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School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton

Intelligent Agents:
Application in
adaptive e-learning
Review report submitted as part of the coursework for COMP6008 –
Research Methods in Computing in the Academic year 2009-2010 for the
Masters programme in Web Technology

Eakan Gopalakrishnan
Student ID: 23813172
Table of Contents
1. Abstract............................................................................................................................... 3

2. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3

a. Agents and Education ...................................................................................................... 3

3. Recent Research in Adaptive Learning Systems Using Intelligent Agents .............................. 4

a. Multi-Agent Grid Technology for Adaptive Learning Systems: .......................................... 4

b. Intelligent Agents and Mobile tutoring............................................................................. 4

c. eTeacher using Bayesian Networks to create User Model: ............................................... 5

d. MAS-PLANG: .................................................................................................................... 6

e. IMINDS: Multi-agent System for Intelligent CSCL and Classroom Management ................ 6

4. Retrospective ...................................................................................................................... 7

5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 8

6. References .......................................................................................................................... 8

2|In t e l l i g e n t A g e n t s : A p p l i c a t i o n i n A d a p t i v e e - l e a r n i n g s y s t e m s
1. Abstract
Agents are software systems that act on its own to achieve a goal. Different people have different ways of
learning things. This makes it important that e-learning systems are adaptive to provide content to the
user according to his or her learning style thereby revolutionizing the learning experience. E-learning
technologies make use of intelligent agents to make the learning environment dynamic and adaptive.
Agents are used as personal tutors who could give suggestions and recommend what to learn next
depending on the activity and ability of the student. Multi-Agent systems are used in order to create
highly sophisticated learning environments. This paper reviews some of the recent research that has gone
into applying intelligent agents in online learning systems.

2. Introduction
Intelligent agents are defined in many ways. It is a system that can accommodate new problem solving
rules incrementally, adapting online and real time, capable of analyzing itself in terms of behaviour, errors
and success, learn and interact with its environment which includes other agents, has memory or storage
retrieval capacity and have parameters to represent a variety of things[1][2]. Some definitions emphasize
on autonomy and so prefer the term “autonomous Intelligent Agents” whereas others [3] consider goal
directed behaviour as the essence of intelligent agents. According to [4] an “agent is a computer system
that is capable of flexible autonomous action in dynamic, unpredictable, typically multi-agent domains”.

a. Agents and Education

Intelligent teaching systems generate user specific content. Agents are used for monitoring and collecting
valuable usage information about the user which is stored and based on which further actions are done.
The first of such intelligent adaptive systems were developed in 1995-1996 [10] [11] [12] [14].

Adaptive e-learning systems take an individual’s learning ability into consideration to tailor the teaching
method according to the user of the system. A system can be adaptable or adaptive [5]. Making an
adaptive e-learning environment is challenging but is especially important because of at least two general
reasons as listed out by G. Weber [6]. Some of the adaptive techniques used by e-learning systems are
adaptive presentation, adaptive navigation, curriculum sequencing, and intelligent analysis of student
solutions, interactive problem solving support and example based problem solving support. Ubiquitous
computing has also given rise to a concept called mobile learning. A mobile learning [36] [37] [38]
platform is where the user has limited resources as though he was learning from his mobile device like
smart phone, Personal Digital assistants and net books.

The most important issues in current research in the field of e-learning systems are as follows: i) each
system has its own technique of gathering user information [30] [31], thus different user models do not
allow interaction. ii) Learner’s knowledge grows continuously, thus the learner model should also evolve
accordingly. The papers selected for this purpose covers different types of e-learning systems that have
been successfully implemented and tested. They use different techniques of student modelling to create
adaptive e-learning systems like artificial psychology, test results, Bayesian networks, FSLSM index of
learning styles, question ranking all of them making use of intelligent agents.

3|In t e l l i g e n t A g e n t s : A p p l i c a t i o n i n A d a p t i v e e - l e a r n i n g s y s t e m s
3. Recent Research in Adaptive Learning Systems Using Intelligent Agents

a. Multi-Agent Grid Technology for Adaptive Learning Systems:

The grid system [22] comes with features like re-usability, resource sharing and virtual organization. Using
a Grid Model Agent based artificial psychology; human psychology is imitated by the computer system.
The paper presents 17 e-learning indicators which were collected based on interviews from e-learning
specialists and based on the factors presented in [23][24][25][26][27][28][29] to measure and improve
teaching strategy.

It uses Access Grid technology; which consists of a Virtual Venue composed of the virtual server, the
virtual client, virtual server management client. This system is completely scalable thereby promoting
integration of learning venues of other schools into it. Less used systems in the grid and can be used as
storage through Data Grid; which comprises of i) Grid Resource Information Services: provides
infrastructure for storing and managing the status and components ii) Meta-computing Directory
Services: based on Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.

The architecture is based on three types of Agents; i) system general control (student’s agent) responsible
for student data access ii) communication manager (manager’s agent) iii) knowledge service (teacher’s
agent). An agent can join or leave the grid unit anytime by registering itself with the grid space manager.
Every agent would have its own repository to record and evaluate the user actions using artificial
psychology; it collect adjectives of the user; the adjective selection would be based on factor analysis [8];
of which older data is used by new agents. A questionnaire is also filled by the student describing the
service he needs explicitly. Quantification theory is used to obtain a relationship between the adjective
pairs and the case. A new average is calculated for every new request, making this a self-improving, self-
organizing learning system.

b. Intelligent Agents and Mobile tutoring

Mobile tutoring technique would help overcome two main problems in e-learning: i) getting tutored
anywhere, ii) availability of the tutor. In this system there are 2 agents: i) tutor agent - mobile and i)
teacher agent - static; tutor would communicate and interact with the student, teacher would assess the
required course material and deliver results to the tutor. The mobile tutoring system is composed of
components that include a GUI for the tutor, testing component, interactive tutor agents, centralized
teacher agent, question banks, course material distribution, etc. Every course has its Teacher Agent and
every student has a Tutor Agent.

The system is implemented using Java Agent Development Framework [39] [40]. The algorithm of the
system is as follows: Students are requested to choose a competency level on their first login i) Basic ii)
Intermediate iii) Advanced. Based on the student’s response, the Tutor Agent requests a pre test from the
Teacher Agent. The Teacher Agent pulls questions from the Question Bank classified under the
competency level requested by the student and sends it back to the Tutor Agent who would begin the
test. If the student passes the test of one competency level then questions are pulled in from the next
competency level to evaluate the student again. This is continued until the student’s competency level is
calculated either through continuous passing of the tests, or after failing one. Once failed then questions
from the same competency level are asked to the student. Only after passing the test of one section is the
student allowed access to the next section.

4|In t e l l i g e n t A g e n t s : A p p l i c a t i o n i n A d a p t i v e e - l e a r n i n g s y s t e m s
c. eTeacher using Bayesian Networks to create User Model:
This e-learning system continuously monitors the student activities and creates student learning profile to
classify the student into one of the learning model categories [9]. It uses Bayesian Network [35] to model
both qualitative and quantitative information about the student’s learning style.

Random variables are used to define different dimensions of FSLSM [9] of the student. Initially each node
in the Bayesian network model is assigned equal values, but as the system collects more information
about the student, the probability values are updated. Thus the student’s learning style would be the
node that has highest probability value. Each course or topic is seen as a minimum observation unit.
Courses are divided into topics and topics have reading materials categorized as abstract or concrete.
Thus the eTeacher (interactive agent) continuously provides the student with recommendations and
suggestions when he/she is accessing a topic in a course based on the student’s learning style model. The
student is allowed to give explicit feedback to the eTeacher’s recommendations. Implicit feedback is taken
by observing the student’s reaction to the recommendation given by the eTeacher.

Bayesian network of student’s learning model

5|In t e l l i g e n t A g e n t s : A p p l i c a t i o n i n A d a p t i v e e - l e a r n i n g s y s t e m s
This learning system developed at the University of Girona, Spain uses case based reasoning techniques
for creating the student model. It classifies students based on categories mentioned by FSLSM [9]. This is
an improvement to their previous static system called PLANG, which they have renamed to MAS PLANG
where MAS stands for Multi Agent System.

The system provides a navigation environment that has various tools for learning, self assessment, and
collaboration. The student model is created by using HabitatPro environment [32]; a tool used for content
personalization through case based reasoning and fuzzy logic AI techniques [33]. The objective of student
modelling is to retrieve relevant didactic contents, navigation tools and strategies based on the student’s
learning ability [9]. To model the student preferences Index for learning styles is used; a diagnostic
instrument that assesses preferences on four dimensions of FSLSM [34]. This system is built on FIPA
compliant multi-agent system based on Java, JavaScript and flash. Interactivity, Autonomy, Proactivity and
Learning are the main features of the multi-agent system designed. The architecture consists of 2 main
categories of agents, Interface agents and Information Agents. The different agents of the system are: i)
Monitoring Agent: monitors student activity and generates feedback, ii) Synthetic Agent: human-like
animated alerting agent that acts as a tutor, iii) Navigation Agent: organizes navigation path by direct
interaction with database, iv) User Agent: builds and maintains the student model, v) Didactic Agent:
selects suitable teaching strategies based on information suggested by User Agent. The collaborative
efforts of these agents result in an adaptive e-learning system.

e. IMINDS: Multi-agent System for Intelligent CSCL and Classroom Management

This system was implemented in the University of Nebraska. IMINDS stands for Intelligent Multi-agent
infrastructure for Distributed Systems in Education. It consists of teacher agents, student agents and
student group agents that interact with each other and learn over time. The teacher agent evaluates and
categorizes questions, profile students based on the quality of their questions, learns from the instructor
to better evaluate the quality of students; the student agent evaluates the students and forms a peer
group for the students; a group agent oversees and supports group activities among students. These
agents communicate with each other behind the scenes and facilitate student and group profiling. It
implements a cooperative learning algorithm called JIGSAW and incorporates a multi-agent coalition
formation algorithm based on an auction protocol named VALCAM [15] (group agent).

The agents help to support the instructor, students and groups of students and they interact with one
another through messages: 1) informative: for information transfer 2) directives: control or modify agent
activities. The teacher agent makes use of a Question Ranking algorithm [16] based on keywords and
heuristics. Questions are also grouped based on keyword matching using methods adopted from [17]
[18]. The student agent creates a buddy group for the student for collaborating using [19] which initiates
and intelligently informs or parameterize human-human collaboration.

The Jigsaw learning model introduced in [20] works in three stages [21] (1) Introduction of the topic; (2)
Focused Exploration: members of focus groups explore issues related to their section; (3) Reporting and
Reshaping: students return to their main groups and work as a team based on focus groups findings (4)
Integration and Evaluation: connection of various topics individually done and evaluation by the

6|In t e l l i g e n t A g e n t s : A p p l i c a t i o n i n A d a p t i v e e - l e a r n i n g s y s t e m s
4. Retrospective
Of the various systems briefed above, IMINDS seems to be the most advanced in terms of techniques
used for collaboration and user modelling; though the coalition formation algorithm is based on an
assumption that students will eventually find a compatible group to work with; which needn’t always be
true. The tests done using IMINDS were done on a very small number of students thus though the results
that were achieved from the feedback were good, it need not be the case when there are a huge number
of students. The coalition formation algorithm does not take into consideration the history of members
working together in a team. Thus to be effective in team formation, IMINDS needs some training. The
tests conducted using IMINDS also proved that the ability of students to judge themselves is also an
important factor when it comes to team formation. Thus if students have a bad judgement about their
abilities then no matter how intelligent the system is, the group formation may not work right.

Even though the mobile tutoring system is called adaptive, it lacks intelligence and the agents used are
too simple to create any motivation for the students in learning though the concept of “learn anywhere”
has been completely satisfied. If the e-learning system isn’t motivating enough, the students would never
use them, thus in the long run; such an implementation would become useless. MAS-PLANG’s SMIT [42] is
one of its good features. Nothing about the storage of the student models is mentioned in any of the
papers except in [45] [43]; where [44] doesn’t store any student model.

eTeacher is more of a learning companion, that provides suggestions and recommendations as the
students learn, by monitoring the student and not an e-learning system as a whole. It uses Felder-
Silverman learning style model, which is one of the most cited learning style models. It provides no
support for group formation, but monitors student participation in forums and message exchanges with
other students. The suggestions for improvements given are based on the learning style of the student
and not exactly the ability to perform. Though it allows the students to ask for help explicitly, eTeacher
provides suggestions and recommendation only and doesn’t actually provide answers to questions raised
by students.

The Grid Agent system uses a complex set of indicators to plan an E-Learning strategy for any institution.
The process of creating an adaptive service is not described clearly in the paper. Little has been
mentioned about the reliability and security of the data in the grid. The ideas proposed in the paper seem
to have been thought about at a very abstract level. Thus the practical usefulness of the solution is

Students benefit more if the e-learning system provides them with a learning companion than just a
Teacher or Tutor. Students tend to learn on their own and need someone to keep clearing their doubts
rather than just a teacher or tutor. The systems presented here have tried to provide a companion but
none of them have looked into a query answering feature. [42] [46] give suggestions and generate
navigational content based on student activity. Since [43] is a collaborative learning environment, human
interference is inevitable, thus the student queries are answered by the human teacher himself which is
monitored by the agents to profile students. A completely adaptive e-learning system should provide
student with timely suggestions, clarify student queries, classify students based on learning ability and
provide room for collaborative e-learning and should be accessible using devices with minimal or limited

7|In t e l l i g e n t A g e n t s : A p p l i c a t i o n i n A d a p t i v e e - l e a r n i n g s y s t e m s
5. Conclusion
In spite of there being a lot of research into e-learning systems, there exists lot of sceptics about the
usefulness of an e-learning system [41]. The effectiveness of adaptive e-learning systems has been proved
through the tests conducted by creators of the systems presented here. Thus just like the World Wide
Web won against several other hypertext systems, one intelligent adaptive e-learning system would be
known for its simplicity, ease of use, ease of enhancement, scalability, reliability, effectiveness and

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