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Sacred Triduum (Cantata)
Implements, Vestments, & Vesture
At the altar:
Six candles (unbleached wax if available)
Tabernacle: emptied, unveiled, and half-open, but with corporal inside
The altar is otherwise unadorned (altar cloths with vesperal and violet frontal remain on Holy Thursday)
Altar Crucifix:
Holy Thursday: veiled in violet
Good Friday: absent
Holy Saturday: unveiled
In the sanctuary:
Hearse: triangular candlestick with 15 candles (unbleached wax if available)
Candle-snuffer and backup hand-lighter
Lecturn (unveiled)

At Vesting Table:
Biretta (optional)
Alb (plain or lace)
White 1 Cincture
White Maniple
White Stole
White Chasuble
Elsewhere in Sacristy:

Wherever White is mentioned, Gold or Silver may be substituted.

White Cope and Humeral Veil for Translation

Violet Stole for Dividunt (Stripping of the Altars)
Plain Alb (if lace alb used for Mass)
Thurible, Boat, and Stand (Stand optional)
Two Acolyte Candles
Processional Cross veiled in Violet
Second Thurible for Translation
Ombrellino and/or Processional Canopy for Translation
Torches (for Torchbearers; role optional)
White stoles for clergy in choir (as needed)
Compline of Sacred Triduum booklets (to immediately follow ceremony)
Credence 1:
Bells for the Gloria (multiple sets may be used)
Crotalus (wooden clacker)
Cruets, Finger Towel, and Lavabo dish
Communion Paten
OHS or Altar Missal for Mandatum (Washing of the Feet)
Liber Usualis for Dividunt2
Taper Candles for servers and mens confraternity, for Translation (optional)
Credence 2:
Linen apron-cloth with ties (an amice may be used here)
Twelve white towels and carrying receptacle
Receptacle for used towels (a pillowcase may be used here)
Large Ewer and Basin (for Apostles feet)
Small Ewer and Basin (for Celebrant)
Tray with soap and large finger towel (for Celebrant)
On the Altar:
Three altar cloths (as per Mass)
Six lit candles (bleached wax if available)
Altar Cards
Missal Stand with open Altar Missal/OHS

If Schola uses Vulgate Psalter; otherwise, the Celebrant may use the OHS/Missal (which contains the Pian version)

Chalice, veiled with corporal already spread out

Tabernacle: emptied, unveiled, and half-open, but with corporal inside and key at hand
Ciborium/ciboria with hosts sufficient for Mass and Good Friday
White Frontal (if available)
Altar of Repose (for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday; in a separate chapel, room, or side altar able
to be partitioned):
One altar cloth (covering top and sides)
Tabernacle with corporal inside and key nearby
White tabernacle veil (properly a canopy covering top-front-back-sides)
Corporal opened on altar
White burse (near corporal)
Four candles (more are optional)
Sanctuary Lamp (lit after midnight)
White Frontal (if available)
Flowers (optional till midnight)
n.b. neither an altar cross nor images or statues should be present
Altar of Reservation (for viaticum; in a suitable place outside but near the church-proper):
Tabernacle with corporal inside and key nearby
Tabernacle veil (properly a canopy covering top-front-back-sides)
Corporal opened on altar
White burse (near corporal)
Two candles (for transferral, either during Good Friday or after the Paschal Vigil)
Sanctuary Lamp
In Nave:
Twelve seats for Mandatum

At Vesting Table:
Alb (plain)
Cincture: plain white or black

Black Stole
Black Cope
Biretta (optional)
Elsewhere in Sacristy:
Large Crucifix: veiled in violet, with a base if needed
Two candlesticks, plain with unbleached candles preferred, for Adoration of the Cross
Tray: for veil pins and finger towel
Violet stoles for clergy in choir (as needed)
Compline of Sacred Triduum booklets (to immediately follow ceremony)
Hand-candle, two torches, or two candlesticks for Reposition after ceremonies
Cincture: violet (if plain white not used)
Violet Stole
Violet Chasuble
For Deacons of the Passion (if used):
Alb (plain)
Cincture: plain white or black
Black Stole
At the altar (completely bare/stripped):
Tabernacle opened with corporal inside
Violet cushion on second altar step for Prostration
Unveiled lecturn for Lessons
Unveiled lecturns for Passion with Cantus Passionis books marked and opened (if Deacons used)
At the Credence:
Book for Lessons (OHS/Missal/Liber/etc.)
Single altar cloth (to cover top only)
Missal stand with OHS or Altar Missal (plain stand preferred)
Violet burse with corporal
Communion paten
Ablution cup and purificator with burse
Tabernacle key
Violet tabernacle veil (properly a canopy covering top-front-back-sides)

At the Altar of Repose:

Tabernacle with corporal inside and key nearby (n.b. key must be stored securely overnight away from
Corporal opened on altar
Two candlesticks on altar, plain with bleached candles preferred, for Translation
Sanctuary Lamp
White humeral veil

Paschal Vigil:
At Altar:
Tabernacle, opened with corporal inside
Six candles (lit for Mass) (bleached wax if available)
Altar cloths
Violet frontal overtop white frontal (if available)
Paschal Candle stand, decorable with flowers (deco optional)
Lecturn for Lessons, with white veil overtop violet veil
Credence 1 (at altar):
Text for Renewal of Baptismal Vows (OHS may be used, or may also be stored at pulpit)
Covered in a violet veil:
Bells for the Gloria (multiple sets may be used)
Crotalus (wooden clacker)
Cruets, Finger Towel, and Lavabo dish
Communion Paten
Liber Usualis (for Lauds)
Credence 2 (at Paschal Fire, table covered in white):
Paschal Candle with follower and draft shield
Tray with five incense grains

Flashlight and backup hand-lighter

Tongs for charcoal
Wooden or wax tapers for lighting Paschal Candle
Reserve votive candle (if Paschal Candle is blown out) (optional)
White stole
White dalmatic
Taper candle for Celebrant (only if additional Deacon is present)
Taper candles for servers
Taper candles for faithful
At front porch:
Paschal Fire: brazier, flint (or flint-lighter producing spark), kindling, wood, etc.
Lecturn (if server not used)
At Chancel (n.b. If the church has no baptismal font, related ceremonies are omitted SRC 3271f.):
Large vessel, suitably decorated and filled with water
Vessel for transporting baptismal water to baptistery
Pitcher for transferring Easter water to empty vessel
OHS/Missal and Stand (if server not used) 3
Aspersory (empty)4
Chrism and Oil of Catechumens on tray veiled in white
Tray with two cut lemons and bread
Bowl with cotton balls
Empty bowl for used cotton balls
Ewer and basin with finger towel
Three absorbent towels
For Baptisms:
Receptacle for baptism water
Linen towel
White garment
Taper candle for each baptizatus
Adornable with flowers, candles, or textiles (decorated floor/wall/hanging tiles, if not already present)
Font to be opened and ready to receive baptismal water beforehand

Another OHS/Missal e.g. from the Paschal Fire may be repurposed.

The Aspersory from the Paschal Fire may be repurposed, provided that it is emptied.

In Sacristy:
At vesting table:
For Vigil:
Alb (plain)
White cincture (plain)
Violet stole
Violet cope
Biretta (optional)
For Mass:
Alb (lace) (optional)
Gold or silver cincture (optional)
White maniple
White stole
White chasuble
Elsewhere in sacristy:
For Paschal Fire:
Processional Cross (unveiled)
Thurible (empty), Boat (full), Stand (optional)
Aspersory (full) and aspergil 5
For Litanies (part 1):
Kneeler or stool for Celebrant (optional)
For Baptisms, Procession and Renewal of Baptismal Promises:
White stole
White cope
For Altar at Mass 6:
Chalice, veiled in white and assembled
Tabernacle key
White tabernacle veil (properly a canopy covering top-front-back-sides)
Altar Cards

May be stored at Credence 2

These may also be stored at Credence 1 (ad infra), if covered with a violet veil, as expediency and space permit.

Missal Stand with Missal (marked) opened when set up

Relics, Flowers, Altar Carpet (optional)
For Mass:
Acolytes Candles (stored at Credence 1 if procession to baptistery is made)
Torches (for Torchbearers; role optional)
Lace surplices for servers (optional)

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