TV5MONDE, Proud Partner of 2015 World Climate Summit, Creates Oxygène A New Time Slot Dedicated To Climate

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29th January 2015

TV5MONDE, proud partner of 2015 world climate summit

(Paris Climat 2015), creates Oxygne a new time slot
dedicated to climate

To show its full support and commitment to the 21st International climate conference that
will take place in Paris - France, TV5MONDE creates a weekly special documentary time
slot Oxygne . The show will be dedicated to climate change, sustainable development
and more widely to environment awareness.

This new slot will be broadcasted on Sundays at 11pm (Tokyo - GMT+10) on TV5MONDE Pacifique,
and on the following Mondays at 8pm (Bangkok - GMT+7) on TV5MONDE Asie.
Amongst the documentaries already scheduled (cf. appendix), viewers will also be able to discover
the following exclusive TV5MONDE programme:

Le Barrage de la renaissance (The dam of Renaissance) - Ralisation: Anne-Laure Cahen (France,

2013). Novel. (Exclusivity TV5MONDE) - available with subtitles
Ethiopia emancipates itself and turns towards renewable energies to ensure its development. In the
North, on the Sudanese border, the country is building a monumental structure for electricity
production, the dam of the future. This economic gamble is changing the status of women in


TV5MONDE Pacifique: Sunday 1 February 11pm (Tokyo / Seoul)

TV5MONDE Asie: Monday 2 February 6.30pm (IST), 8pm (Bangkok / Hanoi), 9pm (Hong Kong / Singapore)

All year long, TV5MONDE will widely cover the Climate thematic through News bulletins, 64 Le
Monde en Franais and Coup de pouce pour le plante , its weekly documentary dedicated to
sustainable development.
In addition, once a week, the international weather forecast time slot will offer a special climate
related subject enhanced by viewers pictures sent from all around the world.

Appendix / Documentary selection

La biodiversit menace, quelles solutions pour demain ?

Ralisation : Bernard Guerrini (France, 2010)
What are we doing to protect biodiversity? A crucial question
as the state of the planet is deteriorating dangerously. Bernard
Guerrini gives the pioneers of nature conservation the chance
to speak. Who are they? What strategies are they
implementing and by which means?
TV5MONDE Pacifique : Sunday 8th February 11pm (Tokyo / Seoul)
TV5MONDE Asie : Monday 9th February 6.30pm (IST), 8pm (Bangkok / Hanoi), 9pm (Hong Kong / Singapore)

Les alimenteurs
Ralisation : Stphane Horel (France, 2012)
In France, food industry deeply modifies basic food needs.
Loss of minerals, nutriments and vitamins; addition of fat, salt,
artificial colouring and preservatives are some of the obvious
results for consumers.
Plates content is concerning but the food market represents
134 billions euros. Investigation.

TV5MONDE Pacifique : Sunday 15th February 11pm (Tokyo / Seoul)
TV5MONDE Asie : Monday 16th February 6.30pm (IST), 8pm (Bangkok / Hanoi), 9pm (Hong Kong / Singapore)

Nickel, le trsor des kanaks
Ralisation : Laurent Cibien, Anne Pitoiset (France, 2013)
New Caledonia, the heart of the Pacific Ocean: For 40 years,
the Kanaks have been struggling for independence. This fight
now involves the mining of nickel, this abundant ore that the
rest of the world wants. To fund their Sate, the Kanaks are
betting their destiny on the commodities market.

TV5MONDE Pacifique : Sunday 22nd February 11pm (Tokyo / Seoul)
TV5MONDE Asie : Monday 23rd February 6.30pm (IST), 8pm (Bangkok / Hanoi), 9pm (Hong Kong / Singapore)

La poubelle province
Ralisation : Denis Blaquire (Canada, 2012)
Quebec : the last attempts related to trash management are
a failure. As of today, there is no real political willingness to
deal with what is currently going on in the cities
undergrounds. These sites are national or multinational
companies properties. Governments will have to deal with
very powerful garbage trusts.

TV5MONDE Pacifique : Sunday 8th March 11pm (Tokyo / Seoul)
TV5MONDE Asie : Monday 9th March 6.30pm (IST), 8pm (Bangkok / Hanoi), 9pm (Hong Kong / Singapore)

Press contact: Carole Reichardt - Tel. : +33(0) 1 44 18 55 62 /

Distribution contact Tel. : +852 2989 6090 /,

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