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X and Y theory
In the case study we got the person concerned (Rohit) is quite unhappy with his manager. The
manager Ashish is a classic example of an authoritarian management style . Popularly known as
the X style of management , the following examples can be inferred from this case :
Ashish doesnt have any inclination nor time to groom his employees.
He blames his team for missing deadlines.
He is not associated with the team.
He is not approachable.

The consequences of this type of management are :

The employees start to dislike their work.
They start considering work as punishment.
The average employee starts to avoid responsibility and becomes un-ambitious.

Thus Ashish has to induce high level of commitment and creativity in his method of management to
gain the confidence of his employees and to boost morale of his sub ordinates.

Hygiene theory
According to hygiene, the factors leading to job satisfaction are "separate and distinct from those
that lead to job dissatisfaction." Therefore, if you set about eliminating dissatisfying job factors, you
may create peace but not necessarily enhance performance. This placates your workforce instead
of actually motivating them to improve performance.
The characteristics associated with job dissatisfaction are called hygiene factors. When these have
been adequately addressed, people will not be dissatisfied nor will they be satisfied. If you want to
motivate your team, you then have to focus on satisfaction factors like achievement,
recognition and responsibility

The hygiene theory talks about factors affecting attitudes of people about the job.

The work condition is not motivating enough as the manager is not

discussing the decisions and most of the times his decision is the final
The relationship between Ashish and his sub ordinates is very distant
and overy official which makes working conditions adverse.

Maslows Theory

The basis of Maslow's motivation theory is that human beings are

motivated by unsatisfied needs, and that certain lower factors
need to be satisfied before higher needs can be satisfied.
General types of needs are physiological, survival, safety, love,
and esteem.
a. Safety Needs:
Personal: Rohit wanted to go back to his hometown and live
with his parents and CVS Caremark project gave him this
Financial Security: Rohit chose to switch to his new project,
because he was getting a good hike.
b. Esteem: When Rohit joined his new project, there were few
glitches with the new software, so Rohit thought of discussing
the solution with his boss and felt good thinking about all the
praises he would get from his boss.
c. Self Actualization: when he was offered to work in the new
project, there were the technologies which were in demand in
the market. Rohit knew he would excel in his new position.

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