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: 30-40 minutes (advised time)

Marks : 30 marks
Format : Guided Essay - (Instructions, graphs, pictures etc)
* Details will be provided as a guide for students to write their essay. Students may use all the
points or details given in the paper.
Okay, today I will give some simple pointers on how to write the Guided type essay.
How To Write
Use the 5P technique (5 Paragraph)
1 Paragraph for Introduction
3 Paragraphs for Body
1 Paragraph for Closing
How To Break The Paragraphs

Introduction Paragraph
Construct the paragraph using the points or details given in the exam paper.
Construct at least 5 sentences.
At least 40-50 words.
Use proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.


Body Paragraph
Construct the paragraph using the points or details given in the exam paper.
Break the points into 3 main ideas and supporting ideas
Construct at least 5 sentences for each paragraph.
At least 40-50 words.
Use proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.


Closing Paragraph
Closing must follow the type of format used.
Construct the paragraph using the points or details given in the exam paper.
Construct at least 5 sentences.
At least 40-50 words.
Use proper grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Informal letters are also known as social or friendly letters. They are usually written to friends,
relatives or members of the family. The recipients of informal letters are people whom we know
personally. Informal letters are usually written when asking for information and giving news
about some event. Besides that, they are also written to thank, invite or keep in touch with
The format:
42, Jalan Merbau
Kampung Semarak
47200, Ipoh
10 August 2015
Dear Ganesh,
How are you? I hope you are in the pink of health. I am doing just fine over here.

In your last letter, you wanted me to tell you about / you mentioned to me about your

You know Ganesh, I think it would be better if you could

In addition, /Another practical way/Next, .

Before I pen off, (I would like to suggest you/ I think it is wise for us)

................. Hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye and take care.
Your friend,
Swee Hoon

Formal letters are written for official purposes. Formal letters are usually written when applying
for jobs, ordering goods, making complaints or making enquiries or requests.
The format:
The Environment Club
SM Kuala Sisik
Jalan Pantai
21400, Kuala Terengganu
The Human Resource Manager/ The Manager/ The Principal / The Director
New Horizon Sdn. Bhd.
88, Jalan Merbuk
21400, Kuala Terengganu
5 July 2015
Dear Sir / Madam
Request For Permission To Visit Your Recycling Plant
On behalf of The Environment Club, I would like to make an enquiry regarding
the above matter.

We would like / Firstly,

The details of / Next,


We really hope that our request will be considered. / We have a few
suggestions to help solve the problem.


We would like to thank you for all your cooperation. / We hope you will take
immediate action regarding this matter.
Thank you.

For this type of composition, you are required to write a report of an incident or event. Normally,
you may be asked to write about events such as Sports Day, Teachers Day celebration, trips to
places of interest and so on.
The Format:
: The Principal , Mr. Rahman bin Khir
From : The Head Prefect, Nik Muhammad Firdaus bin Nik Hakimi
Date : 15 September 2015
: Fracas In The Library
On 12 September 2015, at around 8.30 p.m. while I was walking along the
corridor of the library, I heard a serous commotion inside the library. I quickly
dashed into the library and saw two rivalry groups were having serious







For this type of composition, you are required to write a report of an incident or event. Normally,
you may be asked to write about events such as Sports Day, Teachers Day celebration, trips to
places of interest and so on.
National Day Celebration
SMK Simpang Rengam held a grand National Day celebration on 31st August this
year at Kluang Stadium. History Club, as the organiser had done a great job.
The celebration began with a march past by the school band. The boys in the band
put on red uniform and a cap. They played beautiful music. Everyone applauded loudly
when they entered the stadium and walked past the audiences.
This was followed by the raising of Malaysian flag. Everyone stood up straight and
proudly sang our National Anthem and patriotic songs accompanied by the music played
by our talented school band.
Then, a few cultural shows were performed by a group of students. They came up
on a platform built in the middle of the stadium and danced traditional dances like zapin
and inang gracefully. Another group of students also came up and sang some traditional
songs like ghazal and lagu asli sweetly.
The celebration ended with rhythmic gymnastics. Our schools gymnasts put up
some of their gymnastic acts accompanied by classical and modern music. They used
colourful ribbons and hoops. It was fascinating.
Everybody including our Education District Officer who came to give closing speech
was speechless. The National Day Celebration would not be forgotten for many years to

Reported by
Amirul Hakimi
(Secretary of History Club)

For this type of composition, you must take note of these points : title, introduce the topic, state
the points and conclusion.
The format:
Watching Too Much TV Can Harm You
Is watching television affecting your family life? Do you rush
for the remote control?
Most people watch television for relaxation, entertainment
and information. Programme channels such as National
Geographic and Discovery are good sources of information.
However, too much television can harm you. It can lead to
violent behaviour or lack of conversation between family members.
Studies show that young people who spend too much time in front
of the television may become lazy, gain weight and have problems
interacting with others.
To avoid such behavior, just follow four simple steps to cut
down on your TV time. Firstly, keep a record of how many hours a
week you spend watching television. Secondly, do not watch just
because you have nothing else to do. If you find a programme
uninteresting, just switch off the set. Thirdly, set a time limit on the
number of hours you watch TV. Lastly, spend more time reading a
book or interacting with your family.
Become a smart TV viewer. Take control of the remote before
it controls you.


Good morning teachers and friends, I, Ihsan Hadi as the President of the Environment Club
would like to talk about How to Protect the Environment
First of all, each one of us can start by not littering. We should throw our rubbish into the
rubbish bin instead of anywhere we like. Once I went strolling at a park nearby my house
but was disappointed at the sight of rubbish. I saw many empty cans and plastic wrappers
lying around. They do not only spoil the beautiful park but they are the best breeding place
for aedes mosquitoes.
Another way of protecting our environment is by keeping our rivers clean. We can play our
role by not throwing rubbish into the rivers. Meanwhile the factories can stop dumping their
toxic waste into them. Plastic wrappers which made up 80 percent of the rubbish can
endanger the fish and other aquatic lives while toxic waste can kill them. We, human will
consequently suffer as we rely on the rivers for food and water.
Moreover, farmers should avoid open burning in their farming practice because it pollutes
the air. Open burning can lead to haze which contains poisonous gases such as carbon
dioxide and sulphur dioxide. These gases can cause many serious diseases. Children who
breathe the polluted air may suffer from asthma and some people may even suffer from
rashes and eye-diseases.
Finally, we can practice the 3R; Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. Every household should aim
at reducing the amount of rubbish thrown. To achieve this aim, each member of the
household can refuse plastic carriers when he goes shopping. He can bring a recyclable
carrier or a special shopping bag. The household members can even reuse some items like
glass jar as a vase and cans as coin box or as a pen holder. Old newspapers can also be
recycled into new papers or reused in paper crafting. If "Reuse, Reduce and Recycle" are
put into practice ,the amount of rubbish thrown and the amount of energy used to produce
some of the recyclable items can indeed be reduced.
Clearly, each one of us can contribute towards the conservation of our environment and our
efforts should be continuous. Protecting our environment means ensuring the existence of
our future generation. With that, I thank you.

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