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Nordic Choice Hotels

Frederik Stangs gate 22 -24, 0264 Oslo

Postboks 2454 Solli,
0201 Oslo

Individual Booking

Nordic Choice

Booking Information......................................................................................................5

What......................................................................................................................... 5


Why.......................................................................................................................... 5


How.......................................................................................................................... 5

Company Card/Travel Agents.......................................................................................6


What......................................................................................................................... 6


Why.......................................................................................................................... 6


How.......................................................................................................................... 6


Link a reservation to a Company Card...............................................................6


Request a new Company Card..........................................................................7

Reservation Source........................................................................................................7

What......................................................................................................................... 7


Why.......................................................................................................................... 8


How.......................................................................................................................... 8

Guarantee bookings.......................................................................................................8

What......................................................................................................................... 8


Why.......................................................................................................................... 8


How.......................................................................................................................... 8


Guarantee by NCC membership level...............................................................8


Guarantee by credit card...................................................................................8


Guarantee by Company.....................................................................................9


Guarantee by invoice confirmation.....................................................................9


Set guarantee status..........................................................................................9

Nordic Choice Club........................................................................................................9


What......................................................................................................................... 9


Why.......................................................................................................................... 9


How.......................................................................................................................... 9


Ensure that benefits are delivered to NCC members.........................................9


Recruit new members......................................................................................10


Bonus Withdrawal............................................................................................10

Comments..................................................................................................................... 11

Opprettet av: Hanne Johnsen
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Sist endret av: FrontOffice02 Clarion Collection Hotel Kysten 02.10.2014


Nordic Choice

What........................................................................................................................ 11


Why......................................................................................................................... 11


How......................................................................................................................... 11

Activity List................................................................................................................... 11

What........................................................................................................................ 11


Why........................................................................................................................ 12


How........................................................................................................................ 12


Add a new activity to the right department.......................................................12

Allotment...................................................................................................................... 12

What....................................................................................................................... 12


Why........................................................................................................................ 13


Check remaining allotments.............................................................................13

Revenue Structure.......................................................................................................13

What....................................................................................................................... 13


Why........................................................................................................................ 14


How........................................................................................................................ 14


Override.................................................................................................................... 15


What....................................................................................................................... 15


Why........................................................................................................................ 15


How........................................................................................................................ 15


Yield override...................................................................................................15


Price Override..................................................................................................16


Promotion Code....................................................................................................... 17


What....................................................................................................................... 17


Why........................................................................................................................ 17


How........................................................................................................................ 17


Add Ons.................................................................................................................... 18


What....................................................................................................................... 18


Why........................................................................................................................ 18


How........................................................................................................................ 18


Waiting List...............................................................................................................18
What....................................................................................................................... 18

13.2 Why........................................................................................................................ 19
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Nordic Choice

How........................................................................................................................ 19


Waiting List priority...........................................................................................19

Confirmations........................................................................................................... 20


What....................................................................................................................... 20


Why........................................................................................................................ 20


How........................................................................................................................ 20


Sending Style Sheets.......................................................................................20


Send a confirmation by SMS...........................................................................21


Deposit...................................................................................................................... 21


What....................................................................................................................... 21


Why........................................................................................................................ 22


How........................................................................................................................ 22


Register a deposit correctly.............................................................................22


Using the deposit function................................................................................22


Post a deposit..................................................................................................22

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Nordic Choice

1 Booking Information


Accurate and correct booking information is the information we need to complete a booking



Booking information is our first contact with a guest for a reservation. It is important that we
have correct information in the booking process. Correct booking information ensures:


Better customer service because the hotels have correct information about our guests
Correct statistics
Information that gives up-sale opportunities
Gives possbibilities for follow up (internal use)
Security reasons, fire safety
We need to have the right payment information in order to ensure that we get paid for
the booking.


The following information is required to complete a reservation:

Chapter in
Guest name, e-mail, phone number
Contact name, e-mail, phone number
Bonus card (Nordic Choice Club, Sokos Hotels or Coop)
External reservation number for Third Party Channels (Coop, etc.)
Company card, if applicable
Check that Rate Code is correct according to agreement
Market Segment (automatically filled in, but needs to be checked
when overriding)
Room requests? Add Ons? Follow up with Activity List
If necessary, assign a room (handicap, pet, extra bed, view)
Guarantee status (16:00, 18:00, 21:00, Guaranteed)
Credit card information: Card number, Exp. mm/yy


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Nordic Choice

Ensure that all information is correct with the guest and confirm the details.

2 Company Card/Travel Agents



Agreements between Nordic Choice Hotels and customers/partners are linked to Company
Cards or Travel Agents. Company/Travel Agent Cards include information on rates and other
terms and agreements that are to be applied when guests book hotel reservations.



It is important that hotel reservations are linked to the correct Company/Travel Agent Card to
ensure that guests receive the correct rates, terms and conditions for their bookings. Correct
link to cards also gives Nordic Choice Hotels correct information to have better statistics and
customer insight.
For example: The information is used to analyze stay patterns, lead time, how agreements
with customers are being used, how many bookings are being generated and re-negotiations
of new agreements.



2.3.1 Link a reservation to a Company Card

Find the company card with the correct information (address and company name). Company
number, address and city are other parameters to be verified.
VERY IMPORTANT! Make sure the company card is linked to the right Parent Company.

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Nordic Choice

If the company card is not linked correctly, this needs to be taken care of immediately to
ensure correct information next time this card is used. First, check Super Office for correct
Parent Company, then add the company number to the Parent Company field. This is for
statistical use. The Rate Code needs to be added in the Customer Contract Code field to be
valid. The dates the Rate Code should be valid are added under Cenium > Cust. Contract

Super Office is where cutomer master information is stored and where it is to be updated and
maintained. To be 100% sure the company card is correct, you can search for organization
number here.
2.3.2 Request a new Company Card
The front desk/reservation should not add new company cards in Super Office unless they
fully understand how this affects the Nordic Choice system. The responsibility for creating
new company cards lies with the department manager.
See manual: Customer IMP

3 Reservation Source


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Nordic Choice
The definition of reservation source is simply the source of the booking. It indicates where
the booking was made. Most reservation sourses are filled out automatically from CRS or
GDS. An example of reservation source that needs to be added manually is when a booking
is made with the IKEA agreement through HRS. HRS is the source of the reservation but the
booking is made with the rates and agreements of IKEA. Reservation Source must not be
used for local statistical purposes.



Reservation source indicates where the booking has been made and can be used for
statistical purposes by the Profit and Distributions department, marketing purposes and



The only time you need to change it is when you need to manually handle bookings from
external reservation sources (Hotelzon, HRS etc.).

4 Guarantee bookings


The customer leaves a guarantee (credit card, invoice confirmation) to guarantee the
booking for arrival and payment in case of no show.



All bookings need to be guaranteed to ensure payment for all reservations and no shows.



It is important to always inform the guest about the cancellation policy no matter what type of
4.3.1 Guarantee by NCC membership level
Silver members can guaranteed the booking by the membership until 21:00 and does not
require further guarantee. Set guarantee status to 21:00 and if the guest has not arrived at
this time, follow up. If the guest is a gold or platinum member, the booking is guaranteed by
the membership and does not require further guarantee.
4.3.2 Guarantee by credit card
Guarantee by credit card is the most common method. To make a credit card guarantee,
press functions-create token (alt+u+c+c). Make sure to inform the guest about the
cancellation policies and that their card will be charged in case of no show.

Opprettet av: Hanne Johnsen
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Nordic Choice

4.3.3 Guarantee by Company

In some cases, a company can guarantee reservations for their employees as a part of an
agreement either with NCH or the hotel. This information can be found in ratemaster or as a
comment in the company card.
4.3.4 Guarantee by invoice confirmation
Guarantee by invoice confirmation If a company requests to receive an invoice for the stay,
they must always confirm this directly with the hotel in writing. See guidelines for invoicing:
Credit Management
4.3.5 Set guarantee status
In the reservation card you must add a guarantee status. The following are used in NCH:



Booking is not guaranteed and will be
released at 16:00
Some companies have release time 18:00
without guarantee. I.e HRS, Telenor. See
NCC silver, gold and platinum bookings
without other guarantee are released at
NCC gold and platinum bookings. Payment
is ensured through guarantee

5 Nordic Choice Club



Nordic Choice Club is our loyalty program in Nordic Choice Hotels. A membership is personal
and it is free of charge. Our guests receives points, benefits and qualified nights per stay. All
information about Nordic Choice Club



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Nordic Choice
Correct handling of NCC members and their personal benefits increases their loyalty to our
hotels and gives our guests a better service experience. This also creates new marketing
possibilities and new personalized offers.



When you register the loyalty member card no. to the reservation, the system will
automatically give or take points depending on the rate code used in reservation. When
making a reservation with more than one room, do not book this with a guests NCC number.
This can be added after the booking is completed.


Ensure that benefits are delivered to NCC members

Ask for NCC number in correspondence before arrival or upon reservation
Give an upgrade to our Platinum members to the next room category when you have
completed the reservation. (If the next room category is not available, try to solve the
problem the best way you can VIP, special view, top floor, free spa, etc.) Remember
to always book the room category they pay for, and upgrade AFTER the reservation
is complete.
If a guest contacts the hotel for missing points you should check the points given in
Loyalty Overview. If the bonus points has not been given correctly, add points from
the reservation card for the date in question. Also inform your department manager.
There might be an error in the setup that needs to be addressed.

If the guest is missing points from another hotel, ask them to either contact the hotel
or the Customer Interaction Centre.

Recruit new members

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Nordic Choice
All guests who arrive/book at a Nordic Choice Hotels should be asked whether they have a
Nordic Choice Club card, Sokos Hotels card or Coop member card. If they are not registered
members, they shall be offered membership in Nordic Choice Club. The registration form has
to be registered in Relation Plus as New customer and in the Reservation Card under View
+ Add new CC member to ensure that the guest receives bonus points and benefits for
current stay.

Bonus Withdrawal

Bonus bookings should preferable be booked on or Customer Service, but can on special
occasions also be booked directly by the hotel.
Make sure you know the difference between LVERDI and LVERD2.

LVERDI automatic withdrawal upon arrival (when reservation is done directly to the hotel
or by Customer Service)
LVERD2 Bonus points are already withdrawn (when making bonus reservation on website
or by Customer Service when points are overdue, Be my guest voucher stay, or if the
member does not have the card available upon arrival)
NCC Manual Cenium 6



Comments in this chapter are information used by front desk/reservation. Comments that are
to be followed-up by a specific department is explained in chapter on Activity List. The
comment field can be found at several places in the system.



Having informative comments helps to ensure that agreements with guests are noted and
are delivered when something is agreed upon with the guest. Note that this field can be read
by different departments and users.



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Nordic Choice
The information in comments should be based only on facts and not personal opinions.
Abusive language is NOT to be used.
This is to be used for internal use and all hotels should know short descriptions. These
comments are not for follow ups, but for information only.

GTD on PM (Guarantee on paymaster)

3RISN (3 rooms in same name)

7 Activity List


Special requests on a reservation card that needs to be followed up can be assigned to a

specific department by using activity list.



Activity List is to be used to ensure that the information reaches the correct department at the
right time, and no tasks are being forgotten.



7.3.1 Add a new activity to the right department

Short messages, for example: Late checkout, extra beds, allergies. Remember to assign the
date for when the activity should be executed.
Small and medium hotels that do not use different departments for activity list set
department as blank.
Large and extra large hotels should sets a department when using activity list.
It is always possible to print the activity list without a department filter (blank) to get a list with
all activities set for all departments.

Staying rooms, when a guest has two reservations and keeps the same room.
Housekeeping/Front Desk
Missing guarantee for the reservation and calling guest to confirm the booking.
Front desk/booking
Allergies, ex: food and no carpets in the room. FnB/Front Desk/Housekeeping
Requested room number/room ugrade Front desk

If you have request messages on activity list to housekeeping you can add Service Requests
with Housekeeping Service Codes instead. For setup ask your department manager.
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Nordic Choice

8 Allotment


Allotments are created for customers with a set number of rooms held on a special contract
rate on specific dates (mostly leisure agreements and Travel Agents).
Travel Agents and others who wish to create allotments at a specific hotel do so because
they need to ensure that the room is available for booking before they sell the room in their
own channels.
Nordic Choice Club Gold and Platinum guests have an allotment on the destination
controlled by the Customer Interaction Center (CIC) and there is no limit for these guests on
a destination. Many hotels choose to make a local allotment for these rooms to ensure
For info: In addition to Nordic Choice Club allotment the CIC has their own allotment
(LALLOT). They have 2 rooms per day with 48 hours release and this is booked by CIC. This
allotment does not have to be made as a local allotment, because it is only bookable through
The hotel and/or the Profit and Distributions department can apply for close out days and this
is when the hotel is already fully booked for a specific date a year ahead. This is done by
Profit and Distributions or the Hotel Manager.



Nordic Choice Club allotment should be created as a buffer for the hotels. They can decide if
they will add Nordic Choice Club allotments for all days or just those days they know
allotment will be released from the Customer Interaction Centre. Central/Local allotment
agreements should be created at the start of their allotment period. This will give the hotel a
total overview in PMS general availability.
Confirmed allotments will be withdrawn from available rooms left to sell.

8.2.1 Check remaining allotments

From the menu: Hotel Management > Backoffice > Contracts > Allotments

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Nordic Choice
You can see the totalt amount of nights, booked nights and how many nights that have not
been used.

9 Revenue Structure


In order to set the right sales and marketing strategy, Profit and Distributions needs to know
which mix of guests that stays in the hotel. This is done by assigning a Markets Segment to
each reservation. These segments form a base for all prognoses and are extremely
important for the whole company.



Based on this information, Profit and Distributions will know which group of guests the sales
team should put a focus on.
Market Segments are not just rate related, but also related to the lead time, booking- and
stay behavior of the guests. Different hotels need different segment mixes in order to
maximize the profit.



For updated information concerning segments, see: Revenue Structure in Cenium 6

A new function in Cenium 6.0 where segments are visible and are easy to change before you
confirm a reservation. The market segment is connected to the rate code and changes
automatically if you change the rate code. NB if you do an override, make sure you enter
the correct market segment. For groups the market segment needs to be added/checked.

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Nordic Choice

10 Override
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Nordic Choice

10.1 What
If the inventory denies you to make a reservation from Availability + Booking on a certain
Room Category or overall, an override can be made to be able to make the reservation
anyway. This is called a yield override. This override is not to be confused with the price
override which is done to correct prices.

10.2 Why
Overrides may be necessary when you are certain the room needs to be taken from
inventory e.g extra overbook on a room category or when exceptions are made from the
rules set in the Rate/Room Scratchpad. ALL overrides affects the revenue structure.

10.3 How
10.3.1 Yield override

Tick in the box Override Yield. Press F6 to open the Override Ticket Codes and choose your
preferred one. You will be forced to make a comment on why you have used an override.
Then press Available Rates (F11) to modify your request.
10.3.2 Price Override
If the corrects rate does not appear in the availability + booking, always inform your manager
so that the problem kan be solved before next time. To make a price override, you should
add the override rate code (see revenue structure document) and then follow the procedure
for yield override. Next you need to correct the price in Stay details in the reservation card.

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Nordic Choice

11 Promotion Code
11.1 What
Promotion codes are created for offers and packages. CIC can book promotion codes and
add ons.
Promotion codes have a new function where you can decide how many rooms are available
for one promotion code and also decide what bucket level you wish to have on the codes.
Central packages that needs to be added as promotion code you will find in Campaign

11.2 Why
Promotion codes are being used for special events when the hotel offers discounted rooms.
A promotion code can be marked with a market segment which generates statistics to the
Profit and Distributions department.

11.3 How
New functionality is that it is possible to set the number of rooms (PMS No. Of Rooms) that
can be sold on this promotion code.

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Nordic Choice

It is important that all central promotion codes are registered with the same name on all
hotels. Information about this can be found in the Campaign Summary.
When making a promotion code that is only valid on one hotel, it is possible to name it with a
name the hotel finds suitable. IMPORTANT! The description of local promotion codes must
always start with the hotels property code, i.e. NO111 Sommerkampanje 2014. This is to
distinguish the local campaigns from the central campaigns.

12 Add Ons
12.1 What
Add ons is a function where you can add extra charges to a reservation or see the split of
your packages, ie VIP packages, bottle of wine etc. This allows the guest to combine its own
package and gives the hotel more possibilities for upsell. You can define if the add on is for
sale on a specific day or a period.

12.2 Why
This gives possibilities to create your own package, instead of building too many rate codes.

12.3 How
The Finance Department does not want to use the function add to package in add ons
unless it is when making un upsell on accomodation. The guest should be able to see the
extra charges on the reservation.
The cancellation policy for the add ons should be decided by each hotel and should also be
specified on the Style Sheet.

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Nordic Choice

The add on can be posted on a specific day or on all days, depending on the add on.
The responsible department print an add on report every day.

13 Waiting List
13.1 What
Guests on the waiting list will have their own booking confirmation number and the
reservation will be visible in the reservation overview. The reservations will have orange
color text.

A pop-up message will automatically be displayed when there is a cancellation in the same
room category.

13.2 Why
The new functionality with Waiting List has been made to make waiting list reservations more
visible compared to other reservations. This pop-up feature is to serve as a reminder that the
hotel has a reservation on waiting list that day.

13.3 How
13.3.1 Waiting List priority

Opprettet av: Hanne Johnsen
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Nordic Choice
Each hotel is responsible for setting up which specific room category should generate a
popup message when the room is being cancelled. In the Waiting List reservation card,
there is a waiting list priority (1=High 2=Medium 3=Low):
1. NCC Platinum/Gold guests, regular guests, guests paying a high price, long staying
guests, and guests already staying in the hotel or that are a part of a group.
2. Silver members and guests on contracted rates.
3. Blue members and non-members.
Waiting list reservations should be booked to room categories available in the inventory.
Check PMS General Availability.

14 Confirmations
14.1 What
Hotels and Customer Interaction Center should always send a confirmation to guests by email or text message. This is done right after the reservation is confirmed.
Confirmation letters has a new design in Cenium 6.0. They are now called Style Sheets and
can be customized per hotel/brand.

14.2 Why
Sending a confirmation by e-mail and/or text message ensures that the guest and hotel have
agreed on terms and conditions. The hotel will have documentation that there has been sent
a written confirmation with agreed price, roomtype and date.

14.3 How
14.3.1 Sending Style Sheets
Hot-key for this is Shift + Ctrl + S.

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Nordic Choice

Sending a confirmation should be done right after a booking has been completed. You can
add or remove information on your style sheets before sending it.
All new reservations should be confirmed with a style sheet, sent to the guest by email.
The Style sheet opens as a Word document, and must be sent as a PDF-file to avoid editing.

14.3.2 Send a confirmation by SMS

There is a new function in text messages where you can decide at what time to send a
As an evening routine, the front desk should send an sms to all guests with mobile numbers
one day before arrival before 9 pm as a reminder of their booking.

Opprettet av: Hanne Johnsen
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Nordic Choice

15 Deposit
15.1 What
To pay in advance for a reservation you need to use the Deposit function in Cenium. This can
be found from the reservation card or the checkout folio, but the most common is used from
the reservation card.

15.2 Why
When hotels has a customer that wants to pay in advance for their own or anothers

15.3 How
From the reservation card > Functions > Deposit or Refund credit card deposit.

When you take a Deposit, you will have to choose if it is a EFT transaction or not: YES =
credit card NO = cash.

Opprettet av: Hanne Johnsen
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Nordic Choice

15.3.1 Register a deposit correctly

To register a deposit, the hotel would need the creditcard information for the client and then
send a receipt (proforma) directly to the guest by e-mail. The Super Users need to give all
users correct access in the setup before they can use deposit functions. The Super Users
also needs to inform IT Servicedesk which citrix accounts(se000grey) that needs this
functionality. Normally its only Front Desk accounts that has this access.
15.3.2 Using the deposit function
The hotel can use deposit for guests that wants to guarantee a reservation by cash or
creditcard. The guest can also upon arrival pay the whole stay by cash or creditcard through
deposit function.
15.3.3 Post a deposit
When a hotel has made a deposit, a line in folio will be visible. This will automatically deduct
the deposit amount from the charges for the reservation.

Opprettet av: Hanne Johnsen
Side 23 av 23
Sist endret av: FrontOffice02 Clarion Collection Hotel Kysten 02.10.2014


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