Quiz 5, Done by GROUP B

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Kuis 5 AIS

Niken Triana Kadaryono/ 16041


Wintang Susetyo Hutami/ 16408

Catra Widiya Nugraha/ 16385
01. In which step of the database design process is the data model
actually used?

Conceptual design
Physical design
Systems analysis
Implementation and conversion

02. Anything about which the organization wants to collect and store
information is known as:
A. A database
B. A resource
C. A relationship
D. An entity
03. Those things that have economic value to the organization are known
A. Resources
B. Event
C. Entities
D. Agents
04. Which of the following statements about the REA data model is NOT
A. The REA data model focuses on the business semantics underlying an
organization's value-chain activities.
B. REA data models are usually depicted in the form of DFD
C. The REA model provides guidance for database design by identifying
what entities should be included and by prescribing how to structure
relationships among those entities.
D. The REA data model was developed specifically for use in designing
accounting information systems.

05. The various business activities about which management wants to

collect information for planning or control purposes are known as:
A. Events
B. Agents
C. Resources
D. Entities
06. The people and organizations that participate in events and about
whom information is desired for planning, control and evaluation purposes
are known as:
A. Events
B. Agents
C. Resources
D. Entities
07. Which of the following is NOT one of the essential features of the
basic pattern for how the three types of entities should relate to one
A. Each event is linked to at least one participating agent.
B. Each event is linked to at least one resource that it affects.
C. Each event is linked to at least one other event.
D. Each event is linked to at least two participating agents
08. Which of the following is NOT one of the steps for developing an REA
diagram for a specific transaction cycle?
A. Determine the cardinalities of each relationship.
B. Identify the events about which management wants to collect
C. Identify the resources affected by each event and the agents who
participate in those events.
D. Identify the agents who provide resources.
09. An indication of whether a specific instance of an entity must be
linked to at least one instance of the entity on the opposite side of that
A. Cardinality
B. Many-to-many relationship
C. Maximum cardinality
D. Minimum cardinality
10. This relationship exists when the maximum cardinality of one entity in
the relationship is one and the maximum cardinality for the other
entity in the relationship is many.
A. Many-to-many

B. One-to-one
C. Many-to-none
D. One-to-many
11. This relationship exists when the maximum cardinality of one entity in
the relationship is one and the maximum cardinality for the other entity in
the relationship is one.
A. Many-to-many
B. One-to-many
C. One-to-one
D. Many-to-one
12. Which of the following statements about entity-relationship diagrams
is NOT correct?
A. In an E-R diagram, relationships are depicted as rectangles
B. E-R diagrams can be used not only to design databases but also to
document and understand existing databases and to reengineer
business processes.
C. An E-R diagram is a graphical technique for portraying a database
D. E-R diagrams can be used to represent the contents of any kind of
13. During which phase of the systems development life cycle is the
information needed to purchase or develop a new system gathered?
A. Conceptual design
B. Systems analysis
C. Physical design
D. Operations and maintenance
14. Systems development planning is an important step in planning an
AIS because of the following reasons.
A. Planning provides for consistency.
B. Planning promotes efficiency and subsystems are coordinated.
C. The company remains abreast of cutting edge technology.
D. All of the above are key reasons.
15. Two techniques for scheduling and monitoring implementation
activities are:
B. CASE and GANTT Charts
C. PERT and GANTT Charts

16. If the project must be finished faster, which item on the PERT diagram
will be most helpful in making this decision?
A. Critical path
B. Critical node
C. Predecessor activity
D. Critical event
17. One of the main differences between the Gantt chart and the PERT
diagram is that the:
A. Gantt chart does not show the relationship among various
projects activities.
B. PERT diagram shows project activities and the Gantt chart does not.
C. Gantt chart projects activities and the PERT diagram does not.
D. PERT diagram does not show the relationship among various projects
18. The complete feasibility study is used by the steering committee to
determine whether:
A. the project is appropriate for the users.
B. the project has a negative net present value.
C. the project should be continued, terminated, or modified.
D. the project can be completed on schedule.
19. Which of the following is the most important and is frequently reanalyzed during the feasibility study?
A. Technical feasibility
B. Operational feasibility
C. Scheduling feasibility
D. Economic feasibility
20. Erroneously entering data into the system is a form of resistance
A. Projection
B. Aggression
C. Avoidance
D. Acceptance
21. A new AIS would be least useful when a company is experiencing:
A. Lack of information
B. Inaccessibility to data
C. inefficient data processing.
D. organizational problems.

22. Which data gathering approach is best when needed information is to

be obtained from many people?
A. Interview
B. System documentation
C. Questionnaire
D. Observation
23. How often should an AIS be monitored and minor modifications be
A. Annually
B. Continuously
C. When technology changes
D. When the competition changes systems
24. When an organization is ready to purchase system components for
their information system, they need to communicate their needs to
potential vendors. Which method of communication saves time, simplifies
the decision-making process, reduces errors, and avoids potential
A. Requesting costing
B. Benchmarking
C. Request for proposal
D. Outsourcing

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