacated by the entire crew. The
energy of sea currents can adversely effect brain cells and human thinking.


The capacitor is an electrical component that is designed to stabilise power levelling and peak demand .
But there is one previously unknown property, which also functions as a contact-less power
transformer. Figure 1 is a bottle inserted between two capacitors that have been discharged. After about
six hours we can measure that both of the capacitors are charged to the same value, which is 32.3 mV.
This is related to the charge of the bottle. It can be confirmed with a second capacitor, which confirms
the accuracy of the measurement.
Charge of other materials can be used In this way including a human body. According to literature, the
charge of the human body is in the range of 30-80 mV. If we measure the charge of a body to be below
the lower limit (30 mV), it suggests that the there is a lack of power for a proper function of the body.
Our body needs electricity like oxygen. If the upper limit (80 mV) is exceeded, human body reacts with
disorders like other electronics. Human body can be set to the optimum value by the use of a capacitor,
but this is only a partial solution. It is necessary to find the cause of the voltage drop that caused the
decline, but this is a job for specialists.
If a bottle of alcohol has a charge of 32.3 mV, more of the same bottles of alcohol grouped together, or
even a tank will have the same charge as one bottle. This rule applies not only to alcohol, but also to
other solutions. Here is, among other things, a great help for archaeologists. No one has given any
reason for the fact that builders of megalithic structures transported rocks of different chemical
composition from great distances even in cases where a rock of the same strength and internal structure
and quality was nearer . Original rock in any amount has the same charge. If this charge was necessary
to be manipulated, it can only be achieved by interaction with rocks of different chemical composition
and also the human body.
There are many such cases, for example the sand used to build masonry pyramid was containing heavy
metals and was imported even that in the vicinity of the building there was sand in abundance. During
the construction of Stonehenge some of the rocks were also transported considerable distances, like in
case of most dolmens.

The second picture is a capacitor with a hose wrapped around in four threads. There is running water in
the hose provided by an aquarium pump. You can follow millivolt voltage increase on the capacitor,
which can be regulated by the number of threads, or speed of water that controls the volume of water
flow. This phenomenon is found in nature (meanders and bends of rivers), where we can find answers to
many archaeological questions that deal with questions such as why are so many cathedrals constructed
precisely in such locations. Burial sites for pharaohs were built in a bend of the river Nile. Snake hills
on the American continent also had this energy function.
In these energy source locations, this can be easily justified by the high volume capacitor. It is also
necessary to consider the fact that over the centuries, watercourses often changed their course by
kilometers, and many of the original energy sources are not functional anymore.
If you experiment with capacitors, which are designed for 20 Volts, I recommend working with
millivolts (nature also works with low voltages). It also works the other way around - the more voltage
or time near the charge may exceed the upper limit of 80 mV for human cell membranes. Answers to
such questions can be found at


If we Googled for images of all menhirs and dolmens in the world we would be surprised that its not
easy to find a place where menhirs, dolmens and other megalithic structures were not built. We would
also be surprised in the same way by the fact that only in the Golan heights, 80.000 of these have been
built. It could be stated that there are millions of megalithic structures around the globe. The fact that
there is a very large number of various hypotheses trying to explain their purpose in various different
ways only confirms that it has not yet been concluded why they have been built and what was the
reason for building them and why people devoted so much work to build them. We can not be surprised
by this fact as the explanation is not easy and there are many questions, each of which only leads to
further question marks.
Since dolmens have been built on all continents it shows that there could have been only one technically
developed culture that has been under one central governing. Only under these conditions could the
communication have been done across many places that are so fart apart and isolated that even todays
generally used equipment has trouble connecting and communicating in such a way. Here, it is needed
to change the direction of our technical thinking. This came to my mind based on the worlds of Albert
Einstein: Making errors and mistakes is a rightful, even inseparable part of the process, which leads to
discoveries of new scientific results, especially those that are not in the centre of our scientific attention
as these are now viewed as basic and accepted facts and true science. With time, these may be proved
by scientific results to be a large error or approximation that directed science onto a wrong track.


During the 20th century, science has been trying to put many for us unsolvable archeological problems
in context only with facts that are known to us and has been discrediting any ideas that were departing
from any known science. This has however ended. If we are interested to know the historic true, it is
necessary to come back to the past and go over the barriers of current knowledge. We come back to
menhirs and dolmens with a totally new view.
Could anyone in our present time logically think that millions of megalithic structures have been built
for agricultural, ritual or astronomical purposes? If a technically developed culture had a control and
could communicate across the whole world it must have had a more serious reason for building
dolmens, which was respected by people. We can think about it more closely when we ask ourselves a
question: What is more important to us?. It cant be doubt that it is human health for which almost
everyone is willing to devote the work and time. If we search for connections between the megaliths
and human health we come to the laws of nature that have not yet been sufficiently explored by us, but
have not escaped the attention of ancient civilisations that have overtaken us in this sense.
I have been trying to understand these problems and have been exploring them for tens of years. At I describe my empiric research in detail, where I have been trying to
come closer to the knowledge of ancient cultures.

Nikola Tesla once wrote: "The day when science begins to explore beyond physical phenomena, more
will be discovered in a decade than over the centuries of its existence."
Photographs of incredible discovery can be found online by the use of search engines. On the mountain
Shoria in southern Siberia, scientists have discovered a massive wall of granite stones. Some of the
huge granite stones weighed more than 3,000 tons and were built into the wall at a height of 40 meters.
Zahi Hawass presents a similar case: "Some of the tombs are recessed and covered with rectangular
blocks of stone the size of several freight wagons or small houses." He does not comment on it so it
sounds as if it was an everyday occurrence. Under the current interpretation of science, the transport of
three-thousand-ton rock blocks was performed by towing ropes. These were then hailed up to 40 meters
high by an unknown way. Unfortunately, this is an opinion of many other scientists and it can not stand
up to rational considerations. Since the weight of one solid cuboid is 3,000 tons, which equals fifty to
sixty-ton tanks, it precludes further discussion.
This crucial information requires attracting the interest of research students. It needs to be highlighted
that current science is unable to explain the lack of information about the transport of oversized rocks.
The Granite wall on Mount Shoria will constantly remind researchers that people in ancient times had to
solve the movement of rocks under the same natural conditions as those at present. The previously
unseen features of one of the natural forces the electric field, were creating a large obstacle to progress
in many fields.
I consider antigravity as an unknown property of static electricity, without which the transport of
oversized rocks would be unthinkable. Isolated cases of people or matter floating weightlessly have
been described in history, but are not widely discussed due to the lack of convincing justification.
There are descriptions of people flying without the help of any technical device. A successful levitation
has even been watched by the Emperor Francis I and his courtiers. The unusual hero was a mystic
Schindler, who claimed that he can raise himself weightlessly at any time for at least fifteen minutes.
The Emperor decided to investigate his claims. The testimony of the success of the test is preserved
thanks to the free lord du Prel. The Emperor decided to remove the chandelier in the high hall of the
Imperial Castle and replaced it with a hundred ducats.

Schindler could keep it if he could get it without the help of any equipment. Schindler has struggled for
about a minute as if he was warming up, but eventually managed to grab the money. Then he turned
into a horizontal position by the ceiling and laid in space for a few minutes as if he rested after exercise.
Finally, he slowly retreated back on the floor.
The Oregon Vortex is a circle that has a diameter of about fifty yards and exhibits anomalies the current
knowledge of science can not explain. Tourists are amazed when they put a glass on a slippery slope
and it rolls upwards. Another attraction is a fifteen-kilogram ball hanging on a chain. Visitors can see it
hanging "from an angle," thereby denying the laws of gravity. The sphere is swaying so that it only
approaches the centre of the circle. Anyone can push the ball to the centre quite easily, but it is much
harder to swivel it to the edge of the circle.
A similar anomaly is located in Italy near the Pope's summer residence at the village of Rocca di Papa.
The law of gravity does not work for about a hundred meters of a local road. People stop and watch
their cars and leave bottles and cans roll up the hill. Local youth are riding on a bike uphill without
having to step on the pedals. It is easy to see how a car with the engine off slowly travels up the hill.
Nuclear physicist Luciano Gelmi poured water on the tarmac and watched in amazement as the water
flowed uphill. Such places are also located in Japan, Poland, Germany and Scotland.
Antigravity is not easy to believe, but the three-thousand-ton solid rock that was elevated to a height of
forty feet leaves little doubt. I think it will be more useful to familiarize students with the unknown
characteristics of Oregon circle than having them drag the statues of Easter Island. It would be equally
useful not to try to make up justifications of unconfirmed experiments at any cost.
If you would like to work towards antigravity, it is necessary to realize the fact that the megalithic
culture went through the history as a unified group from menhirs to the cathedral, with static charge
being the base of matter. Anti-gravity didnt just fall from the sky, it was the result of the development
of ancient civilization and we have to first get to know it. I believe that to gain knowledge about
antigravity we first need to explain a wide range of prehistoric mysteries, like who was able to
overcome the language barrier and construct very similar megalithic structures throughout the world.
Large concentrations of menhirs and dolmens in places such as the Golan Heights in Asia or the
Caucasus Mountains indicate that, with regard to the population of the areas, dolmens were built
disproportionately. The answer may not only lie in the energy reason, but also in the knowledge of other
properties of static electricity. Russian dolmens are characterized by a progressive feature - the leading
rock has a regular circular inlet opening in itself, thereby further increasing the wall energy
concentration. This indicates a growing interest in research in this area. In this sense, we return to each
megalithic structure that needs to be thoroughly evaluated. Let me give a few examples:
Throughout the territory of the Italian island of Sardinia, historians have counted over seven thousand
Nuraghes, which are wondrous ancient "beacons." These buildings are in fact built from large; often
several-ton weighing stones laid on each other without mortar, and are hollow in its centre. The essence
of all megalithic structures is the racking up material over the energy space to form a common charge.
The areas around the Nuraghes contained enough stones, so they were used as a building material. The
vertically tapered construction ensures stability, especially when not using mortar - the interior space
could be used as dolmens, to supplement the body's energy. Nuraghes worked as menhirs and other
megalithic structures, but their excessive concentration has not been explained. Similar conical
structures called Brooches - were built in Scotland.
On the American continent people built earthed mounds that have the same function as Nuraghes or
dolmens. These were less labour intensive and, in some cases, there was a lack of rocks. In the Czech
Republic I noticed an unobtrusive but highly effective battery of static electricity by the river Vltava.

It us a two meters high and several meters long stone wall, positioned perpendicular to the direction of
water flow. Due to the changes in river flows, the zones of the water flow are in constant contact with
the stone wall, which supplies energy. Similar stone walls, reminiscent of landfill stones are found in
other places. The construction of energy structures never ceased. It was located mainly in church
buildings, through antiquity and the Middle Ages, and remains to our time. It is unbelievable that a huge
natural energy remained hidden to the attention of science and influenced us without our knowledge.
The Golan Heights is an area of about 1250 square kilometres, which is an important water source
supplying water to four states. Excessive presence of static electricity can be deduced from a number of
megalithic structures. The local circular structure with a diameter of 159 m consists of five concentric
circles that are laid out in bulk stones with a total weight of about 37,000 tons. The largest stones used
weigh around 20 tons. There are 8,500 other dolmens and menhirs located In the vicinity of this
building, the largest of which weighs 50 tonnes and they are up to 7 meters high.
Sardinia has over seven thousand Nuraghes, the Caucasian mountains about 3,000 dolmens, and there
are about 100,000 mounds as well as menhirs and dolmens on the American continent. From this we
can deduce that there were millions of megalithic structures built across the globe. These are interesting
data, but in order to come to any conclusion it is necessary to obtain more detailed information. It is
unthinkable to deal with millions of megaliths, it could be enough to thoroughly examine a few selected
sites, especially those where there were transports of millions of multi-ton rocks such as in the
Caucasus, Lebanon, and the Golan Heights.
By the term investigate I mean: photographic documentation, coordinates, altitude, type of local
surrounding rock, the type of rock that the megaliths consist of, etc.. If the emegalith is functional, then
obtain the size of the aura and the spaces between the three zones to try to identify the source energy of
the megalith, and possibly other information required by the specialists. Particular attention should be
paid to balanced rocks, which may have been a replacement source of a communication structure.
It is a very time consuming task, but I think the magic word antigravity could work in the same way as
the word gold rush. The prospect of high profits from fuel savings due to reduced weight of thousands
of aircraft, ships and millions of cars may cause an increased research interest in some business groups.
This will be further encouraged that it is nothing new, it is only necessary to reveal something that has
already been found in the distant past.


Exact science is based on accurate calculations, the most accurate measurements and rigorously tested
hypotheses. Added sceptic principle - "You can not judge the new ideas that are not consistent with the
known facts", creating a perfect filter, which can only pass the known facts. We do not need filters, just
the opposite, we will examine every new idea as D. Mendeleyev said that it is better and such a
hypothesis, which later proved to be false, is better than no hypothesis. It is necessary to demolish the
classic rooted ideas. Albert Einstein about the origin of inventions ironically said that everyone thinks
that it is not possible, except for one fool who does not know and does invention. So many
introductions, as well as several examples that have not undergone a perfect filter and escaped the
attention of science.
On July 24, 1956, during fifteen hours, the streets of the capital Nairobi strange phenomenon occurred.
About two hundred men and women danced on the main street in Nairobi. Dancing had a pitiful
expression on his face, as if she started to dance from one's compulsion. They were unable to
communicate with anybody. About an hour later there were twenty thousand men, women and children
dancing. Eventually, the dance gradually involved about fifty thousand people in a specific circle whose
diameter was three and a half kilometres.

They seemed to perceive anything, but they kept about meter spacing from each other so there was
some personal space. It is interesting that even older people danced and the marathon lasted for five
hours with no visible fatigue in anyone. Later testimony of the parties demonstrated that they do not
remember it and their senses were completely paralyzed, their memory or thinking did not work. It is
noteworthy that music played to the dance, but all the dancers kept the same rhythm.
Dance in that magic circle, however, did not succumb to all, but only to the people who had coins, or
other metal objects in their pockets. Later, participants feet that their bodies received energy just from
metal objects. In twenty hours all ended very abruptly, no one was hurt, no one died. It is a very rare
phenomenon. A similar occurrence was also noted in the spring solstice in the Rhineland in 1374. In
1871-1878 outbreak in Savoy obsession, changing the devilish shenanigans in convents. Nobody knows
what the real cause of these events was. Interesting help can be obtained from historical literature.
Mahabharata depicts the terror weapon, capable of killing all the warriors who carry the body of metal.
When they become aware that this weapon is to be used, they quickly take all metal from their body,
jump to the river and wash thoroughly to be clear of everything that was touched. Text Mahabharata
continues: "It seemed as if the elements were omitted from the chain. Circling the Sun. Worldwide
flame scorched terrible weapons reeled in fever. Elephants, burns, heat, wildly running around here and
there to find protection from the terrible force. Boiling water, animals died, the enemy was cut down
and burning trees felled one after the other as in a forest fire. Elephants screamed terribly, and here and
there fell dead to the ground. Horses and chariots, burning everything together - everything looked like
after the fire. Thousands of horses and coaches were destroyed, and then descended over the great sea
silence. Winds began to blow again and with the daybreak everything appeared as a terrible sight.
Corpses of the fallen were mutilated by fire so that they no longer resemble humans. Never before have
we seen such a terrible weapon and never before have the terrible weapon or heard. "(Translation by C.
Roy, Drona Parva 1889)
This information is known for several decades and I never took it seriously, it seemed like nonsense, but
only until I discovered that ancient civilizations built massive energy and resources used for energy
unknown to us. Case frogs that survive stay in a Faraday cage, which may also be the canary cage,
proves that in the 21st century, we will explore other properties of metals. The same mystery is why
bees do not make honey in their hives and die metal. Some people feel sick in buildings with iron
structure, which also have air conditioning. They make the susceptible to fatigue, headache, or that they
have difficulties to breathe.
Unknown energy of ancient civilizations is the largest natural strength, static electricity, which is the
source of various natural and civilization charges. All the zones produce a three-dimensional conductive
energy grid (conductive to energy transfer) that is in constant motion. Energy affects every charge. In
this short commentary I try to only indicate a direction for further research. More information can be
obtained from , article no. 3 - Graphs from the subsequent articles. I
understand that every researcher can not devote time to the study of sixty articles which blend multiple
disciplines, but the information that I gained from the long-term empirical research may accelerate
further research.
The last article "Anti-gravity" unquestionably showed that ancient civilizations use yet undiscovered
properties of static electricity. Four previously unknown properties, which are described on the website,
are a significant help, especially feature the third ("Contact ammunition is gradually offset their energy
potentials"). Attempting in two rounds in the lab will have the following course: one charge is an
assistant (cell membrane 80 mV). The second is a group of charged capacitors. By manipulating the
voltage at the terminals of the capacitors we can control the time shift of power and influence cells in
the body. Staying in the open air has a different course.


Zones in the energy grid are conducting constantly changing electrical values. No one knows if the zone
is currently in charge and that his body gains or loses energy. Stationary zones are produced by high
voltage power lines, which can be used as a reference for further research.
The explanation of the phenomenon of obsession with dancing, and similar phenomena are probably
hidden in the voltage of the cell membranes. I believe that the series of experiments with increasing
voltage under the supervision of specialists can produce a large amount of unprecedented positive and
negative results. The positive results can be considered as the fact that even many older people danced
the marathon, which lasted for five hour, and they had no visible fatigue. This is interesting
information regarding the replenishment of energy, not only for the elderly and athletes, but this is a
large potential finding especially in medicine, where many changes would then be expected. However,
it is easy to imagine the consequences when brain cells with increased charge will respond differently or
not at all. This can occur in the military for pilots, drivers, and in countless other cases. It is easy to
experiment and demonstrate that the energy surge can also degrade electronics capacitors.
A large amount of literature, hypotheses and links on the Internet suggests various theories that Nazca is
something mysterious that can not prove anything. A new piece of information is however sufficient to
change everything - in the Caucasus mountains there are three thousand ton solid rocks that have been
worked, transported and lifted to a height of forty feet. Manipulation of the rock of three thousand
tons can only be done by antigravity, which for us is still an unknown concept. We realize that
based on our historical information, the reality is that it will not be easy to achieve the technical level of
the ancient civilization in our knowledge of natural laws in many ways that require to change our view
of ancient history, rewrite textbooks, respect the findings that emerged from the newly-explored
properties of static electricity and many others. Nazca can not be considered as a separate building, it
is the climactic part of a global composition of megalithic structures. Zones created by countless
charges of static electricity on the Earth form a three-dimensional grid that is in constant motion due to
flowing streams, the movement of the clouds and many other charges. The straight lines marked on the
Nazca plain may be zones of several ocean currents with the largest energy values. Their connection can
easily be manipulated by flowing water in underground channels. This way you can manipulate the
energy grid around the Earth. Nazca is a monument of inestimable value, which should be preserved for
future generations and unharmed. Nowhere else in the world are recordings of the energy component in
the purest natural form, which was in its time optimal for all life on Earth.
During experiments with capacitors, I just happened to noticed unknown energetic reaction that
stimulated me to further research. The result was the finding that all matter has a charge of static
electricity and the other two energy components, which I have called Zones and Inter-Zones. At in Article 3 - Diagrams are described in detail and illustrated
graphically. After writing the "Caucasian antigravity" article I have noticed an increased interest in
research. Researchers have realized that they lack information about the real laws of nature that people
already knew thousands of years ago. Four previously unknown forms of static electricity open up a
new dimension for research.
The first finding suggests that all matter has a charge of static electricity, which perceives the aura,
zones and inter zones. The zones are electrically conductive and form a huge three-dimensional grid
around the Earth. The second observation suggests that contact of auras two or more objects merge in
one joint aura, with joint zones and Inter-Zones. The third finding suggests that this fusion of the 2 or
more zones gradually equals their electrical potentials. The fourth finding suggests that during the
equalization of energetic potential a transfer of chemical properties occurs.


Static electricity and its three components of energy were used by people for thousands of years.
Aristoteles tried to explain the unknown energy and called it the ether that is weightless, flexible and
indestructible. Throughout history, the ether has prompted countless discussions, until the time when
Einstein rejected and denied the existence of ether. Ether is not subject to gravity, is intangible - ether is
"nothing." It can not be seen, can not be measured or weighed. We can not calculate it - "nothing" can
not exist. The logic and knowledge of modern physics does not allow scientists to protest against
Einstein and the existence of ether. Contemporary physics is simply not able, on the basis of its
knowledge of the existence of ether, to accept it and therefore it must reject it. But if we replace the
word ether with the word ZONE, you can discuss the matter further. The properties of both phenomena
are identical, with one exception - the existence of zones can easily be proved. Through the Morse
alphabet zones can send and receive messages, zones can also be visible, especially under high voltage
power lines (Article 3, Diagrams). Zones throughout history have an essential role in many areas from
prehistoric times until the present time.
You can not overlook the fact that only the zone of static electricity may provide an explanation for the
megalithic culture, and many other human activities. "Caucasian antigravity" indicates to us that it is
necessary to focus research on other yet unknown properties of static electricity, areas for further
research are a big help. Sacred buildings of all time were located in places of high energy. We can
deduce that the builders of these knew the attributes of static electricity. This information has
metastasized to multiple directions, which can be expected to deliver new knowledge, particularly in the
areas of medicine, architecture, urban planning, environment and other fields.


Nikola Tesla was a big believer in the theory of ether and an opponent of considerable relativists and
the theory of relativity. But he had his own model concept of the ether. According to Tesla, ether was a
rarefied gas with extreme flexibility, which passes through all matter. This is partly in line with the
findings of my empirical research, where the zones not only penetrate the soil, but other materials as
well. On there are dozens of articles mentioned in which it is described
how the impact zone grid (ether) acts on different form of matter at different circumstances. Between
the introduction of the script and present times there are many cultures and their effects explained.
However, there is no information about the culture of megaliths. The presence of ether is noticeable
only on the millions of mostly stone structures deployed across the country.
The compelling and worldly knowledge of biochemist Rupert Sheldrake, who wanted to explain such
phenomena theory of morphogenetic fields, would explain a lot. He claims that around every living
organism there is a field that has no electrical or magnetic character. It's kind of an information bank
that holds the memory of the entire species. In an experiment with rats it was found that when the first
generation of rats was in a maze than about 250 errors were made before they found the exit. There
were only 25 errors in the twenty-second generation, which is incredibly rapid development contrary to
traditional genetic theories. But what was most remarkable: The rats in other laboratories around the
world, hence the first time were in the same labyrinth, the made only 25 errors, although the experience
could not get to them through the genetic transmission. How they got this information? Sheldrake
believes that each of us is surrounded by something that could be called a collective consciousness. It
contains all the information this species has obtained and learned. This knowledge could then be
connected also to the current knowledge of the other members of the species, or other living organisms.
This is new, very important information where further experiments could give many clues, but beware;
it could have a negative impact. If further research proves that the human brain can take in some of the
unexplored parts of similar property as the brains of rats, in it would be easy to send unwanted
information to all people on Earth. It's easy to figure out their abuse.

Biochemists Rupert Sheldrakes view is unique and can be used also for research in the field of
megaliths, which suggests that the information about the construction of megalithic structures could be
done over the whole country.
That does not explain who and how came up with the knowledge of Rupert Sheldrake in the ancient
times. I think the answers to some questions about the culture of megaliths can be found at Mr.
Dniken, who explains his views of the culture of ancient times in many publications.
The report by Mr Rupert Sheldrake reminded me of the words of Nikola Tesla:
"When science begins to explore beyond the physical phenomena, we will have more results and
findings in a decade than we had over the centuries of our existence."


There have been two accidents of Boeing 747 in recent years, where authorities did not find any defects
in on-board electronics or mistakes in reactions of pilots as a cause of the accident.
This suggests that the explanation of the cause is hidden outside of our current knowledge. I have
gained some knowledge in my empirical experiments showing that a large increase of static electricity
charge causes damage to electronic capacitors.
Similar results were found in case of people, where a sudden increase of their bodily charge caused
health problems. There are large amounts of natural static electricity charge that are created where
zones cross each other. These could be zones of sea currents, large rivers, thunderclouds and many
others features.
The static charge of an aircraft is equal to the sum of static charges of all matter composing the aircraft,
including that produced by the moving motors and those of passengers. If the charge of the aircraft is in
contact with a greater charge, it spontaneously accepts static electricity charge from the greater charge.
As already noted, a sudden increase of static charge causes failures and malfunction of electronics as
well as health problems in case of humans.
The cause of the aircraft accidents can be connected with features such as SHC (spontaneous human
combustion) or with features in Nazca plain. It is the same phenomenon that could be verified
experimentally. In summary, it is caused by zones that surround all static charge, which create a
conducting medium - Ether. How this works is described in detail at
Knowledge of ancient cultures, which in some cases supersedes out current scientific knowledge, is a
source of doubt. Many scientists say: One can not assume that people in ancient times could have
superseded our current scientific knowledge.
However, we are forced to change our view of this here as ancient cultures could, for example,
manipulate with gravity. Their research was guided by the laws of nature in a different way than ours. If
we direct our research in this direction, we could obtain not only the cause of the aircraft accidents, but
also a lot of additional knowledge in many scientific disciplines, especially in medicine.

Of course my empirical research has resulted in four properties of static electricity on detail describes and applies to different disciplines. These previously
unknown properties that provide clarification for many unexplained phenomena.

The first feature

Each matter, static electricity with three energy components (aura, zones, interzones).
The second feature
Contact auras of two or more hubs, hub merge into one charge together with a common energy
The third property
A merger charges in one common, there is a gradual leveling their energy potentials.
The fourth characteristic
During equalization energy potentials between the charges occurs simultaneously to move
chemical properties.
Hippotherapy physiotherapy method using as a tool specially prepared horses, specifically the
movement back in his step. This movement is alternating rhythmically and cyclically repeated. If it was
only about three movements horseback, we would not need to horses, replaced by a simple mechanism.
The decisive therapeutic effect providing the above properties of static electricity that charges the horse
will merge with the patient's hub in one unit, and subsequently leads to offset their energy potentials. In
other words, the patient horse transmits static electricity. It seems to me less effective when the current
patient contact with the horse is limited to a short period of time. Although this could be easily
remedied by standing next to a horse properly adjust the bed on which the patient remains longer time
I have no doubt that it is a transfer of energy, but as I mention in other instances, the excess energy can
have a negative effect, therefore medical supervision.


On I describe the spontaneous energy transfers between the hub of all
matter in terms of the four properties of static electricity in dozens of articles, including other new
findings that have emerged from empirical research. It is not easy to navigate in the amount of new
information in the sixty-five articles on the website, which combinations collected over fifty years.
Continued research required to assemble a team of specialists who, in some cases, will not be able to
build on the known facts, but will be forced to go back into the past and solve yet unexplained
If I try to explain the reasons of aviation accidents only in terms of known facts, no one will believe. It
was probably follows. The plane was leaving the airport with already an excessive static electricity
charge, which was transferring the greater charge of energy through the raster further. Even people
outside the cockpit were affected by tiredness and similar phenomena. All the control electronics is
concentrated in the cockpit and hence static electricity charge is greater there. This caused the pilots an
enormous power increase on cell membranes and loss of concentration.
By repeating the experiments, which are described on it would be very
easy to believe that this works.



The substance of homeopathy, which the researchers are still looking for, is part of each matter. People
have known the essence of matter for several millennia since the first pyramid was built. On the Golan
Heights there were 8000 megalithic structures built, mainly dolmens, some had the top cover plate of a
different type of rock. On one of the dolmens I will try to indicate the essence of homeopathy and more.
All megalithic structures were built in energetic places where the energy source is a water flow,
underground springs or other features. Four previously unknown properties of static electricity have
emerged from our research. These allow to guide research in another direction (for details on
The matter of dolmens interacts with the source and obtains energy from it. Different kinds of rocks
create different "zoning codes" that characterise the properties of each dolmen. The mutual contact of
auras, or zones of both charges is to balance their energy potential while moving chemical properties.
People could spontaneously transfer chemically modified energy from the dolmens. It follows that
different health problems were cured with different energy and chemical values.
The above text can deduce the nature of homeopathy. Its secret is not hidden in a dilution of the
molecules, but in water treatment. Simple experiment can be done with a plastic soda bottle - shaking
the water augments the aura and the water charge. Static electricity of water creates something unknown
and tempts to wonder if the same feature transfers something from the megalithic structures to
organisms and materials. The hundreds of menhirs and dolmens that were built on the Earth tempt us to
wonder if the builders did not use more energy for other purposes.
I believe it is important to note that a similar phenomenon in which there are changes in the original
code matter described in the bible EX 20.25. "And when you build a sacrificial altar, do not build it
from blocks (ie. The hewn stones), because you have him raised his (iron) and desecrated the tool you
are (ie. The stones)." It is inconceivable, but it can be demonstrated experimentally.
Today, homeopathy treats 400 million patients around the world and it is practiced by around 300,000
physicians. Homeopathy is used for this purpose in approximately 100 countries. Patients do not know
the nature of homeopathy, but it is sufficient for them that it works. It is not easy to understand the high
level science of the megalithic culture, but "Caucasian antigravity" clearly indicates that we missed
something in history. That text presents another line of research, from which some further information
can emerge.

Over the years I have published new findings about megaliths that gradually resulted from empirical
research. A summary of new historical knowledge allows an evaluation of broader aspects. I have come
to a conclusion that the builders of the first megalithic structures knew about to us hitherto unknown
properties of static electricity, as well as about a physical phenomenon called a "suction tip", which was
officially discovered by an English physicist Michael Faraday in 1824.
The existence of these two discoveries would not be functional without a grid of zones - ether - which is
based on static charge. The deeper reflection shows that the zone raster - ether - is a product of static
electricity. This leads us to consider what could have been sooner, the egg or the hen. If we look at the
fact in history, that many millennia have led to controversy over whether the Earth is flat, and antigravity of Caucasian megaliths, it appears as a scientific confusion. It is remarkable that even
researchers mind, and still teach heresies that deny historical research.


My empirical research deals with more than fifty years of work, and since the beginning, articles have
been circulated to universities, scientific departments, and of course, skeptics. It can be concluded from
the fact that many researchers did not respond to me, that they fear the response of sceptics and wait
until it is expressed by someone else. When Mr. Daniken, whom I really appreciate, received an "erratic
boulder" from the Czech skeptics (Sysifos) for the work of his lifetime, I realized that it was time that
skeptics went into research, where they could be better applied. New ideas are not in need to evaluate, if
they unsuccessful, they will disappear without an evaluation.
Everything that has been published on can be seen as a great help for
university research in the coordination of all professions. My empirical research cannot continue
without the necessary equipment, especially without a new measuring instrument to be used for marking
and evaluation of energy components.




The Valley of the Kings was used for burials between approximately 1540 to 1075 BC and there are at
least 65 tombs. During the reign of Ramesses I royal wives were being burried in a nearby valley, now
known as the Valley of the Queens.
Egypt and archaeological research that began here in the late 18th century is still underway. Positioning
of the tombs in the meander of the river was not random, but was situated in places with increased static
electricity, which the tomb constructors already knew.
How to locate such places - Aura, Zones, Interzones, and the energy grid - four previously unknown
properties of static electricity is mentioned at A typical meander in the
region has an area of tens of square kilometers and a random search of tombs has been going on for
three centuries without any proof if all the tombs have been found. I have not found an explanation in
the literature, why the burial site was located in a remote meander when there was enough place in other
places. The explanation of the increased charge in meanders as opposed to near direct flows is also
described on the website as well as how it transitions between different static charges.


This new knowledge of modern science that has been known to ancient civilizations could enable a
targeted search for tombs, putting an end to their random, time-consuming search. Before calculating
the former energy grid it is necessary to know and calculate all the multiple influences - different rates
of flow, changes of the riverbed over time, any influences unrelated to the watercourse, astronomical
and atmospheric discharges, etc. I do not have the necessary knowledge with large flat meander , I
recommend to check their properties with smaller meanders in a way that a rock is placed inside of a
bend of a creek - like a menhir - after several hours the energy of this rock from inside of the bend could
be compared with energy of an identical menhir placed to the outer side of the creek. The transitions
between the static charge can be studied in an unlimited number of cases.
The calculation of the energy grid in a meander of the river Nile can be performed in this way: First it
needs to be determined whether the famous tomb has a charge. If so, it is located in the zone, which in
both directions can be extended. Further, in the direction perpendicular to the watercourse further zones
must be identified and compared with the map found tombs. If a new tomb is located in these zones - it
works. Otherwise, the same procedure is necessary to apply near other tombs that are already found. I
can not quite fit into this article all the knowledge gained during my fifty years of experience, but a
substantial part of them can be obtained by repeating the experiments and studing the website. This is
the first step, I have no doubt that researchers will find other steps.


The excavation of the Turkish Gbekli Tepe temple is part of a vast archaeological complex, whose age
was estimated by German archaeologists to be 11,600 years. Radar and geomagnetic sensors were used
to obtain a glimpse beneath the surface of the hill and the results show that at least 14 other buildings
are remaining there to be excavated and explored. Search engines provide links to technical information
and photographs of the individual buildings. Evaluating the information obtained so far revolutionized
the history of megalithic structures and that is greatly changing the perspective of the history of the
Neolith and the evolution of mankind and its civilization. The answers to these and many other
questions are hidden in the unexplored time, which is twice as long as the temporal distance between
the pyramids and the present. Explaining the function of the temple complex will not be easy, especially
as it was built in a place where there was no water. This was the reason for it to be vacated. Scientists
have generally been avoiding these unexplainable issues and it was sufficient for them to accept that the
megaliths were built for ritual, agricultural and calendar purposes. However, everything is different. The
research must be conducted in a different direction. The construction of circular structures resulted from
the menhirs, which are of the same nature as any other matter, the essence of all matter being static
electricity as well as many known and yet unknown laws of nature.
Physics textbooks state that friction of 2 bodies produces static electricity. In the case of menhirs it
works so that one body is comprised of water molecules and the other body is rock. In case of rivers as
well as other waterways or water streams the friction between water and the geological bedrock in the
river forms a static electricity charge. Further research can proceed only on the condition of use of four
new properties of static electricity, which emerged from our empirical research.
1. All matter has three energetic components - aura, zones and interzones.
2. When auras of two or more objects come into contact, they merge into one joint, with joint energy
3. When two charges are in contact, their energetic potentials gradually equalize.
4. During the equalization of energetic potentials between objects there is a transfer of chemical
properties between them.

If a rock is placed in the aura or a charge zone of a watercourse the two charges merge into one
common charge and the rock gains energy from the watercourse until its energy value equals the energy
value of the watercourse. This also works in all types of matter, including the charge of the human
During these times, people have used static electricity, which interacts with matter and creates a charge,
which can be manipulated. They used the energy of watercourses, where the friction of water molecules
on the geological bedrock forms a static electric charge. They had the knowledge that every charge
produces an aura, zones and interzones. They used many for us unknown properties of static electricity,
where the contact of auras or zones of two or more objects creates one common charge, during which
equalization of their energy potentials occurs. Static electricity is the essence of all matter, including the
charge of the human body, which is in the range of 30 - 80 mV, and where the capacity of the cell
membranes has a value of 1F / cm2. The charge of the human body can be manipulated by the use of
another greater or smaller charge. In other words, in the case of menhirs, a rock placed into the aura or a
zone of a greater charge of a watercourse accepts energy from it, which can then be passed in the same
way to the human body, or other smaller charges. Menhirs, as well as all other megalithic structures
were built for curative purposes. I have no doubt that menhirs were still used for other purposes, but this
will result from further research.
The explanation of the electrical nature of menhirs was not easy and it will not be easy to justify their
number, which is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands. Menhirs were built on all continents. In
places where rock was sparse they were replaced by mounds - there are more than 100.000 mounds on
the American continent only. This important information can not be overlooked and further help needed
for other unexplained phenomena emerges from it. Interesting information can be hidden in the menhirs
that were built as solid pieces when compared with those that were deliberately divided into smaller
pieces. Perhaps the greatest mystery of menhirs is how people communicated their advantages and
coordinated their construction across the globe and what was the language they used for
communication? Another mystery is who discovered static electricity of each material and the fact that
it can be manipulated? Who discovered antigravity? Megalithic structures were built in energetic places,
mainly where the zones of the three-dimensional static electricity raster crossed. The introductory
paragraph of this article states: Explaining the function of the temple complex will not be easy,
especially as it was built in a place where there was no water. This was the reason for it to be vacated.
Anyone who is familiar with the contents of the 69 articles on will be
able to answer the question why people left the area. Anyone who did not have time to read all these 69
articles can find the answer in my next article, where I will try to explain, among others, the purpose of
logan stones.
I am not including any photos of the temple complex as many pictures obtained by professional
photographers can be found in the documentation the links to which could be obtained via search


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