Y2 Autumn Newsletter 2015

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Mill View Primary School

Year 2 Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2015

Welcome back to the new school year! We have an exciting time planned, much of which is based around our new Context for Learning What will my magic key unlock?. The information on this sheet will
give you a brief overview of some of the activities we will be doing this term. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or can offer any help.

We will begin by reading lots of Magic Key stories from the
Oxford Reading Tree series and exploring the similarities
and differences between them. We will use this structure
to write our own tale. The children will read and write
poems using fun language patterns as well as creating
patterns on the page. We will read information texts and
create our own instructions to navigate around our
imaginary worlds.

We will explore counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We will look at
subtraction as take away and finding a difference and
look at its relation to addition. We will begin to partition
numbers to aid addition and subtraction. We will explore
measures and use them in practical situations. We will
identify and learn the properties of a range of 2d and 3d
shapes. The children will learn to use their mathematics to
solve real life problems.

In Computing we will be learning how to log onto the
school website independently. We will then begin to share
our ideas and experiences in forums and blog posts in a
safe and responsible way, making positive online
We will be using programmable toys and iPad apps to write
simple algorithms.

Trips and Visits

We intend to take a trip to Chirk Castle to see a real castle.
This will enable us to experience first hand what it might
have been like to be a knight.

This term we will be learning about the Bible. We will be
sharing stories from the old testament, discussing their
significance. We will look at possible meanings and what
Christians may learn from them.

We will this term be continuing our work on British values.
We will look at friendship, appreciation, caring and love.
The Safe Place, Kindness Noticing boards in our classroom continue to support our understanding of some of
these values.

Additional Information
Our class role-play area for the first half term is a magical secret door where the children will create their own extraordinary adventures. The children will have access to a variety of
activity areas throughout the week including writing, a creative area, small world play, construction, mathematical games and equipment, reading and a challenge area. They will also
have forest school on Tuesday morning. Children will also need their PE kits in school all week.

As an artist I will be learning
To combine visual and tactile elements to
produce large scale artworks

As a scientist I will be
What materials objects are made of
Why objects float or sink
How materials change when heated or cooled

Autumn Term Curriculum Information for Parents

Mill View Primary School

As a historian I will be learning

forest School
As an explorer I will be learning
To navigate using points of the compass
Model making with natural materials
About structures, patterns and symmetry

As a designer I will be learning
To design and make a model castle
To develop safe techniques for cutting, bending and joining materials

What life was like living in a castle

What happened at the Battle of Hastings

What will my magic


As a musician I will be learning
To explore pitch
To compose music involving changes in
To learn songs and perform them at

sports person
As a sportsperson I will be learning
To develop games skills
Apply tactics to new situations
To participate as a member of a team
To develop control and co-ordination in body movements
To link a sequence of moves
To work on small apparatus

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