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Bio Forge
An Antioxidant for Plants
Plant cells are much like people cells. During periods of daily stress, they build up toxins which will
eventually kill the cells. People tend to take antioxidants in order to control the toxic substance that builds
up in their cells. Plants also need antioxidants in order to prevent the build up of toxic chemicals in their
cells. As cells die, the plants need to produce many more cells in order to take the place of the cells that
Bio Forge is a strong plant antioxidant. After it is applied to a plant, it reduces the toxins in the plants
cells. More importantly, it teaches the cells how to make antioxidants. This avoids a lot of plant stress
during the period of growth and production. Therefore, the application of Bio Forge to any plant will
increase the plants resistance to:
High Temperature Extremes
Any other form of stress
Any plant that avoids stress will always be a more productive plant. The same thing that is true with people
are also true concerning plants.
Only a single application of Bio Forge per season is needed in order to train the plant cells to control
toxins. Following are the general rates for the use of Bio Forge.
Rates per acre: Foliar spray 0.75 pints to 1.0 pints per acre
Percentage of Solution: Mix a 0.5% solution of Bio Forge with water and spray plants with the
same amount of water that one would use for insect control.
A plant needs to be sprayed only one time per year. Multiple applications are not necessary.
Following are the application timing for various crops that are raised in your area:
Rice Apply Bio Forge 2 days before permanent flooding.
Wheat Apply Bio Forge before the wheat is in its maximum growth stage.
Corn Foliar apply Bio Forge to corn when it has 3-4 leaves.
Soybeans Foliar apply Bio Forge to soybeans when they have 4-5 new leaves.
Melons Foliar apply Bio Forge before flowering begins
Tomatoes Foliar apply Bio Forge before flowering begins
Peppers Foliar apply Bio Forge immediately before flowering begins.
Other Vegetables Bio Forge can be foliar applied approximately 7 days after transplanting, or
when the plant has 3-4 new leaves.
On all vegetable crops, Bio Forge may be used in the transplant water, so that foliar application may not be
necessary. When applying Bio Forge in transplant water solution, the rate of 0.5% of the water solution
would be the appropriate amount to apply.
Citrus Trees - Foliar apply Bio Forge approximately 12-14 days before summer fruit drop.
Mangos Foliar apply Bio Forge approximately 10 to 14 days before summer fruit drop is
Nut Trees - Foliar apply Bio Forge approximately 10-14 days before summer fruit drop appears.
Olives - Foliar apply Bio Forge approximately 10-14 days before summer fruit drop appears.
Other Fruit Trees - Foliar apply Bio Forge when fruit sizing begins. Bio Forge can be applied at
any time during the fruit sizing.
Grapes - Foliar apply Bio Forge after fruit set.
Bananas - Foliar apply a 0.5% solution of Bio Forge on all daughter plants when they obtain a
height of 0.3 meters.
Tea Foliar spray Bio Forge approximately 2 weeks before the dry season begins.
Sugar Cane Apply Bio Forge on sugar cane 3 days after cutting the previous crop.
Cotton Apply Bio Forge on cotton at the pin head square or match head square period of growth.
The most serious event that can hinder crop productivity occurs when there is no rainfall. This drought
effect will cause the plant to have a tremendous imbalance in its hormone system. In order to avoid
problems during drought, Bio Forge must be applied in order to stabilize the imbalance of hormones inside
the plant. This is the result of having stress control.
When plants undergo periods of drought, the leaves usually curl and the growth of the plant is inhibited. A
single application of Bio Forge will relieve the toxins in the plant cells that are caused by drought. Within a
period of 4 to 5 days, the plant leaves will unroll and a dark green color will come back into the drought
stricken plant. Again, only a single application is needed during the plants season.
Bio Forge is a stress relief treatment that will enable a plant to grow more normally in an environment that
is full of all kinds of stresses. Plants are different from people; they cannot go into a house and get out of
the effects of climate. They must stay in the field and take their punishment. Bio Forge will make them
more resistant to the punishment of Mother Nature.

5/10/2013 21:56

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more resistant to the punishment of Mother Nature.

5/10/2013 21:56

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