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My Book Live

Release Notes for Firmware 02.43.10 048

These release notes provide information on My Book Live Personal Cloud

Information on the firmware is provided as listed below:

Firmware Release:
Firmware Version 02.43.10 048
Firmware Version 02.43.09 038
Firmware Version 02.43.03 022
Firmware Version 02.42.03 027
Firmware Version 02.42.02 012
Firmware Version 02.41.05 034
Firmware Version 02.32.05 046
Firmware Version 02.11.09 053
Firmware Version 02.10.12 129
Firmware Version 02.10.09 124
Firmware Version 02.03.01 024
Firmware Version 02.02.02 020
Firmware Version 02.01.06 026
Firmware Version 02.00.35 423
Firmware Version 01.05.07
Firmware Version 01.04.06
Firmware Version 01.03.03
Firmware Version 01.02.03
Firmware Version 01.01.03
Firmware Version 01.00.02 Initial Release
Firmware Installation Procedure

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes

Before updating to the latest firmware, it is recommended that youve installed the latest updates
and service pack on your computer.
For Windows, go to the Start menu and select Windows Update
For Mac, go to the Apple menu and select Software Update

Firmware Version 02.43.10 -048

Resolved Issues:

Resolved issue of POODLE (CVE-2014-3566) SSLv3 security vulnerability

Firmware Version 02.43.09 -038

Resolved Issues:

Resolved remote connection through web portal is blocked when

updating to JavaTM 7 Update 51

Resolved remote connection through web portal is redirecting to

Oracle website

Resolved issue of Shellshock (CVE-2014-6271, CVE-2014-6277, CVE-2014-6278,

CVE-2014-7169, CVE-2014-7186, CVE-2014-7187) bash security vulnerability

Resolved issue of instability with remote access connections

Firmware Version 02.43.03 -022

Resolved Issues:

Resolved compatibility issue with Time Machine in OSx Mavericks 10.9.x

Resolved issue of inaccessible shares in Windows 8 for accounts that do not have a
password set

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes

Firmware Version 02.42.03 -027

Resolved Issues:

Resolved issue of firmware update stalling at 90% completion

Firmware Version 02.42.02 -012

Resolved Issues:

Resolved inability of Windows 8 File History to back up to default shares

Resolved issue of auto updates not working when the hour is set as 1AM thru 9AM

Resolved issue of internal server error pop-up appearing after changing the device name

Resolved issue of slow media crawler performance on drives with large number of files

Resolved driver support issue; now compatible with WD Windows 8 Rally drive

Firmware Version 02.41.05-034

This firmware update will allow the WD Media Server to be applied to the My Book Live
device. This update does not alter the current Media Server configuration (Twonky Media
Server). After applying this firmware update, you will have the option to switch to the WD
Media Server. The benefit of updating to the newer WD Media Server is to gain full Windows 8
certification and to take advantage of the WD app for Windows 8.
In addition, the WD Media Server will provide the following benefit:

Support streaming of MKV files to Samsung HDTVs

Supports Windows 8 File History backups

Note: To try the WD app for Windows 8, go to the Windows 8 app store and search for WD. To
enable full functionality of the WD app for Windows 8, you must apply the firmware version
02.41.05-034 update first. Then, go to the WD KBA #5735 link provided below to learn more
about, including how to download the patch.
KBA# 5735 Link:
Resolved Issue:

Resolved issue of certain devices that exhibited error pop up messages when accessing
various areas within the dashboard. This error was observed on new devices running
firmware version that had not undergone a previous firmware update

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes

Removed View My Files link from the dashboard due to the requirement to install
Java, causing various web browsers to intermittently display messages to install Java

Resolved issue of not being able to establish a remote access connection when using
Linksys/Cisco E4200 model router

Firmware Version 02.32.05-046

Known Issue:

As noted in the first bullet below, those who successfully updated to firmware version or 02.11.12-060 will be able to update directly to firmware version

Resolved Issues:

Resolved issue of certain previous firmware versions unable to complete the update to
version 02.11.12-060

Resolved remote access performance and connection stability issues

Supports quota settings for Apple Time Machine backups

Supports a View My Files link in the dashboard that opens the public share

Supports opening of each individual share through the dashboard under Shares

Supports messaging in the dashboard to alert if a new firmware update is available

Resolved issue of Apple Time Machine requesting to create a new backup

Resolved issue of the dashboard user interface displaying error code 30000 in some
devices when initiating an automatic firmware update

Resolved issue of the dashboard user interface being inaccessible when using the device
name under rare circumstances

Resolved issue of remote access connecting using relay connection instead of direct(portforwarded) connection

Resolved issue of allowing more than 15 characters to be entered in the device name field

Resolved issue of hidden WD SmartWareTM and Time Machine public shares

Resolved language translation issue for the Unlock USB in pop-up window header

Resolved issue of the dashboard displaying duplicate alert messages

Resolved issue of email alerts displaying the device name more than once

Resolved issue of using the enter key to expand and collapse sections within the

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes

Resolved issue of the dashboard displaying incorrect permission settings when additional
users are created

Resolved issue of the media rebuild timing out and displaying error code 31373

Revised firmware update messaging by fixing update process experience

Resolved issue of the device name field not allowing the use of hyphens

Resolved issue of no message appearing to inform that an automatic firmware update is

in progress

Resolved connection issues related to Mac OS X Mountain LionTM


Resolved issue of the LED remaining in the firmware update state (white LED) even after
a firmware update has previously failed

Resolved issue of the Digital Access Code (DAC) and WD 2goTM email registration
information no longer appearing in the dashboard when the drive is at maximum capacity

Resolved issue of the DNS server not being permanently removed under Network
Configuration section

Resolved issue of the dashboard not displaying an alert when the drive is rebooting

Firmware Version 02.11.09-053

Resolved Issues:

Resolved issue of the dashboard user interface displaying cryptic or distorted images after
a firmware update

Resolved issue of the dashboard user interface exhibiting slower performance after a
firmware update

Resolved issue of automatic firmware updates stalling at 10% completion

Resolved issue of slower overall system performance after a firmware update

Resolved issue of safepoint alert messages that were not translated for all supported

Resolved issue of drives not entering sleep mode due to large log files that are generated

Applied fix to resolve instability issues with Apple Time Machine

Resolved issue of drives not connecting to the Internet

Resolved issue of text overrun on the Create New Share button for all languages

Resolved issues with remote access connection and firmware update stalling on AT&T U-verse

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes

Resolved issue of scheduled auto firmware update not initiating

Removed the sleep time slider function under Energy Saver settings

Resolved issue of private share appearing as public if no users were selected

Applied fix related to standby mode performance

Resolved issue where the device name appears in iTunes after disabling the iTunes

Added new messaging to the Help section that each Digital Access Code (DAC) can be
used only once

Resolved issue where a drive set with a unique device name will not open to the license
agreement dashboard screen after a factory restore

Added current device firmware version to all email alerts

Added 7 languages in the user interface dashboard: Czech, Turkish, Swedish, Polish,
Hungarian, Dutch and Norwegian

Resolved issue where a safepoint is listed under Manage section of the dashboard even if
the recovery process was cancelled

Resolved issue where the user interface dashboard takes 5 minutes to return to a usable
state when the drive is switched to a new static IP address

Resolved issue for the create safepoint percentage complete message and status bar
indicators displaying inaccurate progress

Resolved issue of creating a private share taking nearly 2 minutes to complete if there are
already 15 existing shares

Resolved issue where device icon does not appear on Windows Network Map

Resolved issue where the mouse pointer is incorrectly displayed as a text edit icon when
placed over the create safepoint status bar in user interface dashboard

Resolved issue where the user interface dashboard runs slower without Internet

Firmware Version 02.10.12-129

Resolved Issues:

Resolved issue where user interface dashboard no longer appears after power cycle

Resolved firmware update issue resulting in need to re-enable remote access

Resolved issue causing long boot times when the device has no Internet access

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes

Resolved issue where user interface dashboard does not appear when entering the device

Firmware Version 02.10.09-124

Resolved Issues:

Now allows the /Public/Software contents to be restored after performing factory restore

Added alert displaying the date and time a safepoint was successfully completed

Increased the DAC (Digital Access Code) expiration time to 48 hours for Mobile Access

Added option to expand ability to get a direct port forwarded connection using WD 2go

Now allows users to enter their name in the registration email sent out for WD 2go

Added network connectivity monitor to the dashboard

Added percentage complete count for the safepoint backup progress window

Added port forwarding for Windows XP users to connect with WD 2go

Resolved various translation issues in all languages

Resolved iTunes music streaming no longer working in iTunes 10.5

Resolved issue with file corruption causing error code CNID DB on Mac OS X

Resolved issue of permission error with multiple users on Mac OSX 10.6

Resolved issue of share description not appearing after creating a new share in the

Resolved issue to improve drive standby performance

Resolved issue that allows creating shares with the name "shares" and "backup"

Resolved issue of newly created safepoint discovery showing a blank screen if no

compatible devices are found on the network

Resolved issue that limited the alert icon to stop generating messages after 13 alerts

Resolved issue of a private share being set to All by the media server instead of None
by default

Revised incorrect tool tip information for entering a user name

Resolved issue with the save button appearing at the wrong time in email alerts

Resolved issue of the dashboard not correctly displaying a change made in Energy Saver

Resolved issue of safepoint auto update not backing up if the day is set to 31 and the
actual calendar month has less than 31 days

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes

Resolved issue of an intermittent error message appearing briefly when logging into the

Resolved issue where a scheduled safepoint will not start if the drive is in standby mode

Resolved issue where the old gateway remains active after revising static IP settings

Resolved issue of buttons not fully appearing in a Create New Share popup window

Resolved the inability to create a system report after a safepoint recovery was cancelled

Resolved issue of a firmware update taking too long with data on the drives

Resolved issue to allow workgroup name to include dashes

Resolved issue where no retry safepoint icon appears if creating safepoint failed in the
initial process

Resolved issue where a user cannot re-use a previously used email account to register a
new user

Resolved issue where text entered into the Full Name field cannot be deleted

Resolved issue that allows a space in the password to be accepted

Resolved issue of a horizontal scrollbar that appears in the safepoint manage list

Resolved issue of a dashboard distortion resulting in functional areas that are no longer

Resolved issue for an incorrect error message when the wrong password is entered in
creating or recovering a safepoint from a private share

Firmware Version 02.03.01-024

Resolved Issues:

Resolved issue where files in private shares can be accessed without a password if the file
path is known

Firmware Version 02.02.02-020

Resolved Issues:

Resolved issue with drive not able to go into standby mode

Resolved issue with device not able to set MTU size other than 1500

Resolved issue with existing shares not appearing after upgrading firmware from
01.xx.xx to 02.xx.xx

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes

Resolved Japanese translation issues

Firmware Version 02.01.06-26

Resolved Issues:

Resolved issue with Apple Time Machine incompatibility in Mac OS X Lion update

Resolved issue with incorrect Japanese language translations

Firmware Version 02.00.35 -423

Resolved Issues:

Added safepoint backup solution

o Allows backing up the contents of the My Book Live to another NAS or network
share (including data, configuration and backups)
o Allows restoring a safepoint to a factory fresh My Book Live
o Allows scheduling of safepoints for automated backups of the My Book Live

Replaced MioNet remote access with WD 2go remote access solution

o Added WD 2go mobile app support
o Added WD Photos 1.3 support and activation
o Added remote access to the My Book Live through

Resolved issue of NTP server no longer working if a non-fully qualified domain name is
used in some browsers

Resolved Twonky crash issue from log files reaching full capacity

Resolved empty iTunes playlist when saved to drive unit

Resolved error codes appearing in backup list for Mac computer names that have a single

Resolved issue with MTU discovery; this may have caused sub-optimal WAN transfer
speed in some environments

Resolved issue to remove limit on maximum number of FTP connections

Resolved issue with time zone selected not being set

Resolved issue when new user is created, the option to give the new user access to an
existing share is not retained

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes

Resolved issue with Apache using up RAM memory

Resolved issue with icon images in the Software folder under the Public share will be
displayed to your media devices

Resolved issue where a saved configuration file will not restore device description

Resolved issue where the main LED remains red after an over temperature alert, and the
temperature returns to normal

Resolved issue where a non-alphanumeric password can be created, but is not accepted
when used to login to the device user interface.

Resolved security issue with NFS and FTP access where a user that is logged in can
access shares that are not authorized for access

Added warning message that data will be erased in the event the user deletes a share

Added standardized error code numbers

Added master browser to assist with discovery of Windows shares when a Windows PC
is not currently available on the network

Firmware Version 01.05.07

Resolved Issues:

Contains updates to allow for future firmware messaging options. This update is required
to receive these future updates to the My Book Live.

Firmware Version 01.04.06

Resolved Issues:

Resolved Simplified and Traditional Chinese text displaying incorrectly in the user

Resolved user interface displaying Bad drive status after firmware update

Resolved WD SmartWare displaying No Writable Partition if the IP address of the My

Book Live changes

Resolved My Book Live not appearing in iTunes or Mac Finder if the IP address changes

Resolved issue that may prevent the My Book Live from updating

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes


Firmware Version 01.03.03

Resolved Issues:

Resolved files and folders cannot be modified or deleted when copied to the drive using
remote access MioNet

Resolved permission access assigned incorrectly when shared folders are deleted

Resolved inability to delete content in Software folder

Firmware Version 01.02.03

Resolved Issues:

Resolved issue with Twonky rescan progress indicator not stopping

Resolved issue with Twonky rebuild progress indicator not stopping

Resolved error message displays if less than 3 DNS servers are configured for a static

Resolved brief loss of network connection which may occur in some cases when copying
large amounts of data

Resolved issue that does not remove multiple shares from a user

Firmware Version 01.01.03

Resolved Issues:

Added Reboot and Shutdown buttons from the device user interface

Resolved incidence of communication error during warranty registration through the user

Resolved capacity usage data not updating accurately in bottom dock

Resolved cancel button not completely clearing user info entered in the Creating a New
Share form

Resolved time stamp not updating correctly for Apple Time Machine running under Mac
OS X Leopard 10.5.x

Resolved continued appearance of new firmware available alert message after firmware
update to latest version is completed

Resolved device not rebooting if browser window is closed during firmware update.

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes


Resolved continued appearance of Save and Send Test Mail button after adding an email

Resolved issue of device not going into standby mode if standby time is set to 40, 50 or
60 minutes

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes


Firmware Version 01.00.02

Initial Release:

WebUI management interface

User access control

Gigabit Ethernet network adapter

Automatic firmware update

Drive standby mode

Twonky media server

iTunes server support

Apple Time Machine support

MioNet Remote Access

WD PhotosTM app support

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes


Installing the Firmware Update

Firmware is an important set of instructions that tells your My Book Live drive how to
operate and what the interactive screens look like, as well as ensures accurate functionality.
Updating the firmware enables you to take advantage of improvements to the operation and
performance of your My Book Live drive.
Important: Make sure the AC power adapter remains connected during
the firmware update. A power disruption during the update process can
corrupt the system firmware.

To update the firmware using the drives Web base UI

1. In Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8 launch the WD QuickView and
select Dashboard to open the user interface. Mac users can use WD QuickView for Mac or
2. Enter your password and click the Login button at the main login screen if you have secured
your device previously with a password.
3. From the main dashboard screen, click Settings.
4. Under the System tab, click the Updates heading to expand the section.
5. Click the Check for Update button.
6. If a new firmware is available, an Update Firmware pop up will appear confirming a newer
7. Click the Install & Reboot button and the new firmware will be automatically downloaded
8. Once the firmware has been downloaded, the update process will begin followed by a reboot of
the device. This process will take a few minutes.
Important product update notes:
1. Do not interrupt the firmware update process. Doing so may cause the device to
malfunction or render it unable to boot.

My Book Live Personal Cloud Storage Firmware Release Notes


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