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Past Simple - AuxDID 13.

Using the PAST Simple Tense, Please change to QUESTION

FORM: We worked hard every Monday morning.
Seleccione una:
a. Did we worked hard every Monday morning?
b. Did we work hard every Monday morning?
c. Did we to work hard every Monday morning?
d. Do we worked hard every Monday morning?
e. Did we works hard every Monday morning?


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Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 11. Using the PAST Simple Tense, Please complete in NEGATIVE
FORM: I _____ about the future these days.
Seleccione una:
a. didn't thinks
b. don't thought
c. doesn't thought
d. did not think
e. didn't thought


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Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 01. Using the PAST Simple Tense, Please select the right answer to
complete the sentence: The child _____in the garden.
Seleccione una:
a. walks
b. do walk
c. walken
d. walked
e. walk


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Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 06. Please change to NEGATIVE QUESTION: The kid went to school.
Seleccione una:
a. Did the kid went to school?
b. Didn't the kid go to school?
c. The kid went not to school?

d. Didn't the kid went to school?

e. Isn't the kid go to school?


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Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 09. Using the PAST Simple Tense, Please select the right answer to
complete the sentence: Laura and Camila _________ to college together.
Seleccione una:
a. don't went
b. does not go
c. did not go
d. weren't not goes
e. went not


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Enunciado de la pregunta

Please choose for each question the corresponding answer (Por favor elija para cada pregunta
la respuesta correspondiente)

Why are you studying?

Respuesta 1

When are you studying?

Respuesta 2

How are you studying?

Respuesta 3

Where are you studying?

Respuesta 4

What are you studying?

Respuesta 5






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Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 07. Using the PAST Simple Tense, Please select the right answer to
complete the sentence: The Company _____ in the insurance business.
Seleccione una:
a. operates
b. operate
c. do operate
d. operated
e. operative


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Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 14. Using the PAST Simple Tense, Please change to QUESTION
FORM: It took time.
Seleccione una:
a. Did it took time?
b. Were it take time?
c. Did it take time?
d. Took it time?
e. Does it took time?


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Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 12. Using the PAST Simple Tense, Please change to QUESTION
FORM: You made her laugh.
Seleccione una:
a. Did you made her laugh?
b. Did you make her laugh?
c. You made her laugh?

d. Were you makes her laugh?

e. Do you made her laugh?



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Enunciado de la pregunta
W's 01. Using QUESTION WORDS , Please choose the MOST APROPIATE QUESTION for
the information supplied by the following sentence :

every Monday morning.

Seleccione una:
a. Where do we work every Monday morning?
b. When do we work hard?
c. What did we work every Monday morning?
d. Why did we work every Monday morning?
e. How do we work every Monday morning?



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Enunciado de la pregunta

We work hard

Past Simple - AuxDID 02.Using the PAST Simple Tense, Please select the right answer to
complete the sentence: The student _________ the test.
Seleccione una:
a. takes
b. do take
c. took
d. does takes
e. take



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Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 04.Please change to QUESTION form and choose the right option:
Mary, John and David wrote a letter to the Director.
Seleccione una:
a. Did they write a letter to the Director?
b. Do they wrote a letter to the Director?
c. Did they wrote a letter to the Director?
d. Did Mary, John and David wrote a letter to the Director?
e. Did Mary, John and David writes a letter to the Director?



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Enunciado de la pregunta
VOCABULARY. Describing my Home. Please match the following sentences with the right
part of a house that can fill their empty spaces (Por favor empareje las oraciones siguientes
con la parte de la casa que pueda llenar correctamente sus espacios en blanco):



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Enunciado de la pregunta
W's 02. Using QUESTION WORDS , Please choose the MOST APROPIATE QUESTION for
the information supplied by the following sentence :

thought Math at Uniminuto.

Seleccione una:
a. When did he teach Math at Uniminuto ?
b. What did he taught at Uniminuto?
c. What did he teach at Uniminuto?
d. Where did he teach Math?
e. Why did he teach at Uniminuto?




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Enunciado de la pregunta
Please choose for each sentence the corresponding word (Por favor elija para cada
oracin la palabra correspondiente)

My __________'s father is my Grandfather, and

my Father's Mother is my ______________ .
My ________ , his eldest sister,
was the mother of three ________,
where Tatiana, her younger __________ is
the closest __________ that I have.
Now, the father of my only nephews is my younger
____________ ,
the second _________ of my parents,
and who's kids all resemble their mother..... my


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Respuesta 1

Respuesta 2

Respuesta 3

Respuesta 4

Respuesta 5

Respuesta 6

Respuesta 7

Respuesta 8

Respuesta 9

Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 10. Using the PAST Simple Tense, Please complete in NEGATIVE
FORM: Henry _____close to my home.
Seleccione una:
a. don't lived
b. didn't live
c. doesn't lived
d. lived not
e. didn't lives



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Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 08. Using the PAST Simple Tense, Please select the right answer to
complete the sentence: Laura and Fred _________ to school together.
Seleccione una:
a. go
b. gone
c. to go
d. went
e. goes



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Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 05. Please choose the right answer for the following question: Did Carlos
and Ana take the computer home?
Seleccione una:
a. No, they dont.
b. Yes, they were.
c. No, they didn't.
d. Yes, Carlos and Ana do.
e. No, Carlos and Ana weren't.



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Enunciado de la pregunta
Past Simple - AuxDID 03. Please select the right answer to complete the sentence: Did the
girls _____ to the party?
Seleccione una:
a. goes
b. went

c. were
d. go
e. gone


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