Peoplesoft Page Controls and Grids

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Training Guide

PeopleSoft Financials Fundamentals

PeopleSoft Page Controls and Grids

Table of Contents
PeopleSoft Page Controls and Grids................................................................................1
Recognizing Page Controls.........................................................................................................1
Using PeopleSoft Grids............................................................................................................10

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Training Guide
PeopleSoft Financials Fundamentals

PeopleSoft Page Controls and Grids

Viewing data on pages is at the heart of PeopleSoft applications. Data can be presented in a
variety of ways throughout the system, including reports, grids, fields, and tables. You need to
understand the methods for working with pages, as you will use pages in everything that you do
in a PeopleSoft application.

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:

• Recognize page controls.
• Use PeopleSoft grids.

Recognizing Page Controls

Page controls include several types of data entry fields, designed to offer different ways to enter
and maintain information. Recognizing each type of data entry field helps you to use the system
more efficiently.

In this example, a contract employee is becoming a permanent employee and you need to update
his Travel and Expense employee information.


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Step Action
1 An edit box is a rectangular box into which you enter data. The number of characters
. you can enter is determined by the length of the database field.

For this example, you want to add telephone information for this employee.
Click in the Telephone field.

2 Enter the desired information into the Telephone field. Enter "(650) 555-6598".

3 Press [Tab].

4 A drop-down list box is a rectangular box similar to an edit box with a prompt button
. within the box. Clicking the prompt button displays a list of values from which you can
select a single option.

For this example, Douglas has just been hired as a permanent employee.
Click the *Personnel Status list.

5 Click an entry in the list.


6 The asterisks next to the Last Name, First Name, and Personnel Status fields
. indicates a required field.

Data must be entered into a required field to save the component. If you try to save the
component before entering data into a required field, the field will turn red and an error
message dialog will appear on the page.
7 A radio button is a small round button that represents one option in a group of
. mutually exclusive options. Only one radio button in a group can be selected at one

For this example, you want to change the employee base from Home to Office.
Click the Office option.

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Step Action
8 Click the Organizational Data tab.

9 A check box is a small square box that turns an option on or off. Select the box to add
. a check mark and the option is on. Remove the check and the option is off.

In this example, the Default Profile check box option is on and the Ignore
Authorized Amounts check box is off.

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Step Action
1 An edit box with prompt button uses a prompt button that looks like a magnifying
0 glass that can be used to look up a valid value for the field. It will open a separate page
. that enables you to search the database for the data you need.
Click the Look up Supervisor ID button.

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Step Action
1 Enter the desired information into the begins with field. Enter "KU".

1 Click the Look Up button.


1 Click the Search Results table.


1 After selecting a value, the system automatically returns you to the original page and
4 inserts the information in the field.

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Step Action
1 Click the Corporate Card Information tab.

1 When entering information in a date field, you can use the date prompt button.
6 Clicking this button opens a small calendar that displays the current month.
. Alternatively, you can press Alt+5 while in the field containing the date prompt to
open the calendar. You may also enter the current day's date by typing "today" in the
date field.

For this exercise, you need to enter card data. The Expiry Date field on this page has a
date prompt button. For the purposes of this exercise, the Business Unit, Card Issuer,
and Card Number fields will be filled in for you to save time.

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Step Action
1 Click the Choose a Date button.

1 You can press the Esc key to cancel and close the calendar.

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Step Action
1 To change the calendar month, select the drop-down list box arrow for the month.
9 Click the Month list.

2 Click an entry in the list.


2 To change the year, select the drop-down list box arrow for the year.
1 Click the Year list.

2 Click an entry in the list.


2 Click the day of the month to select the day.

3 Click the desired date.

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Step Action
2 Click the Save button.

2 You have successfully used several different kinds of data entry fields to update a
5 record in a PeopleSoft application.

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Step Action
2 There is one additional type of field that was not used in the previous component.
6 Displayed above is the Product Definition component.
Long edit boxes are rectangular boxes into which you enter long text items, such as
comments. These boxes store free-form text fields. If you type more lines than you can
see at one time, use the scroll bar to the right of the box to move through text.
2 In summary, PeopleSoft data entry fields provide you with a simple way to enter and
7 update your data.
. End of Procedure.

Using PeopleSoft Grids

On some pages, you may want some of the fields to repeat in order to enter multiple rows of data.
For this purpose, PeopleSoft uses grids. With grids, you have the ability to add, edit, and view
multiple occurrences of data for a group of fields on one page.


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Step Action
1 Instead of using a traditional scroll bar to scroll through the rows of data in a grid,
. PeopleSoft uses navigation buttons and hyperlinks. Most often, you will find these
buttons and hyperlinks in the navigation header for each area, with the exception of
the Insert Row and Delete Row buttons.
2 The Customize link takes you to the customization page for that grid, which enables
. you to sort by column, reorder columns, hide, and freeze columns.

3 The Find link enables you to find a specific row of data.


4 The View All link displays all rows of data on a page. When this feature is enabled, the
. link morphs to read View 1 so that you can return to the original setting.

5 The Download button enables you to download the contents of a grid to a Microsoft
. Excel spreadsheet.

6 The First link takes you to the first row of data.


7 The Previous Row arrow displays the previous row of data.


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Step Action
8 The number system for the rows shows the number of rows you are currently
. viewing.

9 The Next Row arrow displays the next row of data.


1 The Last link takes you to the last row of data.


1 The Add Row button inserts a new row of data.


1 The Delete Row button deletes the current row of data.


1 Grids look similar to a spreadsheet with column headings, rows, and cells. The cells
3 are equivalent to fields. Fields within a grid may be represented as edit boxes, drop-
. down list boxes, check boxes, and radio or prompt buttons.

1 Rows of data in both grids and scroll areas always share the same high-level key(s).
4 For example, for the Purchasing Kit Definition, you can have multiple rows with
. different effective dates and statuses. If you have multiple rows, each of those rows has
the SetID and Purchasing Kit ID as key fields. If you insert a new row, the system
automatically copies the shared key data into the new row.

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Step Action
1 Another type of grid is a tabbed grid. These provide a means of viewing multiple
5 columns of information without having a horizontal scroll to view them. The Bank
. Accounts page has a tabbed grid section.

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Step Action
1 You select a tab to view the additional columns.
6 Click the Prenote Info tab.

1 You can click the Show All Columns button to the right of the tabs to expand the grid
7 columns so that no tabs are visible. This enables you to move between all columns by
. pressing the Tab key or using your browser's horizontal scroll bar.
Click the Show All Columns button.

1 You need to scroll to the right to view all the columns.

. Click the scroll bar.

1 Click the scroll bar.


2 Return the grid to its tabbed state.

0 Click the Show Tabs button.

2 Click the Bank Account Info tab.


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Step Action

2 To add a new row of data to a grid, you click the Add Row button to insert a row just
2 below the row you are on. Each time you add a new row, you are actually adding a
. new row of data to the database table. This grid has an Add Multiple Rows button,
which is just like the Add Row button only it enables you to insert up to 99 rows at one
Click the Add Multiple Rows button.

Step Action
2 A dialog box is displayed prompting you to enter the number of rows to add.
3 Enter the desired information into the field. Enter "2".

2 Click the OK button.


2 Two new rows are now available. Notice the number system for the rows in the grid
5 navigation header shows 1-3 of 3.

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Step Action
2 If you want to delete a row, you click the Delete Row button.
6 Click the Delete Row button.

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Step Action
2 The system gives you a confirmation message asking if you want to proceed with the
7 deletion. It also reminds you that the row will not be deleted from the database until a
. save occurs, however, the row is automatically removed from the grid.
Click the OK button.

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Step Action
2 To get the row back, you can click the browser's Back button or close the transaction
8 without saving your changes. If you close without saving, any other changes you made
. will also not be saved.
Click the Back button.

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Step Action
29. Row 3 is now back in the grid.

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Step Action
3 You may also encounter grids that can be collapsed or expanded. The Standard
0 Journals Created grid from the Standard Journal Definition page is collapsed. By
. clicking the right pointing arrow in front of the grid heading, you can expand a grid
that is hidden from view or collapsed.
Click the Expand Section button.

3 You can collapse the grid by clicking the down arrow in front of the grid heading.
1 Click the Expand Section button.

3 In summary, PeopleSoft's grid area navigation structure makes it easy to work with
2 multiple rows of data.
. End of Procedure.

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component A group of related pages that pertain to a specific task. You access components from
the menu. Components contain folder tabs with each tab containing a related page.
high-level The field in a row of data in a PeopleSoft database that uniquely identifies that row
key from the other rows in the database.
scroll areas Areas where entry fields are arranged in a frame with a navigation bar or footer.
Each row of data may contain Insert, Multi-Row Insert, and/or Delete buttons.

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