Sunday, 07 June 2009 00:54

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Ants speak

Sunday, 07 June 2009 00:54 -

BY :Abd Al-Daim Al-Kaheil

Translated By :Shenawi Mohummed Shenawi

Professor Robert Hickling has spent many years in watching

insects and recording the sound vibrations they release.

Yet, the matter couldn't be asserted till he was able to record

sounds coming from ants. Hisaim was to follow up ants in the
field crops; they didn't find better method  than following ants’

However, what surprised that scientist is that the sounds

frequencies that ants release vary from an ant to another and
from ants' species to another. There are twelve thousand
species in the world and the ants' number on the earth
outnumbers human beings' number. Before these tremendous
numbers, researchers stood confused for how they can deal
with all these sounds.

Many different sounds of ants could be recorded successfully

and these pieces of research was published in Journal of

Ants speak
Sunday, 07 June 2009 00:54 -

Sound and Vibration

magazine in 2006 and it was the first time that man can hear a
real sound of ants!

This researcher published a lot of research  and the most

important one is about the communication among ants under
the title "The
Analysis of acoustic communication by ants": in Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America

 These researchers showed that ants exceed us at acoustic

communication. Scientists expect that ant uses antennas to
send and receive acoustic vibrations. The ant amplifies the
received signals like the advanced receiving devices Moreover,
it removes sounds overlapping , so it makes filtration or
clarification to the sound to distinguish it from another. This is a
very developed communication system that was unknown to
scientists and they only discovered it a few years ago. Yet the
Holy Qur'an dealt with that matter and told us that ants speak.

Allah said what means: Till, when they come to the valley of the
ants, one of the ants said" O, ants enter your dwellings, lest
Suleiman and his hosts crush you, while they perceive not.(
suret al-naml 18 – ants) . In this verse, there is a clear evidence

Ants speak
Sunday, 07 June 2009 00:54 -

that ants have a language   to understand one another and Allah

gifted Suleiman with the ability to hear and understand these
sounds.   The scientists attempt to grasp these acoustic signals
that ants utter. Yet, they distinguished four different kinds of
these sounds after very long years of watching.

Ants use special

certain danger.
that , press
) anger; we fin

  Scientists assert that ants are like us, they perform

their tasks efficiently. While working, ants speak to
each other and talk like human beings. We have found
out that  ants organize the process of food collecting 
and other tasks through certain sounds and
instructions it releases and the others hear and

Ants speak
Sunday, 07 June 2009 00:54 -

This is the(press
ant's sound
here)  during its normal life and during working, m

When an ant attacks a caterpillar, it releases fearful

sounds. These sounds were completely unknown and
they resemble the human battle .

  Listen to.( this sound

press here)
of an ant attacking a caterpillar

Ants speak
Sunday, 07 June 2009 00:54 -

The Phil De Vries discovered that insects release

weak acoustic vibrations that ants can distinguish; the
aphid, secretes a sugary substance that ants like, this
insect releases vibrations during its work that ants pick
and consequently rush to their livelihood. Thus
acoustic vibrations are tools of communication among

Allah said: {the seven heavens and the earth and all
that is herein glorifying Him but there is not a thing but
glorifies His Praise but you understand not their
glorification. Truly, He is Ever Forbearing,
oft-forgiving.}  Al-Isra.44.          

  Robert Hickling, one of the notabl researcher , said"

ants don’t respond to the human voices nor are they
affected by it. But when we direct it to  suitable
vibrations, it is affected  and respond to them. This
 means that ants have their own language and they
are completely like  human beings. Here we remember
the saying of Glorified Allah {there is not an animal in
the earth nor a flying creature on two wings, but they
are people like unto you. We have neglected nothing

Ants speak
Sunday, 07 June 2009 00:54 -

in the book (of our decrees. Then unto their Lord they
will be gathered.} Al-An ậm 38.

Hence we realize that The Holy Qur'an agrees with

modern science .


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