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Breaking down the NCLEX questions

A question consists of the stem (part that asks the question), the case (patients condition or the
scenario), the answer, and distractors (choices that look correct but are actually wrong). It is easier to
analyze once you have identified the different parts of the question.
1. Look for keywords
No matter how a long a question is, there is that one word or phrase that bears the most weight. Key
words may relate to the client, the actual problem, and to specific aspects of the problem.
2. Repeated words
The same words may appear in the NCLEX question and in the correct answer. It may be the same
word or a synonym of the word.
3. Opposite answers
If two choices have opposites, like increased heart rate or decreased heart rate, one of the two
choices is usually the correct answer.
4. The Odd answer
The one answer that is different from the rest is apt to be the correct answer.
5. Umbrella principle
If all answers seem to be correct and applicable, choose the one that includes all the choices in it.
One answer is better than all the others because it includes them.
6. Eliminate obvious answers
In NCLEX questions asking for a single answer, some choices are obvious to be incorrect. You
should be able to identify some of these incorrect responses if they are/have:
the same idea eliminate choices that have the same concept or idea. these choices are just
reworded but if you analyze them carefully, they are actually one and the same
absolute answers choices containing the words all, never, always and the like are very likely to be
unrelated to the question if the question asks for interventions and the action in the choice is an
assessment, it is obviously incorrect.
After eliminating the obvious incorrect answers, analyze the remaining choices and select the option
that best answers the stem.

ABCs use ABCs (airway, breathing and circulation). Patients with airway problems or
interventions to provide airway management are top priority.

Maslows hierarchy of needs remember the hierarchy and from there you will know that
physiologic needs come first before safety and security and so on and so forth. This is typically
used in patients with multiple problems to be addressed.

Nursing process Assessment should always be done before planning anything or instituting
interventions. Unless the question already has subjective and objective data about the patient,
assessment is at the top of the list

Patient first before equipment if a patient is attached to an equipment and sudden removal of
the equipment causes problems, primary assessment and interventions should be directed to the
patient and not to the equipment.

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