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My last holidays

(Sent by Sara Vera, a student from Madrid, Spain)

My last holidays were my longest holidays, and I think that I learnt how to spend the time. I enjoyed a lot
with my friends, and my family, and I met new people too, because I was in different places during the
summer, and I wanted to meet people everywhere.
The first place I visited was Calpe, a town in Alicante, because I was invited for some days by a friend
who has a house there. I went with some friends, and we spent there just five days, but it was enough time
to want to come back next summer! We stayed on the beach for hours, in the mornings, just lying and
asleep, taking enough energy for the rest of the day and for the night! At night, we went out until next
morning. We danced, met people, walked near the beach... while we watched the moon in silence.
Next, I went to Paris with my parents and my sister. Actually, I did not go to Paris, I went to Disneyland.
We stayed there for four days, and it was really unforgettable. When I saw the park, I opened my eyes the
most I could and I did not close them until the night at the hotel. I felt like a little girl again.
Finally, I was in Salou. My parents looked for a really relaxing time, and we were on the beach for some
days. There, we did not visit anything, we were there just to rest. After those days, we came back to
Madrid, and, unfortunately, we had to start our routines again.
My last holidays
(Sent by Nadina Levi, a student from Rosario, Argentina)
My best holidays were in 2004. I went with five friends to Gesell.
We stayed in a friendly house near the center and the beach. We went there by car. The house was great
and beautiful.
The weather was very good but sometimes it was cloudy. We would always gowent to the beach after
eating, we would sunbathed everyday.
In the morning, sometimes we used to go went shopping or for a walk in the place. It was very well with
my friends.
It was a fantastic holiday!
My next holidays
(Sent by Beatriz Mndez Baiges, a student from Menorca, Spain)
My husband and I are both teachers, therefore we have plenty of time during summer time. We have a
sailing boat and every year we plan a trip around the Mediterranean Sea.
On July 1st. we will leave Menorca with our kids. We want to arrive to Greece with our boat. First, we
want to go to Tunissia, we will depart from Mahon and our first stop will be in Carloforte, a very small
and pretty island in the south of Sardegna. It will take us around a day and a half to get there from
Menorca so we will rest there for some hours before reaching Tunissia.
We love fishing and every time we go from Menorca to Carloforte we take three or four tunas, once we
get to the harbour we like to go to the fish market and sell the tunas there, it would be impossible for us to
eat all of them.

My kids love swimming and the beach, they could swim all day long, sometimes I think they are half
Last year we went to the Ionians Islands in Greece, those are gorgeous islands too. When you travel like
this you can't really make plans because you are always depending on the weather and you never know
when or where you will arrive. We like that kind of life, we don't have to care much about laundry,
clothes, cleaning the house or things like those.
Therefore my next holidays I will go where the wind decides to take me and I am sure, like every year,
mMy trip to Crdoba
(Sent by Alfonsina Brbara, an advanced student from Concepcin del Uruguay, Argentina)
I visited Cordoba four years ago. I stayed there for one week and I really enjoyedit.
Everything was perfect in the city, people are very clean, they take care about their streets, and it is
difficult to see places full of rubbish. I loved the way people decorate their houses with a lot of flowers
and trees and also shops have a great presentation, some of them are very creative.
There are a lot of clubs where you can see many people going during the weekend to practice all kinds of
sports and to spend the day with the family. But the most beautiful thing for me were the mountains. You
can appreciate them better if are in the top of a building, for example in a hotel, like I was. It is a fantastic
People from Cordoba are very famous for their particular accent, and it is incredible how after spending
only one week in the city you can finish talking in the same way. That was completely funny.
y holidays will be great. See you some place around there.
My last holidays
(Sent by Vctor Morn, a student from Granada, Spain)
My last holidays were in Italy. I enjoyed a lot because I like travelling abroad and knowing different
We decided (my parents and me) to go to Italy because we always make travels in order to see and learn
about architecture, and Italy has a lot of different art and architecture styles. I hope to go back again soon
to stay in other different cities.
Lastly I have to recommend Italy (and countries like that) to enjoy a quiet and cultural holiday.
My last holidays
(Sent by Eve, a student from Girona, Spain)
My last holidays were my best holidays because it was my honeymoon. I enjoyed a lot with my husband
and we met new people. We travelled to Mexico one year ago, one day after we married. We stayed there
ten days.
After we arrived at the airport of Mexico we went to the hotel which was very big and beautiful. Then we
went to our room and came in. It was bigger than my flat. Opposite the bed there was a table with a lot of
fruits on. Next to the room there was a swimming pool and near it there was the beach. It's the most
beautiful beach I've ever seen.

There were four different restaurants in the hotel: Mexican, international, self-service and a restaurant
where you could eat seafood. We loved having breakfast in the international restaurant and dinning in the
Mexican restaurant. My husband ate a lot during the trip so when we came back to Girona he got fat.
In the morning we sunbathed and bathed in the swimming pool or the beach and in the afternoon, we
visited a lot of places with a guide. At night we went out or stayed in the hotel. While the moon was
shinning we walked near the beach every night.
Finally, we came back to Girona and we started a new life.
In conclusion, it was a unforgettable trip and a fantastic holidays.
My best holidays
(Sent by Pilar Vazzano, a student from La Plata, Argentina)
These have been the best holidays I never have ever had before. For the first time, I met got to know the
wonderful city of Mar del Plata. In fact, I had already been with my family four years ago before, but it
was in low season when the city hides its appealing sides.
But the real reason which it turned out to be my best holidays was because I went with my two best
secondary friends.
Having peanuts on in our pockets, we managed to hire a small cozy flat near the beach, on the second
fortnight of January, when it is crowded with tourists (almost everyone young people!). Fortunately the
weather followed us since the first day we arrived. Days were almost always sunny and warm. That is the
reason why we ended up brown as a berry!
The place where we stayed is called "La Perla". It is rather familiar. And sometimes we chose to visit
other seaside places such as Punta Mogotes, where rock recitals took place and they gathered pretty
young people.
In our stay, we made friends, three students from La Plata. We met them on a windy afternoon, when they
were beside our umbrella and asked us to play "hopscotch". My friends and I accepted knowing that we
were awfully bad at playing that, but it didn't matter to us. The idea was to begin a friendly relationship.
Nowadays, we make plans in our city, La Plata, for going dancing, playing pool, or simply going to their
flat to drink 'mate'.
Despite not having much money, we could go dancing and shopping. I came to the conclusion that it isn't
necessary to take a load of money with you for having a nice time! The key is in the company, and that is
the reason why my holidays turned up to be the best of my life!
The clothes I usually wear
(Sent by Paula Fernndez, a student from Madrid, Spain)
I usually wear the same. To work in autumn-winter, I always wear a blouse, a pair of black or dark blue
trousers, a vest and depends depending on the weather, a raincoat or an overcoat and a pair of high boots
or ankle boots. In spring-summer I always wear a t-shirt or a blouse, a skirt and a pair of sandals.
On the other hand, to do another activitys activities, probably because I never do any sport, I always wear
a blouse, a skirt, and a pair of high-heeled shoes. I love high-heeled shoes and I hate the trainers.
About the underwear, I like it in different colours unless but in red because I think it's a bit risqu and in

white becase it's very dirty.

I go to the shopping in Madrid at the same shops. I buy a lot of clothes in at Zara and
sometimes in at another designer's shops, more expensive than first that one.
My pet
(Sent by Auxi, a student from Madrid, Spain)
I have had a pet until since one month. She is a dog, she is female, she is a Westie. She is tree
months years old and her name is Shakira. Her colour is white.
I bought her when my other pet (Nube) had died. In that moment I was bad because I loved her so much,
but now I'm happy whit Shakira because she is like a baby and her character is very funny.
In only one month in house at home she is able to understand a lot of things and now she is
another one familys member.
My pet
(Sent by Maricela Avalos Tovar, a student from San Luis Potos, Mxico)
My name is Maricela. I'm twenty-two years old and I'm student. I have a pet in my home, his name is
Jackie. He is two years old and I love it because he is good with me, but when some people arrive to
my home he barks at them, because he doesn't know them. Apart of from that, he is very happy and
brilliant, and I feed him with Dog Chow, he is very hard.
The last weekend he bit to my nephew because they was were playing, but how ashe is big now, his toots
are harder and he bit him. My nephew is fine, he isn't bad. My sister told me I mustn't shouldn't have a pet
into my home, because it is dangerous for my family, less especially a dog!
But I love him. He is my life because he is with me always in the bad and the good. Everyday in the
morning we run in the Tangamanga Park, sometimes we walk only at the street. When I weep, he is sad.
When I'm happy, he is running or jumping very happy in all over the house.
I don't want to lose my pet, because I need it. I think that the dog is the friend's man. It's true, he is my
friend. It's just that I prefer a dog instead of a cat or other animal.
My family
(Sent by Leandro El Eter, a student from Tucumn, Argentina)
I'm going to talk about statements about my family. What they eat/drink.
My father eats a bar of chocolate and a packet of crisps every day. He hates vegetables. I often tell him he
must do more exercise and eat more fruit.
My mother is very thin. However, she likes ice-creams and biscuits. She sometimes goes walking.
Therefore, she isn't fat.
My brother loves drinking a lot of coke. He should have some mineral water because it's healthy. He
doesn't eat meat but he eats carrots, cabbages, apples, strawberries, oranges and grapes.
I'm keen on sweets. I have always eaten them. I like having a coffee for breakfast. I seldom have a icecream but I often eat a chocolate.

Saving the planet

(Sent by Silvina Adriana Pajon, a student from Crdoba, Argentina)
I think we all can do something to preserve our environment.
Firstly, we have to stop using aerosols because it that destroys the ozone layer. In addition to this, there
are several things we must do in order to solve environmental problems, for instance to find alternatives
sources of energy, recycle waste and stop cutting down the forests as well.
In conclusion it seems to me that saving the planet is everybody's responsibility, in particular it is power
stations and a lot of factories which cause contamination.

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