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Eye on EDEN
Inside this Issue

2 News in Brief
Joint Leader‘s Introduction

3 e-Eden – Your chance to help

shape the EDC Website

Recycling Revolution

4 Easy to use guide to

find your LOCAL District

6 Eden’s Tourist Information

Centres – for you too!

Welcome to the third edition of Eye on Eden which

7 Crime in Eden – we want
your views will help to keep you informed about the work of the
Council and up to date with all the latest news and

8 List of Council meetings projects. It has been a busy six months since the
last edition of Eye on Eden and an active time for me
personally in my first few months as Chairman.

I have been privileged to represent Eden”. To try to achieve this, the Council
the Council at a number of varied and has recently revised its priorities. The new
Crime in Eden fascinating events across the district and
have enjoyed meeting so many of the
priorities are Affordable Housing, Higher
Wage Employment and Waste Management.
Your chance to let us know what individuals and groups that make up our All Councillors at Eden are keen to hear
Community. It is this vibrant community that your views on these or any other Council
you think about the recent audit
makes Eden the place it is. All the functions matters. With this in mind we encourage
into crime in our area. Have we
I have been asked to attend have left me you to use the contact details which can be
identified the key problems? feeling proud to live in, and represent this found in the centre pages of this newsletter
If not what is missing? Most district. or on our website
importantly, what do you suggest
As the Chairman of the Council it is part
the priorities for the next three of my role to promote public involvement
years should be? – Have your say! in the Council and its activities so that we Councillor Roy Hylton Fisher
can continue to “best serve the people of Chairman Eden District Council
News in Brief The Council has bought land next to Gilwilly
with a view to developing the area as a
Here are some of the stories that Business hit theParknews since
offering highthe lastbusiness
edition of Eye on Eden was published in March.
accommodation. This will provide a major
economic boost to the area by attracting
April: A new advisory group was formed tobusiness investment
take forward and helping existing
the recommendations Councillor Councillor
from the Penrith Parking Study. It was decidedEden
that the group would comprise two
businesses to expand. Bryan Metz Colin Nineham
elected members from both Eden District and Cumbria County Councils and one
representative from Penrith Partnership, the police, the Chamber of Trade, the Civic
As well as obtaining in the region of
Society and Eden Association of Local Councils. At its first meeting Penrith Parking
Group elected David Robison of Penrith Partnership as of financial Since
chairman. supportthen
thethe North
group has helped arrange the Penrith ParkingWestForumDevelopment Agency to progress
and contributed to Eden the
Council’s parking newsletter (available on the development,
Council website).
we have been working with
consultants and other agencies to provide
essential services such as water, electricity,
gas andOutline
Picture: telecommunications
of Eden Business Parkto the site.
The works will also include provision of
Councillor Councillor
David Natrass Malcolm Smith

The Joint Leader’s

reflect on the last
30 years
This year marks the thirtieth
In one of her last duties as Chairman, Councillor Mrs. Mary Herbert took visiting
anniversary of Eden District
dignitaries and invited guests on a highly successful tour of Eden to promote the
district across the County. Council and puts into focus some
of the progress and achievements
May: Eden District Council was given the Gold Rospa award in recognition of its made since 1974.
excellence in health and safety management. The gold allocation is the highest level
of award presented by Rospa, a national organsiation in the UK for health and safety. Developments in Penrith, Alston, Appleby
The Award is only presented to organsations which meet or exceed national industry and Kirkby Stephen have transformed the
targets for health and safety. geography of our towns and helped drive
Eden’s growth. The Devonshire Arcade
June: Eden District Council linked up with the Primus Youth Theatre group (see Development brought an excellent
front cover photo) to help raise awareness of the impacts of noise in Eden and the modern home for Penrith’s library and
simple measures that can be taken to prevent noise disturbance and problems. To
revitalised shopping in the town centre.
help promote Noise Action Day, the Council approached Dawn Coates, Co-ordinator
The Gillwilly Industrial estate and its
of Primus, and asked the group to produce and perform outdoor noise related
theatre pieces The group were ‘on-stage’ in the Town Bandstand, Angel Square and subsequent expansion means Eden is
near the Clock Tower. no longer relying on two or three large
employers but has a diverse and thriving
July: Eden District Council was named amongst the top performing councils in economy. The Frenchfield development
England for collecting Council Tax. The Council collected over 99% of Council Tax provides first class facilities for sportsmen
due in 2003-04. Eden District Council is near the top of the national league table with and sportswomen.
the joint second highest rate in the country. This follows the pattern that has been set
for a number of years, as Eden has consistently been in the national top ten for the And these are only a few examples of
collection of Council Tax. the incredible changes and real progress
that has been made in the last thirty
August: August saw Eden District Council holding a Great Summer Market in years. With work on the new sports hall
Penrith town centre. The event highlighted the importance of the traditional street well underway and the Southend Road
market as a focus for town centre vitaltiy. The Farmers Market was held as usual in
redevelopment moving ever nearer to
the Market Square, displaying an array of tempting produce from cheese, chutneys
and fresh herbs, to award-winning butter, ‘cakes and bakes,’ ready meals and rare realisation, it seems certain that evolution
breed pork and Cumberland sausage. In the Cornmarket, producers from ‘Made in and progress in the district is assured
Cumbria’ were selling a range of individual crafts from scented candles, to toys and for the foreseeable future. We hope the
teddy bears. To put everyone in the holiday mood, there was music from the ‘Segretta next thirty years are as dynamic and
Stompers’ New Orleans Jazz Band, with Punch and Judy shows in the Cornmarket successful as the last.
and free face painting for the youngsters.
Eden District Council

Your chance to
help shape
the EDC website
Electronic or e-government is the
byword for describing the constantly
developing electronic link between the
Council and the public. The website
can be an invaluable tool to help
you access information and Council
services (particularly when our offices
are closed) and we are constantly
working on improving and updating the
site. We are always developing new
ways to be more interactive, so that no
matter when your mind turns to Council
matters you will be able to access the
information or services you want or
Recycling Revolution
keep us up to date with your views. 15,000 households in Eden are now The Greenbox Recycling Partnership will be
able to recycle their rubbish from the updating residents with a newsletter soon
All Councillors can be contacted about the progress of the scheme so far.
kerbside with the expansion of the
via e-mail (addresses on the centre Greenbox and Garden Waste Recycling This hard work and the improvements
pages) and electronic services range Schemes in spring this year. across Eden Refuse and Recycling services
from online payment of Council Tax to impressed the Audit Commission. Earlier
submission of planning applications. Greenboxes for paper, glass, tins and cans this year they rated Eden’s service as a
and wheeled bins for garden waste are ‘good’ service with ‘promising prospects for
Eden District Council is now embarking emptied on alternate weeks and all the improvement’. A ‘two star’ rating was given
on an overhaul and redesign of its contents are recycled. A special composting because the refuse collection service is good
website and would like your views on facility has been built to recycle the garden value for money, streets are clean and waste
what you would like to see change. It’s waste into compost, which is then sold to a recycling is increasing sharply. Action is also
leading local horticultural compost producer. starting to reduce the high levels of domestic
not just a case of simply changing the
look, we want to know:- The glorious weather in April increased the waste.
amount of garden waste that we initially
■ What do you think should be on Eden District Council and Eden Local Agenda
expected to collect by 25% in the first 4
the site? 21 have worked together to produce a
months - and the Greenboxes are proving
comprehensive Waste Directory for residents
■ What special requirements you just as successful in increasing the amount of
of Eden, bringing together information on all
have? rubbish that is recycled.
aspects of how and where to Reduce, Reuse,
■ What don’t you like about the Recycle and dispose of domestic rubbish.
Thanks to your help and support, the amount
current site? Copies of the directory are available free from
of household rubbish recycled in Eden has
■ What do you think is working well? now leapt from 17% before the scheme reception at Town Hall and Mansion House in
expanded, to over 27%! Penrith, Alston Moor Information Centre and
We would like to get this redesign up
Kirby Stephen Tourist Information Centre as
and running within the next month if There has also been a 16% increase in the well as libraries in Alston, Appleby, Kirkby
possible so you don’t have long to get amount of rubbish being taken to recycling Stephen, Penrith and Shap. An electronic
your feedback to us. You can do this in centres across the district. In part, this is a copy is also available on the Eden District
several ways: result of the decision by Eden District Council Council Website.
to introduce a new ‘blue bag’ refuse service to
Online encourage a reduction in household rubbish.
Go to and Although unconnected to the Greenbox
choose the Forms Bank link and then Recycling Scheme, the new system has had
use the Website Feedback form. a significant effect on increasing the overall
amount of rubbish recycled and reducing the Useful contacts:
Email amount of household rubbish sent to landfill. Greenbox Recycling Helpline –
Send email to In total Eden residents recycled 1680.37 Tel: 0845 050 2008 (local rate call) for
tonnes of material at recycling centres and
any queries about your Greenbox or
Post through kerbside collections between April
Garden Waste Bin collections.
Send written feedback to: Web Projects and June this year, that’s 602.42 tonnes more
Manager, Town Hall, Penrith CA10 7QF than the same period last year. Everyone at Website for Greenbox Recycling
Eden District Council would like to thank all
We look forward to hearing your views. residents for their support and hard work.

of Eden
District Council
Eden District Council has 38 elected members
Bryan Metz Richard Vincent Turner Alan Keith Morgan
comprised of 23 Independent Group, 2 Independent Independent Group Independent Group Independent Group
Alliance, 2 Independent, 7 Conservative and Telephone: 01434-381988 Telephone: 01434 381353 Telephone: 017683 52210
4 Liberal Democrat Councillors. Each Councillor (Mobile) 07815713151 Email: Email:
represents one of the 30 wards in the district. Chairman of Environment Committee
Chairman of Planning Committee


Harold William Threlkeld Roy Hylton Fisher William John Lancaster Ian Graham Albert Pearson Richardson
Independent Group Independent Group Conservative Group Independent Group Conservative Group
Telephone: 017684 86277 Telephone: 017684 83457 Telephone: 01768 88242 Telephone: 01768 894204 Telephone: 017684 83704
Email: Email: Email: Email: (Mobile) 07813704602
Chairman of Licencing Committee Email:
Chairman of Eden District Council


Robert Anthony (Tony) Mrs Mary Jane Herbert David Ian Addison Nattrass John Bernard Thornborrow Henry Howard Cook
Brunskill – Independent Independent Group Independent Group Independent Group Liberal Democrat Group
Tel (Home) 01768 898764 Telephone: 017683 51644 Telephone: 01931 714520 Telephone: 01539 624272 Telephone: 01768 892625
(Business) 01768 864190 (Mobile) 07974466462 Email: Email: Email:
Email: Email: Chairman of Resources Committee Chairman of Scrutiny Committee


John Nicholson Allan Bewley Keith Phillips Colin Nineham John George Thompson
Independent Group Independent Independent Group Independent Alliance (Leader) Conservative Group (Leader)
Telephone: 01768 892450 Telephone: 01768 862974 Telephone: 01768 866073 Telephone: 01768 863755 Telephone: 01768 863937
Email: Email: (Mobile): 07713589197 (Mobile) 07778 483043 (Mobile) 07775707096
Email: Chairman of Establishment Committee Email:

Mrs Ella Langan James Banks John Malcolm Smith Paul Timothy Evans Peter Brian Huddleston
Independent Group Independent Group (Leader) Independent Group Independent Group Independent Group
Telephone: 017683 51583 Telephone: 017684 86422 Telephone: 017683 41230 Telephone: 01768 868585 Telephone: 017684 83292
(Mobile) 07808428478 Email:
Email: Email:
Email: Chairman of Community
Vice-Chairman of Eden District Council & Economy Committee


Trevor Charles Ladhams Mark Alan Saunders Major Henry Sawrey-Cookson Mrs Mary Robinson John Michael Holliday
Independent Group Liberal Democrat (Leader) Independent Group Independent Group Independent Group
Telephone: 017683 71629 Telephone: 015396 24797 Telephone: 017683 61574 Telephone: 01768 896255 Telephone: 01768 881297
Email: Email: Email: Email: Email:


Graeme Collingwood John Charles Lynch Mrs Edith Marjorie Cook Michael Davidson Gordon Nicolson
Independent Alliance Conservative Group Liberal Democrat Group Independent Group Conservative Group
Telephone:01768 899296 Tel : (Work) 01768 892939 Telephone: 01768 892625 Telephone: 01768 210290 Telephone: 01768 898387
Email: Mobile 07776 028916 Email: Email: Email: Email:


Michael Metcalfe-Gibson Neil Hughes Gordon Richard Savage Sydney John Simpson William Patterson
Telephone: 015396 23646 Liberal Democrat Group Independent Group Conservative Group Independent Group
Email: Email: Telephone: 016974 78372 Telephone: 017687 79759 Telephone: 017683 51449 Email: Email: (Mobile) 07718584323
Eden’s Tourist Information Centres Crime in
– for you too! Eden District Council has worked
in conjunction with Carlisle City
Council to form the Carlisle and
Eden Crime and Disorder Reduction
Partnership. Data and intelligence
has been collected to produce this,
the third audit of crime.

The partnership intends to prepare a

new strategy (April 2005 – April 2008).
This new strategy will focus on the
particular areas of crime which need to
be addressed in Eden and Carlisle and
will then draw up actions to tackle these

Over the years Eden’s Tourist Information Centres (TICs) have This is a brief summary of Eden’s 2004
been recognised for providing an excellent service in welcoming crime audit. The data has been gathered
from the Police crime and incident
and advising the many visitors who travel to our area. This database, community questionnaires and
remains the case, but they also offer an increasing range of local authorities.
services that will benefit residents too.
Total Crime
TICs can provide local people with a wealth of information on the area they Between 1 April 2001 and 31 March 2004
live in. Staff at the centres have access to information on local shops, leisure the total number of reported crimes in
facilities and places to eat and drink as well as being able to put people in Eden was 8455.
touch with many local clubs and societies. If you are thinking of travelling to
other parts of the UK, whether on business or holiday, staff can book your
accommodation using the nationwide book-a-bed-ahead service and they
can provide information on the place you are visiting.
The TIC in Alston can also be used as a “one stop shop” by the local
community who can access information on a broad range of local authority
services together with logging onto the Internet at computer work stations
located within the building.
At Penrith’s Middlegate TIC you can get information or purchase tickets for
a wide variety of local attractions, events and performance venues. This
includes box office facilities for Penrith Players and the Theatre by the Lake
in Keswick. You can also get your hands on discounted tickets for Ullswater Theft from a Motor Vehicle (9%) Drugs (3%)
Steamers, Keswick Launch and Blackpool Pleasure Beach. At different times Theft (26%) Criminal Damage (23%)
Sexual Offences (1) Burglary Other (9%)
throughout the year tickets are also sold for specific local and countywide
Other (1%) Burglary Dwelling (5%)
events such as Eden Valley Hospice Gala Night and Holker Garden Festival. Offences Against the Person (14%) Theft of Motor Vehicle (3%)
Fraud and Forgery (6%) Robbery
A visit to the centre can also be combined with exploring the town’s museum.
The museum not only brings to life Penrith’s fascinating past, but also has
temporary exhibitions during the year on a range of interesting subjects.
Theft was the most common crime in
In Appleby, if you make a visit to the TIC you can try out tours of the town and Eden but the district still had the lowest
surrounding area using the latest electronic hand-held tour guides. At Kirkby rates in the County as Eden’s figures
Stephen TIC the staff have expert knowledge of walking in the area. For the accounted for only 9% of all theft in
adventurous they can advise on routes in the Howgill Fells while the less Cumbria.
intrepid may enjoy the towns more sedate but equally fascinating poetry path.
During the winter months Alston, Appleby and Penrith TICs also sell Charity Criminal Damage
Christmas Cards which normally go on sale from late October onwards. Criminal damage is the second most
Sales of the cards support a wide range of charities throughout the UK. prevalent crime in Eden. However, Eden
again had the lowest rate in the County
So next time you are visiting one of Eden’s towns, do pop into a TIC – you
with figures accounting for only 6% of
might be surprised at what is on offer!
criminal damage in Cumbria. The most
common offence is damage to a vehicle.
Eden we want your views ✁
Violent Crime Next Steps
Violent crime accounts for 14% of all Following consultation, priorities for action will be identified. These priorities will form
crime in Eden, this represents 7% of total the Carlisle and Eden Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy, which will also be
violent crime in Cumbria. Once again this subject to consultation. We need to know what you think about the crimes identified
is the lowest rate in the County. The most in the audit. Have we identified the key problems? If not what is missing? and, most
common violent crime is assault followed importantly, what do you suggest the priorities for the next three years should be?
by common assault.

Domestic Violence Please complete and return this questionnaire below to the Community Safety
During 2003/2004, 399 violent crimes Officer at Eden District Council.
were recorded. During the same period
168 domestic violence incidents were Question 1. Which of the following is your priority (tick one box only)
recorded. Nationally domestic violence
1. Theft ■
accounts for 25% of violent crime and is
notoriously under reported. 2. Anti Social Behaviour ■
3. Criminal Damage (vandalism etc) ■
Alcohol Related Crime
Between 01 April 2001 and 31 May 2004 Question 2. Which of the following is your priority (tick one box only)
a total of 690 incidents relating to alcohol 1. Drug and Alcohol Related Offending ■
were recorded with 42% in Penrith town 2. Offences Against the Person (Personal assault causing harm) ■
centre and 58% in the rest of Eden.
3. Domestic Violence ■
Most are offences against the person or
assault and generally take place over the
weekends, late at night and during the Question 3. Which of the above is your priority (tick one box only)
summer months. 1. Burglary Dwelling ■
2. Burglary Other ■
Drug Related Crime
3. Vehicle Crime ■
Eden has experienced a decrease in
drug crime since April 2000. Only 3%
of all crime in Eden is drug related. The Question 4. For the following things could you tell us whether they are:
most prevalent crimes in Eden relate to a very big problem (4) a fairly big problem (3), not a very big problem (2)
Cannabis and Heroin offences. or not a problem at all (1) in your area .
Noisy neighbours or loud parties? 4 3 2 1
Anti Social Behaviour Violent attacks 4 3 2 1
Between 1August 2001 and 31st July 2004 Joy riders and dangerous driving 4 3 2 1
9,373 incidents were recorded in Eden.
People using or dealing in drugs? 4 3 2 1
The most common offence was rowdy
nuisance behaviour (37%) followed by Drunks or tramps on the streets? 4 3 2 1
vehicle (33%) and noise nuisance (20%). Rubbish and litter lying about? 4 3 2 1
Vandalism, graffiti and deliberate damage to property? 4 3 2 1
Fear of Crime
Racially-motivated attacks? 4 3 2 1
Cumbria Police Authority and
Young people hanging around? 4 3 2 1
Constabulary conducted a Public
Consultation survey during Autumn 2003.
This survey was used to study the public What do you think should be done to tackle crime in your area?
perception on the fear of crime. When
asked if your area had become a better or ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
worse place to live, 76% of respondents
stated is was the same, 13% felt it had What do you think the local Authority should do to tackle crime in your area?
worsened and 5% felt it had improved.
The reasons given for feeling safe were
living in a quiet area, good window and
What is your postcode? ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
door locks and people being around
during the day. The reasons given for not
Please return to Community Safety Officer, Eden District Council, Town Hall
feeling safe were lack of police presence,
Penrith CA11 7QF. e-mail
large groups of young people and poor
street lights.
How to ask
a question
at committee
The Council welcomes questions
from residents at public meetings
and you are encouraged to use
this opportunity as often as you feel
necessary. The procedure is fairly
simple to follow.
To ask a question contact the Director
of Corporate and Legal Services by
writing a letter or sending an Email to stating your
question. This must be received no
later than midday five clear working
days prior to the meeting and should

Council & committee meetings diary include your name and address. Staff
or Councillors will guide you through
the process if you would prefer.

All meetings start at 6.45pm apart Standards: 13 Oct, 26 Jan, 23 Mar,

from the Licensing and Planning 5 May (Following Council)
Applications committees, which
start at 9.30am
Licensing Committee: 6 Oct, 3 Nov,
1 Dec, 5 Jan, 2 Feb, 2 Mar, 6 Apr, 4 May,
Eye on EDEN
5 May (Following Council) Is produced by Eden District Council
Council: 21 Oct, 16 Dec, 10 Feb, 24 Feb,
21 Apr, 5 May (Annual Meeting) Planning Applications: 21 Oct, 18 Nov, Edited by: The Communication Officer
16 Dec, 20 Jan, 17 Feb, 17 Mar, 21 Apr,
Resources Committee: 7 Oct, 2 Dec, Department of Policy and Performance
5 May (Following Council)
27 Jan, 7 Apr, 5 May (Following Council) Eden District Council
Establishment Committee: 25 Nov, The agendas for these meetings are
Cumbria CA11 7QF
20 Jan, 17 Mar, 5 May (Following Council) published 5 days in advance of a
meeting, as required by law, and are
Environment Committee: 11 Nov, Telephone: 01768 212137
available on our website
13 Jan, 24 Mar, 5 May (Following Council)
Please note this information is correct at Eye on Eden costs 10.5 pence
Community and Economy: 4 Nov, 6 Jan,
the time of going to print. For the latest per copy to produce.
10 Mar, 5 May (Following Council)
information on council meetings please
Scrutiny: 14 Oct, 9 Dec, 17 Feb, 14 Apr, check our website or contact Democratic
Designed and printed by
5 May (Following Council) Services on 01768 212231/212207
Reed’s Limited 01768 864214

Kirkby Stephen Community

and Council Centre
Residents in and around Kirkby Stephen can Contacts:
now use the Community and Council Centre
as a first point of contact and to access a For general information about the Council’s services:
range of Local Authority Services.
Eden District Council, Town Hall, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 7QF
Kirkby Stephen Community
and Council Centre Tel:(01768) 864671 Fax:(01768) 890470
17 Market Street (above the Library) Email: Website:
T 017683 71325
F 017683 71325 Cumbria County Council: 01228 606060

Open: Mon 10.00-12.30

Lake District National Park Authority: 01539 724555
Tue 10.00-12.30
Wed 10.00-12.30 and 13.30-16.00
Thu Closed MP Penrith and the Border:
Fri 10.00-12.30 and 13.30-15.30 Rt Hon David Maclean (Conservative): 01228 521573
and the first and third Saturday of
each month 10.00-13.00.

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