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Indra, 2012, Internalization of Islamic the Values In the Shaping of Character of

Students at SMA Negeri 15 Nenggeri Between Patronage Takengon Central
Aceh. Thesis, Islamic Religious Education Studies Post Graduate Program of
the State Islamic University of Malang Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Advisor: (I) Dr.
H. M. Samsul Hady, M.Ag. (II) Dr. H. Ahmad Fatah Yasin, M.Ag.
Keywords: Internalization, Islamic Values, Character Mulia
An increasingly globalize world of today, the fast moving and changing and
competitive. All fields are experiencing a shift and challenges, including educational
institutions face serious challenge to be able to follow once the vanguard of global
change. Many problems that arise from all circles of society, if not able to answer, then
it are not an authoritative institution before the age dynamics of walking so fast. The
Globalization has brought important changes in the form of positive or negative.
Therefore is important to internalize Islamic Values in Shaping Student Character. By
looking at the condition of the current generation of people can be said to be
characterized, has strayed far from religious values and moral values, rill phenomena
such as the fight between students, pornography and porno-action, played by students,
drug abuse, and misuse of the media advanced.Education today as only pursuing
graduation rates and less attention to the values of Islam, which touches the spiritual
student. Any material that is taught as if no imprint on the hearts and are not reflected in
the behavior of learners.
Researchers aim to uncover the internalization of Islamic values in the mold
students of noble character in SMA Negeri 15 Nenggeri Antara Takengon Central
Aceh, with sub focus include: (1) the condition of the character of the student prior to
the internalization of religious values of Islam (2) efforts to internalize the value Islamic
values in SMA Negeri 15 Takengon in forming noble characters, (3) the implications of
internalizing the values of Islam in shaping the noble character of students in Senior
High School 15 Takengon.
This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, data collection was performed
with in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques
include data reduction, desplay the data and verification data, checks the validity of the
findings made by the extension of the participation of researchers; triagulasi techniques
using a variety of sources, theories, and methods, and persistence of observation. The
informant is the principal investigator, deputy head of student affairs and public
relations, Islamic religious education teachers and non-Islamic educations, parents and
The results showed that: (1) Prior to the internalization of the values of Islam in
schools based on the findings of the informants in the field is not yet reflect the
students' noble character, proven time and doing a lot of students who pray Duha and
mid-day prayers in school, in a reckless driving , lack of discipline, like teachers and
parents argue at home, are less sensitive to the cleanliness of the school environment.
Moreover the lack of a sense of honesty and self-awareness that the students, , (2)
Efforts to internalize the values of Islam in schools beginning with the principal policies
contained within the discipline and school activities program that must be followed by
the students, provide an understanding of good and bad values to students with
instruction and guidance, students will deepen appreciation religious values of Islam

through the guidance and example, encourage students to apply the noble values in
school and at home so that a noble character in the students' personal, creating the feel
of a religious culture as a forum to encourage students always to apply the noble
character of the school environment, And with Islamic activities that contain the values
of Islam related to divine values and would be better Insaniyah. (3) The implications of
the efforts of internalizing the values of Islam in shaping students' noble character in
SMA Negeri 15 Nenggeri Antara the students can be understand and practice the
values of Islam and the values of character, students gain a grade level above the
average , students have a noble character in terms of aqeedah in Allah SWT that looks
at the implementation berjam'ah prayer, reading and memorizing the Quran, has
akhklakul karimah the polite, courteous, respectful, honest, sensitive and nuanced
Islamic cleanliness, and self-awareness.

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