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1. Unlike his sister who is humble, he is HAUGHTY.
a. proud
b. boast
c. rangy
d. smart
2. War-torn countries usually have IMPOVERISHED people.
a. poor
b. afraid
c. hungry
d. sick
3. A HIGH-MINDED person wouldnt lie. What does high-minded mean?
a. unprincipled
b. mean
c. corrupt
d. honorable
4. I have difficulty in DECIPHERING her notes due to her poor penmanship.
a. decoding
b. taking
c. using
d. filing
5. Clowns are never VAPID but the sick usually are.
a. lively and energetic
c. clumsy
b. lacking spirit and liveliness
d. funny
6. INCESSANT rains cause the floods in the city.
a. strong
b. heavy
c. continuous
d. unexpected
7. He was bitter, CYNICAL and cruel as death itself.
a. relentless
b. hostile
c. obedient
d. distrustful
8. Unfortunately, for the new company manager, the program turned into a FIASCO.
a. anomaly
b. gossip
c. complete failure
d. success
9. They are proud in their belief that they have DESCENDED from the prophets son.
a. originated
b. go up
c. to open
d. to support
10. Of all the trees, the bamboo is the most PLIANT.
a. dominating
b. unyielding
c. hardy
d. supple
11. Shopping in Divisoria is inexpensive if you know how to HAGGLE with the vendors.
a. quarrel
b. talk
c. bargain
d. deal
12. The INSATIABLE greed for wealth results in the profit motive is not directed toward any utilitarian purpose.
a. uncontented
b. powerful
c. inevitable
d. humanity
13. The accused WAIVED his right to a lawyer.
a. increased
b. decreased
c. cancelled
d. returned
14. An AMBIGUOUS statement is hardly understood.
a. distinct
b. long
c. wrong
d. unclear
15. I shall be left with only tears to console me and with his bridal dress to keep POIGNANT memories.
a. painful
b. sweet
c. inspiring
d. pleasurable
16. The ancient city was a LABYRINTH of a narrow,winding streets.
a. confusion
b. model
c. maze
d. collection
17. The soldiers come in MYRIAD to defense the country.
a. few
b. countless
c. group
d. formation
18. The MURKY water of Pasig River smells terrible.
a. unclear
b. flowing
c. swirling
d. polluted
19. Somebody has to CORROBORATE your evidence, otherwise, it will not stand as defense in court.
a. witness
b. confirm
c. be credible
d. collaborate
20. Our guest of honor is LUQUACIOUS speaker. This means he is ________.
a. taciturn
b. verbose
c. reticent
d. reserved
21. Mrs. Reyes ______ invited but she did not come.
a. is
b. was
c. has been
d. were
22. Last Sunday, my friend ______ to have a picnic next week.
a. agreed
b. had agreed
c. will agree
d. have agreed
23. I will need ______ money to buy a new house than to renovate the old one.
a. few
b. little
c. fewer
d. less
24. ________ they question their parents authority.
a. Do ever
b. Never
c. Not even
d. Never do
25. The sun ______ at 6:00 in the morning.
a. raised
b. raises
c. rises
d. rose

26. Dr. Jose Rizal died _____ his country.

a. for
b. with
c. of
d. in
27. You wouldnt want to be late for the LET examination, _________?
a. will you
b. would you
c. wouldnt you
d. wont be
28. Please ______ your students to come early tomorrow.
a. advise
b. advice
c. advance
d. advent
29. The main reason she listens to classical music is _____ it soothes her.
a. for
b. since
c. because
d. that
30. The party teens were told to ______ the noise.
a. hold down
b. hold forth
c. hold on
d. hold with
31. Marty ______ Evelyn ______ to dinner.
a. asked out
b. asked after
c. called out
d. called up
32. People of all races should try to ____ with each other.
a. get around
b. get along
c. get at
d. get over
33. A gust of wind blew _______ my hat.
a. off
b. over
c. up
d. out
34. I was ten years old when the Second World War broke _______.
a. in
b. off
c. out
d. on
35. If anybody ______ to see me, tell him to wait.
a. wished
b. wishes
c. will wish
d. would wish
36. The tallest _______ the members of the class is Juan Dela Cruz.
a. among
b. between
c. in
d. of
37. We bought a center table to _______ our sala set.
a. compliment
b. complement
c. comply
d. conflict
38. Many Chinese _______ to the Philippines.
a. immigrated
b. emigrated
c. emigrant
d. immigrant
39. To _____ the truth, the lawyer cross-examined the witness.
a. illicit
b. elicit
c. illegalize
d. legalize
40. Study the terms. Dont enter ______ contract right away.
a. for
b. in
c. with
d. into
41. Being too ________ will undoubtedly make other men hate you.
a. vane
b. vain
c. vein
d. vanity
42. An autocratic ruler who serves his people well is sometimes called a _________ dictator.
a. beneficial
b. belligerent
c. blatant
d. benevolent
43. If you need my help, just send _____ me.
a. to
b. in
c. for
d. on
44. One of the worlds known writers ______ the seminar on campus journalism next week.
a. is attending
b. are attending
c. will attend
d. had attended
45. The investigator should look _______ the case.
a. after
b. into
c. from
d. for
46. key : lock :: _______
a. litter : trash
b. pestle : pound
47. introduction : conclusion :: _______
a. head : trunk
b. contents : index
48. fur : rabbit :: ________
a. cave : bear
b. wood : building
49. lie : to recline :: ______
a. lay : put down
b. macabre : beauty
50. book : leaves :: ______
a. house : kitchen
b. chimney : roof
51. masticate : chew :: eradicate : _______.
a. collect
b. count
52. Gymnasium : Exercise :: ______ : _______
a. university : study b. music : listen
53. ocean : coastline :: _________ : _________
a. falls : rivers
b. river : bed
54. Albay : Mt. Mayon :: _______: ________
a. Cabanatuan : Palayan
b. Pampanga : Mt. Arayat
55. Truck : wheel :: ______ : _______
a. finger : hand
b. face : nose

c. table : desk

d. sword : scabbard

c. prologue : epilogue

d. glossary : meaning

c. clothes : child

d. feather : bird

c. nab : release

d. quench : to thirst

c. fan : electricity

d. chair : sitting

c. complete

d. throw

c. house : clean

d. car : sales

c. lake : land

d. sea : shore

c. Laguna de Bay : Laguna

d. Mt. Samat : Bataan
c. government : institution

d. friend : friendliness

56. Have you not noticed how ones whole face lights up when one smiles? No Error
57. A number of reviewees stays in a nearby dormitory. No Error
58. The poor seems to be ignored and at times exploited. No Error
59. A bill is thoroughly studied by members of both houses of Congress before they pass it. No Error
60. Coffee and milk is good for a hearty adult breakfast. No Error
61. I fail to understand why you are seeking my council after you ignored my advice last week. No Error
62. None of the projects were submitted in the office on time. No Error
63. He is the only one of the applicants who are fully qualified for the position. No Error
64. Otherwise you refrain from making any noise, you will not be allowed to stay. No Error
65. He cant hardly do anything with his right hand ever since he had his stroke. No Error
66. Kitty will tell you what is on her mind because she always calls a spade a spade.
a. is frank
b. loud and clear
c. boisterous
d. is unashamed
67. Before the conference began, the speaker broke the ice with a joke.
a. surprised everyone b. made a beginning
c. exploded
d. impressed
68. Kyles parents are worrying, he is in the doghouse.
a. comfort
b. trouble
c. home
d. backyard
69. Ill be there with bells on, replied my friend to my invitation.
a. willingly
b. honestly
c. reluctantly
d. immediately
70. Their house in the country in the back of beyond.
a. very far
b. near the country
c. in the mountains
d. nearby
71. The group was forced to start a revolution for peace.
a. paradox
b. pun
c. irony
d. allusion
72. Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines. (Shakespeare)
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. hyperbole
d. personification
73. Not yet Rizal, not yet.
a. epithet
b. allusion
c. apostrophe
d. metaphor
74. The poor thirst for helping hands.
a. personification
b. synecdoche
c. metonymy
d. metaphor
75. Parting is a bitter sweet encounter.
a. metaphor
b. antithesis
c. personification
d. oxymoron
76. Should you hurry, learn to go slow.
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. oxymoron
d. antithesis
77. James Bond is a well-known secret agent.
a. oxymoron
b. irony
c. allusion
d. paradox
78. He has a big heart for a criminal.
a. metaphor
b. apostrophe
c. allusion
d. antithesis
79. Among Mussolinis great achievements were the revival of a strong national consciousness, the
expansion of the Italian Empire, and the running of the trains on time.
a. anticlimax
b. litotes
c. hyperbole
d. simile
80. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her
brood under her wings.
a. allusion
b. apostrophe
c. irony
d. simile
81. Necessity is the mother of all invention.
a. hyperbole
b. metaphor
c. metonymy
d. personification
82. The family has three hired hands working for them.
a. metonymy
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. synecdoche
83. The furnace of affection had softened his heart and purified his soul.
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. irony

84. Id like to ask for your hand in marriage.

a. metonymy
b. litotes
c. metaphor
85. I have tried a thousand times but she refuses to talk to me.
a. irony
b. oxymoron
c. hyperbole
86. His feet were as big as boat.
a. simile
b. hyperbole
c. pun
87. With how sad steps, O moon, thou climbest the skies
a. allusion
b. apostrophe
c. personification
88. It is a beauteous evening, calm and free.
The holy time is quiet as a nun
Breathless with adoration
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
89. One good in business has hands with Midas touch.
a. synecdoche
b. allusion
c. metonymy
90. My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky.
a. metonymy
b. oxymoron
c. personification

d. synecdoche
d. litotes
d. irony
d. metaphor

d. epithet
d. metaphor
d. metaphor


Authentic seeing and knowing each other focusing and listening: inward experience opens up
to ourselves. And even if it does not open it cannot seen and shared; it remains locked in its
own dumb half-being. Most people live without expressing their inner richness. Much of what
people do is canned routines, roles. Sometimes they are alive in their own role often than
not. Frequently, people have to keep themselves down, and put themselves away, hold their
breath till later. For many people there isnt of a later and either inner selves become silent
and almost disappear.

91. Roles according to this paragraph __________.

a. are parts in a drama
c. are our schedule or work
b. are routines we do everyday
d. are regulations we follow
92. The paragraph is all about _______.
a. taking advantage of opportunities
b. how one can be sound of mind and body
c. why people do not see the beauty of their inner selves
d. efficiency in ones work
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back
93. Which road did the person take?
a. The first, meaning the grassy one.
b. The second, meaning the road used by many people.
c. The other for it has a better claim
d. B and C
94. What do the last 3 lines imply when related to the life of man?
a. Man is free to choose the kind of life he wanted to live.
b. Once a man has made a choice, it is not easy to replace and start all over again.
c. What could happen next is that man suffers the consequences of the choice he made.
d. B and C
Africa, my Africa
Africa of proud warriors
In ancestral savanna
Africa of whom my grandmother
Songs = David Deop =
95. The lines describe an Africa that is _______.
a. free and beautiful
c. war town and undeveloped
b. mysterious and unexplored
d. primitive and uncivilized
96. The line from the Koran, Woe to every backbiter talks of
a. Sorrow for those who oppose other opinion
b. Punishment for those who say good things
c. Anguish for those who defend unrighteousness
d. Misery for those who talks ill for others

97. Home is the soldier. Home and free! this tells us

a. The soldier is at peace on death
c. The soldier is well-armed home
b. The soldier is decorated upon arrival
d. The soldier died heroically

As a writer, Marcelo H. del Pilar gained recognition not only because of the clarity of his style but also
because of the progressive views he held. He deplored deeply the backward condition of the country and
the people. With satire and parody as weapons, Del Pilar directed his writings against his targets. He
produced several pieces of biting prose under pseudonyms like Dolores Manapat, Piping Dilat, L.O.
Crame, Carmelo and Plaridel.

98. The first sentence gives reasons for Del Pilars recognition.
a. decision to be a writer
c. progressive views
b. being well known
d. clearness of mind
99. Dolores Manapat was one of his
a. girl friends
c. pennames
b. cousins
d. comrades
What lesson is taken from this passage? Children should be at least self-conscious about their
strategies of thought as they are about their attempts to commit things to memory.
a. Children are self-conscious and they memorize things easily.
b. Children before memorizing anything should think about messages.
c. Children have strategies of their own.
d. Children memorize very easily

Home is the soldier. Home and free! this tells us
c. The soldier is at peace on death
c. The soldier is well-armed home
d. The soldier is decorated upon arrival
d. The soldier died heroically

As a writer, Marcelo H. del Pilar gained recognition not only because of the clarity of his style but also
because of the progressive views he held. He deplored deeply the backward condition of the country and
the people. With satire and parody as weapons, Del Pilar directed his writings against his targets. He
produced several pieces of biting prose under pseudonyms like Dolores Manapat, Piping Dilat, L.O.
Crame, Carmelo and Plaridel.

The first sentence gives reasons for Del Pilars recognition.
c. decision to be a writer
c. progressive views
d. being well known
d. clearness of mind
Dolores Manapat was one of his
c. girl friends
c. pennames
d. cousins
d. comrades
What lesson is taken from this passage? Children should be at least self-conscious about their
strategies of thought as they are about their attempts to commit things to memory.
e. Children are self-conscious and they memorize things easily.
f. Children before memorizing anything should think about messages.
g. Children have strategies of their own.
h. Children memorize very easily

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