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Kaj Mller, Chief Reporter

Report from Key Note Speech

Chairman Young, Korean Presidential Committee on
Green Growth
Sustainable green development, next 60 years the engine for
Korean future prosperity;
Starting off with a top-down governmental approach e.g. interministerial coordination, 4 % of GDP to stimulate green growth,
green growth mentor program between Large Corporations and
SMEs, to mention a few examples of the ambition.
Confirmed need for continued focus for success. Upcoming
change of Government.

Report from Plenary Session I

The Green Challenge in the Marketplace
Chair: G. French, Panel: Prof. P. Guthrie, Ph.D H. S. Woo, Ph.D J. Boyd

Professor P. Guthrie, State of the World Report, Infra.

Early involvement of sustainability-knowledgably engineers in
order to identify challenges, complexity, and to manage possible
trade-offs and priorities;
Sustainability decision-making throughout the projects lifespan, Conceptual Inherent Strategic Tactical Operational
End of life;
Risk, Resilience and Opportunities are three dimensions on
sustainability applied on projects, which may jeopardize
decision makers willingness to take on a more brave
sustainable project approach;
A browse through, and review of, available tools, Rating &
Certification Tools, Calculators and Decision Support Tools.

Report from Plenary Session 1

The Green Challenge in the Marketplace
Chair: G. French, Panel: Prof. P. Guthrie, Ph.D H. S. Woo, Ph.D J. Boyd

Ph.D S.Woo, Korea Inst. Of Construction Techn.

Looking for Post-implementation sustainability monitoring I SoWR Infra.;

Some gaps in the approach and recommendations in between PSM (1994) to
SoWR (2009) and SoWR (2012);
Include the Korean Water Green Growth Index in SoWR.

Ph.D J Boyd, Goolder Associates

Consulting Engineers must:

Regain the position as the Originator of knowledge. E.g Sustainability;
Understand our advantage of being in the centre of sustainability
knowledge between Clients Regulators Society;
Be more visible with our knowledge and solutions on sustainability e.g.
towards public, financing society, politicians.
Employers expect more than Cost-Time-Quality accuracy. Sustainability
innovation to meet needs of todays society whilst protecting tomorrow

Report from Seminar 1

Global Challenges and Industry Responses
Chair: G. Thomopulos, Panel: R. Korman, Ph.D Y.H Hong

R. Korman, Senior Editor

If Sustainability is so risky, then where are all the law suites
from green engineering liabilities?
Employers, Contractors and Engineer solve disputes in
negotiations as requirements and objectives are still loosely
Unwillingness to firm requirements and objectives in order not to
expose risk from both sides;
Innovation and marketing were mentioned missed-out efforts
by Consulting Engineers.

Report from Seminar 1

Global Challenges and Industry Responses
Chair: G. Thomopulos, Panel: R. Korman, Ph.D Y.H Hong

Ph.D Y.H Hong, SK Engineering & Construction, Korea

Excellent Case study of a 200 ksqm office building LEED
Platinum project, where construction & operational
performance well exceeded expected sustainability parameters;
Achieved by careful FEED;
Design with life-time focus;
Continues sustainability focus all through the project

Report from Seminar 2

Green Growth Initiatives
Chair: B. Jardaneh, Panel: M. Ziani, Prof. R. Cochrane, Prof. H. Park

Efforts for Sustainability are different for developed and

developing countries. What is sound sustainability innovation in
the developed countries may be far from sustainable, or difficult to
implement, in developing countries;
Simplified and fit for its purposes technologies to be promoted in
developing countries;
A Green Growth platform to be established, adaptable on
developed as well as developing countries;
A south-south sustainability experience cooperation is sought for,
rather than the existing north south.

Report from Seminar 3

Regional and Local Dimensions of Green Economy
Chair: Prof. E. M Kim, Panel: K. Miura (JICA), C.H Jung (ExIm Korea), Y Wottor (AfDB)

MDBs and other donors need better specified green

requirements and criterias for their Green Procurement. A gap to
be closed by the Consulting Engineering industry;
Green implementation can be more accurate and ambitious by
further extending the scope and responsibility for The Engineer.
Ref. FIDIC RB and YB;
Local Green Growth in developing countries is initially much about
reinforcing local institutions and their framework;
Is Greener more expensive? With what time perspective? To
overcome the possible longer pay-off time from sustainability
projects, financial injection is initially a government matter, who
needs knowledge supervision by the CE industry.

Report from Plenary Session II

Green Growth New Perspectives
Chair: S.Y.Hang, Panel: Dr. S.M Hong, N. Saab, G. Ismakova

Best environmental impact on energy efficiency and CO2 emission

go for the transport sector. Public transportation with renewable
energy. Requires long term commitments and investments (90 min);
Arab countries in ecological bankruptcy. Qatarians need 6.6
Arab world needs to shift from oil-driven Virtual economy to
Green Growth driven Real economy;
Slowly addressed by government through Education & Research,
trade regions and integration of economies;
Sustainability is a pre-requisite for economic growth and poverty
reduction in Asia and the Pacific;
Green Growth drives development of economies;
Green Procurement of engineering services is soon here.

Report from Seminar 4

Climate Change and Sustainability: New and
Emerging Challenges, and Solutions
Chair: Dr. J. Boyd, Panel: S. Elsharif, D.M Han, Dr. I vd Putte

New role for engineers. New evolving engineering project cycle;

Sustainability new barrier or opportunity. Cup Half-full of halfempty?
Exchange experiences through cross cultural/geographical
networks. Reference to lunch seminar by M. Kujawski;
Climate Change & Sustainable Development is a Global
Challenge. Thus, it requires global exchange of experience and
global solutions. Ref. to World Green Building Council
Water and Energy are the most crucial areas for improvement;
It is going to get worse before it gets better;
Innovative thinking is highly sought for.

Report from Seminar 5

Sustainable Solutions and Eco-Innovations
Chair: Prof. J.S Lee, Panel: J. Lee, K. Leverger, Dr. W. Hongmei

Outline of current Korean State Green Certification System in Domestic

and Foreign Regions;
Presentation of the Korean evaluation of Indicators for Green Roads
Certification System;
Innovations and solutions for a sustainable future is the most important and
daunting challenge that the world has to face.
Adaptation of innovative solutions goes hand in hand with environment
protection and growth of economies;
Development of low carbon economy and optimization of industrial sector;
Eco Revolution of lifestyles - educating of public on how to reduce carbonfootprint, recycling;
Introduction of policy for low carbon targets - and in this regard
engaging/co-operating/communicating at international level in support of
global policies

Report from Seminar 6

Green Growth New Business Paradigm
Chair: B. Becq, Panel: F. Swart, S. Fryxell, P. Oortwijn

A green economy takes into account People-Planet-Profit;

RETHINK CITIES. Integrated planning and design for cities is
crucial to reach our goals. Optimize both ingoing and outgoing
resources, i.e water, waste and energy. Ref to Swedish Symbio City.
Global exchange of experiences;
Employers need objective and quantitative criteria to implement
sustainable development in their procurement procedures;
Benchmark with Netherlands procurement tools DuboCalc (project
oriented) and the CO2 Performance Ladder (Suppliers operations
Green Procurement is here. WB next Procurement Guidelines and
General Conditions will have green parameters as core;

Report from Young Professionells Forum

The Future of Sustainability, a Young Professionals Perspective
Chair: S. Wilson, Panel: C. Chan, J. Scanlon, A.V Tisher

Impact assessment tool "The Protocol aims to prioritize Canadian

infrastructure based on the "Triple Bottom Line social, economic,
and environmental impacts;
Case study on sustainable Spanish rail technology including
practical examples such as regenerative breaking, and sag
alignments to reduce overall energy consumption;
YPF survey conducted on opinions within the consulting industry on
green engineering. Observation made that young professionals
are not well trained in the area of sustainability, and identified a
need to improve sustainable training in the industry.

Report from Asia Forum

Natural Hazard Mitigation
Chair: Prof. K.S Chon, Panel: Y. Aiguo, K. Kariya, H.S Kim

Applications of disaster prevention and mitigation from China and

Japan (earthquakes), Australia and Korea (flooding) were presented;
As per definition, magnitude of natural disasters will always exceed
expectations. Thus always need for more disaster pre-detection
Preparedness, soft technologies, and prevention, hard technologies,
was presented and discussed;
Natural disasters often lead to introduction or, revitalization, of
legislations and national acts;
Need for global exchange of experiences;

Report from Plenary Session III

How to go beyond green: A shifting paradigm
Chair: C. Newcomb, Panel: C. Busquets, K.J Kim, R. Madew

Private industry is becoming a more and more important

player. B20 is established and will soon be leading the G20 in
sustainability. More attention NGOs ;
Holistic view (3P) by Korean Train Network through green
transportation contributing to a green homeland;
World Green Building Council. A Best practise of global
cooperation. Created common language through integrated
thinking and sharing of knowledge;
Green implementation is local. Think Global Act Local. Cultivate
local network and governments;
Thus, sustainability and its implementation does differ between
developed/developing countries, but the latter could be
guided/assisted by the former.

Report from Seminar 7

Working greener and smarter
Chair: A. Bentjac, Panel: Ph.D Y.G Lee, K. Rudd, N. Bhojoram

Case study from new green business. Incheon Intl Airport Seoul are
training 14 external airports in green operations;
Carbon Neutral Program internal sustainability program by a
Canadian Consulting engineer. Exceptional positive internal and
external brand and image effect. Everyone wants to work in the
winning team;
From implementation of PSM I in RSA CE, introduction of the
Env. Compliance Officer all through the project. Manage 5-10 % of
total project budget for Sustainability contingency.

Report from Seminar 8

Enhancing capacity and raising standards
Chair: H. Therkelsen, Panel: H. Aragoa, N. Chung, A. Thyge

Green Growth Initiative, with 4 % of Korean GDP, a success. LEED is

standard in Korea.
Green Growth Initiative driven by the Government is essential. Still
hesitance from the Employer;
Hydropower and Wind power is taking over fossil fueled energy in Brazil.
Wind power located in social problem areas which generates jobs and
Still lack knowledge of energy efficiency, technology shifts, remote
Brazil, extremely high market entry barriers. Partnership with local firms;
Global operation. Same values, same procedures, same information.
Global business, from International CV beauty contest to best localinternational partnership;

Report from Seminar 9

Green Integrity Raising Standards
Chair: Ph.D J.D Padilla, Panel: Dr. B. Kordes, R. Stump, B. Becq

Digital footprint required. FIDIC could introduce a clear

definition of Green Integrity;
Need for official certification of Green Consulting Engineers?;
Green integrity is yet to make it to the board room without
jeopardizing the Board members dividend;
A world without poverty includes to a great extent green growth;
Immense need for improved Procurement, Award and Contracts
Management to reach a better Green integrity MDB financed

Report from Seminar 10

Strengthening regional and international dialogues
Chair: A. Hirotani, Panel: J.L Yges, Ph.D Y. Sung, B. Ogunde

Validate that the FIDIC network is working. Regional expansion,

increased training activities, increased no. of members.
Case Study. Euromed transport program. Multi-modal transport initiative
around the Mediterranean, Europe, Middle East and North Africa, with the
objective to enhance economic, political and sustainable benefits to the
Understanding others culture, codes and standard, languages, Case based
country guide books. Integration Codes & Standards e.g. Eurocodes;
Political instability, corruption, deficits in Nigeria requires more dialog. Local
firms are excluded from MDB financed project. More dialog between
international firms and Nigerian firms through FIDIC. With Nigerian as
well as other firms from other African countries.
FIDIC to support partnership rather than business relationship
between firms from Developed/Developing countries.

Sustainability Engineering Business How?

Early engagement to identify early challenges and all other

challenges early;
An All-Stakeholders-Involvement mission;
Eng. Cons. should be the Employers Partner in Knowledge. We
cure Employers from their risk flue;
An all-through-the-project continuous sustainability focus adapt
Prof. Guthries decision hierarchy theory;
Government/MDB driven. Yes, but they need guidance!;
Need for / Possibility to capitalise on - innovative thinking;
High demand low competition some risk, but extraordinary
business potential;
Global challenge - Global exchange of experiences. Case studies!;
Public exposure of achievements. Let everyone know!;

Action list

Prepare a guidance note on how to include sustainable parameters

into the bid evaluation process;
Take a stance about renewable energy and Nuclear Power;
Put real effort in the advocacy for green growth and sustainable
Review if FIDIC Contract and Agreement forms are addressing the
expected new Green Procurement ambitions;
Promote the integrated approach as formulated in the (draft) Project
Sustainability Logbook;
Expand its training activities with a more extensive selection of
Sustainability for the Engineering modules;
Become more visible as Sustainability Consulting Engineers
organization of the world.

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