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Literary Genre

Dr. Gregerlin I. Lambenicio


Narrative prose

Imaginative recreation

Reconstruction of life
A character is a person, animal, or imaginary creature

2 Kinds of Characters (principality):

Protagonist: main character or hero
Antagonist: another character which causes conflict for the protagonist. The antagonist can be a
character, society, or object.
According to development
Dynamic (exhibits noticeable development)
Static (who exhibits no changes and development
According to personality
Round (displays multiple personalities)
Flat (reveals conventional traits)
A description of individuals in a story

5 Ways to Develop a Character:

Physical Description of Character
Characters Speech, Thought, and Actions
The Speech, Thoughts, and Actions of Other Characters
Eye-Awakening Situations
Direct Statement about Character

Where and When a story takes place
Evocative portrayal of a regions distinctive ways of thoughts
Behavior or the so called local color
The sequence of events in the story, arranged and linked by causality
Kinds of plot:
Linear plot (natural sequence of events)
Circular plot (linear development of the story emerges w/ an interruption in the chronological order
to show an event that happened in the past
En Medias Res ( story commences in the middle part of the action
The sequence of events in a story

5 Parts of Plot:
Rising Action
Falling Action
Plot Diagram
Rising Action

Falling Action

Plot- Exposition
-the beginning part of a story that:

Sets the tone

Establishes the setting
Introduces characters
Gives the reader important background information

Plot- Rising Action

series of actions which lead the story to the climax
Plot- Climax
turning point of the story

The climax is the point of maximum interest. It usually occurs toward the end of a story, after the
reader has understood the conflict and become emotionally involved with the characters.
At the climax, the outcome of the plot becomes clear.
Plot- Falling Action
occurs after the climax
conflicts are beginning to be resolved- loose ends are tied up
Plot- Resolution
part of the story where the problem or conflict is solved
occurs after the climax and falling action
the end
struggle between a character and an opposing force

2 Kinds of Conflict:
Internal Conflict
External Conflict
External Conflict
struggle between a character and an outside force such as society, nature, or another character
Man vs. Man
Man vs. Nature
Man vs. Society
Man vs. Animal
Man vs. Machine
Internal Conflict
struggle within a characters mind
usually occurs when a character has to make a decision or to deal with feelings

Man Vs. Self

The underlying message in a story that deals with life or human nature
When determining theme, think about:
the title
the way a character changes and what they learn
Big ideas such as courage and freedom
Literary Devices
Flashback (writers use of interruption of the chronological sequence of a story to go back to related incidents
which occurred prior to the beginning of the story
Foreshadowing ( writers use of hints or clues to indicate events that will occur later in the story)
Point of view
Determines the narrator of the story
The one who tells it from different points of view

First person point of view ( I voice)
Third person omniscient point of view (all knowing point of you)/ sees the mind of the character
Third person limited point of view (narrator tells only what he can see or hear/ camera
technique narrator)
Third person central point of view (limits narration to what central character thinks, feels, does
Third person editorial point of view (comments on the action by telling the readers its

French (ESSAI) means trail or test

Prose composition of moderate length devoted to a single topic from a limited point of view

Purpose: to explain or elucidate a thought, a theory, an inkling or a standpoint

Elements of essay
Idea (explores the general proposition or thesis)
Motive (reason of writing)
Structure (shape of the ideas, sequence of topics)
Evidence (facts and details, quotes)
Explanations (bits of Background information , summary, content to orient the readers

Presence (sensation of life in writing

Coherence(shapes the smooth flow of argument created by transition sentences
Implication (speculation on the general significance of the particular analysis of a text

General types of essay

Strict or impersonal (deals with serious topics); Mastery of subject matter
Casual or familiar (deals with light, ordinary subject)

Composition in prose form that presents a story told entirely in dialogue and action.

Indented to be perform

Two fold nature: literature & theater


Elements of drama
Setting (time. Place)
Characters ( people in a play)
Character Aspects

Physical (peripheral facts: age, sexual category, size, race, and color)

Social (socio economic status, occupation or trade, creed, familial affiliation)

Psychological (habitual responses attitudes, purposes, likes and dislikes

Moral (decisions of the character

Plot (series of events)

Natural (chronological sequence)

Episodic (series of episodes)


Plot of network:
1. Beginning (geographical location, social, cultural, political background)
Exposition (playwrights commences the story)

unfolding plot (establishes the story at a point near the climax, conclusion or end.)
Accretive plot (begins the narration from the very first incident to its peak

2. middle (series of difficulties)

Complication (brings changes and alterations in the movement of the action
Crisis (peak of anticipation in the series of incidents)
Obligatory scene (identifies the open collision between two opposing characters or forces
Discovery (discloses points which are previously unknown/mysteries/

3. Ending (final major component that satisfy the audience

Theme (unifying element)

Style (mode of expression or presentation of the play

Major dramatic attitude

Realism (accurate, detailed and life like description in a play)
Non realism ( method of presentation identified as something stylized
Types of drama
Tragedy (main character suffers)
Comedy (main character brings laughter)
Melodrama (concludes in a happy resolution)
farce (exaggerated )


Compose an ACROSTIC POETRY of the word literature with RHYME.

First, write the word literature VERATICALLY.
Each letter of the word should have a line/statement that describes literature

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