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Sabrina was just a girl with Brown curly hair and astonishing

brown eyes who loved to travel around the world on her private jet.
Her great-great-great-great-great grandfather invented the spoon,
leaving her and her family a great fortune that has lasted for
centuries. She was a caring, intelligent, rich, kind, and hilarious person
that loved helping others.
Sabrina! Her mother called her. Youre late for your trip to the
jungle! Your pilot and your crew is already on the plane waiting for you!
Sabrina opened her eyes and groggily glanced at her clock.
OMG! Its already 8 o clock! Sabrina yelled. She hastily put on
her clothes and ran downstairs to eat her breakfast.
Sabrina, you have got wake up earlier next time! Her mom told
her. Her mom put a plate of her favorite pancakes in front of her. She
gobbled them down as quickly as she could, and the hurried to the jet
outside at her backyard.
Hello sir! Good Morning to you! Sabrina told the pilot.
Youre ten minutes late, Sabrina. He greeted her back. Are you
ready to go to the jungle? Sabrina double checked her checklist.
Lets see. Bug spraycheck! Flashlightcheck! Everything seems
good! Is the trailer on the plane, sir?
Yes, He responded.
Then everything is good! Lets go! Sabrina said excitedly. The
pilot turned on the plane and prepared to take off as Sabrina greeted
the members of the crew that was going along with her. Soon, they
were high in the sky. Sabrina was on her laptop, researching more
about the jungle and its animals. The jungle was in a far off land in
India. Sabrina was very excited at the thought of her exploration in
the jungle. Sabrina was going to stay there for one week in order to

explore the hidden features of the jungle. Sabrina fell asleep on her
plane. She dreamt about all the animals that she researched about on
her laptop. She dreamt especially about the beautiful yet fearsome
tiger. When she woke up, they were finally near the jungle!
We are about to land at the airport! Crew: Be ready to unload
the trailer after we touch ground! The pilot ordered. Sabrina was
sitting on the edge of her seat. The plane landed the ground. Soon
enough, Sabrina and her crew began to drive into the vast jungle.
Im so excited! She said. I hope I get to see a monkey! Or an
Were almost here! One of her crew members said.
Yay! She exclaimed.
----The jungle was hot and wet. All around Sabrina were thick plants
and vines. The trees were extremely tall. There were bugs everywhere!
She was happy she had anti-bug lotion. She even saw bugs the size of
her face! Still, she was very happy. She walked around in her boots and
binoculars, trying to look at monkeys on the top of the trees. She and
her crew were only exploring the outskirts of the forest today.
Hey Sally, Sabrina asked one of her crew members, do you
think well be able to see any cool animals out here today?
Im not sure, Sally thoughtfully said Animals are usually in
hiding spots or cooling down spots in this time of day. It is really hot!

Do you think well see a-----?


Sabrina and her crew jumped up from the loud noise.

What was that? A crew member said
Was that a gun shot? Sabrina gasped
I-I hope not, Sally trembled.
Where did the sound come from? Another crew member, John,
I think it came from the middle of the forest? Lets go see what
it was! Sabrina and her crew raced into the dark deep forest.
--It seemed like forever when Sabrina and the crew reached to where it
seemed the noise came from. Suddenly, Sabrina gasped and pointed to
something on the forest floor.
There, lay a beautiful majestic tiger. The crew members jaws hit the
floor in shock. They tried to push Sabrina behind them for protection.
Is it sleeping? One asked.
I think oh no! Sabrina cried. There it was, blood slowly seeping
from underneath it. Sabrina began to cry a little.

Mew! Mew! Mew! A tiny voice came from behind the tigers body.
Cautiously, Sabrina and her crew members walked around the dead
Oh! Its a cub! The tiny tiger laid by its mothers side, crying.
Sabrina, who was naturally good with animals, gently took the cub from
its mothers side. The cub stopped crying and looked at her. Sabrina
looked into the eyes of the poor cub and made a decision.

Im going to keep him, She declared. And, Im going to name

him Swimmer.
--Afterwards, Sabrina took Swimmer and flew back home. Sabrina
took care of Swimmer, and helped him grow healthy and strong.
Swimmer is the best pet Sabrina could ever have! Everyone lived
happily ever after.

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