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The dawn of multi-terminal realities

By: Adam Outlaw

In one reality their was no beginning or dawn of creation, their was always some
thing without a beginning...yes, soon I will explain.
In another sense “we” have experienced a beginning. We most likely exist in a m
ulti-reality paradox, where two or more universes coexist.
What I’m about to describe is similar to trying to get a person born blind knowi
ng what the color blue looks like.
This can be done to some extent by explaining it is a certain degree of amplitud
e change. That blackness is near silence and white is like a vary loud sound...t
hen by degree of tone set to a scale, have them know with some reality how blue
affects the sighted vs sound to the hearing.
They can be made to understand that like sound, color occupies it’s own time/sp
ace and has wave frequency, etc. So my task describing this subject is clearly f
raught by the current limitations of language and end user constructs applied fo
r the understanding of said language.
I also have a theory of pure thought...that “pure thought” has no mass or locali
zation because it is really part of the singularity which is the static or perfe
ction point that has always persisted.
We seem clearly torn between polarizing universes, between two or more reality
system terminals.
Multi-terminal reality seems the product from the first created particle. The st
atic reality has always existed-(was not created) and is a balance to the nothin
gness, but the static being something, replicated itself by the mechanism of ref
lective feedback vs the created second order object.
The static creates, because when the something-ness of the first prime object me
ets the nothingness, the nothingness is converted into something by being viewed
/defined as nothing. This creates mass in the conversion, mass is an
e only object that seems likely, is a copy of the prime something-ness...the cop
y being like this first object “except for time/localization in space”. This co
pied object realizes the first object, then the nothingness...this creates a ref
lective chain reaction of cause/effect.
This reflective feedback is something like holding two mirrors facing each other
, this creates the principle of infinity. For the first object of existence coul
d only make a copy of itself...for that’s all the first object known or
The making of a second object then made a mirror like effect by the thought that
the everything-ness of the prime object had light or contrast and that this con
trast upon counter viewing, reflected back...for that’s one of the properties of
light, sound, mater, energy or any waveform... the sending of radiated particle
s. Hence the feedback loop from the waveform echo s reflecting and multiplying g
The laws of the prime object are the laws of pure thought, pure thought has ever
y viewpoint in this feedback loop, so it travels faster than any one or mass of
viewpoints...faster than light, for light still holds some mass or localization
in space as an object. Mass might actually be the echo points or the reflections
from the conversion of the prime/sub-prime objects feeding kinetic outputs. Mas
s is composed of energy and energy breaks down to simple waveforms...some fast,
some slower, but all waveform formations are literally communication between two
or more points. Reality is communication, communication between your mind and t
he environment creates reality...two or more objects bumping into or effecting t
he other, creates an impression of this collision...the accumulations of contact
s creates systems of order, or of order are must be
of vary high order for it has evolved and utilized many collisions and still pe
rsist as order.
Pure thought is enlightenment, enlightenment is the ability to fully define this
construct we dwell in and know it’s an temporary necessity and is escapable or
changeable to ones liking.
Example: enlightenment is to realize the human body construct with only 57 known
perceptions and many physical/mental limits is not going to be our final heaven
ly think this is like a praying mantis insect holding it’s form/constr
uct just because it’s worked somewhat so far. The mantis will likely be destroye
d as a life form when our sun expands into a red giant.
Their disembodied souls will seek conditions that help form more mantises, earth
like conditions...and perhaps repeat this until it evolves beyond “it’s” long a
ccepted body construct limitations.
Another principle I “personally” believe is to be totally to walk equa
l with this prime object creator...not summit to it or dominate it, just respect
it and seek to be an equal. Any one who does other than this, I believe will fa
il and wont perfect.
Think about it, if you grovel and’s due to fear and envy you manufac
ture within yourself...this creator knows you would attack, but don’t yet have t
he balls to. If you seek to destroy or dominate this are just fig
hting your own reflection and will pay horribly.
These are just some of my current beliefs about enlightenment that’s all, back t
o the main theory.
Mass is created from viewpoint reflections of second order object counter reflec
tions. Mass is a particle, a particle obeys laws, obeying laws is a second order
function. First order just creates freely because it has no order, cause order
is a series of events. First order has no series of events because it always was
and “is”. “Is” is a word that can describe reality more clearly...for reality
just is what is.
Reality can be created, for when you think a new thought...this thought exist as
mass. Thought is a recording, the recording has impressed itself as an object,
all objects create an effect...the effect creates more effects.
Thoughts of lower order will carry more mass, mass creates more mass by reflecti
on principles. Hence my earlier published ideas about “negative” parasitic mass
can apply.
All actions are really just two or more particles defining space/time by setting
a viewpoint, “their viewpoints” in being the distance between a s
eries of masses or objects separated by time...time being the order from prime c
reation to next creations. Action as here defined is anything that creates anyth
ing or has effects.
The only answer that works is the paradox answer...that says both creation began
and has always existed without beginning. Both!

If you have an absolute beginning or starting point, then how was something made
from nothing at an arbitrary time. I do think nothingness creates more somethin
g-ness, but only cause they both have always co-existed and interact.
But if their could be a time when absolute nothingness existed, then how & why d
id something-ness just out of nowhere start existing?
This just seems harder to believe than the concept that a prime order has always
persisted and that this order must create or why have any movement, wavelength
or existence!
If everything that can exist has existed, then everything would seem to stop it’
s motion or goals, for no more purpose or communication would exist if all has b
een created and done already...the static would ensue, all motion would seem to
logically stop. If we only had fate, then we should not have any motion, action
or infinity.
Strangely & paradoxical I do think fate exist, but only on one side of the termi
nal of reality...the other terminal creates creation and freewill
they actually both exist! Freaking crazy right?

Summation: We live in a multi-terminal reality, that is no less than fate and fr

eewill existing side by side...that anything is possible and taken care of...tha
t “is” is what it is...and so much more.

May your sun rise on endless new dawns!

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