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Mill View Primary School

Year 1 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2015

Welcome back to the new school term and your first term in Year 1! We have an exciting time planned this Autumn, much of which is based around our context for learning Where will my magic key take
me? . The information on this sheet will give you a brief overview of some of the activities we will be doing this term across the curriculum. Please feel free to contact either of us if you have any questions or
can offer any help.

We will begin by reading and exploring stories linked to our context for learning and with fantasy settings, looking at characters,
setting and plot. The children will use what they know about
stories to write their own fantasy adventures. Alongside this
we will finding out what makes an information book different to
a story book. The children will learn how to label their own pictures and write captions. We will be reading and writing poems
and riddles, and using and writing instructions. We will also be
writing recounts of a trip. The children will take part in our regular Reading Roundabout and phonics sessions. Reading books will
be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Within the
classroom, the children have constant free access to a variety of
reading and writing materials and opportunities.

The children will work through the New
Curriculum for Maths, covering the following areas:
Numbers and number systems: practising their number recognition and understanding of
numbers to 20 and beyond through practical activities. Beginning
to record.
Measurement: Practical activities to help them understand measuring length, capacity, telling simple times and counting money.
Shape: Recognising and identifying the properties of 2D and 3D
Addition and Subtraction: using practical
activities to understand how to add and
subtract. Beginning to explain and record their ideas. The children
will use their mathematical knowledge and understanding to solve
real life problems

Following the New Curriculum for computing,
the children will:

Trips and Visits

We will be going on a trip to Dunham Massey to experience what
life was like in Victorian times.

Following our whole school scheme of work, the children will look
at what
What do Christians believe about creation?
What does baptism have to do with belonging?

The children will spend time exploring the values of friendship,
appreciation and caring and thinking about how we can develop
these together. All the children will have a class job to help our
classroom to run smoothly.

learn to use simple search engines to find out information

on the internet.
learn how to log on to our school network independently
and access a range of programs to support their learning.
The children will learn simple programming using Beebots
and iPads.

The children will continue to develop their skills using iPads, and
use the VLE to access the class blog and forums at home. We
would really encourage parents to use this as it is a great opportunity for you to share and support your childs learning at home.

Additional Information
Our class role-play area for the first half term is a magic door to give the children opportunities to play with the ideas developed through our context for learning. The children will have access to a variety
of activity areas throughout the week including writing, a workshop area, small world play, construction, sand, water, mathematical games and equipment, reading and investigation areas. These areas
are all designed to support your childs learning across the curriculum. We also use the outdoor area as much as possible to enhance learning opportunities.

As an artist I will be learning

Observational drawing

Collage techniques linking with our RE work on


Printing techniques, with a focus on the Victorian Designer William Morris

As a scientist I will be learning about

Seasonal changes

Classifying and grouping everyday Materials

Life processes of Animals including Humans

sports person
As a sports person I will be learning

to move my body in a controlled way demonstrates

verse-chorus structure.

to throw, roll, stop, catch and track balls and other

small apparatus

to use their skills to play team games

to explore different ways of travelling and balancing on

body parts

What will my
magic key unlock?

As a designer I will be

investigating and planning good materials to

use for a task

Taking part in cookery activities

Making a Victorian thaumatrope

Investigating, planning and making a jointed toy

Autumn Term Curriculum Information for parents

As a dancer and actor I will be
to use different parts of my body to respond to music with a range of simple movements
to explore story characters and plots
to work as part of a group

As a historian I will be learning

Changes in living memory and beyond

To compare life in Victorian times with life


About Queen Victoria and events in Victorian


As a musician I will be learning

to sing familiar and new songs

To explore pitch (recognising high and low sounds), beat

and rhythm

To listen to different types of music and identify features

As a geographer I will be learning

Basic geographical vocabulary

To explore my local environment

To use basic map skills

Good Things Grow Here

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