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March 5, 2010 • Volume 8, Issue 20 Published for those serving in the Republic of Korea

New policy balances Web 2.0 with security

By Ian Graham
Special to American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON — The new policy allowing

access to social media from computers connected
to the Defense Department’s unclassified
network balances the mission value of Web 2.0
tools and the need for security, a top defense
official said.
Since being hired as principal deputy
assistant secretary of defense for public affairs
in June, Price B. Floyd has made waves as the
Pentagon’s “social media czar,” promoting the use
of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social
networking tools to spread the department’s
Floyd explained the new policy announced
last week to participants in a “DoDLive”
bloggers roundtable Monday.
“This means all [Defense Department]
components have been told ... that the default
switch on access is to be open,” Floyd said. “It’s
balanced with the need to be security-conscious
and tells the combatant commands to continue
to deny access to sites when people try to access
them inappropriately.”
The policy upholds longstanding regulations
denying access to Web sites with inappropriate
content, such as gambling, hate crimes or
pornography, he said. The new policy also keeps
in the mind the importance of operational
security, which he said becomes more important have the bandwidth.” Along with educating servicemembers on the women of the armed forces having access
because of social media’s reach. The new policy comes largely as a result of a how to use social media tools appropriately, to these ways of communicating. Even on my
“Don’t say or do anything on these sites culture shift outside the Defense Department, Floyd said, some trial and error also must be part own Twitter, which I would say is official, I don’t
you wouldn’t say or do in any other form of Floyd said. That shift needs to be carried over of the process. Because these technologies are communicate ‘official messages.’”
communication,” he said. “The people here in into the department’s culture, he added, as constantly emerging and evolving, he explained, The early months of the new policy will be a
public affairs have started an education campaign young people, many of whom have grown up leaders should be less concerned about being learning period for everyone, Floyd said. In six
to push out both the fact that we have this new using sites such as MySpace and Facebook, join given step-by-step guidance on how to use each months, he added, a review will lead to further
policy, and the need to use it appropriately.” the military. application and more about finding what works guidance. For now, though, he encouraged
He cautioned that certain caveats apply to the “I think we have work here to do at the best for their unit in their location. exploration of social media.
policy. In many areas where servicemembers are Defense Department,” Floyd said. “People who Floyd said he’s been amazed by his own ability “We shouldn’t be so dogmatic about this
stationed around the world, the infrastructure are coming into the military take all of this for to engage with audiences worldwide using social stuff,” he said. “Try new things, see what works.
simply doesn’t exist to support high-bandwidth granted. They can’t imagine a world where one media to talk to people he likely will never meet What works for me here in Washington might
applications such as video streaming, he didn’t have access to these sorts of sites. For those in person,. The promise and outcome of Web not work on a base somewhere else. I would
explained. of us who are a little longer in the tooth, it’s only 2.0 technology is the potential for outreach to encourage people to open a Twitter account,
“In a place like Afghanistan, bandwidth is been in the past few years that we’ve seen these an immense audience with relatively little effort, create a Facebook page, and see what works for
going to be a problem. Just because we have a developments and discovered how useful they he noted. them and their audience.”
new policy, doesn’t mean everything’s open,” he can be. So we have some education and cultural “For me, this is not so much about official Ian Graham works in the Defense Media
said. “If we don’t have the bandwidth, we don’t shifting to do.” messaging,” he said. “This is about the men and Activity’s emerging media directorate.


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The Morning Calm

Published by Installation Management
Analysis program focuses on preventing combat injuries
Command - Korea
By Donna Miles Although leaders may have a hunch about making specific recommendations to program
Commanding General/Publisher: Brig. Gen. John Uberti American Forces Press Service what caused a catastrophic incident, Dick said the managers, Dick’s team provides analyses to
Public Affairs Officer/Editor: R. Slade Walters
Senior Editor: Dave Palmer
JTAPIC analyses provide a scientific assessment help program managers in their acquisition
FORT DETRICK, Md. — Every time a that addresses the myriad factors involved. decisions.
Commander: Col. Larry A. Jackson
Servicemember is killed or wounded in combat, “If you make a decision based on just one Dick acknowledges that the true impact
Public Affairs Officer: Margaret Banish-Donaldson it sets off a sweeping process aimed at identifying subset of the data, you don’t always come to of the program is hard to quantify, because
CI Officer: James F. Cunningham what happened, who perpetrated it and how it the appropriate conclusion,” he said. “We take it’s largely measured in injuries prevented and
USAG-YONGSAN might have been prevented -- and instituting everything from medical data to threat data to lives saved rather than lost.
Commander: Col. David W. Hall changes to reduce the likelihood of it being [data about the] operational environment, and “We don’t always see the success stories,
Public Affairs Officer: Dan Thompson
Staff Writers: Sgt. Hwang Joon-hyun, Pfc. Kim Hyung-
repeated. we integrate those into analysis products.” where there was an incident and soldiers,
joon, Pfc. Choe Yong-joon The Joint Trauma Analysis and Prevention JTAPIC analyses have revealed everything because of the protective systems that have
of Injury in Combat Program brings together from the need to change tactics, techniques and been incorporated, have walked away,” he
Commander: Col. Joseph P. Moore experts within the Defense Department’s medical, procedures, to modify weapons systems and how said. “In some cases, they may have been
Public Affairs Officer: Vacant operational, intelligence and material development they’re used, to provide better force protection and treated at the platoon level, or immediately
CI Officer: Lori Yerdon
Writer–Editor: Steve Hoover communities, who analyze each casualty to glean medical care for wounded troops, he said. gone back to the fight, and we never hear
Designer: Pfc. Baek Joon-woo life-saving lessons, explained Army Lt. Col. Mark They’ve sparked changes in the way the about it.”
Dick, the program manager. military operates, the equipment it purchases and But Dick has little doubt that the JTAPIC
Commander: Col. Terry Hodges They study autopsy information, pore through the protections it provides its troops. program is making a difference for troops on
Public Affairs Officer: Philip Molter
CI Officer: Mary Grimes
after-action reports and medical files, assess vehicle Some findings get passed directly to the front lines -- and will continue to benefit
Staff Writers: Cpl. Park Kyung-rock, Cpl. Lee Do-dam damage reports and ballistic studies and conduct commanders on the ground, who in some cases tomorrow’s servicemembers as well.
Interns: Gu You-jin, Kang Hye-jin computer models and simulations to replicate and can introduce immediate changes to reduce “Let me suffice it to say that what we’re
This Army newspaper is an authorized publication for confirm operational events. their troops’ vulnerability to enemy threats, doing is limiting the number of lost lives,
members of the Department of Defense. Contents of The The goal, Dick said, is to identify vulnerabilities Dick said. and it’s also limiting the severity of injuries,”
Morning Calm Weekly are not necessarily official views of,
or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of De-
and give decision-makers the concrete findings they In other cases, the analyses lead to longer- he said. “This effort has increased soldier
fense, or Department of the Army. The editorial content of need to help shore them up. term changes that impact the broader military survivability, and the safety of our combat
this weekly publication is the responsibility of the IMCOM-
Korea, Public Affairs, APO AP 96205. Circulation: 9,500
The JTAPIC program stood up in 2007 to community. They can result in doctrinal changes systems.”
tap into the full spectrum of expertise across the that guide military operations or the warfighter Dick praised the commitment of JTAPIC
Printed by Oriental Press, a private firm in no way con- department to mitigate combat risk. The Army training programs. partners, who, by leveraging existing programs
nected with the U.S. Government, under exclusive written
contract with the Contracting Command-Korea. The serves as the executive agent, with the program They also can impact weapons systems -- how and infrastructure, have provided a critical
civilian printer is responsible for commercial advertising. office based at the U.S. Army Medical Research and they’re designed, what capabilities they have and new capability. “It’s been a success story in
The appearance of advertising in this publication, including
inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement
Materiel Command at Fort Detrick, Md. what force protections they include. Rather than itself,” he said.
by the U.S. Army or Oriental Press of the products or ser-
vices advertised. Everything advertised in this publication
shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage
without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin,
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Getting the most from TRICARE Standard
patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity By 65th Medical Brigade participating providers) may, by law, charge you up 20 percent. TRICARE Extra is only available
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YONGSAN GARRISON — TRICARE Standard to locate a TRICARE authorized provider. Also, pay up front and file a claim with Wisconsin
Oriental Press President: Charles Chong
Commercial Advertising
is the basic TRICARE health care plan. It is the each of TRICARE’s three United States regional Physicians Services (WPS), the TRICARE
Telephone: 738-5005 or 723-4253 most flexible of the TRICARE options and is contractors has a “Find a Provider” link on their Overseas claims processor.
Fax: (02) 790-5795 available everywhere. Among those eligible for Web home pages that lists network providers Catastrophic Cap
Mail address: PSC 450, Box 758, APO AP 96206-0758 this program are Family Members and survivors of in their region. Remember that in Korea, or To help keep your total expenses low,
Location: Bldg. 1440, Yongsan, Main Post Active Duty personnel, Retirees and their Family anywhere overseas, there are no network providers. TRICARE Standard has a catastrophic cap
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Phone: DSN 738-4068 Family Members if RC member is activated for Host Nation Partnership hospital or clinic when TRICARE covered services. You are not
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All eligible beneficiaries must be properly Facility (MTF). Most of the care you seek is in any given fiscal year, except for services
registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility covered by TRICARE if it’s considered medically not covered or for the additional 15 percent
Visit us online Reporting System (DEERS). necessary and proven. Some services—including nonparticipating providers may charge. The
With TRICARE Standard as your health care acupuncture, weight loss camps, experimental annual cap for TRICARE Standard’s active
The Morning Calm option, you get the flexibility of a plan that allows or unproven procedures and naturopathy—are duty family members is $1,000 per fiscal year, you to select from a variety of providers. To make not covered by TRICARE. For a list of excluded per family. For all other beneficiaries using
the most of your TRICARE Standard coverage, it services check the TRICARE Standard, the annual cap is $3,000
helps to know the difference between receiving care Deductibles and Cost-shares per fiscal year. The annual catastrophic cap
from network and non-network providers, and the You must meet an annual outpatient services is determined by adding you and your family
cost associated with both. deductible before paying cost shares for covered members’ out of pocket costs for deductibles,
Make Your Own Decisions services. Annual deductibles are based on the cost shares on provider visits, durable medical
When choosing TRICARE authorized fiscal year, Oct 1 thru Sept 30. The deductible equipment and supplies, inpatient and
providers—including doctors, psychiatrists, varies depending on the sponsor’s rank: $50 outpatient care and prescription medication
physician’s assistants, hospitals, labs and clinics— per person or $100 per family for active duty costs. You should keep your explanation of
you can see many different types of providers for family members (ADFMs) E-4 and below; $150 benefits statements as a record of your medical
covered services. Because you make your own health per person or $300 per family for ADFMs E-5 expenses and to track your catastrophic cap
care decisions when you use TRICARE Standard, and above, and all retired survivors, retirees and expenses.
it’s important to verify the provider you are seeing retiree family members. After your deductible has For more information, contact your local
Submitting to
is TRICARE-authorized. If not, you may have to been paid, the TRICARE Standard cost-shares TRICARE Office, numbers listed below, or
The Morning Calm Weekly pay for the entire cost of the services. However, if for most outpatient services are 20 percent of log onto
Send Letters to the Editor, guest commentaries, you select a TRICARE-authorized provider who is the TRICARE maximum allowable charge for
story submissions and other items: also a TRICARE network provider, you can take ADFMs and 25 percent for retirees, their families, TRICARE in Korea
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For all submitted items include a point of con- the TRICARE Extra program. This program allows nonparticipating provider the charges may exceed
tact name and telephone number. All items are you to see civilian providers who have agreed to the TRICARE maximum allowable charge and USAG Red Cloud – 730-4695
subject to editing for content and to insure they accept the TRICARE maximum allowable charge, you must pay these costs. By visiting a TRICARE
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less any applicable patient cost share paid by you, network provider and using the TRICARE Extra
IMCOM-K Public Affairs as their full payment. Network providers will also option, you save an additional 5 percent (after you
and the Morning Calm Weekly staff are located file your TRICARE claims for you. TRICARE satisfy the annual deductible) for most outpatient USAG Humphreys – 753-7708
at IMCOM-K, Yongsan Garrison. Extra is not available overseas. In addition, when services. For active duty families the TRICARE
For information, call 738-4065. USAG Daegu – 764-4683
using TRICARE Standard it is important to know Extra cost-share is 15 percent, and for retirees,
that some non network providers (known as non- their families, survivors and others the cost share is

MP Blotter
The following entries were excerpted
from the military police blotters.
These entries may be incomplete and
do not imply guilt or innocence.

USAG-Red Cloud: Traffic Accident

without Injury; Damage to Government
Property; Subject #1, operating a
Government Vehicle with Witness #1 as
a passenger, slid into an embankment
due to a patch of black ice and
rolled over. Damages to Subject
#1’s vehicle consisted of broken
windshields, window, and mirror and
dents, scratches, and cracks to the
hood and undercarriage. Subject
#1 and Witness #1 rendered written
sworn statements attesting to the
incident. During the towing of Subject
#1’s vehicle to the Motor Pool, Subject
#1’s vehicle sustained additional
damages consisting of scratches and
dents to the quarter panels. Subject
#1 and Witness #1 reported utilization
of their seatbelts. Estimated Cost of
Damage is unknown. This is a final

USAG-Yongsan: Larceny of Private

Funds; Larceny of Government
Property; Larceny of Private Property;
Unknown person(s), by unknown
means, stole Victim #1’s wallet
containing approximately $688.00 in
U.S. currency, Military ID card and
various credit cards, which were
secured and unattended in a locker
room. A search of the area by MP for
subjects and or witness(es) met with
negative results. Estimated Cost of
Loss is approximately $688.00. This As our weather begins to warm the park system across Korea is extensive and offers some wonderful destinations. Here in Seoul we
is a final report. are very fortunate with parks of all sizes and themes available. The Gildong Ecological Park is one such area that won’t disappoint.
From the Park’s Web site, the park is a place to provide habitat for living creatures, improve species diversity, observe and experience
USAG-Humphreys: Traffic Accident creatures of natural ecosystem, provide people healthy ecological space and make them aware of the importance of environment.
without Injury; Damage to Government To look for your own adventure in Seoul check out this site, — Photo courtesy of Dave Palmer
Property; Failure to Judge Proper

SIGHTS AND SOUNDS: Off-post events and activities

Distance; Subject #1, operating a
Government Vehicle, while making
a left turn, failed to judge proper
distance and struck a chain link fence
in a parking lot. Damages to Subject
#1’s vehicle consisted of scratches to
the left side of the vehicle. Damages KARMA, Back in Town for a Limited Time presented including Sansuyu Pop Music Festival, Teen’s a gallery and <Fanta-Stick>, a string and percussion
to the chain linked fence consisted of A spectacular combination of martial arts, ancient Green Festival and 7080 Live. This spring, visitors may performance, is held regularly. As such, 63 City is
dents and scratches to the middle of rituals and Korean dance, Karma is back in Seoul an even greater variety of healthy programs celebrating constantly evolving as a “Fantastic City”. Marking
the fence. Subject #1 was processed
and released on Subject #1’s own from March 5th to 7th after completing another world Sansuyu, including hands-on experiences such as: Oxen- its 25th birthday, 63 City has reemerged as a major
recognizance. Estimated Cost of tour. The performers incorporate visual arts into the drawn Cart Ride down Sansuyu Flower Path, Horse-drawn tourist attraction site.
Damage is unknown. This is a final show by painting “Four Gracious Plants”, which Carriage Ride, Clothes Dyeing, Sansuyu Foot Spa, Stroll
report. are said to represent the qualities of a Confucian down Sansuyu Flower Path, etc. USO Panmunjom Tour
scholar, on a canvas right on stage. Karma has The USO Panmunjom tour is one of the best ways to
USAG-Daegu: Traffic Accident
without Injury; Damage to Government been performed all over the world, as far away as Exploring the City of Seoul - 63 Wax Museum understand the situation, the tensions, and the reality
Property; Improper Backing; Subject Bolivia and Iran, and has been very well received. The 63 Wax Museum, one of the major must-see places of the North and South Korea division. From the time
#1, operating a Government Vehicle, It was even named ‘Non-verbal Performance of at 63 City, opened in 2008. Visitors can tour the Museum you start to prepare for the trip until your last view of
while backing, struck a HMMWV, the 2007’ by the Korea Tourism Organization. and take photos with wax figures of historical personages the barbed wire fence that lines the “Freedom Road”
which was legally parked, secured and Performance in the Yong Theater at the National including world-renowned musicians (Schubert, Bach, and or “Unification Road” (the highway connecting Seoul to
unattended in a Motor Pool. Damages
to Subject #1’s vehicle consisted of Museum in Yongsan. Beethoven), painters (Salvador Dali, Picasso, Van Gogh, Panmunjom), your understanding of the recent history
a broken left taillight and a dent and etc.), and athletes. As many as 70 wax figures made by a of Korea will take on a new dimension. In preparing for
scratch to the left rear quarter panel. Gurye Sansuyu Flower Festival famous Japanese artist are 1.5 times bigger than actual the trip, don’t forget to follow the Dress Code for the
Damages to the HMMWV consisted of The 12th Gurye Sansuyu Flower Festival is held size so that they look more detailed and life-like in photos. Panmunjom tour. You can download the dress code
a scratch to the left front quarter panel. March 18th – 21st in the Jirisan Mt. Hot Springs ‘The Last Supper’ which took 3 years to complete, is one from this site or pick one
Estimated Cost of Damage is $137.00.
This is a final report. District located in Sandong-myeon, Gurye-gun. of the most popular pieces in the museum. This piece is up at the USO. Also, very important, be sure to bring
Gurye Sansuyu Flower Festival, which is held every a favorite among visitors, regardless of their nationality. your passport or military ID the day of the tour.
USAG-Daegu: Shoplifting; Subject spring when the Sansuyu flowers bloom, is one of Visitors are provided with costumes so that they may dress
#1 was observed via CCTV placing the landmark festivals of Gurye-gun region. The up and take photos of themselves as Jesus’ hypothetical Mouthwatering Food Festivals
sneakers into a box and exiting the festival was first held in 1999 with a view to promote 13th disciple. The museum offers visitors exciting hands- The ‘Busan Gwangalli Eobang Festival’, which is held
PX without rendering proper payment.
Upon exiting the PX, Subject #1 fled not only the Sansuyu flowers but the city of Gurye, on programs, making this tour anything but a typical April 23–25, 2010, in the Gwangalli Beach area, is one
the scene. Subject #1 was later which produces over 70% of the country’s Sansuyu day at the museum. The 63 City itself, one of the major of the largest and most famous festivals in Busan.
observed by Loss Prevention personnel fruits. The festival will start on March18th with a ritual landmarks in Seoul, is located in Yeouido, overlooking the Up until 2000, the festival was a small celebration
entering the PX at which time Subject for good harvest at a plantation of Sansuyu trees gently flowing Hangang River. On the outside, it’s a simple called the Millak Raw Fish Festival held in Busan’s
#1 was detained. Subject #1 was then located in Gyecheok village, Sandong-myeon. The skyscraper. On the inside, however, it’s full of wonderful Millak-dong Raw Fish Center. Now, from 2001, the
transported by MP to the PMO where
Subject #1 was advised of Subject #1’s following day, the official opening ceremony will be things for visitors to see. Other attractions include Sea ‘Busan Gwangalli Eobang Festival’ became an exciting
legal rights, which Subject #1 waived held at a special stage in Jirisan Mt. Hot Springs World, which is known as the perfect place for a family combination of the Millak Raw Fish Festival, the Beach
rendering a written sworn statement District and will include a variety of exciting festive outing and the observatory located on the 60th floor, Festival held on Gwangalli Beach and the Cherry
denying the offense. Subject #1 was performances by MBC. On both the 20th and 21st, a which is well known as a great place for a romantic date. Blossom Festival held in Namcheon. Look for festivals
processed and released to Subject showcase of music and cultural performances will be Plus, the observatory has recently been transformed into at
#1’s sponsor. ECOL is $69.99. This
is a final report.

By John Uberti
Commanding General, IMCOM Korea
Chairman, USFK Prostitution and Human Trafficking
Working Group

Recently in the press, stories have emerged

regarding Special Tourism Zone clubs near U.S.
Military installations that employ Philippine
women as hostesses. These stories seem to
imply that the very presence of hostesses
indicates illegal activities and that USFK is not
doing enough to discourage the patronage of
these facilities.
USFK has no legal authority to presume
criminal activity based on the presence
of hostesses working in a commercial
establishment. USFK aggressively investigates
all reports of illegal activities at commercial
Brig. Gen. John Uberti — U.S. Army photo
establishments near U.S. Military installations,
and suspected illegal activity is referred to the being restricted.
Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board. If Within our authority to do so, command
the board determines that a facility is engaging and military police authorities pursue indicators
in any kind of activity which adversely affects of trafficking in persons in commercial
the health, safety, welfare, morale, and discipline establishments, and provide support to host
of the Armed Forces, including prostitution or country authorities. We aggressively investigate
any other form of human trafficking, the facility all reports of P&HT and have extensive
is placed off-limits. mechanisms to identify and enforce compliance
We take the issues of prostitution and human with our policies.
trafficking very seriously. Trafficking in persons The potential consequences for military
is a violation of basic human rights that is cruel, and civilian personnel engaging in illegal
demeaning, undermines our mission, and is activities are severe. We have a zero tolerance
incompatible with our core values. policy for prostitution and human trafficking.
Department of Defense policy states that USFK military personnel who are found to
trafficking in persons will not be facilitated be in violation of P&HT policies are subject
in any way by the activities of our Service to prosecution under the solicitation of
members, Civilian employees, DoD contract prostitution articles of the UCMJ. Civilians are
personnel or Family members. USFK officials subject to reprimand, suspension, curtailment
at all levels are taking aggressive steps to prevent and other adverse administrative actions.
USFK personnel from supporting this illegal Family members are also subject to adverse
activity. administrative action.
USFK does not condone prostitution I strongly encourage anyone within the USFK
or any other form of trafficking in persons. community who suspects any establishment or
Since 2002, the DoD and USFK have made individual of supporting any type of trafficking
substantive changes to the Uniform Code in persons to call our P&HT hotline at on-
of Military Justice and local policies that post, DSN 736-9333; or from a cell phone
have significantly reduced USFK personnel or off-post, 0505-736-9333. We aggressively
involvement in P&HT. investigate all reports. If you suspect that a
Service members are trained before arriving person or establishment is engaging in P&HT
in Korea and receive further annual training activities, please report it immediately.
on how to recognize and report any signs of USFK Command policy letter #12 outlines
prostitution or other forms of human trafficking, service member responsibilities and further
including private rooms for employees and information can be found in USFK Regulation
patrons, money being exchanged for unknown 27-5, Standards of Conduct, both available at
reasons, or the appearance of someone’s freedom
MARCH 5, 2010

Breaking first ground during the ceremony were (right to left) Lt. Col. Richard Fromm, Casey Garrison commander, Col. Larry ‘Pepper’ Jackson, Red Cloud
Garrison commander, Maj. Gen. Michael S. Tucker, 2nd Infantry Division commander, Brig. Gen. Terry R. Ferrell, 2nd Infantry Division assistant division
commander maneuver, assistant division commander support, and Dr. Irby Miller, Department of Defense Dependent Schools, Seoul, Korea, superintendent.
— U.S. Army photo by Jim Cunningham

Command breaks ground for School on Casey

By Jim Cunningham Miller, Department of Defense Dependent artists sketches of what our school will look be built as well for children kindergarten
USAG-RC Public Affairs Schools, Seoul, Korea, superintendent. like when finished.” through grade 12, which will serve K-8
“There are a lot of people I want to thank “What you see here is what the future about 77 and mid-teens about 45. “We
CASEY GARRISON — Commanders before starting this ceremony,” Jackson said school will be. These projects are done to have at least nine major projects going on
throughout the Area I footprint came during his opening speech. “Dr. Shirley bridge the gap between where we are now at once here in Area I that deals with the
together today outside the site of the new Miles, director of the Department of and our move to Humphreys. This is a great quality of life,” Jackson said. “I think that
DoDDs school construction to break ground Defense Education Activity, has been in day for our Families; I am a DoDDs school is a great thing when it comes to taking care
for the renovation and transformation of our footprint for quite some time. She is product; I take great pride in that fact and of our Families.
building 2400 into a DoDDs school serving very instrumental in helping us get this always share that with Dr. Miller. Now we There has been a lot of talk about whether
students from kindergarten to eighth grade. school. I want to give thanks for the vision have the opportunity to afford our children or not this school would be built, Miller
The school will have a capacity of 324 of Maj. Gen. Tucker and the 2nd Infantry the same quality education.” said. As you can see now, it is a reality.
students, will cost $3,400,000, and will be Division. I say that because when I first took “We are going to do it in two phases; “This is the first step of many,” Ferrell said,
built using Logistics Cost Sharing funds. command things changed 180 degrees here. phase one is the building you see behind me, “as we look forward to tour normalization
It will realize only one of the many tour We went from a dependant restricted area which will become our new school.” and taking care of our Families. We could
normalization goals command has set before to command sponsorship, and now we have “Notice this building is now a barracks, have waited, but we didn’t. We have got to
them when it opens July 31. Families. This school is just one result of when you look at the artist’s rendering it is get set now to move forward and bring our
Breaking first ground during the ceremony listening to our shareholder’s voice regarding completely different, it becomes a school.” Families on board and get set for things that
were Lt. Col. Richard Fromm, Casey improving the quality of life in Area I. I “A lot of folks are instrumental in helping come. This is one of the many steps; getting
Garrison commander, Col. Larry ‘Pepper’ also want to thank DoDDs Korea and Dr. us do this and I want to thank them.” our Soldiers, our Families, and our children
Jackson, Red Cloud Garrison commander, Miller and his team for being instrumental Jackson went on to say that the school settled in Area I and providing the quality
Maj. Gen. Michael S. Tucker, 2nd Infantry in getting this school. I have worked my is not the only project going on in Area I, education that is needed. Today, we are
Division commander, Brig. Gen. Terry Directorate of Public Works and Directorate there will be a new Child Development breaking the ground; in August the facility
R. Ferrell, 2nd Infantry Division assistant of Logistics a lot in trying to get building Center with a playground, which will have will open with teachers on board. That is
division commander maneuver, assistant 2400 to look like a school. I hope everyone a capacity for 126 children. clearly a sign of great things to come for this
division commander support, and Dr. Irby will take the opportunity to look at these A Child and Youth Services building will division, Area I, and Korea.”

Army Emergency Relief begins campaign on Casey

By Jim Cunningham assistance, and make all Soldiers aware that In 2007, 10 percent of total expenses were
USAG-RC Public Affairs their contributions help the Army take care for fund raising and other administrative
of its own. expenses. The U.S. Army provides for
CASEY GARRISON — The 2010 “Last year within Area I we raised almost many of our administration requirements,
Army Emergency Relief campaign held $100, 000,” said Lt. Col. Dave Hater, 2nd thereby insuring that 90 cents of every dollar
training Feb. 19 in Casey Theater for key Infantry Division personnel officer. “We you donate goes directly into one of our
personnel housed in units within Area I to contacted everyone in the 2nd Infantry programs for Soldiers and their families.
gather pledges and allotments from Soldiers Division and Area I, which has more than All donations to AER are used to support
who wish to contribute to the campaign. The 7,000 people. We asked everyone if they Soldiers and their families.
campaign period will be from March 1 to wanted to make a donation, and more than “All active duty Soldiers and Family
May 15. The purpose of the campaign is to 2,000 people contributed last year. This is members, Army National Guard and Army
raise, with the least burden to Army people, our goal once again, 100 percent contact. Reserve Soldiers on continuous active duty
funds to help cover financial assistance Whether or not a person contributes is a for more than 30 days and their Family
provided by AER, increase awareness of all personal choice.” members, Retirees and Family members, Lt. Col. Dave Hater, 2nd Infantry
Soldiers and their dependents, including Army Emergency Relief obtains a large Army national Guard and Army Reserve Division personnel officer, opens AER
spouses and orphans of deceased Soldiers, share of the funds necessary to support our Soldiers who retired at age 60, and their training Feb. 19 in the Casey Garrison
about the financial assistance available from missions through donations from both the training theater. — U.S. Army photo by
AER, publicize procedures to obtain AER general public and from the Army Family. –See AER, Page 6– Jim Cunningham

News & Notes 2nd Infantry Division celebrates

Did You Know?
The Army Community Center will
African American History Month
begin construction April 10, this By Pvt. Jamal Walker v. The Board of Education; forbidden to read
project will begin when bldg. 1757
USAG-RC Public Affairs and write; whipped for wanting to be treated
is completed. The estimated com-
pletion date is to be determined. equal; denied voting rights; I am History.
RED CLOUD GARRISON — Barack I am bebop and soul; Sunday’s Gospel;
USAG-RC Now on Facebook Obama, President of the United States of Monday’s Blues.”
You can now find USAG-RC on America signed the Official Proclamation “I came out today to observe and to
Facebook. http://www.Facebook. Reading of African American History honor Black History Month,” said Warrant
com/pages/APO/USAG-Red- Month February 2, 2009. As Master Sgt. Officer Katina Horne, A Company Division
Cloud/246854871491. Kelley McKnight-Crosby, G-2 intelligence Special Troops Battalion, 2ID Information
office, 2nd Infantry Division, read the Assurance security officer. “What I enjoyed
Adult, Child and Infant
proclamation again, Soldiers, Civilians, the most from the observance was Command
CPR and First Aid
Class at American Red Cross and Family members erupted in applause Sgt. Maj. Lomax. I loved the poem Lomax
The Adult, Child, and Infant CPR marking the beginning of the African read because of all the memories it brought
and First Aid Class will be held American History Month Observance back to me.”
Feb. 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Feb. 19 2nd Infantry Divisions The CG’s Mess provided a special
in the Army Community Services Commanding General’s Mess. lunch for the event with a spread of ham
Classroom, Bldg. 2317 on Casey “The belief that those dreams might one hocks, southern fried chicken, cauliflower,
Garrison. Cost is $40. Sign up by day be realized by all of our citizens gave potato salad, and other dishes created and
Feb. 26. For more information call: African American men and women the same well known within the African American
sense of duty and love of country that led community courtesy of the 2ID EO office. Retired 1st Sgt. Freddie Walker, Area
Community Bank them to shed blood in every war we have During the entire month of February the 1 Network Enterprise Center chief,
Operation Schedule ever fought, to invest hard-earned resources CG’s Mess provides a different dish each addresses all gathered in the CGs
Community Banks in Area I will be in their communities with the hope of self week to commemorate African American/ Mess Feb. 2 to honor Black History
open March 1 and March 15 for empowerment, and to pass the ideals of Black History Month said Sgt. 1st Class Month. — U.S. Army photo by Pvt.
military payday. They will be closed this great land down to their children and CrystalRenee Saunders, Dining Facility Jamal Walker
March 6 and 20. For information grandchildren,” McKnight-Crosby read Manager.Following Lomax’s poem Spc. Carla
call: 721-7792. from the proclamation. Rance, 2ID Band vocalist, sang “America they had never worked with an African
The theme of the event was “The History of the Beautiful,” and “Over the Rainbow,” American before. Two years later, Walker
Army Career and Alumni
Black Americans, Economic Employment,” accompanied by Sgt. Maj. Christopher befriended Patrick Conley, a Caucasian,
ProgramPosition Vacancy
The person appointed for the va- written by the Soldiers and leaders working Pritchard, A Company, Division Special which was a life changing experience for
cancy will provide direct ACAP in the 2ID Equal Opportunities office. Troops Battalion, 2ID, on his clarinet. Earlier him.
services to transitioning military The overall recurring topic was paying in the observance Rance and Pritchard also “I learned he was not different from
personnel, Army Civilians, and their tribute to the success and struggles African performed their interpretation of “Lift Every any of us,” Walker said. “I came to know
Family members. For information Americans have overcame not only in Voice and Sing.” that Patrick was more like me; there was a
call: 730-4033. the Military but in the American Society. Warrant Officer Marcus Flewellen, master portion of doubt because of his race, but
Command Sgt. Maj. Yolanda Lomax, 70th of ceremonies for the observance, introduced Patrick was just the same as me.”
Camp Stanley Troop Medical Brigade Support Battalion, 210th Fires the guest speaker of the event, retired 1st Sgt. “I wanted everyone to gain two things
Clinic Modernization
Brigade 2ID, read a poem she wrote titled Freddie Walker, Area 1 Network Enterprise from my speech: that African Americans
The ground breaking ceremony to
recognize the physical moderniza- “I am History,” explaining to the audience Center chief. do contribute to the growth of our nation,
tion of Camp Stanley Troop Medi- prior to the reading that she was inspired to Walker spoke of his personal experience and for people to come blind when it comes
cal Clinic will be held from 10-11 write the poem because “history begins and while in the Army, and told everyone how to color.”
a.m. March 5. For information call: ends with each and every one of us.” proud he was to have been able to see the “I think it is so befitting that President
732-5313. In the middle of Lomax’s poem Soldiers changes the Army has made. Looking at Obama has been elected as our president,”
and Family members in attendance began to Tucker and the command group sitting at said Maj. Gen. Michael S. Tucker, 2ID
New Taxi Dispatch Number smile listening to the words of the command the head table, Walker smiled and explained commanding general. “It is such a wonderful
for Casey/Hovey sergeant major. to everyone in attendance how tremendous thing for our country, and such a wonderful
A new dispatch service will take
“I am the March of Freedom; apartheid that is for African Americans. When Walker thing for our world. I appreciate top
effect March 1. The new dispatch
number is: 1544-9080 or calling in South Africa; the civil rights movement; joined the Army in 1975, the Army was (Walker) coming out here and talking
from a DSN line is 99-1544-9080. boycotts and sit-ins in Alabama. I am Brown segregated and many Caucasian’s admitted today.”
For information call: 010-5475-
AER from page 5
cases we may delay payment.”
EEO/POSH Training Schedule The American Red Cross and AER began
EEO/POSH refresher training will Family members, surviving spouses and their Family members at more than 1,000 a partnership in 1998. American Red Cross
be held March 3 and 24 from 9 to orphans, are eligible to receive assistance locations around the world, which are will continue to provide financial assistance
nooon for supervisors and 1:30
from AER,” said Doris Planas, Red Cloud local AER offices, any American Red Cross to Soldiers where military aid societies are
to 4:30 p.m. for nonsupervisors in
Red Cloud garrison’s Family, Mo- Garrison Army Community Services Chapter, Air Force Aid Society, Navy and not accessible. When these circumstances
rale, Welfare, and Recreation Con- financial readiness program manager. “AER Marine Corps Relief Society, and Coast happen, AER will fully reimburse ARC for
ference Room, Bldg. S - 16. For meets emergency financial needs of those Guard Mutual Assistance Office. all assistance issued.
information call: 732-6273. qualified to receive them, for unforeseen and The categories for authorized assistance AER assisted more than 367 active and
urgent needs, like death of a family member, are: food, rent or utilities assistance, retired Soldiers and Families in 2009. They
American Red Cross Needs illness, natural disaster, personal vehicle emergency travel, medical/dental expenses, made loans for more than $370,000, grants
Escorts/Interpreters repairs, initial rent and deposit situations funeral expenses, vehicle repair and for more than $2,000. Soldiers in need
The American Red Cross is looking and situations when you are not receiving maintenance, no-pay situations, surviving should ask his company commander or
for volunteers to be on call escorts/
your pay.” spouses of Soldiers, undergraduate education first sergeant for AER assistance. He may
interpreters. For information call:
730-3184 or 732-6160. Funding for AER comes from voluntary scholarships to children, spouses and also ask for an AER loan up to $1,000. This
contributions from active and retired surviving spouses. access gives leaders immediate ability to
Publicity Request Soldiers and Army Civilians, repayment of Wounded Warriors will receive a $200 solve Soldiers financial issues, and Soldiers
To get your information on the US- AER interest-free loans, investment income, check. will have an additional option other than
AG-RC web site and in the Morning and unsolicited contributions. “If you are on leave and something payday lenders. Soldiers may give to AER
Calm Weekly newspaper log on to: “This is how we replenish our funds,” happens and you need money, you can go to by contacting their unit AER representative Planas said, “we have people that just send any of these places and request assistance,” or they can mail contributions to: Army
licity.asp and fill out the question- us money, believe it or not. A third of our Planas said. “You do not have to be at an Emergency Relief, Attn: Donations, 200
naire and click on submit.
contributions must come from a fund- Army location to receive assistance.” Stovall Street, Room 5-N-13, Alexandria,
raising campaign.” “As long as you have the means to repay a VA 22332-0600. For additional information
Assistance is available to Soldiers and loan, you will get a loan,” she said. “In some e-mail:

Soldier teaches English to Gyeonggi Province employees

By Jim Cunningham ‘Babes in Arms’ written by Richard Rodgers unique,” Yoo said. “Usually when you go with provincial employees, Yoo explained.
USAG-RC Public Affairs and Lorenz Hart.” to an English class there will be a textbook. “This will help them to understand Korea
“This is an inaugural event for the This means the class will matriculate better,” he said. “Civil servants will be able
GYEONGGI PROVENCE — Three beginning of this year’s class,” Chodkowski according to a textbook or program. This to understand the American perspective as
musicians from the 2nd Infantry Division said. “We always do this after the Lunar English conversation class has no text book well.”
Band gathered with more than 20 Gyeonggi New Year. They take a break for a couple and is governed by action and reaction. The civil servants will build a relationship
Province government employees in the of months before we begin the next class. Chodkowski and the students make the with Soldiers that will last the entire year
province office building conference room My focus last year was on basic writing like class up as they go along.” The first result the aside from the advantages of learning
to begin the 2010 English conversation journal entries or letters.” Gyeonggi Provincial Government expects to conversational English in practical
class hosted by the Korean provincial This year Chodkowski will focus more see is Soldiers developing a good relationship circumstances.
government’s Military and Government on reading and storytelling. “Storytelling is
Cooperation Division on the evening of sort of a theme for this year, I’m interested
Feb 24. in sharing with them some of the famous
Spc. Elliot Chodkowski, a pianist with stories in American heritage; at the same
the 2ID Band, brought with him two other time I want them to share Korean traditional
musicians, Spc. Steven Fulir, trumpet, Spc. folk tales. This will provide a good way to
Patricia Borgess, flute and piccolo. Borgess learn about each other’s culture,” he said.
played both flute and piccolo acappella and “The first reason we are having English
Fulir played with Chodkowski accompanying classes here in the provincial office building
him at the electric keyboard. is provincial civil servants want to learn
“I will play an excerpt from a piece English from a native speaker,” said Yoo,
written by Albert Franz Doppler (1821- Yong Cheol, Military and Government
1883),” Borgess said, “it is Fantasie Pastorale Cooperation Division speaker. “Soldiers
Hongroise Op. 26 for flute and orchestra. of the 2ID Band want to teach English to
After that, I will play the famous piccolo civil servants.”
solo from John Phillip Sousa’s Stars and Members of the Band began teaching
Stripes Forever.” English to civil servants in 2007, Yoo said.
When Chodkowski cannot come to teach “This will be the fourth year,” he said.
the class, Borgess or Fulir will substitute, There is something that sets this English Spc. Elliot Chodkowski, pianist with the 2ID Band (left) brought with him two
Chodkowski explained. “Patricia and class apart from other classes available to other musicians, Spc. Steven Fulir, trumpet (right), Spc. Patricia Borgess, flute
Steven are no strangers to the students,” he civil servants. and piccolo (not pictured). Fulir played “My Funny Valentine” with Chodkowski
said. “I will back up Steven on ‘My Funny “There are many English classes available accompanying him at the electric keyboard. — U.S. Army photo by Jim
Valentine,’ originally from the 1937 show from schools and institutes, but this class is Cunningham

WRC takes Manchu 2-0 in Volleyball tourney

By Pvt. Jamal Walker
USAG-RC Public Affairs

CAMP STANLEY— Members from

the Warrior Replacement Center team
defeated the 2nd Battalion 9th Infantry
Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division Manchu
team 2-0 in a single set best of three matches
in Warrior Country’s President’s Day
Volleyball Tournament Feb. 16 in Camp
Stanley Physical Fitness Center.
The tournament featured 9 different
teams combining Civilians, Family
Members, and service members from both
the Army and the Air Force.
Coming into the game undefeated,
the WRC team won the coin toss and
elected to serve the ball first to begin the
championship match.
Although the 2-9 team tried for a
comeback late into the initial match, the
Manchu’s lost to the WRC team 25-22.
The WRC team showed no signs of
giving the Manchus a break from their
spirited play and they received more than
half of their points in their first game from A member from the Warrior Replacement Center volleyball team (left) attempts to block the ball from an opponent on
kills, a sudden offensive action resulting in the 2nd Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment Manchu team during the President’s Day Volleyball Tournament Feb. 16 at the
a point or side out. Camp Stanley Physical Fitness Center. — U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Jamal Walker
“We really didn’t set our minds by saying
‘hey we have to win this,’ we were just the left, center, and right back positions on the bench, were able to contribute Despite the murmurs of the possibilities
here to have fun and we tried to bring up for the setter. something to the championship match. of going into overtime and the three points
everyone’s spirit with a motivational clap,” WRC continued their relaxed and As the Manchus were behind four the Manchus received from kills, the
said Charles Taupau, left forward for the motivated mind-set of the game responding points in the second game 23-19, a group Manchus fell short to the WRC team stayed
WRC team. to every spike with a dig, passing a spiked of Soldiers sitting in the bleachers at the calm and took down the Manchus 25-22.
“In the end it wouldn’t have mattered or rapidly hit ball, or on a few occasions, Camp Stanley PFC began to talk amongst “I really appreciate all of you and hope
to us because we didn’t come here to win, the WRC team blocked the excellently themselves about what would happen if you had a good time, it was worth while
just to have fun, that’s what was important coordinated spikes from the Manchus. the Manchus were able to tie the game doing this tournament during the four
to us.” “We played a few tournaments in Daegu and upset the WRC team. day weekend,” said Maj. Brenda Suggars,
In their attempt to keep the game last year,” Taupau said when asked how In the event of overtime, a one point 304th Signal Battalion Executive Officer
close, the Manchus focused more on the the team came to be so strong given every sudden death will be played to determine who presented the trophy and medal to
mechanics by making cleaner passes from player, including the substitute players the winner. the WRC team.


COMMISSARY BENEFITS are part of the Army

Family Covenant’s commitment to provide a strong,
supportive environment where Soldiers and
Families can thrive.

Guard and Reserve Soldiers and their Families
have shopped on-site at more than 100 remote
locations and purchased $14 million worth
of commissary products.

purchases compared to commercial prices.

$200 million will be spent on building
new commissaries and enhancing
better serve customers.

Visit to learn more

about the Army Family Covenant.

Yongsan hosts Superstars of Wrestling

Professional Wrestler “Scottie too Hottie” shows an audience member how to flex his muscles Feb. 19 a the Collier Field House. — U.S. Army
By Pfc. Kim Hyung-joon
photos by Pfc. Kim Hyung-joon
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs

YONGSAN GARRISON — Live Wrestling Action

“Global Showdown” Korea Tour 2010 by International
Championship Wrestling elbowed its way in to
Yongsan’s Collier Field House Feb. 19 for an action-
packed evening with more than 500 spectators.
The 14 wrestlers who visited Yongsan composed
of former World Wrestling Entertainment stars who
performed one on one matches and a major tag-team
‘The Clown’ and ‘Disco Inferno’ presented their
trademark introductions, which stirred wild applause
from the audience. “Who came here to see the Disco
dance?!” Disco Inferno asked audience.
The former television star ‘The Clown’ was also a
fan favorite because of his unconventional tactics and
enthusiasm on stage.
ICW has provided wrestling entertainment to
the U.S. military all around the globe since 1986.
They also entertain crowds for minor league sports
teams, fairs, festivals, casinos, special events and civic
“I’m very happy and excited,” said 5th grader Aaron
Jones. “I did high-five with two wrestlers. It is just
Garrison Commander Col. Dave Hall and Command
Sgt. Maj. Ralph Rusch joined the Yongsan crowds as
wrestling fans.
“This is clearly the main event at Yongsan,” Hall
said. “It is another example of our being an Army
Community of Excellence and strengthening ties within
the community. I deeply thank those wrestlers visiting
Yongsan and perform for us. I’ve really had a good time
here tonight, and by the look on your faces out there,
I think it’s safe to say you have, too!”
Following the show, wrestlers mingled with the
audience, signing autographs and posing for photos
with fans and community members.

News & Notes Playgroups also bring parents together

Korean Food Discovery
Learn about Korean food and get a real world
adventure eating in a Korean restaurant. Please
sign up in advance. The next event is on March
10, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at S4106, room 124. For
information, call DSN: 738-7505.

New Community Connection

The March edition of the FMWR Community
Connection is now on shelves! Get the latest
news on upcoming recreational activities and
more . Find the hidden Seoul Tower and win a

Scholarships Available
Visit and click
on the 2010 Scholarships button on in the
right column for the latest news about area
scholarships. Application packet for 2010-2011
academic year are also available for download at Scholarships will be granted
for high school seniors graduating in June 2010,
with an accumulaive GPA of at least 2.5, a valid
ID card holder, US citizen and child of USFK
military, US embassy or DOD civilian and from
any US military base.
Yongsan children celebrate Mardi Gras at Yongsan Army Community Services Family Advocacy Program playgroup at the School Age Services building Feb.
Veterans and Retirees Focus Group 17. — U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Kim Hyung-joon
USAG Yongsan will be holding a Veterans and
By Pfc. Kim Hyung-joon and Children, and the Red Cross,” said U.S. Martin Luther King Jr. and Valentine’s Day,
Retirees Focus Group where constituents will
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs Army Garrison-Yongsan Family Advocacy and upcoming themes will recognize Dr.
have the opportunity to express their concerns
about installation services. If you are a Veteran or
Specialist Shana Lewis. “Educational and Seuss’ Birthday and St. Patrick’s Day. The latest
Retiree who would like to participate in this event,
YONGSAN GARRISON — Yongsan’s Developmental Intervention Services also theme was a celebration of Mardi Gras.
please contact the USAG Yongsan Customer. Army Community Services Family Advocacy offers child developmental screenings at the “Playgroups are extremely helpful,” said
The event is on March 5, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m at Army Program offered playgroups for interactive play ACS Playgroups twice a year. The next EDIS Megumi Olson, mother of three year old
Community Services Building (ACS) #S4106. for parents and children ages three and under screenings will be offered at the end of March. Kailey. “It enhances my child’s daily behavior
For information, call DSN: 738-5288. at the School Age Services building Feb. 17. The Military and Family Life Consultant in terms of interacting with others and sharing,
Parents met other parents with children in the usually attends all ACS Playgroups in order participating in a group activity. Also, it is such
International Spouses Support same age group while children played with new to support Garrison families.” a valuable time for me to be able to meet with
The International Spouses Support will meet toys and participated in a variety of activities. The The ACS Family Advocacy Program welcomes other parents and share some knowledge and
in Yongsan at the ACS Bldg 4106, Rm. 118 event helped children learn to play with other parent involvement in playgroups, and information today.”
on March 8, 11 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Foreign born kids through sharing toys and participating in mothers Leza Kotich and Iris Beca volunteer ACS Playgroups are free of charge, and are
spouses are invited to attend and meet other group activities together with their parents. their time to assist in planning and facilitating held the first, third and fifth weeks of every
foreign born spouses, make friends, network and “Playgroups offer an informal forum to the Yongsan Playgroup activities, said USAG-Y month at three different locations, including
get support about about different topics.Please discuss parenting questions and concerns, as Family Advocacy Program Manager Luticia K-16, Hannam Village and Yongsan.
join us and enjoy with us an international potlock well as mini-seminars by community agencies Trimble-Smith. For more information, contact the ACS Family
lunch. For information, call 738-7123. such as Pediatric Dental, Women Infants Their recent playgroup themes included Advocacy Program at 738-8861/5151.

Volunteer Spotlight: Kaylie Melendez

Yongsan Health Clinic Relocated
Since Jan. 22 Yongsan Health Clinic
(Troop Medical Clinic) has relocated from
the Brian D. Allgood Army Community Patricia Jack. “She is highly motivated and
Hospital/121 CSH to the newly renovated extremely enthusiastic when it comes to
Bldg. 1663, (near Navy Club). Hours of creating exciting events or activities for family
operation have not changed. Call DSN members.”
737-CARE 6-7 a.m. for same day appt/sick When Melendez is not volunteering for
call. Hours of operation M-F 7 a.m.-4 p.m. FRG, she is visiting local schools and working
For information, call 010-8515-1025. on Black History Month activities for kids
in 1st to 5th grades and shares stories with
Tricare Online them to explain why Black History Month
TRICARE Prime beneficiaries can is important.
schedule routine appointments using “I volunteered my time to take care of
TRICARE Online. Beneficiaries living in everybody’s needs and see if they need
Korea should verify their enrollment in anything,” Melendez said. “I enjoy getting
TRICARE Overseas Program Prime. Log information about what they want and then
onto For more giving updates to wives and Soldiers in the
information call 736-7236. For information, community because sometimes they don’t pay
call 736-7236. attention and they don’t get the opportunity
to know that they can actually participate in a
Community Connection lot of good things going on in Yongsan.”
ACS Outreach Program will set an She says it is very gratifying knowing she
information table at the Yongsan Kaylie Melendez has actively served as the Family Readiness Group Leader for the 36th Signal Battalion
can help others and that more community
Commissary every first and third Friday since Sept. 2009 to present and has taken the initiative to create an FRG from scratch. — U.S. Army
members should consider it if they are able.
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. to provide photo by Pfc. Kim Hyung-joon “Just volunteer! You can only gain from the
community members with accurate By Pfc. Kim Hyung-joon Kaylie Melendez has actively served as the knowledge and getting to know the area
information about Korea, Yongsan, and USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs Family Readiness Group Leader for the 36th you are at. More you learn about your area
ACS programs. We are here for you! For Signal Battalion since Sept. 2009 to present it’s more interesting and having great time.
information, call 738-7123. YONGSAN GARRISON — The U.S. and has taken the initiative to create an FRG Volunteering comes from your heart and it’s
Army Garrison-Yongsan Family Readiness from scratch. rewarding.”
Program has nominated Kaylie Melendez, “Melendez assisted in customizing the FRG “Volunteers are an important part of what
Medical Support assistant at the Brian Standard Operating Procedures, started makes our Garrison successful,” said Garrison
For a complete list of community Allgood Community Hospital Obstetrics and planning and running meetings, organizing Commander Col. Dave Hall. “They truly
information news and notes, visit the Gynecology Clinic, for Outstanding Family fundraisers, and producing special events make us a Community of Excellence, and I
USAG-Yongsan official web site at Readiness Group Leader for her dedication for the 36th Signal Battalion families in want to thank them for the very real, positive and selfless service. Yongsan to participate in,” said FRP assistant impact they make here every day.”

Community donates to Red Cross Haiti Relief Fund

By Sgt. Hwang Joon-hyun
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs

You have just been appointed to help the Garrison save money
around the base. What creative ideas do you have to trim away
costs you think are not necessary? USAG-Yongsan Facebook
fans have the answer. Find out what more than 2,200 Yongsan
community members are talking about by becoming a USAG-
Yongsan Facebook Fan at!

Sabrina Shoaff
Facebook Fan

When I lived in Germany, instead of having Taxis all

around the bases, they had a share ride thing, where if U.S. Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Jay Wamsley holds a Haitian toddler in Laogane, Haiti, during a Humanitarian visit to multiple small villages outside
you were waiting at the stop people would give you a ride Port-Au-Prince Feb. 2, 2010. Garrison-Yongsan Chapels are sending monetary aid to the support the Red Cross in their mission there. — U.S.
of they were heading that way. Coast Guard photo by Public Affairs Specialist 1st Class Adam Eggers
By Pfc. Kim Hyung-joon Funds will be sent to the American Red Cross Haiti
USAG-Yongsan Public Affairs Relief Fund for use in earthquake victim assistance.
The offering will enable congregations of all
YONGSAN GARRISON — Even though they are denominations to have the opportunity to support the
Phillip Poplawski half a world away, Yongsan community members are needs of those who are suffering, Garrison Chaplain Lt.
contributing to the relief effort in Haiti. Col. Jeffrey Hawkins said.
Facebook Fan The U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan Chapel Tithes and “This effort truly says a lot about the character of this
Offerings Fund collected $19,109.91 from all regularly- great community,” Garrison Commander Col. Dave Hall
scheduled worship services to provide assistance to said. “I am continually amazed at how our community
victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti which caused pulls together not only to help each other, but also
catastrophic damage and loss of life. citizens of other countries in need.”

Through DPW, Family Housing and Self Help, replace

all halogen and incandescent light bulbs with flourescent
tubes. Up front cost is a little more, but the flourescents Facebook photo of the week
last longer, needing to be replaced less. They also use
considerably less energy, paying off in the long run.

Doug Mitchell
Facebook Fan

Lease out the the old Commiskys building to one or more

restaurants/stores similar to what the embassy associa-
tions does (Black Angus, Starbucks, Quiznos etc) Just
be sure to include the utilities in the contract!

Shelton Coonfield
Facebook Fan

Better controls on heating & air Conditioning - you know

there is something wrong when you wear summer clothes
“We went to Deoksugung Palace and museum in downtown Seoul and we got to watch the changing of the
in the winter and winter clothes in the summer because guards and my daughter Brianna got to ring the drum 3 times at the ceremony. It was really cool.” — Courtesy
your work place is either freezing or boiling! Also, solar photo by Lori Walton Cady
energy for at least some of the publicly used buildings
like the gyms. See yourself in the Morning Calm when you become a USAG-Yongsan Facebook Fan. Just post your travel photos to our page with
a quick description covering who, what, when, where and why and we’ll see you in the paper. - Your Yongsan PAO team

Extend a helping hand with the

Army Emergency Relief Fund

s a Soldier, I am continually Let’s take a look at the statistics:
amazed at the generosity YEAR CAMPAIGN ASSISTANCE
of this community! From GIVEN
Soldiers helping feed the 2007 $77,982.00 $279,711.82
homeless, to community members 2008 $51,196.00 $462,265.02
pitching in to raise over $20,000 2009 $52,813.00 $435,229.48
for disaster relief in Haiti, this
community consistently answers the YEAR PEOPLE HELPED
call for help. 2007 207
There are times when our own Army 2008 298
family needs our help, too. That is 2009 309
why, beginning
this week, we have
begun our 2010 “ amount is You know, AER is
a private nonprofit
Army Emergency
Relief Campaign too large or small. organization
to raise funds
that will help our
Every contribution in 1942 by the
Secretar y of War
own cope with matters. I challenge and the Army Chief
their financial of Staff. The sole
emergencies. every Soldier to join mission of AER
How will
your individual me in donating to is to help Soldiers
and their Family
be used? It may AER between now Me m b e r s . A l o t
of people wonder
help a family
experiencing an
and May 15 so that if they have to
contribute to receive
emergency feed we can care for our an emergency AER
their children or loan. The answer
assist them with comrades and their is no. If you are
medical or dental
expenses. It may families. ” eligible for AER
assistance and have
help a Soldier a valid emergency
whose belongings Col. Dave Hall need, AER will do
were destroyed everything it can to
in an accident. USAG-Yongsan assist you.
Folks, whatever Commander In most cases, we
the emergency, are going to help
your contribution applicants with
will extend a hand of support right their need, whether it is through an
when it is needed most. interest-free loan, grant, or combination
I have two goals for this year’s of the two.
campaign here at U.S. Army Whatever you are able to contribute,
Garrison-Yongsan. First, we must no amount is too large or small. Every
contact 100 percent of all Soldiers contribution matters. I challenge every
in Area II and provide them an Soldier to join me in donating to AER
opportunity to contribute. The between now and May 15 so that we
second goal is to surpass last year’s can care for our comrades and their
contribution by at least 10 percent. families. Looking out for each other
This is a worthy cause and I know we and improving the quality of life of
have the community spirit it takes to our team are qualities that make us a
meet these goals. Community of Excellence. We could not
The decision to participate is do it without your help.
strictly voluntary, however, it is only For more information about our
through the generosity of Soldiers program, contact Valleri Mason at 723-
that the AER campaign can succeed 5461 or Sonja Goodman at 738-4008.

Patriot Express Flight information briefings

Briefings on the Patriot Express Program will be held at Theater #2, Yongsan Garrison, on
two dates. March 8 and 15 at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. for 30–45 minutes.

No Endorsement Implied No Endorsement Implied


Coaches ease mental health care transitions Is your portable electronic device at risk
By Elaine Wilson 7877 toll-free from within the continental By 1st Signal Brigade
American Forces Press Service United States. If overseas, they can call toll-free at Special to the Morning Calm Weekly
1-800-424-4685 or collect at 1-314-387-4700.
WA S H I N G TO N — T h e D e f e n s e Referring mental health providers also can make YONGSAN GARRISON — Cell phones and
Department has launched a new program that the enrollment call. portable electronic devices are everywhere. We
offers servicemembers undergoing mental health Once connected, coaches can provide use them to keep in touch, browse the Internet,
treatment a bridge of support as they transition information on behavioral health services, conduct business, and send pictures.
between health care systems or providers. patient support and education and specialized These cell phones, PDAs, and other devices
InTransition provides this continuity of coaching, Frazer said. They’re licensed, master’s- even allow us to enjoy music and videos 24/7
care through a network of transitional support level or doctoral-level mental health clinicians wherever we are. Recently, more of our electronic
coaches who offer servicemembers one-on-one with extensive military and Veterans Affairs devices have become portable. Now, when we
guidance through a transition, whether it’s a knowledge, she added. store music, pictures, and other personal or
move or a separation from service, a health care While trained to provide information on a business data, it can fit on a device the size of
official explained. variety of health-related topics, their primary your thumb. There are security risks to both
“The Defense Department is very familiar goal is to connect servicemembers with care at personal and sensitive Department of Defense
with transitions and how difficult they can be,” the transition’s end. information when such data is stored on portable the device and spread into and network to which
said Public Health Service Lt. Cmdr. Nicole “The coaches work with them to motivate electronic devices or removable storage media. the device might be connected.
Frazer, senior policy analyst for the Defense them to stay connected and engaged with that Remember, within the DoD, sensitive DoD considers a PED to be any portable
Department’s force health protection and goal to be seen,” Frazer said. “We don’t want the information includes any data that has not been information system or device that stores data
readiness programs. “We want to minimize the transition to be a barrier in terms of continuing specifically approved for public release. For any and is capable of wireless or Local Area Network
hassles or stress or barriers to receiving care across or remaining with mental health care.” computing device, there is risk for data loss or connectivity. Cell phones, smart phones,
health care systems or providers -- and ensure no The program was developed in response to compromise. Sensitive data can potentially fall laptops, wireless handheld scanners, and wireless
one falls through the cracks.” a Mental Health Task Force report released in into the wrong hands if the device is lost or organizers are all types of PEDs. Removable
Both active and reserve-component 2007 that identified a need for better continuity stolen or if a hacker connects to the device via storage media are portable storage devices
servicemembers are eligible to participate in this of care across transitions. But the ultimate an unsecured Bluetooth or WiFi port. that can be used to easily move data between
voluntary program when they’re receiving mental goal is to take care of servicemembers, Frazer Data may be compromised by a hacker or computers. Thumb drives, compact discs are also
health treatment and undergoing a transition emphasized. other malicious user. Malicious software such as removable storage media. However, not every
such as relocating to another assignment, “We’re excited to see this program roll out a virus, a worm, or spyware may be introduced to electronic device puts DoD data at risk
transitioning from active duty to veteran status, and make a difference,” she said. “It’s been a
or veteran to active duty, or returning to civilian
life, Frazer said.
wonderful response so far. We’ve been interacting
with servicemembers and leadership across the
Chef creates dishes for single Sailors
Servicemembers can connect with this free, services and VA, and folks are excited that this
confidential service 24/7 by calling 1-800-424- program is there.”

TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy

By 65th Medical 90-day supply for most medications through
Special to the Morning Calm Weekly the mail-order pharmacy, for minimal out-
of-pocket costs, and the medications will be
YONGSAN GARRISON —TRICARE delivered directly to your FPO/APO address!
provides its eligible beneficiaries a world-class Once you’re registered, refills may be requested
pharmacy benefit. One available option is the by mail, phone or online.
TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy (TMOP). Keep in mind that TMOP is designed for
TMOP is available overseas as long as you maintenance medications taken on a regular
have an FPO or APO mailing address and basis. A short-term prescription, like an
your information is accurate in the Defense immediate-need pain drug or an antibiotic,
Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System should be filled at the military pharmacy.
(DEERS). The TRICARE Mail Order For more information about the TRICARE
Pharmacy is your least expensive option when Mail Order Pharmacy to include costs or
not using the military pharmacy and it has enrollment information, log on to www.
several other advantages - it’s safe, convenient or visit your local
and easy to use. You may receive up to a TRICARE Office.

Retiree Dental Coverage available

Good oral health is an important part of maintaining overall health and a military
retiree’s access to dental coverage doesn’t end when they hang up their uniform. With the By Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Hamilton with a “black box” of unknown
TRICARE Retiree Dental Program, retired service members can purchase affordable dental Bobbie G. Attaway ingredients, where he created a delicious fish dish
coverage for themselves and their eligible family members. Special to the Morning Calm Weekly of halibut topped with tangerines with squash
The TRICARE Retiree Dental Program is available around the world to retired service and hicima, a bulbous root vegetable.
members who receive retirement pay, “gray area” retired National Guard and Reserve SEOUL — Sailors stationed in Seoul learned “It was informative and I learned a couple
members who are entitled to (but not yet receiving) retirement pay and Medal of Honor to create many dishes using common ingredients of new recipes that I could try out,” said
recipients. The spouses and children up to 21, or 23 if they are full-time students, of these during a cooking demonstration by a certified Information Systems Technician Seaman Jeremy
retirees are also eligible for the retiree dental program. chef at the Navy Club Feb. 28. Parker, of Tonawanda, New York. “I now know
Participants in this voluntary plan can get dental care from any licensed dentist within “I have been a part of the Adopt-a-Ship that I can go to the commissary and buy some
the program’s designated service area. However, visiting an out-of-network dentist may Program for about ten years and have spent great, but non-expensive items to create a good
require participants to pay higher out-of-pocket expenses and file their own claims. about a total of 356 days at sea,” said Chef de meal for myself.”
The TRICARE Retiree Dental Program is a premium-based plan administered by Delta Cuisine Trevor Hamilton. “Today’s cooking Hamilton, a graduate of George Brown
Dental and it has cost shares for certain services after beneficiaries reach their $50 per- demonstration is catered to the single Sailors who Cooking School in Ontario, has been a part
person deductible. Most preventive, diagnostic and emergency dental services are covered think that they can’t have a good, nutritional meal of the Adopt-a-Ship program since 1999. The
or available for cost-sharing immediately after enrollment, but some services including and what they don’t realize is that they can do it program is a partnership between Naval Supply
orthodontics, dentures and crowns are available with a cost-share only after 12 months of cheap and that it’s very easy to make.” Systems Command and the American Culinary
continuous enrollment. Hamilton cooked easy meals, such as classic Federation. The program enables civilian chefs
The monthly premium rates vary based on the retiree’s location and the number of people alfredo sauce with prosciutto, easy stir fry, grilled to spend time aboard naval vessels mentoring the
covered by the plan. These premiums are automatically deducted from retirement pay. The flank steak with garlic mushrooms and sweet assigned culinary specialists.
rates are available at and adjust Oct. 1 for the next year. potato salad. At the end of the demonstration, For more news from Commander, U.S. Naval
Navy Club Manager Paul Kemmet, provided Forces Korea, visit

Area I Worship Schedule Area II Worship Schedule Area III Worship Schedule Area IV Worship Schedule

Protestant Services Protestant Services Protestant Services Protestant Services

Collective Collective Sunday 0930 Brian Allgood Hospital Collective Collective Protestant
Sunday 1000 Stone Chapel Sunday 1030 K-16 Chapel Sunday 1100 Freedom Chapel Sunday 1000 Camp Carroll
Sunday 1000 Stanley Chapel Liturgical Sunday 0800 Memorial Chapel 1100 Suwon Air Base Chapel 1030 Camp Walker
Sunday 1000 West Casey Chapel Contemporary Sunday 0930 South Post Chapel Church of Christ 1700 Camp Walker
Sunday 1100 Warrior Chapel Sunday 1100 Hanam Village Chapel Gospel 1300 Freedom Chapel Gospel 1215 Camp Walker
Sunday 1100 Crusader Chapel Non-denominational
Sunday 1100 Hovey Chapel Sunday 1100 South Post Chapel Church of Christ 1700 Bldg. 558, Room 206 Contemporary
Gospel Sunday 1230 South Post Chapel Wednesday 1900 Camp Carroll
Gospel Mision Pentecostal Hispana Contemporary 1700 Freedom Chapel Friday 1900 Camp Walker
Sunday 1100 Casey Memorial Chapel Sunday 1430 South Post Chapel
1230 Camp Stanley Chapel Korean Sunday 0910 Hannam Village Chapel KATUSA Korean
Tuesday 1900 Freedom Chapel Tuesday 1900 Camp Carroll
United Pentecostal Wednesday 1830 Camp Walker
COGIC Sunday 1330 Memorial Chapel Korean
Sunday 1230 CRC Warrior Chapel Wednesday 1930 Freedom Chapel Catholic Services
KATUSA Tuesday 1830 Memorial Chapel Mass
KATUSA Catholic Services Sunday 0900 Camp Walker
Sunday 1900 CRC Warrior Chapel Seventh-Day Adventist Mass 1145 Camp Carroll
Tuesday 1900 Camp Stanley Chapel Saturday 0930 Brian Allgood Hospital Daily 1145 Annex 2 Chapel Saturday 1700 Camp Walker
Tuesday 1800 Camp Castle Chapel Sunday 0900 Freedom Chapel
Tuesday 1830 Casey Memorial Chapel Early Morning Service 1500 Suwon Air Base Chapel
Tuesday 1830 Camp Hovey Chapel (Korean) Mon-Sat 0510 South Post Chapel Jewish
Every 2nd Friday 1830 Annex 2 Chapel
Episcopal Sunday 1000 Memorial Chapel
Catholic Services/Mass
Catholic Services
Sunday 1130 Camp Stanley Chapel The Command Chaplain’s Office is here to perform, provide, or coordinate total religious support to the United
Sunday 0900 CRC Warrior Chapel Catholic Mass Saturday 1700 Memorial Chapel Nations Command, U.S. Forces Korea and Eighth U.S. Army Servicemembers, their families and authorized
Sunday 1200 West Casey Chapel Sunday 0800 South Post Chapel
Sunday 0930 Camp Hovey Chapel Sunday 1130 Memorial Chapel
civilians across the full spectrum of operations from armistice to war.
Mon/Wed/Thur/Fri 1145 Memorial Chapel
1st Sat. 0900 Memorial Chapel Visit the U.S. Forces Korea Religious Support site at: for helpful links and information.
Friday 1830 West Casey Chapel Jewish
Friday 1830 South Post Chapel

Korea-wide Army chaplain points of contact

USAG-Yongsan Chaplains USAG-Humphreys Chaplains USAG-Red Cloud/Casey USAG-Daegu Chaplains

Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Jeffrey D. Hawkins: Chaplain (Capt.) Anthony Flores: 2ID Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Jonathan Gibbs: Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Kwon Pyo:, 738-3009,, 732-7998, 764-5455
Chaplain (Maj.) Terry E. Jarvis: Red Cloud Chaplain (Lt. Col) David Acuff: Chaplain (Capt.) Billy Graham:, 738-3917, 732-6169, 765-8991

Chaplain (Maj.) Daniel E. Husak:, 736-3018
No Endorsement Implied

Yongsan puts Facebook Fans in the spotlight

YONGSAN GARRISON — Yongsan Facebook Fans share their experiences in Korea.

Want to see your photos in the Morning Calm? Find out what more than 2,100 Yongsan community
members are talking about by becoming a USAG-Yongsan Facebook Fan at
youryongsan! (Counterclockwise from top right) We went on the city tour, these are our boys and my
friend’s kids checking out the Eiffel Tower ice scuplture. They had so much fun exploring through all
of the ice sculptures. — Courtesy photo by Sarah Beth Rivera; The Last Supper starring
Emily, Khaily and Rachel. Taken at the Science Through Art exhibit at Seoul Arts Center. —
Courtesy photo by Kim Rosen Forni; My daugther getting eaten by the shark at the COEX
mall and Aquarium. — Courtesy photo by Lori Walton Cady; Thank you Sesame Street,
USO, and USAG-Yongsan for a great show! — Courtesy photo by Vilma Moreno; The
girls of Yongsan out-steps the gals in Osan for the line dancing competition on saturday night!
— Courtesy photo by Donna Winzenried

U.S. Army Judge Advocate General visits Korea

Lt. Gen. Dana Chipman (front row center) posed with USFK JAG personnel during his visit and Article 6 inspection Feb. 17–20. The UCMJ mandates that such inspections take place, “The Judge
Advocate General or senior members of his staff shall make frequent inspection in the field in supervision of the administration of military justice.” Included in the official party were assignment
managers from the various career fields allowing the USFK JAG members the opportunity to discuss future assignments and career paths. – U.S. Army photo by Spc. Brian Gibbons

Top Airmen and Soldiers recognized

During his visit, The Judge Advocate General of the Army, took time to recognize outstanding Army and Air Force members of the USFK JAG team for their individual accomplishments during
Fiscal Year 2009 and 2010. Starting with the honorees in the second row, from left to right, they are Spc. Marcus Woodard, Soldier of the 1st Quarter FY10; Sgt. Kristofor Turner, Jan. 2010
NCO of the Month; Sgt. Tarree Wyatt, NCO of the 1st Quarter FY10; Pfc. Kettisha Howard, Jan. 2010 Soldier of the Month, Special Troops Battalion, Eighth U.S. Army; Maj. Robert Chatham,
UNC/CFC/USFK Air Force Element Field Grade Officer of the 3rd Quarter 2009; and Staff Sgt Kellie Ford, PACOM and UNC/CFC/USFK Air Force Element NCO of the 1st Quarter FY10. In
the front row, from left to right, are Master Sgt. Mark Cook, Command Paralegal NCO; Command Sgt. Maj. Troy Tyler, Regimental Command Sgt. Maj.; Lt. Gen. Dana Chipman, The Judge
Advocate General and Col. Tia Johnson, USFK Judge Advocate. Chipman is the 38th Judge Advocate General and will serve a four year term. – U.S. Army photo by Spc. Brian Gibbons
MARCH 5, 2010

★ Enhanced Quality of CYS Programs
★ Eliminated CYS registration fees

★ Increased Respite Child Care

★ Improved Medical Care

★ Created Army OneSource website to provide support for

geographically dispersed youth

★ Created tools to help fund off-post housing during transition and/or

separation periods
★ Established improved Deployment Cycle Support
★ Increased construction of new CYS facilities

★ Mitigates effects of deployment on children


Command Sergeants Major from ROK, U.S. Forces gather for team building event
By Pfc. Joon Woo Baek
USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs


than 60 command sergeants major from
the Republic of Korea and U.S. Forces came
together here, Feb. 25, for a team building
event hosted by Command Sgt. Maj. Jason
K. Kim, garrison command sergeant major.
Members from the Army, Navy, Marines
and Air Force from both forces attended
the event.
The official party members arrived at the
Super Gym for orientation at 9 a.m. Once
all participants were seated, Col. Joseph
P. Moore, USAG-Humphreys garrison
commander, thanked everyone and said he
was honored that they took the time out of
their busy schedule to come and share what
they have to say with others.
“Certainly, the U.S. has very close allies,
but I cannot imagine one closer than that of
the Republic of Korea. I’m proud to be part
of that,” Moore said. “I’m proud to be part
of what is happening at USAG-Humphreys,
and the way we’re building this jointly…
(this kind of partnership) doesn’t happen
like this any place in the world. I hope this
is a very successful day for you and that the
day results in an even stronger bond between
senior people like yourselves.”
Following the commander, Kim
presented the Humphreys’ transformation
briefing to the visiting sergeants major. His
presentation summarized the long-term Command Sgt. Maj. Jason K. Kim, command sergeant major for Humphreys Garrison, explains to the attendees about the relocation of troops
expansion of Humphreys and the relocation from other areas around the peninsula and the expansion plan of Humphreys. Behind him are pictures of buildings scheduled to be demolished.
of other camps on the peninsula. He told These buildings are marked with a red and white circle next to their building numbers.
them of plans for the garrison to triple in size motor pools and headquarters will be closely Command Sgt. Maj. Lee, Yu-man, of the ROK and U.S. Armies, and the Pyeongtaek
(from the current 1210 acres to more than positioned to maximize efficiency. Combined Forces Command, commented community.
3500), and for the total number of personnel “Everything will be within walking that the project at Humphreys will need “One-sided understanding of the issues
to increase to approximately 62,000. distance – the barracks, motor pools and the coordination and cooperation of all will undoubtedly lead to misunderstandings
According to the master plan, new barracks, company headquarters,” Kim said. parties, including the Korean government, and thus conflict. Everyone needs to try
looking at things from the other side’s
perspective to resolve matters smoothly,”
Lee said.
After the briefing, the command sergeants
major toured Humphreys Garrison and
their first stop was the Super Gym and its
facilities. Several of the attendees said the
swimming pool, weight room and cardio
facility, along with the combatives room
on the third floor, impressed them. They
also had a windshield tour of the garrison
and saw construction sites and new barracks
under construction.
Next the guests visited living quarters.
The command sergeants major, especially
those from the ROK Forces, commented
that they were impressed with the barracks
for Single Soldiers when they visited the 3-2
General Support Aviation Battalion, 2nd
Combat Aviation Brigade.
With the expansion, the plan is that all
Soldiers here will be given their own quarters
during their tour. The group also toured
several family housing units.
Following the tour, the group headed to
Tommy D’s for lunch. Before the appetizers
were served, Command Sgt. Maj. Robert
Winzenried, the U.S. Forces Korea and
Eighth U.S. Army command sergeant major,
thanked Kim for hosting the event and the
others for coming.
Winzenried also said that the ROK and
U.S. alliance is “the greatest alliance in
the world…made in blood, more than 60
years ago” and that he hopes it continues
The Republic of Korea attendees listen closely to the presentation using simultaenous interpretation headphones. Mr. Yu, Pom-tong, UGAS- forever.
Humphreys Community Relations Officer, was the interpreter for the event. — U.S. Army photos by Pfc. Heather Y. Guerrero

News & Notes MI Soldiers hold own version of Winter Olympics

Osan Vet Clinic By Steven Hoover
The Osan Vet Clinic will be at USAG-Humphreys USAG-Humphreys Public Affairs
March 8 – 12 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily. The
clinic will be set up across from Tommy D’s and JISAN FOREST RESORT — Although
services provided will include micro-chipping,
none of them were probably ready to
vaccinations, parasite checks and physicals.
Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are
compete with U.S. Olympians Bode Miller
recommended. For more information, call or Shaun “The Flying Tomato” White, about
784-6614. 30 Soldiers assigned to the 3rd Military
Intelligence Battalion took to the slopes
Libraries Closed here, Feb. 23.
The Humphreys and Suwon libraries will be Captain Michael Neal, commander of
closed Tuesday to allow staff to attend training the Headquarters and Service Company, 3rd
at Yongsan. For more information, call Darrel MI, and an avid skier from Minnesota, said
D. Hoerle at 753-8818.
it was just a coincidence that the group went
Child Youth And School Services Job Fair
to the ski resort the same week of the 2010
Child Youth and School Services is hosting a Winter Games in Vancouver, Canada.
job fair March 12, in the Post Exchange, from Instead of chasing gold, silver and bronze
11 a.m. – 2 p.m. For more information, call medals, the participating Soldiers used
753-8284 or 753-6522. this as an opportunity to do some team
Space Camp Scholarship Deadline “Almost everyone in the group could
NASA Space Camp is a place where kids come either ski or snowboard,” Neal said. “Those
together for a journey they will never forget,
who didn’t know how had me for their
and shows young men and women first-hand
what it takes to be an astronaut. The Military
instructor. It was a chance to get the Soldiers
Child Education Coalition is funding a full tuition out to a pretty good ski resort during the
scholarship in memory of Bernard Curtis Brown week, when it isn’t so crowded. Places as Snowboard enthusiasts Pfc. Park, Jong-woo, Sgt. 1st Class Joseph Vincent and Staff Sgt. Larry
II, son of Chief Petty Officer and Mrs. Bernard nice as this resort are tough to get into on Fitzpatrick share their thoughts about the 3rd MI Battalion trip to Jisan Forest Resort Feb. 23.
Curtis Brown. The 11-year old Family Member the weekends. They are pretty busy.”
lost his life on September 11, 2001, when his Neal compared the resort to ones he
hijacked airliner was crashed into the Pentagon visited throughout the Midwest.
in Washington, D.C. For more information on “They don’t have the ski hills (mountains)
the scholarship, see the March issue of Family
like in Vale (Colo.), but they are very
Strong or call 753-8284.
comparable to places I’ve skied throughout
Youth Sports Registration Extended the rest of the States,” he said.
Child Youth and School Services Sports has Private 1st Class Park, Jong-woo, a
extended registration for bowling (6-18 years), Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army
Co-ed baseball (4-18 years), girls softball Soldier, said that he had been to this ski
(12-15 years) and swimming (6-18 years) resort before, but that his experience this
through March 12. To register, see Yeji Smith at time was very nice.
Parent Central Services, CDC Bldg. 693 or call “It was a great opportunity to spend time
753-3413. Coaches are needed and anyone
with members of the unit outside of the
who is interested in volunteering, call Brad
Ficek at 754-5051.
normal work environment,” he said. “Plus,
it was nice to know that American Soldiers
Humphreys Triathlon have the same enthusiasm for doing things
USAG-Humphreys is hosting a Triathlon March with us and in South Korea.”
20. This multi-sport endurance event kicks One member of the unit glad to go on
off with a 400- meter swim at the Community the trip was Staff Sgt. Larry Fitzpatrick, the
Activity Center pool and is followed by a unit’s S-4 Noncommissioned Officer in
20-kilometer bike course and a 5-kilometer run. Charge, who picked up snowboarding this About 30 members of the 3rd MI Battalion attended a unit trip to Jisan Forest Resort Feb. 23.
Pre-register at the Super Gym or register the — U.S. Army photos by Capt. Michael Neal
winter and really enjoys it.
day of the event between 7:30 – 8:50 a.m. For
more information, call 753-8810.
“I love it (snowboarding),” he said. “It is learned to do when I was younger. Although great way for our unit to spend some time
one of those things that I really wish I had there were about 30 of us, the trip was a together outside of work.”
USO United Through Reading
The United Through Reading program eases
the stress of separation for military families
by having parents read children’s books aloud
via DVD for their child to watch at home. The Tuskegee Airmen
Humphreys USO is making this easier by
coming to you. Give them a call and they will visits garrison
schedule a day to visit your unit – they even
supply the books, DVD and pay the postage for HUMPHREYS GARRISON — In
you. Make a lasting and powerful connection celebration of African-American History
with your child and call 753-6281. Month, Tuskegee Airman Donald E. Elder
visited here, Feb. 26, to share his stories
Name Correction
of living as an African American during
In the Feb. 26, issue of The Morning Calm
the Civil Rights era. Elder spent time
Weekly, on page 21, the name of Brig. Gen.
Aundre F. Piggee was spelled incorrectly. We speaking with community members at
regret the error. the Super Gym, to help them understand
the significance of remembering the
Taxi Driver Training true history of the African-American
The AAFES Taxi service is performing annual community. — U.S. Army photo by Spc.
training March 9 - 10 from 2 - 4:30 p.m. Taxi Timothy N. Oberle
service will continue, but there may be delays
due to the reduced number of cabs.

We Want Your Stories!

We want to publish your stories and photos
in the Morning Calm Weekly. Call 754-8847
for more information or e-mail steve.hoover@

Personality Spotlight

Providing sound financial advice to the military community

Barbara Brown, the Army Community
Service Financial Readiness program
manager, could be found in the Post
Exchange lobby speaking with community
members about the 2010 Military Saves
campaign. The campaign is conducted
annually, encouraging saving at all levels.
Through her efforts, about 125 people
signed the Saver Pledge cards, which
encourage them to develop a personal
savings plan, establish an emergency fund
and enroll in the Thrift Savings Plan, and
for eligible deploying Service Members, the
Savings Deposit Program.
Although Military Saves Week comes but
once a year, Brown, who recently arrived
here from Fort Gordon, Ga., is here every
day to help community members become
more financially astute.
Name: Barbara Brown
Job title: Financial Readiness Program
How long have you been doing this
type of work?
For the last 20 years, I have held positions
ranging from Family Readiness Program
Manager to Army Emergency Relief
Installation Coordinator.
Why is it important to remind people
that they should “save for a rainy day?”
Saving for a rainy day is essential because
During Military Saves Week, Feb. 21-28, Barbara Brown, the USAG-Humphreys Army Community Service financial readiness program manager,
things happen when you least expect it. A
could be found in the Post Exchange lobby speaking with community members about the 2010 Military Saves campaign. — Courtesy photo by
general rule of thumb is Families/individuals
Kim Kyong-ah
should have approximately six months of
savings. their Families to become smarter consumers Always treat others as you would like threaten clients, but creates an environment
What is the best part of your job? and savvy about financial matters. to be treated. I’m here to assist. My intent that is relaxed and information is exchanged
Educating a helping Service Members and What is your personal philosophy? is to create an atmosphere that does not easily.

Army Emergency Relief helps Army ‘take care of its own’

HUMPHREYS GARRISON – The annual Army Emergency Relief campaign began here, Monday, with a brief
cake cutting ceremony at the Post Exchange. Col. Joseph P. Moore, USAG-Humphreys garrison commander and
Command Sgt. Maj. Jason K. Kim, USAG-Humphreys garrison command sergeant major, cut the cake and also
spoke with Soldiers in attendance about the importance of AER. Above, Sgt. 1st Class Joe Donovan, assigned
to the 557th Military Police Company, received some help filling out his AER form from Christiana Lewis, USAG-
Humphreys’ AER campaign coordinator and Mercedes Acuna, Army Community Service AER specialist. During
the opening ceremony, pledges worth more than $780 were received. The AER campaign continues through May
15. — U.S. Army photos by Pfc. Georgina Gray

Full moon festival keeps “Kachi Gapshida” alive

By Mary Grimes tug of war, and kite flying. As drums
USAG Daegu Public Affairs rolled, and singers belted out traditional
Korean tunes, Americans and Koreans
DAEGU GARRISON — Daegu’s Nam- alike embraced the spirit of the celebration
gu District and the Shincheon Riverside with gusto.
recently provided Area IV Soldiers and According to Community Relations
Family Members, along with the local Specialist Yong-Kon Chong, USAG Daegu
Korean community, an opportunity to Public Affairs, there is a lot that goes into
greet the first full moon of the year. In a preparations for the festive event. He said,
celebration that drew hundreds, the brisk, “Very early in the morning of the big full
but comfortable temperatures seemed ideal moon day, it is tradition that we crack
for such traditional games as shuttlecock, raw nuts like chestnuts , walnuts, pine

Children rally around USAG Daegu Commander Col. Terry Hodges for a photo opportunity
during the First Lunar Full Moon Greeting Festival, Sunday. The festival brought thousands to
Shincheon Riverside in the Nam-gu, Daegu district. — U.S. Army photo by Mary Grimes

nuts or peanuts with your teeth, chanting three other houses. Another practice was
‘make me peaceful and have no tumors that of the elderly or seniors being treated
or swelling during the year’. We call this to a cold rice wine to clear their ears, and
custom ‘Burum Ggaeki’. People have long therefore be able to listen to good words
believed that the cracking sound dispels all year round.”
demons. While the events of this year’s big full
“On full moon day, Koreans will eat rice moon greeting may not have been carried
cooked by five grains. The grains of rice are out to the letter at Shincheon Riverside,
sticky rice, glutinous kaoliang, red-bean, the large crowds and the interaction
glutinous millet, and bean. People also eat between Koreans and members from the
nine meals of rice with nine vegetable side USAG and Area IV community was never
dishes. Traditionally, Koreans believed that lacking. With good luck very much a
The essence of “Kachi Gapshida” and a solid partnership between the U.S. and Korea is to receive good luck in the year, you’d have part of the celebration, smiles, laughter,
expressed in a firm grasp between Daegu’s Nam-gu District Mayor, Lim Byung-Heon and to have rice of more than three different handshakes and a friendly embrace seemed
USAG Daegu Commander Col. Terry Hodges during Sunday’s 2010 First Lunar Full Moon family names –which means you’d have to pave the way for a new year of peace and
Greeting Festival at Shincheon Riverside in Nam-gu. — U.S. Army photo by Mary Grimes to share your house rice with more than prosperity.

19th ESC HHC trains on lanes for field operations

team was led by a team leader who gave ESC Support Operations.
out orders for the junior Soldiers through “We are planning for the same exercise
the lane. later this year, or the beginning of next.
The simulation included the scenario We will build from what we did this
of vehicles being attacked and rallying at a exercise, and make the next one even more
designated point. After that, the Soldiers challenging and realistic,” said Brantley.
were also required to react appropriately
against chemical, biological, radiological
and nuclear attacks while they marched
up the hill. The last part of the scenario
involved going through the gas chamber.
“It was a good opportunity for the
Soldiers in their first enlistment to
experience convoy escort training to gain
confidence,” said Capt. Toney M. Brantley,
19th ESC HHC commander. “They gained
the ability to perform tasks that are not only
useful in Korea, but in Iraq or Afghanistan
as well, which are focused on survival from
the improvised explosive device or CBRN
19th ESC HHC Soldiers patrol through the woods during the Situational training exercise at
(Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and
Camp Carroll, Feb. 11. — U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Lee Jae-won
Nuclear),” he added.
By Pfc. Lee Jun-ho vehicle escort, but a variety of tasks and All lane procedures were taught to
19th ESC Public Affairs secondary missions for the HHC Soldiers Soldiers in advance through weekly
to qualify. It was a prepared exercise sergeants’ time training for the past several
CAMP CARROLL — The air was full course set with much equipment and months. Escorting the convoy, responding
of tension as three vehicles climbed the hill. given situations. Soldiers were able to test to enemy fires in vehicles, recovering
Soon smoke started to rise, and loud gun themselves while reacting to emergencies casualties, and use of MOPP gear were the
shots were heard. It was all a part of a 19th and responding to sudden threats. U.S. and tasks that Soldiers already knew and were
Expeditionary Sustainment Command KATUSA Soldiers were split into groups familiar with.
Headquarters and Headquarters Company of eight to 10, which were divided again “I was nervous before going into the Sgt. Crisante Palacpac, 19th ESC SPO,
Soldiers’ Situational Training Exercise at into three vehicles. Equipped with armor, lane for the exercise, but the NCOs led wears MOPP gear to protect himself from
Camp Carroll BEQ hill. mission oriented protective posture gear, the Soldiers well. I think it was a good the CBRN attacks during the STX lane. —
The STX lane not only included the and rifles with blank rounds loaded, each experience,” said Cpl. Lee Dong-hee, 19th U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Lee Jae-won

t News & Notes ICE: “The voice of the customer”

By Rick Cave
Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month. The USAG Daegu Plans, Analysis,
501st SBDE EO Office invites you and Integration Office
to attend its Women History Month DAEGU GARRISON — The Interactive
Observance Thursday, March 25, Customer Evaluation (ICE) program is a
2010, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Camp powerful tool designed to give customers a
Carroll Community Activity Center. voice regarding services provided throughout
USAG Daegu and Area IV. It is powerful
Army Emergency Relief Campaign because the customer can freely make
This year’s AER campaign is currently comments that express their particular
underway. Contact the Area IV feelings , good, bad or indifferent, regarding
Campaign Coordinator at 768-8803 to a service.
find out how your support can make a We all have great expectations when it
difference. comes to customer service. Whether it be
shopping at the exchange, receiving medical
Camp Henry TMP Extended Hours care at the clinic, or listening to a band
Dispatch Office & Vehicle Inspection perform at an installation club or facility, it
Station operating hours at Camp all boils down to the expectations we have
Henry TMP will be extended during regarding quality products and service.
the Key Resolve/Foal Eagle (KR/ Through the ICE system, you as the customer
FE) exercise 2010. From Mar. 5 to can be instrumental in just how that service them in one of the ICE boxes that are customers and it’s important for our service
19, Dispatch office will be opened is provided. As the customer, you are the eyes installed throughout the Garrison. The providers to know you are satisfied.
from 4:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Vehicle and ears of the Garrison Commander when ICE containers are easily recognizable as Use ICE for praise, service suggestions, or
Inspection station from 6:00 a.m. to it comes to customer service. they look like the old fashioned ballot complaints. While we know that words of
7:00 p.m.. Customer Management Services provides a box. The CSO collects the cards and puts encouragement tend to have a positive effect
greater emphasis on ICE than ever before. For the data into the ICE system. Although on people, we also want to know what we’re
Softball Tryout example, you now have a full-time Customer the customers always have the option of not doing and what we could do better. If
Time to get ready for softball season. Service Officer (CSO) who monitors the using their computer and logging into the requested, the customer receives feedback
The USAG Daegu Post-Level Softball ICE system to ensure customers are being ICE system to make comments, the ICE within three business-days regarding their
Tryouts will be March 13-14 from contacted within the three business day comment cards provide the customer even inquiry. The old saying is true: “If we don’t
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Contact Neal timeframe. Additionally, the CSO provides greater flexibility. know it’s broke, we can’t fix it.”
Fleischer at 764-4800 for more satisfaction reports, trend analysis and ICE As the customer, you have the right to Our goal is to continue making USAG
information. system training to the service providers, and remain anonymous when submitting an Daegu and Area IV the best place to work
the Garrison Commander. ICE comment. However, keep in mind and live for our Soldiers, Civilian employees,
Key Resolve Burger Burn Each service provider has blank ICE that without your contact information, Retirees, and Family Members. Being the
It’s the USO Key Resolve Burger comment cards at their locations. Customers service providers cannot contact you to give best is achieved by providing our customers
Burn! Take a break from training and can fill out the comment card and place feedback and follow-up. We want satisfied with the best in customer service.

Daegu all-star wins Area IV championship

enjoy free food courtesy of the USO
on Camp Walker’s Kelly Field! It starts
at Noon, March 13 and runs until 3
p.m. For more information call 764-
4437 or 010-2306-6286.

USO Reading Program

Attention Active Duty personnel. Help
create a special memory for your child
through the USO’s “United through
Reading Program.” The program runs
now through March 27th. Visit the
USO for more details.

Handicap Parking Spaces

Prior to removing or repainting
Handicap parking spaces, individuals
must coordinate actions with DPW
and EEO.

EEO Special Emphasis Committees

Individuals interested in being a part
of the USAG Daegu and Area IV EEO
The Daegu all-star KATUSA basketball team, consisting of the KATUSAs from 19th ESC HHC and 403rd AFSB, and 1st Sgt. Kirk A.
Special Emphasis Committees should
Haywood, 19th ESC HHC, celebrate their Area IV championship trophy at Camp Walker Kelly Fitness Center, Feb. 10..— U.S. Army photo
contact the USAG-Daegu EEO office
by Pfc. Lee Jun-ho
NLT April 9, 2010. For more details
contact By Sgt. Lee Jae-won team. exchange” to deactivate Camp Carroll’s
mil.. 19th ESC Public Affairs Throughout the regular season, all low-post threat.
eight major units (19th ESC, USAG- The Daegu all-star team was leading
Korean Home Visitation DAEGU GARRISON — No t Daegu, 36th Signal Battalion, 403rd the flow of the game, but Camp Carroll’s
Would you like a traditional Korean only do members of the Headquarters AFSB, 501st Sustainment Brigade, 6th all-star team’s late rush blocked Daegu’s
Meal with our wonderful Korean and Headquarters Company, 19th Ordinance Battalion, 498 Combat Support front court game and eventually lost them
Hosts? Soldiers, DA Civilians and Expeditionary Sustainment Command Sustainment Brigade, and 194 Combat the game.
Family Members are welcomed. You KATUSA division basketball team know Support Sustainment Brigade) competed “I feel great as my Soldiers play hard
simply decide the date when to visit they’re the best, they have the title to against each other from November through as a team and won the champion’s place,”
the residence of our Good Neighbors. prove it. The team won the 2010 Area IV January, with all games 24-minutes long, said Command Sgt. Maj. Joel F. Webb,
This is to promote ROK-US friendship Eighth Army KATUSA division basketball consisting of two 12-minute halves. 403rd AFSB.
and community. For information, call champion at Kelly Fitness Center Feb. 10, To clinch a ticket to the Eighth Army Pfc. Lee Jae-young, 19th ESC Senior
768-6684/7851. along with players from the 403rd Army KATUSA basketball championship Final ROKA Staff Office, scored 12 points and
Field Support Brigade, with a thrilling Four tournament, Daegu wisely used their Cpl. Kim Min-joong, 6th Ordinance
36-26 win over Camp Carroll’s all-star strategies of “run-and-gun” and “wing Battalion, scored a game high 18 points.

Tax Center provides updates and encourages filers to plan ahead

By Mary Grimes Not unique to personnel serving in
USAG Daegu Public Affairs Korea, Tax Center services are also available
at such locations as Germany and Hawaii.
DAEGU GARRISON — The Camp “The Army offers tax filing services to aid
Henry Tax Center is operating in full swing, qualifying individuals in completing their
and with just weeks away from the April tax returns on time, and without having
15th filing deadline, tax center officials say to battle significant logistical and financial
that customers might want to plan ahead to issues such as travelling back to the United
avoid any last minute filing rush. States,” explained Herniak.
According to Capt. Mitchell D. Wrapping up his update on tax center
Herniak, Officer in Charge of the USAG operations Herniak said it is important
Daegu/Area IV Tax Centers, “After the that filers understand the matter of June
first month of operation, the Area IV Tax extensions. “Qualifying individuals overseas
Centers have been very busy. Thus far, the have an extra two months to file past the April
centers have saved Service members, DoD 15th deadline. However, individuals should
Civilians, and eligible contractors a total of be aware that this is an extension to file, not
$35,477 in tax preparation fees.” Touting an extension to pay. If the filer owes tax,
the overall service, Herniak added, “Area interest and penalties still will be assessed.
IV filers receive quality tax preparation “One final note, the Legal Assistance
for no fee. They have access to individuals Office would like to encourage all qualifying
who can answer questions regarding tax by the Tax Center.” in mind the initial tax deadline of April individuals to utilize the services provided by
issues, and convenient times and locations Addressing the issue of walk-in services, 15th. The centers will be very busy as the the Area IV Tax Centers. As we become busier
for all qualifying individuals to have their Herniak said, “Although the Area IV Tax deadline draws near so you are encouraged and busier, please plan ahead and make an
taxes prepared. These are just a few of the Centers have been able to take almost to plan ahead, and come in early to have appointment to ensure you do not waste a
advantages of using the services provided every walk-in customer so far, please keep your taxes completed.” trip to a tax center location,” he said.

501st SBDE Chaplain emphasizes running the race and pressing forward
By CH (Maj.) Edward I. Choi could impede his progress. the world? You do so by developing these and achievements in ministry; neither
501st SBDE That same concentrated effort and that two attitudes: First, forget your past. As should you be debilitated by past sins and
same type of focus must be present when a runner approaches the starting line, his failures.
DAEGU GARRISON —It is a known attempting to attain the goal of Christ past performances have no bearing on the Second, reach for the goal. Instead of
fact for those of us who are in the Army, that likeness. The Apostle Paul was well aware race he is preparing to run. The same thing looking back, a good runner is always
running is something that we do. It is also of those dangers. That’s why he said, “I do is true when we run the spiritual race in “reaching forward to what lies ahead”
a fact that some of us enjoy running, and not regard myself as having laid hold of it pursuit of Christ--the past is completely (Philippians 3:13). The Greek word for
even love the competition of a race. If the yet; but one thing I do; forgetting what lies irrelevant. Your successes and failures in “reaching forward” refers to an intense
athlete who is competing in a race stands behind and reaching forward to what lies the past are insignificant to the present, let stretching to the limit of one’s capacity.
any chance of winning, he must focus on ahead” (Philippians 3:13). alone the future. You can’t evaluate your
the finish, and ignore the distractions that How do you avoid the distractions of usefulness by your former virtuous deeds — See CHAPLAIN on Page 28—

CHAPLAIN from Page 27

To run like that, you must forget the past His goal was to be like Christ, and he would to respond positively to God’s correction. that kind of effort either--it is an ongoing
and concentrate only on the goal ahead. To receive his reward when God’s upward call But if you have the wrong attitude about pursuit. So Paul says, “Let us keep living
effectively pursue Christ, you must focus all came. Christ likeness is both the goal and your spirituality, if you’re content with the by that same standard to which we have
your concentration on becoming like him. the prize we pursue. current level of your spiritual growth, then attained” (Philippians 3:16). The Greek verb
Paul was highly motivated in his pursuit Every believer ought to have the attitude God will reveal your true condition. He translated “keep living” refers to walking in
of Christ: “I press on toward the goal for the that he or she is not perfect, “not that might do so through chastening or through line. Just as a runner must stay in his lane
prize of the upward call of God in Christ I have already obtained all this, or have trails to build and strengthen your faith and and keep up the same effort until he reaches
Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). He was motivated already been made perfect” (Philippians trust in him. the finish, you must stay in line spiritually
by spiritual matters; he was not caught up 3:12). Those who have that perspective No one can win a race with intermittent and keep moving forward toward the goal
in material comforts and worldly pursuits. regarding their spirituality will be ready effort. Christ likeness cannot be reached with of Christ likeness.

AREA IV Job Opportunities

Camps Henry, Walker

KOEZ10093714 Contract Specialist GS-12/13 Contracting Command Mar. 5

KOEZ10099446 Mgt and Program Analyst YA-02 403RD Spt Bde, S8 Mar. 8
KOEZ10083132 IT Specialist (Netwrk/Sys Admin) GS-11 6th SC, TNOSC Mar. 12
Camp Carroll
KOEZ10083020 IT Specialist (Customer Spt) GS-11 498th CSSB Mar. 8


Camps Henry, Walker
FENAFEZ10093714 CYS Training Specialist NF-04 USAG, MWR, CYSSD Mar. 5
Camp Carroll
CF10-074 Business Manager NF-04 USAG, MWR, Bowling Mar. 17

Camps Henry, Walker
FENAFEZ10-006-LNOC Human Resources Specialist NF-04 CHRA-FE, CPAC Mar. 31

For more information, contact Employment Readiness Program Manager, Steven Wegley at 768-7951
MAY 22, 5,2009

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