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Full-body anti-ageing
The quest for longevity is tantamount to a quest for better health across your body’s entire
physiology. Anti-ageing is cardiovascular health, a strong immune system, healthy gut flora
and supple joints. As such, the anti-ageing sector covers a lot of ground in its fight against
preventive age-related disease, from skin creams and cosmeceuticals to anti-cancer rem-
edies and nutraceuticals with numerous health benefits.

Dan Lifton of Maypro Industries sees ened the lifespans of animals by overinhibit- Sabinsa. Sabinsa’s Curcumin C3 Complex
the category this way: “We define anti- ing their tumor necrosis factor (TNF). “I fear is billed as a bioprotectant for its broad ben-
ageing products as those that address mul- sour headlines for resveratrol lie ahead,” says eficial impact on the body.
tiple age-related conditions, as opposed to Sardi, “as there are potential side effects, none Cranberries also contain powerful phy-
single-function compounds. We include grave – no liver toxicity reported. He advocates tochemicals that combat age-related chron-
compounds that specifically slow, prevent modest doses of resveratrol complemented by ic disease, particularly cognitive and motor
or reverse the ageing process, and ingre- a range of antioxidants such as quercetin and damage. Green tea, fish oil, sea buckthorn
dients that help address a broad range of ferulic acid, as would be delivered by three to and pine bark are also gaining traction.
age-related conditions.” Take Oliginol, for five glasses of red wine. Anti-ageing may be a broad sector, but
example, Maypro’s patented polyphenol Curcumin presents another option. that might only add to its appeal. “As an
derived from lychee fruit. Oliginol won “The antioxidant effects of curcuminoids, ingredients supplier,” says Matt Phillips,
the 2008 NutrAward for demonstrable combined with their known inhibitory ef- president and COO of Cyvex Nutrition,
benefits in healthy ageing, including re- fects on COX-2, render them useful as in- “we have to constantly be on the lookout
ductions in visceral fat, wrinkles and fa- gredients in anti-ageing formulations, and for what categories are doing well in the
tigue, and improvements to the circula- in topical formulations designed to main- marketplace. Eighty per cent of Cyvex’s
tory and cardiovascular systems. tain general skin health and integrity,” says R&D efforts are focused on finding and
Resveratrol continues to garner buzz in Lakshmi Prakash, PhD, vice president of developing novel condition-specific ingre-
this sector. Recent press coverage has con- innovation and business development at dients for our customers.” –Marc Brush
sumers warming to the ingredient for its
antioxidant properties and stimulation of
the sirtuin gene set. Resveratrol’s role as a
mimetic for calorie restriction remains of US sales & forecast dollars (M) % change
particular focus with scientists. Cyvex Nu- of anti-ageing products
trition offers BioVin Advanced, a French 2003 1.23 0.0
red-wine extract from grapes grown in the
Rhône Valley, and DSM Nutritional Prod- 2004 1.36 10.0
ucts offers Resvida with 99 per cent pure 2005 1.49 10.1
trans-resveratrol. As resveratrol’s star rises 2006 1.52 1.8
higher, there appears to be little it cannot
2007 1.61 6.0
fix. Sabinsa’s Resvenox, 95 per cent res-
veratrol for use in dietary supplements and 2008 (estimated) 1.60 -0.4
cosmetics, offers benefit to cardiovascular 2009 (forecasted) 1.59 -1.0
health, immunity, energy, cognitive health,
2010 (forecasted) 1.60 0.9
metabolism and skin health.
Dosage remains problematic, however. 2011 (forecasted) 1.67 2.1
Bill Sardi of Longevinex, an early supplier of 2012 (forecasted) 1.70 3.9
resveratrol supplements, warns against overdo- 2013 (forecasted) 1.77 4.1
ing it. He cites a recent study in Cell Metabolism Source: Mintel/based on Information Resources Inc. InfoScan reviews information
in which mega-doses of pure resveratrol short- US Census Bureau/economic census/annual retail-trade surveys. At inflation-adjusted prices.


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